User's Manual - Breg, Inc.

Page created by Bonnie Guzman
User's Manual - Breg, Inc.
User’s Manual

Breg, Inc.                                               Scan QR Code
2885 Loker Ave. East                                     For Instructional
Carlsbad, CA, USA                                        Video
(800) 321-0607 (760) 795-5440                 
                                                                  1 of 23
Introduction                                                                                                             Table of Contents
The Breg VPULSE® provides a unique combination of preventative and rehabilitative therapies:                             Symbols										4
• Intermittent sequential compression therapy to help prevent hospital-acquired venous                                   Indications, Contraindications and Warnings 					                         5
                                                                                                                         Medical Professional Patient Discharge Protocol					                      7
• Intermittent dynamic compression therapy to help reduce swelling.                                                      System Operation									8
• Controlled cold therapy to reduce discomfort and swelling.                                                             Operating Instructions

Designed to provide a continuity of care from the hospital, surgery center, and clinic to self-treatment at                    • Using the System with Ice and Water						                         9
home, the VPULSE helps patients comply with post-operative instructions.
                                                                                                                               • Using the System with Ice Bottles						                           10
                                                                                                                               • Applying Therapy Wraps and Pads						11
                                                                                                                               • Using the Start/Stop Buttons							12
Contents of Package                                                                                                            • Alarms 									13
                                                                                                                               • Alerts										14

                                                                                                                         Troubleshooting									15
                                                                                                                         Cleaning, Care and Maintenance							16
                                                                                                                         Warranty										17
                                                                                                                         General Safety									17
                                                                                         Tubing Set

                              Container            Data Card Port                                                        Electrical Safety									18
                                                                                                                         Specifications										19
                                                                                                                         Catalog Items										22

          Power Cord

                                                          User’s Manual

                                     2 Ice Bottles
                                   inside container)

                                                                          2 VPULSE Sequential Compression Therapy pads   CAUTION: Federal Law restricts this device to sale by, or on the order of, a
                                                                             (Available with the C00002 assembly only)
                         Ice Bottles
                                                                                                                         licensed healthcare practitioner.
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Symbols                                                                                                              Indications                                        Warnings: Cold Therapy
          The Caution or Warning symbol precedes an
          operational step that could cause damage to               Cold therapy enable function.                    The VPULSE is intended to function as an                If the patient has any of the following clinical
          the user or instrument if the patient does not                                                             intermittent, external compression device for      risk factors, use of cold therapy may result
          take certain precautions. Cautions or Warnings                                                             extremities to prevent and reduce complications    in serious cold-induced injury, including full
          are located in the main text, are preceded                Start /Stop the therapy session.                 of poor circulation. This includes:                thickness skin necrosis:
          by a Caution or Warning statement and are                                                                  • Deep vein thrombosis
          accompanied by this symbol in the left margin.                                                                                                                • Pathologic sensitivity to cold
                                                                                                                     • Chronic venous insufficiency
                                                                    Dynamic compression therapy enable function.                                                        • Behaviors that negatively affect circulation,
                                                                                                                     • Venous stasis ulcers
                                                                                                                                                                          including poor nutritional status, smoking
                                                                                                                     • Post-mastectomy edema and chronic
          Symbol ISO 7010-M002: refer to the Users                                                                                                                        and tobacco use, excessive caffeine use, and
          Manual for instructions for product usage.                Sequential compression therapy enable               lymphedema
                                                                                                                                                                          excessive alcohol use
                                                                    function.                                        • Reduction of edema associated with soft tissue
                                                                                                                                                                        • Cold application area desensitization due to
                                                                                                                        injuries such as burns, postoperative edema,
                                                                    Follow local governing ordinances and recy-                                                           local anesthesia or regional nerve block
          This device is offered for sale by or on the                                                                  and ligament sprains
          order of a licenced healthcare practitioner. Use          cling plans regarding disposal or recycling of                                                      • Taking medications that have a negative effect
                                                                                                                     • Localized cold therapy for post-traumatic
          only as prescribed.                                       device components. If unclear, please refer to                                                        on peripheral vascular circulation, including
                                                                                                                        and post-surgical medical and/or surgical
                                                                    Breg for proper disposition of this product.                                                          beta adrenergic blockers and local epinephrine
                                                                                                                                                                          use (such as in local anesthetics)
          Medical Device Safety Symbol IEC 60417-5333:                                                               • Aid in blood flow back to the heart
          Type BF Applied part complying with IEC                   Manufactured by Breg, Inc.                       • Treatment and assistance in healing of
                                                                                                                                                                            If the risk of cold-induced injury outweighs
          60601-1 to provide protection against electric                                                                cutaneous ulceration (wounds), reduction        the benefits of cold therapy, do not prescribe
          shock. The part of the device in contact with                                                                 of wound healing time, enhancement of
          the patient is floating from earth ground.
                                                                                                                                                                        the VPULSE cold therapy. If you prescribe this
                                                                    This product conforms to the directive 93/42        arterial circulation (blood flow), reduction
                                                                    EEC for medical devices. The identification
                                                                                                                                                                        product to patients with risk factors, consider
                                                                                                                        of compartmental pressures, reduction of        taking special measures to control the risk, such
                                                                    number of the Notified Body is 2797.
          Protected against spraying water.                                                                             edema (swelling), reduction of the need for     as:
                                                                                                                        anticoagulant (blood thinning) medications      • Recommend more frequent skin checks.
                                                                    Date of manufacture, year XXXX, week YY.                                                            • Require more frequent follow-up examinations.
          Medical Device Symbol IEC 60417-5031: The
          product operates from direct current.
                                                                                                                     Contraindications: Cold Therapy                    • Use an insulation barrier between the pad and
                                                                    Single patient multiple use.                                                                        • Prescribe shorter durations of application, less
                                                                                                                     Medical professionals and patients should be
          Medical Device Symbol IEC 60417-5172: Class                                                                aware of situations where cold therapy may           frequent application, or eliminate nighttime
          II Equipment.                                                                                              not be appropriate, detrimental to a specific        application.
                                                                                                                     condition or otherwise contraindicated for use,         The VPULSE can be cold enough to cause
                                                                                                                     including patients with:                           serious injury including full skin necrosis.
          Medical Device Symbol IEC 60417-5570:                                                                      • Diabetes
          Unlocking, Handle.
                                                                                                                     • Cold uticaria                                        Excessive moisture at the application site due
                                                                                                                     • Cryoglobulinemia                                 to excessive bleeding, sweating, or condensation
          Medical Device Symbol IEC 60417-5569:                                                                      • Raynaud’s syndrome                               may increase the risk of serious cold-induced
          Locking, Handle.                                                                                           • Proximal cold hemoglobinuria                     injury, including full thickness necrosis.
                                                                                                                     • Vasospastic disease
                                                                                                                     • Cold hypersensitivity                                Inspect the skin under the cold therapy pad
          Minimum water reservoir fill line. Step 1 of                                                                • Compromised local circulation                    (by lifting the edge) as prescribed, typically
          filling the water reservoir.                                                                                • History of cold injury, frostbite, or adverse    every 1 to 2 hours. Do not use VPULSE cold
                                                                                                                       reactions to local cold application              therapy if dressing, wrapping, bracing or
          Maximum ice reservoir fill line. Step 2 of filling                                                           • Patients who are incoherent due to general       casting over the cold therapy pad prevents skin
          the water reservoir. Note that either ice or                                                                 anesthesia, sedation, or coma                    checks. Stop using and contact your practitioner
          the VPULSE Ice Bottles can be used for cold                                                                • Local tissue infection                           immediately if you experience any adverse
          therapy.                                                                                                   • Hand/wrist or feet/ankle surgery with            reactions, such as: increased pain, burning,
                                                                                                                       polyneuropathy                                   increased swelling, itching, blisters, increased
                                                                                                                                                                        redness, discoloration, welts, other changes in
                                                                                                                                                                        skin appearance, or any other reaction identified
                                                                                                                                                                        by your practitioner

