Vision for the future; Australia's most liveable city - Minutes of Council Meeting held in the Function Centre, Bunjil Place, Narre Warren ...
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Minutes of Council Meeting held in the Function Centre, Bunjil Place, Narre Warren. Tuesday 16 March 2021 Commenced at 4:00 PM Vision for the future; Australia’s most liveable city.
Order of Business 1. Statement of Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................... 4 1.2. Reading of the Diversity Statement................................................................................................ 4 2. Confirmation of Minutes ............................................................................................................................ 4 3. Declarations of Conflict of Interests and Personal Interests ...................................................................... 4 4. Public Question Time ................................................................................................................................ 4 5. Officer's Reports for Consideration ........................................................................................................... 7 5.1. Quarterly Community Report – October-December 2020 .............................................................. 7 5.2. 2020/21 Mid Year Budget Review.................................................................................................. 7 5.3. Growing Suburbs Fund Applications .............................................................................................. 8 5.4. Doveton Pool in the Park Master Plan ........................................................................................... 8 5.5. Disposal of Land - 1070i Cranbourne Frankston Road, Cranbourne .............................................. 9 5.6. Casey Fields Lease ..................................................................................................................... 10 5.7. Update on Rating Matters including Treatment of Hardship Assistance in 2020/21 ..................... 10 5.8. s5 Council to CEO Instrument of Delegation update .................................................................... 11 5.9. s6 Instrument of Delegation update ............................................................................................. 12 5.10. Foreign Arrangements Scheme ................................................................................................... 12 5.11. Contract Acceptance and Sealing No CT000631 ......................................................................... 13 6. Consideration of Reports of Committees................................................................................................. 13 6.1. Record of Discussion ................................................................................................................... 13 7. Petitions .................................................................................................................................................. 13 7.1. Advertisements for MP's in Sporting Clubs/Grounds .................................................................... 13 7.2. Doveton Pool in the Park ............................................................................................................. 14 8. Urgent Business ..................................................................................................................................... 14 9. Closed Council........................................................................................................................................ 14 Council Meeting - 16 March 2021 Page 2
Administrators Present: Noelene Duff PSM Chairperson of Administrators Miguel Belmar Administrator Cameron Boardman Administrator (attended virtually) In Attendance: Glenn Patterson Chief Executive Officer James Collins Director City Planning and Infrastructure Steve Coldham Director Community Life Sheena Frost Director Corporate Services Jen Bednar Director Customer and Business Transformation Jordan Barfoot AV Technician Jacinta MacLeod Minutes Assistant Council Meeting - 16 March 2021 Page 3
1. STATEMENT OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Chairperson of Administrators read the Statement of Acknowledgement. 1.2. READING OF THE DIVERSITY STATEMENT The Chairperson of Administrators read the Diversity Statement. 2. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Mover / Seconder: Mr Belmar / Mr Boardman That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 2 February 2021 be confirmed. Carried 3. DECLARATIONS OF CONFLICT OF INTERESTS AND PERSONAL INTERESTS Declaration by Administrators of any Conflict of Interest pursuant to Section 130 of the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act) in any items on the Agenda Paper. (Note that Section 130(2)(a) of the Act requires Administrators to disclose the nature of a Conflict of Interest immediately before the relevant consideration or discussion). Section 130(2)(b) also requires that the Administrator declaring a Conflict of Interest exclude themselves from the decision-making process in relation to that matter. 4. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME At 4.05 pm Question Time commenced. Note: Questions are reproduced as prepared by the Questioner and no guarantee is given that any subject matter or statement contained in the question is factually correct. At 4.09pm Question Time concluded. Question 1 – Access to Ordinary Council Meeting Recordings Submitted by Garry Page How many Ordinary Council Meetings recording are locked as Private and when will they become available for public access? Answer was prepared by the Manager Governance and was read by the Chairperson of Administrators. Council is aware that some of the livestream videos on Council’s Youtube page have been archived and set to private. Council has restored these videos. Livestream videos of Council meetings are still available to be viewed by members of the public, free of charge on Council’s Facebook page without a facebook account. Council Meeting - 16 March 2021 Page 4
Question 2 - Lack of answers regarding Submissions City of Casey claimed to have lost then latter found Submitted by Brendan Browne In 2018 Casey claimed to lose submissions, ramifications being now a number of houses in Hampton Park can have buildings up to five stories built directly over their back fence, with no right to object. Is the City of Casey willing to properly review what really occurred regarding those submissions? Answer was prepared by the Manager Growth and Investment and was read by the Chairperson of Administrators. The Hampton Park Central Development Plan was adopted by Council on 4 June 2019. After the Development Plan was adopted, Council was notified of one submission that had not been considered. As such, the submission was not considered initially in the decision making around adopting the Development Plan. Council officers corresponded with you around the handling of the submission, which was unfortunately overlooked due to an administrative error. I apologise that this has occurred and I appreciate that this is frustrating after you prepared such a detailed submission for Council to consider. When the error was identified, Council officers reviewed the issues and concerns raised in your submission and provided a response to you outlining the findings of that review. The review highlighted the status of the Centre as a Major Activity Centre and the support for residential growth around the Centre as per the adopted Casey Housing Strategy. Therefore, it was determined that no changes were required to the Development Plan as a result of your submission, and it was considered unnecessary to re-adopt the Development Plan. I note your concern that five-storey development could occur within the centre. However, I understand that the previously adopted plan did not have any maximum building heights, and ultimately any application must undergo a thorough planning assessment, including consideration of impacts to adjoining properties. Question 3 - Subsidising of development by the City of Casey Submitted by Brendan Browne Can the City of Casey reveal how much it spends each year, effectively subsidising the development of land for urban purposes, through Infrastructure Contribution Plans? Answer was prepared by the Manager Growth and Investment and was read by the Chairperson of Administrators. Developer Contribution Plans supporting delivery of infrastructure in Growth Areas are structured to collect towards the cost of the infrastructure but are not expected to provide full cost recovery. Infrastructure contributions help fund basic and essential infrastructure for new and growing communities. In respect to levies collected toward Community and Recreation facilities, the levies are specifically capped by the State Government well below the actual cost of delivery. Council Meeting - 16 March 2021 Page 5
As detailed in the City of Casey 2019-20 Annual Report, developer contribution plan projects with a total of value of $110,397,003 were delivered in 2019-20. The funding sources for these projects was: • $84,321,152 of developer contributions (monetary levies received from developers) • $13,754,849 of Council rates • $7,708,059 in Government grants • $4,612,943 in works in kind (Infrastructure provided by developers in lieu of levies) Council Meeting - 16 March 2021 Page 6
