Page created by Carlos Watson
Tax Policy Bulletin

BEPS still taking shape under the
auspices of the Inclusive Framework

11 May 2017

In brief
The Inclusive Framework of nearly 100 countries is now responsible for the direction of the base erosion
and profits shifting (BEPS) initiative. The BEPS Project was started by the G20 group of countries,
initially coordinated by the full members of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) and is currently led by the wider group which includes BEPS associates. A vital
part of the project is consistent and timely implementation, particularly bearing in mind some domestic
policy trends. Additional work also is underway to clarify and enhance the standards identified for
change. This paper seeks to update you on progress in both areas given their significant impact on
corporate tax planning and compliance.

To join the Framework, countries had to commit to implementing the minimum standards agreed in the
October 2015 BEPS reports, i.e. in 4 of the 15 action areas. Those countries are also responsible for
monitoring implementation of other recommendations in those reports as well as completing additional
BEPS work.

The number of people that must agree, as well as the more varied economic and political systems
involved, means that further consensus among the Framework countries will be harder to achieve.
However, proposals are still being presented for discussion. Tax policy developments in particular
countries like the United States, India and China, or regions like the European Union (EU), the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) will also have
a role.

The Platform for Collaboration on Taxation brings together the OECD, the United Nations (UN), the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group (WBG). They are working on tax issues
beyond the BEPS project while the Inclusive Framework remains largely coordinated by the OECD. Their
combined resources, breadth of experience and influence on tax matters is a powerful lobby for change,
both in terms of what has been agreed and what is still to come. Although not primarily involved in BEPS
and instead currently focusing on toolkits for developing countries, the Platform’s work will impact the
Framework countries on BEPS and influence the ‘fit’ of the BEPS outcomes with wider tax issues,
particularly related to the drive for inclusive global growth and the role of other factors like tax certainty.

Tax Policy Bulletin

In detail                                  frame and making a financial                Taxation early in 2016 has resulted in
                                           contribution. Ninety-six countries (as      the publication of a number of toolkits
The players and the ‘props’                of press time) are now participating as     for lower income countries; while
Recommendations in the October             part of this Inclusive Framework in         some of these papers are linked with
2015 Reports addressed 15 action           further BEPS standard setting,              BEPS they are not included in this
areas which had been the BEPS              clarifying the 2015 recommendations,        update. However, the Platform’s work
project’s focus. The BEPS participant      providing guidance and monitoring           may have some influence on the
countries agreed, by consensus,            implementation.                             outcomes of the BEPS Project.
minimum standards related to:
                                           Many of these nearly 100 countries          PwC comment: Implementation of
   preferential regimes, including        participated throughout 2016 in the         BEPS measures has focused primarily
    exchange of tax rulings (Action 5)     development of a multilateral               on the minimum standards. There has
   treaty abuse - in particular the       instrument (MLI), which signatory           been progress, particularly related to
    principal purpose test (PPT),          countries could use to modify the           CbCR and the mechanism for
    detailed limitation on benefits        effect of existing double tax treaties on   exchanging this and other
    (LOB) clause or a PPT and              BEPS. The impact of the finished MLI        information, including tax rulings.
    simplified LOB (Action 6)              will depend on the matching of              The treaty abuse and MAP standards
   country-by-country reporting           broadly similar options chosen by the       will be delivered through broad take-
    (CbCR) to tax authorities (allied to   parties to any existing treaty. This        up via the MLI as well as in new
    wider transfer pricing                 process is now underway.                    bilateral treaties. Other standards are
    documentation in Action 13), and                                                   less certain, with inconsistencies
   improved mutual agreement              The tax policies adopted by individual      expected to arise in a number of areas.
    procedures (MAP) for resolving         countries, not just on the MLI issues       Delays also seem likely due to
    disputes (Action 14).                  but on other BEPS matters and more          inherent uncertainties in the
                                           generally as well, are the subject of       introduction of new and different
In addition, changes were agreed (and      significant focus. This includes, but is    policies in particular countries and
further workstreams scheduled to           not limited to:                             regions.
finalise these changes) to the existing
OECD Model Treaty and Transfer                the impact of the new US                BEPS standards agreed since
Pricing Guidelines. Finally, some              administration                          October 2015
actions resulted in ‘best practice’           the direction of EU competition
approaches to particular issues (e.g.          laws (including State Aid               Interest deductibility
CFC rules).                                    investigations) and Brexit issues
                                                                                       The OECD released in December 2016
                                              India’s adoption of VAT and a
                                                                                       an updated version of the BEPS
The OECD had initiated and                     GAAR
                                                                                       Action 4 Report (Limiting Base
coordinated the BEPS project at the           China’s views on transfer pricing
                                                                                       Erosion Involving Interest
G20’s behest. The countries involved           and local market factors
                                                                                       Deductions and Other Financial
from the outset in 2013 through               the introduction of VAT across the
                                                                                       Payments). This is not a minimum
October 2015 were the G20 states plus          GCC, and
                                                                                       standard but a recommended
other OECD member states with a               the six tax elements of the
                                                                                       approach. It includes further guidance
handful of other invited participants.         Strategic Action Plans for ASEAN
                                                                                       on two areas:
These included some specific                   financial integration 2025.
territories and the European                                                              the design and operation of the
Commission (on behalf of the               The development of international tax
                                                                                           group ratio rule, and
European Union, itself a G20               policy more generally is now being
                                                                                          approaches to deal with risks
member), reflecting broader economic       influenced by an agreement between
                                                                                           posed by the banking and
characteristics.                           the OECD, UN, IMF and WBG to
                                                                                           insurance sectors.
                                           collaborate on various issues. These
Other countries were invited to join in    do not include most of the BEPS-            PwC comment: Groups will have to
as ‘full BEPS associate members’ from      related matters per se. The                 compute a separate group ratio test
early 2016. They had to commit to          cooperation that began mid-2015 and         using different rules for the different
implementing the BEPS minimum              was formalised in the form of the           territories which implement Action 4.
standards in a relatively relaxed time     Platform for Collaboration on               This is a result of the tension between

