Valentine's day celebration gr. 4-6 skiing - New Sarepta Elementary

Page created by Katherine Henry
Valentine's day celebration gr. 4-6 skiing - New Sarepta Elementary
                                                                                                                 Mr. Luchak
                                                                                                               School website:
    On February 18th, there will be no school. Instead of having students enthusiastically running into
our school first thing in the morning, putting their best effort into academic learning throughout the
day and then walking to the buses busily chatting about their days, our school will be silent. Instead
of school that day, families throughout our community will be spending quality time together. Wheth-
er it be reminiscing, playing board games, baking, sledding or skating, Family Day to celebrate all                 780-955-6025
things family.
   At our school, we would not be able to have success for all of our students without the family
atmosphere we have. Our NSE family includes all of our students, staff, parents and community
members. Each group works together to help students learn, overcome challenges and become better
learners and citizens throughout the course of their schooling. Even when our student finish attend-
ing our school in grade 7, they still remain a part of our larger NSE family.                             CALENDAR OF EVENTS:
    Thank you for being a part of our NSE family and for sharing in the important work of education
in our community. On behalf of our NSE staff family, we wish you a wonderful February and an amaz-        1 - PD Day - No School
ing Family Day!                                                                                           6 - Early Dismissal (2:27)
Yours in Education,                                                                                       . - Winter Walk Day (1:45)
                                                                                                          7 & 8 - School Closed for
                                                                                                          .     Teachers’ Convention
                                                                                                          11 –17 - Random Acts of
                                                                                                                    Kindness Week
Greg Luchak                                                                                               14 - Happy Valentine’s Day!
                                                                                                          .    Valentine’s Day Assembly
GR. 4-6 SKIING                                         VALENTINE’S DAY                                    . . @ 9:00 a.m. *Wear red
Students in Grades 4 - 6 will have the                                                                    15 - Rabbit Hill Skiing (Gr. 4-6)
opportunity to go downhill skiing or snow-             CELEBRATION
                                                                                                          18 - Family Day - No School
boarding on February 15 & 22nd. (Please note:          Each classroom will celebrate Valen-               22 - Rabbit Hill Skiing (Gr. 4-6)
Parent consent given for the Feb.15th trip             tine’s Day in their own special way on             25 - School Council meeting
will now apply to the Feb. 20th trip. Please           February 14th. Please check your                            @ 7:00 pm
inform your child’s teacher if there are any           child’s class newsletter for specific de-          27 - Pink Shirt Day
changes that need to be made.                          tails. We will start the day with our              28 - Div 1 Math Day
Students will leave the school at approximate-         Valentine assembly from 9:00 - 9:30
ly 11:45 am arriving at Rabbit Hill for their                                                                    Div 2 Miquelon Day
                                                       a.m. Be sure to wear something red on
lessons at 1:15pm. After lessons,                      this day!
students will have time to ski or snowboard                                                               Mar. 6 - Early Dismissal-2:27
on their own. The bus will leave the hill at 5:30
SHARP arriving back at school at                       2019-20 KINDERGARTEN
approximately 6:10 pm.                                 REGISTRATION
Please be sure to notify your child's teacher,         Online registration for all Black Gold
in writing, about any alternate driving                2019 – 2020 Kindergarten programs
arrangements to or from the hill the day of            opened on January 23, 2019.
the trip.
                                                       *All registrations will be processed
Please note that if the outside temperature is
–17 C, or there is a very high wind chill factor,
                                                       online. The registration link can be
our trip to Rabbit Hill will be cancelled and          found at:                 “When you are kind to
rescheduled for a later date. The decision to          schools/programs/kindergarten/                     others, it not only changes
cancel, if necessary, will be made the morning         A KINDERGARTEN INFORMATION                         you, it changes the world.”
of our trip.                                           NIGHT will be held on Wednesday,
                                                                                                          -         - Harold Kushner
Thank you to the students, bus drivers,                April 3rd at 7:00 pm at New Sarepta
parent drivers, and supervisors, who make              Elementary School.
this program such a great success!                     All parents with children who will be 5                **PLEASE SEE PAGE 3 OF
THANK YOU TO PIIE FOR COVERING THE                     years old by February 28, 2020 are                      THIS NEWSLETTER TO
COST OF BUSSING FOR THIS PHYSICAL                      asked to attend.                                       SEE HOW YOU CAN HELP
EDUCATION EVENT!                                       **Please pass this message on to                         P.I.I.E WITH THEIR
                                                       anyone you know who will have a child                  UPCOMING FUNDRAISER
                                                       attending Kindergarten next year.
Valentine's day celebration gr. 4-6 skiing - New Sarepta Elementary
