COVID-19 compendium Guidance and resources Publication date: 25 August 2021 - Public ...

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COVID-19 compendium Guidance and resources Publication date: 25 August 2021 - Public ...
COVID-19 compendium
Guidance and resources
Publication date: 25 August 2021
About the COVID-19 compendium

The COVID-19 Compendium contains links to current national and international policy,
guidance and resources on COVID-19 from key organisations.

   • Current Scottish COVID-19 guidance and supporting materials (Public Health

   • Coronavirus in Scotland (Scottish Government)

   • Pathogen specific guidance (ARHAI, National Infection Prevention and Control Manual)

   • IPC COVID-19 outbreak checklist for the control of incidents and outbreak in healthcare
      settings within a COVID ward or when there is an individual case or multiple cases
      (Public Health Scotland)

   • IRIC safety alert relating to COVID-19 (Health Facilities Scotland)

   • Management of Public Health Incidents: Guidance on the roles and responsibilities
      of NHS led incident management teams (Public Health Scotland)

   • COVID-19: the green book, chapter 14a

   • Scottish Terms and Conditions committee COVID-19 page is a one reference point
      with links to all the information on workforce issues on pay, terms and conditions, which is
      being published or disseminated in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

  No responsibility will be taken for any omissions to or the content of the compendium.
  Any questions regarding any of the guidance documents should be directed to the
  appropriate organisation.

List of guidance and resources

Date        Policy/guidance                Summary                              Author

19/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):         Guidance for businesses and        SG
           returning to offices            workplaces on reducing the risk of
                                           COVID-19 and supporting staff
                                           and customers

19/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):         Guidance for businesses and        SG
           safer businesses and            workplaces on reducing the risk of
           workplaces                      COVID-19 and supporting staff
                                           and customers

19/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):         Quarantine rules and information SG
           international travel and        on the process for people entering
           managed isolation               the UK.

19/08/2021 COVID-19: how to work           A resource for those working in    PHE
           safely in domiciliary care in   domiciliary care providing
           England                         information on the use of personal
                                           protective equipment (PPE).

18/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):         Guidance on coronavirus testing, SG
           getting tested in Scotland      including who is eligible for a test,
                                           how to get tested and the different
                                           types of test available.

17/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):         Guidance on coronavirus testing      SG
           adult care at home testing      for the care at home sector.

17/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):         Information and support for          SG
           Test and Protect                people who are asked to self-
                                           isolate because of COVID-19.

17/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):         Guidance and materials to            SG
           adult care home lateral flow    support care homes to implement
           device testing                  lateral flow device (LFD) testing.

17/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):      Guidance on the personal use of         SG
           public use of face coverings face coverings during the
                                        coronavirus (COVID-19)

17/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):         Guidance for those who provide       SG
           advice for unpaid carers        unpaid care to friends or family.

Date        Policy/guidance              Summary                             Author

17/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       How to protect care home            DH
           Admission and care of         residents and staff during the
           people in care homes          coronavirus outbreak.

17/08/2021 COVID-19: arranging or        Guidance for arranging or           PHE
           attending a funeral or        attending a funeral or
           commemorative event           commemorative event during the
                                         coronavirus (COVID-19)

17/08/2021 Supported living services     Guidance for providers of           PHE
           during coronavirus            supported living settings

17/08/2021 Arrangements for visiting     Sets out how care homes can         PHE
           out of the care home          support residents on visits outside
                                         of the care home.

16/08/2021 COVID-19: how to work         Information for those working in PHE
           safely in care homes          care homes on how to work safely
                                         during this period of sustained
                                         transmission of coronavirus

16/08/2021 Preventing and controlling    Information for prisons and other   PHE
           outbreaks of COVID-19:        prescribed places of detention on
           prisons and other places of   coronavirus (COVID-19).

16/08/2021 COVID-19: guidance for        Advice to assist people required    PHE
           care of the deceased          to manage bodies of deceased
                                         persons infected with coronavirus

16/08/2021 Visiting arrangements in      Sets out how care homes can         DH
           care homes                    support families and visitors to
                                         visit residents.

16/08/2021 COVID-19: guidance for first Advice for first responders (as    PHE
           responders                   defined by the Civil Contingencies
                                        Act) and others who may have
                                        close contact with symptomatic
                                        people who may have COVID-19.

Date        Policy/guidance               Summary                             Author

16/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Overviews show testing              SG
           social care and community      arrangements for social care and
           based testing overview         community based COVID-19

16/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Guidance on coronavirus testing, SG
           getting tested in Scotland     including who is eligible for a test,
                                          how to get tested and the different
                                          types of test available.

16/8/2021   UPDATED GUIDANCE ON           This letter notifies staff and      SG
            TWICE WEEKLY                  managers on a change to the
            ASYMPTOMATIC TESTING          twice weekly Lateral Flow Device
            OF HEALTHCARE                 (LFD) testing kit for testing
            WORKERS                       healthcare workers. Provides
            DL (2021) 26                  updated ‘Kind to remind’
                                          campaign materials

13/8/2021   Coronavirus (COVID-19):       How to stay safe and help prevent SG
            staying safe and protecting   the spread of COVID-19.

13/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Guidance on the routine             SG
           asymptomatic staff testing     asymptomatic testing of NHS
           in NHS Scotland.               Scotland staff, to reduce the
                                          potential spread of COVID-19.

13/08/2021 Guidance for contacts of       Guidance for contacts of a person PHE
           people with confirmed          with a positive test result for
           coronavirus (COVID-19)         coronavirus (COVID-19) who do
           infection who do not live      not live with that person.
           with the person

13/08/2021 COVID-19: guidance for         Stay at home guidance for         PHE
           households with possible       households with possible
           coronavirus infection          coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.

12/08/2021 COVID-19: management of        Guidance on the management of PHE
           staff and exposed patients     staff, patients and residents who
           in healthcare settings         have been exposed to COVID-19.

11/08/2021 COVID-19: guidance on          Information for protecting people   PHE
           protecting people defined      defined on medical grounds as
           on medical grounds as          extremely vulnerable from
           extremely vulnerable           COVID-19.

Date        Policy/guidance              Summary                              Author

10/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Guidance to support the mixing of SG
           ventilation guidance -        individuals safely in indoor
           November 2020                 domestic and commercial

10/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Letters including translations and   SG
           letters to the high risk      alternative formats which were
           groups                        sent out to people in the highest
                                         risk group on (previously known
                                         as the shielding list).

10/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):      Advice to help people in the          SG
           advice for people at highest COVID-19 highest risk group
           risk                         make informed decisions and
                                        access support services..

10/08/2021 COVID-19 rapid guideline:     This guideline covers the         NICE
           managing COVID-19             management of COVID-19 for
                                         children, young people and adults
                                         in all care settings.

