VE DAY CELEBRATION 10DAYS | MAY23-JUNE1,2022 - 487th Bomb Group

Page created by Elizabeth Curtis
VE DAY CELEBRATION 10DAYS | MAY23-JUNE1,2022 - 487th Bomb Group
10 DAYS | MAY 23 - JUNE 1, 2022

“Come! – let me see thee sink into a dream.” William Wordsworth wrote
those words for his poem Travelling over 160 years ago. Yet they still
capture the essence of the out-of-the-way places and the reflective beauty
of England.
Join us on an amazing journey to see the sights of England and take part
in the 75th Anniversary Celebrations of VE Day in Lavenham. On this
English voyage, we will visit London, Windsor, Lavenham & Cambridge to
experience the majestic splendor which inspired such a beautiful poem.
Join us as we take part the VE Day Celebrations on this milestone year!

AIR: Individual air schedules can be provided for your specific airport.

May 2 3 r d : Depart your hometown and take an overnight flight across
the Atlantic. Enjoy in-flight entertainment and meal service along the way.

       City Tour Buses

Tues. May 24th: London On Your Own Hop-on Hop-off Bus
Tour | In flight breakfast included                                          Thur. May 26th: London Landmark Tour | Churchill War Room
After landing at London Airport, complete customs and                        | Breakfast included
immigration formalities (or Rail Station for Extension). Your
CIE Tours guide will welcome you to England and escort                       Today, set off on a guided city tour to see some of London’s
you and your luggage to the coach. Transfer to you nearby                    best-known landmarks. View the West End, Piccadilly
hotel, check in and enjoy the balance of the afternoon at
                                                                             Circus, Trafalgar Square and much more. Stop to visit the
leisure. You can use your open-top bus voucher to get better
                                                                             Churchill War Room to learn about the life and legacy of
acquainted with the city. Learn about major attractions along
                                                                             Winston Churchill and see the underground bunker that
the way and of course you can get on and off as you please.
                                                                             sheltered Churchill and his staff.
Wed. May 25th: Windsor Castle | Dinner Cruise | Breakfast
included                                                                     After your visit, travel through England's countryside into
 Today, drive into Windsor and stop to visit Windsor Castle, the             Lavenham and set off on a guided walking tour to see the
 official residence of The Queen. Covering thirteen acres, this is           highlights of the village. Motor a short distance to The Swan
 the largest inhabited castle in the world. See the Upper and                Hotel in Lavenham, where the rest of the day is spent at
 Middle Wards, the Round Tower and the Lower Ward where                      leisure.
 St. George's Chapel is situated. Return to London, and in the
 evening, embark on a dinner cruise along the Thames                         OVERNIGHT: THE SWAN HOTEL, LAVENHAM
 River. Start with a welcome get-together drink followed
 by a superb meal, music and dancing.

VE DAY CELEBRATION 10DAYS | MAY23-JUNE1,2022 - 487th Bomb Group
Thur, May 26 – Mon, May 30: Please refer to detailed VE Day Celebration Itinerary on page 4.

                                                                       BURY ST. EDMONDS CATHEDRAL

ATTRACTIONS AND ACTIVITIES:                                            Sat. May 28th: Abbey of Bury St Edmunds & Gardens
Fri. May 27th: Holy Trinity Church | Breakfast included                | Breakfast included
This morning walk to your self arranged church service in              After breakfast, enjoy the morning at leisure. Then visit the
Lavenham. After, enjoy a tour of Holy Trinity Church at Long           Abbey of Bury St. Edmonds which was once one of the richest
Melford before continuing on for photos of Sudbury Town Hall           monasteries in England. Also, stroll through the Abbey
and Airfield.                                                          Gardens and take photos. Next, continue on for a guided
                                                                       tour of the Rougham Control Tower Museum which was
Return to The Swan Hotel in Lavenham & dinner is on your own.          originally a RAF station. Return to your hotel, you are free to
                                                                       dine on your own.

