Voice of the Servant "In With The New" - First Presbyterian Church of Mendota

Page created by Donald Mcgee
Voice of the Servant "In With The New" - First Presbyterian Church of Mendota
Voice of the Servant
•   Event Photos Pg. 2
•   Second Sunday Brunch Pg. 4
    Thank you Pg. 4
    Stained Glass Pg. 4
                                                                  “In With The New”
•   Mission Focus Pg. 9

                                 “They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they
                                 shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” ~ Isaiah 40:31
                                        Fall is already just around the corner! Autumn isn’t usually the time we think about
                                 new beginnings, but there seem to be lots of wonderful, new things happening in our
                                 church and in our community. We’ve all been through a rough year and a half, so I
                                 thought we could take this chance to appreciate some of the fresh beginnings around us.
                                     Sunday School! We have new children, as well as our regulars, in Sunday school each
                                        week. There’s new teachers as well who are brave enough to give leadership a try,
                                        and we’re so grateful for them.
                                     Activities. We did a Blessing of the Bikes for the first time that was very successful, as
                                        well as a Parent Comfort Booth at the Sweet Corn Festival, which was extremely
                                        well-received. Our recital and ice cream social welcomed about 100 guests, with
                                        new and experienced pianists participating. (Pictures of all of these are elsewhere
                                        in this newsletter.)
     Mission Statement               We have a new member, Suzan Wilburn. Welcome to our new friend!
   Empowered by the                  Second Sunday breakfasts aren’t exactly new, but it’s been so long since we’ve done
   Holy Spirit through                  them, having them back beginning in September will feel new again.
   every aspect of our               We’re starting a new Bible study about spiritual gifts (see calendar for times).
    lives, We strive to
    become more like                As for you personally, what’s new? I don’t mean just new events in your life. Rather,
 Christ. Our purpose is          what’s new in your spiritual life? This would be a great time to start a new devotional
 to praise and worship              series, refresh your prayer life, or be more intentional about inviting others to church.
   God, Support each                 The Psalmist prayed the below prayer, asking God to renew his spirit. Let’s all do the
  other as a family, and         same, for ourselves, for our church, and for our community. It will feel like a breath of
  reach out to others to         fresh air for our souls.
 spread the good News
of our salvation through             “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” ~ Psalm 51:10 KJV
       Jesus Christ!
                                     Pastor Susan
Voice of the Servant "In With The New" - First Presbyterian Church of Mendota
Blessing of the Bikes

                                         Recital and Ice Cream Social

           There were 100+ people who enjoyed Laura Sutton’s students recital and the ice cream social.

                             Family Comfort Station at Sweet Corn Festival

                                                                              The Comfort Station at the Sweet
                                                                              Corn Festival was well received.
                                                                              Thank you all who volunteered time to
                                                                              welcome people and for all the
                                                                              donations that were used that day.

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Voice of the Servant "In With The New" - First Presbyterian Church of Mendota
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        Heritage Manor Worship

                                                           The Christmas Craft
                                                           show date:
                                                             November 6, 2021.
 On the fourth Thursday of each month at
 10 AM, Pastor Susan and the FPC Deacons                   You can reserve a
 worship with the residents of Heritage Manor.             table before they run
 We observe the sacrament of Communion                     out!
 together, and enjoy a time of singing, sharing            Contact Pastor Susan.
 the word and the fellowship with one another.
 Please join us anytime.

                                                      Stuffed Eggplant

                                  1 large eggplant                             ½ cup chopped fresh parsley (don't use
                                  3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil         that weird dry stuff)
                                  ½ teaspoon salt                              ½ cup chopped fresh basil leaves (see
                                  ¼ teaspoon black pepper                      above regarding dry stuff)
                                  ½ lb. ground beef                            1 ¼ cups grated Romano cheese
                                  1 cup diced onion                             ½ cup panko crispy bread crumbs
                                  1 cup diced red bell pepper                  1 egg
                                  As much garlic as makes you and              2 chopped small tomatoes, chopped
                                  your family happy

