Vietnam Treasury Management Profile 2018 - Together we thrive - HSBC Group

Page created by Anna Fernandez
Vietnam Treasury Management Profile 2018 - Together we thrive - HSBC Group
Treasury Management
Profile 2018

                      Together we thrive
Vietnam Treasury Management Profile 2018 - Together we thrive - HSBC Group
2                                HSBC Treasury Management Profile 2018 | Vietnam   HSBC Treasury Management Profile 2018 | Vietnam                                                                                            3

Contents                                                                           Introduction and

Introduction and Purpose   3                                                      Vietnam
                                                                                   This is one of a series of Treasury Management Profiles designed for finance and treasury professionals worldwide. By providing a
Legal and Regulatory       6                                                      snapshot of banking, payments and cash management in selected locations, these profiles can help treasury managers to make
                                                                                   informed decisions, manage risks effectively and take advantage of new opportunities. However, this information is not intended to
Taxation10                                                                        be comprehensive and does not constitute financial, legal, tax or other professional advice. Accordingly you should not act upon the
                                                                                   information contained in this document without obtaining your own independent professional advice. The materials contained in this
                                                                                   document were assembled in May 2017 (unless otherwise dated) and were based on the law enforceable and information available
Payment Instruments        16                                                     at that time.

Payment Systems            19
                                                                                    Facts and Figures
Cash Management            21
                                                                                    Capital/Other major cities: Hanoi/Ho Chi Minh City, Da               Business hours:                        07:30–16:30 (Mon–Fri)
Electronic Banking         22                                                                                  Nang, Hai Phong, Can Tho
                                                                                                                                                         Banking hours:                         07:30–16:30 (Mon–Fri)
Trade Finance              24                                                      Area:                              331,210km2
                                                                                                                                                         Stock exchange:                        Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange,
                                                                                    Population:                        95.4m                                                                    Hanoi Stock Exchange
Useful Websites            26
                                                                                    Languages:                         Vietnamese                        Leading share index:                   VN Index

                                                                                    Currency:                          Vietnamese dong (VND)             Sectoral distribution                  Agriculture 15.9%,
                                                                                                                                                         of GDP (% of GDP):                     Industry 32.7%,
                                                                                    Country telephone code:            84                                Source:
                                                                                                                                                                                                Services 41.3%
                                                                                    Weekend:                           Saturday and Sunday               factbook/index.html.                   (2017 estimate)

                                                                                    National holidays:                 2018 — 1 Jan, 15–21 Feb, 25,
                                                                                    Source:   30 Apr, 1 May, 3 Sep

                                                                                   Government                                                          ®® The president is elected by the National Assembly every five
                                                                                   Legislature                                                            years. The president can serve two terms. The next presidential
                                                                                   Communist state with a unicameral National Assembly (Quoc              election is scheduled to be held in 2021.
                                                                                                                                                       Political leader
                                                                                   ®® National Assembly: 498 members are elected to serve five-year    Nguyen Xuan Phuc, prime minister since 7 April 2016.
                                                                                   Legislative elections were last held in May 2016.                   Nguyen Phu Trong, general secretary of the Communist Party
                                                                                                                                                       since 19 January 2011.
                                                                                   Head of state
                                                                                   Tran Dai Quang, president since 2 April 2016.                       ®® The prime minister and the general secretary are elected by the
                                                                                                                                                          National Assembly every five years. They can both serve two
Vietnam Treasury Management Profile 2018 - Together we thrive - HSBC Group
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Country credit rating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Fitch Ratings rates Vietnam for issuer default as:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Term                                    Issuer Default Rating

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Short                                   B

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Long                                    BB-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Long-term rating outlook                Positive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Source:, January 2018.

                                                                                                                                                                       Exchange   rate & Interest rate (%)                                                  Consumer inflation & GDP volume growth (%)
    Economy                                                                                                                                                               Vietnam

                                                                                                      2016                     2017
                                                   2011     2012     2013     2014       2015                                                                           100                                                                       100        10.0                                                                10.0
                                                                                                      Q4          Year         Q1          Q2           Q3

    Exchange rate* (VND/USD)**                     20,510   20,828   20,933   21,148     21,698       22,073      21,935       22,216      22,371       22,442          75                                                                        75         7.5                                                                 7.5

    Interest rate                                  15.00    9.00     7.00     6.50       6.50         6.50        6.50         6.50        6.50         6.50
    (Central Bank Policy rate) **(%)                                                                                                                                    50                                                                        50         5.0                                                                 5.0

    Unemployment (%)                               2.01     1.76     1.94     1.84       2.10         NA          2.10         NA          NA           NA
                                                                                                                                                                        25                                                                        25         2.5                                                                 2.5
    Consumer inflation*** (%)                      + 18.7   + 9.1    + 6.6    + 4.1      + 0.9        + 4.9       + 3.2        + 5.0       + 3.3        NA

    GDP volume growth*** (%)                       + 6.2    + 5.2    + 5.4    + 6.0      + 6.7        NA          + 6.7        NA          NA           NA               0                                                                        0          0.0                                                                 0.0

                                                                                                                                                                                 2012           2013          2014       2015          2016                             2012          2013    2014          2015       2016
    GDP (VND tr)                                   2,780    3,245    3,584    3,938      4,193        –           NA           –           –            –
                                                                                                                                                                               Exchange rate (VND/USD)
    GDP (USD bn)                                   136      156      171      186        193          –           NA           –           –            –                                                                                                             Consumer inflation %