                                                                       Sun. May 29th: A Vintage Day Celebration, Lavenham
                                                                       | Breakfast included
                                                                       OVERNIGHT: THE SWAN HOTEL, LAVENHAM

                                KING’S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE

Mon. May 30th: Cambridge Sightseeing | Breakfast included
This morning, journey into Madingley and stop to visit the
American Cemetery. While here, attend a flower-laying
ceremony. Then, drive into Duxford and stop to visit the                                           BLENHEIM PALACE, OXFORDSHIRE
Duxford Imperial War Museum, Britain’s largest aviation
museum, which houses nearly 200 aircraft, military vehicles,
artillery and minor naval vessels.                                     Tues. May 31st: Blenheim Palace | Breakfast included | Farewell
After, continue your travel into Cambridge and set off on a guided     Departing Cambridge, travel into Blenheim and stop to visit
walking tour to see the principle sites of the city, including the     Blenheim Palace, Britain’s largest private house and also
university area. Stop to visit King’s College, which became            the birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill. Then, drive through the
an institution of higher learning in the 15th century but wasn’t       beautiful and hilly countryside of the Cotswolds. Here, the houses
until well into the 16th century that the college was actually         are mainly built of the local honey-colored stone. See quaint
finished. Transfer to your nearby hotel, check into your room and      villages, which have remained almost unchanged for 200 years.
spend the remainder of the day at leisure for independent activities
and dining.
                                                                       Continue your journey into the lively city of London, check into your
                                                                       hotel and settle into your room. In the evening, join our group for
                                                                       a farewell dinner at your hotel to reminisce the fond memories
                                                                       from the trip.
                                                                       OVERNIGHT: COPTHORNE TARA HOTEL, LONDON

                                                                       Wed. June 1: Depart London | Breakfast included
                                                                       All too soon, your vacation in England has come to its final day.
                                                                       Transfer to London Airport with ample time to check in for your
                                                                       flight. You may do some last-minute shopping at the duty-free
                                                                       stores before boarding your aircraft and flying across the Atlantic
                                                                       Ocean back to the United States.
VE DAY CELEBRATION 10DAYS | MAY23-JUNE1,2022 - 487th Bomb Group
**Optional Extension to France May 19-23rd: Refer to page 3 of brochure. **
VE DAY CELEBRATION 10DAYS | MAY23-JUNE1,2022 - 487th Bomb Group
5 DAYS | MAY 19-23, 2022
Post Tour is subject to change until confirmation.
Note: a minimum of 15 people is needed to guarantee this tour and pricing.

An unforgettable journey of discovery and remembrance awaits you on a sojourn to
Northern France to remember D-Day. On this tour, we will enjoy a city tour of Paris,
view Monet’s home & gardens, visit the historic sights and memorials of World War II,
and tour Palace of Versailles and gardens. We invite you on this trip of a lifetime.

AIR: Individual air schedules can be provided for your specific airport.

May 19/20th: Depart US for an overnight flight. After arriving at Paris Airport, meet your
guide who will welcome you to France and escort you and your luggage to the coach.
Next, begin a tour of Paris.

ATTRACTIONS AND ACTIVITIES:                                                     Sat. May 21st: Monet's Home l Breakfast included
Fri. May 20th: Paris Landmark Tour Breakfast
included | Dinner included                                                      Leaving Paris, journey through France's countryside into
Set off on a panoramic tour of Paris, the City of Lights. Pass                  Giverny, where you will have a guided visit to the
the island of the city and see the famous cathedral of                          wonderful flower gardens and the famous Japanese
Notre Dame. Continue to the prestigious Sorbonne                                bridge. Following, visit Monet's home before enjoying
University and the Pantheon. St. Germains des Pres and                          some free time for an independent lunch. Next, travel into
the Orsay Museum will also be part of the itinerary. Of course,                 Deauville, a seaside resort town that's quite popular with
this tour would not be complete without a ride down the                         Parisians. Enjoy some time at leisure to explore the area
Champs Elysees and up to the Arc de Triumph.                                    on your own before transferring to your hotel in Bayeux
                                                                                and checking in. The rest of the afternoon and evening
The Eiffel Tower will be the next famous sight and the last part                are free for independent activities and dining.
of this small journey will include the invalids, Place de la
Concorde, the Madeleine and the Opera. Motor a short                            OVERNIGHT: NOVOTEL HOTEL, BAYEUX
distance to your hotel, check in and spend the balance of the
afternoon at your leisure. In the evening, meet your fellow
                                                                                Mon. May 23rd: Versailles Palace & Gardens l Breakfast
travelers for dinner in the hotel restaurant.

