Urban Lab on Strategic Goal Setting and Creative Bueraucracy - February 2020 Kiel, Germany - Urban Cultural Planning
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Urban Lab on Strategic Goal Setting and Creative Bueraucracy February 2020 Kiel, Germany White version
Contents Introduction/ about the lab What is a sustainable City, and how to pursue its implementation? This 2-day Urban Lab explored what Introduction/ about the lab creativities - individual, organizational and city-wide Introducing SDGs are needed for aligning a sustainable city making. The aim was to highlight the power of cultural resources for changing the planning paradigm in city making. How to Day 1 Creative bureaucracy for innovative cities, foster sustainable cities in general, and as a specific exam facilitated by Charles Landry ple the potential for using a creative city strategy for Kiel was explored. This relates directly to the chall enges of implementing the international goals of the SDGs as well Shortly introducing Charles Landry as the opportunities through the new urban agenda. What is creative bureucarcy? A talk by Charles Landry The urban lab took place in Anschar Campus Kiel, was organized within the UrbCult Kiel creative city index ural Planning project urbcultural.eu, and locally in Kiel by Heinrich Böll Foundation. Local pro Workshop with Charles Landry ject website - cultural-planning-kiel.de/ It was taking place from the 24/02/2020 - 25/02/2020 and was publicly accessible for professionals, practitioners and public administration stake holders from Kiel and many UrbCultural Planning project participants also attended. On the Towards a new governance model 24/02/2020 there was also a public discussion taking place in the Kiel Town Hall, which was Plenary in the Kiel city hall attended by a wider audience of locals. Day 2 Strategic goals for implementing SDGs, facilitated by Tina Saaby What are Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopt Shortly introducing Tina Saaby ed by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. Challenges and opportunities in urban planning The 17 SDGs are integrated—that is, they recognize that action in one area will affect A talk by Tiina Saaby outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability. Through the pledge to Leave No One Behind, countries have committed to fast-track Strategic goal setting and planning progress for those furthest behind first. That is why the SDGs are designed to bring the world Workshop with Tina Saaby to several life-changing ‘zeros’, including zero poverty, hunger, AIDS and discrimination against women and girls. Everyone is needed to reach these ambitious targets. The creativity, knowhow, technology Compilation of tools and lessons to note and financial resources from all of society is necessary to achieve the SDGs in every context. 1 The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to transform our world: GOAL 1: No Poverty; GOAL 2: Zero Hunger; GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being; GOAL 4: Quality Education; GOAL 5: Gender Equality; GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation; GOAL 7: Color indicators: Affordable and Clean Energy; GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth; GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality; GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and REFERENCE Communities; GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production; GOAL 13: Climate Action; TOOL GOAL 14: Life Below Water; GOAL 15: Life on Land; GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institu- tions; GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal LESSON ___________________________ 1 https://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/sustainable-development-goals.html
CREATIVE BUREAUCRACY FOR INNOVATIVE CITIES Having considered the aspects above, on the midst of redesigning the world and all its systems – economically, socially, technically and culturally, first, we need a vision and an answer to the question Where next? Moreover this vision should be shared by us all as a cultural notion. What is creative bureucarcy? What is this city of the future? A talk by Charles Landry First we should understand, that not all new and innovative is better. As an example could be the immersive effect of the digital world. For example, there is such a drive to implement self driving cars, although it might not really solve any issues. Charles Landry is an author, speaker and in- ternational adviser on the future