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getting the group interest number          Zealand, Norway, Poland, Slovenia,        There are different fund types, and
calculated in a way which will be          Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the           while the examples may fit the case of
recognised by all territories (and         United Kingdom and the United             some non-CIV funds, there may in
therefore standardising and                States.                                   common cases also be differences.
simplifying compliance) and allowing                                                 Therefore, we hope that the OECD will
territories to make adjustments to suit    Guidance/ clarification of                confirm that not being able to match
their own domestic tax rules and           standards                                 any one particular point set out in the
policies. Inconsistency can also be        Branch mismatch structures                examples does not necessarily, of
expected in the banking and insurance                                                itself, exclude a fund from passing the
sectors since territories are given a      On 22 August 2016 the OECD                PPT and/or otherwise accessing treaty
great deal of flexibility in applying a    published, for discussion,                benefits.
special regime, including exemption        recommendations for domestic laws
and identifying particular risks.          that would apply the analysis and
                                                                                     Implementation and monitoring
                                           recommendations set out in the
                                           Action 2 Report Neutralising the          More so than other items, countries
                                           Effects of Hybrid Mismatch                have kept good pace in adopting the
Part of the MLI (Part VI: Articles 18-     Arrangements to mismatches that can       minimum standards. In addition,
26) is devoted to a new but optional       arise through the use of branch           some countries (and the EU) have
standard on binding arbitration as a       structures. The OECD identified five      made other changes to domestic
means of settling cross-border tax         basic types of branch mismatch            legislation. Furthermore, the MLI will
disputes. About 20 countries were          arrangements and set out preliminary      allow for widespread take-up of some
involved in the discussions about          recommendations for domestic rules        of the other treaty-based
eventually putting the measures            that would neutralise the resulting       recommendations in existing treaties
forward. Countries have options            mismatch in tax outcomes.                 and encourage inclusion in new
concerning the scope of topics to be                                                 treaties. At this stage, the Inclusive
covered and the method of                  PwC comment: If the OECD were to          Framework’s monitoring is largely
arbitration. However, the default is       finally recommend these rules in a        focused on the minimum standards.
the ‘last best offer’ in which the panel   consensus document, they would add
will select as its decision one of the     even more complexity to the already       Country-by-country reporting
proposed resolutions submitted by the      very long and complicated hybrid          (Action 13)
competent authorities. There is a two-     mismatch guidance. The United             PwC has observed that more than 60
year default period for Competent          Kingdom (and the EU to a lesser           countries have proposed country-by-
Authorities to reach agreement once        extent) have included branch              country reporting (CbC reporting) to
an issue has been raised with them         mismatch scenarios in their anti-         tax authorities (Action 13) in their
before arbitration may apply, but          hybrid legislation (and Directive,        domestic reporting requirements
resolution thereafter should be fairly     respectively).                            (though the OECD has recognised that
quick: see our Tax Policy Bulletin of 5                                              only 45 are operational). The requisite
December 2016.                             Examples for non-CIV funds
                                                                                     legal capacities for exchanging that
                                           On 6 January 2017, the OECD               information with other countries
In its fifth Tax Talks webcast of 28
                                           published three draft examples to         (mostly the CbC multilateral
March 2017, the OECD suggested that
                                           illustrate the entitlement of non-CIV     competent authority agreement or
25 countries may be ready to sign up
                                           funds to treaty benefits. This followed   CbC MCAA) have also been signed. In
for arbitration. This subsequently
increased to 26 countries.                 an earlier consultation exercise in       general, these countries had the
                                           March/ April 2016 on those rights.        framework in place during 2016 so
PwC comment: In an informal                There is a proposal to include the        that MNE groups can file the first CbC
survey conducted among PwC                 examples in the Commentary on the         reports with the relevant tax
member firms, countries that may           OECD Model Tax Convention on the          administration by 31 December 2017
sign up for arbitration that were not      PPT in due course.                        (covering the 2016 calendar fiscal
involved in the negotiations include                                                 year).
Singapore, India and Hong Kong. The        PwC comment: There might be
                                           changes to the examples before final      EU members will be required to
original 20 countries were Australia,
                                           agreement. Also, we expect a few          produce and share their CbC reports
Austria, Belgium, Canada, France,
                                           countries to try and stipulate            for periods beginning on or after 1
Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan,                                                      January 2016 (note the secondary
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New           derogations in specific circumstances.