                                                                                                                                                                               Interest rate (Lending Rate)                                                           GDP volume growth %
    GDP per capita (USD)                           1,507    1,725    1,874    2,015      2,065        –           NA           –           –            –

    BoP (goods/services/income) as % GDP           -6.2     + 0.8    - 1.0    - 0.1      - 3.5        –           NA           –           –            –
                                                                                                                                                                       Sources: IMF, International Financial Statistics, November 2017 and 2017 Yearbook.
    * Official rate. ** Period average. *** Year on year.                         Sources: International Financial Statistics, IMF: January 2018 and 2017 Yearbook;
                                                                                                                                       and World Trade Organization.
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Legal and

Central bank                                                        Companies engaging in mid-long-term foreign loans must register       Residents (with the exception of state-owned companies) require     Prior approval from the government, the Ministry of Planning and
The State Bank of Vietnam operates in accordance with the 2010      details of transactions with the central bank no later than 30 days   prior approval from the State Bank of Vietnam before purchasing     Investment or the Provincial People’s Committee is required for all
Law on the State Bank of Vietnam.                                   from the signing of the loan agreement or letter of guarantee.        credit from non‑residents.                                          foreign investment. Foreign investors must open specific foreign
                                                                                                                                                                                                              exchange accounts (at banks authorised to provide them) to be
Bank supervision                                                    If an entity is engaged in borrowing from abroad they are required    A permit from the Ministry of Planning and Investment is required   used for all their investments in Vietnam.
The State Bank of Vietnam supervises the banking sector in          to report details regarding the performance of these loans to         for all investment abroad. The companies involved are required
Vietnam.                                                            either the State Bank of Vietnam (for a loan without a government     to open a foreign exchange account at an authorised bank and        Vietnamese credit institutions require prior approval from the
                                                                    guarantee) or the Ministry of Finance (for a loan with government     these accounts (which are to be used for investment abroad) are     State Bank of Vietnam before they can open accounts abroad and
Resident/non-resident status                                        guarantee).                                                           required to be registered with the State Bank of Vietnam.           must register all loans to non-residents with the central bank.
A company is considered resident in Vietnam if it is incorporated
in or has its place of effective management in Vietnam.             Transactions data must be submitted to the General Statistics         Residents’ outward investment must be routed through dedicated      Individuals must notify the customs authorities when importing
                                                                    Office, via provincial level offices. The General Statistics Office   foreign currency accounts and require an offshore investment        or exporting over VND 15 million in domestic currency banknotes
Bank accounts                                                       forwards the data to the State Bank of Vietnam for balance of         certificate.                                                        and/or over the equivalent of USD 5,000 in foreign currency
Resident                                                            payments purposes.                                                                                                                        banknotes.
Foreign exchange accounts can be held by residents both                                                                                   Indirect investment by non-residents must be carried out in VND.
domestically and abroad. Residents require prior approval from      Exchange controls                                                     Any foreign currency used in non-residents’ indirect investment     Vietnam has established bilateral payment arrangements with
the State Bank of Vietnam to hold foreign exchange accounts         The Vietnamese dong (VND) is Vietnam’s official currency.             must be converted into VND before the investment can take           Belarus, Cambodia, China, Laos and Russia.
abroad. Resident domestic currency (VND) accounts cannot be                                                                               place. Foreign indirect investment by a non-resident entity must
held abroad, but are convertible into foreign currency.             ®® Foreign exchange controls are administered by the State Bank       be done through an indirect investment account opened at a          As a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
                                                                       of Vietnam.                                                        bank licensed in Vietnam.                                           (ASEAN), Vietnam is a participant in the ASEAN Swap
Non-resident                                                                                                                                                                                                  Arrangement and the Bilateral Swap Arrangements under
Non-resident bank accounts are permitted in both foreign and        Credit institutions are permitted to carry out forward and swap                                                                           ASEAN+3.
domestic currency.                                                  transactions in VND and foreign currencies, with maturities
                                                                    ranging from three days to one year.
Interest can be offered on current and savings accounts.

                                                                                                                                                  Indirect investment by non-residents
Overdraft facilities are available to residents.                    Non-residents generally require authorisation to carry out foreign
                                                                    exchange transactions within Vietnam.
All transactions between resident and non-resident companies
and all transactions on the accounts held by resident companies
                                                                    Credit institutions are permitted to make foreign-currency loans
                                                                    to residents, although the borrower must satisfy regulatory                   must be carried out in VND and must
abroad must be reported on a monthly, quarterly and annual          conditions. Credit institutions must seek approval from the State
basis. Transactions relating to foreign direct investment capital
are also required to be reported by resident companies.
                                                                    Bank of Vietnam for resident’s foreign-currency loan for priority
                                                                    sectors and encouraged sectors.
                                                                                                                                                  be done through an indirect investment
Monthly reports must be submitted by the 12th day of the
following month. Quarterly reports must be submitted by the 12th
                                                                    Residents are permitted to issue debt securities abroad, although
                                                                    prior approval from the relevant regulatory authority is required.
                                                                                                                                                  account opened at a bank licensed in
day of the month following the quarter. Annual reports should be    Residents are not permitted to buy debt securities from abroad.
submitted by 31 March of the following year.                        Non-residents are not permitted to issue debt securities in
                                                                    Vietnam or to sell equities.
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Anti-money laundering/counter-terrorist financing1                  Single transactions exceeding VND 200 million, or its equivalent
Vietnam has implemented anti-money laundering and counter-          in foreign currency or gold, or a series of transactions aggregating
terrorist financing legislation. Notable legislation includes:      to a value exceeding VND 200 million, or its equivalent in foreign
                                                                    currency or gold, performed in one day must be reported to the
®® Articles 250 and 251 of the Penal Code, as amended;              AMLD. The same rule applies to cash transactions exceeding
®® Anti-Money Laundering Law 2012; and                              VND 300 million, or its equivalent in foreign currency or gold,
®® Decree No 116/2013/ND/CP 2013 on the Prevention and              performed in relation to savings accounts.
   Combating of Money Laundering.
                                                                    Financial institutions are required to report domestic online
The State Bank of Vietnam and the Ministry of Finance have          transactions exceeding VND 500 million (approximately USD
also issued related Circulars, most recently No 35/2013 and No      24,000), or its equivalent in foreign currency, and international
31/2014.                                                            online transactions exceeding USD 1,000, to the AMLD.

