Gotthard Panorama Express - Sales Manual 2021 -

Page created by Adam Haynes
Gotthard Panorama Express - Sales Manual 2021 -
Sales Manual 2021.
Gotthard Panorama Express - Sales Manual 2021 -
Enjoy history on the Gotthard Panorama Express to make travel into an experience.
This is a unique combination of boat and train journeys on the route between
Central Switzerland and Ticino.

    Der Gotthard Panorama Express:
    ì will operate from 1 May – 18 October 2021 every Tuesday to Sunday (including national public holidays)
    ì travels
            on the line from Lugano to Arth-Goldau in three hours. There are connections to the Mount Rigi
      Railways, the Voralpen-Express to Lucerne and St. Gallen and long-distance trains towards Lucerne/
      Basel, Zurich or back to Ticino via the Gotthard Base Tunnel here.
    ì with
        the destination Arth-Goldau offers, varied opportunities; for example, the journey can be combined
      with an excursion via cog railway to the Rigi and by boat from Vitznau.
    ì runs
        as a 1st class panorama train with more capacity. There is now a total of 216 seats in four
      ­panorama coaches. The popular photography coach has been retained.
    ì requires
             a supplement of CHF 16 per person for the railway section.
      The supplement includes the compulsory seat reservation.
    ì now
         offers groups of ten people or more a group discount of 30%
      (adjustment of group rates across the whole of Switzerland).

Gotthard Panorama Express - Sales Manual 2021 -
Table of contents.

Information on the route            4
Route highlights                  4–5
Journey by boat                     6
Journey on the panorama train       7
Train composition                   9
Fleet of ships                      9
Prices and supplements             12
Purchase procedure                 13
Information for tour operators     15
Treno Gottardo                     18
Grand Train Tour of Switzerland    19

Gotthard Panorama Express - Sales Manual 2021 -
Information on the route.


                                                   Luzern Rigi Arth-Goldau
                                             Bern                       Flüelen

          Lausanne                     Interlaken                                    St.Moritz

Genève                                            Brig                           Bellinzona
                                      Zermatt                                   Lugano

Route highlights.
En route from Lucerne to Lugano, the Gotthard Panorama Express includes
the following highlights:

1 Lucerne City.                                             2 Rigi.
This popular tourist city thrives on the contrast between   This is the most popular panoramic mountain
history and the modern age. The Chapel Bridge, built in     amongst swiss people and lies like a peninsula amidst
1356, and the grand hotel buildings from the 19th cen-      three lakes: Lake Lucerne, Lake Zug and Lake Lauerz.
tury characterise the cityscape of Lucerne in particular.   Rigi made a name for itself very early on as a perfect
                                                            hiking destination.

3 Rütli.                                                    4 Tell’s Chapel / Tell’s Slab.
The Rütli Meadow is the historic landmark where rep-        Tell’s Chapel was built on Tell’s Slab directly on the
resentatives of Switzerland’s three founding cantons        shoreline of Lake Uri in 1879/80. According to popular
met in 1291 to swear an oath of eternal alliance –          legend, it marks the spot where the condemned Wilhelm
«never to part in danger nor distress».                     Tell leapt from a boat during a fierce storm to escape
                                                            from his Habsburg captors more than 700 years ago.
Gotthard Panorama Express - Sales Manual 2021 -
5 Flüelen.
Flüelen is the interchange point of the Gotthard Panorama Express – from boat to panorama train. As early as
1837, the first steam vessels, loaded with all sorts of merchandise, navigated across the lake to Flüelen. Up until
the opening of the railway station, these goods were reloaded to oxcarts, wagons, mules and horses. Today,
it is mainly Rudenz Castle from the 13th century and the «Old Church» built in 1664 that shape the townscape.

6 Wassen Church.                                           7 Gotthard Tunnel.
The train line which passes Wassen is unique be-           The 15-kilometre-long tunnel of the Gotthard Railway
cause, in order to gain height within a very restricted    is the central and largest structure of the Gotthard
space, it has to make the climb in a tight double loop.    Railway route which opened in 1882. Construction of
Passengers are able to admire the village’s beautiful      the tunnel lasted from 1872 to 1882, and was a mas-
Baroque church no fewer than three times.                  terstroke for that time.