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mechanism was deferred until periods       see our Tax Policy Bulletin of 7            each covering 1 January to 31
starting on or after 1 January 2017).      February 2017.                              December from 2016 to 2019. The
The enacted directive was published                                                    Inclusive Framework’s current
in the Official Journal on 3 June 2016     PwC comment: The largest notable            mandate expires in 2020, so would
(Council Directive (EU) 2016/881).         exception to these signatories to CbC       need to be extended before further
                                           reporting is the United States, which       reviews are anticipated. See further
In its Implementation Guidance, the        has stated that it will not sign the CbC    our Tax Policy Bulletin of 7 February
OECD specifically noted that MNE           MCAA. Instead it will sign individual       2017.
Groups with an ‘Ultimate Parent            agreements with specific treaty
Entity’ resident in a jurisdiction whose   partners. If an organisation’s home         PwC comment: Clearly, a number
CbC reporting legal framework is in        tax jurisdiction does not require CbC       of tax regimes over and above IP
effect for Reporting Periods later than    reporting, does not implement it            specific ones have been identified as
1 January 2016 may choose to               effectively, has suspended automatic        being potentially harmful within the
voluntarily file their reports in their    exchange of information (for reasons        criteria tested (including sector
local territories. The OECD defined        other than those in accordance with         specific regimes and holding
this as ‘parent surrogate filing’.         the relevant qualifying competent           company/ headquarter regimes). We
Additional guidance on 6 April 2017        authority agreement), or has                expect more remedial action in these
for tax administrations and MNE            persistently failed to automatically        areas. The large number of exchanges
Groups clarifies several interpretation    provide information in its possession,      that have already taken place will be
issues related to the data to include in   then the CbC Report becomes a local         supplemented by those from
the CbC report as well as to the           filing requirement or the MNE may           additional countries whose reporting
application of the model legislation:      elect a surrogate parent entity to fulfil   requirements ‘kick-in’ during the
                                           their CbC reporting obligation. We          second or third wave. Some of these
   the definition of revenues             expect more guidance on CbC                 may give rise to additional examples
                                           reporting shortly.
   the accounting principles/                                                         of harmful practices to be
    standards for determining the                                                      investigated.
    existence of, and membership in,       Harmful tax practices (Action 5)
    a group                                There are two aspects to                    Treaty abuse (Action 6)
   the definition of total consolidated   implementing this minimum                   Widespread implementation of the
    group revenue                          standard:                                   minimum standard elements of Action
   the treatment of major
                                                                                       6 has been expected.
    shareholdings, and                        preferential tax regimes, and
   the definition of related party.          exchange of tax rulings.                Inclusion of a principle purpose test
                                                                                       (PPT) before a taxpayer can access
This guidance has been updated             The OECD has suggested that more            treaty benefits is apparently the route
several times since its initial release.   than 90 regimes from 46 jurisdictions       most widely adopted following the
We expect it to be updated again as        have been reviewed, but more may            BEPS recommendations. We’ve seen
additional issues emerge.                  follow. These include IP/ patent box        some new treaties including:
                                           regimes although many countries have
In due course, the OECD expects            already made changes to align these            a PPT alone, as for example the
exchanges to start by 31 August 2018,      with nexus requirements or set up               treaties between Chile-Italy
i.e. within 18 months of the MNE           new compliant regimes (including                Article 27 (signed 23 October
Group's fiscal year-end (31 March or       Belgium, China, Cyprus, Germany,                2015, in force 22 December 2016);
15 months for subsequent reporting         Ireland, Israel, Italy, Liechtenstein,          Chile-Japan Article 22 (signed 21
periods).                                  Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal,              January 2016, in force 28
                                           Singapore, Spain, Switzerland and the           December 2016); Iceland-
The OECD has sent out the first of         United Kingdom).                                Liechtenstein Article 28 (signed
annual self-assessment questionnaires                                                      27 June 2016, in force 14
to be followed by those requesting         On the transparency framework for               December 2016); and UK-
input from counterparty territories        tax rulings, the OECD has reported              Colombia Article 22 (signed 2
with which reports should be               that there had been more than 6,000             November 2016 but not yet in
exchanged. Initially the focus will be     exchanges by the end of 2016.                   force).
on the framework and security of
information. For more information,         Annual reviews have again started in           a PPT and simplified limitation of
                                           relation to exchanges of tax rulings,           benefits (LOB) provisions, as for

