APPROVED Work Programme and - BIENNIAL BUDGET FOR 2020 & 2021

Page created by Wanda Hanson
APPROVED Work Programme and - BIENNIAL BUDGET FOR 2020 & 2021
APPROVED Work Programme
APPROVED Work Programme and - BIENNIAL BUDGET FOR 2020 & 2021
Approved Work Programme and Biennial Budget for 2020-2021


The Work Programme and Budget (WP&B) is prepared in accordance with the
                                                                                    For the 2020 Budget, the core budget is primarily for Executive Management &
requirements of the SPREP Financial Regulations and is expressed in USD. The
                                                                                    Corporate Support with additions to the Programme Support being allocated to
Secretariat proposes a balanced budget of anticipated income and expenditure of
                                                                                    Climate Change Resilience and Environmental Monitoring and Governance.
USD$36,864,133 for 2020 and USD$30,453,596 for the 2021 Budget.
                                                                                    Table 4 shows the core budget expenditure by expenditure type. Personnel costs
The format for the 2020/2021 WP & B is aligned to the priorities of the SPREP
                                                                                    are predicted to increase by 23% from the Supplementary of 2019. The increase
Strategic Plan 2017-2026. The SPREP summary budget format lists the budget for
                                                                                    is mainly due to a lot of the vacant positions now fully occupied compared to 2018
each target and links the sources of funding to the core and programme budget
                                                                                    as well as new staffing for the PCCC centre.
                                                                                    Table 5 summarises the work programme budget with expenditure of $31m in
Guide to the Layout of the Work Programme and Budget
                                                                                    2020, noting an increase by $2.8m or 10% from the 2019 supplementary budget
The structure of the budget reflects the four (4) operational programmes (Climate
Change Resilience, Island & Ocean Ecosystems, Waste Management & Pollution
                                                                                    Table 6 summarises the work programme budget expenditure by expenditure
Control, Environmental Monitoring & Governance), and the Executive
Management and Corporate Support component of the Secretariat.
                                                                                    The presentation of the 2020/2021WP&B starts with a brief introduction of the
The budget is categorized into two major components:
                                                                                    strategic priority statements, followed by the target outcomes, performance
                                                                                    indicators and activities planned for the next two years 2020/2021 These reflect
  a) the core budget which is primarily funded by member contributions,
                                                                                    the targets and goals under the SPREP Strategic Plan 2017-2026 and are all linked
     programme/project management fees and other miscellaneous funding
                                                                                    to budgeted figures with identified sources of funding.
     sources; and
  b) the work programme which is funded by donor contributions
                                                                                    The budgeted figures are classified into Personnel, Operating and Capital Costs,
                                                                                    according to the targets in the Strategic Plan. For 2020/2021 we have adopted a
Table 1 shows the overall summary of total expected income and expenditure by
                                                                                    very conservative approach to the budget and thus have no allocations for any
the four (4) operational programmes and the Executive Management and
                                                                                    unsecured expenditure.
Corporate Support.

Table 2 shows the overall summary of total expected income and expenditure by
the Regional Goals and Organisational Goals in the new Strategic Plan 2017-2026.

Table 3 summarises the core budget. Income in the core budget is predicted to be
$6m in 2020, which has increased by 16%, compared to the supplementary budget
for 2019 of $5.2m.

Approved Work Programme and Biennial Budget for 2020-2021


The proposed 2020 expenditure of US$36,864,133 is an increase of US$3.6m than        The Secretariat forecasts it will earn USD$2.2m in 2020 and US$2.3m in 2021 for
the approved 2019 supplementary budget of US$33,236,447.                             programme management fees.

The increase in the 2020 Budget from the 2019 Supplementary reflects primarily       Documents forming the 2020/2021 WP&B
the realisation of pipeline project from 2019, which have been initiated in 2019,
and are expected to progress through in 2020. These include mainly EU projects        A.   Overall Budget Summary (Table 1)
such as PacWaste Plus (EU), Intra-ACP GCCA+ (EU), GCCA+ SUPA Project (EU), EDF-            Overall Budget Summary – by Regional & Organisational Goals (Table 2)
11PEUMP, EDF 11_OCT (EU), Green Climate Fund project such as Vanuatu Climate          B.   Core Budget Funding Less Expenditure by Programme (Table 3)
Information Services for Resilient Development Planning (GCF) and the Adaptation           Core Budget Funding Less Expenditure by Expenditure Type (Table 4)
Fund project, Enhancing the Climate Change Resilience of Vulnerable Island            C    Work Programme Funding Less Expenditure by Programme (Table 5)
Communities in FSM.                                                                        Work programme Funding Less Expenditure by Expenditure Type (Table 6)
                                                                                      D    Funding Composition (Table 7)
Income                                                                                E    Contribution Scale and Allocation for 2020-2021
                                                                                      F    Work Programme and Budget Details 2020-2021
The 2020 budget primarily comprises donor funding. Total available funding for                   • Regional Goals 1-4
2020 is made up of (a) core income and (b) work programme income. Total income                   • Organisational Goals 1-5
for core budget is a) US$6.0m and (b) work programme income $30.8m from               G    Detailed Budget Analysis by Targets
development partners and donors through programme and project funding. The                       • Climate Change Resilience (2020 & 2021)
major part (84%) of the budgeted income for the year is to be sourced from donors                • Island & Ocean Ecosystems (2020 & 2021)
whilst 3% of the total income is sought from membership contributions including                  • Waste Management & Pollution Control (2020 & 2021)
unpaid contributions and voluntary contributions. The remaining 13% is sourced                   • Environmental Monitoring & Governance (2020 & 2021)
from other income including charges for programme management services.                H    Corporate Services Operating Budget Details
                                                                                      I    Attachments Graph 1 – 2020 Budget Allocation per priority
                                                                                                          Graph 2 – 2021 Budget Allocation per priority
For the 2021 budget, this also primarily comprises donor funding. Total income for                        Graph 3 - Budget Progression from 2011 - 2021
core budget is a) US$5.9m and (b) work programme income is US$24.5m from
development partners and donors through programme and project funding. A
similar allocation is maintained across income from membership contributions
(4%), donors (81%) with the remaining 15% sourced from other income including
charges for programme management services.


                    SPREP BUDGET SUMMARY - YEAR 2020 & 2021

                                                      2019 Supplementary Budget                                   2020Budget                               2021 Budget
                                           Organisational                                      Organisational                                 Organisati    Regional
                                               Goals         Regional Goals       Total            Goals        Regional Goals   Total        onal Goals      Goals        Total
TOTAL INCOME                                     5,169,440      28,067,007        33,236,447        6,025,164       30,838,969   36,864,133    5,936,560    24,517,035   30,453,596

Executive Management & Corporate Support
Executive Management/SPPC                        2,533,561          98,973         2,632,534       3,209,871            10,000    3,219,871   3,165,735        10,000     3,175,735
Finance & Administration/Human Resources         2,066,460             -           2,066,460       1,867,796               -      1,867,796   1,769,842           -       1,769,842
Information Services                               528,858         103,911           632,769         891,627            35,856      927,483     986,530           -         986,530

Executive Management & Corporate Support         5,128,879         202,884         5,331,763       5,969,294            45,856    6,015,150   5,922,107        10,000     5,932,107

Climate Change Resilience                                       14,357,460        14,357,460          40,000        15,801,638   15,841,638         -      11,841,661    11,841,661
Island & Ocean Ecosystems                           24,715       7,744,718         7,769,433             -           6,627,263    6,627,263         -       4,882,299     4,882,299
Waste Management and Pollution Control                           4,045,234         4,045,234             -           6,590,513    6,590,513         -       6,256,709     6,256,709
Environmental Monitoring & Governance               15,846       1,716,712         1,732,558          15,870         1,773,698    1,789,568      14,453     1,526,366     1,540,820
Total Programmes                                 40,561.05      27,864,123        27,904,684          55,870        30,793,112   30,848,982      14,453    24,507,035    24,521,488

TOTAL EXPENDITURE                                5,169,440      28,067,007        33,236,447       6,025,164        30,838,969   36,864,133   5,936,560    24,517,035    30,453,596

NET SURPLUS/DEFICT                                     -               -                  -              -                 -             -          -              -            -

Table 1: Core and Programme Budget

                                      SPREP BUDGET SUMMARY - YEAR 2020 & 2021

                                                                  2020 Budget                                               2021 Budget
                                              Organisational        Regional                            Organisational        Regional
                                                  Goals               Goals                Total            Goals              Goals                Total
TOTAL INCOME                                         6,025,164        30,838,969         36,864,133           5,936,560        24,517,035         30,453,596

