Visitor Guide - Play Stay Shop - Visit Wallace Idaho

Page created by Ellen Rojas
Visitor Guide - Play Stay Shop - Visit Wallace Idaho
Wallace Stay

       At the Center
      of the Universe



Visitor Guide - Play Stay Shop - Visit Wallace Idaho
  2 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

   HERCULES              INN
                   Overnight or Extended Stay

    Overnight or Extended Stay
                         Overnight or Extended Stay

                              “Hands-down, this is the best
                              lodging in Wallace...”

  Luxurious Suites
Four              Rates suites, each
     spacious housekeeping
    • Flatup  to four,
           Screen tVS with kingsized beds,
flat• screen
       King & QTV’s,  Wi-Fi, covered parking
                ueen Beds
 Four and
    •  l spacious
        azy B         housekeeping
              a hot tub
             oyS                       suites, each
                          for relaxation.
    • Fully sized and
   sleeps     upKitchens
        stocKed    to four, with kingsized beds,
     •  c      walking
          oin op laundry
                          distance to town, the
 flat   screen
     • JacuzziInn
                                on Front       parking
                                          and 2nd
St., •and   and,two
           just  laighted
                     hot  tubfrom
                      blocks   for relaxation.
                                    exit 61 off I-90
ForEach of our fourwalking
    reservations           andupdistance
                   suites sleeps  to four guests to town,
                                 registration             the
  Hercules    Inn distance
                    is located     on Front and 2nd
    Within walking            to town,
    the Hercules Inn is located on
 St., and just two blocks from exit 61 off I-90
      Front and 2nd St., and just two
      blocks from exit 61 off I-90.
  For reservations and registration contact:
    For reservations and registration contact:
  th in

     DEAL   IN  TOWN
    e B to

       eS wn
           de !


Visitor Guide - Play Stay Shop - Visit Wallace Idaho
Downtown Wallace at the Center of the Universe. Center below: Wallace one of America’s most
historic cities. Wallace Huckle Berry Festival Image credits: NBC Today Show, Mike Feiler. Cover photo:
Pine Street & Trolley in the Fall, Lizzie Keitel

   W   allace offers a storybook like travel experience. It’s en-
       tirely listed on the National Register of Historic Places,
nestled among tumbling mountain streams, deep wooded
canyons and abundant wildlife...

A storied place, Wallace
   ...its place in the                                               and world class hiking
heart of one of the                                                  trails.
world’s richest silver                                                  Plus there are special
districts, 1.3 billion                                               events and festivals
ounces mined and                                                     all year long. And the
counting, is a big                                                   Probable Center of the
reason it’s a national                                               Universe.
landmark.                                                               Add in a reputation
   Visitors today will                                               for hospitality and
find four museums,                                                   that it’s a host city for
underground mine                                                    many conventions and
tours, live theater, a host of dining,               gatherings, and it’s no wonder Wallace
lodging and imbibing options, two mi-                has been named a top destination by
crobreweries and unique shops --- and                     The NBC Today Show, The Travel
that’s just the indoors.                                           Channel, Reader’s Digest,
   Outdoors are a whole                                            True West, USA Today,
other story. Wallace is                                            MSN, Northwest Travel,
home base to Idaho’s                                               Huffington Post, Budget
only Hall of Fame Rails to                                         Travel and others.
Trails cycling routes, a new                                          Come see for yourself.
mountain bike park, two ski                                        Turn the page, visit us at
resorts within 15 minutes,                               , and on
a 1,000 plus miles of ATV                                          Facebook and Instagram.
and groomed snowmachine                                               Best yet, visit in person.
trails, ziplines, great fishing,                                   Find Wallace just off I-90
camping, big game hunting                                          at exits #61 & #62.
Visitor Guide - Play Stay Shop - Visit Wallace Idaho
Hiawatha is...
4 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

The Crown Jewel of America’s Rail Trails, the Hiawatha
features Ten tunnels and seven trestles - some over 230
feet above the ground. Image credits Visit Idaho

‘Bucket list’ beautiful
   “Breath-taking”. “Bucket-list worthy”. nearly 50 interpretive signs and kiosks,
“Crown-Jewel of Rail-Trails.”                          and keep on the lookout for moose, elk,
   Are just a few of the reviews given                 deer and other wildlife.
to the Route of the Hiawatha Rail Trail.                    Shuttle buses are available to trans-
Wending its way through 15 miles of                    port bikes and bikers back to the top.
dense forest, tumbling waterfalls, tower-                  Over 70,000 riders took the trail in
ing train trestles and cool mountain train             2020, prompting trail concessionaire
tunnels, the Route of the Hiawatha is one Lookout Pass to institute a reservation
of the most popular cycling attractions in system for the popular weekend tours.
Northwest.                                                 Start your Hiawatha adventure at
   The route rolls over the abandoned                  Lookout Pass Ski Area. It’s located at exit
Milwaukee Railroad grade between the                   #0 on I-90 at the Idaho/Montana line, 12
old town site of Taft and the North Fork               miles east of Wallace. Once there you
of the St. Joe River                                                                 can get trail passes,
near Avery.
   Designed for                   INSIDE                                             shuttle tickets,
                                                                                     mountain bike rent-
all ages and             World Class Trails ................................ 4-8
                                                                                     als, souvenirs, and
                         Museums & Underground Tours ...... 10-13
experience lev-          Zip, bike & hike .............................. 14-16 sack lunches.
els, it boasts a         Lodging & Dining Guides .................. 17-23               The Route of the
rider-friendly,          Where am I? Area map ....................... 24-25 Hiawatha is open
all-downhill 1.6 per- Ski, Fish, Hunt, Kayak ..................... 26-27 daily from late May
cent average grade On stage, screen, print & TV ..............28-31 to late September,
-- gently dropping       Center of the Universe ............................33 from 8:30 a.m. to
1,000 feet from          Events Calendar ............................. 36-37 5:30 p.m. Pacific
start to finish.         Shopping Guide ................................ 38-39 Time.
   For the best ex-      Blooms & Pools ............................40-41               For more info
perience don’t rush Bring your group here ......................... 42 and/or treserva-
                         Old Mission & Ghosts ............................ 43
this ride. Take the      Colorful Past & Present ........................ 44-45 tions visit ridethehi-
time to savor the        Walking Tour ........................... 46-54, or call
scenery, read the        A last look .............................................56 (208) 744-1234
Visitor Guide - Play Stay Shop - Visit Wallace Idaho
Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 5
Visitor Guide - Play Stay Shop - Visit Wallace Idaho
Hall of fame ride
6 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

On the 73 Mile Trail
of the Coeur d’Alenes
   There are nearly
2.000 rail trails in
   Just 15 - - less
than 1% -- are Hall
of Fame Trails as
distinguished by
the Rails to Trails
   Two of those
select trails are in
Idaho. Both are
on Wallace’s door-
                        Image Credits: Visit Idaho
step: The Route of
the Hiawatha on
the previous page, and the Trail of the
Coeur d’Alenes, featured here.
   The Trail CdA’s spans 70 plus miles of            the adjacent river, lake, forest and marsh-
well-maintained asphalt beside rivers,               land their home.
lakes and small towns of the Idaho Pan-                 The trail also accesses several points of
handle.                                              interest including the Wallace’s Northern
   Start the trail on                                                        Pacific Railroad De-
either end in Mullan                                                         pot and the Cataldo
or Plummer, or pick                                                          Mission.
it up anywhere in                                                               Now its easier
between.                                                                     than ever to enjoy
   In Wallace the trail                                                      the trail -- with shut-
runs the length of                                                           tle service available
the town all along                                                           via the Wallace Inn
the South Fork of the                                                        and electric bike
Coeur d’Alene River.                                                         rentals through Wal-
   It has a gentle                                                           lace’s Spokehouse.
grade and smooth                                                                 For more Info
surface---- along with                                                       including detailed
20 developed trail-                                                          maps: CdA Tribe
heads and 17 scenic                                                          Trail Manager (208)
waysides with picnic                                                         686-7045, State Trail
tables and benches.                                                          Manager(208) 682-
   Plus there’s three                                                        3814 or visit online
dozen bridges and                                                            at parksandrecre-
trestles that a body                                                and
can stop and watch                                                           friendsofcdatrails.
rushing streams or                                                           org. Maps also at
view tranquil lakes                                                          Wallace Visitor
and wetlands,                                                                Center, Depot and
   Wildlife is abun-                                                         Mining musems,
dant. Moose, deer,                                                           Wallace Inn, Cataldo
elk, black bear, bald                                                        Mission (the trail
eagles, osprey, her-                                                         HQ) and in Kellogg
ons, otters, beavers                                                         and Harrison.
and waterfowl make
Visitor Guide - Play Stay Shop - Visit Wallace Idaho
Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 7

 Three great historical attractions for one low price. Enjoy these
  National Register of Historic Places treasures. Rare artifacts,
 unique images, amazing interactive exhibits, and award winning
      collections. All within walking distance of each other
                  in downtown historic Wallace.