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    example with the treaties between          a third country which applies a           United Kingdom and the United
    Japan and Germany Article 21               low tax rate to it.                       States, and
    (signed December 2015 and in                                                        secondly Austria, France,
    force 28 October 2016), and China      PwC comment: The MLI allows for               Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein,
    and Chile Article 26 (signed May       modifying the effect of existing              Luxembourg and Sweden.
    2015 and in force 8 August 2016).      treaties for these treaty abuse counter
                                           measures. Our survey and most new         The OECD released a schedule for
The MLI, by default, allows for a PPT      treaties suggest that countries will      MAP reviews to occur every four
and, optionally, to add also a             adopt the preamble. Few countries are     months through April 2019. However,
simplified LOB (either on a matched        expected to prefer a detailed LOB.        we understand that some countries
basis or asymmetrically). Countries        Further, around half of those who         have asked for a deferral. As a result,
may opt out of these alternatives in       responded said it was likely their        an updated list may be available soon.
favour of a detailed LOB, though           country would not allow asymmetrical
specific wording of an LOB of this type    use of the simplified LOB (none           The review team received over 100
is not included in the MLI itself.         positively suggested their country was    responses from other countries
                                           likely to allow it, despite the limited   commenting on the MAP procedures
Also part of the minimum standard is       evidence of new treaties above). There    of the countries reviewed in the first
the recommendation to include              is a very mixed picture on adoption of    tranche. That team has apparently
preamble language confirming that          the parts that are not within the         been quite strict about whether
the treaty should not be used to           minimum standard.                         countries met the standard. The
achieve non-taxation or reduced                                                      report will be finalised later in the
taxation through tax evasion or            Mutual agreement procedures or            year and an abridged version will be
avoidance (including through treaty-       MAP (Action 14)                           made public.
shopping arrangements aimed at
obtaining relief provided in the treaty    Virtually all countries are expected to
                                                                                     PwC comment: The commitment to
for the indirect benefit of third State    implement the MAP minimum
                                                                                     improve dispute resolution
residents).                                standard and to apply that option in
                                                                                     mechanisms for cross-border disputes
                                           the MLI.
                                                                                     is noticeable. This should interest
Other actions, which do not represent                                                both the taxpayer and tax authorities.
part of the minimum standard,              Part of that standard requires a
                                                                                     The number of outstanding MAP
include:                                   country to publish its MAP profile        cases has been rising progressively
                                           pursuant to an agreed template. That      and the number of complaints about
                                           profile should encompass useful MAP
   the competent authorities of the                                                 failing to gain access to MAP has been
                                           information including competent           growing. In practice historically it has
    Contracting States endeavouring
                                           authority details and links to domestic   also proven difficult to deliver
    to determine residence by mutual
                                           MAP guidelines. The OECD has
    agreement, instead of relying on                                                 improvements to MAP. For example,
                                           provided a list of links to MAP           the EU arbitration convention became
    the place of effective management
                                           profiles.                                 severely restricted in it use. The
    or similar rule
   the 365 day minimum holding                                                      current initiative is strengthened by
                                           The standard also requires the            the apparent will to consider
    period requirement before entities
                                           reporting of MAP statistics from 2016     arbitration (as noted above).
    can benefit from exemption or a
                                           onwards according to a reporting
    preferential dividend withholding
                                           framework; OECD member countries
    tax rate that depends on the level                                               Other treaty provisions
                                           and a number of non-OECD
    of shareholding in the paying
                                           economies have been providing             We have seen some examples of how
    entity (i.e. the direct holdings
                                           similar data for reporting periods        countries that have signed new
                                           2006 to 2015.                             treaties (above) have implemented
   the 365 day minimum testing
    period for capital gains benefits                                                other BEPS-related treaty issues.
                                           Monitoring Action 14 is underway. We      The most significant measure is the
    on the alienation of shares or
                                           have already seen input requests from     PE status (Action 7), which to
    interests of entities deriving their
                                           the Inclusive Framework to the first      reiterate is not a minimum standard
    value principally from immovable
                                           two tranches of peer review covering:     as there was an insufficient level of
    property, and
   the triangular provision that                                                    accord.
                                              firstly Belgium, Canada, the
    would deny treaty benefits when
                                               Netherlands, Switzerland, the         We’ve seen that lack of accord
    certain income is attributable to a
    permanent establishment (PE) in                                                  through some of the newer treaties.