           Regional Goals
Regional Goal 1                                                       16,357,819         16,357,819                            11,841,661         11,841,661
Regional Goal 2                                                        6,086,939          6,086,939                             4,882,299          4,882,299
Regional Goal 3                                                        6,590,513          6,590,513                             6,256,709          6,256,709
Regional Goal 4                                                        1,803,698          1,803,698                             1,536,366          1,536,366

Total Regional Goals                                        -         30,838,969         30,838,969                   -        24,517,035         24,517,035

         Organisational Goals
Organisational Goal 1                                1,164,637                            1,164,637           1,127,964                             1,127,964
Organisational Goal 2                                  714,113                              714,113             641,132                               641,132
Organisational Goal 3                                1,556,897                            1,556,897           1,478,969                             1,478,969
Organisational Goal 4                                2,196,234                            2,196,234           2,283,408                             2,283,408
Organisational Goal 5                                  393,283                              393,283             405,087                               405,087
Total Organisational Goals                           6,025,164                 -          6,025,164           5,936,560                  -          5,936,560

TOTAL EXPENDITURE                                    6,025,164        30,838,969         36,864,133           5,936,560        24,517,035         30,453,596

NET SURPLUS/DEFICT                                          -                  -                   -                  -                  -                  -

                            Regional Goal 1 _Pacific people benefit from strengthened resilience to climate change
                            Regional Goal 2 _Pacific people benefit from healthy and resilient island and ocean ecosystems
                            Regional Goal 3 _Pacific People benefit from improved waste management and pollution control
                                             _Pacific People benefit and their environment benefit from commitment to and best practice of environmental
                            Regional Goal 4 governance
                                             _SPREP has information, and communication systems that get the right information to the right people at the
                       Organisational Goal 1 right time and influence positive organisational, behavioural and environmental change
                                             _SPREP has multi-disciplinary processes in programme delivery and in supporting members to develop national
                       Organisational Goal 2 and regional policies and strategies
                                             _SPREP has a reliable and sustainable funding base to achieve environmental outcomes for the benefit of the
                       Organisational Goal 3 Pacific islands region and manages its programmes and operations to stay within its agreed budget
                       Organisational Goal 4 _SPREP is leading and engaged in productive partnerships and collaborations
                                             _SPREP has access to a pool of people with the attitudes, knowledge, skills to enable it to deliver on its shared
                       Organisational Goal 5 regional vision

Table 2: Core and Programme Budget – by Regional & Organisational Goals


                                                      CORE BUDGET

                                           Supplementary Budget     Budget           Budget               %           %
                                                  2019               2020             2021            Change 2020 Change 2021
Members' Contributions                                 1,069,774         1,069,774        1,069,774            -         -
Voluntary/Increased Member Contributions                  80,000            86,861           86,861             9%       -
Contributions in Arrears                                  82,000            60,000           60,000          -27%        -
Voluntary Contributions in Arrears                        63,630               -                -           -100%        -
Host Country (Samoa) Contributions                        20,327            20,327           20,327            -         -
Donor Funding                                          1,614,671         2,275,705        2,061,260           41%        -9%
Program Management Services                            1,939,037         2,202,497        2,328,338           14%         6%
Other income                                             300,000           310,000          310,000             3%       -
TOTAL INCOME                                           5,169,440         6,025,164        5,936,560           17%        -1%

Executive Management & Corporate Support               5,128,879         5,969,294        5,922,107           16%        -1%
Climate Change Resilience                                    -              40,000              -              -         -
Island & Ocean Ecosystems                                 24,715               -                -           -100%        -
Waste Management and Pollution Control                       -                 -                -              -         -
Environmental Monitoring & Governance                     15,846            15,870           14,453           0.00       -9%
                                                                                                               -         -
TOTAL EXPENIDTURE                                      5,169,440         6,025,164        5,936,560           17%        -1%

NET SURPLUS/DEFICT                                          -                 -                -

Table 3: Core Budget less Expenditure by Programme


                    CORE BUDGET

                                    Supplementary Budget    Budget 2020     Budget 2021         %              %
                                            2019                                            Change 2020    Change 2021
Members' Contributions                          1,069,774       1,069,774       1,069,774             0%             0%
Voluntary Member Contributions                     80,000             -               -            -100%             0%
Members' Contributions increases 2019                              86,861          86,861                            0%
Contributions in Arrears                           82,000          60,000          60,000           -27%             0%
Voluntary Contributions in Arrears                 63,630             -               -            -100%             0%
Host Country (Samoa) Contributions                 20,327          20,327          20,327             0%             0%
Donor Funding                                   1,614,671       2,275,705       2,061,260            41%            -9%
Program Management Services                     1,939,037       2,202,497       2,328,338            14%             6%
Other income                                      300,000         310,000         310,000             3%             0%
TOTAL INCOME                                    5,169,440       6,025,164       5,936,560            17%            -1%

Personnel                                       3,214,209       3,941,381       4,010,378            23%             2%
Capital Expenditure                                81,250         162,500          42,000           100%           -74%
Consultancy                                        24,500          87,000          38,000           255%           -56%
Duty Travel                                       452,500         219,000         286,000           -52%            31%
General & Operating Expenditure                   985,981       1,486,871       1,389,783            51%            -7%
Staff Development                                  48,000             -               -            -100%             0%
Special Events (SPREP Meeting)                    338,000          82,000         142,000           -76%            73%
Training & Workshops                               25,000          46,412          28,400            86%           -39%

TOTAL EXPENIDTURE                               5,169,440       6,025,164       5,936,560           17%             -1%

NET SURPLUS/DEFICT                                    -              -               -               -              -

Table 4: Core Budget less Expenditure by Expenditure Type

                         WORK PROGRAMME BUDGET
(amounts shown in USD Currency)

                                           Supplementary Budget   Budget        Budget
                                                  2019             2020          2021
Programme Funding
Australia                                             2,018,001     2,053,787     1,837,938
NZAid                                                   795,177       754,852       818,403

Project Funding
Adaptation Fund                                       2,654,995     1,999,910     2,655,275
Australia                                                             747,525       748,273
Australian Bureau of Metrology                          386,170       584,291       544,102
Climate Analytics                                       212,614           -             -
European Union                                       10,393,706     9,339,172     7,940,864
EU through IUCN                                         266,971           -             -
Government of France/AFD                                              794,568       898,121
Government of Germany                                 1,353,617       540,324             0
Green Climate Fund                                    7,690,472     8,935,414     5,894,705
IMO                                                      79,100        44,692        44,692
IUCN                                                    197,889       170,410        28,146
New Zealand                                             108,101       314,133         4,566
NOAA                                                        -           7,700         7,700
PEW Trust                                                24,139           -             -
Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS)                    -         372,304       370,331
SPC-EU                                                   32,800           -             -
UNEP                                                  1,565,911     3,324,300     2,256,079
UK Meteorology                                          209,000       208,000       208,000
World Meteorology Office                                 30,689       487,262        56,062
Other Donors                                             47,656       160,325       203,780

Total Income                                         28,067,007    30,838,969    24,517,035

Climate Change Resilience                            14,357,460    15,801,638    11,841,661
Island & Ocean Ecosystems                             7,744,718     6,627,263     4,882,299
Waste Management and Pollution Control                4,045,234     6,590,513     6,256,709
Environmental Monitoring & Governance                 1,716,712     1,773,698     1,526,366
Executive Management & Corporate Support                202,884        45,856        10,000

Total Expenditure                                    28,067,007    30,838,969    24,517,035

NET SURPLUS/DEFICT                                          -              -             -

Table 5: Programme Budget less Expenditure by Programme Area


                         WORK PROGRAMME BUDGET
(amounts shown in USD Currency)

                                           Supplementary Budget    Budget        Budget
                                                  2019              2020          2021
Programme Funding
Australia                                              2,018,001     2,053,787     1,837,938
NZAid                                                    795,177       754,852       818,403