8 Loop tunnels.                                             9 Giornico.
In the space of half an hour, the journey from Rodi-­       In the lower Leventina, the climatic conditions strongly
Fiesso (altitude of 942 m) to Biasca (altitude of 293 m)    favour viticulture. This is certainly true of Giornico,
negotiates two terrain levels (Piottina and Biaschina)      where three churches well worth seeing are set in
with two loop tunnels each, representing a cumulative      ­attractive vineyards.
elevation gain of 650 metres.

10 Bellinzona castles.                                     11 Lugano.
The three imposing castles of Bellinzona, the Castel-      The journey on the Gotthard Panorama Express
grande, Montebello and Sasso Corbaro, were built in        reaches its destination in Lugano, city of Mediterrane-
the 15th century by the Dukes of Milan. Together they      an flair. As the economic and tourist centre of Ticino,
comprise a unique UNESCO World Heritage site.              it impresses visitors with its many beautiful buildings,
                                                           grand palaces and well-tended park areas.
Gotthard Panorama Express - Sales Manual 2021 -
Journey by boat.

Experience.                                                Cuisine.
ì Eventful
         steam or motorboat trip across Lake             The boat journey between Lucerne and Flüelen, or
  ­Lucerne, from Lucerne to Flüelen                        the reverse, is excellently suited to a refined lunch
ì Travel past places of from Switzerland’s early
                                                           or simple midday refreshments owing to the time
                                                           of day and the atmosphere. Guests can enjoy an
  ­history, such as Rütli, Tell’s Chapel, the Schiller
                                                           ­extensive range of food with seasonal and regional
   Stone or Treib
                                                            delicacies in the boat restaurant.
ì The countryside changes dramatically on the boat
  journey, from gentle hills near Lucerne to scenery       Individual travellers.
  resembling the fjords with high, steeply sloping         Booking up to 3 p.m. the day before:
  rock faces, along Lake Uri near Flüelen.                 Tel. +41 (0)41 367 67 67
ì The journey takes place over lunchtime in both         E-mail
  ­directions of travel. This is ideal for eating in the
   comfortable boat restaurant (lunch not included         Groups.
   in the price)                                           Booking is obligatory for groups of 10 or more.
                                                           Reservations up to 10 days in advance:
                                                           Tel. +41 (0)41 367 66 16

Gotthard Panorama Express - Sales Manual 2021 -
Journey on the panorama train.

Experience.                                                Cuisine.
ì Multilingual travel guide on the panorama train        There is a selection of snacks and drinks on the train
ì Reserved seat in the 1st-class panorama coach
                                                           which can be served at your seat. Guests can sit
                                                           back and enjoy the fine regional specialities with a
ì The train has a photography coach with windows         breathtaking panorama. No matter whether it is a
  that can be opened; ideal for taking photos              ­little snack in between meals or a cold Ticino-style
ì Journey on the historical Gotthard Railway with         dish, the catering team serves passengers on the
  a spectacular tour route across many bridges              panorama train directly at their seat.
  and through different loop tunnels from Flüelen
  to the Mediterranean region of Ticino
ì Travel guide with information on sights of interest
  along the route including route description
ì Loudspeaker announcements and visual
  ­presentation of the history of the origins of
   the Gotthard Railway

The Additional services.
Travel guide.                                              Photo coach.
Guests are supported by a multilingual travel guide        The photography coach is attached and is now
on the panorama train. They point out the most             ­located in the middle of the train. It is freely available
­important sights of interest along the route to pas­       to all guests during the journey. The windows can
 sengers and are available to answer questions.             be opened, which is ideal for taking photos.

Visual presentations.                                      Souvenirs.
Various loudspeaker announcements are played               A variety of souvenirs can be purchased while travel-
throughout the entire train journey between Flüelen        ling on the Gotthard Panorama Express. The travel
and Lugano. The sequences tell the story of the            guides will be pleased to give information about this.
­construction of the Gotthard Railway around 1880
 as well as its impact up to the present. Various images
 and short film sequences are projected onto the
 wall of the Gotthard Tunnel. The lights are dimmed
 in the train and the speed reduced during the visual

Gotthard Panorama Express - Sales Manual 2021 -
The Gotthard Panorama Express will operate every Tuesday to Sunday from
1 May – 24 October 2021 (including national public holidays).