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For example, neither the Germany-          wording negotiated in treaties as it       regime in light of the BEPS
Japan treaty nor the Columbia-UK           stands. The United Kingdom is as yet       discussions, with the likes of Taiwan
treaty contain the new language on         the only one we know that proposes to      and Colombia following. Others, such
the agency PE clause (making it            follow this third way. There are a         as China, Japan and Norway, have
more likely there is a PE where an         number of reasons why this should be       been making changes to provide a
agent carries out contractual-like         the case, including the existence of the   more closely aligned regime.
discussions and limiting the extent        diverted profits tax which applies
to which independent agents are            among other things to ‘avoided PEs’.       There has been very little solid
carved out if they work almost                                                        movement on disclosure of aggressive
exclusive for closely related entities).   Wider BEPS implementation                  tax planning schemes (Action 12).
While the latter treaty has a PE anti-     Countries have been introducing            Israel announced expansion of its
fragmentation rule requiring you to        measures covered by other BEPS             reportable transaction regime and
consider closely-related entities          action areas in a piecemeal fashion.       Colombia introduced a new
together for the specific activity                                                    mandatory disclosure regime (MDR).
exemptions, the wording in both            Our monitoring of other BEPS               In addition, China announced its
refers to preparatory and auxiliary        recommendation implementations             intent in October 2015 to consider
only in relation to:                       suggests mixed actions.                    introducing an MDR but was cautious
                                                                                      of the additional compliance burden.
                                           Applying the revised TP Guidelines         Australia did include an MDR in
“e) the maintenance of a fixed place
                                           does not require much change. Our          consultations which closed in July
of business solely for the purpose of
                                           intelligence suggests that countries       2016 and Sweden opened an
carrying on, for the enterprise, any
                                           are not being entirely consistent in       investigation into the possibility on 7
other activity of a preparatory or
                                           their practical approach to the risk       April 2017. The European
auxiliary character;
                                           assessment. Many are quoting the           Commission also consulted on
f) the maintenance of a fixed place
                                           BEPS revisions but are still applying      intermediaries and disincentives for
of business solely for any
                                           diverse views.                             aggressive tax planning with an MDR
combination of activities mentioned
in subparagraphs a) to e), provided                                                   as one of the possible options.
                                           A number of countries already had
that the overall activity of the fixed     interest deductibility restrictions        PwC comment: The adoption speed
place of business resulting from this      (Action 4). They are nonetheless           of the majority of non-minimum
combination is of a preparatory or         adapting them while other countries        standard BEPS recommendations has
auxiliary character.”                      are introducing restrictions for the       been slow outside of the United
                                           first time. The United Kingdom has         Kingdom and EU. With the pace of
This is largely the second option          been one of the forerunners in trying
within the Action 7 Report, which the                                                 change being brought about by other
                                           to translate the recommendations into      economic and political developments,
Report states reflects the fact that
                                           active legislation. India has been one     this is not entirely surprising. The 18
some countries “consider that some of
                                           of the latest to take up the proposals     March 2017 report of the recent
the activities referred to in
                                           in its 1 February 2017 Budget.             OECD/ IMF survey on tax certainty
paragraph 4 are intrinsically
preparatory or auxiliary”.                 Vietnam published a decree in              identified frequent tax changes as the
                                           February that is effective 1 May 2017,     greatest factor in business uncertainty
PwC comment: In taking up options          and New Zealand went through a             affecting investment and growth.
within the MLI to apply other BEPS         consultation process from mid-March
provisions to existing treaties, our       to 18 April.                               Work still to come
survey suggested countries were                                                       A number of the papers above
                                           The controlled foreign company (CFC)
divided in their approach to the PE                                                   constitute non-consensus documents
recommendations. The survey also           best practices (Action 3) perhaps
                                                                                      for discussion. Further work is being
suggested that quite a few countries       represented one of the weaker sets of
                                                                                      carried out in those cases to reach
may not adopt the agency wording.          BEPS recommendations. They
                                                                                      final recommendations. However,
Further, the MLI allows for countries      virtually allowed countries with
                                                                                      other areas of study also are ongoing
to reserve not to adopt either the         existing CFC regimes to ‘stick’ leaving
                                                                                      with a view to publishing new BEPS
revised wording applying ‘preparatory      only those without any CFC rules to
                                                                                      proposals in due course. In addition, a
or auxiliary’ to each mentioned            consider whether to ‘twist’ and take on
                                                                                      revised consolidated version of the
activity or, the commentary notes, to      additional measures. Chile was one of
                                                                                      OECD Model Treaty is expected to be
clarify it does not apply. The third       the first players to introduce a CFC
                                                                                      published in 2017.
option effectively leaves the existing