Project Funding
Adaptation Fund                                        2,654,995     1,999,910     2,655,275
Australia Extra Budget                                                 747,525       748,273
Australian Bureau of Metrology                           386,170       584,291       544,102
Climate Analytics                                        212,614           -             -
European Union                                        10,393,706     9,339,172     7,940,864
EU through IUCN                                          266,971           -             -
Government of France                                                   794,568       898,121
Government of Germany                                  1,353,617       540,324           -
Green Climate Fund                                     7,690,472     8,935,414     5,894,705
IMO                                                       79,100        44,692        44,692
IUCN                                                     197,889       170,410        28,146
New Zealand Extra Budget                                 108,101       314,133         4,566
NOAA                                                         -           7,700         7,700
PEW Trust                                                 24,139           -             -
Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS)                     -         372,304       370,331
SPC-EU                                                    32,800           -             -
UNEP                                                   1,565,911     3,324,300     2,256,079
UK Meteorology                                           209,000       208,000       208,000
World Meteorology Office                                  30,689       487,262        56,062
Other Donors                                              47,656       160,325       203,780

Total Income                                          28,067,007    30,838,969    24,517,035

Personnel                                              4,211,663     6,926,733     5,816,277
Consultancy                                            1,596,210     5,280,785     4,494,957
General and Operating                                    272,015    11,516,135     8,815,196
Capital                                                   11,600        67,700        42,333
Duty Travel                                              311,818     1,065,113     1,130,865
Training (incl. workshops & meetings)                  1,382,836     3,630,676     2,077,531
Grant                                                    190,000     2,351,828     2,139,876
Project Pipeline/New Projects                         20,090,865           -             -
Total Expenditure                                     28,067,007    30,838,969    24,517,035

NET SURPLUS/DEFICT                                           -               -            -

Table 6: Programme Budget Income by Donor and Expenses by Expenditure Type


                                                        % of Total               Budget 2020        % of Total               Budget 2021
SOURCES OF FUNDING FOR THE BUDGET                      Budget 2020                TOTALS           Budget 2021                TOTALS

I)    Core Budget                                                                     1,236,962                                   1,236,962
      -- Current
         Current Members'
                           Contributions                   2.9%      1,069,774                         3.5%      1,069,774
      - Contributions in Arrears                           0.2%         60,000                         0.2%         60,000
      - Additional Members' Contributions                  0.2%         86,861                         0.3%         86,861
      - Host Country (Samoa) contribution                  0.1%         20,327                         0.1%         20,327

II)   Other Income                                                                      310,000                                     310,000
      - Other Income                                       0.8%       310,000                          1.0%       310,000

III) Programme Management Services                                                    2,202,497                                   2,328,338
     - Programme Management Services                       6.0%      2,202,497                         7.6%      2,328,338
IV) External Funding

      A). Bilateral Funding                                                           6,071,702                                   5,396,939
          - AusAID - Extra Budgetary                       7.9%      2,917,370                         8.5%      2,601,188
          - AusAID - Extra Extra Budgetary                 2.0%        747,525                         2.5%        748,273

          New Zealand
          - NZAID - Extra Budgetary                        2.5%        934,423                         3.2%        982,388
          - NZAID - Extra Extra Budgetary                  4.0%      1,464,685                         3.5%      1,057,392

          - NOAA                                           0.0%         7,700                          0.0%         7,700

      B). Multilateral Funding                                                       26,806,647                                  20,902,375
          - Adaptation Fund                                5.4%      1,999,910                         8.7%      2,655,275
           - Australian Bureau of Metrology                1.6%        584,291                         1.8%        544,102
           -European Union                                25.4%      9,345,172                        26.1%      7,946,864
          - Green Climate Fund (GCF)                      24.2%      8,935,414                        19.4%      5,894,705
          - Govt. of France (AFD)                          2.2%        794,568                         2.9%        898,121
          - Govt. of Germany                               1.5%        540,324                         0.0%            -
          - International Maritime Organization            0.1%         44,692                         0.1%         44,692
          - IUCN                                           0.5%        170,410                         0.1%         28,146
          - Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS)       1.0%        372,304                         1.2%        370,331
          - United Nations Environment Programme           9.0%      3,324,300                         7.4%      2,256,079
          - United Kingdom Meteorology Office              0.6%        208,000                         0.7%        208,000
          - WMO                                            1.3%        487,262                         0.2%         56,062

      C). Other                                                                         236,325                                     278,980
          - Miscellaneous Donors                           0.6%       236,325                          0.9%       278,980

TOTAL SECURED FUNDING                                                                36,864,132                                  30,453,594

TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING                                                                        -                                           -

TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATES                                    100.0%                    $36,864,133       100.0%                    $30,453,595

Table 7: Funding Composition for 2020-2021 By Donor


          FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2020 & 2021

                                 SPREP Approved   Current           Additional
                                     Scale      Cont'n Shares       Contributions
                                       %            USD $           Pledge

American Samoa                              0.95%      10,184
Australia                                  17.30%     185,106   20% $     37,021.20
Cook Islands                                0.95%      10,184
Federated States of Micronesia              0.95%      10,184
Fiji                                        1.90%      20,360
France                                     12.55%     134,202    5% $      6,710.10
French Polynesia                            1.90%      20,360   10% $      2,035.98
Guam                                        1.90%      20,360
Kiribati                                    0.95%      10,184
Marshall Islands                            0.95%      10,184
Nauru                                       0.95%      10,184
New Caledonia                               1.90%      20,360   20% $      4,071.96
New Zealand                                12.55%     134,202   20% $     26,840.50
Niue                                        0.95%      10,184
Northern Marianas                           0.95%      10,184
Palau                                       0.95%      10,184
Papua New Guinea                            1.90%      20,360   20% $      4,071.96
Samoa                                       1.90%      20,360   20% $      4,071.96
Solomon Islands                             1.90%      20,360
Tokelau                                     0.95%      10,184
Tonga                                       0.95%      10,184
Tuvalu                                      0.95%      10,184   20% $      2,036.87
United Kingdom                             12.55%     134,202
United States of America                   17.46%     186,787
Vanuatu                                     1.90%      20,360
Wallis & Futuna Islands                     0.95%      10,184

Total                                       100%    1,069,774                86,861

                                                                            10 | P a g e
Work Programme and Biennial Budget Details for 2020-2021            F


                                                           11 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 1 – Pacific people benefit from strengthened resilience to climate change 2020-2021

                  REGIONAL GOAL 1
Pacific people benefit from strengthened resilience to
                   climate change

                                                                                       12 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 1 – Pacific people benefit from strengthened resilience to climate change 2020-2021
    2026 Regional                2020-2021                   Indicators                              Activities                      Responsible       2020 Budget Estimates                2021 Budget Estimates
      Objectives                 Outcomes                    2020-2021                               2020-2021                      Programme(s)               US$                                  US$
RO1.1                      RO1.1.0                   RO1.1.1 At least 10 PICTs
 Strengthen the             Capacity of Pacific      institutionalised CCR         •   Strengthen the capacity of PICTs in          IMPACT Project/         Sub Total – 13,571,224              Sub Total – 10,314,405
 capacity of Pacific        island Members           flagship programmes               adaptation and low emissions and               NAP Project     Personnel     Operating    Capital   Personnel   Operating     Capital
 island members to          strengthened to manage   supporting national               implementation                                                   Costs         Costs      Costs       Costs       Costs       Costs
                                                                                                                                                       1,115,070    12,406,154   50,000    1,108,714   9,178,558     27,133
 lead, prioritise, and      national CCR             development plans             •   Support at least 4 Pacific Island
                                                                                                                                                               Source of Funding                  Source of Funding
 manage national            programmes (CCA,                                           Countries in implementing their National
 climate change             LCD, NDCs, and DRR)      RO1.1.2 Mainstreamed              Adaptation Planning processes                                            AF    1,999,910                      AF     2,655,275
 adaptation (CCA),          in achieving national    CCR programmes                •   Support at least 4 Pacific Island                                        AU    136,822                        AU     128,166
 mitigation (NDCs) and      development goals        approaches into operational       Countries in developing and                                              EE    2,169,673                      EE     1,376,416
 disaster risk reduction    under regional and       development plans at              implementing their low emissions                                         GC    8,935,414                      GC     5,894,705
 (DRR) in fulfilment of     international            national level across PICTs       strategies and processes                                                 MU    91,009                         MU     104,315
 their national             agreements                                             •   Support Pacific Island countries in                                      NX    81,133                         NX     4,566
                                                                                                                                                                PF    98,824                         PF     96,851
 environment and                                     RO1.1.3 At least 45% half         implementing their Nationally Determined                                 AU    58,439                         AU     54,111
 development goals                                   of whom were women of the         Contributions under the UNFCCC Paris
 and their voluntary                                 trained PICT staff on             Agreement
 and legal obligations                               effective management in       •   Develop and distribute OA education and
 under regional and                                  CCR programmes provided           outreach materials to 5 PICTS in local
 international                                       feedback at the national          Pacific languages
 agreements.                                         level                         •   Scale up support for national
                                                                                       governments in climate change
                                                     RO1.1.4 PICTs allotted            negotiations                                  CCR (PPOA)
                                                     budget from the national      •   Consolidate and scale up support for
                                                     budget for CCR                    national planning for climate change and
                                                     programmes indicated in           disaster resilience
                                                     National development plans    •   Support to mainstream climate change
                                                                                       and disaster resilience including gender,    CCR (PACRES)
                                                                                       disability and human rights aspects
                                                                                       across national, sub-national and
                                                                                       community levels
                                                                                   •   Strengthen existing climate change,
                                                                                       disaster resilience, sustainable
                                                                                       environment and development networks
                                                                                       and alliances at the regional, national,
                                                                                       sub-national and community levels as
                                                                                       well as through inter-regional cooperation
                                                                                   •   Scale up regional and national climate
                                                                                       change portals to increase access to and
                                                                                       reach of climate change and disaster
                                                                                       resilience information