STUDENT OF THE MONTH                  BASKETBALL NEWS                          STEM (Science, Technology,
Congratulations to the following      Congratulations are in order for         Engineering and Math) Day
students for being chosen for         the Grade 5/6 Boys & Girls Bas-
seeking first to understand and
                                                                               On March 22nd, Black Gold
                                      ketball Teams for the fantastic job      Regional Division will be hosting a
then to be understood (Habit #5).     they did of representing our school
1H - Roy Kaiser                       both on and off the court at their re-
                                                                               Girls in STEM (Science, Technology,
1K - Brielle Lenos                    spected tournament. Way to go,           Engineering and Math) Day
2BJ - Cassandra Goski                 Teams! We are very proud of your         at West Haven Public School.
2H - Makenna Nelson                   teamwork, sportsmanship and              Two students from each school
3H - Amberlea Scammell                accomplishments.                         across Black Gold have been invited
3S - Cyan Wentworth                                                            to attend and learn about the future
4B - Morgan Knight                    Boys Team members included:              career opportunities and possibilities
4Q - Carter Withers                   Noah Scheming      Lucas Dewitt
5E - Katie Woods                                                               for female students in the areas of
                                      Carter Roylance    Ethan Goddyn          science, technology, engineering
5H - Skye Ste                         Mason Greenough Carter Withers
6J - Riley Smith                      Mason Zezula       Ty Nessler            and math. Two Gr. 6 students from
6P - Sophia Lapachuk                  Riley Smith        Carter Sagert         our school have been invited to
Thank you for being such great        Declan Harper                            represent our school and take part
role models in our school!            Coaches: Mr. Luchak, Mrs. Kruk           in this exciting educational event!
The Student of the Month theme
for February is Habit #6 - Syn-                                                PINK SHIRT DAY
ergize: Together Is Better! This                                               Pink Shirt Day is on Wednesday,
habit involves valuing other peo-                                              February 27. Students, staff and
ple’s strengths and learning from                                              families, are encouraged to wear
them; getting along well with oth-                                             pink as a demonstration of our need to
ers and working well in groups;                                                work together to promote healthy
seeking out other people’s ideas/                                              relationships in our schools, workplac-
teaming with others to create bet-                                             es, homes, and online.
ter solutions.                 Stu-
dents recognized as                                                            CRAFT CLUB
“Student of the Month” receive a                                               It is time for card creations! Valen-
certificate and the opportunity to                                             tine's Day is an excellent day to tell
have pizza with the principal.        Girls Team members included:             someone that you care about them. We
                                      Alissa Olson      Morgan Knight          will be crafting cards to express our-
Fresh Fruit Friday in                 Ella Shipalesky   Lauren Goddyn          selves this month. Listen to
                                      Megan Wieling     Katie Woods            the morning announcements early this
February!!                                                                     month, for the date and time. Thank
                                      Sophia Lapachuk Madyson Lingnau
To promote healthy nutrition          Marih Martel      Claire Loren           you to the grades 4, 5 and 6 students
choices, New Sarepta Elemen-          Bryanna Geldart   Sierra Volkman         that melted some crafts last month. I
tary students are encouraged          Sydney Goddyn                            had a wonderful time"crafting" with
to bring fresh fruit for their        Coaches: Cindy Christou & Jamie          you!
                                      Hiller                                             - Mrs. Klassen
Friday morning snacks. Fresh
fruit is offered in the office
everyday for any student who                                         WINTER WALK DAY
would like to have a fruit at any                                    On Wednesday, February 6th,
                                                                     New Sarepta Elementary will
time. Fruit in the office is sup-
                                                                     be taking part in the Step Up Alberta -
plied by the Nutrition Grant.
                                                                     Winter Walk Day challenge that is be-
Fresh fruits and vegetables                                          ing organized by SHAPE (Safe,
have very high levels of the vit-                                    Healthy Active People Everywhere).
amins and minerals that your                                         This year SHAPE hopes to have over
body needs. Most of these                                            100,000 Albertans participate.
fruits have a high quantity of                                       We will be bundling up and walking
Vitamin C which boosts your                                          from the elementary school, through
immune system.                                                       New Sarepta beginning at 1:45 pm.
                                                                     Parents and community members are
TEACHERS’ CONVENTION                                                 invited to join us for this healthy, active
On February 7th and 8th, teachers from New Sarepta Elementary School event!
will participate in the North Central Teachers’ Convention Association at
the Shaw Conference Centre in Edmonton. Attendees include approxi-
mately 6,800 teachers from over 17 different ATA Locals. Over 200
different sessions will be presented over the two days with a goal to
“Ignite, Inquire, Innovate, Inspire”

