Twenty one - Radiant Church

Page created by Juanita Reynolds
Twenty one - Radiant Church
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                                                                            D FA ST

twenty one
January 09 – January 30
                          02 Intro Letter
                          04 What is Fasting?
                                                05 Common Fasts
                                                07 Seek Services
                                                                   07 Prayer Meetings
                                                                   08 Focus & Scriptures
Twenty one - Radiant Church
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2   Seek 2022
Twenty one - Radiant Church
Seek 2022   3
Twenty one - Radiant Church
                 PRAYER AND
                          January 9 – January 30, 2022

                Here at Radiant, we value and prioritize dedicating specific
                periods of time to seeking after the Lord. As we step into this
                21 day season of prayer and fasting, I want to encourage
                you to take this time seriously and press in like never before.
                With everything that’s happening in this current cultural
                moment, now is the time to reset our hearts, position our
                focus toward God and seek all that He has for you, your
                family, and Radiant Church.

                Take some time to go before the Lord in prayer and ask Him
                for clarity and direction for how you can participate in this
                21-day fast. Maybe it's a particular fast, giving up something
                you've never given up before, attending one of our weekly
                Seek services, or spending more time with God alone in the
                secret place.

                God is on the move – let’s seek His face.

                                 Pastor Tony

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Twenty one - Radiant Church
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                                       AY E R

                     D FA ST


          Seek 2021                    5
Twenty one - Radiant Church
Many Christians fail to tap into one of the most
powerful and rewarding spiritual reservoirs we
have at our disposal: fasting. It’s often due to
a lack of understanding about this important
command for Christ’s followers. This guide is
devoted to sharing the what, why, how, and
when of this important scriptural discipline so
you can put it into action. If you’ve never fasted
or want to know more about it, we want to cover
the basics with you here.

"When you pray, go into your room and shut
the door and pray to your father who is in
secret. And your Father who sees in secret
will reward you." Matthew 6:6 ESV

6   Seek 2022
Twenty one - Radiant Church
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                                                                     AY E R

                                                   D FA ST

Fasting is an invitation from the Lord for us to
intentionally minimize distractions and normal
routines in our everyday lives so that we can
better hear His voice. When we turn down
the volume in our day-to-day lives, it has the
supernatural effect of turning up the volume of
God’s voice to our spirits.

Biblical fasting is giving up particular foods and
drinks for a specified number of days. The type
and length of the fast you choose is between
you and God, and should not be determined by
what anyone else is doing. At the beginning of
each new year, Radiant Church participates in a
21-day fast as a practice of giving God our first
and our best.

Fasting, prayer, and reading God’s Word go
hand in hand, but without prayer, fasting is
nothing more than a diet. Simply put, fasting is
one of the ways we conquer the physical and
open the door to God’s heightened spiritual
activity in our lives. When you deny your body,
you feed your spirit and grow closer to the Lord.

                                       Seek 2022                     7
In Matthew 6, Jesus gave us simple directions
on how to live as a child of God. That pattern
referenced three specific duties of Christian
living: giving, praying and fasting. Jesus said,
“when you give,” “when you pray,” and “when
you fast.” In doing so, He made it clear that
giving, praying, and fasting are all normal parts
of Christian life. When all three disciplines are
at work, you release the complete power of
God in your life.

If you want to make fasting a way of life beyond
these 21 days, work out a plan for the entire
year to include days or meals to fast that works
into your lifestyle. You may decide to fast one
day a month, one meal a week, or fast specific
foods or comfort items for a period of time.
There may be other unexpected times that you
feel a need to fast—during family struggles,
financial problems, or times you are in need of
a breakthrough in your life.

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                                                                     AY E R

                                                   D FA ST

Before beginning a fast, write down a plan and
make a verbal commitment to the Lord. When
you approach it with determination, you’ll be less
likely to waiver in weak moments. You may be
surprised to find that fasting is not as daunting
as you may think. But if you do find it to be a
battle, don’t lose heart, push through, and know
that God understands your struggle. God’s
fasting principles allow you the flexibility to take
care of your job and duties while still making a
sacrifice to honor Him.