                      Northern Pacific
                       Railroad Depot
                          219 Sixth St.
                          208 752-0111

 Wallace District                             Photography
 Mining Museum                                  Museum
    509 Bank St.                             312 Fourth Street
    208 556-1592                               208 556-5580           
Visitor Guide - Play Stay Shop - Visit Wallace Idaho
8 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

Follow Pulaski’s Trail
    Lush forest, gurgling
Placer Creek and breath-
taking waterfalls now cover
what was once a hellish
moonscape from the larg-
est wild fire in U.S. History.
This four mile round trip
hike with interpretative sig-
nage commemorates the
heroism of firefighters who
risked their lives saving
Wallace from incineration.
    The trail honors Ranger
Ed Pulaski, who saved his
crew of 45 men by shepherding them to
safety. More exhibits and memorials on
the trail and fire can be found in Wallace at
the Mine museum, Visitor Center and Nine
Mile Cemetery.
    Featured on the Travel Channel, in
the NY Times bestseller the Big Burn and
PBS’ American Experience, the trailhead is
located one mile south of Wallace on St.             Top: Ranger Ed Pulaski. Center: Trail interpretative
Rte 456.                                                     sign. Bottom: Placer Creek along the trail.
    Road signs in Wallace guide visitors to
                                                  obey speed limits and watch for pets
the trail. Please note: the way to the trail
                                                  and pedestrians.Image credits: Mike Feiler, Wallace
passes through residential areas, so please       Barnard-Stockbridge Museum, John Darrington

Road to Riches, Burke Canyon
   Burke, Gem, Frisco, Black Bear, Yellow         river and within a couple of miles of each
Dog—all legendary names of towns filled           other. Spectacular scenery and views along
with stories of Bonanza and Bust and all a        with frequent sightings of deer and Elk
short drive up Burke Canyon Road at Exit          abound the whole seven mile drive to the
62 off I-90 at Wallace (Idaho State Rte 4).       once bustling town of Burke. Set in canyon
See map pp 24-25. On your way up the              so narrow that the mines, mills, rail, road
canyon see the massive ruins of the Frisco        and even a hotel had to share the same
Mill, blown apart by striking workers in          thoroughfare. That hotel, the Tiger, made
the 1890s mining war, as well as those            Ripley’s Believe It or Not for having river
still inhabited mining towns alongside            and railroad passing through the building.

   E-Bike Rentals
   Explore Historic Towns & Mountain Roads
   Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes & Hiawatha Trail
   Book at
   519 Bank St. │ Wallace, ID │ 208-699-6882
Visitor Guide - Play Stay Shop - Visit Wallace Idaho
Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 9

Johnson’s Gems
                                        & Gems
                                       the Globe

   Collectibles - Books -
 Comics - Antiques - Toys -
  Vinyl Records - Jewelry
   Sports Memorabilia -
    - Idaho Star Garnets
         ck out nt
    Ch e    esc e
          r    als

                                          On site jewelers
                                          who can cut and polish the
                                        finest stones, and clean your
                                           jewelry while you shop

At the Center of the Universe!
 524 Bank Street Wallace, Idaho      208 556-0983
         Exits 61 & 62 off I-90
Visitor Guide - Play Stay Shop - Visit Wallace Idaho
10 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

 History lives in Wallace
    For the history                                                                                    Wallace
fan, Wallace boasts                                                                                offers self
a treasure trove                                                                                   guided walk-
of attractions. The                                                                                ing tours of
entire city is listed                                                                              its 1890s era
on the National Reg-                                                                               residential
ister of Historic Plac-                                                                            and commer-
es, and nearly every                                                                               cial districts.
home and building                                                                                  Pedestrians
has a storied past.                                                                                can stroll at
So much so Wallace                                                                                 their leisure
                                                                                                   and learn the
   “Among the                                                                          fascinating heritage of
                                                                                       the town and its land-
   most historic                                                                       marks.
   towns in the                                                                            The first weekend
                                                                                       of October the town
     West.”                                                                            celebrates that heritage
     True West Magazine                                                                with a history festival
                                                                                       featuring guided tours of
was honored by True West                                                               historic homes, re-enact-
Magazine as one of the top                                                             ments, free lectures and
ten historic towns in the                                                              workshops.
              Top: historic Tabor & Hutton homes on Pine Street. Paige Taylor Evans image.. Below: Holy Trinity Church, now
                                                     the Barnard Stockbridge Museum on 4th and Cedar. Wallace Chamber

  A quiet treasure: Wallace cemetery
    Nine Mile Cemetery lies adja-                               and occupations as well as monu-
 cent to the Sierra Silver Mine one                             ments to the firefighters who died in
 mile north of town on Dobson Pass                              the great blaze of 1910.
 road (Rt 456). Among steep hills and                               To get there follow Sixth St. north
 forest is this solemn city of the dead,                        past the Depot. Proceed under I-90.
 with internees from the town’s be-                                 Look for the green 1 mile marker
 ginnings in 1884 to the present.                               on the right. The cemetery is on the
    Sections for different religions                            left.

                                                            Francine Bartley
                                                                        Sales Associate
                                                            Each office is independently owned and operated

                                         10 W. Portland Ave. Kellogg, ID 838737
Your must-see thems:
                                                                   Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 11

Wallace museums
The Northern Pacific                                Over $7 billion in mineral wealth
                                                have fueled an even richer history of
Railroad Depot Museum                           fortunes made and lost, labor strife,
is a great place                                                          assassination of
to start your        In the Moonlight image by Diane Reifer               an Idaho Gov-
Wallace history                                                           ernor and visits
tour. The beau-                                                           from sitting
tifully restored                                                          U.S. Presidents.
1901 built                                                                Exhibits on the
chateau style                                                             Great Fire of
railroad depot                                                            1910, a Smith-
and grounds                                                               sonian quaility
tell the town’s                                                           life sized mock
rich heritage                                                             mine, theater,
through a series                                                          Dante’s Peak
of interactive                                                            film exhibits,
exhibits--all                                                             as well as an
done with at-                                                             extensive digital
tention to style                                                          research ar-
and accuracy.                                                             chive have led
Find unique                                     the museum to be named one of Ida-
treasures in their gift shop and attend ho’s finest educational and research
the museum’s multiple special events institutions.
year-round. Open April 15-October                   New this year are exhibits on
15. (208)752-0111 219 Sixth St. Buffalo Soldiers units’ contributions in
The Wallace District                                        North Idaho as well as a
                                                            new online store.
Mining Museum is                                                 The museum’s gift shop
another must stop for any his-                              boasts souvenirs, a large
tory buff. Featured twice on the                            collection of histories as
Travel Channel’s Mysteries at the                           well as silver coins and
Museum, the acclaimed museum                                bullion.
tells the story of the richest Silver
                                                                 (208) 556-1592 509 Bank St.
District on Earth. (And yes, we                   
are still mining here).

