Venue Operations Manager - Netball Queensland - Netball Queensland 211217-02

Page created by Russell Mitchell
Venue Operations Manager - Netball Queensland - Netball Queensland 211217-02
Venue Operations
Netball Queensland
Venue Operations Manager - Netball Queensland - Netball Queensland 211217-02
Day-to-day operational management of Nissan Arena
   People leadership and stakeholder management focus
   Event delivery across a variety of hirers and sports
   Nathan (Brisbane) location

About Netball Queensland
As one of the largest sporting organisations in the state and the proud home of the history-
making Queensland Firebirds team, Netball Queensland (NQ) is determined to continue to be
the number 1 sport for women and girls in Queensland.

About Nissan Arena
The Queensland State Netball Centre (trading as Nissan Arena), opened its doors in February
2019 with an ambitious vision of becoming a world-leading and iconic sports entertainment
venue for participants and fans. The $45 million state-of-the-art arena is the home to anchor
tenants the Queensland Firebirds and the Brisbane Bullets who compete in their respective
professional leagues the Suncorp Super Netball (SSN) and National Basketball League (NBL).
NQ manages Nissan Arena under a Management Agreement with Stadiums Queensland.

Boasting a versatile design able to accommodate multiple event offerings, Nissan Arena
delivers opportunities for community, national and international sporting and entertainment
events. The arena boasts diversification with a portfolio that exists beyond major events with
not only a 5,000 seat main sunken show court but surrounding this on the upper level is 7
indoor community courts (that are utilised by a variety of sports including Netball, Basketball
and Volleyball), 3 VIP/Conference Rooms and the HART Sport High Performance Centre. This
affords the venue spacious concourses, wide access pathways but more importantly a blank
canvas for multi-purpose usage.

In nearly three years of operation Nissan Arena has hosted over 500,000 spectators, athletes
and participants during 85 major events and hundreds of community events, functions and
bookings, more than doubled utilisation and revenue, in the process truly showcasing the
venue’s versatility and position as one of Queensland’s best indoor venues.
Venue Operations Manager - Netball Queensland - Netball Queensland 211217-02
Venue Operations Manager
The Venue Operations Manager is responsible for the day-to-day management of Nissan Arena
across all operational, commercial, financial, planning and delivery elements of the venue’s
operation. Reporting to the Chief Operating Officer and working as a key member of the wider
Netball Queensland management team, the Venue Operations Manager will manage the venue
operations team and a variety of contractors to ensure the venue operates at best practice level
with impeccable customer service standards.

A major part of the role will be managing effective relationships with hirers, Netball Queensland
and Queensland State Netball Centre directors and staff, Stadiums Queensland and other
government agencies, contractors, tenants, sponsors, members, and other stakeholders.

In partnership with the Chief Operating Officer, you will ensure that the priorities identified in the
Nissan Arena business plan are achieved and that regular appropriate reporting is provided to
the board of directors and Stadiums Queensland. Key priorities include achievement of budget
and court utilisation targets, venue compliance with work health and safety legislation, meeting
management agreement responsibilities to Stadiums Queensland, venue infrastructure projects
and investigating 2032 Brisbane Olympic Games opportunities.

To be considered for this role you must be experienced in stadium, arena or venue management
with a detailed understanding of all elements of event delivery including staffing requirements,
traffic management, catering, ticketing, security, cleaning, broadcast, venue presentation, crowd
management and spectator experience across multiple entertainment offerings.

You will be a dynamic leader, with a proven background in human resourcing and experienced in
leading a team whilst driving a positive culture of success. You will have a demonstrated ability to
manage competing priorities and activities at once whilst maintaining a high level of attention to
detail, delivering projects and events both on time and on budget.

