Virtual Reality in Pediatric Psychology - American Academy of ...

Virtual Reality in Pediatric Psychology
Thomas D. Parsons, PhD,​a Giuseppe Riva, PhD,​b,​c Sarah Parsons, PhD,​d Fabrizia Mantovani,
PhD,​e Nigel Newbutt, PhD,​f Lin Lin, EdD,​g Eva Venturini, PhD,​e Trevor Hall, PsyDh

               abstract               Virtual reality (VR) technologies allow for controlled simulations of affectively engaging
                                      background narratives. These virtual environments offer promise for enhancing
                                      emotionally relevant experiences and social interactions. Within this context, VR can allow
                                      instructors, therapists, neuropsychologists, and service providers to offer safe, repeatable,
                                      and diversifiable interventions that can benefit assessments and learning in both typically
                                      developing children and children with disabilities. Research has also pointed to VR’s
                                      capacity to reduce children’s experience of aversive stimuli and reduce anxiety levels.
                                      Although there are a number of purported advantages of VR technologies, challenges have
                                      emerged. One challenge for this field of study is the lack of consensus on how to do trials.
                                      A related issue is the need for establishing the psychometric properties of VR assessments
                                      and interventions. This review investigates the advantages and challenges inherent in the
                                      application of VR technologies to pediatric assessments and interventions.

Departments of aPsychology and gLearning Technologies, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas; bDepartment of Psychology, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy; cApplied
Technology for Neuro-Psychology Laboratory, Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy; dSouthampton Education School, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom;
eDepartment of Human Sciences for Education, University of Milan, Milan, Italy; fDepartment of Arts and Cultural Industries, University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom; and
hDepartment of Pediatrics, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon

Dr T. Parsons conceived and developed the initial draft, contributed to the enhancement of the original draft, and participated in developing the final draft; Dr Riva,
Prof S. Parsons, and Drs Mantovani, Newbutt, Lin, Venturini, and Hall worked with Dr T. Parsons to enhance the original draft and develop it into the final draft; and
all authors have reviewed and approved the final manuscript as submitted.
The analysis, conclusions, and recommendations contained in each paper are solely a product of the individual workgroup and are not the policy or opinions of, nor
do they represent an endorsement by Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development or the American Academy of Pediatrics.
DOI: https://​doi.​org/​10.​1542/​peds.​2016-​1758I
Accepted for publication Apr 19, 2017
Address correspondence to Thomas D. Parsons, PhD, Computational Neuropsychology and Simulation Laboratory, Department of Psychology, University of North
Texas, 1155 Union Circle #311280, Denton, TX 76203. E-mail:
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

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Supplement Article                                                                                     PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number s2, November 2017:e20161758
TABLE 1 Comparison of VR Systems
                                   PC-Based VR                              Mobile-Based VR                    Console-Based              Stand-alone
 System                   Oculus Rift        HTC VIVE         Samsung           Google            Google       PlayStation VR    Allwinner VR    Snapdragon
                                                                Gear VR        Cardboard         Daydream                                            820 VR
 Cost, US$                    599               799              99             10–50             69–149           399              99–249         399–450
 Hardware                 High-end PC       High-end PC       High-end      Middle or high-      High-end      PS4 (299) or          None           None
   requirements              (>1000)           (>1000)         Samsung        end Android          Android        PS4 Pro
   (US$)                                                         phone          phone or            phone           (399)
                                                                (>600)           iPhone             (>499)
 Resolution               2160 × 1200       2160 × 1200      2560 × 1440     Depends on         Depends on      1920 × 1080      1920 × 1080     2560 × 1440
                                                                               the phone          the phone
                                                                               (minimum           (minimum
                                                                              1024 × 768)           1920 ×
 Refresh rate                 90 Hz             90 Hz          60 Hz            60 Hz         90 Hz minimum        120 Hz           60 Hz             70 Hz
 Field of view                110°              110°            101°          from 70°              96°             100°             90°               92°
 Body tracking             Medium or         High: head       Medium:       Medium: head       Medium: head      Medium or       Medium: head     Medium or
                            high: head         tracking          head           tracking           tracking       high: head        tracking       high: head
                             tracking         (rotation)       tracking        (rotation)         (rotation)       tracking        (rotation)        tracking
                            (rotation)            and         (rotation)                                          (rotation)                        (rotation)
                                and           volumetric                                                              and                               and
                            positional         tracking                                                           positional                       positional
                             tracking         (full room                                                           tracking                          tracking
                             (forward          size is 15                                                          (forward                         (forward
                                and           × 15 ft for                                                             and                               and
                            backward)         movement)                                                           backward)                        backward)
 User interaction        High (by using    High (by using    Medium (by     Low (by using      Medium (by      High (by using    Medium (by       Medium (by
   with VR                 a joystick or     controllers)         using        gaze or a           using         a joystick or    using gaze,      using gaze,
                           controllers)                          gaze, a        button)          gaze or a       controllers)      a built-in        a built-in
                                                                 built-in                        joystick)                         pad, or a         pad, or a
                                                                pad, or a                                                          joystick)         joystick)
 Software                Oculus store      Steam store       Oculus store   Google Play or     Google Play      PlayStation       Google Play     Google Play
   availability                                                                iOS store                            store
PC, personal computer.