If the traditional complete fast has always made
you shy away from this important principle,
you may be surprised to know that there are
many different types of fasts. Find the fast or
combination of fasts that best fits your needs.
For example, if you choose to go on a 21-day
fast, you may want to begin with a complete fast
for 1–3 days and then continue with a Daniel
Fast or some other type of partial fast for the
remainder of the 21 days. No matter which fast
you choose, you must always remember to
consult your doctor and drink plenty of water.

                                        Seek 2022                9
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Blessings of Fasting:                       Preparing to Fast:
Isaiah 58:8–9                               Mark 11:25, Luke 11:4, Romans 12:1–2, 1
                                            Samuel 7:3 WHEN TO FAST:
Corporate Fasting:                          Matthew 9:14–15
1 Samuel 7:5–6, 2 Chronicles 20:3–4, Ezra
8:21–23, Nehemiah 9:1–3, Jonah 3:5–10,      Why to Fast:
Esther 4:16                                 Romans 12:1, Matthew 6:33, Mark 9:29 Isaiah
                                            58:6, Luke 4:1–13
Daniel Fast:
Daniel 10:2–3                               Time:
                                            While most opt to participate in their fasts
Fasting Dos:                                around the clock, others who are new to
Matthew 6:16–18                             fasting—or those who have other limitations—
                                            may decide to have a different schedule that
Fasting Don'ts:                             works best for them. Some options for fasting
Matthew 6:16–18, Luke 18:9–14               times follow.

Prayer & Scripture with Fasting:            Half-day fast - From sunrise to 3pm
Luke 2:37, Nehemiah 1:4, Daniel 9:3,        Full Day Fast - From sunrise to sunset
Joel 2:12, Acts 13:2                        Total Fast - Around the clock

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The type of fast that you ultimately choose            JUICE FAST
should be what you feel the Lord is leading            In this fast, abstain from food, and only drink
you to commit to for these 21 days. Below are          water and 100% juice for a period of time. Drink
some of the types of fasts you could choose to         mildly acidic or non-acidic fruit juices such
participate in.                                        as apple, grape, peach, or pineapple juice,
                                                       which are excellent sources of natural and
DANIEL FAST                                            necessary sugar to stabilize blood sugar and
The Daniel fast is a partial fast. Though you          keep energy levels up. Raw vegetable juices
deny yourself and seek God as you do with              such as carrot, celery, beet, or green vegetable
each type of fast, you experience lesser               juice combinations are excellent as well. (100%
discomfort with this fast than you would on a          VEGETABLE JUICES ONLY, without added
juice or water fast.                                   sugars, salt, or preservatives such as V8
                                                       Juice). You can do normal daily activities on a
Here are some foods to eat while on a Daniel           juice fast.
fast: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts,          For more detailed information on water and
seeds, legumes, 100% juice, natural oils, and          juice fasting, visit our website.
water. Here are some foods to avoid while on a
Daniel fast: meat, dairy, all natural and artificial   WATER FAST
sweeteners, all leavened breads, refined and           The water fast involves abstaining from food
processed foods, fried foods, solid fats, coffee,      and only drinking water for a period of time.
tea, alcohol, and carbonated beverages.                Drink plenty of water, at least half your body
                                                       weight in ounces of water per day (example:
COMFORT FAST                                           150lbs = 75 oz./day). Distilled water is most
Fasting from comfort items is a great option if        beneficial, but filtered and purified water also
fasting is a new experience for you or if you          works well. A water-only fast is, by far, the most
have any health limitations regarding food-            difficult fast due to the detoxification process
based fasts. You could fast from electronic            that the body goes through and the lack of
entertainment, for example, including TV               energy that is experienced as a result of not
shows, movies, Netflix, Hulu, video games,             eating.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, blogs,        Many people who are experienced in fasting
etc.                                                   have fasted this way for 40 days or more. Long-
                                                       term water fasts are possible, but definitely not
Keep in mind the goal of comfort fasting is to         comfortable. You may choose to do a short-
allow space for your hunger to drive you to            term water fast sometime during the 21 days.
God, not to other things. Be intentional about
your fast, and push yourself out of your comfort

                                                                                                            Seek 2022              13
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Throughout this 21-day period, we will be
hosting 3 different Seek services. Scripture
teaches us that something unique and powerful
happens when believers gather together in faith
to seek God and cry out to Him with one voice.
These Seek services have one aim: to Seek the
Lord with all our heart. We will be inviting some
guests that have a particular bent to create an
atmosphere for God’s Presence to come.