4 of 23                                                                                                                                                                                                               5 of 23
Be aware of any nerve irritation and/or            Warnings: Compression                                   Patients should take caution in applying          3. Prescription. Instruct the patient regarding
muscular reaction that are associated with skin        Therapy                                             therapy pads over open sores and abrasions. At           the licensed healthcare practitioner’s
sensitivity and irritation. If observed, discontinue                                                       a minimum, these areas should be cleaned and             prescribed protocol: frequency and duration
therapy until the cause is determined.                     If patient experiences pain, swelling,                                                                   of use and length of breaks between uses,
                                                       sensation changes or any unusual reactions          bandaged.
                                                                                                                                                                    how and when to inspect the skin, and total
    DO NOT operate without water in the                while using the compression therapy, they are                                                                length of treatment. The duration of acyclic
                                                       to stop using the therapy and consult their              As with all prescription medical devices,
system. Doing so may damage your system and                                                                failure to follow product instructions or adjusting      application may vary depending upon the
void the product warranty.                             medical professional immediately.                                                                            patient. If the patient does not experience
                                                                                                           setting and performing therapy applications
                                                           Special attention should be given to those      without the express direction and/or supervision         pain relief, the physician may increase the
Contraindications: Compression                         patients with neuropathies or tissue viability      of your trained health care provider may lead to         duration of cold therapy application. As
                                                       problems (i.e. diabetes, arterial or venous         improper product performance and the potential           the application duration is increased, the
Therapy                                                insufficiencies).                                   for serious injury. For medical questions, please        frequency of the skin inspections should
Patients with the following conditions should                                                              consult your health care provider.                       increase.
                                                            If pulsations or throbbing occur, the
NOT USE Intermittent Pneumatic Compression             cuff may be wrapped too tightly. Loosen                                                                   4. P
                                                                                                                                                                     otential for Injury. Inform the patient
Therapy:                                               Immediately.                                             Use only according to your practitioner’s           that improper use can result in serious skin
• Presumptive evidence of congestive heart                                                                 instructions regarding the frequency and                 injury, including full thickness skin necrosis.
                                                            To prevent extremity compartment               duration of application and length of breaks
  failure                                                                                                                                                           Emphasize the importance of following the
                                                       syndrome, special attention should be given         between uses, how and when to inspect the
• Suspected/observed pre-existing deep vein                                                                                                                         prescribed protocol, proper pad application,
                                                       to patients who are positioned in the supine        skin, and total length of treatment. Do not
  thrombosis or pulmonary embolism                                                                                                                                  and skin inspection.
                                                       lithotomy position for extended lengths of          use this device if you did not receive or do not
• Suspected/observed deep acute venal                  time. This includes patients with or without                                                              5. P
                                                                                                                                                                     roper Pad Application. Instruct the patient
  thrombosis (phlebothrombosis)                                                                            understand the instructions.
                                                       cuffs.                                                                                                       to use only the Breg VPULSE Cold Therapy
• Suspected/observed inflammatory phlebitis                                                                                                                         Pads designed for the body part being
  process                                                 Patients should not walk with tubing                  DO NOT wrap the therapy pads as to
                                                                                                                                                                    treated; other pads may be colder, increasing
• Suspected/observed pulmonary edema                   connected to cuffs.                                 restrict blood or fluid flow. Regularly check the
                                                                                                                                                                    the risk of serious cold-induced injury,
• Suspected /observed pulmonary embolism                                                                   therapy area.
                                                           Cuffs used in combination with warming                                                                   including full thickness skin necrosis. Do not
• Suspected/observed acute inflammations of            devices may cause skin irritation. Regularly                                                                 cover the VPULSE Cold Therapy Pad with
  the veins (thrombophlebitis)                                                                                 DO NOT place a cast over a pad. Casting
                                                       check for patent discomfort, compliance, and                                                                 dressing, wrapping, bracing or casting that
• Suspected/observed decompensated cardiac                                                                 over the pad and tubing set may restrict
                                                       skin irritation.                                                                                             prevents the patient from checking the skin
  insufficiency                                                                                            necessary air circulation and proper operation.
                                                                                                                                                                    under the pad.
• Suspected/observed arterial dysregulation                 Close supervision is necessary when
                                                       this appliance is used by unconscious or                                                                  6. S
                                                                                                                                                                     kin Inspection. Instruct the patient to
• Suspected/observed erysipelas
                                                       incapacitated patients and those with poor
                                                                                                           Medical Professional Patient                             inspect the skin receiving cold treatment per
• Suspected/observed carcinoma and carcinoma
  metastasis in the affected extremity                 circulation.                                        Discharge Protocol                                       the practitioner’s instructions, typically every
• Suspected/observed decompensated                                                                                                                                  1 to 2 hours. If dressing, wrapping, bracing,
                                                           When using this system, regularly check         Follow this protocol prior to discharging the            or casting over the VPULSE Cold Therapy Pad
  hypertonia                                                                                               patient from facility care to home use
                                                       the skin where the pads are applied as                                                                       prevents the ability of the patient to perform
• Suspected/observed acute inflammatory skin
                                                       prescribed.                                         1. Patient Screen. Screen the patient for any           skin checks under the pad regularly, do not
  diseases or infection
                                                                                                              contraindications and/or applicable warnings.         dispense Breg VPULSE Cold Therapy to the
• Suspected/observed venous or arterial                Warnings: Cold and                                     If the patient has anycontraindications, do not       patient.
  occlusive disease
• Determined venous and lymphatic return is            Compression Therapies                                  dispense the Breg VPULSE to the patient.           7. D
                                                                                                                                                                     iscontinue. Instruct the patient to stop
  undesirable                                               Patients with any of the following cogni-         If any of the warnings apply to the patient,          using Breg VPULSE and contact his/her
• Suspected/observed Raynaud’s Disease                 tive risk factors should only use VPULSE under         determine the appropriateness of application          licensed health care practitioner immediately
• Suspected/observed poor peripheral                   direct supervision of a medical professional           of the VPULSE to that patient.                        if they experience any adverse reactions,
  circulation                                          or the direct supervision of a caretaker, if pre-   2. Instructions for Use. Instruct the patient on        such as: increased pain, burning, increased
• Suspected/observed hypersensitivity to cold          scribed by a medical professional:                     how to properly use the Breg VPULSE. Review           swelling, itching, blisters, increased redness,
• Medical situations where increased venous and                                                               the Operating Instructions in this document           discoloration, welts, or other changes in skin
                                                       •   Young children and elderly
  lymphatic return is undesirable                                                                             and affixed to the unit with each patient.            appearance.
                                                       •   Cognitive disabilities
• Leg gangrene
                                                       •   Communication barriers                                                                                8. D
                                                                                                                                                                     ocumentation. Provide the patient a
• Recent skin graft
                                                       •   Use of medications that have a negative                                                                  prescription for the duration of the total
• Extremity containing a fracture
                                                           effect upon mental capacity                                                                              treatment period, the frequency and duration
• Extremities that are not sensitive to pain
                                                                                                                                                                    of individual treatment sessions, and the
                                                       If patient has any of the cognitive risk factors,
                                                                                                                                                                    frequency of skin inspections
                                                       above, medical professional or caretaker
                                                       should provide skin checks.
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System Operation                                      Operating Instructions
The VPULSE consists of a container, tubing set        Using the System with Ice and Water
and a family of single-patient application pads.
The pads are applied to the body to deliver three     Every VPULSE is quality tested before being sold. When un-packing your new system, it is
different and important therapeutic treatments.       normal to find moisture in the VPULSE water reservoir due to the testing.
There are two types of pads to deliver three
different therapies:                                       DO NOT overfill.

• The patient can apply (1) or (2) sequential              DO NOT operate without water.
  compression therapy pad(s) to the calves for
  preventative treatment of venous thrombo-                DO NOT operate with hot water.


• The patient can apply (1) thermal-compression        1                                                2
  pad to a specific body part such as the knee
  or shoulder for cold therapy and/or dynamic         Remove the two                                   Pour cold
  compression therapy to manage pain and              Ice Bottles from                                 water into the
  swelling for post-operative recovery                the container.                                   container to
                                                                                                       the “WATER”
The container contains:                                                                                level indication
• An air pump and reservoir for inflating portions                                                      on the inside of
  of each pad;                                                                                         the container.
• A water pump and patient-filled ice water
  container for circulating water into the
  thermal-compression pad; and supporting
  controls to deliver and monitor the treatment

Once power is connected to the VPULSE, it is
powered ON. The patient can then select which          3                                                4
therapies to use and start the treatment session.
                                                      Pour ice water into                              Place the lid onto
Pressurized air and/or cooled water is circulated     the container until                              the container and
through the tubing set from the container to          even with the “ICE”                              turn clockwise until
the pads. The air pressure is cycled until the        level indication on                              the handle clicks into
therapy session is stopped by the patient.            the inside of the                                position.
The temperature of the therapy is not adjustable
and designed not to drop below 42oF (5.5oC).
The compression of the therapy is not

If any serious incident has occurred in relation to
the device, report to Breg and the competent
authority of the Member State in which the user
and/or patient is established.