• Preheat oven to 350°F.
• Cut the eggplant in half, scoop out the center. Leave enough meat inside the skin so that it holds its shape and
    doesn’t get floppy when baked. Chop the scooped out eggplant up, put it in saucepan, cover with water and boil
    until very soft, 10 to 12 minutes.
• Meanwhile, 1 tablespoon of the olive oil over in a medium pan over medium heat. Salt and pepper the beef. Add
    the seasoned ground beef to the pan, and sauté until all the liquid is evaporated and the beef begins to brown
    slightly. Chop up the beef into fine pieces.
• In another pan, sauté the onion, pepper and garlic together in the remaining oil.
• In a bowl, mix together the cooked eggplant, vegetables, beef, herbs, 1 cup of the cheese, 1/4 cup of the bread
    crumbs and the egg. Fill the scooped-out eggplant halves with this mixture, dividing it between the two halves.
• Top these beautiful creations with chopped tomatoes, the remaining 1/4 cup cheese, remaining 1/4 cup bread
    crumbs, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Place on an oiled oven tray or baking dish, and bake for 50
    minutes. Let cool briefly; and serve.
                                                                                         Submitted by Pastor Susan Presley

                  If you have a favorite recipe you would like to share, please send it to the office.
Voice of the Servant "In With The New" - First Presbyterian Church of Mendota
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      Sunday School Teacher or Helper
      Cleaning the Church                                         Second Sunday Brunch is returning
                                                                     Sunday, September 12 at 9 AM
      Usher on Sunday
      Liturgist/Scripture Reader on Sunday               Please bring a breakfast goodie or dish to pass. Or, don’t
      Treats and coffee for fellowship                    bring anything if you don’t have time. We will provide
                                                                           drinks and table service.
      Odd Jobs—helping with upcoming events                 If you have questions, please contact Joni Bratney.

                                         The Stained Glass Window
                       The window is 50% done. There is a presentation on Facebook live worship service
                       from August 29 (www.facebook.com/fpcmendota). There are 2,927 pieces that have
                       been cleaned, catalogued and are carefully being assembled.

                                   A heartfelt thanks for all who have agreed to continue to clean
                                   and for those who newly signed up to help with keeping our
                                   church in tip top shape! Thank you.

                                         Don & Lucille Barkowski        Sandy Rebholz
                                         Carol Erwin                    Joni Bratney
                                         Kay Christen                   Ann Goy
                                         Tess Heckert                   Chuck & Betty Baumann
                                         Bill Coughlin                  Debbie Stevens
                                         Nancy Huss
Voice of the Servant "In With The New" - First Presbyterian Church of Mendota
PAGE     5

                                                   Book Review

                                            Under The Banner Of Heaven
                                               A story of violent faith
                                                  By: Jon Krakauer

                     On July 24, 1984, a woman and her infant daughter were murdered by two brothers who
                     believed they were ordered to kill by God. The roots of their crime lie deep in the history of an
                     American religion practiced by millions . . .

                     After reading the above I thought I was going to read a relatively recent true whodunnit. I
                     enjoyed Mr. Krakauer's Book, Into Thin Air, about climbing Mt. Everest. How wrong I was!
This book is a history of the Mormon Church, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, here after referred to as
LDS or the Fundamentalist's off shoot FLDS. The murder is an incidental part of the book. Both the history and
murder are tragic, showing how people are searching for meaning in this life and the hereafter and exposing those
who take advantage of them.

I found this book difficult to read due to content , but I enjoy history good or bad and finished it. If you want to
know about LDS or FLDS then this is the book for you. Since I have known LDS members in the past I found it
                                                                                                Submitted by: Bill Coughlin

                                                                                Something Inspiring
                              A Penny for Every Gallon
                                                                      We would like to have a monthly book review,
                               Shell Gas on Rt. 251 and Rt. 34        poem or inspirational writing in the newsletter,
                                will donate a penny for every         by a church member. It does not need to be
                                gallon purchased from pump            long and fancy or worthy of the NY Times;
                                   # 5 & 6 thru the end of            we’re just looking for your two cents on. Just
                                    September 2021 to the             something that touched you or inspired you to
                               Thank you to Kate Walter and            Did you like it?
                                      Johnson Oil!                     Hate it?
                                                                       Tell us about it, and why?