This is a unique opportunity to play a leading role in the continued growth trajectory and
advancement of one of the leading indoor sports and entertainment venues in Australia. A wide
range of different sports are played at the venue (both professional and community) with Netball
the primary sporting hirer of the venue. A background in netball is not required; however, an
understanding of the differing needs of clients within an indoor sport environment particularly in
relation to netball, basketball and volleyball would be advantageous.
Venue Operations Manager - Netball Queensland - Netball Queensland 211217-02
Key Responsibilities
Operational Management                                         Develop, document, implement and review event             Financial Management
                                                               operational procedures, plans and policies including
  Work collaboratively with internal Netball                                                                               Identify and develop opportunities for new revenue
                                                               event day documentation, catering operation plans
  Queensland departments to deliver successful                                                                             streams including government grants.
                                                               and staffing deployment plans.
  Netball Queensland events and activities at Nissan                                                                       Ensure compliance with the approved annual
                                                               Ensure delivery of agreed standards representative
  Arena including Queensland Firebirds matches in                                                                          budget for Nissan Arena.
                                                               of a leading indoor entertainment venue.
  Suncorp Super Netball.                                                                                                   Work with the Finance department to ensure
  Support and work collaboratively with all hirers,                                                                        financial controls for all business-related activities
  including but not limited to the Brisbane Bullets,        Staffing                                                       within Nissan Arena are completed in accordance
  Netball Australia and Volleyball Queensland, to              Manage and oversee the delivery of recruitment,             with Netball Queensland policy and procedures
  ensure all events are successfully delivered at              appointment, induction, training, performance               including the purchase order policy.
  Nissan Arena including broadcasted fixtures.                 management, rostering and work scheduling,                  Develop annual budget submissions and manage
  Forge positive and effective working relationships           uniforms and equipment for permanent and event              budgets and regular forecasting in conjunction with
  with key stakeholders, contractors and tenants and           day staff.                                                  the COO and Finance Manager.
  communicate effectively with them to ensure                  Update and maintain accurate records and provide            Prepare and monitor event budgets and undertake
  minimum standards of service are met and positive            reports on event staffing and post event                    cost analysis and estimated/final settlements with
  arrangements relating to the venue operations are            settlements.                                                hirers and ensure that events are delivered within
  maintained.                                                  Ensure that sufficient staffing resources are available     budget and timeframes.
  Develop, document, implement and review event                on pre, post and event days to efficiently manage
  operational procedures, plans and policies including         the venue’s operations.                                   Planning and Reporting
  match day operational plans, compliance and risk             Work with the COO and Stadiums Queensland in the            In collaboration with the COO, prepare, implement
  management plans, event security and police,                 development and review of training and induction            and review the annual business plan for Nissan
  tenant relationships and liaisons, and pre and post          programs.                                                   Arena and regularly report on priorities, deliverables
  event briefs and reviews.                                    Develop, document, implement and review                     and key metrics.
  Lead on the day-to-day management of the venue               customer service and staffing manuals and reporting         In consultation with the COO provide monthly
  systems including booking, point of sale, building           mechanisms to ensure high standards are met.                reports to Stadiums Queensland and the
  management system, and ticketing.                            Manage, lead and direct event support staff to              Queensland State Netball Centre board.
  Oversee facility logistics and processes for all events      achieve outcomes.                                           Using expert consultants as appropriate, ensure
  ensuring adherence with necessary Netball                    Manage the staff management matrix to ensure that           regular reviews are conducted of the venues
  Queensland or Stadiums Queensland policies,                  the process of staff rostering is transparent and           emergency management plan, traffic management
  processes and procedures.                                    equitable to all staff.                                     plan, work health and safety plan and other
  In collaboration with COO and Stadiums                       Develop a staff management plan to ensure that key          compliance matters.
  Queensland, oversee the Asset Maintenance Plan               areas of the staffing operations are managed and
  for Nissan Arena and ensure the implementation               there is no loss of patron service on event days.
  and allocated funding for this plan is expended in an        Engage in the day-to-day management of all
                                                                                                                         Direct Reports
  effective and efficient manner.                              contractors at Nissan Arena.                                4 full time staff plus casuals and contractors
Selection Criteria
In addition to demonstrating relevant experience          Personal Attributes
across the core functional areas of responsibility
                                                             Excellent communication skills including face to face,
identified in this Position Overview, candidates
                                                             telephone, written reports and correspondence.
applying for this role will require a range of personal
                                                             Ability to set priorities, plan work programs, meet
and professional skills, including:
                                                             deadlines and manage time effectively.
Professional                                                 People-focused - demonstrated ability to build trust
                                                             and relationships with elite coaches, athletes, sports
   Strong experience in a similar venue management
                                                             medicine staff and operational staff.
                                                             Resilience - the ability to lead under pressure,
   Advanced event management skills with a detailed
                                                             through uncertainty and ambiguity, to make
   understanding of all elements of event delivery
                                                             judgements with competing priorities and to come
   including staffing requirements, traffic
                                                             back from disappointments and set-backs.
   management, catering, ticketing, security, cleaning,
                                                             Passion - ability to motivate and bring the best out in
   broadcast, venue presentation, crowd
                                                             teams and individuals
   management and spectator experience across
                                                             Ethics - understand the requirement for
   multiple entertainment offerings.
                                                             confidentiality, impartiality and integrity in all
   A proven background in human resourcing and
   experience in leading a team and in driving a
                                                             Continual Learner - a thirst for continual
   positive culture of success.
                                                             improvement through embracing diversity of
   Experience in developing relationships with a
                                                             thought, a preparedness to learn and unlearn, and a
   diverse range of stakeholders.
                                                             willingness to embrace honest feedback.
   Knowledge of venue management systems is a
                                                             Leadership - demonstrate high levels of self-
   bonus (BMS, Access control, CCTV, MATV and AV).
                                                             awareness, process feedback and invest time in the
   Excellent working knowledge of OH&S / WHS
                                                             development of others.
                                                             Sharing Netball Queensland’s values of collaborative,
   Comprehensive knowledge of current best practice
                                                             professional, accountable, respectful and innovative.
   and trends within the event and venue
   management environment.
   Understanding of the not-for-profit sector,
   particularly within a sporting context.                   Relevant tertiary level qualifications, industry specific
   High level of computer and technology literacy with       to venues and sport would be advantageous.
   a focus on maximising opportunities through               Current drivers licence
   innovation.                                               Current First Aid and CPR certificate (or ability to
   Superior organisational planning and project              obtain before commencement)
   management skills                                         Working with Children (Blue) Card
Why work for Netball                                       Hours of Work                                              Website & Social Media
Queensland?                                                This is a Full Time position. The sport and event          For more information and news items on all facets of
                                                           industry operates outside of traditional business hours,   activities, services and programs, visit:
To achieve the vision of becoming a “world-class sports
                                                           including evenings and weekends. To succeed in this
organisation respected for transforming lives through                                                                 Netball Queensland website:
netball”, Netball Queensland must have the best and        role, you must be willing and able to work when
                                                           programs and events are happening.                         Nissan Arena website:
brightest team on the court. Your reward for stepping
into this challenge will be:                                                                                          Queensland Firebirds website:
                                                           Netball Queensland has a flexible approach to ensuring
                                                                                                                      Nissan Arena Facebook:
   A workplace which encourages ideas and                  staff can balance family life and personal commitments
   leadership from every person, at every level, all the   alongside the demands of the industry.                     NQ on Facebook:
   A high-performance culture where you will lead and
                                                           Location and Travel                                        Strategic Plan
   be led, challenge and be challenged.
   Professional development and a strong                                                                              All applicants are encouraged to read the Netball
   commitment to support your career growth.               The position is based at the Nissan Arena, 590 Mains       United Strategic Plan 2020 to 2022 (attached to the
   Flexible work practices to both support you to          Road, Nathan, Queensland. The venue is located only        Sportspeople Recruitment job advertisement), prior to
   juggle work and life as well as nurture our team        12.5km from the Brisbane CBD, prominently positioned       submitting their application. Strategic pillar 5 ‘Home
   culture.                                                adjacent to two of Brisbane’s main arterial roads          of the Game’ primarily relates to Nissan Arena.
                                                           (Kessels and Mains), which permits easy access to the       Netball Queensland is proud of this plan and the
   A family-friendly work environment.
                                                                                                                      ambitious goals it sets for the team and the netball
   Excellent working facilities in the state of the art    venue and provides great exposure and awareness of
                                                                                                                      community across Queensland.
   Nissan Arena, and in a number of locations across       the venue.
   the state.
   Free on-site parking and gymnasium use at Nissan
                                                           Remuneration Guide                                         Residency & Immigration
   Tickets to events at Nissan Arena.                                                                                 Candidates must be an Australian Citizen / Permanent
   Opportunities with corporate sponsors.                  A market competitive remuneration package will be          Resident or have unlimited working rights within
                                                           available to the successful candidate, negotiable          Australia to be considered for this position.
And above all, the opportunity to directly impact the      depending upon skill level and experience. At the time
great game of netball and ensure its sustainability for
generations to come!
                                                           of applying, candidates are invited to indicate their      Timelines
                                                           current salary and salary expectations.
                                                                                                                      Final interviews and the appointment of the Venue
                                                           Candidates are invited to discuss their salary
                                                                                                                      Operations Manager, Netball Queensland are
                                                           expectations with Sportspeople Recruitment prior to
                                                                                                                      scheduled for January, 2022. The successful candidate
                                                                                                                      would be expected to commence duties as soon as
                                                                                                                      possible, mindful of notice periods and availability.
Please apply now to                                      Enquiries                                                 Netball Queensland acknowledges that we reside on
                                                                                                                   traditional lands of the Yuggera people and the Turrbul
avoid missing out!                                       In the first instance general enquiries should be
                                                                                                                   people. We offer our respect to the Elders of these
                                                                                                                   traditional lands, and through them to all Aboriginal and
                                                         directed to Scott Oakhill on 0408 258 337 or              Torres Strait Islander peoples past, present and emerging.
Please note Sportspeople Recruitment will commence       FREECALL AU 1800 634 388 or +61 2 9555 5000 or            Netball Queensland encourages Aboriginal and Torres
screening and interviewing for this role immediately.    via                      Strait Islander people to apply.

