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WIT.3027.001.0019 VICROADS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOREWORD This manual details VicRoads emergency management responsibilities. It is the document that we use to meet our emergency management obligations: (a) as the State Road Authority for Victoria, and (b) under Victoria’s State Emergency Response Plan as - • a support agency, or • the lead agency for transport, engineering and services support The manual documents the framework for VicRoads emergency management procedures, capabilities and resources, including those that can be accessed through VicRoads lead agency role in transport, engineering and services support functions. All VicRoads business areas are to use the manual as the basis of their local and regional emergency management plans and operations through the preparation and maintenance of their own specific plans and procedures. All VicRoads officers involved with emergency management must have direct access to relevant documentation, be briefed on their role at least annually and debriefed following any involvement in an emergency involving the activation of a regional emergency response or major event involving VicRoads assets. While relevant business areas will have designated staff in executive emergency management roles any member of staff may be called upon to undertake duties in support of a VicRoads emergency response, commensurate with their expertise and experience. Our initial point of emergency contact at any time from anywhere in Victoria: VicRoads Traffic Management Centre (TMC) 60 Denmark Street, KEW 3101 Public Lines Phone 13 1170 Fax 03 9854 2381 VicRoads Help Telephones Direct Line VicRoads Emergency Use Phone 03 9855 7500 Police and Emergency Services - Routine Emergencies Phone 03 9855 7551 State/Regional Emergency Response Plan ONLY Phone 03 9855 7550 GILLIAN MILES DIRECTOR REGIONAL SERVICES VicRoads Emergency Management Manual i
WIT.3027.001.0020 VICROADS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MANUAL CONTENTS FOREWORD i CONTENTS ii DEFINITIONS v REFERENCES vii PART A - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT IN VICTORIA A-1 A 1 INTRODUCTION A-1 A 2 CONCEPTS A-1 A.2.1 Emergency A-1 A.2.2 Components A-1 A 3 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MANUAL VICTORIA PROVISIONS A-1 A.3.1 Structure and Activation A-1 A.3.2 VicRoads Role A-2 A.3.3 Designated Response Agencies A-2 A.3.4 Financial Arrangements A-4 ANNEXE A-1 VICROADS - POLICE REGIONAL AREAS A-6 PART B - VICROADS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT B-1 B 1 INTRODUCTION B-1 B 2 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES AS BUSINESS FUNCTIONSB-1 B.2.1 Prevention and Recovery B-1 B.2.2 Response B-1 B.2.3 Protection of Critical Infrastructure B-1 B 3 ROLES AND FUNCTIONS B-2 B 4 ORGANISATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS B-2 B.4.1 Overall Coordination B-2 B.4.2 Operational Framework B-3 B.4.3 Particular Responsibilities for Regions B-3 B.4.4 Responsibilities for other Business Areas B-3 B.4.5 TESS Responsibilities B-3 B.4.5.1 State Level Role B-3 B.4.5.2 Regional Level Role B-4 B.4.6 Specialist Capabilities B-4 B.4.6.1 Temporary Bridging and Bridge Condition Advice B-4 B.4.6.2 Traffic Route Co-ordination B-4 VicRoads Emergency Management Manual ii
WIT.3027.001.0021 B.4.6.3 Emergency Issue of Vehicle Permits B-4 B.4.6.4 Public Advice on Traffic Conditions B-5 B.4.6.5 On Road Surveillance and Monitoring B-5 B.4.6.6 Specialist Services from Other Business Areas B-5 B 5 COMMUNICATIONS AND DOCUMENTATION B-5 B.5.1 Traffic Management Centre B-5 B.5.2 Internal Communication B-5 B.5.3 Communications Plans and Documentation B-6 B 6 EMERGENCY RESPONSE STAGES B-7 B.6.1 Activation B-7 B.6.1.1 Routine Emergency B-7 B.6.1.2 SERP Emergency B-8 B.6.2 Response B-8 B.6.2.1 Routine Emergency B-8 B.6.2.2 SERP Emergency B-8 B.6.3 Stand Down B-9 B 7 INFORMATION B-9 B.7.1 General B-9 B.7.2 Advice to VicRoads Executive and Minister B-9 B.7.3 Advice to and Use of Media B-10 B.7.3.1 Non-emergency B-10 B.7.3.2 Emergency Incidents B-10 B.7.3.3 Local Rural Media B-10 B 8 OPERATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS B-10 B.8.1 Personnel Arrangements B-10 B.8.1.1 Awareness and Training B-10 B.8.1.2 Availability Arrangements B-10 B.8.1.3 Equipment B-11 B.8.1.4 OH&S and Associated Arrangements B-11 B.8.2 Regional Resource Arrangements B-11 B.8.3 Initial Response and Co-ordination B-11 B.8.4 Deployment B-12 B.8.5 Reporting and Recording B-12 B 9 ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS B-12 B.9.1 Asset Damage to road and bridge infrastructure B-12 B.9.2 Costs and Charges B-13 B.9.3 Death or Injury of VicRoads Personnel B-13 B.9.4 Post Operational Review B-13 ANNEXE B-1 VICROADS OFFICER RESPONSIBILITIES B-14 ANNEXE B-2 STATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN ORGANISATIONAL FRAMEWORK B-17 VicRoads Emergency Management Manual iii
WIT.3027.001.0023 DEFINITIONS A more complete list of acronyms and abbreviations can be found in Part 8 of the Emergency Management Manual Victoria. Abbreviations AA AirServices Australia AgVic Department of Primary Industries – Regional Services & Agriculture Division AMSA Australian Maritime Safety Authority ARFFS Aerodrome Rescue and Fire Fighting Service ATSB Australian Transport Safety Bureau BC Building Commission BOM Bureau of Meteorology CASA Civil Aviation Safety Authority CFA Country Fire Authority CMA Catchment Management Authority Councils Municipal Councils DCSIG-SV Defence Corporate Services and Infrastructure Group - Southern Victoria DHS-OD Department of Human Services - Operations Division DSE Department of Sustainability and Environment ECV Emergency Communications Victoria EMMV Emergency Management Manual Victoria EPA Environment Protection Authority ERCC Emergency Response Coordination Centre FisheriesVic Fisheries Victoria GTDCs Gas Transmission and Distribution Companies MECC Municipal Emergency Co-ordination Centre MFESB Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board M&PVic Department of Primary Industries - Minerals and Petroleum Division MSV Marine Safety Victoria OCEI Office of the Chief Electrical Inspector ParksVic Parks Victoria PoMC Port of Melbourne Corporation PTD Department of Infrastructure - Public Transport Division Red Cross Australian Red Cross, Victoria RSPCA Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals SERCC State Emergency Response Coordination Centre SERP State Emergency Response Plan SMR State Mobile Radio St John St John Ambulance TMC VicRoads Traffic Management Centre TESS Transport, Engineering and Services Support TSS VicRoads Transport Safety Services VicPol Victoria Police VicRoads Emergency Management Manual v