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Operating Instructions                                                                                         Operating Instructions
 Using the System with Ice Bottles                                                                              Applying Therapy Wraps and Pads
 If your VPULSE includes the Ice Bottle pair or you purchased them as an accessory, please follow the
 instructions below to prepare the Ice Bottles for use.                                                                Apply therapy pads only to body part indicated for the associated pad. failure to follow the
                                                                                                                       product instructions may lead to improper product performance and the potential for serious
 1. Fill the Ice Bottle with tap water. Freeze the     2. P
                                                            lace the frozen Ice Bottle into the container.
     filled Ice Bottle for a minimum of 6 hours in any      Make sure water is already in the VPULSE unit
     household freezer to ensure maximum cold              up to the water line. For longer duration of               Apply the Sequential Compression Therapy pads to the patient’s calves.
     therapy.                                              sustained cold water temperature, add ice in
                                                           addition to the Ice Bottle to the water reservoir
 The time the Ice Bottle will stay frozen is               (as desired). Only fill the Ice Bottles with water.
 approximately 2 to 6 hours. Use additional Ice
 Bottles for longer treatment.                          To order additional Ice Bottles please call
                                                        1.800.321.0607 or 1.760.795.5440.
      Fill Ice Bottles with water only

  1                                                      2                                                       1                                  2                                   3
 Remove the two Ice                                     Fill Ice Bottles                                        Center the pad behind the          Wrap one side of the pad, as       Secure by wrapping the 3 “fingers” in the
 Bottles from the                                       with water.                                             patient’s calf.                    shown, around the front of the     order shown around to the front. Apply
 container.                                                                                                                                        patient’s leg.                     pads to both calves. Adjust so snug. Do not
                                                                                                                                                                                      over tighten.

                                                                                                                Apply 1 Cold-Dynamic Compression pad to the appropriate body part (Example: knee)
                                                                                                                (Refer to the other available pads for the application instructions for each pad.)

  3                                                      4
 Freeze Ice                                             Pour cold
 Bottles.                                               water into the
                                                        container to the
                                                        “WATER” level
                                                        indication on
                                                        the inside of the
                                                                                                                 4                                                              5
                                                                                                                Center the pad over the patient’s knee with the                Wrap straps around the knee to secure the pad.
                                                                                                                connector pointing down.
                                                                                                                Attach the Container to the pads via the tubing set.
       To avoid skin irritation or cold burn, DO NOT hold frozen Ice Bottles for an extended period.
       DO NOT use the Ice Bottles directly on skin for therapeutic purposes.

  5                                                      6
 Place the two Ice Bot-                                 Place the lid onto
 tles into the container.                               the container and
                                                        turn clockwise until
                                                        the handle clicks into
                                                                                                                 6                                                              7
                                                                                                                Attach the container to the pads using the                     Plug the container into a grounded AC outlet.
                                                                                                                corresponding colored connectors as shown. The
                                                                                                                connectors make a “click” sound when fastened

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Operating Instructions                                                                                        Alarms
 Using the Start/Stop button to start, change, pause or stop therapies.                                        When an alarm occurs, the system will stop the therapy session, sound an audible alert and illuminate
                                                                                                               in RED the function key of the alarm area.

 Press the button of the desired therapy or combination of therapies. The buttons selected will be             To stop an alarm, press the function key that is flashing.
                                                                                                                                Cold Therapy may alarm if:           To resolve:

                                                                                                                                • Too low or too high a              • Check the tube connection at the
                                                                                                                                  therapy temperature may be           container and at the cold-compression pad.
                                                                                                                                  detected by the system.
                                                                                                                                                                     • Ensure appropriate ice or water level.

                                                                                                                                                                     • Activate the cold therapy and press start. If
                                                                                                                                                                       the issue is not resolved, press the cold
           Cold Only                    Dynamic Compression Only               Sequential Compression (Calf)                                                           therapy button to deactivate.
                                                                                         Pad Only
 Push the Start/Stop button to begin.                                                                                                                                • If prescribed, ensure the sequential therapy is
                                                                                                                                                                       activated and press Start/Stop button to
                                                                                                                                                                       resume sequential therapy. Contact Customer
                                                                                                                                                                       Care for further instructions.

                                                                                                                                Dynamic Compression may              To resolve:
                                                                                                                                alarm if:
                                                                                                                                                                     • Check the tube connection at the container
                                                                                                                                • The time to inflate the pad is       and at the cold-compression pad.
                                                                                                                                  too short or too long.
                                             Start/Stop                                                                                                              • Make sure the cold-compression therapy
                                                                                                                                                                       pads are properly applied to the body and
                                                                                                                                                                       connected properly.
 To add therapy, first press Start/Stop button, select the therapy button and press the Start/Stop
 button again to continue.                                                                                                                                           • Press dynamic compression and then
                                                                                                                                                                       press the Start/Stop button. If the issue
 To Pause or Discontinue Use.                                                                                                                                          is not resolved, contact Customer Care for
                                                                                                                                                                       further instructions.

                                                                                                                                Sequential Compression may           To resolve:
                                                                                                                                alarm if:
                                                                                                                                                                     • Make sure the sequential compression
                                                                                                                                • The time to inflate the pad is       therapy pads are properly applied to the
                                                                                                                                  too short or too long.               calf and connected properly.

                                                                                                                                                                     • Press sequential compression and then
                                                                                                                                                                       press the Start/Stop button. If the issue
                                                                                                                                                                       is not resolved, contact Customer Care for
                                                                                                                                                                       further instructions.

    Press the Start/Stop                 Disconnect by                  Remove the Sequential
    button to stop.                      depressing the                 Compression Therapy pads and
                                         side buttons of the            Thermal-Compression pad.               Should the system fail to restart after an alarm has sounded and the stated resolutions have not reset
                                         connectors.                                                           the System, contact Customer Care at Breg, 1.800.321.0607 or 1.760.795.5440 for further assistance.

12 of 23                                                                                                                                                                                                          13 of 23
Alerts                                                                                          Troubleshooting
                                                                                                 Frequently asked questions in                       • Make sure no foreign objects are blocking the
                                                                                                 troubleshooting the VPULSE:                           fluid connectors.
                                                                                                                                                     • Check that the front panel keys illuminate
                                                                                                 1. What should I do if the VPULSE does not            when pressed.
                                                                                                    seem to get cold?                                • Check that the Start/Stop key (      )
           Flashing GREEN                       To resolve:
                                                                                                                                                       illuminates GREEN when pressed.
                                                                                                 • Check the inside and outside of the water
           • The Stop/Start button will flash   • This may occur after power disruption or         reservoir for cracks, punctures or other signs    4. What should I do if the system is not pumping
             when the system is initializing.     after the system was improperly shut             of damage. If damage is noted, please contact        water through the pad?
                                                down.                                              Customer Care at Breg, 1.800.321.0607 or          • Check power connection.
                                                                                                   1.760.795.5440.                                   • Check that the tubing set is properly
                                                                                                 • Make sure that the water container is properly       connected.
                                                                                                   filled with water.                                 • Check that the pads are properly connected.
                                                                                                          DO NOT operate the system with a water     • Check that the water reservoir is properly
                                                                                                          container not filled with water or not         filled with cold water.
                                                                                                          filled to the MINIMUM fill line, before      • Check that the Cold Therapy button has been
                                                                                                          ice or Ice Bottles are added.                 selected and the function illuminates WHITE.
                                                                                                                                                     • Check that the Start/Stop key (        )
                                                                                                          DO NOT operate the system with a              illuminates GREEN when pressed.
                                                                                                          water container filled with water above     • Check that the tubing is not kinked.
                                                                                                          the MAXIMUM fill line, or with a tubing     • Start the system to ensure that the water
           Dynamic Compression and              To resolve:                                               set not properly connected.                   is flowing into the water reservoir. A return
           Sequential Compression keys                                                                                                                  stream is visible inside water reservoir.
                                                                                                 • Check that enough ice is added to the water
           Solid RED                            • The SD card is not properly installed, the
                                                                                                   container and that the tubing is not kinked.      5. What should I do if the system is not pumping
                                                  card is full or faulty. Remove or reinstall
                                                                                                 • Check the power connection.                          any air through the pad?
                                                  the card. If this condition persists contact
                                                  Customer Care.                                                                                     • Check power connection.
                                                                                                 2. What should I do if the tubing set does not      • Check that the tubing set is properly
                                                                                                    connect to the VPULSE or pad?                       connected.
                                                • Cold Therapy is still active during this       • Check the tubing set and connectors for
                                                  condition.                                                                                         • Check that the pads are properly connected.
                                                                                                    cracks, punctures or other signs of damage. If   • Check that the front panel keys illuminate
                                                                                                    damage is noted, contact Customer Care at           when pressed and that a compression therapy
                                                                                                    Breg, 1.800.321.0607 or 1.760.795.5440.             is selected. If the compression keys are both
                                                                                                 • Make sure the correct connectors are mating.         continuously illuminated RED and VIOLET the
                                                                                                    Check the color and number of connections.          air pump might not be providing sufficient
                                                                                                 • Make sure no foreign objects are blocking the        pressure.
                                                                                                    fluid connectors.                                 • If compression keys are both continuously
           Dynamic Compression VIOLET           To resolve:                                                                                             illuminated RED, the DATA card may not be
           and Sequential Compression                                                            3. What should I do if the system does not turn        installed, the card may be full, or experiencing
           RED                                  • The air pump is not achieving pressure,           on?                                                 a problem. Open the DATA door and reinstall
                                                  contact Customer Care                          • Check wall adapter power connection at the          the DATA card.
                                                                                                    wall.                                            • Check that the Start/Stop key (         )
                                                                                                 • Check the outlet to ensure it is properly            illuminates GREEN when pressed.
                                                                                                    powered.                                         • Check that pad is inflating.
                                                                                                 • Check wall adapter is connected at back of the    • Check the dynamic or sequential therapy mode
                                                                                                    Control Unit.                                       is enabled.