09/08/2021 GENERAL OPHTHALMIC            Update includes physical             SG
           SERVICES:                     distancing and updated guidance
                                         for environmental cleaning and

09/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Guidance on opening of public        SG
           opening public and            and customer toilets.
           customer toilets

09/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Leaflet providing information on     SG
           Test and Protect              the Test and Protect service from
           information leaflet           NHS Scotland, a new way to
                                         tackle coronavirus.

09/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Guidance for local authorities,     SG
           clinical guidance for the     Health and Social Care
           management of clients         Partnerships (HSCPs) and
           accessing care at home,       registered providers, who deliver
           housing support and           care and support to people in their
           sheltered housing             own homes or provide supported
                                         accommodation including
                                         sheltered housing, extra care
                                         housing and supported living
                                         during the pandemic.

Date        Policy/guidance                Summary                                Author

09/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):         Guidance on visiting during the        SG
           adult care homes guidance       pandemic plus tools and
                                           resources on visiting, and
                                           supporting residents in homes
                                           with COVID-19.

09/08/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):         Guidance on travel rules and           SG
           guidance on travel and          restrictions and protection levels,
           transport                       including information on essential

6/8/2021    Coronavirus (COVID-19):      Guidance on how to support safer SG
            supporting safer capacity in capacities within a public setting
            public settings and events   including the remaining limits on
                                         capacities in events.

6/8/2021    Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Tool to assess the effectiveness       SG
            compliance self-               of COVID-19 control measures
            assessment tool                within your workplace.

5/08/2021   Containing and managing        Guidance for local authorities and DH
            local coronavirus (COVID-      local decision-makers on
            19) outbreaks                  containing and managing COVID-
                                           19 outbreaks at a local level.

3/8/2021    Requirement for NHS            Informs of additional requirement      SG
            Boards to undertake            for Boards to undertake a local
            structured risk                risk assessment, specifically
            assessments in high risk       aimed at areas designated for
            (red) pathways                 care of patients in high risk (red)
            DL(2021)23                     pathways.

30/7/2021   COVID-19: providing unpaid     Guidance for people who are            DH
            care to adults with learning   providing unpaid care to adults
            disabilities and autistic      with learning disabilities and
            adults                         autistic adults during the
                                           coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

30/07/2021 Technical Specifications for The documents attached define             DH/ HSE/
           Personal Protective          the technical and regulatory              MHRA
           Equipment (PPE)              standards for Personal Protective

30/07/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):         Risk assessment guidance and           SG
           guidance on occupational        tool for staff across all industries
           individual risk assessment      which should be used by

Date        Policy/guidance                Summary                                Author
                                           employers to support staff and
                                           line managers to understand and
                                           carry out effective risk

26/7/2021   Coronavirus (COVID-19) –       Information about the removal of       SG
            exemption of fully             the need for fully vaccinated
            vaccinated social care staff   social care staff to self-isolate in
            from isolation: information    exceptional circumstances.
            for providers

23/7/2021   FRAMEWORK FOR THE              Provides a Policy Framework and        SG
            IMPLEMENTATION OF              accompanying staff fact sheet.
            CARE STAFF

23/7/2021   Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Information for people who are         DH
            providing unpaid care          caring, unpaid, for friends or
                                           family during the coronavirus

22/7/2021   Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Guidance on supporting people to SG
            living with dementia in care   remain safe during periods of
            homes                          isolation.

21/7/2021   Enhanced Surveillance Of       Letter regarding extension of the SG
            Covid-19 In Scotland –         Community surveillance with
            Continuation Of The            funding committed until 29 August
            Community Surveillance         2021

15/7/2021   Coronavirus (COVID-19) -       Supplementary information              SG
            Open with Care: advice on      including answers to practical
            practicalities                 questions and concerns resulting
                                           from Open with Care: supporting
                                           meaningful contact and activities
                                           in and away from care homes.

8/7/2021    Infection Control - Dentistry Update on recent and potential          SG
                                          changes in relation to infection
                                          prevention and control guidance.

6/7/2021    General ophthalmic             Letter advising on IPC guidance,       SG
            services                       including the use of gloves and

Date        Policy/guidance              Summary                                 Author
                                         aprons in the medium risk

6/07/2021   Coronavirus (COVID-19):      Guidance for social care workers        SG
            social care staff support    and employers about the Social
            fund guidance                Care Staff Support Fund, that
                                         aims to ensure social care
                                         workers do not experience
                                         financial hardship if they are ill or
                                         self-isolating due to coronavirus.

5/7/2021    Coronavirus (COVID-19):      Guidance for staff within acute      SG
            guidance on the extended     hospitals, community hospitals,
            use of face masks and face   primary care and wider
            coverings in hospitals,      community care, together with
            primary care and wider       advice for visitors, including those
            community care               attending for an appointment.

25/6/2021   Open with Care –             This report summarises progress SG
            supporting people in adult   with the implementation of Open
            care homes to have           with Care - supporting meaningful
            meaningful contact with      contact in care homes guidance
            others: progress report      since publication. The report
                                         recognises the excellent progress
                                         and identifies key actions where
                                         care homes and partners can
                                         improve and embed good quality,
                                         meaningful contact as the norm.

23/6/2021   Coronavirus (COVID-19):      Guidance for staff on use of face       SG
            use of face coverings in     coverings in these settings.
            social care settings
            including adult care homes

23/6/2021   COVID-19 Use of Face         Letter from CNO regarding               SG
            Masks in Social Care         updated guidance on use of face
            Settings including Adult     masks
            Care Homes Guidance

11/6/2021   How to stop the spread of    Guidance on measures you can            PHE
            COVID-19                     use to stop spread of COVID-19

04/06/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Advice on temporary changes to          SG
           adults with incapacity        adults with incapacity

Date        Policy/guidance             Summary                              Author

3/06/2021   Coronavirus (COVID-19):     Information about ways of offering SG
            guidance on offering        support to help tackle the
            support                     coronavirus (COVID-19)
                                        emergency for individuals,
                                        businesses, volunteers and

26/05/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):      This workbook brings into one        SG
           Scottish workbook 2020       place advice on how local and
                                        national public health agencies
                                        will provide support that helps to
                                        put in place the action needed to
                                        prevent coronavirus spread,
                                        together with advice on
                                        management of outbreaks.

13/05/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):      Guidance for hospitals on safely     SG
           hospital visiting guidance   phasing in the reintroduction of

28/04/2021 COVID-19: ethical            A framework to support the         DH
           framework for adult social   planning and organisation of adult
           care                         social care during the coronavirus
                                        (COVID-19) outbreak.

23/04/2021 COVID-19: ventilation of     Guidance on the ventilation of       PHE
           indoor spaces to stop the    indoor spaces to stop the spread
           spread of coronavirus        of coronavirus (COVID-19).

09/03/2021 Regulatory status of         Provides guidance on the             MHRA
           equipment being used to      standards for antimicrobial hand
           help prevent coronavirus     gels and sanitisers, face masks
           (COVID-19)                   and face coverings and gloves.