WIT.3027.001.0024 VicSES Victorian State Emergency Service WICEN Wireless Institute Civil Emergency Network Glossary of Terms Terms defined in Emergency Management Manual Victoria Control the overall direction of activities in an emergency response situation Control Agency the agency nominated as responsible for the control of response activities to a specified type of emergency Emergency a centre operating at State or regional level to co-ordinate resources and conduct Response Co- response operations ancillary to the control agency ordination Centre Emergency a member of Victoria Police appointed as State, regional, municipal or field Response Co- emergency response co-ordinator, whose role is to co-ordinate the response to ordinator an emergency Emergency a plan which sets out the roles and responsibilities of agencies in emergency Response Plan response and the co-ordination arrangements which will be utilised Primary/Control the agency listed as having primary responsibilities to provide and/or manage Agency response arrangement tasks Municipal a centre operating at municipal level to co-ordinate resources and conduct Emergency Co- response operations ancillary to the control agency ordination Centre Support Agency an agency which provides essential services, personnel, or material to support or assist a control agency or affected persons Terms defined for the manual Incident Officer an officer designated to co-ordinate or control an emergency response, including a VicRoads response to a routine emergency Emergency an officer designated to co-ordinate the emergency response of an agency or Management functional area, and who is empowered to commit or arrange commitment of Officer resources Liaison Officer an officer designated to represent an agency or functional area and provide a communication link with it, and who is empowered to commit or arrange commitment of resources Traffic and an officer designated to co-ordinate and advise on all traffic and transport Transport Officer matters related to an emergency response by a functional area Vehicle Permit an officer designated to facilitate emergency unregistered and overdimensional Officer vehicle permits Routine an emergency in which VicRoads acts in its capacity as Victoria’s State Road Emergency Authority without the involvement of emergency service agencies VicRoads Emergency Management Manual vi
WIT.3027.001.0025 REFERENCES Road Management Act 2004 (indexed under “R” in the Acts section of “Victorian Law Today”) Emergency Management Act 1986 (indexed under “E” in the Acts section of “Victorian Law Today”) Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (indexed under “O” in the Acts section of “Victorian Law Today”) Road Safety (Road Rules) Regulations 1999 (indexed under “R” in the Statutory Rules section of “Victorian Law Today”) Emergency Management Manual Victoria 1996 (EMMV) Emergency+Management+Manual+Victoria?OpenDocument&1=0-Safety~&2=0- Emergency+Services~&3=0-Emergency+Management+Manual+Victoria~Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. Part 1 – Introduction to the Emergency Management Arrangements _Victoria/$file/EMMV_Part_1_smallfile.pdf Part 2 - Emergency Risk Management and Mitigation in Victoria ctoria/$file/EMMV_Part_2_smallfile.pdf Part 3 - State Emergency Response Plan ctoria/$file/EMMV_Part_3_smallfile.pdf Part 4 - State Emergency Recovery Plan ctoria/$file/EMMV_Part_4_%20smallfile.pdf Part 5 – State and Regional Emergency Management Planning ctoria/$file/EMMV_Part_5_%20smallfile.pdf Part 7 – Emergency Management Agency Roles ctoria/$file/EMMV_Part_7_smallfile.pdf Part 8 – Appendices and Glossary ctoria/$file/EMMV_Part_8_smallfile.pdf Part 10 – Contact Directory _Victoria/$file/EMMV_Part_ten_%20smallfile.pdf VicRoads Emergency Management Manual vii
WIT.3027.001.0026 PART A – EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT IN VICTORIA A 1 INTRODUCTION The arrangements and responsibilities for emergency management in Victoria are detailed in the Emergency Management Manual Victoria (EMMV) which brings together the resources and capabilities of government, voluntary and private agencies in a comprehensive and coordinated way to deal with the whole spectrum of emergency management needs. Apart from responsibilities under the above arrangements, organisations such as VicRoads have specific responsibilities under their own statutes to maintain capabilities and resources for responding to emergencies as part of their normal operations. A 2 CONCEPTS A.2.1 Emergency Emergencies are characterised by some or all of the following: - they are disruptive to individuals and communities - they are unpredictable in occurrence and effect - they may require a response for which normal local resources are inadequate - they may have a wide range of effects which impacts on the human and physical environment - there may be complex needs in dealing with them - they can be of sudden onset - they are destructive of human, animal and/or plant life, health, property and/or the environment - they have the potential to overwhelm normal prudent protective measures A.2.2 Components The objectives of emergency management are to ensure that the following components are organised to facilitate planning, preparedness, operational co-ordination and community participation: Prevention: elimination or reduction of the incidence or severity of emergencies and the mitigation of their effects Response: combatting emergencies and the provision of rescue and immediate relief services Recovery: assisting people and communities affected by emergencies to achieve a proper and effective level of functioning A 3 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MANUAL VICTORIA PROVISIONS A.3.1 Structure and Activation Emergency management in Victoria is structured on a similar regional basis as Victoria Police hence each VicRoads Region has at least two Emergency Management regions within it. As VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page A-1
WIT.3027.001.0027 detailed in Part 1 of the EMMV, there are emergency management planning committees in operation at local (municipal), regional and state level, including a number of sub-committees, which may have VicRoads officers as serving members. The relationship between respective regional arrangements and municipalities is included in ANNEXE A-1. At the State level, the State Emergency Response Plan and the State Emergency Recovery Plan form Parts 3 and 4 of the EMMV respectively. Police officers, in their role of Emergency Response Coordinators, have the responsibility of co- ordinating an appropriate response to any emergency. Each emergency is under the control of an Incident Controller, normally appointed by the control agency. If more than one agency is required to respond to an emergency, the support agency commanders, the incident controller and the Emergency Response Coordinator form an Emergency Management Team. The Incident Controller will determine the control strategy to respond to the emergency, often in consultation with the support agency commanders, and the support agencies are then responsible for implementing the strategy. The role of the Emergency Response Coordinator is to ensure a coordinated multi-agency response and provide for the systematic assignment of tasks. A.3.2 VicRoads Role The role designated for VicRoads in Part 7 of the EMMV is to: Prevention Activities - improve the safety