                                                                                                                                                                                             13 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 1 – Pacific people benefit from strengthened resilience to climate change 2020-2021
   2026 Regional               2020-2021                      Indicators                               Activities                      Responsible     2020 Budget Estimates                   2021 Budget Estimates
     Objectives                Outcomes                       2020-2021                                2020-2021                      Programme(s)             US$                                     US$
RO1.2                                                 RO1.2.1: At least 7 PICTs       •   Implement EbA adaptation to OA in Fiji,      CCR (PPOA)           Sub Total – 845,399                        Sub Total –85,731
Minimise multiple                                     incorporated EbA into               Tokelau and Kiribati
pressures on             Minimised multiple           national adaptation plans in                                                                   Personnel    Operating        Capital   Personnel     Operating       Capital
vulnerable Pacific       pressures on vulnerable      Member countries at             •   Deliver trainings to build capacity to                       Costs       Costs           Costs       Costs        Costs          Costs
island ecosystems by     Pacific island               national levelsubtotal              understand and manage OA in 3 PICTS
implementing             ecosystems by                                                                                                               364,458       480,941                    85,731
ecosystem-based          implementing                 RO1.2.2: At least 2 PICTs       •   Design, plan and disseminate scaled-up                               Source of Funding                       Source of Funding
approaches to climate    ecosystem-based              implemented EbA in                  implementation of adaptation including
                         approaches to climate                                                                                                                    AU     92,075                            AU    85,731
change adaptation,                                    identified vulnerable Pacific       ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) pilot                                  GR     540,324
including responses to   change adaptation,           island ecosystem on                 initiatives                                 CCR (PACRES)
                                                                                                                                                                  NX     213,000
ocean acidification      including responses to       responses to ocean
and sea level rise, to   ocean acidification and      acidification and sea level     •   Build capacities, advocate and further
sustain biodiversity     sea level rise, to sustain   rise                                mainstream adaptation solutions
and the provision of     biodiversity and the                                             including EbA; and develop and apply an
ecosystem services       provision of ecosystem       RO1.2.3: At least 2 tangible        adaptation/EbA solutions decision tool to
that support             services that support        projects implemented in             support Pacific ACP countries in the
livelihoods and          livelihoods and              PICTs by staff trained on           prioritisation and selection of suitable
sustainable              sustainable                  adaptation responses on             adaptation options
development              development.                 "Ocean Acidification and
                                                      Sea level rise"

                                                      RO1.2.4: At least 20% of
                                                      the population adopted
                                                      climate change adaptation
                                                      and risk reduction activities
                                                      in responding to severe
                                                      climate variations

                                                                                                                                                                                                14 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 1 – Pacific people benefit from strengthened resilience to climate change 2020-2021
   2026 Regional             2020-2021                    Indicators                               Activities                       Responsible     2020 Budget Estimates                 2021 Budget Estimates
     Objectives              Outcomes                     2020-2021                                2020-2021                       Programme(s)             US$                                   US$
RO1.3                                             RO 1.3.1 Policies-                                                                 CCR (PMDP
                        RO1.3.0                                                  •   Deliver annual regional IT trainings for 10                        Sub total – 1,757,045                  Sub total- 1,270,065
Enhance National                                  legislations-strategic plans                                                       Team, Van-
                        Enhanced National                                            NMHS                                              KIRAP)
Meteorological and      Meteorological and        identified together with key                                                                    Personnel   Operating       Capital   Personnel   Operating       Capital
Hydrological Services                             partners such as WMO,          •   Provide IT training and support to 8                           Costs       Costs         Costs       Costs      Costs          Costs
                        Hydrological Services                                        NMHS staff attachments with SPREP IT                          589,746    1,167,299         0        534,245    735,820           0
(NMHS) capacity in      (NMHS) capacity in        SPC and others in assisting
weather forecasting,    weather forecasting,      at least 14 member             •   Provide IT technical advice and support
early warning                                     countries towards                  to members through the Pacific Met Desk                              Source of funding                     Source of funding
                        early warning systems,
systems, long-term      long-term projections,    strengthening the operations   •   Support COSSPAC 2 activities in                                          AU    196,312                  AU     180,721
projections, and                                  of their NMHS                      transitioning CliDe to SPREP and                                         BM    584,291                  BM     544,102
                        and improved climate                                                                                                                  NO    7,700                    NO     7,700
improved climate        services to support                                          maintaining SPP tools
                                                                                                                                                               PF   273,480                   PF    273,480
services to support     Members’ decision-        RO1.3.2 At least 14
                                                                                 •   Develop websites for 5 NMHS for                                          UM    208,000                  UM     208,000
members’ decision-      making and coordination   Member countries integrated                                                                                 WM    487,262                  WM     56,062
                                                                                     effective delivery of climate/weather
making and              through the Pacific       climate information services
                                                                                     information to communities and
coordination through    Meteorological Council.   as well as Traditional
the Pacific                                       Knowledge in strengthening
Meteorological                                    national Early Warning         •   Manage COSPPac TK Database and
Council                                           Systems (EWS).                     SCOPIC software
                                                                                 •   Regional support to additional 9 Member
                                                  RO 1.3.3 At least 14
                                                                                     countries to develop Traditional
                                                  Member Countries
                                                                                     Knowledge (TK) Programs
                                                  enhanced communication of
                                                  relevant information to        •   Regional support for training 14 member
                                                  sector and communities for         countries on collection, storage and
                                                  decision making                    monitoring of climate and weather TK
                                                  RO 1.3.4 Increased number      •   Regional support to NMHS for the
                                                  of MET related projects            development and integration of TK with
                                                  implemented with a range of        forecasts and warnings
                                                                                 •   Implement Community-based Early
                                                  RO1.3.5 At least 30% of the        Warning and TK Systems in FSM, RMI,
                                                  recommendations of the             Palau and Niue.
                                                  PIMS-PMC- Expert Panel         •   Collaborate with NMHS to develop
                                                  outcomes implemented               country specific TK communication
                                                                                     products for communities
                                                                                 •   Regional support for the development of
                                                                                     NMHS Communication Strategies
                                                                                     building on lessons learned from Climate
                                                                                     Services Communication strategies for all
                                                                                     14 NMHS

                                                                                                                                                                                           15 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 1 – Pacific people benefit from strengthened resilience to climate change 2020-2021
2026 Regional   2020-2021            Indicators                                  Activities                       Responsible   2020 Budget Estimates   2021 Budget Estimates
  Objectives    Outcomes             2020-2021                                   2020-2021                       Programme(s)           US$                     US$
                            RO 1.3.6 At least 6 PICTs          •   Support the development of sector
                            ensured with the availability of
                                                                   related bulletins (e.g Tourism, Agriculture
                            credible climate science
                                                                   etc) to enhance the uptake of the science
                            information for planning,
                            negotiation and decision               for decision making with the sectors. This
                            making                                 activity will be coupled with trainings at
                                                                   the national and regional level.

                                                               •   Development of country specific
                                                                   communication information and products
                                                                   will be on request basis.

                                                               •   Collaborate with NMHS and partners to
                                                                   implement the Pacific Climate Change
                                                                   Science and Services Research

                                                               •   Support the operations of the Tuvalu and
                                                                   Kiribati Meteorological Services Upper Air

                                                               •   Implement the PICASO and COCO
                                                                   climate services tools in 14 NMHSs
                                                                   through regional and sub-regional and
                                                                   national trainings

                                                               •   Organise and support the Pacific
                                                                   Meteorological Council (PMC) and the
                                                                   Pacific Ministerial Meeting on
                                                                   Meteorology (PMMM)

                                                               •   Implement the recommendations from
                                                                   PMC and PIMS, through each of the 6
                                                                   expert panels.