31/3/2021   COVID-19: guidance for      Information on coronavirus           PHE
            those leading a nomadic     (COVID-19) for those leading a
            way of life                 nomadic way of life.

22/03/2021 COVID-19: guidance for       Advice on appropriate infection      PHE
           stepdown of infection        prevention and control (IPC)
           control precautions within   precautions for stepdown in
           hospitals and discharging    hospital or discharge to home or
           COVID-19 patients from       residential settings
           hospital to home settings

Date        Policy/guidance                Summary                            Author

22/03/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):         The FACTS information poster       SG
           FACTS poster including          gives advice on how to stay safe
           translations and accessible     during the COVID-19 pandemic.

15/03/2021 COVID-19: investigation and Steps for investigating and            PHE
           management of suspected     managing individuals who are
           SARS-CoV-2 reinfections     suspected to be reinfected with

15/03/2021 SARS-CoV-2 VOC and VUI:         Advice on the investigation and PHE
           investigating and managing      management of patients who may
           individuals with a possible     be infected with a new SARS-
           or confirmed case               CoV-2 Variant of Concern.

10/03/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):         Scottish Government advice to      SG
           guidance for health boards      health boards in Scotland to avoid
           to avoid wasting the            wasting the vaccine
           vaccine                         unnecessarily.

01/03/2021 COVID-19 position               The purpose of this guideline is to SIGN/HIS
           statement: Presentations        provide NHSScotland with advice
           and management of COVID-        on presentations and
           19 in older people in acute     management of COVID-19 in
           care                            older patients in acute care.

24/2/2021   Open with Care - supporting New guidance supports                 SG
            meaningful contact in care meaningful contact to resume
            homes: guidance             between adult care home
                                        residents and their loved ones,
                                        beginning with visiting up to twice
                                        a week.

22/02/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19) -        This guidance sets out advice and SG
           employee testing                expectations for employers
           programmes: guidance for        running COVID-19 private
           employers                       asymptomatic employee testing
                                           programmes among their staff.

19/02/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19) -        Deputy Chief Medical Officer       SG
           vaccination - priority group    provides detailed information to
           6: letter from Interim Deputy   NHS Health Boards and GPs
           Chief Medical Officer           around identifying those in the
                                           priority group 6.

Date        Policy/guidance              Summary                              Author

17/02/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Guidance and materials to            SG
           adult care home testing       support professionals who visit
           guidance for visiting         care homes and residential
           professionals                 settings to carry out lateral flow
                                         device (LFD) testing.

12/02/2021 COVID-19 vaccination:         Guidance for healthcare              PHE
           information for healthcare    practitioners about the
           practitioners                 coronavirus (COVID-19)
                                         vaccination programme

10/02/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       These conditions include: cancer,    SG
           advice for people with        diabetes, heart disease, IBD;
           specific medical conditions   chronic kidney and liver disease;
                                         dermatological, neurological,
                                         (specific) ophthalmic, respiratory
                                         and rheumatic conditions, chronic
                                         pain, and rare diseases.

05/02/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Letter to NHS boards with the      SG
           duty of candour procedure     Scottish Government views on the
           obligation on NHS boards      application of organisational duty
           during the pandemic           of candour procedure during the
                                         COVID-19 pandemic.

03/02/2021 Evidence review:              The purpose of this rapid review is SIGN
           Assessment of COVID-19 in     to provide NHSScotland with
           primary care: the             advice on assessment of patients
           identification of symptoms,   with COVID-19 in primary care.
           signs, characteristics,
           comorbidities and clinical    This guidance is for: general
           signs in adults which may     practitioners and primary care
           indicate a higher risk of     teams involved in the assessment
           progression to severe         of patients presenting with
           disease                       potential COVID-19.

28/01/2021 National Rollout of the       Details of the COVID-19 remote       SG
           COVID-19 Remote               monitoring service for high-risk
           Monitoring Service            patients currently being tested
           CMO(2021)2                    within NHS Lanarkshire.

28/01/2021 SARS-CoV-2 VOC:               Advice on the investigation and PHE
           investigating and managing    management of patients who may
           individuals with a possible   be infected with a new SARS-
           or confirmed case             CoV-2 Variant of Concern.

Date        Policy/guidance              Summary                              Author

27/01/2021 COVID-19 vaccination:         Information for frontline healthcare PHE
           guide for healthcare          workers on COVID-19
           workers                       vaccination.

27/01/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Advice for social care personal      SG
           Personal Protective           assistants on how to source and
           Equipment (PPE) for           use PPE.
           personal assistants

25/01/2021 COVID-19 vaccination: a       Information for frontline social     PHE
           guide for social care staff   care workers on COVID-19

25/01/2021 COVID-19 vaccination:         Information for eligible adults on   PHE
           guide for older adults        COVID-19 vaccination.

25/01/2021 COVID-19 vaccination: what Information for people who have         PHE
           to expect after vaccination had their first COVID-19

21/01/2021 COVID-19: infection          Guidance on infection prevention      PHE
           prevention and control (IPC) and control for COVID-19.
                                        Sustained community
                                        transmission is occurring across
                                        the UK.

20/01/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Booklet providing advice on how      SG
           Right Care, Right Place – a   to access NHS Scotland services
           guide to NHS Scotland         safely during the coronavirus
           services                      pandemic.

20/01/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Information on when and how to       SG
           Self-isolation factsheet.     self-isolate if you or someone in
                                         your household have coronavirus

18/01/2021 COVID 19: Community           This circular sets out the           SG
           Pharmacy: NHS Medicines       arrangements for a new time-
           Delivery Service              limited medicines delivery service
                                         to be deployed by the Community
                                         Pharmacy Network to support
                                         winter pressures, NHS
                                         remobilisation and our National
                                         Strategic Framework during the
                                         COVID-19 outbreak.

Date        Policy/guidance              Summary                              Author

15/01/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):      Guidance for social workers on        SG
           safe and ethical social work home visits and direct contact
           practice                     interviews with service users.

15/01/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Letter addressed to the health and SG
           day services for adults -     social care sector to clarify that
           letter from the Cabinet       essential day service support can
           Secretary for Health and      continue throughout the current
           Sport - 15 January 2021       lockdown and adult day centres
                                         can continue to operate.

15/01/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Care home vaccination guidance       SG
           guidance for use of Pfizer    for Pfizer BioNTech BNT162b
           BioNTech vaccine in care      vaccine.

14/01/2021 COVID-19: supporting          Guidance for care staff who are      DH
           adults with learning          supporting adults with learning
           disabilities and autistic     disabilities and autistic adults
           adults                        during the coronavirus (COVID-
                                         19) outbreak

13/01/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Frequently Asked Questions           SG
           vaccination guidance for      (FAQs) on COVID-19
           health and social care        vaccinations for health and social
           professionals                 care professionals.

12/01/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Guidance for health and social       DH
           looking after people who      care staff who are caring for, or
           lack mental capacity          treating, a person who lacks the
                                         relevant mental capacity.