level of country and city roads - encourage vehicle manufacturers to provide occupant safety features and to maximise ongoing compliance with vehicle roadworthiness requirements - co-ordinate road safety programs with community groups and other agencies - plan for the management of incidents on major arterial roads with other agencies, including diversion routes for the different classes of vehicles. Response Activities - assist with the management of road links during emergencies which includes route selection, emergency traffic management, escorting, route conditions advice and control - provide support advice on engineering and transport matters - act as primary support agency for engineering and transport service for emergency response activities Recovery Activities - restore VicRoads roads and bridges - assist municipal councils with the restoration of their roads and bridges - provide a central contact point for the acquisition and use by others of transport and engineering expertise A.3.3 Designated Response Agencies Part 7 of the EMMV details functional responsibilities and arrangements, including control and support agencies, for a broad cross section of emergencies. VicRoads does not have a role in controlling any emergency. It is, however, the primary agency for transport, engineering and services support for all emergencies coordinated under the SERP. VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page A-2
WIT.3027.001.0028 Control and Support Agencies for Response EMERGENCY CONTROL AGENCY SUPPORT AGENCIES ACCIDENT Aircraft VicPol AMSA, ARFFS, ATSB, CFA/MFESB/VicSES Biological materials DHS-OD Boilers & pressure vessels CFA/MFESB Worksafe Hazardous materials or dangerous goods CFA/MFESB EPA, Worksafe Lifts, cranes or scaffolding CFA/MFESB Worksafe Marine VicPol MSV Military aircraft & ships Defence Forces AMSA, VicPol, MFESB/CFA Radioactive materials DHS-OD EPA, BOM Rail & tram VicPol PTD/DOI/VicTrack, CFA/MFESB/VicSES Road & bridge VicPol CFA/MFESB/VicSES, VicRoads DISEASE OR ILLNESS Exotic animal or plant disease AgVic BOM Food or drinking water contamination DHS-OD Human disease DHS-OD ENVIRONMENTAL Marine oil spillage MSV/VRCA/Local Port DSE, EPA, AMSA, ParksVic, BOM Operator Pollution into inland waters CFA/MFESB EPA Pollution of inland waters EPA/Melbourne Water ParksVic ESSENTIAL SERVICE DISRUPTION Electricity Energy & Security VENCorp Division (DoI) Natural Gas Energy & Security VENCorp, M&P Vic, Office of Gas Division (DoI) Safety Petroleum and liquid fuels Energy & Security M&P Vic, WorkSafe, Oil companies Division (DoI) Transport PTD Roads/Bridges/Tunnels VicRoads Councils, CityLink Water and Sewerage DSE Water Authorities, DHS-OD FIRE AND EXPLOSION Aircraft ARFFS/CFA/MFESB Explosion CFA/MFESB Explosive device VicPol Fire CFA/MFESB/DSE ParksVic, BOM Gas leakage CFA/MFESB GTDCs NATURAL EVENT Earthquake VicSES All Flood VicSES DSE, CMA’s, Water Authorities, Councils, CFA, ParksVic, BOM Storm VicSES BOM RESCUE Building & structures CFA/MFESB/VicSES BC Caves VicPol VicSES Land & water VicPol VicSES VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page A-3
WIT.3027.001.0029 EMERGENCY CONTROL AGENCY SUPPORT AGENCIES Mine/quarry VicPol M&PVic Road, rail, aircraft & industrial CFA/MFESB/VicSES AMSA Trench or tunnel CFA/MFESB SEARCH Land & water VicPol VicSES, BOM Overdue aircraft AMSA VicSES, AA OTHER Aircraft – inflight emergency AA Defence Forces (DCSIG-SV) Dam Safety DSE Water Authorities, VicSES, Councils Emergency Locator Transmitters AMSA AA Marine Casualty –non SAR - PoMC/VRCA/Local MSV, AMSA, (commercial ship) in port waters Port Operators CFA/MFESB, VicPol Marine Casualty – non SAR - MSV VCA/Local Port Operators, CFA, (commercial ship) in coastal AMSA, VicPol waters Other threats against persons, property or VicPol environment Support Services and Support Agencies for Response SUPPORT SERVICES PRIMARY AGENCY SECONDARY AGENCIES Animal welfare AgVic RSPCA Aviation assistance CASA AA, AMSA, ATSB, Defence Forces (DCSIG-SV) Catering Red Cross Salvation Army Commonwealth resources VicPol Defence Forces (DCSIG-SV) Communications VicPol Telstra, ECV, WICEN/Red Cross Deceased persons identification VicPol Emergency medical care &/or transport Ambulance services MFESB Emergency relief centres or shelters Councils VicSES Environmental impact assessment EPA DSE, ParksVic Evacuation VicPol VicSES, Councils First aid Ambulance Services St John Ambulance, Red Cross, MFESB Material needs Salvation Army Victorian Relief Committee Media relations Control agency VicPol Public warnings VicPol BOM, Media Registration & inquiries VicPol Red Cross Transport, engineering & services support VicRoads Weather information & forecasting BOM A.3.4 Financial Arrangements As a State Agency, VicRoads’ financial responsibilities for expenditure on response and recovery activities are summarised in Part 8 – Appendices and Glossary of the EMMV as: State Agencies State agencies involved in emergency response and recovery activities, as part of their normal activities will initially fund them from within their budgets, including supplies (e.g. catering) provided by contractors or volunteer agencies. For major emergencies some funding VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page A-4
WIT.3027.001.0030 supplementation may be required. This would be the subject of a government decision at the time, in the context of the agency’s budget position. VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page A-5
WIT.3027.001.0031 ANNEXE A-1 VICROADS - POLICE REGIONAL AREAS VICTORIA POLICE VICROADS MUNICIPALITIES REGION DIVISION / HQ REGION (OFFICE) Metro NW Melbourne Melbourne City (Sunshine) Yarra, Stonnington # Region 1 Metro SE Glen Eira, Port Phillip # Moorabbin (East Burwood) Kingston, Bayside Hobsons Bay, Metro NW Altona North Maribrynong, Brimbank, (Sunshine) Melton Greater Geelong, Surf South Western Geelong Coast, Queenscliff, (Geelong) Wyndham # Warrnambool, Colac- South Western Otway, Corangamite, Warrnambool (Warrnambool) Moyne, Glenelg, Region 2 Southern Grampians Ballarat City, Central Western Goldfields, Pyrenees, Ballarat (Ballarat) Hepburn, Moorabool, Golden Plains # Horsham, West Western Wimmera, Hindmarsh, Horsham (Horsham) Yarriambiack, Northern Grampians, Ararat Mill Park Whittlesea, Darebin Metro NW Moreland, Moonee Broadmeadows (Sunshine) Valley, Hume Buloke, Swan Hill, Mildura Gannawarra, Mildura # Region 3 Northern Greater Bendigo, (Bendigo) Bendigo Macedon Ranges, Mount Alexander, Loddon North Eastern Greater Shepparton, Shepparton (Benalla) Moira, Campaspe # Metro NW Banyule, Nillumbik, Rosanna (Sunshine) Manningham # Boroondara, Whitehorse, Nunawading Metro SE Monash (East Burwood) Knox, Maroondah, Yarra Knox Ranges Region 4 Benalla, Mansfield, Seymour Murrundindi, North Eastern Strathbogie, Mitchell # (Benalla) Wangaratta, Indigo, Wangaratta Wodonga, Alpine, Towong VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page A-6