of cities. He We are also increasingly falling in love with temporarity, and more and more people are no established the Creative City concept initiating madic, always in between places. But the question then arises: where do we belong when a movement to rethink the planning, develop- everything is on the move? ment and management of cities. He is an au- thor of several books, such as “The Art of City Making”, “The Civic City in a Nomadic World”, “How can we successfully move from a “me” situation, to a “we” situation?” “Psychology and the City”, “The Creative Bu- reaucracy & its Radical Common Sense”. He The idea & argument. A clarion call to think afresh: how to think in these bureaucratic sys has chaired multiple urban innovation juries tems? Incredible amount of public servants are doing charity work, because they fail to do including The European Capital of Innovation that in their work. There are too many files, too many reports, perhaps there are too many, but Award – iCapital, New Innovations in the Cre- perhaps they are not clear enough? Many competent people with positive values and good ative Economy (N.I.C.E.) and Actors for Urban intentions have made choices to work in the public domain. Yet somehow the structures does not allow always the good ideas to go through the system, they fade for many reasons. Change. He is a fellow of The Robert Bosch Academy in Berlin. “Moving from “no because culture” to “yes, if culture”. That is the culture shift that “One could say the term Creative Bureaucracy is an is going to take more than 5 minutes.” aximoron as the two words are seemingly in tension.” While thinking about the vision, we can use these two rules: - Reframing and questioning the rules - Rules & not rules division When talking about creativity and innovation in cities, the issue of public administation comes up, yet one can hardly do anything without the public administration. It is important, that in Alignment of people. We recruit the bright people and train them to conform and then in pri this discussion we are recapturing the positive values that are part of a bureaucracy. vate life they live in another world, where they volunteer etc. When people cannot manage to do good in the public sector, that is a real problem. 3 aims Reevaluating the public interest as a vocation; We have to acknowledge, that behind every project in the public realm there is a public ser Shifting the image of what a bureaucracy can be; vant behind. For example the Bologna 2014 agreement – being able to co-share resources. Attracting the young to reshape the bureaucracy; 90 days project – you could be an official, a citizen, and you are given a hard problem to solve. Pillars Example in Adelaide - https://publicsector.sa.gov.au/culture/90-day-projects/ Rethinking regulations & incentives for the 21st century; Reshaping the inner life of the bureaucracy; An example of Adelaide social project. Rethinking Adelaide. https://dunstan.org.au/wp-con tent/uploads/2019/08/TIR_Reports_2003_Landry.pdf “fast We are in the midst of a systemic crisis. Just an example of how vast and Helsinki restaurant day story. Young tech guys wanted to open a restaurant, legal require the change is: when I was born 3.6 billion people to now 7.5 billion people. How can we talk about sustainability in this context! ments were so intense, they said fuck it, we are just going to open a restaurant for one day. Mayor said: well, it says here we want to be a vibrant city, isn’t this doing that? Now there is a Helsinki – co-designing policy. Complex & wicked issues as a collective endeavor Bloating clusters > spreading cities > and paradoxically increasing loneliness as a result. Eindhoven- the story of shifting the worst school to the best. Student housing was given for There is a great transformation happening in all spheres of our lives. half price, but tenants were asked to give back 20 hours a month to the school. 2 years later the Increasingly we notice populism arising. school became the best school in that region. Increasingly we notice a stronger division between old and young. One might ask, where can people work together? Where do generations meet? Big issue – how do we create zones of encounter, create places of empathy, from me me situ Pollution, an issue not requiring much explanation; ations to we we situation? Of course, this is also about story telling. Vortex cities – there are 750 cities in Europe, but about 10 are sucking in all the talent and si multaneously the 10 cities are becoming dysfunctional in many ways.