                                                                                                 Refer to Breg Customer Care, 1.800.321.0607 or 1.760.795.5440 if
                                                                                                 these actions are ineffective.
14 of 23                                                                                                                                                                                        15 of 23
Cleaning your VPULSE                                Storage                                                       Warranty
 To clean your VPULSE, please follow these simple                                                                  Breg, Inc. warrants that this product is free from defects in workmanship, materials,
 steps:                                                                                                            and fitness for use for 90 days from initial purchase under normal use for which it was
                                                                                                                   intended and under direct supervision of a licensed health care practitioner.
 1. Remove electrical cord.                                                                                        Breg, Inc.’s obligation under this warranty is limited to the replacement or repair of any
 2. Fill the empty water container to the MAX fill                                                                 defective part or parts of this product. All expressed or implied warranties, including
     line with fresh, room temperature water. DO                                                                   the warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to the
     NOT USE ANY CLEANING SOLUTIONS IN THE                                                                         actual warranty period set forth above. No other warranty, express or implied, is given
                                                                                                                   and no affirmation of or by seller, by words or action, will constitute a warranty.
     COULD DAMAGE THE WATER PUMP AND                  1
                                                     Remove water from the Thermal-Compression pad by
 3. Replace the handle and connect power.
     Connect all pads and enable all functions.
                                                     rolling the pad up while still connected and squeezing        General Safety                                             DO NOT kink or sharply bend the tubing
                                                     the water back into the Container.                                                                                  set. Doing so may damage the system and
 4. Operate the system for 10 minutes.                                                                             This section is used to highlight certain operating   compromise the function.
 5. Empty the water reservoir.                                                                                     procedures and recommendations. Important
 6. Repeat these actions periodically.                                                                             Safety Instructions / Read all instructions before         Use this appliance only for its intended
                                                                                                                   using.                                                use as described in this manual. DO NOT
 Please use only the following cleaning agents                                                                                                                           use attachments not recommended by the
 when cleaning the outside of your VPULSE                                                                              The device should never be left unattended        manufacturer. DO NOT use attachments from
 system: warm water with mild detergent, Lysol©,                                                                   when plugged in. Unplug from outlet when not          other manufacturers. Connecting parts not
 70% isopropyl alcohol, Cidex©, or 10% bleach                                                                      in use and before putting on or taking off parts.     supplied by Breg will void the warranty and may
 solution.                                                                                                             No modification of this equipment is              cause damage to the system and potential injury
                                                                                                                   allowed.                                              to the patient.
 Patients should not use cleaning or
 decontamination methods different from those                                                                                                                                 Ensure the handle of the device is properly
                                                                                                                   DO NOT use around flammable materials.
 recommended by the manufacturer without                                                                                                                                 installed and fully engaged prior to carrying the
 first checking with the manufacturer that            2
                                                                                                                   Close supervision is necessary when this              system. For proper use, please reference the
 the proposed methods will not damage the            Remove the Ice Bottles from the unit. Separate the                                                                  handle locking and unlocking icons.
                                                                                                                   appliance is used near pets
 equipment.                                          bottles and pour the water out, air dry.
                                                                                                                      The VPULSE pads are supplied non-sterile.              Use proper precautions in carrying the
 Care and Maintenance                                                                                              DO NOT sterilize these pads. Doing so may             device to avoid injury.
 • DO NOT store the pad in its shipping bag. The                                                                   compromise the functionality of the pad(s) and
                                                                                                                   may result in possible patient injury.                    DO NOT carry this appliance by the supply
   shipping bag may trap the moisture remaining
                                                                                                                                                                         cord or use the supply cord as a handle.
   in the pad.
 • Store the VPULSE unit in a safe, cool and dry                                                                        All VPULSE pads are intended for single
                                                                                                                   patient use and NOT intended for reuse or to be           When setting up the system, route the
   place when not in use.
                                                                                                                   washed or cleaned. Doing so may compromise            supply cord and tubing set to avoid tripping and
 • Ensure the water container is empty of water
                                                                                                                   the functionality of the pad(s) and may result in     to encourage ease of walking around the device.
   and dry to avoid bacterial growth and
   contamination.                                                                                                  possible patient injury.
                                                                                                                                                                              DO NOT carry this appliance by the tubing
 • Wipe down the device with a soft, damp cloth.
                                                                                                                       DO NOT lay on top of the pad connectors.          set or use the tubing set as a handle.
   DO NOT use abrasive cleaner. NEVER immerse         3                                                            Doing so may result in patient injury.
   the unit into any liquid.
                                                     Dump the water out of the side Control Unit so that the                                                                Keep the tubing set, the device and pads
 • Keep away from all solvents and harsh deter-      control buttons and other electrical components                   DO NOT use pins or sharp objects to               away from heated surfaces.
   gents. Please refer to cleaning instructions      stay dry. When empty, let the unit “air dry” completely.
   prior to cleaning your VPULSE.                                                                                  secure the therapy pads or hoses. Doing so may
                                                                                                                   damage the system and compromise function.                Never operate the appliance without the
 • DO NOT attempt to repair the VPULSE. There        For long term storage, please use the shipping
                                                                                                                                                                         handle, the tubing set, and the pad(s) completely
   are no patient-serviceable parts. Repair of the   materials and container supplied with the VPULSE.
                                                                                                                   The device is intended for single patient             connected.
   system by an unauthorized person may void
 the product warranty.                                                                                             multiple use.
                                                                                                                                                                             Never operate the appliance with any foreign
 • To store, disconnect the electrical cord, the     Lysol® is a registered trademark of Reckitt Benckiser Inc.                                                          objects (other than ice or Ice Bottles provided) in
   tubing set and the pad.                           Cidex® is a registered trademark of Johnson & Johnson Corp.
                                                                                                                                                                         the water reservoir.