WIT.3027.001.0032 VICTORIA POLICE VICROADS MUNICIPALITIES REGION DIVISION / HQ REGION (OFFICE) Frankston, Mornington Frankston Metro SE Peninsula, French Island (East Burwood) Dandenong, Casey, Dandenong Cardinia Region 5 Latrobe, South Eastern Morwell Gippsland, Bass Coast, (Traralgon) Baw Baw Eastern East Gippsland, Bairnsdale (Bairnsdale) Wellington Water Emergency Response Metro NW (Port Phillip & Division, Victoria (Sunshine) ## Westernport Bays) Police Centre # Indicates a municipality which is located within another VicRoads Region. A State Emergency Response Plan response within this municipality will be activated by the Region indicated in the table. On going co-ordination of the response will be resolved between the Regions involved following activation. ## A State Emergency Response Plan response within this Division will be activated by Metro NW. On going co-ordination of the response will be resolved between the Metro NW and the Region responsible for the incident site following activation. VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page A-7
WIT.3027.001.0033 PART B – EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES B1 INTRODUCTION This part documents VicRoads emergency management arrangements regardless of whether VicRoads is responding to an emergency in its role as Victoria’s State Road Authority or in fulfillment of its obligations under the State Emergency Response Plan (SERP). It is, however, essential that the status of any emergency is clearly established as the lines of control and co-ordination will differ. Whilst there are staff within VicRoads with designated emergency management roles any member of staff may be called upon to undertake duties in support of a VicRoads emergency response, commensurate with their expertise and experience. B 2 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES AS BUSINESS FUNCTIONS In section A.3.2 the activities assigned to VicRoads in the Emergency Management Manual Victoria (EMMV) were identified in terms of the three emergency management components; prevention, response and recovery. B.2.1 Prevention and Recovery In terms of the prevention and recovery activities, these are broadly associated with VicRoads core business functions and are largely integral with ongoing strategies and obligations, notwithstanding the fact that recovery activities could be generated by extraordinary needs. B.2.2 Response The range of response activities related to VicRoads statutory functions are largely incorporated into routine business operations. However, the potential scale and scope of emergencies that operate under SERP procedures are such that normal resources and capabilities may well be overwhelmed. In order to fulfill VicRoads obligations under the EMMV, emergency management planning for response activities must be a core part of VicRoads business operations so that available resources and capabilities can be utilised effectively, and supplementary resources identified and integrated into response plans. B.2.3 Protection of Critical Infrastructure More recently at a State level, VicRoads infrastructure has been reviewed and the West Gate Bridge has been identified as critical infrastructure. A separate emergency response plan has been developed for West Gate Bridge, in conjunction with the Victoria Police. At Regional level, infrastructure should also be reviewed to identify any critical infrastructure and separate emergency response plans should be developed. VicRoads staff should advise TMC immediately of any suspicious activity or behaviour. This includes possible disruption to traffic signal systems and other road user information systems. VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page B-1
WIT.3027.001.0034 B 3 ROLES AND FUNCTIONS VicRoads role and function in any emergency is governed by statutory requirements to: - inspect, maintain and repair the public roads it directly controls - protect its property and assets - provide for the safety of road users - provide a safe place of work for its employees and agents The roles in routine emergency incidents on roads over which VicRoads exercises control include: - providing labour, equipment and materials to clear and/or make roads safe - providing appropriate signing and traffic control assistance - selecting and establishing appropriate alternative traffic routes - providing information to the public on road and traffic conditions When required under the provisions of the SERP, VicRoads provides assistance to control agencies which includes: - fulfilling the same roles as for routine emergency incidents - assisting with the management of all road links, which can include emergency traffic management, escorting, assessing route conditions and advice - providing support advice on transport and engineering matters that can include facilitating special transport needs and engineering advice such as the safety of bridges and land slips The other key role that VicRoads has under the SERP is that of lead agency for transport, engineering and services support (TESS) tasks (refer to Part 7 of EMMV). VicRoads also has responsibilities by virtue of other legislation, including: • participation in Fire Prevention Planning Committees (CFA Act). B 4 ORGANISATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS B.4.1 Overall Coordination Overall coordination of VicRoads emergency management capabilities is the responsibility of the nominated officer within VicRoads (the VicRoads Emergency Management Officer (VicRoads EMO)). Coordination of emergency management operations within the various parts of VicRoads is the responsibility of the relevant Business Area Emergency Management Officer. The Traffic Management Centre (TMC) is responsible for directing any response request by an Emergency Response Coordinator to the relevant VicRoads Emergency Management Officer. It will also initiate responses for routine emergency incidents that are reported to it. The TMC also collects and co-ordinates road and traffic information for dissemination to the public and the advice of VicRoads management. Nominated head office based officers, when activated by TMC, co-ordinate any assistance which cannot be sourced from within an affected Business Area. They also act as Emergency Response and Liaison Officers at the State level when activated by the State Emergency Response Coordinator with duties and responsibilities detailed in ANNEXE B-1. VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page B-2