The Gotthard Panorama Express train runs from and to Arth-Goldau. This opens up other combination
­options for travellers: on the one hand with travel to the Rigi, the internationally known excursion mountain
 in Central Switzerland, also called «Queen of the mountains». On the other hand, guests can change to
 the Voralpen ­E xpress in Arth-Goldau to travel in the direction of St. Gallen or Lucerne. There are also
 ­various long-distance traffic connections, for example, for the Zug–Zurich and Lucerne–Basel routes, or
  southwards to Lugano–­Chiasso.

Below is the timetable for travel by boat and train from       Below is the timetable for the journey on the Gotthard
Lucerne to Lugano via Flüelen or the reverse.                  Panorama Express between Arth-Goldau and Lugano.

      Gotthard Panorama Express.                               Gotthard Panorama Express (Train only).
      Lucerne Lake of Lucerne Flüelen    Gotthard    Lugano    Arth-Goldau Gotthard Lugano

      Season: 1 May to 24 October 2021                         Season: 1 May to 24 October 2021
      Tuesday to Sunday including public holidays.             Tuesday to Sunday including public holidays.

      Course                                         Course     Train                1st-class                       Train
        13                                             18       3093              panorama coach                     3092
      11:12       dep      Lucerne           arr     14:47      13:30 1     dep       Arth-Goldau            arr     12:30 2
      12:10       dep       Vitznau          arr     13:48      14:09 1     dep           Flüelen            arr     11:40 2
      13:11       dep       Brunnen          arr     12:47      14:47       arr        Göschenen            dep      11:01
      13:55       arr       Flüelen          dep     12:00      15:12       arr           Airolo            dep      10:40
       Train               1st-class                 Train      16:12   2
                                                                            arr         Bellinzona          dep      09:48 1
       3093             panorama coach               3092       16:45   2
                                                                            arr          Lugano             dep      09:22 1
      14:09 1     dep       Flüelen          arr     11:40 2
      14:47       arr     Göschenen          dep     11:01
      15:12       arr        Airolo          dep     10:40
      16:12   2
                  arr      Bellinzona        dep     09:48 1                      1
                                                                                      Stop only for getting on
      16:45   2
                  arr       Lugano           dep     09:22 1                      2
                                                                                      Only stops to allow passengers to alight

                                                                                                                                 © Milo Zanecchia

Gotthard Panorama Express - Sales Manual 2021 -
Train composition.
The Gotthard Panorama Express includes four                 The photography coach with windows that can be
air-conditioned panorama coaches in 1st class with          opened is located in the middle of the train. This
large panorama windows. The panorama coaches of             coach is not air-conditioned. It is particularly suitable
the Gotthard Panorama Express offer a high degree           to visit for taking photographs and is freely available
of travel comfort with spacious seats. Thanks to the        to all guests during the journey.
large windowpanes, you are closer than ever before
to the Gotthard Massif with its mountains, glaciers,        Panorama coach 11 & 12             54 seats
gorges and rivers. This makes the journey on the            Photography coach 13			            Cannot be booked
­historical Gotthard Railway, with all the tunnels and      Panorama coach 14 & 15             54 seats
 bridges, an unforgettable experience.

Towards Flüelen                                                                         Towards Lugano

Panorama coach 11   Panorama coach 12    Photography coach 13 Panorama coach 14      Panorama coach 15

Breakdown of seats in the panorama coach.
The following coach layout applies to all panorama coaches.