Friday January 14

Friday, January 21

Caleb & Rachel Culver (Radiant City Music +
Radiant Church in Kalamazoo, Mi)

Friday, January 28

                                                    Seek 2022              15
k my f a c e
                            pray and see


DAY ONE                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                       Scripture
Fruit of Prayer                             John15:16
                                            You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go
Encouragement                               and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the
In our Lord's generous statement to His     Father will give you.
disciples about choosing them so that
they would bear fruit, He clearly teaches   Prayer
that this matter of praying and fruit       God, You have chosen me of Your own selection. I want to do what You require
bearing is not a petty business of our      from us and to do it well. Amen.
                                            Go Deeper
He specifically had our praying in mind;    1.   If Jesus expects us to pray and to do it well, how would you assess your
He has chosen us of His own divine               prayer life?
selection; and He expects us to do this     2.   Have you viewed prayer as “sharing friendship with Jesus,” or more of
one thing of praying, and to do it well.         boring, dutiful and toil filled pursuit?
The main objective of choosing us as His    3.   What’s one thing you can do differently to pray more effectively this year?
disciples and of sharing friendship with
Him was that we might be better fitted to
bear the fruit of prayer.


16   Seek 2022
give you the
         spirit of wisdom


DAY TWO                                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                    Scripture
God's Recipe for Prayer                  Hebrews 11:33
                                         who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what
Encouragement                            was promised…
Under certain circumstances,
persistent prayer can bring additional   Prayer
assurance of God's promises. There       God, thank You that You are always faithful to Your promises. Amen

would seem to be the capacity in
                                         Go Deeper
prayer for going beyond the Word,
                                         1.   Have you viewed prayer more about receiving God’s promise or taking hold
beyond His promise, and into the very
                                              of the Promiser?
presence of God Himself.
                                         2.   Take a moment to reflect on reality of what happens when we pray to take
                                              hold of the Promiser… “By taking hold of the Promiser, prayer releases the
Jacob wrestled, not so much with a            personal promise.”
promise as with the Promiser. We must
take hold of the Promiser, or else the
promise is without purpose. Prayer
may well be defined as the force that
vitalizes and energizes the Word of
God, by taking hold of God Himself.
By taking hold of the Promiser, prayer
releases the personal promise.


                                                                                                           Seek 2022       17
o r t h e L o r d
                                                    find       a place f


DAY THREE                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                          Scripture
House of God                                   Hebrews 10:25
                                               Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing.
Without prayer, a church is like a body        Prayer
without is a dead, lifeless thing. A church    Lord God, that Your church would never stop meeting together. But will come
with in it has God in it. When prayer is set   together to worship You. Amen.
aside, God is also set aside. When prayer
becomes an unfamiliar exercise, then           Go Deeper
God Himself is a stranger there.               1.   Has prayer become the chief attraction for you in terms of being attracted to
                                                    the Church?
As God's house is a house of prayer,           2.   How can you participate in building a praying church at Radiant?
the divine intention is that people should     3.   What are the reasons and barriers for not praying and/or attending prayer
leave their homes and go to meet Him in             meetings? How can you overcome those barriers?
His house. God has promised to meet His
people there. It is their duty to go there
for that specific reason. Prayer should
be the chief attraction for all spiritually
minded churchgoers.


18   Seek 2022
for kings and all who
are in high positions


DAY FOUR                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                    Scripture
A Growing Faith                          Mark 11:24
                                         "Therefore tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have
Encouragement                            received it, and it will be yours."
Prayer puts faith in God and moves
God's hand in the world. Only God can    Prayer
move mountains, but faith and prayer     Lord, it is only You who can move mountains, but thank You that my faith and my

move God. In the cursing of the fig      prayers move You. I praise Your name. Amen.