16 of 23                                                                                                                                                                 .                                            17 of 23
Never drop or insert any object into any           Essential Performance                               and external antennas) should be used no closer
 opening                                                                                                   that 30 cm (12 inches) to any part of the VPULSE
                                                       This device contains Essential Performance per      including cables specified by the manufacturer.
     Excessive lint or dust may impede the flow        IEC 60601-1, Edition 3.2 and IEC 60601-1-2,         Otherwise, degradation of the performance of
 of water through the system. To minimize this         Edition 4.1                                         this equipment could result.
 occurrence, keep the handle properly installed
 and fully engaged when not filling or emptying        The VPULSE system notifies the user through            DANGER – TO REDUCE THE RISK OF
 the device.                                           audible/visual alarms when the sequential           ELECTRICAL SHOCK, DO NOT DISASSEMBLE
                                                       therapy mode ceases to function or delivers a       THE UNIT. REFER SERVICING TO THE
      DO NOT stand on or in the appliance.             pressure out of the specified range.                MANUFACTURER:
                                                                                                           1. Always unplug this appliance from the
     DO NOT place the appliance or operate the         Environmental Conditions
                                                                                                               electrical outlet immediately after using and
 appliance while it is on a surface more than 1 foot                                                           before cleaning.
 above the floor.                                       This device has been tested and found to
                                                       comply with the environmental conditions            2. DO NOT use while bathing or in a shower.

      Unplug this product before filling or             for Medical Devices according to IEC                3. DO NOT place or store appliance where it can
 cleaning. Fill with water and ice or water and Ice    60601-1-2:2014+AMD1:2020 and IEC                        fall or be pulled into a tub or sink. DO NOT
 Bottles provided by Breg only. DO NOT use any         60601-1-6:2010+AMD1:2013+AMD2:2020.                     place in or drop into water or other liquid.
 Ice Bottles other than those provided by Breg.        These conditions are designed to provide
                                                       reasonable environmental operating ranges           4. DO NOT reach for a product that has fallen
                                                       for the equipment. Extreme changes in                   into water. Unplug immediately.
     `DO NOT place the tubing set, power cord
 or use any pad around the neck to avoid the           the environmental conditions or operating
                                                       outside the specific operating ranges, such as           Only use the power supply provided with the
 possibility of strangulation.                                                                             unit. Failure to do this could damage the unit,
                                                       temperatures, pressure and humidity, may impact
 Electrical Safety                                     the performance of this device. The user can try    power supply, and/or create a potential injury to
                                                       to correct these conditions by relocating this      the patient. Please contact Breg Customer Care if
 When using an electrical appliance, especially                                                            a replacement wall adapter is required.
 when children are present, basic safety               device to a more moderate environment.
 precautions should always be followed.                Interference From Other Products                        Never operate this appliance if it has a
 Electromagnetic Interference                          If this equipment is interfered with by other       damaged cord, plug or wall adapter, if it is not
 This device has been tested and found to              devices, which can be determined by turning that    working properly, if it has been dropped or
 comply with the limits for Medical Devices            equipment off and on, the user can try to correct   damaged, or dropped into water.
 according to IEC 60601-1-2:2014+AMD1:2020.            the interference by one or more of the following
 These limits are designed to provide                  measures:                                                Keep the power cord away from heated
 reasonable protection against harmful                 • Reorient or relocate this device.                 surfaces.
 interference in typical medical installations.        • Increase the physical separation between this
 This equipment generates and radiates radio               device and the other devices(s).
 frequency energy and, if not installed and used
                                                       Electromagnetic Interference and Emissions
 in accordance with the instructions, may cause
 harmful interference to other devices in the              Use of this equipment adjacent to or
 vicinity. There is no guarantee that interference     stacked with other equipment should be
 does cause harmful occurrence in a particular         avoided because it could result in improper
 installation.                                         operation.
 If this equipment does cause harmful
                                                            Use of accessories, transducers and cables
 interference to other devices, which can be
                                                       other than those specified or provided by the
 determined by turning the equipment off and
                                                       manufacturer of this equipment could result
 on, the user can try to correct the interference
                                                       in increased electromagnetic emissions or
 by one or more of the following measures:
                                                       decreased electromagnetic immunity of this
 • Reorient or relocate this device.
                                                       equipment and result in improper operation.
 • Increase the physical separation between this
 device and the other devices(s).                           Portable RF communications equipment
 • Connect the equipment into an outlet or             (including peripherals such as antenna cables
 circuit different from the one where the other
 device(s) are connected.
18 of 23                                                                                                                                                       19 of 23
A brief summary of the tests carried out in accordance with IEC 60601-1-2:2014+AMD1:2020 is
 Specifications                                                                                               shown below.

  MODEL                    VPULSE, C00001                Wall Adapter           UE24WCP1-120200SPA            The VPULSE is suitable for use in the specified electromagnetic environment. The consumer and/or user of the VPULSE
                                                         Input                  100-240Vac, 800μA max         should ensure that it is used in an electromagnetic environment as described below:
  PHYSICAL                 9.8” x 14.3” x 11.25”         Frequency              50/60Hz                                    Emissions Test                      Compliance                  Electromagnetic Environment Guidance
  Size (approximately)     (249mm x 364mm x 286mm)       Output                 12VDC, 2.08A
                                                                                                               RF Emissions                                     Group 1        The VPULSE uses RF energy only for its internal function. Therefore,
  Weight (dry)             5 lbs. (2.27 kg)                                                                    CISPR 11                                                        its RF emissions are very low and are not likely to cause interference
  Dual Tubing Set          10 ft. (2.4m)                                                                                                                                       in nearby electronic equipment.
                                                         OPERATING              525 to 795 mmHg                RF Emissions                                     Class B
  CONTROLS                 Keypad interface              ENVIRONMENT            (700hPa – 1060hPa)             CISPR 11                                                        The VPULSE is suitable for use in all establishments, including
                                                         Atmospheric Pressure   15% to 93% relative non-       Harmonic Emissions                               Class B        domestic establishments and those directly connected to the public
  THERMAL SYSTEM           42°F minimum (5.5°C )                                condensing                     IEC 61000-3-2                                                   low-voltage power supply network that supplies buildings used for
  Operating limit          Ice or frozen Ice Bottles     Humidity               41°F – 104°F (5°C – 40°C)      Voltage fluctuations / flicker emissions         Complies       domestic purposes.
  Operating period         will last for 2-6 hours                                                             IEC 61000-3-3
  Circulating System       Submersible pump                                                                           Immunity Test                       IEC 60601-1-2                    Electromagnetic Environment Guidance
  Reservoir Capacity       1.2 gallons (4.4 liters)      TRANSPORT & STORAGE                                                                                Test Level
  Reservoir Fluid          water                         ENVIRONMENT                                                                                                           Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should be
  Water Flow Rate          3.2 gph (12 lph) typical      Atmospheric Pressure   179 to 795 mmHg                Conducted Disturbances            3V
                                                                                                                                                                               used no closer to any part of the VPULSE, including cables, than the
                                                                                (240hPa – 1060hPa)             induced by RF Fields              0.15MHz – 80MHz
                                                                                                                                                                               recommended separation distance calculated from the equation
  PNEUMATIC SYSTEM                                       Humidity               up to 93%                      IEC 61000-4-6                     6V in ISM & amateur radio
                                                                                                                                                                               appropriate for the frequency of the transmitter.
                           50mmHg (6.6kPa) ± 10%         Temperature             -13°F – 158°F (-25°C –                                          bands between 0.15Mz –
  Dynamic Compression
  peak pressure                                                                 70°C)                                                                                          Recommended Separation Distance
                                                                                                                                                 80% AM at 1kHz
  Sequential Compression   60mmHg (8.0kPa) ± 10%                                                                                                                               d=1,2√P
  peak pressure                                                                                                                                                                d=1,2√P 80 MHz to 800 MHz
                                                                                Expected Service Life:                                                                         d=2,3√P 800MHz to 2,5 GHz
  ELECTRICAL SYSTEM                                                             300 hours from date of
                                                                                                                                                                               where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in
                                                                                first use.
                                                                                                                                                                               watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer and is the
  System                                                                                                                                                                       recommended separation distance in metres (m).
  Voltage                  TPU Polyether bladder,        REGULATORY
  Frequency                Polyurethane foam with        Classification          Class II Equipment             Radiated RF EM fields             10 V/m
                                                                                                                                                                               Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, as determined by an
  Power                    100% Polyester fabric         Type of Equipment      Type BF                        IEC 61000-4-3                     80 MHz – 2.7 GHz
                                                                                                                                                                               electromagnetic site survey (a), should be less than the compliance
  Leakage Current          lamination                                                                                                            80% AM at 1 kHz
                                                                                                                                                                               level in each frequency range (b).
                                                         REGULATORY             IEC 60601-1, Edition
                                                         APPROVALS              3.2 Medical electrical                                                                         Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked with the
                                                                                equipment - Part 1:                                                                            following symbol:
                           PVC plastic bladder, Polyu-                          General requirements for
                           rethane foam with 100%                               basic safety and essential
                           Polyester fabric lamination                          performance.
                                                                                                              The VPULSE is suitable for use in the specified electromagnetic environment. The user of the VPULSE should ensure that
                                                                                CAN/CSA-C22,2 no              it is used in an electromagnetic environment as described below:
                                                                                1-08 (R2008): Medical
                           12VDC, 100-240Vac                                    Electrical Equipment Part1:         Immunity Test                         IEC 60601-1-2                    Electromagnetic Environment Guidance
                           50/60Hz                                              General Requirements                                                        Test Level
                           15W max                                              for Medical Electrical         Electrostatic                    ± 8 kV contact                 Floors should be wood, concrete, or ceramic tile. If floors are
                           300μA max                                            Equipment.                     discharge (ESD)                  ± 2 kV, ± 4 kV, ± 8 kV, ± 15   covered with synthetic material, the relative humidity should be at
                                                                                                                                                kV air                         least 30%.
                                                                                                               IEC 61000-4-2
                                                                                IEC 60601-1-
                                                                                2:2014+AMD1:2020               Electrical fast
                                                                                edition 4.1 Medical                                             ± 2 kV
                                                                                                               transient/burst                                                 Main power quality should be that of a typical commercial and/or
                                                                                electrical equipment                                            100 kHz repetition frequency
                                                                                                                                                                               hospital environment.
                                                                                - Part 1-2: General            IEC 61000-4-4
                                                                                requirements for basic
                                                                                safety and essential                                            ± 0,5 kV, ± 1 kV
                                                                                                               Surges (line to line)
                                                                                performance - Collateral       IEC 61000-4-5                                                   Main power quality should be that of a typical commercial and/or
                                                                                Standard: Electromagnetic                                                                      hospital environment.
                                                                                disturbances -
                                                                                Requirements and tests.
                                                                                                               Proximity Fields from RF         Reference IEC 60601-1-
                                                                                VPULSE is a trademark of       Wireless Communica-              2:2014+AMD1:2020 table 9
                                                                                Breg, Inc.                     tions Equipment
                                                                                                               IEC 61000-4-3