Vietnam is a member of the Asia/Pacific Group on Money              All financial institutions must record and report suspicious
Laundering (APG). The Anti-Money Laundering Department              transactions within 48 hours to the AMLD. If criminal activity is
(AMLD), the country’s financial intelligence unit, operates under   suspected, reports must be made within 24 hours.
the State Bank of Vietnam.
                                                                    All records must be maintained for a minimum of five years from
Account opening procedures require formal identification of the     the date of the closing of the account or the completion of the
account holder and beneficial owners.                               last transaction.

Individuals conducting occasional transactions of VND 300           All foreign currency exceeding USD 7,000, and gold of more than
million (approximately EUR 10,400 or USD 14,000) must be            300 grams, must be declared to the customs authorities upon
identified.                                                         arrival and departure.

     Data as at May 2017.
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Resident/non-resident                                                   Consolidated returns are not permitted and each company with
                                                                                                                                                              Withholding tax (subject to tax treaties)
Residence is not defined, but a corporation generally is                independent legal status is required to file a separate return.
considered to be resident if it is incorporated in Vietnam.                                                                                                   Payments to:                                                Interest           Dividends            Royalties            Other income            Branch remittances
                                                                        Corporate taxation
All companies and other legal entities incorporated and carrying        Residents are taxed on worldwide income; non‑residents are                            Resident companies                                          None               None                 10%                  None                    NA
on a business in Vietnam are subject to various local indirect          taxed only on Vietnamese-sourced income. Foreign-source                               Non-resident companies                                      5%                 None   *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  15%   *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       10%   **
taxes and corporate income tax (CIT). They are also required            income derived by residents is subject to corporation tax in the
                                                                                                                                                              * A withholding tax of 10% (corporate tax) and 5% (VAT) applies to transfer of right to use trademark/payment of right to use trademark. For transfer the ownership of trademark/
to apply Vietnamese Accounting System Standards (VASS)                  same way as Vietnamese-sourced income.
                                                                                                                                                              patent, a withholding tax of 10% (corporate tax) applies (no VAT is applied).
and Vietnamese Accounting Standards (VAS). These are                                                                                                          ** A withholding tax of 5% (corporate tax) and 5% (VAT) generally applies to technical service fees paid to a non-resident. The corporate tax may be exempt under a tax treaty.
generally based on International Accounting Standards, with             The standard CIT rate is 20% for any business incorporated in
some modifications.                                                     Vietnam. Oil and gas businesses, and other sectors exploiting rare
                                                                                                                                                             Capital gains tax                                                                          Tax treaties/tax information exchange agreements (TIEAs)
                                                                        and precious natural resources, are taxed at rates from 32% to
                                                                                                                                                             Generally, capital gains made by an enterprise in Vietnam will                             Vietnam has tax treaties with over 70 countries.
Foreign companies carrying on business in Vietnam without               50%, subject to the specific decision of the Ministry of Finance
                                                                                                                                                             form part of the taxable income of the enterprise, and will be
setting up a legal business presence may be taxed under a               on a case-by-case basis. Vietnamese CIT is applied at the national                                                                                                              Thin capitalisation
                                                                                                                                                             taxed at the standard CIT rate. No incentive CIT rate, exemptions
foreign contractor withholding tax (FCWT) regime, which mainly          level, with no further local taxes. There is no surtax or alternative                                                                                                           Under current regulations, there are no restrictions on the
                                                                                                                                                             or reduced rates apply to capital gains.
comprises value added tax (VAT) and CIT. They need to pay               minimum tax.                                                                                                                                                                    capital, specific loan ratios or minimum capital requirements for
the same corporate taxes as local companies if they meet the                                                                                                 The transfer value is based on the actual price according to the                           foreign-owned enterprises, except for some industries such as
conditions of a resident business, and register under the relevant      Losses may be carried forward to offset taxable income for up
                                                                                                                                                             transfer contract. A deemed fair market value will be used if no                           construction and real estate.
business laws in Vietnam.                                               to five years after the year in which the losses are incurred. The
                                                                                                                                                             contract price is available or if the price stated in the contract is
                                                                        carryback of losses is not permitted. Losses from transfers of real                                                                                                             Transfer pricing
                                                                                                                                                             deemed to be not at arm’s length.
For corporate tax purposes, there are no differences between the        property and investment projects are allowed to be offset against                                                                                                               Related-party transactions must be identified and declared
tax rules applicable to businesses owned by Vietnamese nationals        profits from operating businesses in the same tax period.                            The taxable gain is determined as the excess of the sales                                  annually using prescribed forms, which must be submitted
and foreign companies.                                                                                                                                       proceeds less costs and transfer expenses.                                                 together with the annual CIT return. Companies are required
                                                                        Preferential tax rates of 10% for 15 years and 17% for ten years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to make a full self-assessment of their profits calculated on an