Go underground:
12 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

   Now in its 40th
year, the Sierra
Silver Mine Tour is
one of Idaho’s most
popular attractions.
Take a one hour
15 minute tour
via trolley or their
new jitney around
Wallace and up to
the Sierra Silver
mine located one
mile north of town.
                                        Go underground to this former working
                                        silver mine with retired miners as your
                                        guide. Inside the tour’s expansive Cedar
                                        Street ticket office, waiting area and gift
                                        shop, discover artifacts and souvenirs
                                        galore. Old Fashioned Ice Cream Parlor
                                        and gold panning, too. Open May-Oct.
                                        509 Cedar (208)752-5151
                                        Visit Idaho images

                                         Gold panning at
                                         Eagle City Park
                                           Pan for it. Experience gold mining
                                        like the early
                                        did here: pan
        “Your Silver Specialty Store”   for gold in N.
                                        Idaho’s gold
            •Local Artist Designs       fields.
                                           Eagle City
     •Idaho Garnet & Star Garnets       Park and
        •Idaho Opal & Star Opals        Campground
                                        offers river
      •Large Selection of Sterling      front gold
                                        panning over
         Chain, Charms, Earrings        35 acres in
              •Gift Ideas & More        the same rich
                                        placer fields
                                        discovered in
           606 Bank St.                 the 1880s gold rush.
                                           And, you keep all the gold you find!
       Wallace, Idaho 83873                Nestled between the old mining
              556-1171                  camps of Murray and Prichard and
          Like us on Facebook           short drive from Wallace or Kingston.
                        4289477-0428    Open seasonally. 208 699-8128.
                                           Online at Gold
Haunting images
                                                                    Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 13

   The people and                                                           Thousands of
places that populat-        New Wallace sex workers’ exhibit images paint the
ed Wallace’s historic                                                    fascinating story
past aren’t gone.                                                        of life in the Coeur
   Like spirits                                                          d’Alene Mining
inhabiting former                                                        District from the
homes, those old                                                         1880s to 1963,
residents and build-                                                     the time the Bar-
ings now reside in                                                       nard- Stockbridge
large format, high                                                       studio operated in
resolution prints and                                                    Wallace.
the extensive digital                                                       The building
archives of Wallace’s                                                    space itself is
Barnard-Stockbridge                                                      a sight to see,
Photo Museum.                                                            designed by
   Housed in the                                                         renowned North-
once shuttered            Wallace Madame Babe Kelly and child, part      west architect
National Register of of a new exhibit debuting at the museum this Kirtland Cutter.
Historic Places Holy      year, “the Ladies Upstairs, Downstairs.” Pho-     Open April thru
Trinity Episcopal        tographer Nellie Stockbridge’s images capture October, find the
Church building, the      both the grittiness of sex workers’ lives and  museum at 312
museum showcases           their essential, often overlooked humanity.   Fourth Street,
the Barnard Stock-                                                       across from the
bridge Photo Collection -- an extraordinary Post Office, at
cultural and historic resource.                    and on Facebook and Instagram.

   Your Full Service Supermarket:
                    Fresh Produce, Fresh Meats with NW Premium
                     Angus Beef, Fried Chicken, Full Service Deli,
                      Donuts, Ice, Snacks, Red Box Movie Rentals
                                             Locally Owned & Operated
                                               Open 7am-9pm, Daily
    Now Open
   9am-6pm M-F

                                          • Wallace’s Only Liquor Store
                               • Wide selection of beer & micro brews
                           • Full selection of HUCKLEBERRY products
    800 Bank Street, Wallace 208-752-1233
Fly high at Silver Streak
14 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

   “Rush” is an understate-
ment for the six story drop
on the Dragon’s Breath
Zipline, one of ten lines
featured by Wallace Silver
Streak Ziplines.
   The lines range from one
to six football fields long,
allowing speeds up to
60 mph. (Or slower
for the less wild at
heart).                                        New SVR GAS
    The zipline offers                        Mountain      Bike
10 different courses.                       park,  course    and
Each has “dual zips,”                        trails  at  zip line professionally designed
allowing the option                                                  mountain bike park and
of flying in the prone                                               trails as well as a snow-
or “superhero” posi-                                                 board park for winter.
tion. It’s fun for the                                               The zipline’s office and
entire family.                                                       welcome center is con-
   Just getting up the mountain is an ex-      veniently located in downtown Wallace
perience in itself, with breathtaking views    at 5th & Cedar Streets. Reservations
of the Bitterroot Range and surrounding        are recommended; call (208) 556-1690.
wilderness.                                    Check their websites for more informa-
   Look for new major improvements             tion:,
to the attraction -- widened roads, a          Silver Streak, SVR GAS photos

                                                  Daily Scenic

                                Idaho’s largest
                              indoor waterpark

                                               Lift Served
                                             Mountain Biking                                208.783.1111
Play, learn and recharge
                                                     Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 15

   The Mining Heritage Exhibi-                       Wallace’s free, hands
tion stretches over four acres of                    on four acre outdoor
park and river front adjacent to                           mining exhibit
                                                            educates and
the grounds of the Wallace Visi-                       entertains all ages,
tor Center (I-90 Exit 61).                                     year round
   The free, outdoor, fam-
ily friendly museum de-
picts the evolution of local
mining through numerous
hands on exhibits and
new interpretative signs,
inviting those of all ages
to learn what it takes to
wrest mineral riches from
miles below the surface.
   Plus 24/7 year-round
restrooms, numerous
picnic tabels along with
water and electric outlets
and large parking area
make the exhibition, park
and Visitor Center the per-
fect place to rest, refresh
and recharge from any
road trip or visit.                                       Lizzie Keitel images


       Margie                                  Licensed in
       Todd                                 Idaho & Montana
      Happy to Help                          (208)818-4035
 512 Bank Street, Suite 1 . Wallace, idaho .
 .        .        .           .    .   .    .   .
16 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

Step into the city woods
   The easiest way
to be in the midst
of forest surround-
ing Wallace: climb
our extensive, sce-
nic stair system.
   Wend your way
up the steep south
hills through both
deciduous and
pine woods, where
sitings of wildlife
like moose, deer
and elk are not
   Find restored        John Darrington image
stairs at every
numbered street from Third through Seventh. At over 800 steps, (the equivalent of 46
story building), the stairs first enabled city folk an easy route to hillside homes. Resto-
ration of the system began in 2011 and is nearly complete today. Most stairways are 100

                                               On your markets,
feet long and have 76 to 84 steps, including
those with landings and benches. New maps
at the Visitor Center, Mine Museum or
Railroad Museums. Interpetive signs are
also at the Fifth and Bank staircase.
                                               ready, set, GO!
                                                       How can you tell it’s summer in
              2022-2023                            these parts? Follow the bargain hunters.
                                                   Some of the region’s largest flea markets
         OUR 40 TH YEAR                            bookend the sunny season, with a new
                                                   third one smack in the middle. St. Regis,
      Sixth Street                                 Montana starts things off every Memori-

   Melodrama                                       al Day Weekend with Montana’s largest
                                                   outdoor market. Then come July 4th
          & Theater                                weekend visit the new West Wallace Flea
                                                   Market a quarter mile west of the town’s
                                                   Visitor Center. Finally Labor Day Week-
         proudly presents                          end, see 100s of vendors underneath the
                                                   freeway on city streets and the depot