20 of 23                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     21 of 23
Voltage Dips and Fluctua-
                                0% for ½-cycle at 0°, 45°,
                                90°, 135°, 180°, 225°, 270°,
                                                               Main power quality should be that of a typical commercial and/or
                                                               hospital environment. If the user of the VPULSE requires continued
                                                                                                                                        Catalog Items
                                and 315°                       operation during power main interruptions, it is recommended that
  IEC 61000-4-11
                                0% for 1-cycle and 70% for     the VPULSE be powered from an uninterruptible power supply or a          To order additional items from Breg, please refer to the following items:
                                25 cycles at 0°                battery.

                                                               If improper operation occurs, it may be necessary to position the
                                                               VPULSE further from sources of power frequency magnetic fields or to     Catalog Item    Description
                                                               install magnetic shielding. The power frequency magnetic field should
                                                               be measured in the intended installation location to ensure that it is
                                                                                                                                        C00001          Breg   VPULSE w/o Pads
                                                               sufficiently low.
                                                                                                                                        C00002          Breg   VPULSE with Sequential Compression Pad (2)
                                                                                                                                        C00003          Breg   Cold/Compression Pad, Knee, L
  Voltage Interruptions         0% for 250 cycles                                                                                       C00004          Breg   Cold/Compression Pad, Shoulder
  IEC 61000-4-11
                                                                                                                                        C00005          Breg   Cold/Compression Pad, Foot/Ankle
                                                                                                                                        C00013          Breg   Cold/Compression Pad, Hip
                                                                                                                                        C00016          Breg   Cold/Compression Pad, Universal
                                                                                                                                        C00017          Breg   Cold/Compression Pad, Knee
  Rated Power Frequency
                                                                                                                                        C00020          Breg   Cold/Compression Pad, Back
                                30 A/m
  Magnetic Fields               50Hz
  IEC 61000-4-8


                                                                                                                                        C00006          Breg   VPULSE Sequential Compression Pad set (2x)
    Proximity Magnetic Fields                                                                                                           C00007          Breg   VPULSE Spare Ice Bottle Set
         IEC 61000-4-39                                                                                                                 C00008
                                         Test Frequency                    Modulation                  Immunity Test Level (A/m)                        Breg   VPULSE 12VDC-24W Wall Adapter
                                                                                                                                        C00009          Breg   VPULSE Thermal/Compression Tubing Set
                                                                                                                                        C00010          Breg   VPULSE Sequential Compression Tubing Set
                                              30 kHz                    CW                                         8
                                                                                                                                        C00018          Breg   VPULSE Complete Tubing set
                                                                        Pulse modulation1                                               C00024          Breg   VPULSE Power Extension Cable
                                              134.2 kHz                 2.1 kHz                                    65

                                                                        Pulse modulation1
                                              13.56 MHz                 50kHz                                      7.5

       ¹Modulate carrier using 50% duty cycle square wave. Immunity test levels specified as RMS before modulation is ap-

22 of 23                                                                                                                                                                                                            23 of 23
Manuel d’utilisation

Breg, Inc.                                               Scannez le QR-code
2885 Loker Ave. East                                     pour accéder à la vidéo
Carlsbad, CA, États-Unis                                 de démonstration
(800) 321-0607 (760) 795-5440                 
                                                                 1 sur 23
Présentation                                                                                                                   Table des matières
Le VPULSE® de Breg offre une combinaison unique de traitements de prévention et de rééducation :                               Symboles										4
• Thérapie par compression séquentielle intermittente pour aider à prévenir la thrombose veineuse acquise                     Indications, contre-indications et avertissements 					                  5
   en milieu hospitalier.
                                                                                                                               Protocole de sortie du patient pour le personnel médical				             7
• Thérapie par compression dynamique intermittente pour aider à réduire les enflures.
                                                                                                                               Fonctionnement du système								8
• Traitement par le froid contrôlé pour réduire l’inconfort et les enflures.
                                                                                                                               Instructions d’utilisation

Conçu pour assurer la continuité des soins de l’hôpital, du centre de chirurgie et de la clinique à l’auto-                          • Utilisation du système avec des glaçons et de l’eau				          9
traitement à domicile, le VPULSE aide les patients à suivre les consignes post-opératoires.
                                                                                                                                     • Utilisation du système avec les bouteilles					                  10
                                                                                                                                     • Application des compresses et coussinets de thérapie				         11
                                                                                                                                     • Utilisation des boutons Marche/Arrêt						12
Contenu de l’emballage                                                                                                               • Alarmes 									13
                                                                                                                                     • Alertes									14

                                                                                                                               Guide de dépannage									15
                                                                                                                               Nettoyage, entretien et maintenance						16
                                                                                                                               Garantie										17
                                                                                                                               Sécurité générale									17
                                                                                       Jeu de tubes
                         Réservoir             Orifice pour la carte                                                           Sécurité électrique									18
                                               de données
                                                                                                                               Spécifications										19
                                                                                                                               Articles du catalogue									22