08/01/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19)        Letter from Chief Medical Officer    SG
           vaccine: letter from Chief    to Presiding Officer and MSPs on
           Medical Officer on advice     advice from Joint Committee on
           on AstraZeneca and Pfizer     Vaccination and Immunisation
           BioNTech vaccines             (JCVI).

5/1/2021    Coronavirus (COVID-19):      Correspondence and guidance on SG
            update on vaccinations       the latest situation with the
                                         coronavirus vaccine in Scotland.

01/01/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19)        Letter from the Chief Medical        SG
           vaccine: letter from the      Officer, Dr Gregor Smith, on the
           Chief Medical Officer         arrangements for the COVID-19

Date        Policy/guidance               Summary                                 Author
            updating on the vaccination vaccination programme, following
            programme - 1 January       authorisation for supply and use
            2021                        of the AstraZeneca COVID-19
                                        vaccine and changes to advice on
                                        the use of the Pfizer BioNTech
                                        vaccine by both the Medicines
                                        and Healthcare products
                                        Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and
                                        the Joint Committee on
                                        Vaccination and Immunisation

31/12/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19)         This is a letter sent from the          SG
           vaccine: letter from the       Cabinet Secretary for Health and
           Cabinet Secretary for Health   Sport, Ms Freeman to the
           and Sport on the approval      Presiding Officer and MSPs
           of the AstraZeneca Vaccine     providing them with an update on
                                          the approval of the AstraZeneca
                                          Covid Vaccine for use in the
                                          United Kingdom.

24/12/2020 Additional preventative        Letter advising of urgent review of SG
           measures due to new            care home strategy in light of
           COVID variant – Testing of     further restrictions announced by
           Care Home Staff, Visiting      the First Minister on Saturday 18
           Professionals and Outbreak     This letter should be used in
           Management                     addition to 22 December letter in
                                          relation to care home visiting and
                                          visitor testing, from 26 December

23/12/2020 Information to dental          Update to dental practices on           SG
           practices following            introduction of level 4 restrictions.
           introduction of level 4
           COVID-19 restrictions

23/12/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Using PPE to help prevent the          SG
           unpaid carers providing        spread of the virus for people who
           personal care                  visit or live with a friend/family and
                                          provide help with washing or

18/12/2020 Long COVID                     This booklet is for people who          SIGN/ HIS/
                                          have had a COVID-19 infection           NICE
                                          and have ongoing signs and

Date       Policy/guidance               Summary                               Author

18/12/2020 Publication of Interim        This letter provides guidance to SG
           guidance on expansion of      staff and managers on the
           twice weekly testing for      introduction of twice weekly LFD
           patient facing staff within   Device (LFD) testing.
           hospitals, the Scottish       Supplements letter sent out to
           Ambulance Service, COVID-     Chief Executives on 27 November
           19 assessment centres and     regarding expansion of testing
           COVID-19 vaccinators

17/12/2020 General Ophthalmic            Letter providing information on the SG
           Services (GOS) – COVID-19     COVID-19 recovery.

14/12/2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       A framework to help local             SG
           framework to support          authorities and their partners,
           gypsy/traveller               including the NHS and the third
           communities                   sector, in decision-making in their
                                         local response to COVID-19 in
                                         relation to Gypsy/Travellers

08/12/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19)        Sets out how care homes and           DH
           lateral flow testing of       visitors can prepare for visitor
           visitors in care homes        testing with lateral flow devices

08/12/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Information for those providing       DH
           providing home care           personal care to people living in
                                         their own home during the
                                         coronavirus outbreak.

04/12/2020 COVID-19 Vaccination          This letter sets out the            SG
           Programme CMO(2020)33         arrangements for the initial stages
                                         of the Covid-19 vaccination

02/12/2020 Community Optometry -         Letter providing update on            SG
           COVID-19 vaccination          vaccination programme and
           programme and PPE             advanced notice of moving PPE
                                         to pull model

02/12/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Clinical guidance for NHS             SG
           clinical guidance - using     Scotland: using physical restraint
           physical restraint for        for patients with confirmed or
           patients                      suspected

Date        Policy/guidance               Summary                            Author

30/11/2020 Dental - COVID Vaccination     This circular advises NHS Boards SG
           Programme 2020/21              of the opportunity to involve NHS
                                          dental contractors in the Covid-19
                                          vaccination programme.

27/11/2020 General Ophthalmic        Letter provides update for COVID- SG
           Services (GOS) – COVID-19 19 recovery

25/11/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):     Information for social care           SG
           PPE access for social care providers, personal assistants,
           providers and unpaid carers and unpaid/family carers on how
                                       to access personal protective
                                       equipment (PPE).

20/11/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19)         Sets out how homecare agencies DH
           testing for homecare           in England can order regular tests
           workers                        for their homecare (domiciliary
                                          care) staff

20/11/2020 How tests and testing kits     The different types of tests and   MHRA
           for coronavirus (COVID-19)     testing kits for COVID-19, and the
           work                           specifications for manufacturers.

16/11/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Guidance is designed to support    SG
           Guidance on adult social       safe re-opening and delivery of
           care building-based day        building-based day services for
           services                       adults.

19/11/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Guidance on coronavirus testing,   DH
           getting tested                 including who is eligible

12/11/2020 Testing for coronavirus at     How to use your coronavirus        DH
           home                           (COVID-19) home test kit.

11/11/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Sets out how to self-isolate when DH
           how to self-isolate when       you arrive in the UK. You will not
           you travel to the UK           be allowed to leave the place
                                          you’re staying for the first 14 days
                                          you’re in the UK.

02/11/2020 General Ophthalmic             Provides information on            SG
           Services (GOS) COVID-19        remobilisation of face to face
           recovery: Remobilisation of    peripatetic eye care and provision
           face to face peripatetic eye   of PPE
           care, financial support
           arrangements for

Date       Policy/guidance               Summary                             Author
           peripatetic providers
           ongoing provision of PPE

29/10/2010 General Ophthalmic            Updated on COVID-19 Scotlands       SG
           Services (GOS) COVID-19       strategic framework and PPE
           recovery                      supply and usage.

27/10/2020 Publication of COVID-19       This letter provides additional     SG
           asymptomatic weekly           guidance to NHS and care home
           testing guidance - for        employers on the importance of
           employers and staff on the    eligible staff undergoing weekly
           importance of weekly          asymptomatic routine COVID-19
           asymptomatic testing          testing, and what to do, should
                                         staff choose not to be tested. This
                                         supplements the guidance that
                                         was issued to NHS Chief
                                         Executives on 3 July 2020.

23/10/2020 NHS test and trace in the     Guidance on the NHS test and        DH
           workplace                     trace service for employers,
                                         businesses and workers.

22/10/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       General principles for outpatient   SG
           outpatient and primary care   and primary care consultations
           consultations - principles    during community circulation of

20/10/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Guidance for central and local      SG
           guidance for stakeholders     government and public bodies in
           on the Coronavirus            Scotland on key measures
           (Scotland) Act 2020           contained within the Coronavirus
                                         (Scotland) Act 2020.