                                                                                                            Page 2
Valentine's day celebration gr. 4-6 skiing - New Sarepta Elementary
SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS                                                                *Order online at: http://www.newsarepta
P.I.I.E. - UPCOMING FUNDRAISER:                                                
Each year the New Sarepta Ag. Society hosts the "Crooked Ice Jugspiel”             January       11              Pizza
which is a milk jug curling bonspiel. The Ag. Society generously allows
                                                                                                         Chicken Fingers and
P.I.I.E. to run a silent auction during the jugspiel. For several years, the       January       18
silent auction has been a major source of our fundraising income. To
help ensure a successful auction, we ask each classroom to collect                 January       25            Burgers
donations of either cash or items for a "theme basket" by March 15,                January       31      Hotdogs (cash only)
2019. This year’s themes are:
                                                                                   February      15              Pizza
Kindergarten (both classes): Easter Basket
Gr. 1K: Baking Basket            Gr. 1H: Camping Basket                            February      22      Hotdogs (cash only)
Gr.2H: Beach Day Basket          Gr. 2B: Mother’s Day Basket                        March         1             Pizza
Gr. 3HL: Father’s Day Basket Gr. 3Hi: BBQ Basket                                                         Chicken Fingers and
Gr. 4B: Coffee & Tea Basket                                                         March        8
Gr. 4Q: Family Night Basket (Games, movies, snacks)
                                                                                    March        15     Spaghetti & Meatballs
Gr. 5E: Junk Food Basket         Gr. 5H: Pet Basket
Gr. 6J & 6P: Gift Card Basket                                                       March        21      Hotdogs (cash only)
                                                                                    April        5               Pizza
  While we encourage everyone to get involved, participation in this
fundraiser is, as always, voluntary. If you don’t want to donate an item,           April        11      Hotdogs (cash only)
but still want to contribute, monetary donations will be accepted to pur-                                Chicken Fingers and
chase items for the theme basket. New items only please!!                           April        26
  The theme baskets are just one aspect of the auction. We also ap-                  May         3               Pizza
proach businesses for donations of cash, services or products. In the
past we have had bicycles, airline tickets and Oilers tickets donated.               May         10            Burgers
These larger items really help to draw interest and increase bidding.                May         16      Hotdogs (cash only)
  If you know of a company or individual who would like to donate                    May         24      Perogies & Sausage
something for our Silent Auction, please use the corporate sponsor
letter found in this newsletter to ask for donations. More copies of                 May         31      Chicken Fingers and
this letter can be obtained through the school office or from any school            June         7               Pizza
council executive member.
                                                                                    June         14      Hotdogs (cash only)
  New Sarepta Ag. Society’s Jugspeil will be held on Saturday, March
30th, from 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., at the Agriplex. Please feel free to call         June         21      McDonalds Burgers
Noelle at 780-919-2022 if you have any questions or a donation.
Thanks for your continued support!
Are you a Cobs Bread shopper? Our school is joining the “Raise Some
                                                                                   WEEKLY ORDERS MUST BE PLACED
                                                                                    ONLINE BY 10:00 a.m. THE WEDNES-
Dough” campaign as a fundraiser. To participate all you need to do is               DAY PRIOR TO EACH HOT LUNCH DAY.
mention New Sarepta Elementary School anytime you make a purchase
at Cobs Bread (Harvest Pointe, 5225 Ellerslie Road SW) and Cobs will               Each hot lunch has a cost of either $2.00
donate 5% of the purchase to our school. Tell Grandparents and family               or $4.00 depending on the menu item.
friends they can participate too!
                                                                                   Hot lunch is delivered on FRIDAYS.
We will begin planning our 2019/2020 school year fundraisers at our
April meeting, please feel free to bring forward ideas to any PIIE                 Additional food should be sent with your
committee member or plan to attend.                                                 child on hot lunch days as it is NOT a
                                                                                    complete meal.
Our next School Council / PIIE meeting will be on February 25, 2019
at 7:00 pm at NSES, as always anyone is welcome to attend.                         In the event that your child is absent from
                                                                                    school on the day of a hot lunch, parent(s)
                                                                                    can pick up the hot lunch that day or it will
                                                                                    be put in the fridge and given to your child
                                                                                    the following Monday.