WIT.3027.001.0035 B.4.2 Operational Framework The operational framework that applies during SERP operations will be based on ANNEXE B-2, given that some elements may not be activated whilst lower level elements may be duplicated. The actioning of emergency response task requests is outlined in ANNEXE B-3. Normal organisational arrangements will generally apply to routine emergency operations, for example, the Incident Officer reporting through the existing Business Area structure. The role of the TMC in such incidents is outlined in Sections B 6 and B 7. B.4.3 Particular Responsibilities for Regions As the primary focus of VicRoads involvement in most emergency responses, Regions must have a comprehensive emergency management plan that includes, as a minimum, the information listed in ANNEXE B-4 and a structure with nominated officers in the following emergency management roles: (a) Emergency Management Officer for overall emergency management within the Region (b) Liaison Officers to co-ordinate VicRoads emergency response with control agencies and other support agencies (c) Traffic and Transport Officer to co-ordinate traffic management operations, traffic and road condition information and transport information and advice (d) Task Supervisors to direct and co-ordinate onsite activities (e) Task Support Officers to provide administration, communications and procurement support Numbers of officers assigned with each role should be consistent with Regional arrangements and needs. Specific duties and responsibilities of nominated Regional officers are detailed in ANNEXE B-1. B.4.4 Responsibilities for other Business Areas A number of other Business Areas may be involved in responding to emergencies, including Regional Services Support (Traffic Management Centre, Intelligent Transport Systems), Commercial Services (Sprayline, Metropolitan Works Group, Geopave, Design Services and Information Services) and Media and Events. Each of these Business Areas should develop an appropriate emergency management plan, including relevant parts of the information requirements outlined in ANNEXE B-4 and covering relevant aspects of prevention, response and recovery. B.4.5 TESS Responsibilities VicRoads is the agency nominated in the EMMV to be the lead agency for Transport, Engineering and Services Support (TESS) Subcommittee resources and activities. B.4.5.1 State Level Role VicRoads emergency management officer fulfils TESS roles at State level, including the roles of: • SERCC liaison officer and • coordinator of TESS tasks referred by: • the State Emergency Response or Recovery Coordinator, or • a regional TESS co-coordinator. VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page B-3
WIT.3027.001.0036 At the State level the VicRoads officer nominated as TESS coordinator: - convenes the State TESS sub-committee - when activated, facilitates liaison with the SERCC and co-ordinates TESS tasks and resources in emergency response operations - provides advice on TESS matters to the State Emergency Response and Recovery Coordinators and regional TESS coordinators - coordinates external TESS support for regional TESS emergency responses, in liaison with the regional TESS coordinator B.4.5.2 Regional Level Role VicRoads Regional emergency management officers fulfill TESS roles at Regional level, including the roles of: • ERCC liaison officers and • coordinators of TESS tasks referred by the Regional Emergency Response or Recovery Coordinator. At the Regional level the VicRoads officer nominated as TESS coordinator: - when activated, facilitates liaison with the ERCC and coordinates TESS tasks and resources in emergency response operations - provides advice on TESS matters to the Regional Emergency Response and Recovery Coordinators - coordinates external TESS support for regional TESS emergency responses with the State TESS coordinator B.4.6 Specialist Capabilities B.4.6.1 Temporary Bridging and Bridge Condition Advice The Manager - Regional Services Support is responsible to maintain a plan which co-ordinates VicRoads and external resources for establishing temporary or emergency bridging and providing bridge condition advice. B.4.6.2 Traffic Route Co-ordination The Manager Regional Services Support is responsible for maintaining procedures for implementing priority traffic signal plans along primary access routes through Melbourne, activated in consultation with emergency control agencies. Regional Managers are responsible for planning and documenting primary access and alternative traffic routes and road network height, width and weight restrictions in consultation with municipalities and emergency control agencies (including interstate agencies where detour routes cross State boundaries) B.4.6.3 Emergency Issue of Vehicle Permits The Manager Regional Services Support is responsible for maintaining a procedure to facilitate the issue of unregistered and overdimensional vehicle permits for vehicles involved in emergency response activities. This procedure is documented in ANNEXE B-5. VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page B-4
WIT.3027.001.0037 B.4.6.4 Public Advice on Traffic Conditions The Manager Regional Services Support is responsible for maintaining a procedure to make available information on current road and traffic conditions related to emergency incidents to the media and public through sources including the Internet and recorded phone messages. TMC duty officers implement this procedure. B.4.6.5 On Road Surveillance and Monitoring TMC duty officers use existing surveillance cameras and incident detection systems to detect and monitor emergency incidents in coverage areas and communicate up to date incident information to VicRoads officers and relevant control agencies. B.4.6.6 Specialist Services from Other Business Areas The VicRoads EMO is responsible for liaising with other Business Areas to ensure that plans are in place to activate appropriate specialist VicRoads resources in the event of an emergency. B 5 COMMUNICATIONS AND DOCUMENTATION B.5.1 Traffic Management Centre As VicRoads’ 24 hour, 7 day operational area the TMC must be used as the sole point of contact to activate a VicRoads emergency response. With access to all VicRoads emergency management plans including emergency contact lists, the TMC is then responsible for activating a response from the relevant area. The contact numbers for the TMC are: VicRoads Traffic Management Centre 60 Denmark Street KEW 3101 Public Lines Phone 13 1170 Fax 03 9854 2381 VicRoads Help Telephones Direct Line VicRoads Emergency Use Phone 03 9855 7500 Police and Emergency Services - Routine Emergencies Phone 03 9855 7551 SERP Emergencies ONLY Phone 03 9855 7550 In the event of the TMC being evacuated, an alternative location will be selected, based on the expected duration of the emergency and other relevant information. All incoming telephone lines will be transferred to the alternative location through either local arrangements or the communications services provider. B.5.2 Internal Communication Radio SMR From an Internal VicRoads phone: 6*** From an External Phone: (03) 9627 9*** From other agency SMR: 7346*** (ANN standard - Philips) 2344401*** (MPT standard - others) TMC SMR Extension 300 (MPT standard) West Gate SMR Extension 310 VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page B-5