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Outstanding transfer pricing issues        report is to be presented to the G20          additional anti-treaty shopping
                                           ahead of the Spring 2018 WBG and              rules as BEPS-related.
Four new developments involving
                                           IMF meetings tentatively scheduled           Similarly, China has taken a very
transfer pricing concepts are expected
                                           for 12-14 October. This will not affect       keen interest in areas of BEPS and
in the near future:
                                           the timing of the final Action 1 review       considered the recommendation
   attribution of profit to PEs (June     report being expected in 2020.                in the context of its own
    2017)                                                                                requirements. Notably, China's
                                           PwC comment: The OECD is busy,                Bulletin 6 issued 17 March 2017
   use of the profit split method
                                           not only with BEPS but in other areas.        reinforces the arm's-length
    (June 2017)
                                           This is stretching resources in some          principle over draft guidance
   TP and financial transactions
                                           areas and, while summer deadlines             issued in 2015 — Draft Circular 2
    (June 2017), and
                                           are targeted, perhaps the depth of            – which allocated the combined
   Hard-to-value intangibles
                                           some papers which will be published           profits among related parties by
                                           in that timescale will have to be             analyzing how much they
An updated version of the OECD TP          limited. Non-consensus documents              contributed to value creation.
Guidelines and Commentary are also         ahead of further discussions are more
due later this year.                       likely than definitive proposals.         Regional or socio-economic groupings
                                                                                     are increasingly impacting tax around
There appears to have been little          Impact of specific country and            the world as well.
follow-up work done recently on the        regional reform
design of the threshold and other          BEPS has started to take more of a           The EU has taken steps which
implementation issues for low value        ‘back seat’ in the media in relation to       look to implement the OECD
adding services.                           major tax reforms that are being              BEPS Report recommendations,
                                           considered around the world. The              but in some instances has gone
Recommencement of work on the              focus on BEPS may therefore be                further. Its anti-tax avoidance
digital economy                            questioned.                                   directives (ATAD I and shortly
                                                                                         ATAD II, agreed politically and to
The Task Force on the Digital              Among specific countries, some of the         be formalised in an ECOFIN
Economy (Action 1) was not due to          highest profile reforms are set out           Council meeting shortly) include
reform until nearer the 2020 deadline      below.                                        more wide-ranging proposals on
to review what effective unilateral
                                                                                         hybrids and rules on exit charges.
actions countries have adopted, how           US tax reform could significantly
                                                                                         The switch of focus to ‘tax
digital business have evolved and how          impinge on BEPS
                                                                                         certainty’ for business may be one
BEPS measures have impacted the                implementation. The focus will
                                                                                         deterrent to further extreme
digital space. However, the G20                certainly be on other issues, with
                                                                                         measures. State aid investigations
Presidency (Germany) has been keen             significantly reduced corporate
                                                                                         are also helping to shape issues,
to progress digital transformation             tax rates a distinct possibility.
                                                                                         particularly around arm’s length
generally and, as a result, the tax            Transfer pricing could cease to be
                                                                                         pricing. The impact of the United
element needs to be accelerated. A             relevant in a US regime involving
                                                                                         Kingdom leaving the EU and the
‘Whole of OECD’ project looking at             destination-based cash flows,
                                                                                         terms of this Brexit are uncertain.
digital is aimed at making that                were the House Blueprint to play
                                                                                        The creation of an Economic
something positive for all society. Tax        a key part.
                                                                                         Community within the
is just ’one small component’ of this         India is in the process of
                                                                                         Association of Southeast Asian
exercise.                                      implementing a new VAT/GST
                                                                                         Nations (ASEAN) in 2015 has
                                               regime and introducing a general
In particular, apart from matters                                                        changed the dynamic in the
                                               anti-avoidance rule (GAAR).
highlighted previously in Action 1, the                                                  region. The 2025 Blueprint is a
                                               However, the 2017 Budget and
task force will be asked to look at the                                                  commitment to “discuss measures
                                               subsequent Finance Bill which
sharing economy and how tax                                                              to address the issue of base erosion
                                               received Presidential assent on 31
administrations are dealing with the                                                     and profit shifting to ensure fiscal
                                               March 2017 introduced a number
additional challenges posed. It may                                                      health”.
                                               of BEPS-related measures, so
also address the topical questions of                                                   Many consider the Middle East to
                                               parallel development seems
whether and how to tax robots.                                                           be a low tax, or even a ‘no tax’
                                               feasible. They may be inclined to
Specifics of this project are apparently                                                 area, but the taxation regimes in
                                               badge unilateral measures such as
not yet fully defined. An interim                                                        the region can be complex and