                                                                                   Payments can be made by PayPal. Please
                                                                                    note that we unfortunately cannot process
                                                                                    any cash, coupons or late orders (With the
                                                                                    exception of field trip scheduling, in which
                                                                                    cash refunds will be given to the students

                                                                                                                         Page 3
Valentine's day celebration gr. 4-6 skiing - New Sarepta Elementary
                                                                            “LOVE will be in the air” as we
                                                                            celebrate mock weddings in each of our
                                                                            Grade 1-3 classes while playing
                                                                            Pachebel’s “Canon in D” on handbells.
                                                                            The bridesmaids will procession in to
                                                                            the 4/4 timing of the song and we will
                                                                            end the ceremony with a MUSIC AND
                                                                            MOVEMENT activity!
                                                                            In January I was very impressed
                                                                            with how far I could challenge many
                                                                            students in Grades 1–6 during our
                                                                            Handbell Unit!
                                                                            Upcoming Units for February /March
                                                                            Grade 1 – Valentine Friendship Game
                                                                            Songs/ Peter and the Wolf
                                                                            Grade 2 - Fun with Composers - music
                                                                            and movement
                                                                            Grade 3 – Ring of Mystery Unit that
                                                                            focuses on the composer - Vivaldi,
                                                                            instrument – violin and place – Venice,
                                                                            Grade 4 – Beethoven Lives Upstairs
                                                                            and recorder enrichment – Recorder
                                                                            Grade 5 - Beethoven Lives Upstairs
                                                                            (Part 2) / advanced recorder
                                                                            instruction/ handbells
                                                                            Grade 6 – Advanced Recorder Instruc-
                                                                            tion/Handbells/Musical Game Creation/
                                                                            Music Stations
                                                                            Grade 1 - 6 students will be tested on
                                                                            their handbell skills soon. Please sign and
                                                                            return their tests when you see them in
                                                                            their agenda binders. This way I can
                                                                            keep you updated with their music evalu-
                                                                            Music and Movement is our focus for
                                                                            Grades 1-4 this month. The students
                                                                            will be learning about the amazing benefits
CAUGHT YOU BEING GOOD!                                                      of daily movement to music which include
In the month of February students will be acknowledged by staff members improving their moods, lowering stress
for their positive student behaviors in our “Caught You Being Good” pro-    and anxiety,supercharging their brains
gram. In this program “tickets” will be given to students who are caught    for better concentration and memory,
in the act of showing good character or performing good behavior.           boosting their energy, and MY
Students receiving a “ticket” will be entered into a draw for the chance to PERSONAL FAVOURITE…SLOWING
win an individual prize and be given a heart to hang on our “Caught You Be- DOWN THE AGING PROCESS!!!
ing Good” tree. Certainly there is much to celebrate in terms of positive
student behavior in our school! It is in the doing of something good for                           Mrs. Schmaltz
yourself or others that the real reward is found.

Extra activities that occur at the school can sometimes put a strain on
the family pocketbook. We want everyone to participate, but we do
not want to burden anyone beyond what they can handle.
If you find it difficult to come up with the necessary added fees
please contact Mr. Luchak, in confidence. Special arrangements can be
made so no one has to be excluded.