Fleet of ships.
The Lake Lucerne Navigation Company (SGV AG)
proudly operates five nostalgic paddle steamers.
These date from the early 20th century, with the old-
est being PS Uri. This elegant salon steamer was
launched in May 1901 and remains the oldest paddler
in Switzerland. The other four steamboats also can
look back on a rich ­history with remarkable highlights.
The 118-year old steamer Unterwalden was built in
1902 and has been designated as a historic monu-
ment. It remains the only steamboat on Lake Lucerne
capable of passing under the low Acheregg bridge
and sailing to Alpnachstad at the foot of Mount
­Pilatus. PS Schiller was built by Sulzer in 1906 and is
 particularly beloved by steamboat en­thusiasts. This
 refined ship features a graceful dining salon with Art
 Nouveau styling. The racehorse of the fleet is PS          Swiss army commander General Henri Guisan during
 ­G allia, which was launched in 1913 and thanks to         World War II and Queen Elisabeth II on a formal state
  its sleek hull and particularly powerful Escher Wyss      visit in May 1980. In honor of the English regent, the
  engine is the fastest lake steamer in Europe. The         upper deck lounge has been renamed as Queen’s
  ­majestic flagship of Lake Lucerne is the mighty paddle   Salon. PS Stadt Luzern is currently completing a
   steamer Stadt Luzern. It was built in 1928, is adorned   major overhaul at the Lucerne shipyard and will return
   with Art Deco furnishings and has an almost maritime     to active service on the lake in spring 2021.
   appearance. During its illustrious career, PS Stadt
   ­Luzern hosted numerous celebrities, including the

Gotthard Panorama Express - Sales Manual 2021 -
Prices and supplements.
The price for the Gotthard Panorama Express includes the boat ticket and rail route and
the mandatory «Gotthard Panorama Express» supplement.

Tickets accepted.                                                             Tickets for group passengers.
All national and international traffic tickets are accepted,                  For groups of 10 or more travelling together, a group
including the GA Travelcard, Half Fare Travelcard,                            discount of 30% applies to the ticket price. Passen-
­municipal Day Pass, Swiss Travel Pass, etc. Interrail/­                      gers must hold a valid group ticket in the appropriate
 Eurail with limitations (additional ticket required for the                  class for the route travelled.
 Lucerne–Flüelen boat route or the reverse). The family
 reduction according to Tariff 600.3 is valid as well as                       Groups (Tariff 660, 30% group discount)
                                                                               Lucerne–Lugano (or the reverse).
 the STS Family Card. Groups benefit from a discount of
 30% on the ticket (does not apply to the supplement).                                                                         Boat and train            Boat 2nd class/
                                                                                                                               in 1st class              train 1st class

Sales information.                                                            without Half Fare Travelcard                     CHF         107.10        CHF         90.30
The tickets must be valid «via boat» from Lucerne to
                                                                              Half Fare Travelcard                             CHF         53.55         CHF          45.15
Flüelen. Passengers who travel in 1st class but have a
2nd class ticket or travelcard will be required to pay a                      GA/Swiss Travel Pass (2 class)                   CHF          41.30        CHF         20.65

class upgrade for the respective route. A class upgrade                       GA/Swiss Travel Pass (1st class)                 CHF           0.00        CHF           0.00
can be purchased via Railticketing or at                           Prices do not include the supplement.
                                                                              The «Gotthard Panorama Express» supplement must be paid in full by all members of the group.
                                                                               Groups (Tariff 660, 30% group discount)
Tickets for individual passengers.                                             Arth-Goldau–Lugano (or the reverse).
Passengers must hold a valid ticket in the appropriate
                                                                                                                                                         train in 1st class
class for the journey travelled. On the boat, passengers
can choose between 1st and 2nd class. The seats on                            without Half Fare Travelcard                                               CHF          65.10
the panorama train are exclusively 1st class.                                 Half Fare Travelcard                                                       CHF         32.55

                                                                              GA/Swiss Travel Pass (2nd class)                                           CHF          14.00
 Sample ticket prices (single journey, not including
 ­travel to the departure point or onward travel, plus                        GA/Swiss Travel Pass (1st class)                                           CHF           0.00
­supplement):                                                                 Prices do not include the supplement.
                                                                              The «Gotthard Panorama Express» supplement must be paid in full by all members of the group.

                                                                              «Gotthard Panorama Express» supplement.
                                                                              ì In addition to a valid ticket, all passengers on the
 Individual passengers (Tariff 600)
 Lucerne–Lugano (or the reverse).
                                                                                panorama train are charged a supplement for the
                                        Boat and train   Boat 2nd class/
                                        in 1st class     train 1st class        route travelled between Arth-Goldau/Flüelen and
                                                                                Bellinzona/Lugano. It is paid at the same time as
without Half Fare Travelcard            CHF     153.00   CHF      129.00
                                                                                the mandatory seat reservation.
Half Fare Travelcard                    CHF      76.50   CHF        64.50     ì The «Gotthard Panorama Express» supplement is
GA/Swiss Travel Pass (2 class)  nd
                                        CHF      59.00   CHF        29.50       CHF 16.
GA/Swiss Travel Pass (1st class)        CHF       0.00   CHF         0.00     ì No supplement or seat reservation is required for
Prices do not include the supplement.
                                                                                the boat journey. Passengers are free to sit where
                                                                                they wish.