Tax authority                                                           are available for taxpayers engaged in encouraged investment                         A specific capital gains tax, called capital assignment profits tax                        arm’s-length basis, and must prove that the pricing method
®® General Department of Taxation.                                      projects or in socioeconomically disadvantaged locations, as                         (CAPT), is imposed on gains made by foreign companies on the                               adopted is indeed arm’s length.
                                                                        stipulated by the government. A tax holiday of up to four years                      transfer of interests in a foreign invested or unlisted Vietnamese
Tax year/filing                                                         and a 50% tax reduction for up to nine years are available from                      company. The rate of the CAPT is 20%.                                                      The following methodologies are permitted: comparable
The standard fiscal year is the calendar year. Different fiscal years   the first profit-making years or the fourth revenue-generation                                                                                                                  uncontrolled price, resale price, cost plus, comparable profit and
are allowed, provided that the fiscal year‑end is a quarter-end.        year, whichever comes first. Current taxpayers with new projects                     The disposal of an investment in a Vietnamese company requires                             profit split, although no priority of methods exists. The taxpayer
Corporate taxpayers must notify local tax authorities for formal        from 1 January 2014 also are entitled to tax incentives, subject                     approval from the licensing authorities.                                                   must establish that it is using the ‘best’ method appropriate under
financial reporting and tax filing purposes.                            to certain conditions. Tax incentives for business expansion have                                                                                                               the circumstances. Contemporaneous documentation is required.
                                                                        been reintroduced.                                                                   Withholding tax (subject to tax treaties)                                                  The tax authorities can adjust profits of the pricing strategy is
Provisional quarterly corporate income tax returns are not                                                                                                   Foreign Contractor Withholding Tax (FCWT) is imposed on                                    found not to be at arm’s length.
required as from 1 January 2015. Instead, a company is required         Advance tax ruling availability                                                      income from the provision of goods and services from overseas
to make quarterly provisional corporate income tax payments             Advance tax rulings are available from the local and national                        organisations (except for pure trading transactions), which                                Enterprises are required to maintain transfer pricing
based on estimates. An annual declaration/filing must be made           tax authorities in Vietnam. Companies can submit an official                         comprises corporate income tax and VAT at a total combined rate                            documentation to support the arm’s-length nature of related-party
within 90 days after the fiscal year-end date. Any shortfall in         application to the tax authorities for a ruling.                                     of 0.1% to 15%.                                                                            transactions. This must be submitted within 30 days, if requested
excess of 20% between the provisional corporate income tax
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        by the tax authorities. The definition of related parties includes
payment and annual corporate income tax liability is subject to         1.
                                                                           All tax information supplied by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu ( and                                                                                              a control threshold as low as 20% (or 10% in some cases).
late payment penalty.                                                   Deloitte Highlight, 2017.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Advanced pricing agreements are available.
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                                                                                                                                                  Digital banking is in
Stamp Duty                                                             Preferential import duty rates of 0% to 135% apply to goods                                                             Overview
Stamp duties of 0.5% to 20% are assessed on the transfer               imported into Vietnam and originating from countries with most                                                          There are 42 domestic banks operating in Vietnam: five state-
of housing and land (i.e. certain types of buildings and land),        favoured nation trading status with Vietnam.                                                                            owned banks, four joint venture banks and 31 joint-stock
means of transportation (i.e. all types of motorised vessels/boats,
automobiles and motorcycles), shotguns and sporting guns.              Special preferential import duty rates ranging from 0% to                  its nascent stages,                          commercial banks. There are also five foreign owned banks, 47
                                                                                                                                                                                               branches of foreign banks and 50 representative offices of foreign
                                                                       135% apply to goods from several countries that have free                                                               banks.
Other taxes
Companies exploiting natural resources, including water, are
                                                                       trade agreements (FTAs) with Vietnam, including CEPT (i.e.
                                                                       ASEAN countries) and other FTAs (i.e. the ASEAN–Japan Free
                                                                                                                                                  but the commercial                           Vietnam’s banking sector is dominated by four state-owned

                                                                                                                                                  banks all offer
subject to natural resources tax (NRT) at various rates from 1% to     Trade Agreement, the ASEAN–India Free Trade Agreement, the                                                              banks – Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
40%.                                                                   ASEAN‑China Free Trade Area Agreement, the ASEAN–Korea                                                                  (Agribank), Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam
                                                                       Free Trade Agreement, and the ASEAN–Australia and New                                                                   (BIDV), Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam

                                                                                                                                                  internet and mobile
Business registration tax (commercial licence tax) is levied           Zealand Free Trade Agreement).                                                                                          (Vietcombank), and Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for
annually on all companies and ranges from VND 1 million to VND                                                                                                                                 Industry and Trade (Vietinbank). At the start of 2017, Vietnam’s
3 million, depending on the type of business.                          A duty is charged on natural resource exports at rates up to 45%,                                                       state-owned banks accounted for approximately 45.4% of the

Cash pooling
                                                                       while an export duty is commonly applied on scrap and natural
                                                                       resource export.                                                           services. Adoption                           banking sector’s total assets.