  Live Theater!                                    grounds. Kids games, live music, loads of
                                                   fun and best of all: killer deals on stuff
                                                   you didn’t even know you needed.
   Summer Melodramas
          Wednesdays through
    Saturdays, 7 p.m. Sundays, 2 p.m.
                                                       Under the Freeway
               All summer tickets: $10
                    Other productions in
                    November, December
                                                          Flea Market
                                                      ALWAYS Labor Day Weekend
                        and March
                                                       Good Buys & Special Deals
                   212 Sixth Street
                      Wallace, ID. 83873         Non-Profit organizations are offered
             208 752-8871 877-SIXTHST                   FREE booth spaces!
                                                  Vendor & Volunteer information:
         To purchase tickets online and              Northern Pacific Depot Museum
         see production schedules, visit:                   208-752-0111                  
                                                                     Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 17
                             All phone numbers    Crystal Gold Mine RV Park
                              208 prefix unless
                              otherwise noted     51931 Silver Valley Rd. Kellogg 783-4653
                                                  Eagle City Park Campground
HOTELS & MOTELS                                   Eagle City 699-8128
Bitterroot Motel                                  Lost Moose Campground
60330 Silver Valley Rd. Wallace 753-0001          27706 S Latour Creek Rd Cataldo
Brooks Hotel                                      682-3555
500 Cedar St., Wallace 556-1571                   Mullan Trail 725 River St. 744-1444
Hercules Inn
Front & 2nd St., Wallace (509)435-3005            VACATION RENTALS
Fairbridge Inn & Suites                           A Comfy Cottage
601 Bunker Hill Ave., Kellogg 783-1234            207 Pine St., Wallace 699-7554
Lux Rooms                                         The Cedar Haus
601½ Cedar St., Wallace (206) 909-7472            317 Cedar., Wallace (520) 241-2807
Ryan Hotel                                        The Church House
608 1/2 Cedar St. Wallace 753-6001      
Silver Mountain Resort/Lodge                      The Elm House
610 Bunker Hill Kellogg (866)345-2675              Wallace 786-4261
Stardust Motel                                    Lux Rooms
410 Pine St., Wallace 752-1213                    6th & Cedar Wallace (206)909-7472
Wallace Inn                                       Ona’s House
100 Front St., Wallace 752-1252                   319 Pine St., Wallace 784-8925
                                                  Idaho Building
RV PARKS/CAMPGROUNDS                              415 6th St. (
Wallace RV Park                                   Manoah 611 (
108 Nine Mile Rd., Wallace 753-7121               Stagecoach House
By the Way Campground                   
907 N. Division Pinehurst 682-3311                The Tabor House (Wallace)
Country Lane River Resort                782-4261
610 Old River Rd. Kingston 682-2698               Three Kings of Wallace Book at
Visit our “Stay” page at for more details on these & other lodging options

                     y & Play
          lace to Sta
The Best P

  Indoor Pool & Hot Tub
     .Cafe .Free Wi-fi
    .100% Smoke Free
   (800) 643-2386
            100 Front St., Wallace, Idaho 83873
18 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

A history of seduction
   The compelling story of Wallace’s                                            the industry and
long running Red Light District is retold                                       town. Wallace was
today at the Oasis Bordello Museum                                              featured at Sun
(reopened this year after a two year hi-                                        Valley and Aspen
atus) and the focus of a new photogra-                                          film festivals.
phy exhibit at Wallace’s Barnard-Stock-                                            Want more of a
bridge Museum. That                                                             old time Wallace
history is also a best-sell-                                                    experience -- how
ing book and documen-                                                           about sleeping in
tary. Based on the 2017                                     an old bordello? On the corner of 6th
treatment by local PhD                                      and Cedar Streets are the recently
Heather Branstetter, the                                    renovated Lux Rooms, now a bou-
short film Wallace -- like                                  tique hotel. The hotel has several
the Branstetter book                                        packages available along with sister
-- gets rave revues for its                                 property the Silver Corner Bar. Reser-
no-nonense protrayal of                                     vations: (206)909-7472

 A Gold Mine of family fun                              abandoning
     Just nine miles west of Wallace lies the
Crystal Gold Mine & RV Park. Prospectors                the site.
first discovered a gold bearing vein there                  The mine
in 1879 and mined it for three years before             was lost for
                                                        over a hun-
                                                        dred years.
                                                        In 1991, the
                                                        then owner
                                                        saw water
                                                        seeping out of the hillside. Hoping it was a
         Tues-Sun 12-Cl Summer
         Friday-Tuesday      12-7                       spring, he dug into the bank and partially
          Wed-Sun       12-7
                  12-7 Off Season                       uncovered the portal. In 1996 the site was
                 1/2Bank St.Wallace
                    Bank St. Wallace                    rejuvenated as a tourist attraction. Visitors
        Summer  1/2
            &Hours    Bank
               Delicious,   soonSt.  Wallace
                                • Under
                                Always  New Ownership
                                           Friendly     will see the smithsonite crystals that have
          Always Fresh, Always Friendly
                                                        formed on the walls, and quartz veins with
                                                        gold and silver. Gold Panning included
                                                        with tours during summer months.
                                                             Directions: I-90 Exit 54 to the Miners Me-
                                                        morial, turn left (west) on Silver Valley Road
                                                        for two miles. 208.783.GOLD goldmine-idaho.
                                                        com Crystal Gold Mine Image

                                                                   SHOP THE
                                                                RAM DEALER

    800.635.8000 DAVESMITH.COM
                                                               Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 19
Please note: hours & menus can change
with season. Please visit our website,      Muchachos Tacos for the latest info.          517 1/2 Bank
1313 Club 608 Bank Street                   Lunch & Dinner 208 661-2062
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner                 Mom’s Vintage Eatery - Wallace

208.752.9391                                519 1/2 Cedar St 208.556.1668
BlackBoard Café/Todd’s                      Sandwich shop & Fresh Baked Pies
600 Cedar Street 208.556.5648               The Mossy Moose
Daily Lunch & Dinner Dine-In                418 6th Street Wallace 208.956.0476
Fresh Baked Pasteries & Deli                Coffees, pasteries and treats

Brooks Restaurant & Lounge                  Oliver’s Mercantile
500 Cedar St. 208.752.8171                  605 Bank Street. Open daily 11 am
Breakfast & Lunch                           Appetizer menu
City Limits Brew Pub                        The Outlaw Bar & Grill
108 Nine Mile Road                          209 Hunter Ave. Mullan Open daily 11 am

Home of North Idaho Brewery                 Lunch & Dinner 208.744.1120
Lunch & Dinner 208.556.1885                 Red Light Garage
Cogs Gastropub                              302 5th Street 208.556.0575
424 Sixth St.. 208.682.6220                 Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Lunch & Dinner 11am to 10pm                 Slab Meat Co.
The Fainting Goat                           207 5th Street In the Red Bus
516 Bank St. Lunch & Dinner                 208.329.5322
(208) 512-9010                              Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Fowl Mouths                                 6th & Cedar
5th & Cedar Sts. Wallace                    Sixth & Cedar Sts. In the Wallace Corner
Wings, Sweet Tea & Fries 556-1690           Coffees & treats
Harvest Foods                               Sierra Silver Mine Tour
800 Bank St. 208.752.1233                   509 Cedar Street Wallace 208.752-5151
On the Go Full Service Deli & Bakery        Old Fashioned Ice Cream Parlor
Metals Bar                                  Trailside Café @ Wallace Inn
514 Cedar Wallace                           Breakfast, Lunch and Banquets (all year).
Appetizers, Pizza more 208.556.5213         Dinner (May-Oct) 208.752.1252

 Named one
 of Idaho’s
 top 5 diners

                                                  Summer Hours
                                                   Tues- Sat. 6-6
                                         Off season: Wed.-Sat. 8-4
                                         (208) 556-1668
       Restaurant, Gift Shop & more
           519 1/2 Cedar . Wallace, Idaho
20 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