WIT.3027.001.0038 From SMR to VicRoads extension **** VicRoads extension no. From SMR to public network 0 ** **** **** full no. incl. STD code UHF Channel - 10 Metro North West only TMC call sign - Base 3 All officers expected to use SMRs for communications should either be experienced with their use or have access to SMR user instructions. Lotus Notes The following Lotus Notes groups are maintained for the purpose of communicating emergency response information electronically. Mail Groups (Owner - TMC Section Leader) DISEXE - VicRoads executive group DISMNW/DISMSE/DISRE/DISRN/DISRNE/DISRSW/DISRW - VicRoads Regional groups TMC - Traffic Management Centre The email address to contact TMC is B.5.3 Communications Plans and Documentation Each Business Area with an emergency management role or responsibility must have a communications plan, including a listing of the type and location of communications devices and an emergency contact listing of primary and alternate contact officers. The following Lotus Notes databases are to be used as the primary resource for communications and documentation. Documentation by other means should only be used to supplement these databases. Database Name & Links (double click on icon to Relevant Views Database Location Database Purpose launch) Server 1: Nvrweb01 Location 1: general\generald\disprep Emergency Incidents record of all Sitreps database emergency response Server 2: Nvrapps03 activities incl. All Location 2: routine incidents general\generald\disprep Emergency Incidents involving road closures Server 3: Nvrapps04 Location 3: general\generald\disprep Emergency Contacts database Server 1: Nvrapps01 contact details for All Location 1: TESS agencies and ffPH general\generale\emgcont specialist resources Emergency Contacts VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page B-6
WIT.3027.001.0039 Database Name & Links (double click on icon to Relevant Views Database Location Database Purpose launch) Internal Directory database contact details for 8. Emergency Server 1: All servers officers with Management Location 1: names emergency Expertise Internal Directory management roles ***Note: need to update links from icons in the 1st column of the table (remove this note when links have been updated) It is the responsibility of all relevant Business Areas and individual contact officers to ensure that communications documentation is complete and up to date. B 6 EMERGENCY RESPONSE STAGES Whilst all initial requests for a VicRoads emergency response should be through the TMC, Business Areas may receive requests direct. In either case, once notified, the affected Business Area becomes responsible for activating the appropriate emergency response. The key factor that will influence the response is whether the emergency is of a routine nature or is the subject of a response request from an Emergency Response Coordinator and thus requiring a VicRoads response under the SERP. B.6.1 Activation It is essential that sufficient information be obtained from an informant to allow the following aspects to be documented: - whether it is a response request under the SERP - nature of the incident, including types and numbers of vehicles, severity, etc. - location of the incident, which should be resolved to a Melway or Country directory map and grid reference - urgency of the emergency - tasks which need to be performed - the agency responsible for funding the response All tasking requests from TMC or another Business Area must be by phone contact with a designated emergency/incident officer, confirmed in writing by Lotus Notes (preferred) or fax. A standard fax proforma is included in PART D. B.6.1.1 Routine Emergency (a) Identify the Incident Officer responsible for activation and management of the response (b) Validate urgency and determine appropriate action as either: ALERT Advice to warn of possible need and check availability STANDBY Assemble resources to be ready ACTIVATE Commit resources to the emergency task (c) Open and maintain incident records (using the Lotus Notes emergency incidents database, when available) of relevant information - when the request comes from TMC or another VicRoads Business Area this must be logged by both Business Areas VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page B-7
WIT.3027.001.0040 (d) If the request is received initially by the Business Area, TMC must be advised of the emergency and action being initiated by the Business Area B.6.1.2 SERP Emergency (a) Identify the VicRoads emergency management and liaison officer(s) responsible for activation and management of the response (b) Determine the emergency location, type, site contact and response needed and request a written (fax) confirmation on official Police Request Form, including officer’s name, rank and station (only Emergency Response Coordinators can request a SERP response) for subsequent administration - if activation is through the TMC, TMC should arrange this confirmation and forward it to the affected VicRoads Business Area (c) Validate urgency and determine appropriate action as either: ALERT Advice to warn of possible need and check availability STANDBY Assemble resources to be ready ACTIVATE Commit resources to the emergency task (d) Obtain written confirmation of the request from the Emergency Response Coordinator and open and maintain incident records (using the Lotus Notes emergency incidents database, when available) of relevant information (e) If the request is received initially by a Business Area, TMC must be advised of the emergency and action being initiated by the Business Area (f) TMC will advise VicRoads EMO (or alternate) and VicRoads management (according to section B.7.2) of SERP activation request B.6.2 Response The initial response must always be by the affected Business Area using resources directly available to the Business Area. B.6.2.1 Routine Emergency (a) As appropriate, initial resources and/or a Task Supervisor are despatched to the incident site for contact and task assessment. In most cases maintenance resources (for rural VicRoads Regions) or Incident Management Team resources (for Metropolitan Regions) will provide the initial response but should not be committed long-term. (b) If the Business Area needs resources additional to its capability, the Business Area EMO initiates a task request with the TMC. The TMC then activates the task from other Business Areas or external sources in consultation with the VicRoads EMO. B.6.2.2 SERP Emergency (a) Emergency Management Officer or Liaison Officer are despatched to the ERCC and the VicRoads Operational Base activated. VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page B-8