tree, our Lord demonstrated His power.
                                         Go Deeper
Following that, He went on to say that
                                         1.   “Only God can move mountains, but faith and prayer move God.” Are
large powers were committed to faith
                                              there obstacles in your life that you’ve tried to move and shift in your own
and prayer, not to kill but to make.
                                         2.   Has your faith grown or declined since this time last year? If it has declined,
A faith that makes things happen              take some time before the Lord and ask Him to strengthen whatever faith is
is described here. This faith is an           left inside you.
awareness of God, an experienced
communion, a fact. Is faith growing or
declining as the years go by? Does
faith stand strong and firm as sin
abounds and the love of many grows


                                                                                                              Seek 2022      19
that you may be tested


DAY FIVE                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                        Scripture
Today's Fresh Bread                          Matthew 6:11
                                             Give us today our daily bread
Faith covers worldly as well as spiritual    Prayer
needs. Faith drives away anxiety and         Father God, I know that You will provide for Your children day by day. That is
unnecessary worries about what you will      why I pray only for today's bread. Amen.
eat, what you will drink and what you will
wear. Faith brings great peace of mind       Go Deeper
and you perfect peace of heart.              1.   “When we pray for our "daily bread", we are in fact shutting tomorrow out
                                                  of our prayers.” How are you tempted to focus your attention on tomorrow?
When we pray for our "daily bread",               How much of your prayers are focused on tomorrow?
we are in fact shutting tomorrow out of      2.   What are some things you’re grateful for TODAY? What has God given you
our prayers. Do not look for tomorrow's           TODAY that you can use to fuel your worship and gratitude?
grace or tomorrow's bread. Those
who pray best pray for today's, not
tomorrow's needs. Our prayers for
tomorrow's needs may be unnecessary
because tomorrow might not exist at all!


20   Seek 2022
r ist h as s et us fr ee
For freedom Ch


DAY SIX                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                         Scripture
Powerful Praying                              Matthew 28:18
                                              "Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been
Encouragement                                 given to Me."
Faith that creates powerful praying is
the faith that centers around a powerful      Prayer
Person. Faith in Christ's ability to do       Dear Lord, please help me to put my trust in You more every day so that my faith

and to do greatly, is the faith that prays    may increase to pray more effectively and powerfully to You. Amen.

                                              Go Deeper
                                              1.   “To do God's will is essential to true faith, and faith is necessary for absolute
It was because He wanted to inspire
                                                   obedience.” How do faith and obedience work together?
faith in His ability to do that Jesus left
                                              2.   Read John 4:43-54. What kind of faith did the royal official possess when
that last, great statement behind for us           he asked Jesus to heal his son? When you come to God in prayer do you
as a ringing challenge to our faith. Faith         come in faith or pessimism that he will answer?
is obedient. It goes when commanded,
as did the nobleman who came to
Jesus when his son was grievously
sick. To do God's will is essential to true
faith, and faith is necessary for absolute


                                                                                                                     Seek 2022    21
                                                                         the world


DAY SEVEN                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                          Scripture
Praying is not Child's Play                    Hebrews 5:7
                                               During the days of Jesus' life on earth, He offered up prayers and petitions with
Encouragement                                  loud cries and tears to the one who could save Him from death, and He was
Praying is no light and trivial exercise. It   heard because of His reverent submission.
engages all the powers of man's moral
and spiritual nature as is evident in the      Prayer
Scripture verse above about the praying        Dear Lord, thank You for Your example of what it really means to pray. Amen.
of our Lord.
                                               Go Deeper
It takes only a moment's thought to see        1.   Read Matthew 6:9-13 and Romans 8:15. How are we to go to God in
how such praying drew mightily upon all             prayer? How are we to address God in prayer?
the powers of God and called into effect       2.   Children are the most pestering humans on the planet. A good father never
every part of His nature. This is the kind          rejects the action of asking. Do you view God as a Father who desires to be
of praying that brings the soul close               pestered with requests?
to God and that brings God down to             3.   Read Matthew 7:7-11. Jesus reveals that God is a good Father. Like a
earth. While children should be taught to           loving parent, God wants to meet our needs. Jesus describes persistent
pray early on, praying is no child's task.          asking like a child to a parent. Do you need to ask God for something in this
Prayer draws upon the whole nature of               way?
man - body, soul and spirit.                   4.   Take time today to come as a child and ask God multiple times for your
                                                    biggest prayer to be answered.