16/10/2020 COVID-19: Cleaning of         This guidance covers the cleaning PHE
           non-healthcare settings       of environments outside the
           outside the home              home.

14/10/2020 COVID-19: reducing          Advice on how you can help            PHE
           transmission - what you can reduce the transmission of
           do to help                  coronavirus (COVID-19).

08/10/2020 Care homes winter planning                                        Care
           letter                                                            Inspectorate

Date        Policy/guidance               Summary                               Author

08/10/2020 NHS test and trace: how it     An overview of the NHS test and       DH
           works                          trace service, including what
                                          happens if you test positive for
                                          coronavirus (COVID-19) or have
                                          had close contact with someone
                                          who has tested positive.

07/10/2020 Enhanced surveillance of       Update on the extension of the        SG
           COVID-19 in Scotland:          COVID-19 community
           continuation and extension     surveillance programme.
           of the community
           surveillance programme

07/10/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Guidance for healthcare               SG
           guidance on critical care      practitioners working in critical
           management of adult            care environments and staff
           patients                       involved in the planning and
                                          delivery of critical care services.

02/10/2020 COVID-19: investigation and Information on case definitions,         PHE
           initial clinical management and the initial assessment and
           of possible cases           investigation of possible cases of
                                       COVID-19 infection.

01/10/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Information about the                 DH
           antibody tests                 government’s coronavirus
                                          antibody testing programme.
                                          Antibody tests are to check
                                          whether a person has had the

28/09/2020 Surveillance of acute          Details proposed extension and        SG
           respiratory illness -          changes to epidemiological
           extension of the winter        surveillance programmes that
           SARI surveillance for          collect data for hospitalised
           COVID and extension of         Severe Acute Respiratory Illness
           CO-CIN (ISARIC Tier 0)         (SARI)
           covid surveillance funding

17/09/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Advice for those who provide        SG
           guidance for those             guide support for people with sight
           providing guide support        loss or mobility or other

Date       Policy/guidance              Summary                                Author

09/09/2020 COVID-19 position            The purpose of this document is        SIGN
           statement: CPAP for          to provide NHSScotland with
           COVID-19-related             advice on the appropriate use of
           respiratory failure          continuous positive airway
                                        pressure (CPAP) for patients with

07/09/2020 COVID-19: long-term health   Information and guidance on            PHE
           effects                      persistent health problems
                                        reported following acute COVID-
                                        19 disease.

04/09/2020 General Ophthalmic Service Provides update regarding                SG
           (GOS) - COVID-19 recovery: COVID-19 recovery

31/08/2020 Common cold and COVID-       Guidance on how COVID-19               SG
           19 symptoms: advice for      symptoms differ from those of
           parents and carers           other infections circulating at this
                                        time of year, from Scotland's
                                        National Clinical Director.

28/08/2020 Reporting outbreaks of       Guidance for businesses and            DH
           coronavirus (COVID-19)       organisations on how to
                                        recognise, contain and report
                                        incidents of coronavirus (COVID-

27/08/2020 Face coverings: when to      Explains when to wear a face           DH
           wear one, exemptions and     covering and how to make one.
           how to make your own

26/08/2020 Overview of adult social     Information for adult social care      DH
           care guidance on             providers on COVID-19 guidance
           coronavirus                  and support.

21/08/2020 COVID-19: personal           Guidance on the use of personal        PHE
           protective equipment use     protective equipment (PPE) for
           for non-aerosol generating   non-aerosol generating
           procedures                   procedures (APGs).

21/08/2020 COVID-19: personal           Guidance on the use of personal        PHE
           protective equipment use     protective equipment (PPE) for
           for aerosol generating       non-aerosol generating
           procedures                   procedures (APGs).

Date        Policy/guidance              Summary                              Author

21/08/2020 UK IPC guidance for the       Letter from Fiona McQueen            SG
           remobilisation of health      advising that this guidance was
           and care services             now available

17/08/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):     The Scottish Government's              SG
           Scotland's Testing Strategy updated Testing Strategy, setting
           - Adapting to The Pandemic out the role testing continues to
                                       play in tackling coronavirus

14/08/2020 Meeting people from           How you can see people that you      DH
           outside your household        do not live with while protecting
                                         yourself and others from
                                         coronavirus (COVID-19)

07/08/2020 Remobilisation of NHS         Update advising on the             SG
           Dental Services: Aerosol      arrangements for the inclusion of
           Generating Procedures         the provision of certain AGPs in
           (AGPs)                        NHS dental practice as part of the
                                         remobilisation of NHS dental

07/08/2020 Enhanced surveillance of      Update advising that the             SG
           COVID-19 in Scotland -        surveillance will continue until 9
           Continuation of the           October 2020.
           community surveillance

06/08/2020 COVID-19: mouth care for     Guidance on mouth care for            PHE
           patients with a confirmed or patients with confirmed or
           suspected case               suspected COVID-19 who are
                                        non-ventilated, ventilated and
                                        those having step down or end of
                                        life care.

03/08/2020 Considerations for the        The purpose of this document is      WHO
           provision of essential oral   to address specific needs and
           health services in the        considerations for essential oral
           context of COVID-19           health services in the context of
                                         COVID-19 in accordance with
                                         WHO operational guidance on
                                         maintaining essential health

Date        Policy/guidance              Summary                              Author

03/08/2020 Types and uses of             Guidance on the different types of DH
           coronavirus (COVID-19)        coronavirus test available.

03/08/2020 Letter to Health and Social   Provides an update on national       SG
           Care partnerships about the   actions to support local re-
           reopening of respite and      establishment of respite and day
           day care services.            care services and sets out next
                                         steps in the wider reopening of
                                         adult day centres and residential
                                         respite for both children and

31/07/2020 Local lockdown guidance       How you can see people you do        DH
           for social distancing         not live with if there's a local
                                         lockdown during the coronavirus
                                         (COVID-19) outbreak.

30/07/2020 General Ophthalmic Service Updated information on routine          SG
           (GOS) - COVID-19 recovery: eye care within practices and
                                      patients own homes.

30/07/2020 Statement from the UK         Statement regarding the              DH/SG
           Chief Medical Officers on     extension of the self-isolation
           extension of self-isolation   period to 10 days for those in the
           period: 30 July 2020          community who have coronavirus
                                         (COVID-19) symptoms or a
                                         positive test result.

29/07/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Guidance from the CMO on             SG
           ethical advice and support    treating patients with COVID-19.

29/07/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Guidance from the Chief Medical SG
           clinical guidance for         Officer (CMO) on treating patients
           managing patients             with COVID-19.