Could the answer be loose planning rules? Essen example. UnPerfekthaus. https://www.unper fekthaus.de Young and old people meeting place. Kiel creative city index Workshop with Charles Landry Most of the time the ones navigating the system are lawyers, yet some of the most interesting bureaucrats I’ve ever met, do not have that training. It is clear, that we need a shift from the known & predictable to elastic, strategically prinicpled and tactically flexible planning. “Is the city nurturing and providing creativity? Is the bureaucracy as well promoting this?” Creative Beurocracy festival, organised by Charles Landry. Festival spirit is important for being relaxed and therefore able to explain about fuck-ups and lessons. What is creative city index? The Creative City Index, developed by Charles Landry and Jonathan Hyams, is a method for assessing cities holistically. This helps as- sess their creative abilities and potential, a precondition for downstream innovations and economic and cultural vigour. This strategic tool provides a rounded framework for thinking so good policies become easier to achieve. Doing the Index, which 20 cities have done, helps gener- ate a narrative for a city by highlighting what it needs to achieve. 2 Workshop structure: 5-6 tables (+/- 8 participats each) 4 stages, 30 min for each stage + breaks 1-10 mark collected after each stage. All groups were discussing Kiel, yet not all participants were from Kiel or even from Germany. How do we give score? Think about the existing vs the potential! Is the city nurturing and providing creativity? Is the bureaucracy as well promoting this? In Manheim, for example, the conclusion was that the city lacks confidence. This has been done also in other cities, for exam ple in Rio, Gent, Melbourne etc. We are constantly reminded by Charles, that: “Not the score, but the conversation within the score is what matters!” ___________________________ 2 https://charleslandry.com/themes/creative-cities-index/
Overall Kiel received a score of 5.05, but as we know not the score is important, but the Kiel index discussion within the score! So let’s look at some of the quotes and conclusions from the dis cussion. 1. The domains The defining character of Kiel within the discussions has been, that Kiel is a city on the Talent development & learning landscape; way. There are many things happening and a lot of potential. The number 5.05 does not mean Is this notion of life-long learning embeded in the city? Kiel is average, but it means, that there are many potentials and also a lot of progress already Is there such a thing as civic creativity? happening! The domains. It was mentioned again and again, that there are major differences be Discussion topics: tween East and West of Kiel. There needs to be better connection between these two geo - Identifying & nurturing creativity. graphical sides of Kiel, but also there are some islands of creative activity in Kiel, and those - Openness, trust, accessibility & participation. should also be connected. There also seems to be a lot of creativity, yet there is very little visi - Talent development & the learning landscape. bility of it. - How open is your place, discuss accessability in many ways. range 3-8 Leadership. When talking about creativity in leadership, one of the conclusions was - Is the participation very strong? Are the talents nurtured? final 5.9 that People who are creative, lead to politicians who are creative. And vice versus. Another grain of thought was that in Kiel, there isn’t culture that allows for mistakes, which is really im 2. Leadership portant. One suggestion was, that staff should move around and work cross sectorially. Overall Is there an organisational ethos, that gives people green light to act? it seems, that Kiel has a lot of good projects starting up, but some of them lack structure and Are the promises being delivered? are not followed through in the same innovative way as it was intended. Entrepreneurship. In the field of entrepreneurship participants were discussing, that Discussion topics: there are great universities in Kiel, yet there are some courses which cannot actually be prac ticed in Kiel. Some professors are also living in other big cities and not actually contributing to What are the enabling and supporting conditions of creativity? Kiel’s creativity. Other important aspect, that came up multiple times was that Kiel has always The political and public framework; positioned itself as a sailing city and sold its maritime aspects, yet there are so many more Strategic leadership, agility, vision. Agility – flexibility with purpose! aspects to the city and not many people associate themselves as living in a “sailing city.” One Professionalism and efectiveness; important point made was that in winter it is hard to meet people in consumption free zones. Is there sense of ambition? Expressing creativity. One of the main characteristics mentioned was aligned with the whole theme of this discussion - sense of progress. There is feeling on unfinished environ Try to think about the way your leaders are communicating ideas. ment where projects can happen. Feeling, that things are missing, but in an inspiring way. Be weary