OVERNIGHT: CROWN PLAZA REPUBLIC, PARIS                                          Departing Bayeux, drive into the wealthy French suburb of
                                                                                Versailles and stop to visit the incredible Palace of
Sun. May 22nd: Beaches of WWII | Breakfast included                             Versailles. The extravagant decoration and layout of the
After breakfast, visit the D-Day beaches of World War II.. Visit                entire site reflect the will of King Louis XV, known as the
the Airborne Museum in Sainte-Mère-Église. Then, travel to                      Sun King. In the beautiful decorated State Apartments
visit the Utah Beach Museum or Musée du Debarquément.                           (which contain the Hall of Mirrors and the Queen's
The impressive museum stands on the actual site where the                       Apartments) your guide will thrill you with information on
American troops landed.                                                         the lives of the kings.

Continue to the American World War II Cemetery for a visit                      This tour includes a guided visit to the reception area of the
before stopping to tour the D-day Museum, Arromanches-                          King and Queen's Apartments and some free time in the
sur-Mer. Also visit Pont du Hoc and Omaha Beach before                          gardens surrounding the palace. After, continue your travel
returning to your hote.l Spend the balance of the day at leisure                into the bustling city of Paris, check into your hotel and
to sightsee, shop and dine on your own.                                         spend the rest of the day at leisure for individual pursuits
                                                                                and dining.

                                                                                OVERNIGHT: CROWN PLAZA REPUBLIC, PARIS

Tues, May 24th: Depart Paris | Breakfast included
VE DAY CELEBRATION 10DAYS | MAY23-JUNE1,2022 - 487th Bomb Group
Transfer to the Rail Station in time to board the Eurostar to London to begin the Main Tour.
VE DAY CELEBRATION 10DAYS | MAY23-JUNE1,2022 - 487th Bomb Group
Thursday, May 26th, 2022 - Arrive Lavenham and embark           Sunday, May 29th, 2022
on your guided walking tour of the village as per your Tour
Itinerary.                                                      10.00 - Arrival of Vintage Vehicles Lavenham Market Square

18.00 - Onwards opportunity to meet up in the Airman's Bar      11.30 - 'In Gratitude' Ceremony, Market Square Lavenham
of the Lavenham Swan Hotel for pre-dinner drinks and meet
your local Friends of Lavenham Airfield (FOLA) hosts.           12.15 - 12.30 - Depart Lavenham for Airfield

                                                                16.00 - Return to Lavenham
Friday, May 27th, 2022
                                                                19.00 - Finale dinner at Lavenham Swan with after dinner
10.00 - Church Service Lavenham
                                                                presentation by Anne Grimshaw - "The Name on the Bag"
11.15 - 11.30 - Depart Lavenham for the medieval Long
Melford Holy Trinity Church                                     Monday, May 30th, 2022

12.45 - Depart Long Melford for lunch at Shimpling Park         09.00 - Depart Lavenham Swan and drive to the
Farm courtesy of Mr. John Pawsey                                American Cemetery at Madingley near Cambridge

14.30 - Depart for the town of Sudbury, home to the 486th       10:30 - Arrive at Madingley for welcome introduction
BG                                                              and wreath laying at flagpole

15.00 - Welcome by Lord Mayor of Sudbury, visit 486th BG        12.00 Depart Madingley for visit to Imperial War Museum
memorial to lay a wreath & visit to the Town Hall Heritage      Duxford
                                                                12.30 - Arrive Duxford
16.30 - 17.00 - Depart for visit to 486th BG Airfield
Return to Lavenham                                              Depart for Cambridge as part of your itinerary

19.30 - Talk by Don Kilburg at Lavenham Village Hall entitled
'Hitlers Last Chiristmas' - a talk on Don's newly published
book about Mission 760 flown on December 24th, 1944. The
biggest airborne armada ever undertaken.                                                                      Bury St Edmonds Cathedral

Saturday, May 28th, 2022 - Explore the village of
Lavenham at leisure.