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Tax Policy Bulletin

      challenging to manage, and their                      The takeaway                                                 This process may also be impacted by
      implementation can give rise to                                                                                    the political impetus for specific tax
      uncertainty and confusion, which                      There has been a lot of work going on                        reforms in individual countries and
      in turn creates risk. This will be                    within the OECD and Inclusive                                specific regions.
      even more important with the                          Framework countries even though
      Gulf Cooperation Council decision                     we’ve seen few published documents.                          Consensus in an OECD context has
      to introduce VAT across many                                                                                       always allowed for countries to
                                                            BEPS implementation, monitoring                              reserve their positions in specific
      countries in the region, and the                      and further standard setting all now
      BEPS reforms considered likely.                                                                                    circumstances and this may be an
                                                            involve the wider group of nearly 100                        increasingly prevalent practice in the
PwC comment: There will be                                  countries signed up to the Inclusive                         future. The creation of toolkits
additional pressures on BEPS                                Framework.                                                   specifically for low income and
recommendations by political and                            Reaching consensus among this larger                         developing countries by the Platform
economic needs. Where these involve                         group of countries may prove difficult                       for Collaboration on Tax may help
groupings of countries, that pressure                       (although peer review                                        lead to a kind of two-speed approach
can be heightened. It could result                          recommendations require consensus                            with matters affecting mainly the
either in delays, refusal to implement                      minus one to prevent any single                              larger developed countries not held up
recommendations or divergent actions                        country blocking a route forward).                           unnecessarily.
or wider and swifter adoption with
greater consistency.

    Let’s talk
    For a deeper discussion of how these issues might affect your business, please call your usual PwC contact. If you don’t have
    one or would otherwise prefer to speak to one of our global specialists, please contact one of the people whose details are set
    out below.

    Stef van Weeghel, Amsterdam                               Aamer Rafiq, London                                           Pam Olson, Washington
    +31 (0) 88 7926 763                                       +44(0)20 721 28830                                            +1 (202) 414 1401                                                      

    Phil Greenfield, London                                   Edwin Visser, Amsterdam                                       Will Morris, London
    +44 (0) 20 7212 6047                                      +31 (0) 887923611                                             +1 (202) 312 7662                                                    

    Dave Murray, London
    +44 (0) 7718 980 899


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