when you hear this: We want to be educated! (Do you want to be uneducated?) range 2-7 “In Berlin there is a gap between what you are and what you do, so there is We want to be sustainable! (Do you want to be unsustainable?) final 4.35 more pressure in the bigger cities to perform. Here it is more relaxed. You can be who you are.” 3. Exploring entrepeneurship Energy of the city, socially validated, infrastrucutre, that supports it? Incubation centres? What is the communication and networking like? Is there language capacities? Discussion topics: Exploiting & harnessing creativity; Entrepeneurship, exploration & innovation; range 2-8 Communication, connectivity, networking & media; final 3.85 4. Does this place expresses creativity? Is there something special about Kiel? Authenticity, experience, atmosphere, is it lively? Identity placemaking, liveability, affordibility, access to facilties. Discussion topics: Living & expressing creativity Distinctiveness, diversity, vitality & expression The place & place-making range 2-8 Liveability & well-being final 6.15
Towards a new governance model After the two mayors, the politicians said, that it wasn’t a good time as there was little free- dom to the politicians. It is a combination of political leadership and administrative leader- Plenary facilitated by Charles Landry ship. The crisis was the beginning, but you can also say it was not. The politicians started to say “we want a brand called Copenhagen.” The key is a combination of political leadership Participating (from left): and administrative leadership. Dr. Anna Golędzinowska, Chairwoman of the Sustainable Development Committee, Gdańsk City Council; From city of solidarity to an open city, city of citizen assemblies. Tina Saaby, City architect, 2010 – 2019, Copenhagen Anna Golędzinowska: Citizens assembly is starting to be a regular activity. We have partic- Dr. Ulf Kämpfer, Lord Mayor, City of Kiel ipatory budget. Council of equality and immigration. 38 councils in Gdansk. Going back to Rainer Kern, Mayor’s Special Advisor for Global Affairs, solidarity, now it is over a decade when Solidarity institution was founded. Idea was not only Manheim to form museum, but to go further. There is a huge library dedicated to freedom movements & welcome speech by Renate Treutel, Mayor of Kiel of the world, interpreting the idea of solidarity, ecological solidarity, social solidarity. The pro- gram was subsidized by the state. Crowdfunding campaign crowdfunded 1.5 mil EUR to sub- sidize the institution. Manheim mayor was previously a deputy director of culture department. He had the idea of using culture to renew the city. He submitted an application for Capital of Culture. He created the office. Rainer Kern: “From the surveys we learned, that we are very open city. We never travel out, rather invite people to Manheim. So there are few international connections.” Ulf Kampfer: “SDGs help Kiel a lot to stick to their climate goals. We will have a youth parlia- ment in May or June.” Tina Saaby: “You must have good cooperations with stakeholders on the outside as well as have good relationships with schools, have good architects etc., but you also need the best people on the inside and give them certain freedoms.” Reference: Office of Civic Imagination in Bologna. https://citiesofservice.org/resource/co-creating-urban-commons-bologna-italy/ During the introduction speech Renate Treutel mentions, that there is no longer a situ ation where each department only focuses in its own areas of responsibility and plays a game of “citizen tennis”, sending the people from one office to another. She stressed, that they must create an attitude of making things possible and not hindering them and added, that no de partment alone can properly solve the complex tasks that they must overcome. Do you think we can make the 5 – 8 leap in the Kiel creativity index? Ulf Kampfer, who initially gave the score 8.5 for Kiel: I'm the optimist in chief, so I see that 5.05 is something we can work with. I do not want to be mayor of a boring town. Kiel is small enough for people to know each other, but big enough to have our own opera and theatre etc. We have our unique fjord in the city centre. We have our strong universities. It is all about being able to attract talents and technologies, being a unique city with a unique creative scene brings a lot of opportunities. How the transition happened between now and Copenhagen close to the bankruptcy? Tina Saaby: There is not one thing, that happened. In the 90s Copenhagen was close to bank- ruptcy. There was intensive focus to renew the city, which was done by 3 initiatives. Free green gardens around the blocks, so people want to stay in the city and live there and pay tax. The big change in the city came in 2006, when junior mayors were joining from two different par- ties and they started to say: “we want to look at things differently”. There was a lot of bureau- cracy and administration saying: “no”. They made a “yes” office. All the administration were obliged to say “yes” to projects. There was a whole new way of looking at the administration. The administration started to be more open and motivating. It was done with a political push.