Vietnam has no specific tax rules for cash pooling arrangements.                                                                                                                               The State Bank of Vietnam is currently promoting a consolidation

Real property tax
                                                                       Financial transactions/banking services tax
                                                                       There are no specific financial transactions/banking services taxes
                                                                                                                                                  rates are strong: 44%                        and restructuring programme for the country’s banking sector;
                                                                                                                                                                                               the central bank plans to reduce the number of domestic banks to
The municipal authorities levy tax (e.g. land rental, land use fees,
                                                                                                                                                  of account holders
                                                                       in Vietnam.                                                                                                             15 over the next three years. However, consolidation efforts have
etc.) on the use of real property. Other than stamp duty there is                                                                                                                              not yet gained much momentum.
no tax on the transfer of real estate.                                 Payroll and social security taxes

                                                                                                                                                  use digital services.
                                                                       There is no payroll tax payable by employers. Employers and                                                             Effective 1 February 2016, commercial banks are restricted to
Sales taxes/VAT (incl. financial services)                             employees are subject to statutory social security contributions                                                        holding shares in a maximum of two other credit institutions
The standard VAT rate is 10%. Rates of 0% and 5% are applicable        (employers at a rate of 18% and employees at a rate of 8%).                                                             only; each stake must not exceed 5% of the total equity of that
to the export of certain goods/services and the provision of           These contributions are limited to the lower of the employee’s                                                          institution.
certain essential goods and services, respectively.                    total contracted remuneration or VND 26 million per month
                                                                       (equivalent to USD 1,130).                                                                                              Foreign banks play an active role in the country’s financial
There is a wide range of VAT-exempt goods and services (e.g.                                                                                                                                   sector and together with joint foreign and local controlled banks
certain types of agricultural production, medical services,            Both employers and employees are required to make a                                                                     contributed 9.7% of the banking sector’s total assets at the start
education and training, etc.).                                         contribution for health insurance (employers at a rate of 3% and                                                        of 2017. In order to open a branch in Vietnam, a foreign bank is
                                                                       employees at a rate of 1.5%).                                                                                           required to pay USD 15 million.
Special sales tax (SST) is applicable to the production and import
of certain goods and the provision of certain services (e.g.           The unemployment insurance system applies to Vietnamese                                                                 Notable foreign investment includes: the Bank of Tokyo-
alcohol, motor vehicles, petrol, tobacco, certain air-conditioners,    citizens working under labour contracts with an indefinite term,                                                        Mitsubishi UFJ’s 19.7% stake in VietinBank, BNP Paribas’s 20%
gambling, massages, golf clubs, lotteries, etc.). SST rates range      or with a definite term of 12–36 months, with employers that                                                            stake in Oricombank, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia’s
from 10% to 70%.                                                       have at least ten individuals in their organisation. The compulsory                                                     20% stake in VIB, HSBC’s 19.4% stake in Techcombank, and
                                                                       unemployment insurance contribution is 3%, of which the state,                                                          Maybank’s 20% stake in ABBank.
                                                                       employers and employees each contribute 1%.
14                                                                                 HSBC Treasury Management Profile 2018 | Vietnam            HSBC Treasury Management Profile 2018 | Vietnam   15

Foreign banks wishing to invest in domestic and joint-venture
                                                                       Major banks
commercial banks must acquire prior approval from the relevant
governing agencies in their respective countries. Non-resident                                                  Total assets (USD billions)
investment in domestic banks is restricted to 30% and foreign                                                   30 September 2017
banks or financial companies that seek to acquire 10% or more of
                                                                       BIDV                                     49.56
a local credit institution’s capital must have total assets worth at
least USD 10 billion. However, Prime Minister Phuc has said the        Vietinbank                               46.758
limits on foreign ownership in banks will be increased in order to
                                                                       Agribank                                 45.36
strengthen the financial system.
                                                                       Vietcombank                              39.55
In 2017, Saigon Joint Stock Commercial Bank, announced plans
to sell a majority stake to a foreign investor, the first bank to      Saigon Commercial Bank                   18.92
get government approval to do so. In April 2017, Shinhan Bank          Source:, January 2018.
Vietnam announced the acquisition of ANZ Vietnam’s Retail

Digital banking is in its nascent stages in Vietnam, but the
commercial banks all offer internet and mobile banking services.
Adoption rates are strong. According to KPMG, an estimated
44% of customers at commercial banks use digital services. In
2016, the country’s first digital bank, TIMO, was launched.

The State Bank of Vietnam estimates that just 20% of the
population are banked. It is hoped that digital banking
developments, such as mobile banking and e-money, will provide
greater accessibility to both the unbanked and underbanked

MoMo, a mobile money service, operates the Staight2Bank
Wallet payments scheme. The scheme enables companies and
the government to make payments to both banked and unbanked
residents, especially in remote areas of the country; payments
are made into the MoMo mobile wallet via the Straight2Bank
online platform. The company’s payment system partners with 24
domestic banks and foreign payment networks, including JCB,
MasterCard, and Visa.