 Individual passengers (Tariff 600)
                                                                              Included in the supplement.
                                                                              ì Accompaniment by a tour guide.
 Arth-Goldau–Lugano (or the reverse).

                                                                              ì Reserved seat in the 1st-class panorama coach.
                                                         train in 1st class

without Half Fare Travelcard                             CHF       93.00      ì Photography coach with windows that open,
Half Fare Travelcard                                     CHF        46.50        ­available to all passengers.
GA/Swiss Travel Pass (2nd class)                         CHF        20.00     ì Loudspeaker announcements and visual pres-
                                                                                entation of the history of the origins of the Got-
GA/Swiss Travel Pass (1st class)                         CHF         0.00
                                                                                thard Railway
                                                                              ì Travel guide and brochure with information about
Prices do not include the supplement.

                                                                                 the sights.
                                                                              ì More surprises on the panorama train.
Purchase procedure                                                       Sales procedure
via railway sales system.                                                via SBB Contact Center.

Ticket.                                                                  Bookings are also accepted in the SBB Contact
Issue tickets from Lucerne to Flüelen (or the reverse)                   Center in Brig (Switzerland):
«via boat».                                                              Tel. +41 (0)51 225 78 16
Seat reservations/supplements.
Seat reservations/supplements must be paid in full by all                For security, a valid method of payment must be
passengers with their own seat, including ­holders of                    given. No booking can be made if a method of
pass-type tickets such as Eurail, Interrail, Swiss Travel                ­payment is not specified. Please note that bookings
Pass, GA Travelcard and the Child Pass (with the excep-                   will only be accepted after commencement of the
tion of children under 6 years without their own seat).                   ­reservation period. After booking successfully, you
                                                                           ­receive an order confirmation which shall be con­
Use the following train numbers for the booking:                            sidered valid and definitive unless you state other-
PE 3092 travelling from south to north                                      wise within 48 hours.
(Example, ­Lugano–Flüelen)
PE 3093 travelling from north to south                                   The file number is indicated on the order confirmation,
(Example, Flüelen–Lugano)                                                and this is used to obtain the travel documents at
                                                                         an SBB ticket counter of your choice. The total
Booking procedure.                                                       amount will be debited at purchase, according to
Seat reservations are made via the railway sales ­system.                the relevant method of payment that is stored on file.
Tour operators use the special fare code 50 «tour opera-                 The method of payment is defined when the first
tor» to book. Seats can be reserved throughout the sea-                  order is received.
son in this way (for individual ­passengers, the booking
period only starts 3 months prior to the journey).
                                                                         Purchase procedure
 Booking procedures.
                                                                         at the counter.
                    Start of advance sales       Sales channel
                                                                         Customers can also obtain tickets and obligatory seat
                    3 months prior to date
Individual person
                    of travel
                                                 Online/POS              reservations at any Swiss railway station, or at Swiss
                                                 Railway sales system,
                                                                         Travel System points of sale worldwide.
Tour operator       320 days with fare code 50
                                                 e.g. Railticketing

Cancellation and refund policy.
The following terms and conditions apply to cancel­                      Purchase procedure online.
lations and reductions in the number of passengers:                      At, customers
ì More than 30 days before the date of travel:                         have the opportunity to purchase the journey on
  free of charge                                                         the Gotthard Panorama Express directly online. A
ì 30 to 7 days before the date of travel:                              flat rate is offered for the ticket in 1st class and the
  50% cancellation fee                                                   ­obligatory supplement. During the purchase process,
ì Less than 7 days before the date of travel:
                                                                          customers can select the seats required directly in
                                                                          the system.
  100% cancellation fee

                                                                         Do you have any questions?
Corona – adjustment to the                                               Contact us.
booking procedure.                                                       SBB AG
                                                                         Gotthard Panorama Express
Booking seats for individual travellers.                                 Vulkanplatz 11
Due to the hygiene measures, the number of places is                     8048 Zurich
limited to 6 seats per booking document.                                 Switzerland
Booking seats for travel groups.
As a result of the booking restrictions, 6 seats can be
booked for each reservation. Depending on the group
size, the corresponding number of reservations must
be made. E.g. for 25 people: 4 reservations for 6 peo-
ple and 1 reservation for 1 person.