                                                                                                            Page 4
Valentine's day celebration gr. 4-6 skiing - New Sarepta Elementary
Thank you to the volunteers who did head
checks in every classroom in January.                    RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS
Please continue to do regular checks on
your own at home.                                   “Kindness is one of the most powerful inter-personal tools
                                                that we, as human beings, use to connect with one another.
                                                               When we sense someone's need,
                                                we either choose to help in some way…or we choose not to.
& THE FLU                                             If we act from empathy, we will offer kindness,
Please continue to discuss the                           and in that moment a surprising, gracious,
following with your child(ren):                              humanitarian connection is made.
1. Handwashing is the single most                        This is the positive power that each of us,
effective way to stop the spread of
the flu and colds; 2. It is best to                              including children, possess.”
cough into your sleeve or collar, not       Random Acts of Kindness Week is February 9 - 15. This is a great chance
your hand; 3. When washing hands             for you to teach your children character by showing kindness to others.
lather the soap the length of time                   Start this valuable character lesson by defining what a
that it takes to say the alphabet;                                  random act of kindness is:
Thumbs tend to not be washed -                     “When we go beyond duties that are expected of us
teach your child to lather all surfac-
es; 4. Soap and water is the best               and reach out to help another person or group of people,
cleaner to get rid of the flu bug.                    we are performing a Random Act of Kindness.
                                                     Kindness and empathy are very closely related:
                                                    kindness is the observable expression of empathy.
                                              We sense another person’s need, we understand how it feels to
                                                      be in need, and we decide to offer our help.”
                                           Here are all simple easy-to-do acts for any time of the year.
Pease contact the office at 780-
941-3927 or                                The Gift of Listening - but you must really listen, no interrupting!,             The Gift of Affection - be generous with hugs, pats on the back.,                 The Gift of Laughter - Share a cartoon, article or funny story.
and               The Gift of a Written Note - It can be a simple, “Thanks for the help.”
to let them know if your child will        The Gift of a Compliment - A simple and sincere, “You look great.”
be absent for the school day.              The Gift of a Favour - Every day, go out of your way to do something kind.
Sending a message to all three is          The Gift of Solitude - There are times when we want nothing better than
recommended to ensure that                                        to be left alone.
your message is received, in case
                                           The Gift of a Cheerful Disposition - The easiest way to feel good is to
one is out of the office. An elec-                                              extend a kind word to someone.
tronic message is sent out at                                                                          - by Issac Ng
9:30 a.m. if we have not received
                                           For more inspiration on Random Acts of Kindness go to:
a message. Your cooperation in                                        
notifying the school is appreciat-
ed and simplifies the process.
                                                       RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS WEEK
PHONE NUMBER/ADDRESS                                                  FEBRUARY 9 — 15
UPDATES Please remember to
call the school if you change your
place of employment, residence,
or have a change in work and/or
home phone numbers. It is very
important for our records to be
kept up-to-date.

   NEW SAREPTA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL                                                                                  Page 5
Valentine's day celebration gr. 4-6 skiing - New Sarepta Elementary
During the winter months please be aware of the Inclement Weather Procedure for our school:
* The decision to operate or cancel busses is based on the best information at the time of the decision with the safety of the stu-
dents the first concern.
It is always the prerogative of the parents/guardians to keep students home should they feel it is unsafe to send students
to school in inclement weather regardless as to whether or not the busses are operating.
School bus operators are responsible for the safety of your child and take poor weather and road conditions
very seriously. There may be a day where the bus does not operate due to these poor conditions. We do not
have a certain temperature as our Alberta weather seldom gets to -40C, but we do have days where a winter
storm may prevent us from operating that day and the next day we need to rely on Public Works departments
being able to clear roads for us. If the bus is not operating:
1. Check the website for information
2. Ensure your PowerSchool contact information is correct as a voice mail and text message will be sent out pri-
or to 7:00 a.m.
3. Call 780-955-6025 for our transportation after hours greeting for details.
The information will be posted as soon as the decision is made. Schools are always open unless there is a specific
school related emergency like a water main break.
In addition:
* Students should know what to do in the event that a bus is late or does not show due to the weather or
mechanical difficulties.
*All students must be properly dressed for the weather conditions.
*If busses are sent home early, drivers have procedures in place to notify parents prior to sending students
*To ensure student safety it is necessary for us to confirm all absences on bus cancellation/inclement weather days.
To assist us with this procedure we ask that parents please contact the school and their bus driver to confirm their
child(ren)’s absence on bus cancellation days.