In February 2017, the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies (VBSP)
launched a mobile banking service specifically designed to
improve the access of disadvantaged people who lack access to
traditional banking services.
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                                                                                                                                                                            ®® Inter-province cheque payments are cleared and settled
 Payment statistics                                                                                                                                                                                                                              % volume of all cashless
                                                                                                                                                                               via the State Bank of Vietnam’s National Processing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 payments 2016
                                                Transactions (millions)                  % change          Traffic (VND billions)                    % change                  and Settlement Centre. Funds are typically available to
                                                                                         2016/2015                                                   2016/2015                 beneficiaries within four to seven working days.
                                                2015                    2016                               2015                 2016

 Cheques                                        667,147                 829,249          24.3              95,511               220,879              131                    Cheques accounted for 0.2% of the volume of all cashless
                                                                                                                                                                            payments in 2016, and 0.3% of the value.                                  Credit Transfers                40.8%
 Bank card                                      55,055,407              80,287,856       45.8              230,593              346,591              50.3                                                                                             Direct Debits                   0.6%
                                                                                                                                                                            Card payments                                                             Bank Cards                      14.8%
 Direct debits                                  2,577,431               3,408,455        32.2              3,038,051            2,941,639            - 3.2
                                                                                                                                                                            Payment cards are an increasingly popular method of payment in            Cheques                         0.2%
 Credit transfers                               157,907,353             221,152,707      40.0              33,669,634           42,945,464           27.5                   Vietnam. They accounted for 14.8% of the volume of all cashless           Others*                         43.6%
                                                                                                                                                                            payments in 2016, but just 0.5% of the value.
 Others**                                       141,760,607             236,975,043      67.2              12,703,628           17,277,171           36

 Total                                          357,967,945             542,653,310      51.6              49,737,417           63,731,744           28.1                   There were approximately 116 million payment cards in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 % value of all cashless
                                                                                                                                                                            circulation at the end of March 2017, a 4.5% increase on the
 * Includes bills, standing orders, online, mobile and phone banking.                             Source: State Bank of Vietnam: Transactions of National Payment System.                                                                        payments 2016
                                                                                                                                                                            previous quarter. Debit cards account for 90% of all the cards in
                                                                                                                                                                            circulation. The majority of payment cards are used to withdraw
Cash                                                                                    Direct debits                                                                       money from ATM machines.
Cash remains the primary payment medium in Vietnam,                                     Direct debits are available in Vietnam for low-value recurring
particularly for low‑value retail and commercial transactions.                          payments such as utility bills.                                                     Banks in Vietnam issue domestic (SmartLink) and international             Credit Transfers                 67.4%
According to the State Bank of Vietnam, cash is used in about                                                                                                               (China UnionPay, Visa and MasterCard) payment cards.                      Direct Debits                    4.6%
12% of all transactions                                                                 There is currently no centralised payment system for direct debits                  Vietcombank is the clearing bank for Visa card transactions               Bank Cards                       0.5%
                                                                                        so payments between creditors and debtors at different banks are                    of domestic Visa member credit institutions via their accounts            Cheques                          0.3%
As part of the government’s plans to increase the volume of                             exchanged bilaterally between banks.                                                opened with VCB. BIDV is the clearing and settling agent for              Others*                          27%
electronic payments and reduce the volume of cash in circulation,                                                                                                           MasterCard domestic transactions.
the use of cash by government agencies for payments, and the                            Direct debits accounted for 0.6% of the volume of all cashless
payment of securities and other high-value purchases with cash,                         payments in 2016, and 4.6% of the value.                                            In May 2016, the State Bank of Vietnam urged card-issuing banks     * Includes standing order, online, mobile and phone banking transactions.

is restricted.                                                                                                                                                              to convert all magnetic cards into chips cards. All ATM cards       Source: State Bank of Vietnam: Transactions of National Payment System.
                                                                                        Cheques                                                                             must be EMV-compliant by 2020.
Credit transfers                                                                        The cheque is not a widely used payment instrument. It is
®® Credit transfers equal to or above                                                   typically used for low-value retail payments.                                       All card-issuing institutions are members of the Smartlink,
   VND 500 million, and urgent VND‑denominated credit                                                                                                                       Banknet or VNBC card payment schemes. In 2016, Smartlink
   transfers are cleared and settled via the HVSS. Payments sent                        ®® Intracity/intra-province cheque payments are cleared by                          and Banknet completed the merger of their operations, creating
   prior to the cut-off time are settled on a same-day basis.                              provincial payment centres operated by the State Bank of                         a centralised card switching centre, the National Payment
                                                                                           Vietnam. Funds are typically available to beneficiaries within                   Corporation of Vietnam, processing card payments through
®® Credit transfers below VND 500 million and non-urgent credit
                                                                                           three days.                                                                      point-of-sale (POS) terminals, the internet and mobile phones, in
   transfers are cleared via the LVSS. Low-value credit transfers
   include payroll, supplier and third-party payments.                                                                                                                      addition to transactions made at ATMs.

Credit transfers accounted for 40.8% of the volume of all cashless
payments in 2016, and 67.4% of the value.
18                                                                                   HSBC Treasury Management Profile 2018 | Vietnam      HSBC Treasury Management Profile 2018 | Vietnam                                                                            19