Group luggage.                                             Passengers in wheelchairs.
The «Express group luggage door-to-door» offer is          The Gotthard Panorama Express with the 1st class
available for groups of 10 or more, travelling by train,   Panorama coach is not wheelchair accessible.
bus and boat in Switzerland. Ten to a maximum of           ­T herefore passengers with reduced mobility can
50 items of luggage are delivered door-to-door within       only travel on the Gotthard Panorama Express in
a day in Switzerland. They are collected at 9 a.m. at       a very limited way.
the latest and delivered by 6 p.m. The cost per trans-
portation is a flat rate of CHF 300. The precondition       Contact the SBB Call Center Handicap for more
for the service is that each person has a ticket for       ­information:
the entire transportation route. Offer valid up to
31 ­December 2021.                                         Tel. Switzerland 0800 007 102 (free)
                                                           Tel. Abroad      +41 (0)51 225 78 44
The order must be placed at least 5 working days           E-Mail 
­­before transport via the following channels:
                                                           Passengers in wheelchairs can board and alight the
Online                             boat without any problems and do not have to make
                                                           reservations in advance.

Lost and Found Service.
Have you lost or forgotten something on the Gotthard
Panorama Express?

Submit a lost property report online at SBB Lost and
Found Service:

Describe your lost item and specify the date and place
of the loss.

Information for tour operators.

Offer text.                                              Trade and Media.
This text is at your disposal for the advertising.       At under
                                                         Trade and Media, you can gain access to the online
Gotthard Panorama Express.                               download area or you can order advertising material
Enjoy history on the Gotthard Panorama Express           directly.
to make travel into an experience. This is a unique
combination of boat and train journeys on the            Do you still require access to Trade and Media?
route between Central Switzerland and Ticino.            Send us a mail to

The journey begins on the steamboat in Lucerne.          To receive current information about the Gotthard
From here, it goes past mystical bays, picturesque       Panorama Express, register for the newsletter.
landscapes and early Swiss locations that are steeped
in history, such as the Schiller Stone or the Rütli
Meadow, where Switzerland was founded in 1291. In
Flüelen, you change from the boat to the 1st class       Advertising material.
panorama train, with a warm reception from the tour      We are pleased to
guides. You then continue by train on the world-fa-      provide you with free
mous and historical Gotthard route towards southern      materials for advertising
Switzerland. You will have three views of the Wassen     purposes:
Church there. This has achieved fame worldwide due
to the bold railway system with its many loop tunnels.   Gotthard Panorama
On the journey through the stunning Reuss Valley in      Express image brochure
Uri and the Gotthard Tunnel, which opened in 1882,       Bilingual: DE | EN
you are treated to exciting stories and visual presen­   Bilingual: FR | IT
tations about the unique Gotthard region.

Finally, you encounter the varied Mediterranean
countryside of Ticino – welcome to the palm trees.

Our «Gotthard Panorama Express» team consists of travel guides, product management
and marketing specialists. We do our best to make our guests feel comfortable every day.
In the following we have shared a few comments from TripAdvisor, which emphasise the
high level of customer satisfaction.

«We traveled from Lugano to Fluelen by this panoramic train. It was truly amazing. You can see the beautiful
­nature of Switzerland and its small old villages right on the hill sides. And you will think «yes, this is Switzerland».
 We enjoyed this train a lot and highly recommend it to anyone.»
 Rated on 16 September 2019 by «462chile».

«Switzerland is a beautiful country, and traveling by train is an excellent way to experience that beauty.
On top of that, this is a historic ride which shows off what was quite a feat of engineer 150 (!) years ago.
The service was excellent, the views wonderful, and the engineering inspiring. If you like train travel,
this is a great trip to make!»
Rated on 21 August 2019 by «jonathancoveney».