The New Sarepta Bus Drivers have created the following protocol and expectations in regards to students requesting
to ride buses for which they are not regular riders.
1. The night before, the parent of the student who normally rides the bus must send a text request to the regular
driver to gain permission for another student to ride their bus.
2. Once the driver gives permission, the parent of the non-regular rider must send written permission, either by note,
in the agenda or through text, to the driver.
3. The parents of the student not riding their regular bus must ensure that their child is signed off of the bus.

For example, if Billy has a play-date with Jerry and needs to ride home on Jerry's bus, Jerry's parents must first
contact their driver, and gain permission for the extra rider. Once permission has been given, Billy's parents must also
give written permission to Jerry’s bus driver for Billy to ride his bus. Billy's parents then must ensure that their son
has been signed off of his regular bus.
These expectations have been put in place in the best interests of student safety and we appreciate your support in
this matter. If these protocols are not followed, drivers will not allow non-riders onto our buses.

NSES Busdrivers

Alberta Education Information on the Accountability Pillar Survey
As an annual check-up on the education system, the Accountability Pillar provides an opportunity for Alberta Education
and school authorities to ensure that we are equipping students for success.
The Accountability Pillar uses a set of 16 indicators. Data on these indicators consists of surveys of students, parents
and teachers on various aspects of education quality, student outcomes such as dropout and high school completion
rates, and provincial assessments of student learning. From January to the end of February, Alberta Education will be
conducting the annual Accountability Pillar Survey. - In January, parents of students in grades 4, 7 and 10 will
receive a survey from Alberta Education. - In February, students in grades 4, 7 and 10 and all teachers will be com-
pleting their surveys online at school. All surveys are anonymous and ask questions about experiences with your school.
In addition to English and French, the parent survey is available in Chinese, Punjabi, Arabic, Blackfoot, Dene, Cree, Ko-
rean, Spanish, Tagalog and Urdu. Your participation in the survey helps provide important information on the quality of
education your child is receiving, so we encourage you to return your survey promptly. Survey results will be available to
school authorities in May 2019, and will be reported publicly as part of their 3-Year Education Plans and Annual Edu-
cation Results Reports.

BLACK GOLD REGIONAL SCHOOLS                                                                                               Page 6
#Disconnect2Connect is a Leduc            COMMUNITY NEWS                            Parent Link Stay’n’Play and More
                                                                                    Stay’n’Play is held Wednesday morn-
County FCSS initiative that pro-
                                                                                    ings, 9:00 - 11:30 @ the Agriplex.
motes social well-being. Social well-
being is your sense of belonging and    Volunteer Income Tax Program –              This is a free drop-in program for
                                        New Sarepta FCSS will complete 2018         parents and children 0 to 6 years.
inclusion in your community.            Income Tax Returns for low-income           Enjoy an interactive playtime with your
 If you are mindful of the time you     individuals who have a simple tax situation child. By following your child’s lead,
spend using technology, you will be-    and are living within rural Leduc County or you can support play while building
come more aware of your habits.         the municipality of New Sarepta. Please     self-confidence and self-esteem.
It’s important to recognize both the    contact Lucille at (780) 941-2382 to make
                                        an appointment to have your 2018 Income
advantages and disadvantages of         Tax Return completed free of charge.
technology and be purposeful about      Please Note: we are not able to complete
using it or taking time away from it.   complicated returns, returns for the
Be open to opportunities to discon-     deceased, or those with business, farming
nect from your devices to spend         or rental income.                           YOGA with KIM
quality time with friends, family or                                                Monday & Thurs 7:00-8:15pm and Thurs
even yourself!                                                                      10:00-11:15am in the lower level of The
                                            Too often we underestimate the          Community Connections Building (old Vil-
 For more information and helpful       power of a touch, a smile,              a   lage Office)
resources, please visit leduc-                 kind word, a listening ear,          $15 Drop-In or $135 for a 10 punch card. Cele-                                                     For information please contact Kim
                                                 an honest compliment,
brate Family Day on Monday, Febru-                                                  @780-941-2242 or
ary 18th!                                    or the smallest act of caring,
                                           all of which have the potential to
                                                   turn a life around."
                                                              - Leo Buscaglia