5. 5.1. OFFICER'S REPORTS FOR CONSIDERATION QUARTERLY COMMUNITY REPORT – OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2020 Quarterly Community Report – October-December 2020 ITEM: 5.1. Customer and Business Transformation Strategy and Business Intelligence Will Babington Purpose of Report: To Present the October – December 2020 Quarterly Community Report Mover / Seconder: Mr Belmar / Mr Boardman That Council notes the Quarterly Community Report ending 31 December 2020. Carried 5.2. 2020/21 MID YEAR BUDGET REVIEW 2020/21 Mid Year Budget Review ITEM: 5.2. City Planning and Infrastructure City and Asset Planning Keri New Corporate Services Finance and Rates Bernard Rohan Purpose of Report: To brief Council on the Mid-Year Budget Update for 2020/21 Mover / Seconder: Mr Boardman / Mr Belmar 1. That the report on the 2020/21 mid-year budget review be noted 2. That Council approves the additional draw down of $90,000 from the Public Open Space Reserve for the purpose of delivering the Doveton Pool in the Park Master Plan 3. That Council approves the change to the hourly fees for Arthur Wren Hall to $53.00 for the community rate and $74.00 for the standard rate, adjusted from the level specified in the 2020/21 budget 4. That Council approves the capital works budget variations detailed in Attachment A resulting in a year to date rates surplus of $234,793. Carried Council Meeting - 16 March 2021 Page 7
Growing Suburbs Fund Applications ITEM: 5.3. City Planning and Infrastructure City and Asset Planning Keri New Purpose of Report: Council endorsement for applications to the Victorian Government Growing Suburbs Fund. Mover / Seconder: Mr Boardman / Mr Belmar That Council endorse the projects for submission to the Growing Suburbs Fund, and in doing so commit the required rates as outlined in this report. Carried 5.4. DOVETON POOL IN THE PARK MASTER PLAN Doveton Pool in the Park Master Plan ITEM: 5.4. City Planning and Infrastructure City and Asset Planning Keri New Purpose of Report: To provide an update on the progress of the Doveton Pool in the Park Master Plan and endorse next steps. Alternative Recommendation - Mover / Seconder: Mr Belmar / Mr Boardman 1. Council notes the Doveton Community Infrastructure Needs Assessment, Aquatic Facility Demand Analysis and Open Space Assessment attached to this report. 2. Council notes the findings of these reports that indicates that an aquatic facility is not a priority at this site, but that there is a need for increased district open space within the Doveton Eumemmering area. 3. That Community and Stakeholder engagement commence to test the scope of facilities outlined in (2) above as the basis for the development of a master plan for public open space at the site. 4. That a report be presented to Council following the community engagement process. Carried 5.5. DISPOSAL OF LAND - 1070I CRANBOURNE FRANKSTON ROAD, CRANBOURNE Council Meeting - 16 March 2021 Page 8
Disposal of Land - 1070i Cranbourne Frankston Road, ITEM: 5.5. Cranbourne Corporate Services Property and Procurement Chris Heath Purpose of Report: For Council to consider the disposal of land at 1070i Cranbourne-Frankston Road, Cranbourne Mover / Seconder: Mr Belmar / Mr Boardman That Council: 1. Commence the statutory procedures in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989, for the sale of land known as part of Lot 2 on PS613876N and located at 1070i Cranbourne Frankston Road, Cranbourne to the VIC SES shown as Proposed Lot 1 on the attached draft Plan of Subdivision 846066A (see Attachment 2) being approximately 5,018m2. 2. Advertise the public notice outlining the Proposal in accordance with Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989 including the intention to sell the land by private treaty. 3. Consider any submissions lodged in response to the public notice under Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989 at a future meeting, the time, date and place for which shall be arranged by the Chief Executive Officer. 4. Receive a further report following the completion of the procedures under section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989 once the public notice period has closed. Carried 5.6. CASEY FIELDS LEASE Council Meeting - 16 March 2021 Page 9
Casey Fields Lease ITEM: 5.6. Corporate Services Property and Procurement Chris Heath Purpose of Report: For Council to enter a lease with Melbourne City Football Club for part of Casey Fields Mover / Seconder: Mr Belmar / Mr Boardman That Council: 1. Enters into a lease with the Melbourne City Football Club for part of the Premises known as Casey Fields comprising the following principal terms: a. Lease term being thirty (30) years; b. Commencement date being the date Council enters into the Lease; c. Pre-payment of portion of rent owed for the term; d. Balance of rent to be paid via an annual schedule of community obligations within the City of Casey, with such rental balance to be subject to market review and adjusted accordingly; e. for the permitted use to operate a professional football club 2. Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to finalise the negotiations with Melbourne City Football Club to his satisfaction and to enter into the lease on behalf of Council subject to the incorporation of the above principal terms. Carried 5.7. UPDATE ON RATING MATTERS INCLUDING TREATMENT OF HARDSHIP ASSISTANCE IN 2020/21 Update on Rating Matters including Treatment of ITEM: 5.7. Hardship Assistance in 2020/21 Corporate Services Finance and Rates Bernard Rohan Purpose of Report: To update Council on Rating Matters Mover / Seconder: Mr Boardman / Mr Belmar That Council resolves that in response to the continued uncertainty associated with the COVID-19 crisis, that the City of Casey continue to implement freezes on interest on outstanding rates to 30 June 2021 and not pursue legal action to recover outstanding rates in this period. Carried 5.8. S5 COUNCIL TO CEO INSTRUMENT OF DELEGATION UPDATE Council Meeting - 16 March 2021 Page 10