«Traveled the train from Lugano and then took a boat to Lucerne when the train ended. The train was very
­comfortable. Our tour guide for our train car was excellent keeping us informed of all the key points along the
 way. The boat was immediately accessible when exiting the train. It was a paddle steamer and we sat outside.
 Food and drink were available for purchase. It was a nice day and beautiful ride.»
 Rated on 21 July 2019 by «ml5024».

                Do you have any suggestions or ideas for improvement?
                Please contact us at

© Schweizerische Südostbahn AG / Thomas Kessler
    Treno Gottardo.
    From the 2020/2021 timetable onwards, the Treno Gottardo of Schweizerische Südostbahn AG
    will run alternately from Basel and Zurich over the Gotthard panoramic route to ­Bellinzona and
    from April 5, 2021 daily to Locarno, Switzerland’s sunny spot.

    The most beautiful connection                               Length of the route.
    between north and south.                                    Basel – Locarno: 293,504 km
    The relaxed panoramic ride to Ticino promises im-           Zürich – Locarno: 209,948 km
    pressive views of rugged mountain walls and blue
    lakes. The large windows allow an unrestricted view         Travel time.
    of the famous church of Wassen and the bold art             Basel – Locarno: 4 hours 21 minutes
    buildings of 1882. Bellinzona is worth a stop to admire     Zürich – Locarno: 3 hours 19 minutes
    the three castles, Castelgrande, Castello di Monte­
    bello and Castello di Sasso Corbaro, as part of the         Highest Point.
    UNESCO World Heritage. Southern flair becomes               Airolo 1141 m a.s.l. (Airolo station)
    ­really noticeable on the train ride towards the end
     withthe view of palm trees and palazzi. With the revival   Lowest Point.                                                                                             Stein

     of the Gotthard panoramic route, one of the greatest       Tenero 197 m a.s.l. (Tenero station)
                                                                                                                                                                          am Rhein
                                                                                                                                BSL                                       Stein
                                                                                                                                                                          am Rhein

     achievements in the history of railway pioneering is                                                                   BaselBSL
     preserved. Discover the numerous experiences along         Maximum gradient.                                                                               Zürich
                                                                                                                                                                    Rapperswil                                  St.Gallen
                                                                                                                                                                Zürich                          Säntis

     the route and experience Swiss history.                    27‰ (Gotthard panoramic route)                                                 Luzern
                                                                                                                        Bern                                 Rigi
                                                                                                                                           Stanserhorn             Flüelen
                                                                                                                                      Brienzer Pilatus                                                                                      Chur
                                                                                                                                           Stanserhorn      Titlis Flüelen
                                                                                                                            Harder Kulm
                                                                                                                                      Brienzer                                                                                              Chur
                                                                                                                            Spiez          Interlaken
                                                                                                                            Harder Kulm     Schynige Platte
                                                                                                               Zweisimmen   Spiez            Jungfraujoch                                                                                 St.Mor
                                                                                                                                            Schynige Platte
                                                                                                                                      Schilthorn                                                                                           Piz Na
                                                                                                               ZweisimmenGstaad              Jungfraujoch                                                                                 St.Mor
                                                                                                    Montreux     Rochers-de-Naye                                                                                                           Piz Na
                                                                                                                          Gstaad                  Brig
                                                                                           GVA      Montreux     Rochers-de-Naye       Visp
                                                                                                                                                                Locarno          Bellinzona
                                                                                           Genève                                                Brig
                                                                                           GVA                                         Visp
                                                                                                                             Zermatt               Domodossola Locarno
                                                                                           Genève                                       Rothorn                     Lugano
                                                                                                                                                                                 Monte Brè
                                                                                                                             Zermatt Matterhorn Domodossola         Lugano Monte
                                                                                                                                        Matterhorn                           Monte
                                                                                                                                                                             San Salvatore

Cooperation of                                                  Further information on
All highlights on one single route.
                                                                               The Gotthard Panorama Express is part of the Grand Train Tour of Switzerland. This route
                                                                               combines all panoramic lines into one breathtaking journey. Year-round, this train ride of 1280
                                                                               kilometres leads from the most charming Swiss cities to Alpine hotspots, through UNESCO
                                                                               World Heritage Sites and past world-famous sights and landmarks.