If you are intending to apply, please do so now.
We reserve the right to close the role as soon as        About Sportspeople
sufficient merit applications are received.

Candidates must complete and submit the
COMPULSORY Sportspeople Recruitment
Application Form at the time of applying. The form is    The Venue Operations Manager, Netball Queensland
available as a download at the Sportspeople              search and recruitment process is being managed
Recruitment website listing for this role and contains   exclusively by Sportspeople Recruitment - a
questions against which we require your specific         specialist division of People Recruitment Group.
response prior to considering your application.          Sportspeople Recruitment is a leading executive search
Sportspeople Recruitment prefers a 1-2 page letter of    and recruitment firm servicing sport business.
introduction and an accompanying CV of no more than      Celebrating 25 years in 2021 our curated Talent
6 pages, merged into the Application Form as one MS      Network has been developed as a result of successfully
Word file.                                               filling thousands of roles across the A‐Z of sport
                                                         business employers. We offer the most experienced
                                                         Consultant team in the market available to assist with
Apply to                                                 executive search, general recruitment, hiring strategy,
                                                         remuneration planning and executive/Board advice.
Your application should be sent electronically via the
                                                         We are delighted to have been appointed by Netball
“apply now” link at the advertisement via
                                                         Queensland as the exclusive search partner for the
                                                         Venue Operations Manager position.
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