22   Seek 2022
strengthened with power through his Spirit


DAY EIGHT                                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                      Scripture
Today's Manna                              Isaiah 26:3
                                           You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts
Encouragement                              in you.
True prayers are born out of present
trials and needs. Bread received today     Prayer
is the strongest pledge that there will    Dear God, please help me to trust You for today's and to leave tomorrow entirely

be bread tomorrow. We must trust God       in Your hands. You will provide. Amen.

today and leave tomorrow entirely with
                                           Go Deeper
Him. The present is ours; the future
                                           1.   How is God using current trials and circumstances to draw you to Himself?
belongs to God.
                                                Are your current trials drawing you closer to God or further away?
                                           2.   Read and reflect on Matthew 6:11 + Matthew 7:9-11
As every day demands its bread, so
every day demands its prayer. No
amount of praying done today will
be sufficient for tomorrow's praying.
Today's manna is what we need;
tomorrow God will see that our needs
are supplied. This is the faith that God
seeks to inspire. So leave tomorrow with
its cares and troubles in God's hands.


                                                                                                              Seek 2022    23
at h er k n o w s
                           your         heavenly F


DAY NINE                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                          Scripture
Abiding in Christ                              John 15:7
                                               "If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it
Encouragement                                  will be given you."
Are your prayers answered? The
efficiency from a biblical standpoint lies     Prayer
solely in the answer to prayer. The            Dear God, please teach me to pray right. Our prayers can move Your arm that
benefit of prayer has been well and            moves the universe. I praise Your name. Amen
popularly maximized by the saying, "It
moves the arm that moves the universe."        Go Deeper
                                               1.   The power of prayer “moves the arm that moves the universe.” Who in your
To get unquestioned answers to prayer               sphere of influence needs the hand of God to move in their life? Spend
is not only important for the satisfying of         some time praying for those people today.
our desires, but it is also the evidence of    2.   What are some practical things you can do over the next two days for
our abiding in Christ. Thus, it becomes             prayer to become a daily holy habit?
more important still. The mere act of
praying is no test of our relationship with
God. It may be the routine of habit. But
to pray and receive clear answers, is the
sure test and is the gracious point of our
vital connection with Jesus Christ.


24   Seek 2022
preaching and
those who labor in                                                                                                   teaching


   DAY TEN                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

   Theme                                       Scripture
   A Cure for Undue Care                       Philippians 4:6-7
                                               Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition,
   Encouragement                               with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which
   Worry is the epidemic evil of mankind.      transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ
   Everybody is influenced by worry.           Jesus.
   There are the cares of the home, from
   which there is no escape except in          Prayer
                                               I know, Lord, that we can bring our cares and our and burdens to You. You
   prayer. There are the cares of business,
                                               will give us comfort and rest because You will care for us. Thank You for the
   the cares of poverty, and the cares of
                                               opportunity to see You move while I pursue peace. Please show me the things
   riches. We live in a fearful world, and
                                               in my life and in my mind that are making me anxious. Help me see beneath the
   we are a fearful race. The caution of
                                               surface to the roots of my stress. Make my heart receptive to how I can grow
   Paul is well addressed in Philippians       in the areas of my life where I’m struggling, and please guide me as I make
   4:6-7. This is the divine command, SO       adjustments Amen.
   that we might be able to live above
   anxiety and freed from undue care. This     Go Deeper
   is the divinely prescribed remedy for all   1.   The word ‘worry’ or ‘anxious’ in Phil. 4:6 means “a divided mind.” What are
   anxiety, all worry, and all troubles.            some things that have plagued you in this season that have divided your
                                               2.   Read Matthew 6:25-34. How many times does the word worry come up in
                                                    this passage? What’s the remedy to worry (see verse 33-34)?
                                               3.   Read Psalm 139. Pay special attention to how David begins speaking
                                                    angrily about his enemies in verses 19-22, but then switches to asking God
                                                    to search his own heart for what’s making him anxious. How can you make
                                                    a similar shift?