s5 Council to CEO Instrument of Delegation update ITEM: 5.8. Corporate Services Governance Rhys Matulis Purpose of Report: Update s5 Instrument of Delegation Mover / Seconder: Mr Boardman / Mr Belmar That Council resolves, in the exercise of powers conferred by Section 11(1) of the Local Government Act 2020 and the other legislation referred to in the Instrument of Delegation that: • There be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and to members of Council staff holding, acting in or performing the duties of the offices or positions referred to in the attached Instrument of delegation to the CEO (Attachment A), the powers, duties and functions set out in the Instrument, subject to the conditions and limitations specified in the Instrument. • The Instrument comes into force immediately after the Manager Governance signs the Instrument on behalf of Council • On the coming into force of the Instrument all previous delegations to the CEO are revoked. • The duties and functions set out in the Instrument must be performed, and the powers set out in the Instrument must be exercised, in accordance with any guidelines or policies of Council that it may, from time to time, adopt. And that a report be presented to Council on a quarterly basis updating Council on all contracts approved by the CEO under delegation for amounts between $5 million and $15 million. Mr Boardman left the meeting temporarily at 4.49pm Carried 5.9. S6 INSTRUMENT OF DELEGATION UPDATE Council Meeting - 16 March 2021 Page 11
s6 Instrument of Delegation update ITEM: 5.9. Corporate Services Governance Rhys Matulis Purpose of Report: Update s6 Instrument of Delegation and inform Council of changes to internal practice regarding planning matters Mover / Seconder: Mr Belmar / Ms Duff That Council authorise by resolution the s6 Instrument of Delegation from Council, to Council Staff as per Attachment B. Mr Boardman returned to the meeting at 4.51pm Carried 5.10. FOREIGN ARRANGEMENTS SCHEME Foreign Arrangements Scheme ITEM: 5.10. Corporate Services Governance Rhys Matulis Purpose of Report: Review of Foreign Arrangements Mover / Seconder: Mr Boardman / Mr Belmar That Council terminate the arrangements with: • Berwick Upon Tweed • City of Springfield • Mianyang City • Dujiangyan City • CRRC/SRIC Carried 5.11. CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE AND SEALING NO CT000631 Council Meeting - 16 March 2021 Page 12
Contract Acceptance and Sealing No CT000631 ITEM: 5.11. City Planning and Infrastructure City Design and Construction Trevor Griffin Purpose of Report: To advise on the tenders received for Contract No. CT000631 - Intersection Construction at South Gippsland Highway & Glasscocks Road, Hampton Park and recommend the acceptance of a preferred tenderer and the overall project budget. Mover / Seconder: Mr Belmar / Mr Boardman 1. That Council award the tender for Contract No CT000631 - Intersection Construction at South Gippsland Highway and Glasscocks Road, Hampton Park to R & C Asphalt Paving Pty Ltd for the Final Tender Price and construction contingency as detailed in the Confidential Attachment to this report. 2. That Council notes the funding required in the 2021/22 Capital Works Program as detailed in the Confidential Attachment to this report 3. That the Contract documents be signed and sealed. Carried 6. CONSIDERATION OF REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 6.1. RECORD OF DISCUSSION That the Record of the Assembly of Councillors, as listed, be received and noted. Carried 7. PETITIONS 7.1. ADVERTISEMENTS FOR MP'S IN SPORTING CLUBS/GROUNDS Petition was tabled by Mr Anthony Disanayake along with 108 signatories. Recommendation – That the relevant Council Department write to the Head Signatory and provide a response to the matters raised in the petition. Mover / Seconder: Mr Belmar / Mr Boardman Carried Council Meeting - 16 March 2021 Page 13
7.2. DOVETON POOL IN THE PARK Petition was tabled by Doveton Eumemmerring Township Association (DETA) along with 1190 signatories. Recommendation – That the relevant Council Department write to the Head Signatory and provide a response to the matters raised in the petition. Mover / Seconder: Mr Belmar / Mr Boardman Carried 8. URGENT BUSINESS Nil. 9. CLOSED COUNCIL Nil. CONCLUSION OF MEETING The Meeting closed at 5.03 pm. Confirmed this 20 day of April 2021 …………………………………………. Ms Noelene Duff Chairperson of Administrators City of Casey JM Council Meeting - 16 March 2021 Page 14
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