Background                                                 computer-generated environments                     could be applicable across many
                                                           that reflect real-world activities.‍3–5
                                                                                                ‍              current technologies.‍6 Although the
Virtual Reality for Assessment and                        Within this context, and within the                  quality, graphic fidelity, and refresh
Training                                                  field of VR more widely, there are                   rates might vary across platforms (as
Virtual reality (VR) is an emerging                       many technologies that have been                     highlighted in ‍Table 1), the nature of
technology that can be considered                         developed and used in educational                    the VR immersive environments and
the result of the evolution of existing                   and clinical settings. As such, there is             presentation of visual (and audio)
communication interfaces toward                           a wide range of hardware available                   stimuli help to ensure similar user
various levels of immersion.‍1 An                         to researchers and practitioners.                    experiences across all platforms.
important difference between VR                           ‍Table 1 provides a synthesis of
and other media or communication                           currently available technology and                  The availability of much more
systems is the sense of presence,                          highlights the various specifications,              affordable devices (as shown in
the “feeling of being there.”‍2                            costs, and user interactions across                 ‍Table 1) illustrates that VR hardware
Through merging of educational and                         a spectrum of devices. Although                      has the potential to become
entertainment environments (eg,                            these VR technologies differ in their                more accessible to a much wider
gamification, VR, and edutainment),                        specification, size, and portability,                demographic than before. Therefore,
coupling of immersive technologies                         the key affordances of VR (ie,                       the extent to which the key
(eg, head-mounted displays [HMDs])                         immersion, presence, and ecological                  affordance of presence is supported
with advanced input devices (eg,                           validity) remain. Therefore, it is likely            by the different VR technologies is
gloves, trackers, and brain-computer                       some key findings (eg, acceptance,                   a central research question for the
interfaces), and computer graphics,                        presence, immersion, limited                         field if we are to really understand
VR is able to immerse users in                             negative effects) from previous work                 what features supported by the