12.00 - Depart Lavenham for Bury St. Edmunds for lunch.
Visit the Abbey Gardens including the 94th BG memorial
& the Cathedral. If time permits, stop by the smallest pub
in England, The Nutshell.

14.45 - Depary Bury St. Edmunds for Rougham Control
Tower Museum

Return to Lavenham

19.00 - 22.00 - Concert at Lavenham Church                               All timings are approximate and may be subject to alteration.
VE DAY CELEBRATION 10DAYS | MAY23-JUNE1,2022 - 487th Bomb Group
MAIN TOUR: 10 DAYS | MAY 23-June 1, 2022 EXT. TOUR: 5 DAYS | MAY 19-23, 2022
Price: (Per person, double occupancy; Call for single pricing)
  Main Tour Price:           Deposit:           Extension Tour Price:           Deposit:
    $3,570 (pp)              $500 (pp)         + $1,989 (pp) estimated         + $250 (pp)
All Reservation:
To make a reservation, submit a completed “Reservation Form” and the required nonrefundable deposit to:

Vicky Bauer, Travel Advisor
Allure Travel by CTM
2120 South 72nd Street
Omaha, NE 68124

The deposit is due upon making a reservation in order to hold the space for the trip. The deadline to sign-up for the
trip is November 1, 2021. PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO Allure Travel by CTM.

Travel Documents:
All passengers must have a passport valid for at least six months beyond the return date of the trip.

Final Payment:
Due no later than Feb. 4, 2022.

 • Round-trip London airport to hotel transfers               • Meals included: Full Buffet breakfast daily and two group
 • 8 nights hotel accommodations                                dinners
 • Group orientation and group dinner cruise on               • Free WIFI available in most hotel lobbies
   The River Thames                                           • Escorted by Allure Travel by CTM Travel Advisor
 • All sightseeing tours and tips listed
 • Round-trip home gateway airfare upon request                •   Gratuities for Tour Managers and Motorcoach Driver
 • Airline checked baggage fees (if applicable)                •   Optional tours
 • Optional Trip Insurance – 360 Group Premier Travel          •   Items and services of a personal nature
   Protection                                                  •   Cost of VE Day Celebration activities
VE DAY CELEBRATION 10DAYS | MAY23-JUNE1,2022 - 487th Bomb Group
The 360° Group Premier protection plan provides
                                                                                           maximum travel protection for all ages at competitive
                                                                                           group rates; includes trip cancellation & interruption
                                                                                           benefits, emergency medical coverage, along with
                                                                                           24/7 travel assistance & concierge services.

BASE PLAN BENEFITS & BONUS COVERAGES                                                       BASE PLAN RATES

Benefi                                                                       Coverage1     Trip Cost                                                       Plan Cost
Trip Cancellation                                      100% of trip cost ($15,000 limit)   $0 2
Trip Interruption                                      150% of trip cost ($22,500 limit)
                                                                                           $1 - $500                                                            $68
Trip Delay                                                          $1,000 ($250/day)
                                                                                           $501 - $1,000                                                        $99
Equipment Delay                                                                   $200
                                                                                           $1,001 - $1,500                                                     $137
Missed Connection                                                               $1,000
                                                                                           $1,501 - $2,000                                                     $177

Baggage & Personal Effects                                                      $1,500
                                                                                           $2,001 - $3,000                                                     $239
Baggage Delay                                                                     $250

Emergency Medical & Dental Expenses                    $50,000 ($500 dental sublimit)      $3,001 - $4,000                                                     $316
Emergency Evacuation & Repatriation                                          $250,000      $4,001 - $5,000                                                     $397

Accidental Death & Dismemberment                                               $10,000     $5,001 - $6,000                                                     $472
Travel Assistance & Concierge Services4                                        Included    $6,001 - $7,000                                                     $550

                                                                                           $7,001 - $8,000                                                     $629
  BONUS COVERAGES                                                                          $8,001 - $9,000                                                     $706