                                                       Mode d’emploi

                                      2 bouteilles
                                    à l’intérieur du

                                                                2 coussinets de thérapie par compression séquentielle VPULSE   MISE EN GARDE : La loi fédérale américaine n’autorise la vente de ce dispositif
                                                                      (Disponible avec l’ensemble C00002 uniquement)
                                                                                                                               que par un professionnel de santé agréé ou sur ordonnance de ce dernier.
2 sur 23                                                                                                                                                                                              3 sur 23
Symboles                                                                                                               Indications                                              Avertissements : Traitement par
           Le symbole Mise en garde ou Avertissement                  Traitement par le froid activé.                  Le VPULSE est conçu pour fonctionner comme
                                                                                                                                                                                le froid
           précède une étape opérationnelle qui pourrait
                                                                                                                       un dispositif de compression externe intermittent            Si le patient présente l’un des facteurs de
           nuire à l’utilisateur ou endommager l’appareil
                                                                                                                       pour les membres afin de prévenir et de réduire les      risque cliniques suivants, l’utilisation du traitement
           si le patient ne prend pas certaines précautions.          Démarrer/Arrêter la séance de thérapie.
                                                                                                                       complications d’une mauvaise circulation sanguine.       par le froid peut entraîner des blessures graves
           Les mises en garde ou les avertissements sont
           indiqués dans le texte principal, sont précédés
                                                                                                                       Par exemple :                                            causées par le froid, notamment une nécrose
           d’un énoncé et sont accompagnés de ce                      Thérapie par compression dynamique activée.      • Thrombose veineuse profonde                            cutanée sur toute l’épaisseur de la peau :
           symbole dans la marge de gauche.                                                                            • Insuffisance veineuse chronique
                                                                                                                       • Ulcères veineux                                        • Sensibilité pathologique au froid
                                                                                                                       • Œdème post-mastectomie et lymphœdème                   • Comportements qui affectent négativement la
                                                                      Thérapie par compression séquentielle activée.
                                                                                                                         chronique                                                circulation sanguine, y compris un mauvais état
           Symbole ISO 7010-M002 : reportez-vous au
                                                                                                                       • Réduction des œdèmes associés à des lésions              nutritionnel, le tabagisme, une consommation
           Mode d’emploi pour obtenir des instructions
                                                                                                                         des tissus mous comme les brûlures, les œdèmes           excessive de caféine et d’alcool
           sur l’utilisation du produit.                              Suivez les décrets gouvernementaux et les
                                                                                                                         postopératoires et les entorses ligamentaires          • Désensibilisation de la zone d’application de
                                                                      programmes de recyclage de votre localité
                                                                                                                       • Traitement par le froid localisé pour les affections     froid due à une anesthésie locale ou à un blocage
                                                                      concernant la mise au rebut ou le recyclage
                                                                                                                                                                                  nerveux localisé
           Ce dispositif est proposé à la vente par ou sur            des composants du dispositif. En cas de            médicales et/ou chirurgicales post-traumatiques
                                                                                                                                                                                • Prise de médicaments qui ont un effet négatif
           ordonnance d’un professionnel de santé agréé.              doute, veuillez consulter Breg pour connaître      et post-chirurgicales
           Ne l’utilisez que selon la prescription.
                                                                                                                                                                                  sur la circulation vasculaire périphérique, y
                                                                      la mise au rebut appropriée de ce produit.       • Aide au retour du flux de sang vers le cœur
                                                                                                                                                                                  compris les bêtabloquants et l’utilisation locale
                                                                                                                       • Traitement et assistance à la guérison des
                                                                                                                                                                                  d’épinéphrine (comme les anesthésiques locaux)
                                                                                                                         ulcérations cutanées (plaies), réduction du
           Symbole de sécurité pour dispositifs médicaux              Fabriqué par Breg, Inc.                            temps de cicatrisation des plaies, amélioration            Si le risque de blessures causées par le froid
           CEI 60417-5333 : Partie appliquée de type BF                                                                  de la circulation artérielle (circulation sanguine),   dépasse les bienfaits de la thérapie par le froid, ne
           conforme à la norme CEI 60601-1 pour fournir                                                                  réduction des pressions compartimentales,              prescrivez pas le traitement par le froid VPULSE. Si
           une protection contre les électrocutions. La        2797
                                                                      Ce produit est conforme à la directive 93/42       réduction des œdèmes (enflures), réduction du          vous prescrivez ce produit à des patients présentant
           partie du dispositif en contact avec le patient            CEE relative aux dispositifs médicaux.             besoin en médicaments anticoagulants                   des facteurs de risque, envisagez de prendre des
           est isolée de la terre.                                    Le numéro d’identification de l’organisme                                                                 mesures spéciales pour contrôler le risque, telles que :
                                                                      notifié est 2797.                                                                                         • Recommander des examens de la peau plus
                                                                                                                       Contre-indications : Traitement                            fréquents.
           Protégé contre les éclaboussures.
                                                                      Date de fabrication, année XXXX, semaine YY.
                                                                                                                       par le froid                                             • Exiger des examens de suivi plus fréquents.
                                                                                                                                                                                • Utiliser une barrière isolante entre le coussinet et
                                                                                                                       Le personnel médical et les patients doivent être          la peau.
           Symbole pour dispositifs médicaux CEI 60417-                                                                                                                         • Prescrire des durées d’application plus courtes,
           5031 : Le produit fonctionne sur courant continu.          Usage multiple réservé à un seul patient.        informés des situations où le traitement par le froid
                                                                                                                       peut se révéler inapproprié, préjudiciable à une           des applications moins fréquentes ou supprimer
                                                                                                                       affection spécifique ou contre-indiqué, notamment          les applications nocturnes.
           Symbole pour dispositifs médicaux CEI 60417-                                                                les patients souffrant des maladies suivantes :              Le VPULSE peut être suffisamment froid pour
           5172 : Équipement de classe II.                                                                             • Diabète                                                entraîner des blessures graves, y compris une
                                                                                                                       • Urticaire au froid                                     nécrose cutanée complète.
                                                                                                                       • Cryoglobulinémie
                                                                                                                                                                                     L’humidité excessive au niveau de la zone
           Symbole pour dispositifs médicaux CEI 60417-                                                                • Maladie de Raynaud
                                                                                                                                                                                d’application due à un saignement excessif, à la
           5570 : Déverrouillage, poignée.                                                                             • Hémoglobinurie paroxystique a frigore
                                                                                                                                                                                transpiration ou à la condensation peut augmenter
                                                                                                                       • Maladies vasospastiques
                                                                                                                                                                                le risque de blessures graves causées par le froid, y
                                                                                                                       • Hypersensibilité au froid
                                                                                                                                                                                compris la nécrose sur toute l’épaisseur.
           Symbole pour dispositifs médicaux CEI 60417-                                                                • Anomalies de la circulation sanguine locale
           5569 : Verrouillage, poignée.                                                                               • Antécédents de blessures, d’engelures dues au               Examinez la peau sous le coussinet de
                                                                                                                          froid ou de réactions indésirables à l’application    traitement par le froid (en soulevant le bord)
                                                                                                                          locale de froid                                       comme prescrit, en principe toutes les 1 à 2 heures.
           Ligne de remplissage minimal du réservoir d’eau.                                                            • Patients incohérents en raison d’une anesthésie        N’utilisez pas le traitement par le froid VPULSE si un
           Étape 1 du remplissage du réservoir d’eau.                                                                     générale, d’une sédation ou d’un coma                 pansement, enveloppement, appareillage ou plâtre
                                                                                                                       • Infection locale des tissus                            placé sur le coussinet de traitement par le froid
                                                                                                                       • Chirurgie de la main/du poignet ou du pied/de la       empêche les examens de la peau. Cessez l’utilisation
           Ligne de remplissage maximal du réservoir de                                                                                                                         et contactez immédiatement votre médecin si vous
                                                                                                                          cheville avec polyneuropathie
           glace. Étape 2 du remplissage du réservoir d’eau.                                                                                                                    éprouvez des réactions indésirables, comme une
           Notez que vous pouvez utiliser aussi bien des                                                                                                                        douleur accrue, une sensation de brûlure, une enflure
           glaçons que les bouteilles VPULSE préalablement                                                                                                                      accrue, des démangeaisons, des ampoules, une
           congelées pour le traitement par le froid.                                                                                                                           rougeur accrue, une décoloration, des marques sur la
                                                                                                                                                                                peau, d’autres changements de l’aspect de la peau
                                                                                                                                                                                ou toute autre réaction identifiée par votre médecin.