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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number s2, November 2017                                                                                                             S87
different hardware are necessary and          of educational and entertainment                public health by promoting physical
sufficient for supporting effective and       environments, virtual environments              activity.‍23
authentic assessment and learning             (VEs) and augmented environments
                                                                                              A focus on positive technology also
with VR for a much wider group of             have the potential to be a “positive
                                                                                              provides new ways of thinking
children. In other words, VR offers           technology” that can improve the
                                                                                              about the locus and, therefore,
an important pathway for narrowing            quality of children’s experiences.‍17,​18
                                                                                              solutions of the different challenges
the digital gap nationally and                For example, Active Worlds, Second
                                                                                              or problems faced by children with
internationally if we can establish           Life, and ecoMobile are platforms
                                                                                              neurocognitive difficulties.‍24 For
how a sense of presence can be                that have been advocated as
                                                                                              example, rather than developing VR
achieved in the most accessible and           promoting more active exploration,
                                                                                              to fix the impairments of the child,
available technologies.                       engagement, student-centered,
                                                                                              VR could be developed to provide
                                              hands-on learning; better
Current State of the Science                                                                  better insights and awareness into
                                              understanding of complex subjects;
                                                                                              the difficulties experienced by
Recent advances in VR technology              and more authentic, collaborative,
                                                                                              individuals so as to promote better
allow for improved efficiency in              and experiential opportunities for
                                                                                              understanding from the wider
administration, presentation of               solving real-life problems.‍19
                                                                                              public. The “Too Much Information”
stimuli, logging of responses, and                                                            project of the National Autistic
data analyses.‍7 These features have          The Google Expeditions Pioneer                  Society in the United Kingdom
allowed VR platforms to emerge as             Program‍20 is a good example of                 is a good example of this kind of
promising tools for pediatric cohorts         this emerging trend, which allows               approach (http://​www.​autism.​org.​
in a number of domains. Examples              teachers to take their students                 uk/​VR).
from recent research and reviews              on virtual journeys using an
(within the past 10 years) include the        application installed on the students’
following:                                    smartphones. In addition to being               Future Research
•• Neurocognitive    assessment‍8             teaching and learning tools, VR
                                              allows for data capturing of learners’          One area of future research that
•• Psychotherapy‍9                            attitudes, behavior changes, and                will be of interest to clinical
                                                                                              scientists is the performance of
•• Rehabilitation‍10                          “aha” moments. Such a portfolio
                                              of assessments helps serve as a                 large-scale randomized controlled
•• Pain management‍11                                                                         trial (RCTs). Although quantitative
                                              foundation for educators to develop
•• Prevention and treatment of eating         formative assessment loops, address             reviews of VR interventions have
  disorders‍12                                individual needs, and design better             revealed statistically large effects on
                                                                                              a number of affective domains,​‍25
•• Communication training‍13                  learning opportunities.‍21 In higher
                                              education, VR technologies may                  future studies can increase the
•• Vocational readiness training‍14                                                           confidence in these findings through
                                              help prepare students for future
•• Social skills training‍15                  work places in science, technology,             the inclusion of control groups and
                                              engineering, mathematics, business,             performing RCTs. Furthermore,
Within this context, VR technology
                                              and medicine. This is especially                there is need for future studies
can allow instructors, therapists,
                                              the case in training skills and                 aimed specifically at establishing
neuropsychologists, and service
                                              performance that carry high risks (eg,          the ecological validity and other
providers to offer safe, repeatable,
                                              driving, flying, conducting a surgery,          psychometric properties of VR
and diversifiable interventions that
                                              managing investments).                          assessments and interventions
can benefit assessments and learning
                                                                                              for clinical, social, and affective
in both typically developing children
                                                                                              neuroscience research.‍26
and children with disabilities.‍16            Augmented reality, too, is an effective
                                              experiential learning tool.‍22 On               After the establishment of
Entertainment and Educational                 1 side, it uses virtual objects to              psychometric properties of VR
Environments                                  provide nondirective but targeted               protocols, future work will be
VR and augmented reality platforms            suggestions that help learners                  assisted by adopting procedures
are rooted in gaming, simulation,             to develop knowledge and skills                 for standardized reporting of
and entertainment experiences.                effectively. On the other side, it              RCT outcomes. This is especially
Augmented reality overlays virtual            allows real-time interactivity in               important in the context of new
objects over a real environment,              an ecological setting. In particular,           designs and relatively untested
resulting in a mixed reality that             as demonstrated recently by the                 features of technology. A potential
can be used for student-centered              worldwide success of Pokémon Go,                aid for future research can be found
learning scenarios. Given the merging         it also has the potential of improving          in the Consolidated Standards of