If plan is purchased at or before fi   trip payment.                                       $9,001 - $10,000                                                    $783

• Pre-existing Medical Condition Exclusion Waiver                              Included
                                                                                           $10,001 - $11,000                                                   $887
• Financial Default Coverage                                                   Included
                                                                                           $11,001 - $12,000                                                  $970

                                                                                           $12,001 - $13,000                                                 $1,053

                                                                                           $13,001 - $14,000                                                  $1,136

                                                                                           $14,001 - $15,000                                                  $1,219

                                                                                           Rates are per traveler. Maximum trip length allowed 364 days.
VE DAY CELEBRATION 10DAYS | MAY23-JUNE1,2022 - 487th Bomb Group
1 All coverages per insured up to limits listed. Coverage and rates may vary by state. Please see your policy for details or call 888.574.7026. 2 Includes $1,000 in Trip Interruption - Return Air only. 3 Of you, a
traveling companion, family member, domestic partner or business partner. 4 Provided by the designated provider as listed in the Policy. 5 Based on industry average. Fastest payments on approved claims
when debit card or other EFT method is chosen as preferred payment method. Speed of transaction varies by processing financial institution. 01.18
VE DAY CELEBRATION 10DAYS | MAY23-JUNE1,2022 - 487th Bomb Group
Includes a wide range of services before and during trips through a
24/7 toll free number.
•   Medical Assistance
•   Medical Consultation & Monitoring
•   Medical Evacuation
•   Emergency Medical Payments
•   Prescription Assistance
•   Dependent Transportation & Family Visits
•   Repatriation of Remains
•   24 Hour Legal Assistance
•   Message Services
•   Language Interpretation Services
•   Emergency Cash Transfer
•   Pre-Trip Travel Services
•   Travel Document & Ticket Replacement
•   Concierge Services
•   Business Services
                                                                                                                                              Allure Travel by CTM
                                                                                                                                            Location Number: 27-6013
Pre-existing medical conditions are eligible for coverage when:                                                                                         Vicky Bauer
• Plan is purchased at or before final trip payment                                                                                                    402-399-4734
• Full trip cost is insured
• The traveler is medically able to travel at the time of plan purchase                                              Policy Link:
A pre-existing condition is an Injury, Sickness or other condition
(excluding any condition from which death ensues) of an Insured,
Traveling Companion, Business Partner or Family Member which,
within the 60 day period immediately preceding and including the
Insured’s coverage effective date.
This exclusion applies to those not traveling.