Co-create Copenhagen Strategic Goals for 2025 and architecture policy STRATEGIC GOALS FOR IMPLEMENTING SDGs A LIVEABLE CITY Challenges and opportunities in urban planning 1. World’s best city for cyclists A talk by Tina Saaby Themes in this section are: City life, comfort, speed, safety; Speed – shortcuts for slow traffic, safety – in our Tina Saaby is a city-maker and place-maker. As design guidelines we want to have the city connected. she says, communicator of architecture and city development. She has been a partner in her own There have been studies showing, that taking a bicycle office, WITRAZ Architects from 2004 - 2010. She from Oster alle to Norreport during rush hour results in has been the head of Danish Architectural Asso- net profit for society of 0.49 EUR ciation and a jury member in more than 80 com- Taking a bicycle results in a net profit for society of 0.49 petitions. She has been a visiting professor, censor EUR; Taking a car results in a net loss for society of 0.89 and teacher at different universities and from 2010 EUR; Yearly health benefit of cycling in Copenhagen - – 2019 city architect in Copenhagen, Denmark. 228,000,000 EUR. (Socio-economic analyses of bicycle From April 2020, city architect in Gladsaxe. initiatives- methods and cases, COWI, 2009) “People understood, that if we invest in cars, we have Planning hierarchy to put more money every year, if we invest in bikes, we Small scale - single project > get money back.” Medium scale site specific > Large scale - city wide planning projects. “When they made a survey and asked the question: You should always talk about the city wide project, impacts etc. How does a small initiative and “why do you cycle?” 89 % said: “because it is sustain- project affect the larger city. able, more than 80% said: “because it is fast and easy.”” In Copenhagen, there are 7 city departments and a Lord mayor as well as 6 other mayors re sponsible for the departments such as the culture, social, environmental, educational depart When there is an architect designing for a Copenha ments, etc. They all did not sit down to talk and say: ok, now we want to be strategic. They just gen, they have to answer to the question: how can you wanted the city to be more livable. They shared a vision. It is important to have politicians, that make Copenhagen the best city for bicycling? have great visions. Facebook was a great tool in the beginning to under There was a formulation of 2 strategies in 2009, which defined how the city was going to be stand the situation – mapping citizen knowledge. Ask planned. ”METROPOLIS FOR PEOPLE (livability)” and ”MILJOØMETROPOLEN (CO2 neutral in ing where there is complicated crossing, where it is 2025)”. By 2015 the strategies were running out. Tina mentions that: “Maybe if the SDGs would good situations. Only after 24 hours they had already have been around then, we would have chosen them as a new planning strategy.” a great map which the administration could not have done themselves. No matter what we talk about - we talk about people, that is the key word, we do not talk about cities as a separate entity, as long as we do not talk about people centred cities. Another 2. Better everyday life in urban spaces key word is co-creating. So the new strategic document is called ”CO-CREATE COPENHAGEN.” In 2009 strategic document “CITY LIFE” was created and gave priority to city life. Their approach was to con Co-creation - invites people to come together, trust, innovate. sider urban life before urban space consider and urban We really just need to inspire people and not only tell them what space before buildings. Their strategic goal was that to do. by 2015, 80% of Copenhageners will be more satisfied with the opportunities in the urban space. This strategic document until 2025 merges three visions + archi They also set a goal to increase the amount of pedes tecture policies responding to each vision: trian traffic by 20% by 2015 compared to 2010. They also A LIVEABLE CITY + BUILDING FOR LIFE set a goal to have by 2015 20% more time spent in ur A CITY WITH AN EDGE + ARCHITECTURE THAT TELLS A STORY ban space than in 2010. Within this strategy they al A RESPONSIBLE CITY + RESPONSIBLE DESIGN ways have a brief for all architects coming with a proj ect: how does your building help people be outside? ”In Copenhagen, we think of urban life before designing urban Copenhageners said: “we need more quiet spaces in spaces and of urban space before designing buildings. We do the city and more nature, landscape”. We also found this because it is urban life that makes the city. There is no out that we should design for a bigger diversity of peo city without the people who use it; who live, work and move ple. We can see that the adults now join the play with around in its buildings and streets.“ - Co-create Copenhagen kids. Playing together means people will be staying outside longer.