                                                               •   Support the implementation of Pacific
                                                                   Climate Outlook Forum (PICOF) and
                                                                   National Outlook Climate (NCOF)

                                                                                                                                                        16 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 1 – Pacific people benefit from strengthened resilience to climate change 2020-2021
2026 Regional   2020-2021      Indicators                     Activities                       Responsible   2020 Budget Estimates   2021 Budget Estimates
  Objectives    Outcomes       2020-2021                      2020-2021                       Programme(s)           US$                     US$
                                            •   Develop climate information services
                                                (CIS) training package for technical
                                                training of sectors and practitioners in

                                            •   Support Vanuatu Government to deliver
                                                national technical training on accessing
                                                and using CIS for 5 sectors (water,
                                                tourism, fisheries, agriculture,

                                            •   Provide technical advice on CIS use and
                                                delivery for application in 5 sector case
                                                studies in Vanuatu

                                            •   Provide technical advice and guidance on
                                                site selection and procurement of
                                                meteorological instruments (e.g. AWS,
                                                ARG, radar, ocean buoys) to enhance the
                                                national observation network in Vanuatu

                                            •   Provide technical input to the selection of
                                                12 Climate Centers and 24 Climate
                                                Champions in Vanuatu to deliver CIS to

                                            •   Assess and inventory ICT equipment and
                                                infrastructure at VMGD, and needs to
                                                accommodate future instruments and
                                                data management and storage under the
                                                CISRD project in Vanuatu

                                            •   Provide technical advice and guidance on
                                                enhancing and developing new CIS tools
                                                for Vanuatu, e.g. ocean outlook

                                            • Oversight and coordination for the
                                                delivery of GCF Vanuatu CISRD project:
                                                implementation of activities, Steering
                                                Committee meetings, TWG meetings,
                                                Delivery Partner coordination, monitoring
                                                and evaluation of progress and reporting

                                                                                                                                     17 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 1 – Pacific people benefit from strengthened resilience to climate change 2020-2021
   2026 Regional               2020-2021                     Indicators                                    Activities                        Responsible      2020 Budget Estimates                 2021 Budget Estimates
     Objectives                Outcomes                      2020-2021                                     2020-2021                        Programme(s)              US$                                   US$
RO1.4                                               1.4.1 National accreditation                                                                CCD                 Subtotal – 92,075                     Subtotal – 85,731
Support Pacific island                              acquired for accessing climate        •   Support at least 4 Pacific Island Countries
Members to access and    Pacific island Member      change finances in at least 21            in strengthening access to climate finance                    Personnel   Operating       Capital   Personnel   Operating       Capital
manage climate change    national institutions      Pacific island members                    and technical delivery of NDA readiness                         Costs      Costs          Costs       Costs      Costs          Costs
finances and their       strengthened through                                                 and accreditation projects                                     92,075        0              0        85,731        0              0
                         access to climate change   1.4.2 At least 15 Pacific Island                                                            EMG
national accreditation                              Members accessed climate                                                                                        Source of funding                     Source of funding
processes                finances and national                                            •   Support and provide technical advice to
                         accreditation processes.   change finances adopting their                                                          Ex&Corp : PCU               AU    92,075                          AU    85,731
                                                    own national governance                   the PCU in developing climate change
                                                    mechanism                                 project concepts and proposals
                                                                                          •   Programmes and PCU prepare countries
                                                    1.4.3 At least 4 PICTs                    to access climate financing through
                                                    established Climate Change                provision of advice, training and
                                                    fund support in responding to             assistance in developing and delivering on
                                                    severe climate variations                 Readiness projects
                                                    including risk reduction activities
                                                    1.4.4: Pacific island Members         •   Support the Climate Financing Fund’s
                                                    supported with technical                  Entity Work Programmes (pipeline
                                                    assistance towards improved               projects) developed by the PCU through
                                                    national systems for                      the provision of technical advice and
                                                    accreditation and access to               assistance to Countries in developing the
                                                    climate finance.                          pipeline projects.
                                                    1.4.5 At least 10 projects
                                                                                          •   Provide assistance to Countries in
                                                    approved by SPREP as
                                                    Regional Implementing Entity              preparing project proposals
                                                    for Climate finance

                                                                                                                                                                                                     18 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 1 – Pacific people benefit from strengthened resilience to climate change 2020-2021
   2026 Regional               2020-2021                     Indicators                                   Activities                        Responsible         2020 Budget Estimates                 2021 Budget Estimates
     Objectives                Outcomes                      2020-2021                                    2020-2021                        Programme(s)                 US$                                   US$
RO1.5                                              1.5.1: At least 6 Pacific Island     •   Pacific Islands Climate Change Insurance              CCR                 Subtotal – 92,076                     Subtotal – 85,731
Support Pacific Island                             Members supported in                     Facility (PICCIF) developed further to
                         Pacific Island Members                                                                                                               Personnel     Operating     Capital   Personnel    Operating      Capital
Members to develop                                 developing policy responses to           concept phase for submission to Leaders                             costs        costs        Costs       Costs       Costs         Costs
                         implemented policy        issues of loss and damage of
policy responses to      measures regarding loss                                                                                                               92,076          0            0        85,731         0             0
                                                   lives and properties affected        •   Capacity building through case studies on
issues of loss and       and damage to life and                                                                                                  EMG
                                                   by severe climate variations             loss and damage in the Pacific developed                                  Source of funding                     Source of funding
damage, and climate      property and disaster
change and disaster                                1.5.2: : Repository for loss             for at least 4 countries                                                       AU      92,076                       AU   85,731
                         induced population        and damage sustained in 15
induced population       mobility.                                                                                                               WMPC
mobility                                           PICTs.                                                                                     3.1.3:3.2.1,3

                                                   1.5.3: At least 20% of the
                                                   displaced population along the
                                                   disaster prone areas provided
                                                   with support that minimised
                                                   the impact of induced
                                                   population mobility

                                                   1.5.4: At least 20% of the
                                                   disaster-affected households
                                                   changed its behaviour in
                                                   facing the adverse effects of
                                                   climate change in Member

                                                   1.5.5: At least 20% women
                                                   including girls living in disaster
                                                   prone areas ensured with
                                                   social insurance from the
                                                   government while facing the
                                                   recovery phase of disaster

                                                                                                                                                                 2020 Budget            2021 Budget
                                                                                                                                        Total Personnel            $2,253,425                $1,900,150
                                                               TOTAL REGIONAL GOAL 1
                                                                                                                                        Total Operating           $14,054,394                $9,914,378
                                                                                                                                        Total Capital                     $50,000               $27,133
                                                                                                                                        OVERALL TOTAL            $ 16,357,819               $11,841,661

                                                                                                                                                                                                       19 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 1 – Pacific people benefit from strengthened resilience to climate change 2020-2021

                                             USD$              USD$
Personnel Costs:                              2020             2021
                             Australia XB           642,835      595,225        BUDGET ESTIMATES ALLOCATION BY MEMBER
      Australian Bureau of Meteorology              398,456      358,545                   COUNTRY 2020 & 2021
                         European Union             479,356      477,554                            2020        2021
                     Green Climate FUnd             249,527      267,660         COUNTRY           USD$         USD$
                Government of Germany               272,383                Fiji                      241,634
                                                                           Federated States of
                             Multi Donor             91,009      104,315
                                                                           Micronesia                 30,000
                        New Zealand XXB              21,035
                                                                           Kiribati                  149,500        63,500
                Pacific Forum Secretariat            98,824       96,851
                                                                           Marshall Islands           30,000
                               Sub Total          2,253,425    1,900,150
                                                                           Nauru                      30,000
Operating Costs:
                                                                           Palau                      30,000
                         Adaptation Fund          1,999,910    2,655,275
                                                                           Regional               6,866,651      6,085,916
                             Australia XB            24,965       24,965
                                                                           Solomon Islands            64,048
        Australia Bureau of Meteorology             185,835      185,557
                                                                           Samoa                      86,000
                         European Union           1,640,317      871,729
                                                                           Tokelau                    63,500        63,500
                     Green Climate Fund           8,685,887    5,627,045
                                                                           Tuvalu                 8,764,786      5,627,045
                Government of Germany               267,941            0
                                                                           Vanuatu                     1,700         1,700
                              US - NOAA               7,700        7,700
                                                                           GRAND TOTAL          $16,357,819     11,841,661
                        New Zealand XXB             273,098        4,566
                Pacific Forum Secretariat           273,480      273,480
      United Kingdom Metrology Office               208,000      208,000
          World Metrology Organisation              487,262       56,062
                               Sub Total         14,054,394    9,914,378
Capital Costs:
                         European Union              50,000       27,133
GRAND TOTAL                                   $16,357,819    $11,841,661