                                                         Micro Pantry

                                       Thank you for all your support for the micropantry!
                                          This month we are in need of the following:
                        Cereal                                    Apple sauce
                        Oatmeal individual servings               Granola bars
                        Grits individual servings                 Graham crackers
                        Pop tarts                                 Gold fish
                        Pancake mix                               Mixed fruits in the can
                        Syrup                                     Tuna
                        English muffins                           Spaghetti sauces
                        Peanut butter & jelly                     Mac & Cheese
                        Cheese & crackers                         Spaghetti-O’s
Voice of the Servant "In With The New" - First Presbyterian Church of Mendota
PAGE   6

             Session 2021                                       Session Highlights

               Moderator                Your Session met for its regular monthly meeting on July 15, 2021 with
                                        a hybrid in person/Zoom meeting. The meeting was opened by Pastor
            Rev. Susan Presley
                                        Susan with a discussion of what scripture says about joy and happiness,
                  Clerk                 and with prayer.
            Kim Van Rheenen
                                        The following were discussed and approved:
           Elders Class of 2021         •   Suzan Wilburn presented for church membership. Session joyfully
             Peggy Etheridge                voted to welcome her as a member of FPC.
              Gary Stevens              •   The agenda, minutes from last month, calendar and financial port
                                            were accepted into the record.
              Deacons 2021              •   Pastor Susan and the Deacons worshipped with and served
              Denise Woods                  communion to 15 at Heritage Health this month.
              Debbie Stevens            •   Pastor Susan officiated two funerals (Phyllis Thompson and
              Betty Baumann                 Charlie Dumas). She served as pulpit supply at Clarion Lutheran
                                            one Sunday.
           Elders Class of 2022         •   For Maintenance and Property, Gary reported a line that was
               Joni Bratney                 down across the alley has been dealt with. Mauch Carpentry has
                Jessica Cox                 completed the work on the chimney. A toilet off of Fellowship Hall
                                            has been repaired. Nicor completed an inspection, finding a minor
            Kim Van Rheenen                 leak that was handled, as well as a pipe clogged with dead birds. The
                                            State completed a boiler inspection, finding we need a remote
              Deacons 2022                  shut-off switch. A call has been made to Steam Whisperer to have
               Paula Presley                that done. Gary thanked Chuck Baumann, Don Barkowski,
             Jamie Rodriguez                Jessica Cox, and Chris Matheson for all the help they provide to
                                            the church with maintenance.
             Lucille Barkowski
                                        •   For Christian Education, Kim reported we have completed our
           Elders Class of 2023             adult study of the Book of Acts. Sunday School is going well with
                                            children attending and adults volunteering to teach.
             Don Barkowski
             Chuck Baumann              •   For Evangelism and Outreach, Jessica got dates for Trunk or
               Andra Goy                    Treat (Oct. 31), our Thanksgiving food distribution (Nov. 12),
                                            Christmas distribution (Dec. 17) and an outdoor game night (Sept.
                                            11) on the calendar.
              Deacons 2023
                Kevin Goy               •   Fellowship and Parish Life: The Harvest dinner will be early in
                                            November, and the Craft Show is November 6.
               Carol Erwin
              Sandy Rebholz             The next Session meeting will be September 16, as we take off one
                                        month during August.
                                        A motion was made to adjourn and Pastor Susan closed the meeting in
        Income and Expenses at          Submitted by: Pastor Susan
           First Presbyterian
               July 2021
                                                                     Bible Study
                 MTD          YTD
Budget          $11,281       $78,969                       Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts
Income           $7,630       $69,048                                  10:00 AM
Expenses         $9,032       $74,738                                     and
Reserves         $2,000        $5,500                                   7:00 PM
                                                                 In person and Zoom.
Voice of the Servant "In With The New" - First Presbyterian Church of Mendota
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    Sun             Mon              Tue             Wed                 Thu                  Fri             Sat
                                                         1                   2                  3                4
                                                                                             Pastor &
                                                   10a Bible Study                                            Scott Alan
                                                                                          Donna’s Day Off
                                                   7p Bible Study                                           Vander Hamm
                                                    In-person and                                            Jr. Wedding

       5                6               7                8                   9                 10               11
  10a Worship-                                                                            Pastor Day Off     Outdoor
                   Office Closed   5p Boy Scouts   10a Bible Study
                    Labor Day                      7p Bible Study                                           Game Night
 Facebook live
11a Coffee Hour                                     In-person and                                            Time TBA

      12               13              14               15                  16                 17               18
9a Second Sunday                                                                             Pastor &
      Brunch                       5p Boy Scouts   10a Bible Study       7p Session
                                                                                          Donna’s Day Off
   10a Worship-                                    7p Bible Study
  Facebook live                                     In-person and
 11a Coffee Hour                                        Zoom