We have learned also, that harbor life attracts people, A CITY WITH AN EDGE even when it is not in the center. Key words here are flexibility and creativity. We want to Now, there is a new strategic document, that suggests work with temporarity, creating settings for physical to again increase the time people spend outside for experiments, user driven initiatives and creative entre- 20% til 2025! This means, we must be thinking about preneurs. edge zones – supporting the edges of the buildings. People do not want to be in the middle in the wide Architecture that tells a story. As city architects office open. People like to be near the edges. we had a policy as follows. When private investor wants to do develop something, the first response from the We started to put a regulation on this notion, for ex- city is always: you need to have a good site analysis. ample, there should be 75% of windows on the street Uniquely, here, the developer approaches the city even level and you are not allowed to coat the windows. before contracting architects, or in very early stages of This is to provoke eye contact between people inside architects’ work, so that there isn’t any double work and outside of the buildings done. The city architects office sees this as a dialogue process. They visit the site together and the city (Ar Invitation for experimenting with space and facilities. chitects office) give their own perspective, vision or We invite people to take responsibility themselves, e.g. strategy for the particular place. This dialogue is good, letting them design public spaces, like a pedestrian because it takes longer and there is bigger discussion way. with the politicians as well, so, perhaps, later their vote in favor or against will be better informed. The result is, “Politicians and managers must give up some control that we keep more buildings than before, and we do and deviate from familiar routine. On the other hand more reconstructions. In this way we move away from - citizens must get used to not only be demanding having icons next to icons. The site analysis helps a lot. customers in the welfare shop, but they also need to take part of the responsibility. It takes time to get A RESPONSIBLE CITY used to for all parties.” - Annika Agger Co-creation researcher at Roskilde University. Focuses: - Carbon neutrality; We really just need to inspire people and not only tell - Climate change; what to do. - Renewable resources. Public access almost everywhere. All school yards are Some of the actions include taking away taxi cards open, which is extraordinary, compared to other Eu- from the public administration. You could only take ropean cities. We are against making public spaces bike, public transportation or the electric car. In the private. end, there are 2200 people changing their behaviors. This means the city administration will see the prob Creating sun-places. All public spaces should be in the lems and possibilities better. sun. It is so important in place-making, that when de- signing a promenade on the North side of the Copen- Another action was when everyone in the city got a hagen harbour, they spanned the promenade into the free green basket for composting and as simple as water, so there would be evening sun exposure. Now that, people started to do at-home composting.This is this side of the river is more lively in the evenings than very good for the trash collection as organic waste is before! Sun really does activate a space. Especially in problematic when mixed with synthetic materials. the Nordic cities. (picture/ reference from slides) No waste of resources. They are up-cycling concrete. More nature in the city. Urban nature strategy was part Another example - the windows that are not green of the co-creation plan. One of key points is to accentu anymore, they are just doubling those up rather than ate courtyard gardens! disposing and buying new ones. There is also a build ing with cut up old brick facades together with insula The question is – how to get “better quality” of urban tion, then these are transported and used as a facade landscapes. The city launches two greenery mainte material. nance projects per year. They are organised into mu nicipal land and non-municipal land sections. Climate proofing. One of the biggest challenges in Co penhagen is taking care of rain water. They are mov ing from pipe to surface collection. There are beautiful projects using the water as a landscaping tool.