A feast of dining choices,
   Looking for a place to                                                     is open from 11 am -
eat? Wallace doesn’t dis-                                                     3 pm, lunch. Dinner
appoint. The little town                                                      runs from 5-8pm.
at the Center of the                                                          Market is open
Universe offers a raft of                                                     8am-9pm. Weekend
choices, not one of them                                                      breakfasts. 600
a national chain. Here’s a       Cog’s savory                                 Cedar St. 208-556-
rundown of your options          eats, drinks and                             5648.Blackboard-
in Wallace and nearby                                               
                                 views at the                                    Cog’s has earned
   At City Limits Brew           Center of                                    a loyal following for
Pub, brew masters put            the Universe                                 its filling take on
out some of the region’s                                                      pub food. Proprietor
finest local beers                                                            gourmet chef Alex
matched with a varied                                                         Mayberry marries
lunch and dinner menu.                                                        mouthwatering
Plus brewery tours, a full                                                    dining and grab &
bar and more. A pop-                                                          go offerings with
ular spot post ski, bike                                                      gorgeous views of
or snowmachine ride.                                                          mountain and city
Located 100 feet from
the Hall of Fame Trail                                  Suds & Seafood Delights at City
of the Coeur d’Alenes                                   Limits Brew Pub
at 108 Nine Mile Road.
208.556.1885 citylimits-
   Look for the space ship. It’s parked in the
lot at The Red Light Garage on Fifth and Pine
Streets. A must stop for youngsters or just the
young at heart, their walls, halls, and ceiling  scape. Plus a varied selection of craft brews on
are bedecked with every kind of road sign from tap, full bar and the ambience of an 1890 built
across the Pacific Northwest, along with cam-    building that has served as a cigar shop & court
paign memorabilia, musical instruments license house. Open daily 11am-10pm at Sixth & Bank,
plates from every American state.                the Center of the Universe. cogs@discoverwal-
   Best known for their Huckleberry Shakes, 208.682.6220
but enjoy classic burgers, a full breakfast menu    The Fainting Goat is an elegant yet casual
and fully stocked bar. Open for breakfast, lunch dining experience. Exquisite entrée and appe-
and dinner. 208.556.0575                         tizer selections offered in an intimate, welcom-
   The Blackboard Cafe & Marketplace offer ing setting makes for a great dining experience
a one-two punch for both sit down and on the     not out of place in any major metropolitan
go meals. The cafe features gourmet sandwich- setting anywhere. New this year, their brick piz-
es, soup and salad for lunch and classic Italian za oven. Open for lunch and dinner year-round.
dinner in the evenings. The market offers deli   (Closed Wednesdays). 208) 512-9010, 516 Bank
fair, espresso and fresh baked goods. The Cafe   St.
Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 21

all local and no chains                                                  and pie shop at 519
   Fowl Mouths boasts
Wings, Sweet Tea and          Huckleberry Shakes                         1/2 Cedar in Wallace.
Fries. That’s it and that’s                                              208.556.1668.
                              with a dose of                                Just east of town is a
enough for Wallace’s
newest dining experi-         Whimsy at                                  can’t miss experience.
ence. Owner Scott Haney Red Light                                        The Outlaw’s legend-
brings a bit of his native    Garage                                     ary hamburgers can sat-
                                                                         isfy the most demand-
Texas to the downtown.
In the old bank build-                                                   ing of appetites. Full
ing at Fifth & Cedar in                                                  menu, beer and liquor
Wallace. It shares the                                                   menu as well. Take exit
space with his other local                                               #68 in Mullan, hit the
ventures, the Zipline and                                                downtown and there
SVR GAS bike park.                                                       they are at 209 Hunter.
   The 1313 Club has                                                     208 744-1120. Open till
about as diverse a menu                                                  10pm daily, midnight on
as you’ll find in town. Ap-                                              weekends.
petizers, Mexican, Burg-                                                    Wallace is also home
ers, Sandwiches, Dinners                                                 to two restaurants in ho-
and more. The 1313 has                                                   tels. A popular locals’
plenty of atmosphere                                                     spot, The Brooks Hotel
with every possible kind                                                 offers the classic diner
of mounted game from                                                     experience in newly
Buffalo to Jackaloupe, and a virtual cornucopia rennovated dining room and kitchen. A dozen
of local and regional                                                        tables, friendly
memorabilia. 608                                                             personable staff and
Bank St. 208.752.9391                                                        complete breakfast                                                                 and lunch menu. Sal-
   Muchachos                                                                 ad & soup bar, too.
Tacos is one of the                                                          Open seven days on
latest additions to                                                          the corner of Cedar
the downtown. From                                                           and Fifth Streets.
the management of                                                            208.556.1517.
Coeur D’Alene’s Tony’s      Fast, Fresh & Friendly Mexican Faire                Just off Interstate
on the Lake, owner                                      at Muchachos 90 at exit 61, the
Traci Arcireno brings                                                        Trailside Cafe at
authentic Mexican                                                            the Wallace Inn
cuisine, with fresh ingredients, gourmet spices, is the town’s most accessible restaurant from
personalized service in a fun upbeat setting.    the interstate. The Café caters to the traveler
517 ½ Bank 208 661-2062.                         and business person with a modern restau-
   Named one of Idaho’s Top Five Diners,         rant. Feast your eyes on the menu or views of
Mom’s VIntage Eatery is legendary for its        mountain, forest or river scape. Open seven
huge helpings, friendly service and giant sized  days 100 Front St. 208.752.1252 thewallaceinn.
homemade pies. Find the restaurant, gift shop com.                              (Continued p. 23)
Suds that save the day
22 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

   It was in the after-                                                North Idaho
math of 1910’s Big                                                  Mountain Brew:
Burn that beer earned                                               NIMB’s motto is “brew-
celebrity in Wallace.                                               ing one great beer at
One third of the town                                               a time.” Choose from
was incinerated in                                                  ales like Baldy Blonde,
the blaze, part of the                                              Sunset Red, or dark
three million acres                                                 Black IPA. Try their Pu-
burnt in 36 hours                                                   laski Porter with hints
across the West.              Enjoy Wallace brewed beers from       of chocolate and cof-
   The fire had so               North Idaho Mountain Brew          fee. The brew is named
polluted local water              and Wallace Brewing Co.           after one of the heroes
drinking supplies that                                              of that Great Fire,
authorities forbade                                                 Forest Ranger Big Ed
anyone in town to drink                                            Pulaski. (If you get real
anything but beer for                                              lucky, you might happen
three days after the                                               upon the local amateur
flames were extin-                                                 brew club that meets at
guished.                                                           NIMB regularly). North
   The town celebrates                                             Idaho Mountain Brew is
that history with a one of a kind annual        located inside the City Limits Brew Pub at
craft beer pub crawl. A dozen of Wallace’s      108 Nine Mile Road, 208-556-1120
unique watering holes host both local 
and regional brews, including the award           Wallace Brewing: In a town
winning beers made here.                        famous for its silver mines, they claim
                                                beer is the new gold – and they’ve set
                            Stop by the         out to prove it. The brewery pays homage
                          orehouse tasting      to the town’s wild past, with mining and
                        room for a delicious bordello-inspired monikers such as 1910
                       locally brewed beer. Black Lager, Jack Leg Stout, Vindicator,
                                                Huckleberry Shandy, Red Light Irish Red
                                                Ale, Wallace Strong and Idaho Select Light
                                                Lager. Taste them all in the Orehouse
                                                Tasting Room. And the Brewery isn’t just
                                                for humans. Canines are welcome as well.
                                                Find them at 610 Bank Street, 208-660-3430.
                                                             Find them online at
                             610 Bank Street                 Or find their brews in your local grocer.
                               Wallace, ID                   Wallace Brewing ships product across the
                             Northwest. North Idaho Mtn. Brew/Wallace Brewing images

                                   •• Monthly,  First Sunday
                                           2 Sommelier’s  on Wine     Tastings
                                                               Staff/First Sundayhosted by Sommelier,
                                                                                    Monthly            Jocelyn
                                                                                            Wine Tastings
                                   •• Best Wide
                                           Wine Selection
                                                                the Silver
                                                                       by theValley