                                                                                                                   Seek 2022      25
h e a rt s of f a-
                              w ill t u r n   t h e
                           he                          d re n
                                        h  e ir  ch il
                           thers to t

DAY                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                       Scripture
The Endless Possibilities of Prayer         Ephesians 3:20
                                            Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.
Paul, in his remarkable prayer for the      Prayer
Ephesians, honored the unlimited            Dear heavenly Father, I thank You that I can pray to You about anything. Nothing
possibilities of prayer, and he glorified   is too great that and nothing is too small to bring to You in prayer. Amen.
the ability of God to answer prayer.
                                            Go Deeper
Prayer is all-inclusive. There is no time   1.   “Prayer is all inclusive…Nothing is too great and nothing is too small to be
or place that prayer does not cover              a subject of prayer.” How have you minimized or boxed in prayer based off
and sanctify. All things on earth and            the size of your request?
in heaven, everything for time and for      2.   What do you tend to pray for most? For what are you most reluctant to pray?
eternity, all are embraced in prayer.            Why?
Nothing is too great and nothing is too     3.   Read and reflect on James 4:2-3
small to be a subject of prayer. Prayer
reaches down to the least things of life
and includes the greatest things that
concern us.


26   Seek 2022
Go into all th
                                                  e world and pr
                                                                                          oclaim the gos


DAY                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                      Scripture
The House of Prayer                        Matthew 21:23
                                           And he said to them, “My dwelling place will be known as a house of prayer, but
Encouragement                              you have made it into a hangout for thieves!
As God's house is called the house
of prayer because prayer is the            Prayer
most important of its tasks, so the        Lord, You say that if we remain in You and Your Word remains in us, we may ask

Bible also may be called the book of       whatever we wish, and it will be given to us. I praise Your holy name for being
                                           SO good to us. Amen.
prayer. Prayer is the great theme of its
message to mankind.
                                           Go Deeper
                                           1.   Read Genesis 28:16-17. How did Jacob regard the place where he
As the Word of Christ dwells richly
                                                encountered God? Do you view God’s House (His Church) like a gate?
in us, we become transformed. The          2.   Praying God's Word means speaking His language. It means talking to Him
result is that we become praying                using His words. When it comes to prayer, a primary stumbling block is
Christians. Faith is constructed of the         the idea that when speaking to God we should be original and impromptu,
Word and the Spirit, and faith is the           that our prayers should be spoken “from the heart” and done without
body and substance of prayer. His               preparation. But when we look in the Bible we find Christians praying the
Word becomes the basis of and the               Psalms. For example, in Acts 4:24 – 26, the believers pray Psalm 2. Even
inspiration for our praying.                    Jesus himself prayed using the Psalms: His dying prayer on the cross was
                                                a quotation of Psalm 22:1: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
                                                (see Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34). Take some time today by opening
                                                up God’s Word and begin to pray His Word back to Him.


                                                                                                               Seek 2022     27
e fl es h
                            er t wo          but on
                    no long


DAY                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                        Scripture
Prayer Brings Heaven to Earth                John 16:33
                                             “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world
Encouragement                                you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Prayer runs parallel with the will of God.
Prayer reaches up to heaven and brings       Prayer
heaven down to earth. Prayer contains a      Thank You, Lord God, that in You we may have peace but I also I know that
double blessing.                             trouble will come my way. Know that I need not fear because You have already
                                             overcome the world. Amen.
It rewards the person who prays and
blesses him who is prayed for. It brings     Go Deeper
peace to places of conflict. There is an     1.   Reflect on a time when you prayed and had the calming Presence of God
inner and outer calm that comes to him            come over you and your situation. When was the time? What was that
who prays. Right praying not only makes           situation and what did you learn about God?
life beautiful and peaceful, but it also     2.   When you think of the “fruit of prayer,” what comes to mind? Has the fruit of
infuses righteousness. Honesty, integrity         prayer everz been things like honesty, integrity and strength of character?
and strength of character are the natural         How important are those virtues?
and essential fruit of prayer.               3.   Read and reflect on 1 Peter 5:7 and Colossians 3:15-17. Begin your prayer
                                                  time today asking for God’s supernatural peace and comfort.
                                             4.   “It rewards the person who prays and blesses him who is prayed for.”
                                                  Prayer doesn’t always get us more things but it gets us more of God.
                                                  Prayer is delighting in God. As you continue in prayer through this Seek
                                                  season, come to God with an open heart with the end goal being enjoyment
                                                  and fellowship with Him. Regardless of how He answers, let prayer be
                                                  something that’s enjoyable and something that’s not dutiful but delightful.