Learnings Strategic goal setting and planning Workshop with Tina Saaby They strategic documents should go both horizontal and vertical; They should be easy to translate/use doing plans and projects in all different departments Workshop structure: There should always be something, an element, that you can measure; 5 tables (+/- 8 participats each); Have an implementation plan; 1 stage, They need to be educated and communicated amongst stakeholders; 1h for discussion and preparation, Way of beginnings: go back in history, what do we want to change, what is the dream, find 1h for presentations; inspiration, analyze, ask questions, what to measure and what info do we need to begin with? 5 themes discussed within 5 different objectives (25 discussion options are possible); Groups are discussing a generic city, not specifi “The strategic papers have to be, both, horizontal and vertical. This makes us able to say cally Kiel, but it can be also a specific city. very basic things. It should be easy to translate and use in our every day work. Strategic A final presentation made where each group has papers should go around to all the other departments. There isn’t a strategy for archite- organised their discussion in 6 chapters (next p.) cuture and one for infrastructure and one for health, they are all in one document.” Vertical - goals 1. Social city. Improve equal opportunities for 4. Creative city. Kiel’s super regional attrac all Kiel citizens by strenghtening the social in tiveness is increased by integrative urban de frastructure, enabling personal responsibility velopment, diverse cultural offers and tourist and self determination. activities, the expansion of activites related to Tinasaaby@gmail.com sailing and the Kiel.Sailing city brand as well Instagram: tinasaaby 2. Child friendly city. Fragmenting quality as the further development to a modern Euro Facebook: Tina Saaby of life in the city through better quality of stay, pean city with a unique water location in the Twitter: @tinasaaby better educational, sport and childcare op Baltic Sea. http://tinasaaby.com tions. 5. Innovative city Creating future-proof jobs by strenghening . Climate city. During active climate protec 3. science and cooperation with universities, an tion through an ecological energy supply and acitve labor market policy, an acitve housing improved transport infrastructure as welll as the policy, a strong and efficient municipal econo sustainble use of natural resources of our city. my and innovative business development. Horizontal - objectives These 5 goals are influenced by the following cross- sectional goals. Each group is required to look at one particular intersection. 1. Fiscal consolidation 2. Participation of citizens and adminitrative modernization 3. Gender equity 4. Shaping demographic change 5. Inclusion Innovative Social city Child friendly city Climate city Creative city city Fiscal Consolidation X Participation of citizens X X and administrative mod ernization Gender Equality Shaping demographic X change Inclusion X
Compilation of tools and lessons to note Vision could be explained through these prisms: - Goals; - Themes; - Indicators (a number, how to measure the success) More relaxed atmosphere triggers creativity. That - Actions; is why sometimes there needs to be exaggereation - What data ‘do we need to make this happen? in terms of “festival” atmosphere in the events. E.g. - Examples (school yards open to everyone, for example) “The statistic was interesting Creative Bureaucracy Festival. to have as a goal, it funnels the vision.” EXAMPLE As an example one group loo Rotation of staff across departments. This can keep the ked at Social city as a goal wit of inclusion. hin the theme processes much more trasparent, people more under- standing of other problems and eventually come up with more creative solutions to common problems. Goal: x Decreacing loneliness amon g seniors; x Promoting seniors as a valuab le and active part of society; Themes: x Healthcare x Housing Political and administrative leadership have x Social inf rastrucutre (librar to both work together and the strategic ies, cafes, clubs, public space) documents must align with administrative Indicator (the number which one can measure as a succes documents. x Leaving house at least once s): a day Actions: x Affordable and mixed housin g. Mixed services in the buildi as, cleaning, cooking, yoga. ng such You need the best professionals on the x Allow renting out spare roo ms and lower tax for pensio “inside” as well as the “outside” spare rooms. ners renting out x Able to earn in addition to pen sion (change in policy) x City prioritising commissions for goods from senior craftsm candles, ceramics etc) en clubs. (flags, x Establishing minimum numb er of square meters for social every new-build. inf rastructure in Facebook can be a great tool to map needs of x Allow change of usage in tho se spaces. For example allow people. In Copenhagen they asked for various shop, then a cafe again withou cafe and then a t changing the official use of points in maps, such as unsafe crossings, or lack x In the senior clubs, teachers the space. must have good social worke of cycling infrastructure etc. x Make sure there is a shop/ r training. pharmacy/ nurse within 5- 10 tance from all residencies in the min walking dis city. x Create pilot projects of senior co-living concepts. “We always plan and plan Create an environment where mistakes are wel and we never think about come, this will bring much more creative ideas on the measurements” the table, as people won’t be holding back as much!
Booklet compiled by Liva Kreislere
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