28/07/2020 GP Practices: additional  Updated information on the               SG
           Funding – COVID-19 update additional funding for GP

27/07/2020 COVID-19 rapid guideline:     To help healthcare professionals     NICE
           arranging planned care in     deliver efficient planned care
           hospitals and diagnostic      while minimising the risk of
           services                      COVID-19 in the context of
                                         increasing or decreasing local

Date        Policy/guidance              Summary                              Author
                                         prevalence. It also aims to help
                                         patients make decisions about
                                         their planned care

27/07/2020 Examinations - Phase 3        Advice regarding using the 3 in 1    SG
           Remobilisation                syringe during dental

27/07/2020 Publication of COVID-19       Provides information on the single SG
           occupational risk             national guidance document on
           assessment guidance           occupational risk assessments for
                                         the new risks posed to health and
                                         social care staff by COVID-19.

24/07/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Guidance to assist health boards     SG
           remobilisation guidance for   with local remobilisation planning
           maternity and neonatal        of paused aspects of maternity
           services                      and neonatal care.

23/07/2020 Regulatory status of          There are different regulations      MHRA
           equipment being used to       which apply to devices and
           help prevent coronavirus      equipment including hand gels
           (COVID-19)                    and PPE (personal protective

23/07/2020 Weekly staff testing for      Guidance developed to ensure         SG
           agency staff who are          that all staff deployed to care
           deployed to care homes for    homes for adults and older
           adults and older people       people from staffing agencies are
                                         tested for COVID-19 prior to

23/07/2020 Visiting in Adult Care        Letter from Jeanne Freeman           SG
           Homes                         updating on process for Stage 3
                                         of the visiting plan.

15/07/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Letter to the national carer     SG
           letter to national carer      organisations and Oxfam in
           organisations                 response to their Life Leaving
                                         Lockdown paper for unpaid carers
                                         from the Minister for Public
                                         Health, Sport and Wellbeing Joe
                                         FitzPatrick MSP.

14/07/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19)        Guidance to support customer         SG
           Test and Protect: multi-      and visitor data gathering for

Date        Policy/guidance                  Summary                             Author
            sector guidance on               businesses and other
            collection of customer and       establishments to assist contact
            visitor contact details – July   tracing as part of NHS Scotland's
            2020                             Test and Protect system.

13/07/2020 Advice on reusable (yellow)       To ensure Laundry staff are        HFS
           gowns:                            aware of the process for ordering,
           Poster                            distribution and laundering of the
           Standard Operating                reusable (Yellow) Gown.

10/07/2020 REMOBILISATION OF NHS This letter advises NHS Boards                  SG
           DENTAL SERVICES: PHASE and Practitioner Services of the
           3                      arrangements for phase 3 of the
                                  remobilisation of NHS dental

09/07/2020 General Ophthalmic Service This letter advises on details for SG
           (GOS) - COVID-19 recovery community optometry in relation
           planning: Phase 3 details  to Phase 3 of the Scottish
                                      Government’s COVID-19 recovery
                                      Route Map;

09/07/2020 NHS Dental Services –             Details arrangements for phase 3    SG
           Phase 3 Remobilisation            of the dental remobilisation plan
                                             for NHS dental services from 13
                                             July 2020.

03/07/2020 COVID-19 Testing for care         Guidance giving instructions on     Care
           home staff in Scotland            the COVID-19 test.                  Inspectorate

03/07/2020 Use of the UK Government          This provides a 2-page summary      SG
           Social Care Testing Portal        of the updated UK Government
           by Scottish Care Homes:           Portal guidance, as well as a
           Summary guidance and              Frequently Asked Questions
           Frequently Asked                  document on the Portal process.

03/07/2020 Coronavirus (Scotland) (No.       Practical detail on the use of    SG
           2) Act 2020: advisory note        powers in the Coronavirus
           on emergency directions           (Scotland) (No. 2) Act 2020
           and intervention orders etc       regarding directions to care home
                                             providers, emergency intervention
                                             orders, and powers to voluntarily

Date        Policy/guidance               Summary                              Author
                                          purchase a care home or care at
                                          home service

03/07/2020 COVID-19 therapeutic alert -   Letter attached about interim        SG
           publication of an interim      clinical commissioning policy put
           clinical commisioning          in place to define routine access
           policy: Remdesivir for         to Remdesivir for treatment of
           patients hospitalised with     COVID-19 in the UK.
           COVID-19 (adults and
           children aged 12 years and

03/07/2020 Young carers and young       Guidance and information for           DH
           adult carers: providing care people under the age of 25 who
           during coronavirus           are providing care for someone
                                        during the coronavirus (COVID-
                                        19) outbreak.

02/07/2020 COVID-19: guidance for         Videos and instructions for how to PHE
           taking swab samples            take swab samples for COVID-19

02/07/2020 COVID-19 Advisory Group:       Advice commissioned by the First SG
           physical distancing advice     Minister and Chief Medical Officer
                                          on 2 metre distancing.

02/07/2020 COVID-19 Advisory Group:       Advice commissioned by the First SG
           superspreading advice          Minister and Chief Medical Officer
                                          on ‘superspreader’ events.

01/07/2020 COVID-19 Aviation Health       The European Union Aviation          ECDC
           Safety Protocol: Guidance      Safety Agency (EASA) and the
           for the management of          European Centre for Disease
           airline passengers in          Prevention and Control (ECDC)
           relation to the COVID-19       have developed the following
           pandemic                       guidelines. Their purpose is to
                                          serve as an aviation health safety
                                          protocol and to provide a source
                                          of best practice

30/06/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Four nations statement on allied     SG
           allied health professionals’   health professionals’ role in
           role in rehabilitation         rehabilitation during and after

Date        Policy/guidance              Summary                             Author

June 2020   Coronavirus: A short Guide   This information guide has been    Age
                                         prepared by Age Scotland and       Concern
                                         contains general advice only; it
                                         should not be relied on as a basis
                                         for any decision or action and
                                         cannot be used as a substitute for
                                         professional advice.

26/06/2020 COVID-19: guidance for        Advice for food businesses in       PHE
           food businesses               response to the coronavirus
                                         (COVID-19) outbreak in the UK.

25/06/2020 Publications of plans to      Letter from Jeanne Freeman to       SG
           support phased return to      care home providers providing an
           visiting in adult care home   update on the plans to phase
           services                      visiting into care homes.

24/06/2020 NHS Dental Services Phase     Update regarding Phase 3 starting SG
           3 – Remobilisation            from Monday 13 July, with NHS
                                         dental contractors able to see
                                         patients for non-aerosol routine

24/06/2020 COVID-19 Therapeutic alert:   Update to the letter issued on 16 SG
           Dexamethasone in the          June which includes an update to
           treatment of COVID-19 -       the clinical guidance section on
           implementation and            the interaction between remdesivir
           management of supply for      and dexamethasone
           treatement in hospitals.
           Update to letter issued 16
           June - interaction between
           Remdesivir and

24/06/2020 Letter from SG and COSLA      Provides information on the         SG/COSLA
           to care home managers         weekly testing of care home staff
           regarding testing             and the Social Care Staff Support

24/06/2020 Letter from SG and COSLA      Provides information on the         SG/COSLA
           to care home staff            weekly testing of care home staff
           regarding testing             and the Social Care Staff Support

23/06/2020 Use of serology testing for   Update on Scotland’s approach to SG
           COVID-19 in Scotland          COVID-19 antibody testing

Date        Policy/guidance                Summary                              Author

19/06/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       A framework for how adult social       DH
           reducing risk in adult social care employers should assess
           care                          and reduce risk to their workforce
                                         during the coronavirus pandemic.