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Faites attention à toute irritation nerveuse et/   Avertissements : Thérapie par                                Les patients doivent être prudents lorsqu’ils       3. Prescription. Informez le patient du protocole
ou réaction musculaire associée à la sensibilité et à     compression                                              appliquent les coussinets de thérapie sur des plaies
                                                                                                                   ouvertes et écorchées. Au minimum, ces zones
                                                                                                                                                                              prescrit par le professionnel de santé agréé :
                                                                                                                                                                              fréquence et durée d’utilisation, durée des
l’irritation de la peau. Le cas échéant, interrompez le
traitement jusqu’à ce que la cause soit déterminée.           Si le patient éprouve de la douleur, une enflure,    doivent être nettoyées et bandées.                         pauses entre utilisations, comment et quand
                                                          des modifications de la sensation ou des réactions                                                                  examiner la peau et durée totale du traitement.
     N’utilisez PAS le système sans eau, sous peine       inhabituelles lors de l’utilisation de la thérapie par       Comme pour tous les dispositifs médicaux sur           La durée d’application acyclique peut varier
de l’endommager et d’annuler la garantie du               compression, il doit cesser d’utiliser la thérapie et    ordonnance, le non-respect des instructions du             en fonction du patient. Si le patient ne ressent
produit.                                                  consulter immédiatement le personnel médical.            produit ou le réglage et l’exécution d’applications        pas de soulagement de la douleur, le médecin
                                                              Une attention particulière doit être portée          thérapeutiques sans l’ordre explicite et/ou la             peut augmenter la durée de l’application du
                                                          aux patients souffrant de neuropathies ou                supervision de votre fournisseur de soins de santé         traitement par le froid. Au fur et à mesure que la
Contre-indications : Thérapie par                         de problèmes de viabilité tissulaire (diabète,           qualifié peut entraîner de mauvaises performances          durée d’application augmente, la fréquence des
                                                                                                                   du produit et de graves blessures potentielles. Pour       examens de la peau doit augmenter.
compression                                               insuffisance artérielle ou veineuse).
                                                                                                                   toute question d’ordre médical, veuillez consulter
                                                             En cas de pulsations ou de palpitations, il se                                                                4. R
                                                                                                                                                                               isque de blessures. Informez le patient qu’une
Les patients présentant les conditions suivantes ne                                                                votre fournisseur de soins de santé.
                                                          peut que le brassard soit trop serré. Desserrez                                                                     mauvaise utilisation peut entraîner de graves
doivent PAS UTILISER la thérapie par compression
                                                          immédiatement.                                                                                                      blessures cutanées, notamment une nécrose
pneumatique intermittente :                                                                                              N’utilisez que selon les instructions de
                                                                                                                                                                              cutanée sur toute l’épaisseur de la peau. Insistez
• Preuve par présomptions d’insuffisance cardiaque            Pour prévenir le syndrome de loges des               votre médecin quant à la fréquence et la durée
                                                                                                                                                                              sur l’importance de suivre le protocole prescrit,
  congestive                                              membres, une attention particulière doit être            de l’application, la durée des pauses entre les
                                                                                                                                                                              d’appliquer correctement le coussinet et
• Thrombose veineuse profonde ou embolie                  portée aux patients placés en position de lithotomie     utilisations, la façon et le moment d’examiner la
                                                                                                                                                                              d’examiner la peau.
  pulmonaire préexistante suspectée/observée              en décubitus dorsal pour des durées prolongées.          peau et la durée totale du traitement. N’utilisez pas
                                                          Cela inclut les patients avec ou sans brassards.         ce dispositif si vous n’avez pas reçu d’instructions    5. A
                                                                                                                                                                               pplication correcte du coussinet. Indiquez
• Thrombose veineuse profonde aiguë
                                                                                                                   ou si vous ne les avez pas comprises.                      au patient d’utiliser uniquement les coussinets
  (phlébothrombose) suspectée/observée                        Les patients ne doivent pas marcher avec les                                                                    de traitement par le froid VPULSE de Breg
• Processus inflammatoire de la phlébite suspecté/        tubes raccordés aux brassards.                                N’enveloppez PAS les coussinets de                    conçu pour la partie du corps à traiter ; d’autres
                                                               Les brassards utilisés en association avec          thérapie de manière à limiter la circulation sang          coussinets risquent d’être plus froids, augmentant
• Œdème pulmonaire soupçonné/observé
                                                          des appareils de chauffage peuvent provoquer             ou de liquide. Vérifiez régulièrement la zone de           le risque de blessures graves causées par le
• Embolie pulmonaire soupçonnée/observée
                                                          une irritation de la peau. Vérifiez régulièrement        traitement.                                                froid, notamment une nécrose cutanée sur
• Inflammations aiguës des veines
                                                          l’inconfort du patient, l’élastance et l’irritation de                                                              toute l’épaisseur de la peau. Ne couvrez pas le
  (thrombophlébite) suspectées/observées
                                                          la peau.                                                     NE placez PAS de plâtre sur un coussinet.              coussinet de traitement par le froid VPULSE avec
• Décompensation cardiaque soupçonnée/
                                                                                                                   Placer un plâtre sur le coussinet et le jeu de tubes       un pansement, enveloppement, appareillage ou
  observée                                                     Une surveillance étroite est nécessaire lorsque     peut restreindre la circulation d’air nécessaire et        plâtre qui empêche le patient d’examiner la peau
• Dysrégulation de la pression artérielle                 cet appareil est utilisé par des patients inconscients   gêner le bon fonctionnement.                               sous le coussinet.
  soupçonnée/observée                                     ou en état d’incapacité et par des personnes ayant
• Érysipèle suspecté/observé                              une mauvaise circulation sanguine.                                                                               6. E
                                                                                                                                                                               xamen de la peau. Demandez au patient
• Carcinome et métastase de carcinome dans le
                                                              Lorsque vous utilisez ce système, vérifiez
                                                                                                                   Protocole de sortie du patient                             d’examiner la peau qui reçoit le traitement
  membre atteint suspectés/observés                                                                                                                                           par le froid selon les instructions du médecin,
• Hypertonie décompensée soupçonnée/observée              régulièrement l’endroit où les coussinets sont           pour le personnel médical                                  généralement toutes les 1 à 2 heures. Si un
• Maladies inflammatoires ou infectieuses aiguës          appliqués sur la peau, comme indiqué.                                                                               pansement, enveloppement, appareillage ou
  de la peau suspectées/observées                                                                                  Suivez ce protocole avant de congédier le patient          plâtre sur le coussinet de traitement par le
• Maladie veineuse ou artérielle occlusive                Avertissements : Traitement                              de l’établissement de soins de santé pour une              froid VPULSE empêche le patient d’examiner
  suspectée/observée                                      par le froid et thérapie par                             utilisation à domicile.                                    régulièrement la peau sous le coussinet, ne
• Un retour veineux et lymphatique déterminé n’est        compression                                              1. E
                                                                                                                       xamen du patient. Examinez le patient pour            donnez pas le traitement par le froid VPULSE de
                                                                                                                                                                              Breg à ce dernier.
  pas souhaitable                                                                                                     déceler toute contre-indication et/ou mise en
• Maladie de Raynaud suspectée/observée                        Les patients présentant l’un des facteurs              garde applicable. Si le patient présente des
                                                          de risque cognitifs suivants ne doivent utiliser                                                                 7. Interruption. Demandez au patient de cesser
• Mauvaise circulation sanguine périphérique                                                                          contre-indications, ne lui donnez pas le VPULSE         d’utiliser VPULSE de Breg et de contacter
  suspectée/observée                                      le VPULSE que sous la supervision directe du                de Breg. Si l’un des avertissements s’applique
                                                          personnel médical ou d’un soignant, si prescrit                                                                     immédiatement son médecin agréé s’il éprouve des
• Hypersensibilité au froid suspectée/observée                                                                        au patient, déterminez la pertinence de                 réactions indésirables comme une douleur accrue,
• Situations médicales où un retour veineux et            par le personnel médical :                                  l’application du VPULSE à ce patient.                   une sensation de brûlure, une enflure accrue,
  lymphatique accru n’est pas souhaitable                 •   Jeunes enfants et personnes âgées                                                                               des démangeaisons, des ampoules, une rougeur
                                                                                                                   2. Instructions d’utilisation. Expliquez au patient
• Gangrène de la jambe                                    •   Déficiences cognitives                                                                                          accrue, une décoloration, des marques sur la peau
                                                                                                                      comment utiliser correctement le VPULSE
• Greffe de peau récente                                  •   Troubles de la communication                                                                                    ou d’autres changements de l’aspect de la peau.
                                                                                                                      de Breg. Passez en revue les instructions
• Membre fracturé                                         •   Prise de médicaments ayant un effet négatif             d’utilisation contenues dans ce document et          8. D
                                                                                                                                                                               ocumentation. Fournissez au patient une
• Membres insensibles à la douleur                            sur la capacité mentale                                 apposées sur l’unité avec chaque patient.               ordonnance contenant la durée totale du
                                                          Si le patient présente l’un des facteurs de risque                                                                  traitement, la fréquence et la durée des séances
                                                          cognitifs ci-dessus, le personnel médical ou le                                                                     de traitement individuelles et la fréquence des
                                                          soignant doit procéder à un examen de la peau.                                                                      examens de la peau.

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