                                   •• 40+ Beer
                                           Over Selection
                                                 30 Beers Available
                                   •• Friendly, Knowledgeable
                                           Friendly,              StaffStaff
                                   The second floor of the Corner is home to the
                                   LUX ROOMS, a former bordello, now a boutique hotel.
    208.753.4261 ● 601 Cedar Street, Wallace, Idaho
No chains: a
                                                                                        Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 23

feast of local
dining choices
   From p. 21 Want some bar appetizers?
Here’s a couple of options. Oliver’s
Mercantile has just added a kitchen
to serve hungry shoppers in their store
and drinkers in their bottle shop. Great
ambiance, unique Wallace and Idaho
themed goods and apparel -- and now
eats. Find them at 605 Bank in down-
town Wallace.
   And may we suggest the Metals? It’s
Wallace’s oldest watering hole. If you’re
in the mood for a late, late night meal,
they are the place to go: a complete
appetizer menu—ranging from cheese
sticks, pizza, chicken strips and more.
Located at 514 Cedar 208 752-5213.
   Sometimes a body just needs a quick
bite. A solution: hit the Deli’s at our local
   In Wallace that’s Harvest Foods. It’s
at 800 Bank Street on the east end of
town. Burgers, finger steaks, sandwiches
                                                                        “GastroPub: A place to meet
and specials of the day all prepped that
                                                                        for good drinks & craft beers,
day in their in store bakery and deli.
                                                                        serving innovative yet
Give them a call ahead of time at 208
                                                                        approachable bar food.”
                                                                          • Wed.-Sun. Noon to 10pm
752-1233.                                                               Late Nite MeNu avaiLabLe tiL10pM
   In Osburn, Steins Deli also offers fast
fresh to go. See them at 712 E. Mullan
right across from Mom’s Vintage Eatery.                                   scan for complete
                                                                           menu and drink
208.752.5021. In Kellogg Yoke’s offers                                        offerings
a large variey of on the go food as well.
Stop by their store at 117 Hill St. just off
I-90. Call ahead at 783-1171.

   600 Cedar St, Wallace • 208-556-5648 • Open Daily 8am-8pm

      Blackboard Café                Market & Bakery

  Fox & Hare Mountain Wear        Todd’s Bookstore & Coffee

                                                                          424 6th Street
                                                                          Wallace, Idaho
                    All under one roof                                     208.682.6220

                                                                        At the Center of the Universe
24 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

  Winter Playgrounds

  Lookout Pass image               Awesome powder. Tiny lift lines. 15 minutes away.

Super snow adventures await
    Some of the Northwest’s deepest                Each resort is within a 15 minute drive of
powder, abundant snow-covered trails               Wallace.
and seemingly limitless uncrowded back                 Snowmobiling trails are groomed
country make winter a real wonderland              from mid-December until early March.
here. Enjoy alpine and cross country               Fourteen trails are available ranging from
skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing,                 12 to 65 miles in length. Snowmobiling is
snowmobiling, tobogganing, tubing and              allowed on the streets of Wallace (weath-
even ice fishing for whitefish.                    er and snowpack permitting).
    You can ski Lookout Pass and Silver                 Snowmobile information: Coeur d’Alene River
Mountain ski resorts from November                 Ranger District at (208) 783-2363 or Idaho Parks &
through April. Lookout is one of the first         Recreation, (208) 682-3814. Trail information avail-
ski runs to open each winter in the Pacific        able at the Historic Wallace Chamber of Commerce.
                                                   For snowmobile road conditions in Wallace please
Northwest.                                         email
    In fact, in recent winters, Lookout
                                                        Skiing information: Check out SIlver Moun-
received nearly 500 inches and Silver              tain’s year round events and specials at silvermt.
over 400 inches of the white stuff. Both           com. Visit for complete information
mountains are groomed, but the powder              and learn about Lookout’s Free Ski School for kids.
enthusiast can often find uncut trails and         (Lookout Pass is the original Idaho ski area with
                                                   documented skiing in 1935).
spring “corn snows” that are very skiable.

                                         With Seasonal Gold Panning
                                                                                   Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 25

Spring time on Wallace’s South Fork Right: Fishing on the St. Joe Near Avery. Credits: Mike Feiler, Visit Idaho
    North Idaho and the Silver Valley offer an abundance of fish and wildlife for hunters,
fishermen, and other outdoor enthusiasts. Two major river drainages, Coeur d’Alene
River and St. Joe River systems, and several mountain lakes provide fishing for Rainbow,
Westslope Cutthroat, and Brook trout. Hunters can bag plentiful elk, white-tailed deer,
and black bear; there is also a limited season on wolves.
    The South Fork of the Coeur d’Alene wends its way past Wallace and the Silver Valley
to Cataldo, while the North Fork can be accessed by heading north out of Wallace via
State Rt. 456. Take the same road south out of town to the St. Joe. (See map pp 24-25).
Check the Idaho Department of Fish and Game regulations and information for details.
   These rivers are also popular for kayaking, canoeing, rafting and tubing. For those
who enjoy high country fishing, hiking, or backpacking, there are several mountain lakes
within a short distance of the Silver Valley. Info: contact the U.S.Forest Service www.fs.usda.
gov/ipnf 208.783.2363 or Wallace Ace Hardware 208.556.1164


 CONTACT US AT                                                 (208) 556-1164
Stories worth telling
26 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

      NBC Television’s Willie
    Geist introduces a story
    about Wallace that aired on
    the Sunday Today Show.

 Wallace is a place that has long
captured the imagination of
America’s story tellers.
   The character of the little town that could and
still does has spawned two NY Times best sellers,
two multimillion-dollar Holly-
wood films, numerous print and
broadcast treatments, even an
acclaimed Broadway play.
   Legendary CBS newsman
Charles Kuralt was On the Road
   Authors Tim Egan and Greg
Olsen wrote on the 1910 Great Fire and the Sunshine Mine
Disaster. PBS’s American Experience featured Wallace in a 2014
multi-part documentary, while Idaho Public Television’s Idaho Experience devoted
major portions of its 2017 Titans series to the town.
    Wallace has recently been featured on NBC’s Today Show, Comedy Central and
Fox Business News, with pieces in regional TV markets in Boise and Spokane along
with coverage in the NY Times and Washington Post. Find these accounts and more
on our website Find the books referenced here and more titles in our local
stores and museums.

                                                                               All 3 of
                                                                                & true
       Now available at and in local shops and bookstores
                                                  Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 27

10 Zip Lines
 Ranging From 325' to 1800'
 Speeds up to 60 mph

                                SVR GAS
                                Bike Park
                               Dozens of trails over 200 plus acres     208 556-1690     315 5th St. Wallace, Idaho
28 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 29