18/06/2020 NHS Dental Services Phase       Advises that NHS dental services     SG
           2 – Remobilisation              remobilisation can commence
                                           from Monday 22 June, under
                                           Amendment No. 144 of the
                                           Statement of Dental
                                           Remuneration (SDR).

17/06/2020 Criteria for releasing          This scientific brief provides the   WHO
           COVID-19 patients from          rationale for the changes made to
           isolation. Scientific Brief     the clinical management of
                                           COVID-19 guidance, based on
                                           recent scientific evidence.

17/06/2020 General Ophthalmic              Advises on the supply of and         SG
           Services (GOS): COVID-19        Personal Protective Equipment
           recovery planning - pre-        (PPE) that a practice premises
           requirements and supply         must have before it can resume
                                           providing face-to-face NHS
                                           emergency and essential eye
                                           care, and PPE waste disposal

17/06/2020 Monitoring and evaluation       The framework presents               ECDC
           framework for COVID-19          indicators for a variety of key
           response activities in the      pillars of COVID-19
           EU/EEA and the UK               preparedness, prevention and
                                           control activities and provides
                                           guidance to countries on how to
                                           collect and analyse data for the
                                           suggested indicators

16/06/2020 COVID-19 Therapeutic alert:     Letter which sets out the            SG
           Dexamethasone in the            approach to utilisation of
           treatment of COVID-19 -         dexamethasone in COVID-19
           implementation and              informed by the extensive
           management of supply for        experience of its use in other
           treatment in hospitals          indications and information from
                                           the RECOVERY trial in the groups
                                           of patients where a clinical benefit
                                           was demonstrated.

Date        Policy/guidance                Summary                            Author

15/06/2020 Remobilisation of NHS           This letter advises NHS Boards     SG
           Dental Services                 and Practitioner Services of the
                                           arrangements for the
                                           remobilisation of NHS dental

15/06/2020 Remobilisation of NHS           Explains the plans to remobilise   SG
           Ophthalmic Services in          our NHS ophthalmic services in
           Scotland                        Scotland.

11/06/2020 Use of chest imaging in         This rapid advice guide examines   WHO
           COVID-19: Rapid advice          the evidence and makes
           note                            recommendations for the use of
                                           chest imaging in acute care of
                                           adult patients with suspected,
                                           probable or confirmed COVID-19.

10/06/2020 Medicines collection            Advises community pharmacy         SG
           service for shielding           contractors and NHS Boards on
           individuals                     updates to the existing
                                           arrangements for the Local
                                           Authority resilience hubs
                                           medicines collection service for
                                           shielding individuals

09/06/2020 COVID-19 infection              This document provides guidance ECDC
           prevention and control for      on infection prevention and
           primary care, including         control to healthcare providers in
           general practitioner            the EU/EEA in order to prevent
           practices, dental clinics and   COVID-19 infection.
           pharmacy settings

09/06/2020 COVID-19 therapeutic alert      Update to letters issued on 26     SG
           – Update to letter issued 26    May and 3 June regarding the
           May and 3 June –                restrictive access criteria for
           implementation of early         Remdesivir in the treatment of
           access to medicines             COVID-19.
           scheme for Remdesivir in
           the treatment of COVID-19

08/06/2020 Remobilisation of NHS           Provides you additional            SG
           Dental Services in Scotland:    information about the steps that
           - Preparations to Step Up       we are taking to prepare dental
           into Phase 2                    practices to open.

Date        Policy/guidance               Summary                              Author

08/06/2020 Results from laboratory-       This covers issues with both      MHRA
           based tests for COVID-19       laboratory based tests for COVID-
           antibodies using capillary     19 antibodies (unvalidated sample
           blood sample collection kits   type) and capillary blood sample
           may not be reliable            collection kits (unvalidated for
           (MDA/2020/015)                 home use)

08/06/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        An update on the future direction    SG
           Shielding - A Way Forward      of shielding policy in Scotland.
           for Scotland

05/06/2020 COVID 19 rapid evidence        This review aims to establish the NICE
           summary: Remdesivir for        clinical effectiveness, safety and
           treating hospitalised          cost effectiveness of remdesivir in
           patients with suspected or     adults, young people and children
           confirmed COVID-19             hospitalised with suspected or
                                          confirmed COVID-19.

05/06/2020 Implementation of NHS          This circular informs NHS Boards SG
           Near Me in community           and community pharmacy
           pharmacy                       contractors of NHS Near Me and
                                          provides important information in
                                          preparation for the roll out of NHS
                                          Near Me to community pharmacy
                                          in the near future.

05/06/2020 Practical considerations       This document and risk               WHO
           and recommendations for        assessment tool provides
           religious leaders and faith-   practical guidance and
           based communities in the       recommendations to support the
           context of COVID-19            special role of religious leaders,
                                          faith-based organizations, and
                                          faith communities in COVID-19
                                          education, preparedness, and

05/06/2020 Advice on the use of masks This updated version includes a          WHO
           in the context of COVID-19 – section on Advice to decision
           Interim advice               makers on the use of masks for
                                        healthy people in community

04/06/2020 Recognising deterioration      A guide for social care workers      NES/SSSC
           and supporting people with     supporting people in care homes

Date        Policy/guidance               Summary                               Author
            acute care needs during       or their own home to be used
            COVID-19                      alongside local policies and

04/06/2020 Conducting in-action and       This document aims to support         ECDC
           after-action reviews of the    the implementation of after-action
           public health response to      reviews (AARs) and in-action
           COVID-19                       reviews (IARs) focused on the
                                          public health response to COVID-

04/06/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Framework agreed by the               SG
           framework for the recovery     National Cancer Treatment
           of cancer surgery              Response Group for patients
                                          recovering from cancer surgery
                                          during the coronavirus pandemic

04/06/2020 How to wear and make a         Instructions on how to wear and       PHE
           cloth face covering            make a cloth face covering.

03/06/2020 COVID-19 therapeutic alert     Please see the attached update to SG
           – update to letter issued on   the letter issued on 26 May. To
           26 May – implementation of     note the access criteria for the
           early access medicines         remdesivir EAMS have been
           scheme for Remdesivir in       amended to reflect developing
           the treatment of COVID-19      clinical experience and knowledge
                                          of demand and changes in
                                          medicine supply.