                                                                               The sections.                                                                                                                                                                              The app to the tour.
                                                                               Zürich – Luzern – Interlaken · 2 ¾ h                                                                                                                                                       All «must-sees» along the Grand Train Tour of Switzer-
                                                                               Zürich – Luzern – Interlaken · 2 ¾ h                                                                                                                                                       land at a glance: The app offers this and much more
                                                                               GoldenPass · 3 h
                                                                               GoldenPass    · 3–hZermatt · 2 ½ h
                                                                               Montreux – Visp                                                                                                                                                                            besides. Apart from receiving push notifications about
                                                                               Glacier Express–·
                                                                                          – Visp   7¾h ·2½h
                                                                                                  Zermatt                                                                                                                                                                 upcoming sights and landmarks, travellers get a
                                                                               Bernina Express · 6¾
                                                                               Glacier  Express  · 7 ½hh                                                                                                                                                                  chance to playfully collect stamps and credits. Those
                                                                                          Panorama·6½   h
                                                                                                      Express  ·5½h                                                                                                                                                       who have collected enough can achieve the distinc-
                                                                               Gotthard   Panorama   Express
                                                                               Voralpen-Express · 2 ¼ h       ·5½h                                                                                                                                                        tion of becoming «Master of the Grand Train Tour».
                                                                               Voralpen-Express    · 2 ¼ h– Zürich · 2 ½ h
                                                                               St. Gallen – Schaffhausen                                                                                                                                                                  A coveted title. On top of it all, there are presents and
                                                                               St. Gallen – Schaffhausen – Zürich · 2 ½ h                                                                                                                                                 discounts via integrated digital coupons to be had.

                                                                                                                                                                 am Rhein
                                                                                                                       BSL                                       Stein
                                                                                                                                                                 am Rhein
n                                                                                                                  Basel                                                            St.Gallen
n                                                                                                                                                          Rapperswil               St.Gallen
                                                                                                                                                       Zürich                   Säntis
                                                                                                                                                    Rigi                        Säntis
                                                                                                               Bern                                 Rigi
                                                                                                                                  Stanserhorn             Flüelen
r                                                                                                                            Brienzer Pilatus                                            Chur
                                                                                                                                  Stanserhorn      Titlis Flüelen
r                                                                                                                  Harder Kulm
                                                                                                                             Brienzer                                                    Chur
                                                                                                                   Spiez          Interlaken
        Muottas                                                                                                    Harder Kulm     Schynige Platte                                                  Muottas
ritz                                                                                                  Zweisimmen   Spiez            Jungfraujoch                                      St. Moritz
        Muragl                                                                                                                    Interlaken                                                        Muragl
                                                                 SBB 04/2019

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SBB 04/2019

air     Muottas                                                                                                                    Schynige Platte
                                                                                                                             Schilthorn                                                Piz Nair     Muottas
          Diavolezza                                                                                                                                      Andermatt                                    Diavolezza
ritz    Muragl                                                                                        ZweisimmenGstaad              Jungfraujoch                                      St. Moritz    Muragl


air                                                                                        Montreux     Rochers-de-Naye                                                                      Corvatsch
                                                                                                                                                                                       Piz Nair
             Diavolezza                                                                                          Gstaad                  Brig                                                          Diavolezza
                                                        © SBB ©

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   © SBB ©

 Corvatsch                                                                        GVA      Montreux                           Visp                                                           Corvatsch
                                                   © swisstopo

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              © swisstopo

                                                                                                        Rochers-de-Naye                                                 Bellinzona
                   Tirano                                                                                                                              Locarno                                                Tirano
                                                                                  Genève                                                Brig
                                                                                  GVA                                         Visp
                                            © swisstopo

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       © swisstopo

                   Tirano                                                                                           Zermatt               Domodossola Locarno                                                 Tirano
                                                                                  Genève                                                                   Lugano


                                                                                                                                                                        Monte Brè
                                                                                                                    Zermatt Matterhorn Domodossola         Lugano Monte


                                                                                                                               Matterhorn                           Monte
                                                                                                                                                                    San Salvatore                                                                                         Weitere Informationen auf
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          More information on
To make travel into an experience …

Gotthard Panorama Express
Vulkanplatz 11
8048 Zürich
Schweiz                               Version november 2020.
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