28   Seek 2022
p l en ti f u l ,
                           h a r ves t  is
                     The                    s   are   f ew
                           t h e  w  o rk er
                      b ut

DAY                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                        Scripture
Call on God's Name                           Romans 10:12-13
                                             For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all
Encouragement                                and richly blesses all who call on him.
When we speak of the universality of
prayer, we discover many sides to            Prayer
it. First, it is important that all people   I praise You, loving Father, for the knowledge we have that we can pray to You

should pray.                                 anywhere and at any time. Amen.

                                             Go Deeper
Prayer is intended for all people,
                                             1.   “As people are called upon to pray everywhere, they need to pray for others
because all people need God and need
                                                  everywhere.” Why should we pray for others? What benefits are there to
what God has and what only prayer
                                                  interceding for people?
can give. As people are called upon to       2.   Read Ephesians 6:18-20 and 1 Timothy 2:1-2. What are some similarities in
pray everywhere, they need to pray for            these two passages when it comes to interceding for others?
others everywhere. Universal terms are       3.   Galatians 6:2 tells us, “Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will
used when believers are commanded                 fulfill the law of Christ.” Praying for one another is a powerful way for us to
to pray. There is a promise in universal          bear one another's burdens. Who are two people you can bring before the
terms to all who call upon God for                Lord and help lift their burdens in prayer?
pardon, for mercy and help.


                                                                                                                     Seek 2022      29
v o i c e

DAY                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                       Scripture
Filled with God's Spirit                    Colossians 4:12
                                            He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of
Encouragement                               God, mature and fully assured.
To know God's will in prayer, we must be
filled with God's Spirit, who intercedes    Prayer
for the saints. To be filled with God's     My prayer today God, is to be filled with Your Spirit, so that I may know Your will.
Spirit and to be filled with God's Word,    You are and compass of my life. Amen.
is to know God's will. It is to be put in
such a state of heart that it will enable   Go Deeper
us to read and correctly interpret the      1.   The New Testament refers several times to the life lived under the control
purposes of the eternal.                         and direction of the Spirit of God as being ‘full of the Holy Spirit’, or ‘filled
                                                 with the Holy Spirit’. Would you consider yourself Spirit filled or spirit empty?
Filling our hearts with the Word and the         Why?
Spirit gives us an insight into the will    2.   Read Ephesians 5:18-21. To be “filled with the Spirit” is in the present
of the Father. It enables us to discern          continuous tense. That means an on-going spiritual condition where we
His will and to make it the guide and            have multiple fillings. It does not refer to a one-off experience or once-for-
compass of our lives.                            all-time filling. As you reflect on your life, are you more filled with things of
                                                 the world or things of the Spirit?
                                            3.   Take time today to ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with Him. Listen for His
                                                 voice and prompting. Journal your encounter with Him and share it with
                                                 somebody else and have them pray for you.


30   Seek 2022
I will pour out
                                                     my Spirit


DAY                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                     Scripture
Blessed to Bless                          John 14:12
                                          "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing.
Encouragement                             He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."
Prayer joined with loving obedience is
the answer to all ends and all things.    Prayer
Prayer joined to the Word of God makes    I thank You, Almighty God, that prayer and loving obedience are the answer to

all God's gifts sacred.                   all things in this life. I praise You for all the blessings received from Your
                                          hand. Amen.

Prayer is not simply to receive things
                                          Go Deeper
from God, but to make those things
                                          1.   Read 2 Corinthians 9:8-10. Make a list and name as many ways God has
holy that have already been received
                                               blessed you abundantly. Begin to thank and worship God for all He’s done
from Him. It is not merely to receive a        and all He’s given you.
blessing, but also to be able to give     2.   How are you leveraging the blessings of God to serve others and point
a blessing. Prayer makes common                them to the Kingdom of God (the rule and reign of God)?
things holy and worldly things sacred.    3.   God blesses us so we can, in turn, be a blessing to others. Pray and ask the
Prayer receives things from God with           Lord to put someone on your heart whom you can serve and bless
thanksgiving and hallows them with             this week.
thankful hearts and devoted service.


