TWINT - SIX as your acquirer - More than a payment solution. First name Name Zurich, September 2018 - SIX Payment Services
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Review and Outlook (new functionalities) 2017 Q2 App launches: UBS TWINT Functionalities : Q4 • QRC for mPRIME ZKB TWINT (replaces TWINT Functionalities: PostFinance TWINT retailer app) • VAS at terminal Raiffeisen TWINT • Web-to-app switch (couponing) Credit Suisse TWINT 2016 BCV TWINT • App-to-app switch (Datatrans) TWINT Prepaid • Alias payments Q1 Merger Paymit/ (User on File) • QRC for vending Q3 TWINT Functionalities: Funktionalität: Functionalities: • QRC at terminal • Refund QRC at • VAS at terminal terminal (loyality) 2016/2017 2018
What TWINT can do Online / app Unattended points of sale Vending Static E-commerce M-commerce machines QR code Attended Value added services points of sale Terminals Beacon Coupons Stamp cards Loyalty cards Person to person Peer-to-peer
The advantages for you with TWINT Payment with More than a payment Replaces cash smartphones solution − POS − Between private individuals − Store loyalty cards − E-/M-commerce − Where cashless payment has − Precisely position and evaluate − Vending machines not been possible up until now campaigns − Stamp cards with minimal effort The banks' solution Needs-oriented Open − Direct linking of the bank − TWINT knows the needs of − TWINT can continually develop account and stored Swiss users, retailers and banks new solutions credit card − Independent of conditions at − All users, retailers and banks − Bank security standards the point of sale can participate − For iOS and Android
Overview – payment E-Commerce Terminal Beacon Vending machine Online shop Terminal with a display POS integration Connection with host Prerequisites Integration with PSP or screen Acquisition of beacon plugin Online/offline (users) Online Online Online Offline/Online Yes (cash back & product Added values Yes, coupon (entry code) Yes (cash back) for POS integration) Yes (cash back) Customer cards No typing in payment data Use existing Use existing terminal Offline capability infrastructure USPs Faster check-out than with infrastructure Added value capability traditional methods No terminal required
Who is it for? Characteristics E-Commerce − For all retailers with an − Integration via PSP online shop − Integration via plugin Payment in e-commerce with TWINT can be offered with the PSP or a plugin. On check-out, the customer selects the "TWINT" payment method and is then presented with a screen with the QR code and a numeric code (in case they are unable to scan the QR code - because, for example, they are using the smartphone). The customer does not have to enter any payment information. Amount of Prerequisites work/expense involved − PSP has implemented TWINT − Integration in PSP or − Plugin available plugin installation Advantages − Check-out process substantially − Strong market acceptance simplified within a short period of time − Lowest cancellation rate − Very high adaption rate for compared to other payment TWINT payments methods − Added value capability − Customer not required to provide payment data
Process – E-Commerce 1 2 Trigger Customer selects the "TWINT" payment Scan payment method. Customer scans QR code/types in code Screen displays a QR code and a code. into the app. 3 ok Payment and Customer confirms the amount in the confirmati app. on Payment is confirmed on the computer screen and in the app.
Who is it for? Versions Terminal − For all retailers − POS-integrated with existing terminals − Independent − Stationary and mobile terminals − Mobile With this solution, you can pay with TWINT at existing terminals. The technology is a QR code and also works independently of POS systems. Amount of Prerequisites work/expense involved − Integration into cash-register − Terminal able to display QR- software may be required Code − Sales staff training Advantages − Existing infrastructure − Including without POS system is used − Simple activation by acquirer
Process – Terminal 1 2 Trigger Scan payment Cashier authorises payment when The TWINT QR code is displayed on the presented with the final amount and terminal. Customer scans the selects EFTPOS payment method. QR code. 4 ok 3 Payment Confirmati Customer sees the amount and confirms The sales process is completed by the on the amount in the app (depending on POS, and a receipt is printed. The settings). customer receives confirmation in the app.
Who is it for? Versions Beacon − Large retailers with high − Desk model (with stand) frequencies − Wall model (with wall sticker − Stores with no or limited for fixed mounting) wireless coverage − Wireless (from Q3/2017) A beacon is an enabling device with Bluetooth technology. It − e.g. retail trade, staff restaurant ensures that customers can also pay when there is no or only poor wireless coverage. A beacon is integrated into the existing POS system. The customer holds the smartphone next to the Beacon and thereby triggers payment in the TWINT app. Amount of Prerequisites work/expense involved − Modern POS system − Integration into POS software − POS integrator must implement TWINT − Acquisition costs - Beacon − POS must be connected to the − On-site Beacon installation network (SIM card, WLAN, − Sales staff training LAN) Advantages − Offline capability − Payment process at the POS − Added value capability optimised with loyalty cards and other added values − No terminal required
Process – Beacon 1 2 Customer holds smartphone next to the Discount Linking beacon and thereby triggers payment in query The POS then automatically checks for the TWINT app. This identifies and links digital coupons and loyalty cards, and the retailer and the POS. calculates the final amount. ok 4 3 The cashier authorises payment with the Payment Confirmati The sales process is completed by the "TWINT" payment method. POS, and a receipt is printed. The on The customer sees amount and confirms customer receives confirmation in the app. payment in the app (depending on settings).
Who is it for? Versions available Vending machines − For all unattended POS vending − Vending payment terminal machines − Beacon − Perfect for the following sectors: − QR code on display screen parking, petrol, self-service, transportation − Static QR code No coins required to pay at vending machines with a QR code. Select from a variety of solutions. Whether on the integrated payment terminal, beacon payment, as a QR code on a display or as a static QR code on a vending machine. Amount of Requirements work/expense involved − Depends on integration versions − Integration into software − Terminal/Beacon connection − Sales staff training Advantages − Flexible choice of solution − No hardware adjustment − Direct vending machine − Potential added value integration − No terminal required
Overview of vending machine solutions Self-service Payment terminal Beacon QR code on display QR code • Display with imaging Vending machine with Vending machine with Vending machine with capabilities Requirements terminal that has display network connection network connection • Vending machine with capabilities network connection Integrated into existing Direct integration into Direct integration into Integration terminal infrastructure No integration vending machine vending machines No hardware adjustment software On-/Offline Online Offline Online Online Potential for added Yes Yes Yes Yes value • Very reliable, since it is capable of working • No infrastructure • Use existing • Use existing offline USPs required infrastructure infrastructure • Potential for added • No terminal required • No terminal required value • No terminal required
Agenda Added values with TWINT
Overview – added values Loyalty cards Stamp cards Coupons Existing loyalty programs and Retailers with TWINT payment Retailers with TWINT payment Requirements customer cards solution solution Sales increase Sales increase Aim Customer retention Customer retention New customer acquisition POS POS POS Application Vending machines Vending machines Vending machines E-commerce E-commerce E-commerce (enter code) Immediately (at terminals starting Available from Immediately Immediately end fourth quarter 2018) Target group-specific campaigns Automatic consideration accelerates Low creation effort USPs Easy to create, manage and payment process Cannot be forgotten evaluate
Further information about TWINT
Many thanks! Seite 23 Payment Services 9/7/2018
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