01/06/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Letter from CNO providing details     SG
           care home safety huddle,       a number of resources which will
           staffing and escalation        support care homes to identify
           resources                      factors that may impact on the
                                          health, safety and wellbeing of
                                          residents as a result of the Covid-
                                          19 pandemic.

01/06/2020 Maintaining essential health   This document expands on the       WHO
           services: operational          content of the essential health
           guidance for the COVID-19      services and systems pillar of the
           context                        COVID-19 strategic preparedness
                                          and response plan:

Date        Policy/guidance               Summary                               Author

31/05/2020 Re-mobilise, Recover, Re-      Sets out how health boards will       SG
           design: the framework for      safely and incrementally prioritise
           NHS Scotland                   the resumption of some paused
                                          services, while maintaining
                                          COVID-19 capacity and

30/05/2020 Key planning                   The purpose of this document is       WHO
           recommendations for Mass       to provide guidance to host
           Gatherings in the context of   governments, health authorities
           the current COVID-19           and national or international
           outbreak                       organizers of mass gatherings on
                                          containing risks of COVID-19
                                          transmission associated with
                                          mass gathering events.

28/05/2020 Guidance for Medical           Guidance for medical practitioners SG
           Practitioners during the       on the electronic transfer of
           COVID-19 Pandemic –            medical certificates of cause of
           Electronic Transfer of         death (MCCD) from health
           Medical Certificates of        services to registrars and next of
           Cause of Death (MCCD)          kin during the COVID-19
           from Health Services to        pandemic.
           Registrars and Next of Kin

28/05/2020 Surveillance protocol for      This is a surveillance protocol       WHO
           SARS-CoV-2 infection           targeting health workers who are
           among health workers           found positive to COVID-19. This
                                          represents a technical tool and
                                          service that WHO is providing to
                                          countries who want to better
                                          understand the characteristics
                                          and exposure of health workers
                                          infected with COVID-19.

27/05/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Guidance for medical practitioners SG
           transfer of medical            on the electronic transfer of
           certificates of cause of       medical certificates of cause of
           death - guidance for           death (MCCD) from health
           doctors                        services to registrars and next of
                                          kin during the COVID-19

Date        Policy/guidance               Summary                              Author

27/05/2020 Clinical management of         This guidance document is            WHO
           COVID-19                       intended for clinicians caring for
                                          COVID-19 patients during all
                                          phases of their disease (i.e.
                                          screening to discharge).

27/52020    Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Guidance to support management PHE
            guidance on isolation for     of children and young people in
            residential educational       residential educational settings,
            settings                      including boarding schools,
                                          residential special schools and
                                          specialist colleges and children’s

26/05/2020 Projected baselines of         This report aims to provide a        ECDC
           COVID-19 in the EU/EEA         short-term 30-day forecast of the
           and the UK for assessing       expected number of COVID-19
           the impact of de-escalation    cases, deaths and hospitalised
           of measures. Technical         cases (including general hospital
           report                         ward and intensive care unit)
                                          under a set of assumptions.

26/05/2020 Considerations for travel-     This document outlines principles ECDC
           related measures to reduce     for developing more individualised
           spread of COVID-19 in the      guidance or operating procedures
           EU/EEA. Technical report       related to travel in European

26/05/2020 Assessment of risk factors     Nested case-control study of         WHO
           for coronavirus disease        health workers exposed to
           2019                           confirmed
                                          COVID-19 patients

26/05/2020 COVID-19: guidance for      Information for clinical diagnostic     PHE
           sampling and for diagnostic laboratories regarding safety,
           laboratories                sampling and packaging
                                       specimens associated with

26/05/2020 COVID-19 Therapeutic alert:    Letter regarding the                 SG
           implementation of early        implementation of the early
           access to medicines            access to medicines scheme for
           scheme for Remdesivir in       remdesivir in the treatment of
           the treatment of COVID-19      COVID-19.

Date        Policy/guidance               Summary                             Author

22/05/2020 Operational planning           This document was developed by      WHO
           guidance to support            WHO to provide a practical guide
           country preparedness and       that may be used by national
           response                       authorities to develop and update
                                          their COVID‑19 national plans
                                          across the major pillars of
                                          COVID‑19 preparedness and

22/05/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Guidance and advice about           PHE
           guidance for schools and       coronavirus (COVID-19) in
           other educational settings     educational settings for staff,
                                          parents and carers, pupils and

22/05/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Sets out the support package to     DH
           support for care homes         keep care homes safe during the
                                          coronavirus pandemic.

22/05/2020 Dementia care during the       Information for care services to    Care
           coronavirus (COVID-19)         support them during COVID-19        Inspectorate
           pandemic                       pandemic when caring for people
                                          living with dementia.

21/05/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        Reporting to the new site will      MHRA
           new dedicated Yellow Card      enable the MHRA to rapidly
           reporting site for medicines   identify new and emerging side
           and medical devices            effects and medical device
                                          incidents in COVID-19 treatment,
                                          including side effects for
                                          medicines taken by patients to
                                          manage long-term or pre-existing

21/05/2020 General Ophthalmic             Provides details of a number of     SG
           Services (GOS): COVID-19:      important COVID-19 updates for
           Further important              community eye care providers in
           information for community      Scotland,
           eye care providers

21/05/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):        The route map gives an indication SG
           framework for decision         of the order in which we will
           making - Scotland's route      carefully and gradually seek to
           map through and out of the     change current restrictions. It
           crisis                         provides practical examples of

Date        Policy/guidance              Summary                              Author
                                         what people, organisations and
                                         businesses can expect to see
                                         change over time. The phasing
                                         table will continue to be updated.

20/05/2020 GP Practices – Additional     Update to PCMA (2020)06              SG
           Funding – COVID-19 –          regarding extra costs relating to
           update and clarification      COVID-19.

20/05/2020 COVID-19 Aviation Health      Operational guidelines for the       ECDC
           Safety Protocol: Guidance     management of airline
           for the management of         passengers and aviation
           airline passengers in         personnel.
           relation to the COVID-19

20/05/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Changes to the Care Act 2014 to DH
           changes to the Care Act       help local authorities prioritise
           2014                          care and support during the
                                         coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

20/05/2020 Guidance on the               Details arrangements designed to SG
           employment of bank            guarantee a regular income for
           workers during the COVID-     bank workers where demand
           19 panidemic                  fluctuates as a consequence of

20/05/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Joint Chief Nursing Officer (CNO), SG
           letter on Aerosol             Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and
           Generating Procedures         National Clinical Director (NCD)
           (AGP)                         letter providing a position
                                         statement on guidance for
                                         personal protective equipment
                                         (PPE) and aerosol generating
                                         procedures (AGP).

20/05/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19):       Guidance for schools and other       PHE
           guidance for educational      educational settings about the
           settings                      novel coronavirus, COVID-19.

20/05/2020 Surveillance of COVID-19 at Technical report aims to provide       ECDC
           long-term care facilities in guidance to Member States for
           the EU/EEA                   the development of COVID-19
                                        surveillance at LTCFs.

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