                                                                                                             20 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 2: Pacific people benefit from healthy and resilient island and ocean 2020-
                                                                           ecosystems 2021

                    REGIONAL GOAL 2
Pacific people benefit from healthy and resilient island and
                    ocean ecosystems

                                                                                    21 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 2 – Pacific people benefit from healthy and resilient island and ocean ecosystems 2020-2021

    2026 Regional                2020-2021                   Indicators                                Activities                      Responsible    2020 Budget Estimates                     2021 Budget Estimates
      Objectives                 Outcomes                    2020-2021                                2020-2021                       Programme(s)            US$                                       US$
RO2.1                      RO2.1.0                    RO2.1.1: Marine and           •   Implement integrated coastal management                             Sub Total – 567,841                          Sub Total – 402,065
Effectively manage and     Supported effective        coastal ecosystem                 at watershed scale at sites in Fiji and
protect marine and         management and             management policy                 Vanuatu through EDF-11 funded Bycatch                        Personnel       Operating      Capital   Personne       Operating        Capital
coastal ecosystems;        protection of marine and   implemented in 8 PICTs.           and Integrated Ecosystem Management                            Costs          Costs                    l Costs        Costs           Costs
mitigation of the          coastal ecosystems                                           (BIEM) as part of the Pacific-European                        537,811           30,030        0        372,035         30,030           0
impacts of fisheries       towards healthy oceans                                       Union Marine Partnership programme
activities to ensure       supporting sustainable                                                                                                               Source of Funding                         Source of Funding
healthy populations of     development through                                      •   Implement national scale marine spatial                                   AU      132,596                            AU    114,289
threatened species,        food security                                                planning in Fiji and the Solomon Islands as                               EE      179,633                            EE    168,210
and reduce the release                                                                  part of BIEM programme.                                                   FR      42,877                             FR
of marine pollutants                                                                                                                                               IU     106,649                             IU
that increase human                                   RO2.1.2: At least 10 PICTs    •   Engage national governments and local                                     NZ      106,086                            NZ    119,566
health risks in order to                              regularly accessed up-to-         communities through BIEM activities.
achieve healthy and                                   date information on the           Information and results will be shared
productive oceans that                                sustainable use and               through SPREP Inform Portal for access by
support food security                                 conservation of coastal and       other countries.
and sustainable                                       marine resources.
development                                                                         •   Obtain members endorsement of Pacific
                                                                                        Coral Reef Action Plan in Consultation with
                                                                                        21 PICTS and develop Regional and
                                                                                        national implementation strategies through
                                                                                        regional workshop.
                                                      O2.1.3 Impacted threats to
                                                      the health of coastal and     •   Impacts and threats to coastal ecosystems
                                                      marine environments have          mitigated through implementation of
                                                      been mitigated in 8 key           integrated coastal management and
                                                      PICTs.                            ecosystem-based adaptation to climate
                                                                                        change components of the BIEM project in
                                                                                        Fiji and Vanuatu

                                                                                    •   Contribute to development of CBD Post
                                                                                        2020 MPA targets through consultation with
                                                                                        PICTS on support for 30x30 target

                                                                                                                                                                                               22 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 2 – Pacific people benefit from healthy and resilient island and ocean ecosystems 2020-2021

2026 Regional         2020-2021                 Indicators                                 Activities                       Responsible       2020 Budget Estimates              2021 Budget Estimates
  Objectives          Outcomes                  2020-2021                                  2020-2021                       Programme(s)               US$                                US$
                RO2.2.0                  RO2.2.1: Protected area       •   Manage, maintain, update and upgrade the            C&M               Sub total – 1,507,992                Sub total – 843,487
                Supported the            (PA) management capacity          Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal
                                                                                                                                          Personnel Operating        Capital   Personne   Operating       Capital
                conservation and         improved in 5 PICTs through       (PIPAP)                                                          Costs      Costs         Costs      l Costs    Costs          Costs
                sustainable use of       SPREP's regional support      •   Conduct country assistance missions and                                                             171,171    670,316         2,000
                                                                                                                                           435,532   1,070,960       1,500
                marine, coastal, and     program with support tools        training on PIPAP in at least 3 PICs.
                terrestrial ecosystems   such as use of PIPAP                                                                                      Source of funding                  Source of funding
                and biodiversity                                       •   Produce and disseminate promotional
                                                                           products for the PIPAP and to promote                                        AU    109,738                     AU    96,661
                consistent with                                                                                                                         EE    736,811                     EE    629,144
                international                                              Pacific protected area issues generally
                                                                                                                                                        FR    32,314                      FR
                commitments                                            •   Disseminate information resources, new                                        IU   63,761                       IU   28,146
                                                                           research, and decision support tools                                         MU    17,000                      MU
                                                                           through the PIPAP mailing list and increase                                  NZ    76,057                      NZ    89,536
                                                                                                                                                        UE    472,311                     UE
                                                                           subscriptions beyond 650 members
                                                                       •   Provide GIS training for at least 2 PICs
                                                                           based on interest and priority.
                                                                       •   Participate in relevant global meetings/fora
                                                                           during 2020 to promote the PIPAP, PIC
                                                                           protected area issues and progress on
                                                                           achieving related global targets
                                                                       •   Participate in the 10th Pacific Conference on
                                                                           Nature Conservation and Protected Areas
                                                                           and strengthen coordination and
                                                                           partnerships on protected areas.
                                                                       •   Convene and chair Protected Areas
                                                                           Working Group [PAWG] meetings annually
                                                                           and review and update PAWG action plan
                                                                           working closely with PAWG members.
                                                                       •   Coordinate PAWG activities and input
                                                                           related to the outcome of the 10th

                                                                                                                                                                                23 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 2 – Pacific people benefit from healthy and resilient island and ocean ecosystems 2020-2021

2026 Regional   2020-2021           Indicators                                Activities                        Responsible   2020 Budget Estimates   2021 Budget Estimates
  Objectives    Outcomes            2020-2021                                 2020-2021                        Programme(s)           US$                     US$
                            RO2.2.2: At least 7 PICTs      •   Develop at least 7 policies or legislative
                            strengthened its capacity in       frameworks on Access and Benefit Sharing
                            implementing Objective 3 of        within 7 PICs based on country
                            the CBD on ABS enabling            consultations and capacity building needs
                            better Regional and National       assessment and legal analysis of these
                            management of genetic              countries.
                                                           •   Execute specialized regional training and
                                                               one (1) regional/sub regional capacity
                                                               building, awareness and education
                                                               workshop to improve capacities of all the
                                                               14 PICs to implement the Nagoya Protocol
                                                               on Access and Benefit Sharing based on
                                                               National Capacity Building Needs
                                                               Assessment Report.
                                                           •   Conduct workshop to review and share
                                                               lessons learnt on the implementation of the
                                                               Regional ABS Project and technical
                                                               assistance provided to 14 PICs in
                                                               developing capacities and implementing
                                                               the Nagoya Protocol through country
                                                               consultations, workshops and meetings.
                                                           •   Convene annual meetings of PIRT and
                                                               associated meetings of the Protected Areas
                                                               Working Group to support coordinated and
                                                               effective regional progress of Pacific island
                                                               countries to achieve Aichi Target 11 and
                                                               post-2020 biodiversity goals.
                            RO2.2.3: PIRT effectively
                            coordinated including the      •   Develop a new draft Framework for Nature
                            implementation of the              Conservation to be debated and adopted at
                            regional FW for nature             the 10th Conference, including insight
                            conservation and protected         provided from the Review of the current
                            areas.                             Framework and other analysis such as the
                                                               regional State of Environment and State of
                                                               Conservation in Oceania reports.
                                                           •   Prepare and convene the 10th Pacific
                                                               Islands Conference for Conservation and
                                                               Protected Areas with attendance of
                                                               representatives from all PICTs

                                                                                                                                                      24 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 2 – Pacific people benefit from healthy and resilient island and ocean ecosystems 2020-2021