30 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

Hollywood in Wallace
     Hollywood and                                                              Heaven’s Gate
Wallace go back a long                                                       (1979), a western
time beginning with                                                             epic from director
1920s era silent films                                                          Michael Cimono and
and as the backdrop                                                             starring among others
of major motion                                                                 Kris Kristofferson,
pictures in the 1980s                                                           Christopher Walken,
and 1990s. Wallace                                                              Jeff Bridges, Willem
is also the birthplace                                                          Dafoe, John Hurt and
and childhood home                                                              Mickey Rourke, con-
of movieland star Lana                                                          tains footage filmed
Turner. Movies shot                                                                       in downtown
in and around here                                                                        Wallace. The
include:                                                                                  United Artists
                                                                                          film bombed
   Dante’s Peak                                                                           at the box
(1996) was an                                                                             office when
adventure film from                                                                       it was first
Universal Pictures                                                                        released in
starring Pierce Brosnan                                                                   1981, helping
and Linda Hamilton                                                                        to bankrupt
shot largely in Wallace                                                                   that studio. A
and nearby commu-                                                                         director’s cut
nities. Released in 1997,                                                                 was released
the movie depicts how a fictional Dante’s                                                 in 2012,
Peak town (Wallace) gets obliterated by a                                                 however, and
malignant volcano of
the same name.              Center: The movie poster from the 1997 Disaster that version made
    Each year thou-            flick Dante’s Peak, starring Pierce Brosnan and the BBC’s list of best
                             Linda Hamilton. filmed here. Right: Born 1921 in 100 American films
sands of Dante’s Peak       Wallace’s Providence Hosipital Lana Turner grew -- referring to it as
fans flock to Wallace.         up to be one of Movieland’s biggest stars in the a “modern master-
Props from the film          1940s & 50s. A new book abour her early life by piece.”Memorabilia
can be seen at the                    Cynthia Nunn has was published in 2020. from the film can
Wallace District Mining                                                            be seen at Wallace
Museum including the                                                               museums.
Dante’s Peak Museum sign and prop styro-
foam “bricks” used in the disaster scenes.
                                                          Frivolous     Sal   (1925)     The action
Dante’s Peak for sale at the Wallace                  scenes    in the 1925    silent film  were filmed
District Mining Museum, The Northern                  in mines around Wallace. Mine mills,
Pacific Railroad Museum, and Sierra Silver tunnels, shafts and flumes were featured
Mine tour.                                            in this action “epic.”

    Style                                                                         Women,
    with a                                                                         Men &
    Smile                                                                         Children
                                                                                       Hair, Nails
    Katie Muller
                                                                                         & More
     717 E. Mullan Ave. 208.916.7824 Osburn, Idaho
Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 31

Sierra Silver GO
 Mine Tour U
 Our 40th Year!                                 N
                        GOLD &
           THE WORLD
               WORLD OF
 HARD ROCK MINING                               O
        1.25 HOUR TOURS DEPART
            EVERY 30 MINUTES                    U

Town stars on stage
32 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

Live theater                                                       Critics rave over
at Wallace’s                                                       new drama
Sixth Street                                                       based on Wallace
    Audiences have en-
joyed live performanc-                                                 Named the best new
es at Wallace’s Sixth                                               play of the season, by the
Street Melodrama and                                                Washington Post, and
Theater since 1983.                                                 raved by the NY Times, a
    Each summer the                                                 play by Idaho Playwright
actors perform two                                                  Sam Hunter debuted on
different melodramas                                                the Broadway stage in Fall
in July and August with                                             of 2019.
other performances                                                     Greater Clements is
throughout the year                                                 loosely based on Wal-
-- including comedies                                               lace’s Sierra Silver Mine
and musical produc-                                                 Tour, and is one of several
tions and a Christmas                                               of the playwright’s dra-
show. The Melodrama performs in                                  mas based in Idaho. The pro-
the renovated Kelly Building -- which                            duction was playing NYC’s
has its own colorful past, notably                              Lincoln Center prior to the
as part of the Lux Rooms Bordello.                              covid closures. Look for it in
Info & show schedules: sixthstreet-                             Idaho and the Northwest as (208)752-8871 or                                  well, after premiers in major
1-877-SIXTHST                                      markets like Los Angeles and Chicago.

                                                                    • sleeps 12
                                                                    • 2 Full Baths

                                                                    • large dining rooM
                                                                    • spacious kitchen
                                                                    • pets WelcoMe
  with Modern Amenities                                             • Bicycles availaBle
 In HIstorIc Wallace, IdaHo                                         • gas BBQ
                                                                    • shuFFleBoard
                                                                    • cd JukeBox
                                                                    • video gaMes
                                                                    • dedicated kids area
                                                                 Close to Ski Resorts

            enjoy year-round!
   "The Tabor House is simply awesome. The
   layout, the rooms, the exceptionally well-
   stocked kitchen, the games (shuffleboard,
   air hockey, board games, Wii, etc.) the music
   collection, the dvds’s...You get the picure"
   Richard-Washington                                          All Season
               Make your reservation today:                  Vacation Rental
Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 33

Charmed business model
   From those                                                           is forecast-
fleeing the has- Fox Business News                                      ing double
sle of big cities     Anchor Lauren                                     increases in
to companies          Simonetti reporting                               production.
                      on new business
seeking a more investment in Wallace                                       Factor in
friendly busi-                                                          the major re-
ness climate,                                                           cent improve-
Wallace is see-                                                         ments in
ing an influx of                                                        infrastructure
new residents,                                                          including the
new invest-                                                             completion
ment and new                                                            of multi-mil-
business.                                                               lion dollar
   In the last few years dozens of          sewer and street paving projects, a new
entrepreneurs have purchased historic       high speed internet provider, strong
buildings and have either taken over        partnerships between government and
long established businesses or started      business groups, as well as a generous
new ones.                                   college aid program for graduating high
   New high tech, finance, manufactur-      school seniors, and it’s no wonder so
ing, hospitality and recreation concerns    many folks are coming here.
have all invested recently in town.           Contact us at the Chamber 208 753-
   It’s making for a rebirth of the down-   7151 (wallaceidahochamber.@gmail-
town business core. At the same time        com) if you are interested in making a
the region’s oldest industry, mining,       move as well.

          AvAilAble in MullAn, WAllAce, Osburn,
          KellOgg, sMelterville, PAge & Pinehurst
               and coming              & KELLOGG
                          soon to silverton


                 WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED

Honoring the fallen
34 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

   The Miners Me-                                                      home in the valley.
morial Statue seven                                                        The Memorial
miles west of Wallace                                                  Statue was dedicat-
commemorates the                                                       ed exactly two years
ninety-one men who                                                     later. It stands 20
perished at the Sun-                                                   feet tall above its
shine Mine disaster in                                                 concrete base. It’s
1972, and recognizes                                                   located at Big Creek
the brave souls who                                                    just off Interstate
waged a herculean                                                      90 (Exit 54) approx-
rescue effort—some of                                                  imately seven miles
whom who nearly died                                                   west of Wallace. A
themselves, as well as                                                 companion scup-
the families whose lives                                               ture celebrating
were forever changed                                                   mining families is at
from the tragedy.                                                      the Wallace Visitor
   An underground                                                      Center.
fire broke out at the                                                     Noted scupltor
Sunshine Mine on May                                                   Ken Lonn was com-
2, 1972. Though no                                                     missioned for both
miners were in the vi-                                                 pieces. The eternal
cinity of the fire itself, they were unable to   flame in the miner’s helmet at the memo-
escape the fire gases coursing through the       rial serves to remind us all of the strength
work areas. The disaster was felt in every       of Idahoans, and especially of those in the
                                                 Silver Valley.

                                            HECLA LUCKY FRIDAY

Hecla Limited, Lucky Friday Mine
P.O. Box 31, Mullan, ID 83846
Wallace is cosmic
                                                           Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 35

   The Probable Center of the Uni-
verse is a man-hole cover at the
center of Bank and Sixth Streets
in downtown Wallace. Commem-
orated 2004 with the tongue in
cheek moxie this town is famous
for, the designation is Wallace’s
way of fighting back against feder-
al over-reach.
   The town celebrates this bit
of Wallace whimsy in Septem-
ber with a special rededication
ceremony complete with Drum &
Bugle Corps, courtesy gift replicas
of 2004 Proclaimation and a toast
right in the middle of Sixth and
Bank. .
   In 2020 the celebration caught
the attention of NBC’s Today Show
as well as Fox Business News, both
of whom ran stories on the very, very Wallace attraction. Don’t believe Wal-
lace is the center of the universe? Locals say, “prove that it isn’t.”

     Shoshone Golf
                 Big Creek Exit 54
                         208 784-0161

 50%*     Green Fee
   *Present this ad and enjoy ONE 1/2 price Green Fee when a
    Green Fee and Cart Rental are purchased at regular price.
    Offer Good Monday - Friday and Weekends after 2:00 p.m.