This plan does not cover any loss caused by or resulting from: intentionally self-inflicted Injury, suicide, or attempted suicide of the Insured, Family Member, Traveling Companion or Business Partner while sane
or insane; Normal Pregnancy or Childbirth, other than Unforeseen Complications of Pregnancy, of the Insured, a Traveling Companion or a Family Member; participation in professional athletic events; motor
sport, or motor racing, including training or practice for the same; mountain climbing that requires the use of equipment such as; pick-axes, anchors, bolts, crampons, carabineers, and lead or top-rope anchoring
or other specialized equipment; operating or learning to operate any aircraft, as student, pilot, or crew; air travel on any air-supported device, other than a regularly scheduled airline or air charter; war (whether
declared or not) or act of war, participation in a civil disorder, riot, insurrection or unrest; any unlawful acts committed by the Insured; Mental, Nervous or Psychological Disorder; if the Insured’s tickets do not
contain specific travel dates (open tickets); being under the influence of drugs or narcotics, unless administered upon the advice of a Physician or intoxication above the legal limit; any Loss that occurs at a time
when this coverage is not in effect; traveling solely or substantially for the purpose of securing medical treatment; any Trip taken outside the advice of a Physician; Pre-Existing Medical Conditions of an Insured,
Traveling Companion, Business Partner or Family Member (within a 60 day period immediately preceding coverage effective date). The following exclusions also apply to the Medical Expense Benefit: routine
physical examinations; mental health care; replacement of hearing aids, eye glasses, contact lenses, sunglasses; routine dental care; any service provided by the Insured, a Family Member, or Traveling Companion;
alcohol or substance abuse or treatment for the same; Experimental or Investigative treatment or procedures; care or treatment which is not Medically Necessary, except for related reconstructive surgery
resulting from trauma, infection or disease; coverage for Trips less than 100 miles from the Insured’s Primary Residence (also applies to the Emergency Evacuation Benefit). The following exclusions also apply to
Accidental Death and Dismemberment: Benefits will not be provided for the following: loss caused by or resulting directly or indirectly from Sickness or disease of any kind; stroke or cerebrovascular accident
or event; cardiovascular accident or event; myocardial infarction or heart attack; coronary thrombosis; aneurysm. Please refer to your policy for a complete list of plan exclusions and limitations. The purchase
of this product is not required in order to purchase any other travel product or service. Your travel retailer might not be licensed to sell travel insurance and will only be able to provide general information
about the product. An unlicensed travel retailer may not answer questions about the terms and conditions of the insurance offered and may not evaluate the adequacy of your existing insurance coverage. The
products being offered provide insurance coverage that only applies during your covered trip. You may have insurance coverage from other sources that provide similar benefits but may be subject to different
restrictions depending upon the coverage. You may wish to compare the terms of the travel policy offered through Travelex with any existing life, health, home and automobile insurance policies you may have.
If you have questions about your coverage under your existing insurance policies, contact your insurer or insurance agent or broker. The product descriptions provided here are only brief summaries and may
be changed without notice. The full coverage terms and details, including limitations and exclusions, are contained in the insurance policy. If you have questions about coverage available under our plans, please
review the policy or contact us. Travelex Insurance Services Inc. 9140 West Dodge Road, Suite 300, Omaha, NE 68114. Toll Free 888.574.7026. Email: Any inquiry regarding claims may be directed to, P.O. Box 31003
Charlotte, NC 28231-1003; 855.205.6054. Inquirers regarding new, existing or denied claims and any other claims questions may also be directed to
this address. Consumers in California may also contact: California Department of Insurance Hotline 800.927.4357 or 213.897.8921. Travelex CA Agency
License #0D10209. Consumers in Maryland may contact: Maryland Insurance Administration 800.492.6116 or 410.468.2340. All products listed are
underwritten by, Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company (formerly known as Stonewall Insurance Company), 1314 Douglas Street, Suite 1400,
Omaha, NE 68102; NAIC #22276 under Policy Form series (all states except as otherwise noted) PG-TA-IPL-USE. In KS, MN, MO, MT, OR, and VA Policy
Form series PG-TA-IPL-NV. In CA Policy Form # PT-TA-IPL-CAEAH, CO Policy Form # PG-TA-IPL-COEAH and PG-TA-IPL-COEIM, IL Policy Form # PG-
TA-IPL-ILE, IN Policy Form # PG-TA-IPL-INEAH and PG-TA-IPL-NVIM, MD Policy Form # PG-TA-IPL-MDE, NH Policy Form # PG-TA-IPL-NHE, NY Policy
and PG-TA-IPL-TXEIM, WA Policy Form # PG-TA-IPL-NVIM and PG-TA-IPL-WAEAH. To view the policy based on your state of residence, please visit: 8ZC 01.18
                                                                      Please complete the enrollment form to purchase travel insurance.

                                                                      Tour Name


                                                                      Departure Date          MM    /   DD   /   YYYY          Return Date          MM    /   DD   /   YYYY

Travel insurance is recommended to help protect you and               Traveler #1 Full Name
your trip investment for events such as cancellations, delays                                                                            Trip Cost $
and emergencies.

                                                                      Traveler #2 Full Name
Please read the following travel insurance purchase options                                                                              Trip Cost $
and return the completed form to your travel provider.
Contact us if you have any questions.                                 Traveler #3 Full Name

                                                                                                                                          Trip Cost $

                                                                      Traveler #4 Full Name
      I (We) have been advised that a Travelex Group protection
                                                                                                                                          Trip Cost $
      plan is available at an additional cost. I (We) have read and
      understand the Exclusions and Limitations provided. I (We)      Address
      DO wish to purchase trip protection. Sign and date below
      and return this form to your travel provider.                   City                                                 State                    Zip

      I (We) have been advised that a Travelex protection plan        Phone
      is available at an additional cost. I (We) DO NOT wish to
      purchase trip protection. Sign and date below and return        Email
      this form to your travel provider.