   2026 Regional               2020-2021                  Indicators                                   Activities                     Responsible     2020 Budget Estimates                 2021 Budget Estimates
     Objectives                Outcomes                   2020-2021                                   2020-2021                      Programme(s)             US$                                   US$
RO2.3                    RO2.3.0:                 RO2.3.1: At least 8 PICTs        •   Assist partner countries to implement                                Sub total – 933,388                    Sub total – 966,112
Prevent the extinction                            implemented MSAP as the              MSAP.                                            TAMS:1      Personnel   Operating       Capital   Personne     Operating       Capital
of threatened species    Supported measures to    basis for the conservation of                                                                       Costs       Costs         Costs      l Costs       Costs         Costs
                         prevent extinction and                                    •   Provide advice and technical support to          TAMS:2
and support measures                              threatened marine species            Members on conservation of threatened                                                               293,609      672,503          0
                         conservation of                                                                                                            260,885       672,503          0
to sustain their                                                                       marine species.
conservation status      threatened species.                                                                                            EMG:3                 Source of funding                   Source of funding
                                                  RO2.3.2: Data and                •   Promote MSAP as a strategic direction in
                                                  information on the                   the NEMS development for selected                                          AU   94,712                          AU     81,635
                                                  conservation status of               countries.                                                                 EE   667,482                         EE     667,482
                                                  threatened species shared                                                                                       NZ   171,194                         NZ     216,995
                                                                                   •   Provide support and resources for turtle
                                                  at regional and national level       monitoring programs/activities conducted at
                                                  regularly                            selected nesting beaches.
                                                                                   •   Technical assistance and support provided
                                                  RO2.3.3: Members and
                                                                                       to the Pacific CITES and CMS Parties to
                                                  partners regularly shared
                                                                                       implement outcomes of the CoP meetings,
                                                  information on the
                                                                                       including legislation development/review,
                                                  conservation status of
                                                                                       national reporting etc
                                                  marine at regional level
                                                                                   •   Assist country members of WCPFC
                                                  RO2.3.4: Regional                    towards continuous improvement of CMMs
                                                  guidelines for best practice         relating to threatened and migratory
                                                  for species ecotourism               species.
                                                  implemented by 4 PICTs           •   Coordinate with international and regional
                                                                                       experts to develop ecotourism guidelines
                                                  2.3.5: By-catch of                   for dugongs, turtles and sharks.
                                                  threatened species in
                                                  commercial fisheries             •   Implement activities in the BIEM
                                                  mitigated the impacts of             programme to address bycatch of
                                                  fishery activities in one key        threatened species in commercial fisheries
                                                  PICT fishery through
                                                  established collaboration
                                                  with in one Member country

                                                                                                                                                                                           25 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 2 – Pacific people benefit from healthy and resilient island and ocean ecosystems 2020-2021

   2026 Regional                 2020-2021                      Indicators                                Activities                        Responsible      2020 Budget Estimates                 2021 Budget Estimates
     Objectives                  Outcomes                       2020-2021                                2020-2021                         Programme(s)              US$                                   US$
RO2.4                      RO2.4.0                     RO2.4.1: Risk of new socio-     •   EDRR species specific plans created or              ISP: 1-5          Sub total – 3,077,717                 Sub total – 2,670,635
Significantly reduce the   Significantly reduced the   economic-environmental              reviewed for Niue, RMI, Tonga and Tuvalu
socio-economic and         socio-economic and          impacts lowered due to                                                                              Personnel   Operating       Capital   Personne   Operating       Capital
ecological impact of       ecological impact of        active specific Early                                                                                 Costs       Costs         Costs      l Costs     Costs         Costs
invasive species on land   invasive species on land    Detection-Rapid Response                                                                             611,679    2,449,838       16,200     629,173   2,028,262       13,200
and water ecosystems       and water ecosystems        Plans in 12 PICTs
and control or eradicate
                           by controlling and                                                                                                                      Source of Funding                    Source of Funding
priority species                                       RO2.4.2: Island and coastal
                           eradicating priority                                        •   Island eradications in progress in 10                                       AU    94,712                         AU     81,635
                           species.                    ecosystems more resilient           islands increasing the total number of                                      EE    1,289,689                      EE     1,204,503
                                                       due to invasive vertebrae           island eradications to 70                                                   NZ    119,683                        NZ     147,014
                                                       species being eradicated in                                                                                     UE    1,550,786                      UE     1,214,477
                                                       70 islands.                                                                                                     CH    22,847                         CH     23,006

                                                       RO2.4.3: Invasive species
                                                                                       •   Determine initial targets for biological
                                                       management integrated into
                                                                                           control in five PICTs
                                                       NEMS development process
                                                       in at least 20 PICTs
                                                       RO2.4.4 Active invasive
                                                       plant biological control        •   Six sites have management implementation
                                                       programmes evident in at            plans
                                                       least 7 PICTS in lowering the
                                                       impact of widespread weeds.                                                              EMG: 6

                                                       RO2.4.5: At least 67 priority
                                                       ecological sites restored
                                                       ecosystem function through
                                                       managing multiple invasive                                                             WMPC 3.1.2
                                                       species taxa.                                                                            ISP

                                                                                                                                                             Budget 2020           Budget 2021

                                                                                                                                      Total Personnel         $1,845,908               $1,465,988

                                                                                                                                      Total Operating         $4,223,331               $3,401,111
                                                                   TOTAL REGIONAL GOAL 2                                              Total Capital               $17,700                  $15,200
                                                                                                                                      OVERALL TOTAL           $6,086,939               $4,882,299

                                                                                                                                                                                                  26 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 2 – Pacific people benefit from healthy and resilient island and ocean ecosystems 2020-2021

                      BUDGET ESTIMATES BY SOURCE OF FUNDING 2020 & 2021
                                                                                       BUDGET ESTIMATES ALLOCATION BY MEMBER
                                                          USD$          USD$                      COUNTRY 2020 & 2021
         Personnel                                        2020          2021                              2020        2021
                                             Australia XB    416,732      359,194          COUNTRY        USD$        USD$
                                                   China      22,847       23,005   Kiribati                                 4,550
                                         European Union      269,230      259,132   Marshall Islands         142,356       137,106
                                   Government of France       42,877                New Caledonia             24,800
          International Union of Conservation on Nature      106,649                Nauru                      4,750
                                         New Zealand XB      432,966      533,056   Niue                     137,106       137,106
                 United Nations Environment Programme        554,608      291,601   Regional               4,174,291     3,119,992
                                               Sub Total   1,845,908    1,465,988   Samoa                  1,233,672     1,113,581
         Operating                                                                  Tonga                    232,858       232,858
                                             Australia XB     15,026       15,026   Tuvalu                   137,106       137,106
                                         European Union    2,604,385    2,410,206
                                   Government of France       32,314
          International Union of Conservation on Nature       62,261       26,146
                                             Multi donor      17,000       40,056
                                         New Zealand XB       40,056      909,676   GRANT TOTAL           $6,086,939    $4,882,299
                 United Nations Environment Programme      1,452,289
                                               Sub Total   4,223,331    3,401,111
            International Unit of Conservation on Nature       1,500        2,000
                 United Nations Environment Programme         16,200       13,200
                                               Sub Total      17,700       15,200

         GRAND TOTAL                                    $6,086,939     $4,882,299

                                                                                                                        27 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 3 – Pacific people benefit from improved waste management and pollution control 2020-2021

                REGIONAL GOAL 3
    Pacific people benefit from improved waste
        management and pollution control

                                                                                             28 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 3 – Pacific people benefit from improved waste management and pollution control 2020-2021