There were 17,472 ATMs and 263,427 POS terminals in Vietnam        Electronic wallets                                                     Type
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Currency centre holidays
at the end of 2016, a 5.4% and 21% increase respectively on        Electronic money schemes are available in the form of reloadable       IBPS (InterBank Payment System) is owned and operated by the
2015 figures. All ATM networks are interoperable.                  pre-paid cards. There were three million pre-paid cards in Vietnam     State Bank of Vietnam. IBPS includes the following subsystems:      2018                   1 Jan, 15–21 Feb, 25, 30 Apr,
                                                                   at the end of 2015.                                                                                                                                               1 May, 3 Sep
In 2016, the volume of ATM transactions processed increased                                                                               ®® The HVSS (High-Value Settlement System). In 2016, the HVSS
by 8.3% to 670 million transactions; total value fell by 3.6% on   E-cards are typically used for low-value transactions and to              processed 14.1 million transactions, with a total value of       2019                   1 Jan, 4–8 Feb, 30 Apr,
2015 figures to VND 1,194,081 billion. During the same period,     pay utility bills. Vietcombank and eight other institutions are           VND 41,727,719 billion, an increase of 45.4% in volume but a                            1 May, 2 Sep
there were 56 million POS transactions, with a total value of      authorised to issue e-money cards in Vietnam.                             fall of 12% in value on 2015 figures.                            Source:
VND 192,174 billion. The majority of payment cards are used to                                                                            ®® The LVSS (Low-Value Settlement System), a deferred net
withdraw money from ATM machines.                                  VinaPay’s MrTopUp service is one of the biggest pre‑paid card             settlement system. In 2016, the LVSS processed 66.6 million
                                                                   distributors in Vietnam. Five banks are authorised to take part in        transactions, with a total value of VND 2,389,493 billion, a
The Asian Payment Network (APN) initiative currently allows        VinaPay’s Vcash e-wallet scheme, which allows individuals and             34.5% and 55% increase in volume and value respectively on
ATM card holders in Vietnam to perform cash withdrawals at the     companies to make and receive payments, pay bills and make                2015 figures.
ATMs of participating banks in each member country (Australia,     purchases online.
China, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines,                                                                          Banks can also process payments bilaterally via the internal
Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam), through a linked    Mobile Wallets schemes are also increasingly available, including:     clearing systems of Vietnam’s six largest banks.
                                                                   1Pay, which allows users to pay via SMS, online, and via pre-paid
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Transactions processed
ATM network. The APN’s aim is to become a settlement network
for a range of retail payments across Asia. In Vietnam, the        cards for online shopping; Payoo, from the VietUnion Online            Transactions processed via a local branch of the State Bank of
initiative is operated by Banknetvn.                               Services Corporation, a digital wallet for both business and           Vietnam – intracity/intra-province payments – are cleared by the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   via a local branch of the
                                                                   consumer payments; and MoMo, which can be used to transfer,            central bank’s branch-operated provincial payment centres. Inter-
                                                                   receive, withdraw and deposit money (via the wallet) as well as        province payments are cleared by the State Bank of Vietnam’s
                                                                   pay bills.                                                             National Processing and Settlement Centre.

                                                                                                                                          Participants                                                             State Bank of Vietnam
                                                                                                                                          The IBPS has approximately 2,353 direct and non-direct

        Five banks are authorised to take part in VinaPay’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   – intracity/intra-province
                                                                                                                                          Transaction types processed

        Vcash e-wallet scheme, which allows individuals                                                                                   The HVSS processes all payment transactions equal to or above
                                                                                                                                          VND 500 million and gross real time and time-critical VND-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   payments – are cleared
        and companies to make and receive payments,
                                                                                                                                          denominated interbank transfers.

                                                                                                                                          The LVSS processes low-value and non-urgent transactions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   by the central bank’s
        pay bills and make purchases online.
                                                                                                                                          (below VND 500 million) electronic credit and debit payments.
                                                                                                                                          Payments received after the cut-off time are processed on the            branch-operated
                                                                                                                                          next working day.

                                                                                                                                          Operating hours                                                          provincial payment
                                                                                                                                          The HVSS operates 08:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday.
                                                                        State Bank of Vietnam: Transactions of National Payment System.
                                                                                                                                          The LVSS operates 08:00 to 16:00, Monday to Friday.
20   HSBC Treasury Management Profile 2018 | Vietnam   HSBC Treasury Management Profile 2018 | Vietnam                                               21


                                                       Banks in Vietnam offer a range of collections options to corporate   A range of collections
                                                       clients, including regular cash and cheque collection services via
                                                       security service providers.
                                                                                                                            options are available
                                                       Cross-border payments instructions are routed via SWIFT and
                                                       settled through accounts held with correspondent banks abroad
                                                                                                                            to corporate clients,
                                                                                                                            including regular cash
                                                       or, in the case of international banks, via their own networks.

                                                       Payment fees
                                                       Payment fees are applied on funds transfers between resident
                                                       and non-resident accounts.                                           and cheque collection
                                                       Custody and securities settlement1
                                                       Depository                                                           services via security
                                                       Vietnam Securities Depository (VSD).

                                                                                                                            service providers.
                                                       The VSD provides central registration and depository services
                                                       for the securities of listed and unlisted public companies and
                                                       government securities.

                                                       Securities transfer is generally by book-entry transfer between
                                                       the depository accounts of selling and buying members, with
                                                       simultaneous adjustment of ownership information.

                                                       Securities delivery at the VSD and cash transfer at the settlement
                                                       bank (Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam) are
                                                       carried out simultaneously, under delivery versus payment

                                                       BIS Model
                                                       ®® Model 3.

                                                       Settlement cycle
                                                       ®® T+3 for equities.
                                                       ®® T+1 for bonds.

                                                            Data as at February 2017.
22                                             HSBC Treasury Management Profile 2018 | Vietnam   HSBC Treasury Management Profile 2018 | Vietnam   23


     Some banks offer       Electronic banking is available in Vietnam and offered by the
                            majority of the country’s banks. There is no bank-independent
                            electronic banking standard; each bank offers its own proprietary

     incentives for         system for corporate banking purposes.

                            Internet and mobile banking is offered by Vietnam’s leading
     customers to use       international and domestic banks for both corporate and retail
                            purposes. Around 44% of commercial banking customers

     mobile banking in
                            currently use digital banking services1.