WIT.3027.001.0041 (b) As appropriate, initial resources and/or a Task Supervisor are despatched to the incident site or other specified location for contact and resource requirement assessment. In most cases maintenance resources (for rural VicRoads Regions) or Incident Management Team resources (for Metropolitan Regions) will provide the initial response but should not be committed long-term. (c) If the Business Area needs resources additional to its capability, the Business Area EMO initiates a task request with the TMC. The TMC then activates the task from other Business Areas or external sources in consultation with the VicRoads EMO. B.6.3 Stand Down Activated resources, including emergency management officers, are to be formally stood down upon completion of emergency task work, and the stand down recorded and confirmed in writing to TMC by Lotus Notes (preferred) or fax. B7 INFORMATION B.7.1 General All incidents involving a VicRoads emergency response are to be immediately reported to and kept up to date with the TMC. Up to date and accurate information, particularly complete road status information, is crucial for the proper and efficient conduct of any emergency response. Similarly, up to date whereabouts and status of personnel in an emergency area is critical for their safety, well-being and effectiveness. To meet these needs regular situation reports are mandatory from all personnel active in an emergency to the base from which they were activated. The frequency of the reports will depend on the nature and deterioration or otherwise of the emergency, and will generally be at least hourly. Internally, the preferred means of information transmission is Lotus Notes using Emergency Incidents Sitreps database reports. Where the network is not available a facsimile machine should be used, for which a standard proforma is included in PART D. B.7.2 Advice to VicRoads Executive and Minister The TMC is responsible for advising the following executive officers in order of availability of major VicRoads incidents and/or the activation of VicRoads resources under the SERP. (a) Director Regional Services, Chief Executive or Deputy Chief Executive (b) VicRoads Media Liaison Officer Between midnight and 6.00am common sense is to be used when advising the above. The VicRoads executive contacted under (a) above is responsible for advising the Minister. VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page B-9
WIT.3027.001.0042 B.7.3 Advice to and Use of Media B.7.3.1 Non-emergency The TMC provides daily monitored traffic information and special Regional/Project traffic disruptions to the media through the Internet and direct contact with Melbourne radio stations. B.7.3.2 Emergency Incidents The TMC advises the Police On Line Supervisor (D24) of emergency road closures or detours resulting from accidents, flooding, etc. The Police Media Unit or TMC then advises the media. For major VicRoads incidents, VicRoads Media and Events is responsible for the release of detailed incident information and progress based on up-to-the-minute reports to the TMC from relevant areas. Some incidents may necessitate VicRoads Media Liaison operating directly from the TMC to avoid delays and misinterpretation of information. If the SERP has been activated, VicRoads media contact must be authorised by the control agency or Victoria Police Media Unit before making any comment regarding the emergency itself. It would be more common for TMC to provide up to date information to the media regarding road closures and traffic conditions, with the Police Media Unit providing the media with information about the emergency itself. B.7.3.3 Local Rural Media All requests for bulletins, notices to the public, requests for detailed briefings, predictions and policy matters should be referred to VicRoads Media Liaison although Regions, when deemed appropriate by the Regional Manager, may provide factual information on road closures and detours in the local area provided copies of such information are forwarded promptly to the TMC and the ERCC (in emergency situations). B 8 OPERATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS B.8.1 Personnel Arrangements B.8.1.1 Awareness and Training Personnel nominated for VicRoads emergency management, or those who may be assigned such duties upon activation of emergency arrangements, are to be briefed annually by their relevant Business Area EMO. TMC staff should be included in annual briefings in Regions. Business Area Managers are to assess the skills and knowledge of personnel who may have key roles in emergency management and arrange skill/knowledge training appropriate to those roles prior to involvement in emergencies. Business Area Managers should inform VicRoads’ EMO of any concerns regarding awareness and training issues. B.8.1.2 Availability Arrangements Arrangements are to provide for possible duty out of normal office hours and on weekends and public holidays. Contact personnel are to be formally nominated and contact lists distributed and maintained. VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page B-10
WIT.3027.001.0043 To be able to activate personnel with the appropriate skills and knowledge it may be necessary to pay availability allowances and provide transport for prompt return to work. Personnel must only respond if fit and able to do so when called, considering legal blood alcohol limits, rest periods, etc. Upon activation VicRoads personnel assigned emergency management duties are to be regarded as having those duties only, or are to give such duties absolute precedence over normal or other duties for the term of their involvement. B.8.1.3 Equipment VicRoads officers with emergency management roles are to be provided with the following when activated: - VicRoads high visibility traffic jacket (which may include a role label) - standard emergency management forms and message pads - VicRoads Country Directory and/or Melways - appropriate communications equipment and contact listings B.8.1.4 OH&S and Associated Arrangements All OH&S, blood alcohol limits and safe working provisions are applicable during emergency operations and shall be followed. Normal Work Cover provisions and reporting procedures apply and must be immediately used where employees, including those of contractors, are injured. VicRoads counselling service provider must be advised at the earliest appropriate time of the involvement of VicRoads personnel in emergency operations, which could potentially lead to the need for staff counselling and support. Relief arrangements must ensure that individual periods of duty are not excessive and regular meals, breaks and rest periods are provided as per conditions of employment. At most, shifts should not exceed 13 hours enabling a minimum 10 hour break in each 24 hour period plus change over briefing. It is crucial to adhere to shift change times even if involvement is estimated to end with in an hour or so of a shift change. B.8.2 Regional Resource Arrangements VicRoads Regional EMO’s should have a general awareness of labour, plant, equipment and materials likely to be needed in emergencies with respect to availability, conditions and payments. The supply of resources for emergency operations should be an integral part of Hire Agreements and contract specifications by way of specific clauses or through memorandums of understanding. B.8.3 Initial Response and Co-ordination In respect of ERCCs, bases and sites, the first officer to respond will assume the role of Liaison Officer and be VicRoads representative at the location until formally relieved. Officers subsequently involved in a particular emergency will support the Liaison Officer in their area of expertise. VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page B-11