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S88                                                                                                                       Parsons et al
Reporting Trials guideline that                  can provide an acceptable space                   safety. Additional research is
ensures readers have the basic                   for children to use them, especially              needed in these areas.
information necessary to evaluate the            children with disabilities. With this
quality of a clinical trial.‍27                  said, there is some evidence that                 Policy Makers
                                                 suggests children do not experience
                                                                                                   An important challenge in the
                                                 HMDs any more negatively than
Recommendations                                                                                    design and development of VR
                                                 screen-based media.5,​8,​
                                                                        ‍ 28,​
                                                                          ‍ 29
                                                                             ‍ Taken
                                                                                                   technologies is the difficulty
Clinicians and Providers                         as a whole, the need to validate and
                                                                                                   involved in putting together
                                                 confirm the acceptance of evolving
Although VR-based                                                                                  interdisciplinary research teams
                                                 and new technologies is evident, and
neuropsychological assessments are                                                                 for developing appropriate
                                                 there is need for more research in
often referenced for their promise of                                                              interventions. Furthermore, there
                                                 this domain.
enhanced ecological validity,​‍3,​26
                                 ‍                                                                 is increasing recognition that
there are potential practical                    With this in mind, there is a need,               representatives of intended user
limitations that should be                       before we enter into VR RCTs,                     groups should also be included
considered. Some VR-based                        design, and intervention programs,                to achieve a better fit between
assessments offer automated                      to fully validate and understand                  identified needs and proposed
presentations that do not allow                  users’ perspectives and ensure that               solutions. Although not without
flexibility for clinical examiners to            ethical guidelines are established.               difficulties, such approaches also
interrupt or test the limits during              This could be done in either                      align with increasing awareness of
assessment. Future development                   laboratory-based or in situ settings;             the need to involve, for example,
of VEs should allow for flexible                 however, careful attention will                   members from the clinical and
presentations, wherein clinicians                need to be placed on developing                   educational communities in these
may adjust graphics, stimuli, and                protocols to ensure the voices of                 research agendas more widely. Our
task parameters via an interactive               participants are always heard in                  main recommendation here is that
user interface. Moreover, the                    any research endeavor involving VR                policy makers, including funders,
dearth of established guidelines for             technologies.                                     need to support and encourage
the development, administration,                                                                   more user-centered design
                                                 The introduction of affordable                    approaches to VR development
and interpretation of these                      HMDs (eg, Oculus Rift, Samsung
assessments could lead to important                                                                and evaluation to ensure that end
                                                 Gear VR, Google Cardboard)                        users’ needs and priorities are
psychometric pitfalls. Although                  makes VR an increasingly popular
these limitations are important                                                                    more effectively met in research
                                                 entertainment and learning venue.                 programs and projects.
to consider, advances in VR                      However, the unmonitored use of
technology will allow for continued              VR for entertainment has raised
enhancements in approximations of                                                                  Educators
                                                 concerns over the years. For
real-world cognitive and affective               example, Segovia and Bailenson‍30                 As mentioned earlier, VR offers great
processes.                                       conducted a study examining                       potentials for teaching, learning,
There is also the potential for                  the use of VR in children. They                   assessment, and interventions.
unintended negative effects                      found that children exposed to                    Although VR can provide a safe
of exposure to VEs; stimulus                     VEs do not always differentiate                   environment for students to gain
intensity, if taken too far, may                 between VR-based memories and                     skills, it usually requires actual
exacerbate rather than ameliorate                memories formed in the real world.                experiences to fully master a skill.
a deficit. Although this is an                   Although these findings need to                   Poorly designed VR environments
important concern, studies using                 be replicated in additional studies,              may lead to misunderstanding or
VR with students diagnosed with                  the implications demonstrate that                 faulty training results. In addition, VR
neurodevelopmental disorders have                unmonitored and entertainment-                    can provide authentic assessments
been performed with no reported                  based VR platforms may not                        and interventions in schools, where
negative effects.‍5,​8,​
                    ‍ 28,​
                       ‍ 29
                         ‍                       be appropriate for all children.                  children and adolescents spend
As we adopt newer and more                       Moreover, the merging of VR with                  most of their time. The potential
immersive technologies it is                     gaming technologies will open VR                  for VR technologies to be deployed
important that researchers continue              to concerns that have been raised                 in schools and used for distance
to consider the potential negative               for gaming and entertainment                      learning is encouraging even if it
effects (eg, dizziness, sickness,                technologies: sedentary lifestyle,                is challenging. Its potential will be
displacement) to ensure that                     cyber addiction, violence, social                 deepened by the diffusion of VR on
wearable technologies (eg, HMDs)                 isolation, desensitization, and                   smartphones.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number s2, November 2017                                                                                         S89
It is the working group’s consensus                   assessments and interventions
that investigations into these                        offers an opportunity for advancing
future research endeavors have                        our understanding of the cognitive,                       HMD: h   ead-mounted display
the potential to inform policy,                       affective, psychosocial, and neural                       RCT: r andomized controlled trial
                                                                                                                VE: v
                                                                                                                     irtual environment
theory, and praxes. Specifically, the                 aspects of children as they take part
                                                                                                                VR: v irtual reality
addition of VR platforms to pediatric                 in real-world activities.

FUNDING: This special supplement, “Children, Adolescents, and Screens: What We Know and What We Need to Learn,​” was made possible through the financial
support of Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number s2, November 2017                                                                                                  S91
Virtual Reality in Pediatric Psychology
   Thomas D. Parsons, Giuseppe Riva, Sarah Parsons, Fabrizia Mantovani, Nigel
               Newbutt, Lin Lin, Eva Venturini and Trevor Hall
                           Pediatrics 2017;140;S86
                        DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-1758I

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Virtual Reality in Pediatric Psychology
  Thomas D. Parsons, Giuseppe Riva, Sarah Parsons, Fabrizia Mantovani, Nigel
              Newbutt, Lin Lin, Eva Venturini and Trevor Hall
                          Pediatrics 2017;140;S86
                       DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-1758I

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