      19               20              21               22                  23                 24               25
  10a Worship-                                                                              Newsletter
 Facebook live                     5p Boy Scouts   10a Bible Study   10a Heritage Manor
                                                   7p Bible Study         Worship           Deadline!
11a Coffee Hour
                                                    In-person and
                                                                      3p Elder Abuse/
                                                        Zoom                              Pastor Day Off
                                                                       Scam Seminar

      26               27              28               29                  30
  10a Worship-
 Facebook live                     5p Boy Scouts   10a Bible Study
11a Coffee Hour                                    7p Bible Study
                                                    In-person and
Voice of the Servant "In With The New" - First Presbyterian Church of Mendota
PAGE   8

   Per Capita
    is $38.50
   Per Person          September Birthdays
                                                                September Anniversaries
                       05   Rosemary Hamel
                       05   Chuck Huss                         07    Ken & Kim Van Rheenen
                       10   Roy Salecker                       10    Bob & Peggy Etheridge
                       10   Steven Dullard
                       12   Jamie Rodriguez
                       13   Susan Kilanowski                           New Member
                       16   Denise Woods
                       20   Virginia Bratney
Liturgists needed      28   Brian Bratney
   on Sunday
                        September Pianists
                    September 5 Communion
                    Peggy Etheridge
                    September 12
                    Brady Hughes
                    September 19
                    Brady Hughes
                                                                Please welcome Suzan Wilburn.
                    September 26
                                                                She joined First Presbyterian on
                    Laura Sutton
                                                                         July 18, 2021

                                        Thank you

                              A thank you to Pastor Susan for
                            officiating the wedding ceremony of
                                     Andy and Beth Goy.

                                                Kevin & Andra Goy

                                        Continued Prayers

                    Barb Christopher                Jason
                    Carol & Don Gooden              Margo Lewis
                    Cera, Carlos and Baby Max       Mike Boyle
                    Dorothy Becker                  Tim Rebholz
                    Eric Newberry                   Tim Sondgeroth
Voice of the Servant "In With The New" - First Presbyterian Church of Mendota
PAGE   9


                        Mission Focus for September and October
                           CWS Emergency Cleanup Buckets
                 You can provide assistance to families and communities affected by flooding,
                                        tornados and other disasters.
                                 THE BUCKETS
•    One five-gallon bucket with resealable lid (If bucket has been used, clean well but do not use if it has held
     chemicals of any kind.)
•    Four scouring pads
•    Seven sponges, including one large
•    One scrub brush
•    Eighteen reusable, lightweight dry cleaning towels (e.g. Handi—wipes)
•    One 50 oz. or two 25 oz. bottle (s) of liquid laundry detergent
•    One 16-28 oz. bottle of liquid disinfectant dish soap
•    One 12-16 oz. bottle of household cleaner that can be mixed with water (no spray bottles)
•    One package of 48-50 clothespins
•    Clothesline, two 50 ft. or one 100 ft.
•    Five dust masks
•    Two pairs heavy-duty, waterproof dishwashing gloves (latex-free, non-surgical)
•    One pair work gloves, cotton with leather palm or all leather
•    24-28 heavy duty or contractor type 30-45 gallon trash bags on a roll and removed from carton
•    One 6-9 oz. bottle of non-aerosol insect repellent

                                       September Lectionary Readings
September 05—Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23 Psalm 125; Isiah 35:4-7; Psalm 146; James 2:1-10 (11-13) 14-17;
             Mark 7:24-37
September 12—Proverbs 1:20-33; Psalm 19; Isiah 50:4-9; Psalm 116:1-9: James 3:1-12; Mark 8:27-37
September 19—Proverbs 31:10-31; Psalm 1; Jeremiah 11:18-20; Psalm 54; James 3:13-4:3, 7-8; Mark 9:30-37
September 26—Esther 7:1-6, 9-10, 9:20-22; Psalm 124; Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29; Psalm 19:7-14;
             James 5:13-20; Mark 9:38-50
Voice of the Servant "In With The New" - First Presbyterian Church of Mendota
First Presbyterian Church
                    1003 5th Street
                    Mendota, IL 61342-1911
                    Website: www.fpcmendota.com
                    (815) 538-5603


    Sunday Morning Worship 10 AM: In-Person and www.facebook.com/fpcmendota
Sunday Fellowship 11 AM, in-person/Zoom       Join Zoom Meetings & Gatherings:
Wednesday gathering/Bible Study 7PM,          Or dial in for voice only: 1-312-626-6799
in-person and Zoom                            Meeting code 8640 236 9150

                   September 2021
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