    2026 Regional                  2020-2021                     Indicators                               Activities                       Responsible     2020 Budget Estimates                 2020 Budget Estimates
      Objectives                   Outcomes                      2020-2021                                2020-2021                       Programme(s)             US$                                   US$
RO3.1                       RO3.1.0                      RO3.1.1: At least 6% of        •   Removal of legacy waste
                                                                                                                                             WMPC               Sub Total – 2,462,125                Sub Total – 2,314,979
Minimise the adverse        Minimised the adverse        legacy wastes removed from
impacts of chemicals        impacts of waste through     PICTs                                                                                           Personnel    Operating       Capital   Personnel   Operating      Capital
and all wastes on           environmentally sound                                       •   Assist PICTs to remediate contaminated                         Costs       Costs          Costs       Costs       Costs        Costs
human health and the        life cycle management in     RO3.1.2 At least 5 sites           sites                                                         1,378,196   1,083,929         0       1,304,050   1,010,929        0
environment via             accordance with agreed       remediated from the                                                                                                                           Source of Funding
                                                         contamination of legacy                                                                                  Source of Funding
environmentally sound       regional and international
life-cycle management       frameworks including         wastes across PICTs            •   Negotiated funding agreements secured                                     AU     188,982                        AU    154,688
in accordance with          Cleaner Pacific 2025                                                                                                                      AX     171,092                        AX    171,840
                                                         RO3.1.3: Funding secured in                                                                                  EE     1,801,828                      EE    1,718,718
agreed regional and
                                                         implementing high priority                                                                                   FR     251,878                        FR    240,321
international                                                                                                                                WMPC                     MU     6,000                          MU
                                                         actions for PICs under
frameworks, including                                                                                                                                                 NZ     42,345                          NZ   29,412
                                                         Regional Pacific Action
Cleaner Pacific 2025,                                                                   •   Assist PICTs to improve waste disposal
                                                         Plan- Marine Litter
and significantly                                                                           sites and storage facilities
reduce the release of                                    RO3.1.4: Waste
pollutants to air, water,                                management practices
and soil                                                 improved in 3 waste
                                                         disposal sites and storage     •   Assist PICTs in ratification, acceding and
                                                         facilities                         implementing the regional and international
                                                                                            frameworks including CP2025
                                                         RO3.1.5: At least 10 PICTs     •   Carry out evaluation of CP2025
                                                         implemented the agreed
                                                         regional and international
                                                         frameworks, including
                                                         Cleaner Pacific 2025.

RO3.2                       RO3.2.0:                     RO3.2.1: At least 30% of       •   Assist PICTs to develop National Waste           WPMC               Sub Total – 1,979,721                Sub total – 2,063,588
Strengthen national,        Strengthened                 PICs operationalised               Management Strategies, legislation and
                                                                                                                                                         Personnel    Operating       Capital   Personnel   Operating      Capital
regional, and               institutional mechanisms     specific waste and pollutant       regulations                                                    Costs        costs         Costs       Costs       Costs        Costs
international               at all levels for waste      management policies,           •   Assist PICTs to operationalise National                       169,382      1,810,339        0        131,954    1,931,634        0
mechanisms for waste        management and               strategies, legislation and        Waste Management Strategies, legislation
management including        pollution control            regulations                        and regulations
                                                                                                                                                                  Source of Funding                    Source of Funding
for chemicals,
hazardous wastes,                                        RO3.2.2: Regional strategy     •   Assist PICTs in developing capability for                                 AU    137,108                         AU    112,612
ship and aircraft                                        integrated PACPOL in 10            implementation of national plans and                                      EE    1,749,556                       EE    1,796,391
generated waste,                                         PICTs for marine pollution         strategies under PACPOL.                                                   IM   44,692                           IM   44,692
                                                         into national plans and                                                                                      MU    2,000                           MU    76,460
marine plastic litter,                                                                                                                                                NZ    46,365                          NZ    33,433
and other marine                                         strategies for oil spill
debris. (Institutional)                                  response, invasive marine
                                                         species, and marine plastic

                                                                                                                                                                                                    29 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 3 – Pacific people benefit from improved waste management and pollution control 2020-2021

   2026 Regional             2020-2021                      Indicators                                 Activities                          Responsible     2020 Budget Estimates                2020 Budget Estimates
     Objectives              Outcomes                       2020-2021                                  2020-2021                          Programme(s)             US$                                  US$
                                                   RO3.2.3: At least 5% of the      •   Develop educational awareness programs
                                                   community members                    for schools, communities, across PICTs
                                                   adopted better waste             •   Develop accredited course in waste
                                                   management practices                 management for vocational and tertiary
                                                   influenced by educational            training
                                                   awareness and behaviour
                                                   change projects delivered by
                                                   schools-NGOs- CSOs,
                                                   across PICTs
                                                                                    •   Assist PICTs with capacity building for
                                                   RO3.2.4: At least 60% of             waste and pollution management
                                                   staff trained on waste
                                                   management and pollution
                                                   control enhanced human
                                                   capacity through delivered
                                                   capacity building modalities
                                                   across PICTs
                                                                                    •   Support PICTs to attend regional and
                                                   RO3.2.5: Member countries            international MEAs and other fora
                                                   represented through
                                                   technical advice at regional
                                                   and international fora for all
                                                   21 PICTs
RO3.3                  RO3.3.0                     RO3.3.1: Resource                •   Improve or establish material resource               WPMC                Sub total – 179,532                  Sub total – 131,954
Recover resources      Waste minimisation          recovery from waste                  recovery infrastructure (facilities, plants and                  Personnel   Operating       Capital   Personnel   Operating     Capital
from waste and         contributed to social and   implemented in 21 PICTs              equipment)                                                         Costs       Costs         Costs       Costs       Costs        Costs
pollutants through     economic development                                         •   Assist countries to develop and implement                        169,382        10,150          0      131,954          0             0
composting (nutrient   of communities adopting                                          resource recovery programmes                                               Source of funding                  Source of funding
recovery), recycling   mechanisms for               RO3.3.2 At least 2% per
                                                                                                                                                                      AU    127,538                        AU       103,042
(material recovery),   resource recovery           capita reduced generation of     •   Assist countries to develop and implement
                                                                                                                                                                      MU    10,150                         MU
energy recovery, and                               wastes for 21 PICTs                  waste prevention programmes                                                   NZ    41,844                         NZ       28,912
other measures in
order to minimise                                                                   •   Provide support for the CPRT technical
waste and contribute                               RO3.3.3 At least 3 PICTs             working groups
to economic and                                    strengthened public-private
social development                                 partnerships contributing to     •   Assist PICs to assist establish private
                                                   social and economic                  public partnerships
                                                   development of communities
                                                                                    •   Assist PICTs to establish and implement
                                                                                        recycling associations

                                                                                                                                                                                                   30 | P a g e
REGIONAL GOAL 3 – Pacific people benefit from improved waste management and pollution control 2020-2021

   2026 Regional                2020-2021                  Indicators                               Activities                        Responsible     2020 Budget Estimates                  2020 Budget Estimates
     Objectives                 Outcomes                   2020-2021                                2020-2021                        Programme(s)             US$                                    US$
RO3.4                     RO3.4:                  RO3.4.1: Regional                 •   Assist the implementation of the Regional        EMG
                                                                                                                                                          Sub total – 1,969,134                  Sub total – 1,746,188
Improve waste and         PICTs made evidence-    environmental waste                   Waste Monitoring system in selected
pollution monitoring of   based decisions using   monitoring system                     countries.                                                  Personnel    Operating        Capital   Personnel   Operating      Capital
receiving environments    reliable waste and      implemented with support from                                                                       Costs       Costs           Costs       Costs      Costs         Costs
to enable informed        pollution information   national governments in 21
decision-making on                                PICTs                                                                                             169,382      1,799,752          0       131,954     1,614,234        0
appropriate measures to
                                                                                    •   Provision of waste data analysis to inform                            Source of Funding                    Source of Funding
protect human health                              RO3.4.2: Dissemination of
                                                                                        evidence-based decision making on
and the environment                               information on the findings of                                                                                 AU     127,538                         AU    103,042
and to reduce                                     the regional environmental            waste management systems, processes                                      AX     576,433                         AX    576,433
associated                                        waste monitoring system               and private-public partnerships                                          EE     744,500                         EE    380,000
environmental damage                              influenced decision-making on                                                                                  FR     467,500                         FR    657,800
                                                  waste management and                                                                                           MU     11,319                          MU
                                                  pollution control across PICTs                                                         WMPC                    NZ     41,844                          NZ    28,913

                                                  RO3.4.3 Collaborative             •   Strengthen mechanisms/relationships
                                                  relationships with the private        with private sectors-donors enabling them
                                                  sectors-donors strengthened           to make informed decisions
                                                  by using the information from
                                                  the regional waste monitoring
                                                  system in supporting activities
                                                  in PICTs

                                                                                                                                                      2020 Budget             2021 Budget
                                                                                                                               Total Personnel         $1,886,343                 $1,699,913
                                                                                                                               Total Operating         $4,704,170                 $4,556,796
                                                              TOTAL REGIONAL GOAL 3
                                                                                                                               Total Capital
                                                                                                                               OVERALL TOTAL           $6,590,513                 $6,256,709

                                                                                                                                                                                                31 | P a g e
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