                            Some banks in Vietnam have started offering incentives for

     order to increase      customers to use mobile banking in order to increase the take-up
                            of their services. LienVietPostBank and Viêt Capital Bank, for
                            example, discount transaction fees for some payments through

     the take up of their   their Viet and Payoo apps. VietinBank and VPBank, offer improved
                            interest rates to customers who make online deposits.

     services, such as      Vietnam has an estimated internet penetration rate of 52%2;
                            mobile penetration was 147% at the end of 20163. A quarter of all

     discount transaction
                            subscribers own a smartphone2.

     fees for payments
     made through an

                                 KPMG: Bright prospects seen for digital banking, 2017.
24                                                                                HSBC Treasury Management Profile 2018 | Vietnam           HSBC Treasury Management Profile 2018 | Vietnam                                                                                                           25

Trade                                                                                                                                                Quantitative controls may be imposed temporarily
                                                                                                                                                     on imports of goods such as eggs, tobacco, sugar

Finance                                                                                                                                              and salt by the Ministry of Trade in conjunction
                                                                                                                                                     with the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

Imports                                                               Vietnam is a member of the 21-member Asia-Pacific Economic             Licences                                                                 Key import partners
Documents                                                             Cooperation (APEC) forum, which intends to lift all trade and         Licences with quotas are required for exporting textile and
In order to import goods into Vietnam, a customs declaration,         investment barriers in the region.                                    clothing products, rice, timber products and some minerals.
commercial invoice, bill of lading, packing list, terminal handling
receipts, inspection reports and, in certain cases, certificate of    There are 45 import tariffs rates applied over three categories:      Taxes/Tariffs and other fees
                                                                      preferential tax rates, special preferential tax rates and ordinary   Taxes are levied on some exports from Vietnam.                                China                     34%
origin or health certificate are required.
                                                                      tax rates.                                                                                                                                          South korea               14.2%
Licences                                                                                                                                    Prohibited exports                                                            Singapore                 6.5%
Licences with quotas are required from the Ministry of Trade for      Imports from countries with Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status         A negative list (of products that may not be exported) is in                  Japan                     6.4%
importing some motorcycles, guns and bullets.                         in trade relations with Vietnam receive preferential tax rates.       operation. It is prohibited to export rare species of fauna and flora,        Hong Kong                 5.1%
                                                                      Special preferential tax rates apply to imports from countries that   forest timber, non-medical drugs, toxic chemicals, and military               Thailand                  4.5%
Quantitative controls may be imposed temporarily on imports by        have signed a special preferential tariff agreement with Vietnam,     equipment.
the Ministry of Trade in conjunction with the Ministry of Planning    such as free trade agreements and tariff alliances.
and Investment. Quantitative restrictions are imposed on the                                                                                Financing imports and exports
import of goods such as eggs, tobacco, sugar and salt.                All other imports are subject to ordinary tax rates, the highest      Imports
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Key export partners
                                                                      being 135% (for cigarettes and cigars). The average MFN import        There are no financing requirements for imports.
Taxes/tariffs and other fees                                          rate currently stands at 10.4%.
Vietnam is a member of the Association of Southeast Asian                                                                                   Exports
Nations (ASEAN) and the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA).                 Import tariffs are not levied on most types of machinery,             There are no financing requirements for exports.
                                                                      equipment and medicine, or on certain imports from foreign                                                                                         USA                        21%
As a member of ASEAN and AFTA, Vietnam has committed to               companies included in the Law on Foreign Investment.                                                                                               China                      13.3%
lower intra-regional tariffs of between 0% and 5% through the                                                                                                                                                            Japan                      8.4%
Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) scheme. Certain           Prohibited imports
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         South Korea                5.4%
goods such as sensitive agricultural products are exempt from         A negative list (of products that may not be imported) is in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Germany                    4.1%
this.                                                                 operation. It is prohibited to import certain commodities into
                                                                      Vietnam, in order to protect fauna and flora, and for national
Tariffs on 99% of the products in the inclusion list of the ASEAN-6   security and moral reasons.                                                                                                                    Source: The World Factbook. Washington, DC: Central Intelligence Agency, 2017
(Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines,
Singapore and Thailand) have been reduced to no more than 5%.         Exports
More than 60% of these products have zero tariffs.                    Documents
                                                                      In order to export goods from Vietnam, a customs declaration,
The ASEAN-China free trade area eliminates 90% of tariff and          commercial invoice, bill of lading, packing list and, in certain
investment barriers between China and ASEAN member states.            cases, certificate of origin or health certificate are required.

ASEAN has established free trade agreements with Australia,
India, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea and is negotiating a
free trade agreement with the EU.
26                                                                          HSBC Treasury Management Profile 2018 | Vietnam   HSBC Treasury Management Profile 2018 | Vietnam                                                                                                                                  27


 State Bank of Vietnam                                                        

 Leading banks:    Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV)      

                   Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank) 

                   Saigon Commercial Bank                                     

                   Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Agribank)

                   Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade (Vietinbank)

 ASEAN Bankers’ Association                                                   

 Ministry of Finance                                                          

 Ministry of Industry and Trade                                               

 Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry                                     

 Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency                                               

 ASEM Connect                                                                 

 Vietnam Insurance Corporation                                                

 Ministry of Planning and Investment                                          

 Department of Planning and Investment of Ho Chi Minh City                            Disclaimer
 Vietnam Association of Financial Investors                                                          This document has been produced by HSBC Bank plc and members of the HSBC Group (“HSBC”), together with their third-party contributor, WWCP Limited. We make no
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 Central Institute for Economic Management                                                           legal, tax or other professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this document without obtaining your own independent professional advice. The
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 State Securities Commission of Vietnam                                       
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