                                                                       TRAVEL INSURANCE PLAN CALCULATION

SIGNATURE                                                      DATE
                                                                      Travel Protection Plan Rate        (calculate below for all travelers)

                                                                       $                  $                  $                  $                   =     $
SIGNATURE                                                      DATE
                                                                        Traveler #1   +   Traveler #2        +   Traveler #3     +    Traveler #4             Base Plan Total

NEXT STEPS:                                                           Total Amount Due                                                                        $
                                                                      (and authorized as payment)
If you elected to purchase travel insurance, please complete
the enrollment form and return to your travel provider.               Please submit payment to your travel provider.
Any person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss or benefit or knowingly presents
false information in an application for insurance is guilty of a crime and may be subject to fines and confinement
in prison. Please visit to view the state specific fraud warnings or call
888.574.7026. 01.18
VE DAY CELEBRATION                                                                                                      MAIN TOUR : 10 DAYS | MAY 2 3 -June 1, 2022
ENGLAND PLUS OPTIONAL EXTENSION TO FRANCE                                                                               EXT. TOUR: 5 DAYS | MAY 19-23, 2022

RESERVATION FORM: To sign up for this trip please complete the following information (one form per person; please PRINT):

Salutation:                  First:                                              Middle:                                               Last:

(Mr., Mrs.) Use your legal name as it appears on a valid passport.

Address:                                                                                    City:                                                       St:            Zip:

Phone: H (            )                               C(          )                              Email Address:

Nickname:                                                                                 Gender:             M           F DOB:

Passport#:                                                                                             Exp Date:                              Issue Date:

Country of Issuance/Citizenship:                                                                        Birthplace:

I WOULD LIKE TO REGISTER FOR:                                         10 Day Trip to England
                                                                      10 Day Trip to England PLUS 5 Days Opt. Ext. to France

ROOMING WITH OR SINGLE (request single price):                                             Single                Rooming With

Salutation:                  First:                                                       Middle:                      Last:

PREFERRED BEDDING:                              Double                  Two Twins
I WOULD LIKE TO BOOK                           Yes. (please specify preferred airport below)
ROUND-TRIP AI RFARE :                          No, I will book airfare on my own. (follow suggested air times in order to use group transfers)
                                                                                                                                               Aisle     Window
            AIR GATEWAY/DEPARTURE AIRPORT:                                                                                                     Next to Traveling Companion


Name:                                                                    Phone:                                                Relationship:

PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO ALLURE TRAVEL BY CTM:                                                                Check                     Credit Card

Deposit Amount: $                                          Trip Insurance: $                                       Total Amount Enclosed: $
Card Holder Name (if paying by credit card):
      Card Holder Billing Address:                      Check if address is the same as above

      Card Holder Phone:                                                                                          CVC:                   Amount: $
      Credit Card Number:                                                                                                                    Expiration Date:

Signature Required:                                                                                                                                       Date:

We recommend that you purchase a travel protection plan to help protect you and your travel investment against the unexpected. Travel protection plans can include coverage for Trip
Cancellation, Trip Interruption, Emergency Medical and Emergency Evacuation/Repatriation, Trip Delay, Baggage Delay and more. For more information and rates, please review the product flyer
provided. The product descriptions provided here are only brief summaries. The full coverage terms and details, including limitations and exclusions, are contained in the insurance policy. To
view/download the policy, go to Travelex Insurance Services, Inc. CA Agency License #0D10209. Travel Insurance is underwritten by Berkshire
Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company; NAIC #22276. DL2

Important Conditions: Your price is subject to increase prior to the time you make full payment. Your price is not subject to
increase after you make full payment, except for charges resulting from increases in government-imposed taxes or fees.

Please return your completed form to:
Attn: Vicky Bauer, Allure Travel by CTM, 2120 South 72nd Street, Omaha, NE 68124
Please call Vicky with any questions at 402-399-4734 or                                                                                9                         CORPORATE TRAVEL | EVENTS | LOYALTY | VACATIONS
You can also read