      Golf with a view Open April-October
Puttering ‘a’ round
36 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

    Golfers have three
gorgeous options to hit
the links in the Silver
    The Shoshone Golf
& Country Club public
course is six miles west
of Wallace. To get there,
take I-90 to exit 54 and
follow the first road,
heading west, on the
south side of the free-
way. Drive to the top of
Gold Run Mountain for
spectacular scenery and                                       Great views and links at
outstanding golf. (208)                                         Shoshone Golf Club
    Pinehurst Golf
Course, Pinehurst. Located Sixteen miles             Mountain Resort. The newest golf course
west of Wallace. Take exit #45 off of I-90 at        in the region featuring dramatic elevation
Pinehurst and drive one mile south to the            changes and spectacular mountain and
club house, turn left at the four-way stop           valley views.
sign. The club house is on the right, just               Located in Kellogg, Idaho just west of
past the bank. (208) 682-2013                        Silver Mountain Gondola Village. Tee times,
    Galena Ridge Golf Course, at Silver              info: (208) 783-1522

     When in Idaho, stay at IDAHO
                                                      • The 1917 historic Idaho Building
                                                      • Beautifully constructed and
                                                        maintained for today’s needs
                                                        including fiber optic WiFi
                                                      • Located in convenient
                                                        downtown Wallace
                                                      • Enjoy year-round activities

                 5 stars! Great place and amazing location in downtown Wallace. Would given
                 a 6th star for the location if there was one! – Nicolas, Arlington, Virginia

                         My husband kept remarking how much attention to detail
                                    was given to this place. – Emily, Colville, WA

         Reservations: Airbnb Idaho Building Wallace Idaho
Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 37
Mark your calendars:
38 Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide

                                                                                        ments: an
Summer, Fall or                                                    Depot Day            arduous
Winter. Pick a                                                      Car Show            1900-mile
season or a rea-
son and there’s a
                                                                            M ay        cycling
festival or event                                                                       trip from
in Wallace. Visit                                                                       Missoula
the events page                                                                         to St. Louis
of our website                                                                          to test the for                                                                       military
more details on                                                                         effective-
these and all 2022 events.
   Depot Day Car Show May 7.           Famliy Fun at
Wallace kicks off the Summer           Gyro Days
Festival Season with Depot Day.        Carnival rides in streets
                                       Third week in June
Mix hundreds of classic cars on
display all over Wallace Streets,
vendor booths, kids’ events, a
beer garden featuring local micro
brews as well as live music, real
dancing in the streets and yes,
more. (208) 752-0111 npdepot.
   Gyro Days & Lead Creek Derby
June 14-18. It’s BBQs, a radiothon, a car-            ness of the bicycle in battle. The com-
nival with midway rides and concessions               memoration honors that achievement as
right smack in the middle of Wallace -- all           well as Buffalo Soldiers’ contributions in
capped off with the Lead Creek Derby Sat- the region, including their several de-
urday afternoon. Win a pot of cash if you             ployments to Wallace and North Idaho.
guess correctly how long it takes a giant   
multicolored leather ball to bob down the                 West Wallace Flea Market July 2-4 En-
river from Mullan to Wallace. Folks line the joy an old fashioned small town Idaho flea
river the entire seven-mile route. Pro-               market. Find treasures you didn’t know
ceeds go towards local scholarships. Dean             you needed and can’t live without. July
Cooper at                     Fourth Weekend. Located about 1/4 mile
   Buffalo Soldiers Nat’l Convention and              west of the Visitor on Silver Valley Road.
Monument Dedication June 17 Join the                  Details: Rich Asher 208.752.1023
festivities honoring Buffalo Soldiers on the              Statehood Parade July 3 Ring in Idaho
Quasquicentennial (125th) anniversary of              and America’s birthdays with a big parade
one of their most awesome accomplish-                 down the town’s main drag.
                                                            Sponsored by Historic Wallace Marketing Group

      Hometown Christmas
       Dec. 2-3 & Dec. 9-10
 • Craft Fairs       • Blow molds
 • Santa Pics        • Plays
 • Parades           • Pageants                        Anita Price
 • Winter Walk       • Tree Lighting                  208 290-7183
                                                       For Details
 • Dickens Readings • Hay Rides
          Fun family activities at downtown merchants, too
      Historic Wallace, Idaho Exits 61 & 62 off I-90
   Sponsored by Historic Wallace Marketing Group
                                                   37th Huckleberry
Wallace 2022-23 Visitor Guide 39

It’s the year in festivals
   Wallace                                                                                     Celebrate the
Blues Festival                                                                                 anniversary
July 8-9. Winner                                                                               of the 2004
of the BEST                                                                                    Mayor’s
BLUES FESTIVAL                                                                                 Proclama-
award several                                                                                  tion with
years running                                                                                  toasts, Drum
                                                           Huckleberry Festival                & Bugle
from the Inland
                                                            & 5K Fun Walk/Run                  Corps Salute,
Empire Blues                                                               Aug. 19-20
Society, the                                                                                   and guest
Wallace Blues                                                                                  dignitaries
Festival hosts Live Concerts Extreme                                         -- including the last
on downtown Wallace               Ski-Jor                                    stoplight on I-90. Plus
Streets.                                                    there’s a raffle for silver
for tickets and details                                                      and other prizes.
   Wallace Huckleberry                                                           Fall for History Sept..
Festival & 5K Fun Run Au-                                                    30- Oct. 2. Celebration of
gust 19-20. A celebration                                                    Wallace’s history and its
                                  Presidents’ Day Weekend
of all things Huckleberry.                                                   designation as entirely
Live music, dancing in the                                                   listed on the National
streets, raffles, Huckle-                                                    Register of Historic
berry pancake breakfasts,                       Paw Parade                   Places.
                                                               Sponsored by Historic     Speakers,
                                                                                     Wallace           historic
                                                                                             Marketing Group

     Hometown Christmas
street vendors, kids’ activities                     December      home and museum tours, live

on the depot lawn, a dunk                                          theater reenactments and
tank plus a 5K walk and                                            more.
run.406.241.7134 emma@                                                Hometown Christmas Dec.
      Dec. 2-3 & Dec. 9-10 & WallaceHu-
                                                                   2-3 & 9-10 Enjoy lighting of the
                                                                   streets and historic buildings,
   Under the Freeway Flea                                          crafts fair, the Winter Walk,
 • CraftLabor
Market     FairsDay Weekend.
                           • Blow molds                            Kids’ Pageant, night time Light
 • Santa of
Hundreds    Pics           • Plays
               vendors ply their  wares in the and daytime Paw parades and downtown
 • Parades
protected   open air space•   PageantsI-90 merchants specials.
                            underneath                                                     Anita Price
 • Winter     WalkGrounds. • Tree    Lighting                                            208    290-7183
and  on the Depot             Plus live   music,          Extreme Ski-Jor, Presidents      For Day     Week-
 • Dickens
kids’ games andReadings    • Hay
                   more. Stroll        booth to end February 2023 A one of kind event
booth and Funenjoyfamily
                   river, mountain
                           activitiesand town
                                            at downtownwith ATVs towing
                                                                   merchants,skier andtoo   snowboarders
scape. (208)752-0111                       down Wallace streets. As competitors vie
     Historic Wallace, Idaho
   Center of the Universe Re-dedication & for cash and           Exits
                                                                     glory.61      & 62 dependent)
                                                                              (Weather        off I-90
Raffle Sept. 17. A pure Wallace style event. SkiWallace Facebook and

  Sponsored by Historic Wallace Marketing Group
                                                      37th Huckleberry
                                                         & 5K Walk/Run
                                                        Fri.-Sat. Aug. 19-20
                                                          • Crafts
                                                          • Food Vendors
                             • Special Events
                               For Details                • Music
                                                          • Kids Games
                                                          • and more!

      Historic Wallace, Idaho Exits 61 & 62 off I-90
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