Whether out on the playground, in the hall-
way, classroom, bathroom, or on the bus, all
NSE students are taught: “Star Student
Be Respectful
to people and property
Be Responsible
for your learning and your behaviour
Be Safe
Be Kind & Play Fair
Do Your Best
Managing your child’s                                                Avoid procrastination. Some students cancel
time so they’ll succeed at school                                       afternoon or weekend plans because of homework,
Self-discipline and good organizational skills — prioritizing           but still delay completing the work until the last
and completing projects, motivation, not procrastinating —              minute. Teach your child to pair difficult or boring
                                                                        tasks with a reward. Working from a “To do” list
these skills have a strong connection to academic success. A
                                                                        helps both you and your child prioritize tasks and
study published in Psychological Science found that “highly             plan time effectively.
self-disciplined adolescents outperformed their more impul-             magazine/article/teach-time-management-key-
sive peers on every academic-performance variable, including            success
report-card grades, standardized achievement-test scores,
                                                                 Time management for younger children
admission to a competitive high school, and attendance.”         Establishing good habits early is the most effective way to                       ensure that they stick. Younger children can get in the habit
PsychologicalScienceDec2005.pdf                                  of self-discipline with these easy, visual tips from
The competition for your time is stiff. Long to-do lists can
cause stress for parents and children, but adopting some             Create a chart for your preschooler or kindergartener
self-management skills can make daily life smoother and                 for the bathroom wall and call it “Body Beautiful.”
create habits that help students succeed in school.                     Illustrate hygiene tasks, such as brushing teeth, with
                                                                        words or images. This teaches how to visualize and has the following tips to help you teach your
                                                                        finish tasks independently.
child time management. To save time, everything in your
house should have a designated place, including: back packs,         Limit screen time. Television is a common time
lunch boxes, coats etc. It’s easier to find something if that           waster. Plan ahead and set limits with your child’s
item has a home.                                                        input on the amount of television per week. Write
                                                                        the plan based on viewing preferences and schedules.
    Set up a monthly calendar with each child.
       Use your school jurisdiction’s global calendar to add            Also, consider that screen time includes computer
       holidays and other breaks, exams or other testing                and video games.
       dates and any other important events. Help your               Create a chart for older children, too. Charts with
       child expand the calendar with a color coding system:            time blocks for each task are helpful for children ages
       red for tests or quizzes, blue for long-term projects,           seven to 12 years old, who are learning to manage
       black for nightly homework and green for fun                     their own time. Have your child include all school
       activities.                                                      and chore responsibilities and check off each task
    Practice estimating time with activities such as a                  when done. This teaches personal organizational
       family dinner or sports practice. Begin by practicing            skills and scheduling.
       this skill with everyday activities, and then encourage       Develop a separate homework chart. Have your
       your child to use the same strategy with his or her              child make a homework chart and list assignments
       homework. By recognizing the actual amount of time               for Monday through Friday. After finishing assign-
       necessary for schoolwork, chores and fun activities,             ments, your child can mark it as completed. This
       your child gains an awareness of the passage of time             teaches children how to keep track of deadlines and
       and the importance of managing time efficiently.                 duties.
    Teach your child how to divide long-term                            skills/
       projects into manageable tasks. It is easy to
                                                                     Planning tools
       combine this strategy with practicing how to estimate            Students have their own learning style. Consider
       time accurately. For example, have your child list the           these tools to help your student manage time better:
       steps associated with preparing a family dinner. After           1. Timers: Set a basic kitchen timer for homework
       the activity is divided into specific tasks, your child          sessions or musical practice; 2. Analog clocks with
       can estimate the time each step will take and com-               post-it notes: Label the face of the clock with the
       pare this to the actual time. Learning how to divide             task and the time your child will start it.; 3. Online
       large projects helps students initiate and complete              calendar with task list: If your child uses a
       daunting academic assignments by breaking the large              computer, an online calendar such as Google
                                                                        Calendar helps schedule tasks by day, week or
       task into manageable pieces.                                     month.
                                                                          ASBA Resources for Families – February 2013
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