WIT.3027.001.0044 All VicRoads officers with emergency management roles shall identify themselves by wearing a high visibility traffic jacket (which may include a role label) at all times. B.8.4 Deployment Deployment of resources will normally be carried out as follows: (a) At a field base, machines, equipment, stores and personnel are assembled, grouped into task units, allotted tasks and despatched with a designated Task Supervisor to the emergency area by the officer responsible for the field base. Unless otherwise directed, they return to base for rest and maintenance or for allocation to new tasks. Each machine/vehicle despatched to the emergency area is to have direct support and no one is to work solo. (b) Escort of machinery to the field base and between base and work site may require the use of VicRoads Transport Safety Services officers in marked cars or Police or VicRoads officers or private escort contractors in communications equipped vehicles. Escort vehicles are responsible for confirming the suitability of proposed routes. (c) VicRoads EMO is responsible for sourcing task requests for extra-regional support. Personnel despatched to an emergency incident site are to have, or be provided with, basic personal safety equipment appropriate to the incident, including appropriate protective clothing, a supply of drinking water and a means of communication back to the relevant base. Vehicles are to be fuelled and checked before despatch. Normal damage and or loss reporting procedures to VicRoads vehicles, equipment and property apply. B.8.5 Reporting and Recording Despatched personnel must regularly report their status to the operational or field base. Frequency will depend on the situation but must be at least hourly. It is essential to keep written records of all emergencies. This needs to include an activity record of events, plus resource and emergency status during the emergency. Lotus Notes is the preferred means of communication, however, proforma reporting/recording sheets are included in PART D. B 9 ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS B.9.1 Asset damage to road and bridge infrastructure A preliminary survey of VicRoads property and road asset damage with an estimate of necessary reinstatement or repair is to be undertaken and reported to the Regional Manager within 48 hours of occurrence. Separate surveys/estimates of seriously affected main roads and, in the event of bridge damage, of local road assets are required, normally in co-operation with municipal officials. These reports are to be submitted to the Regional Manager. Estimates of repair/rehabilitation must show if costs are for replacement or include betterment. A standard form is included in PART D. VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page B-12
WIT.3027.001.0045 B.9.2 Costs and Charges Cost records are to be kept of all emergency response operations using the standard Work Order procedure. These should include wages and on-cost, plant hire, materials and equipment charges. With a view to claiming reimbursement, emergency response costs are to be costed separately to normal operations. Normal procedures apply to claiming costs associated with accident damage, but those for a SERP operation are submitted by the Business Area Manager to the Director Regional Services for possible reimbursement from the State Government. B.9.3 Death or Injury of VicRoads Personnel Where an incident results in injury or death of an employee: - The relevant VicRoads Manager should be immediately advised - VicRoads counselling service provider should be advised, and - The incident should be recorded in VicRoads Accident Report Book as outlined in VicRoads Safety Management System. The incident will need to be reported to the Victorian Workcover Authority within 48 hours if it is a type listed under the OH&S (Incident Notification) Regulations 1997. Advice of these incidents should also be provided to the Manager Legal Services and the Manager Occupational Health and Safety. B.9.4 Post Operational Review Shortly after each SERP incident, an in-house review of VicRoads involvement is to be carried out by the involved VicRoads Business Area(s) for use in any reviews of the effectiveness of VicRoads emergency management plans, including this manual. A Business Area Manager may also initiate a review of the management of any routine emergency. VicRoads officers may request the review of any emergency operations through the relevant Business Area Manager. VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page B-13
WIT.3027.001.0046 ANNEXE B-1 VICROADS OFFICER RESPONSIBILITIES EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OFFICER (EMO) Responsible to the Business Area Manager for the management of VicRoads emergency management planning and operations to effectively and efficiently meet VicRoads emergency management responsibilities that includes: (a) co-ordinating the planning and operational activities of VicRoads internal emergency management resources (b) ensuring that nominated VicRoads emergency co-ordination centres, operational bases, etc. (including alternatives) are appropriately equipped for communication and administration upon activation (c) ensuring emergency management plans are in place, which includes: (i) periodic review of plans and identification and development of additional plans as required; (ii) attending relevant emergency management co-ordination meetings and undertaking relevant actions on behalf of VicRoads; (iii) ensuring appropriate training of VicRoads staff with designated emergency management roles and functions; (iv) maintaining records of equipment, materials, manpower and technical expertise which may be called on in an emergency; and (v) in the case of the State EMO, convening and chairing the State TESS functional sub-committee (d) ensuring emergency response operations are undertaken safely, efficiently and effectively by: (i) managing resources made available by member agencies and others for emergency engineering and transport tasks; (ii) ensuring all personnel are fully briefed and effective communications are established and maintained; (iii) ensuring that operational status reports, including likely further involvement, are compiled regularly and provided to Emergency Response Coordinators, TMC and VicRoads management; (iv) compiling traffic and road condition information for all roads for TMC and VicRoads management (v) preparing and submitting response/repair cost reports of emergency incidents involving VicRoads resources or assets (vi) conducting reviews of emergency response operations and updating plans as appropriate During an emergency the EMO may be located at either the Emergency Co-ordination Centre or at the VicRoads Operational Base. It is expected that if VicRoads is involved directly or through TESS in a significant emergency response, the EMO will be located at the operational base. LIAISON OFFICER (LO) Liaison Officers are nominated and/or co-opted on an as-needed basis to represent the EMO at an Emergency Response Co-ordination Centre, Control Agency Operational Centre, incident site or any field base. Any LO on duty should have appropriate experience and/or training. VicRoads Emergency Management Manual Page B-14
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