                                                                                                                  Seek 2022   31
speak your
                                                                           word with a
                                                                                                       ll boldness


DAY                                              1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                            Scripture
Fuel for Life                                    Matthew 4:4
                                                 "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread' alone, but on every word that comes
Encouragement                                    from the mouth of God."
The Word of God is put into action by
the process and practice of prayer. If           Prayer
it is written in our hearts, it will form an     Dear heavenly Father, I know that I cannot live on every word that comes from
outflowing current of prayer.                    bread alone, but rather on Your mouth. Amen.

Promises, stored in the heart, are the           Go Deeper
fuel from which prayer receives life and         1.   “The Word of God stored in our hearts is the food by which prayer is
warmth. Just as coal which has been                   nourished and strengthened.” How is prayer and God’s Word connected?
stored in the earth gives us comfort                  How you can you better engage God’s Word to fuel your prayer life?
on stormy days and cold nights, the              2.   Do you spend more time consuming words that come from the culture (ie:
Word of God stored in our hearts is                   social media, Internet, magazines, etc.) or words that come from the Bible?
the food by which prayer is nourished                 Read, study and meditate on Psalm 119 (it’s a long one) and pick out 3-4
and strengthened. Prayer, like people,                verses that the Lord highlights in your heart and begin to ask Him for that to
cannot live by bread alone.                           be bread to your soul.


32   Seek 2022
may ab ou nd
                                           that your love
                                            more and more

DAY                                             1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                           Scripture
Prayer Privileges                               Isaiah 55:6-7
                                                Seek the LORD while He may be found; call on Him while He is near. Let the
Encouragement                                   wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the LORD,
As there is no difference in the kind           and He will have mercy on him, and to our God, for He will freely pardon.
of sin people find themselves in,
everybody needs the saving grace of             Prayer
God.                                            Father God, thank You for the great privilege of prayer. But I also know that as a
                                                Christian it is my duty to pray. Thank You for Your mercy.

Further, as this saving grace is obtained
                                                Go Deeper
only in answer to prayer, people are
                                                1.   “It is a privilege for every follower of God to pray, but it is also a duty for him
therefore called to pray because of
                                                     to call upon God.” Is prayer more of a duty or delight to you?
their very needs. It is a privilege for         2.   Read Hebrews 4:16. What are some barriers and obstacles that keeps
every follower of God to pray, but it is             you from approaching God with boldness and confidence? How has your
also a duty for him to call upon God.                past affected how you approach God now, in the present? Do you have
God shows mercy to all sinners. All                  confidence that God is actually at work in something you know
are welcome to approach the throne of                nothing about?
grace with all their wants and needs;
with all their sins and burdens.


                                                                                                                         Seek 2022    33
y be fi ll e d w it h t h e
                                                           that you ma
                                                           knowledge of his will

DAY                                           1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                         Scripture
Midway Between God and Man                    Hebrews 5:7
                                              During the days of Jesus' life on earth, He offered up prayers and petitions
Encouragement                                 with loud cries and tears
True prayer links itself to the will of God
and runs in streams of compassion and         Prayer
intercession for all people. As Jesus         Father thank You that true praying links us will. Thank You that it can touch
Christ died for all people so prayer gives    heaven and move earth.
itself for the benefit of all people. Like
our Mediator between God and people,          Go Deeper
he who prays stands midway between            1.   Prayer is earthly permission for Heavenly interference. Far too many of us
God and people.                                    want to throw in the towel before we’ve thrown up the prayers. And often
                                                   times when we face problems and troubles here on Earth, we go to Earth to
Prayer holds the movements of believers            deal with Earth. And when you go to Earth to deal with Earth, do you know
in its grasp and embraces the destinies            what you get more of? Earth! How have you turned to Earth to solve spiritual
of believers for all eternity. It touches          problems? Where has that left you?
heaven and moves earth. Prayer                2.   How has prayer become more of a last resort than a first response?
connects earth to heaven and brings           3.   Martin Luther said that “Prayer is the difference between the best I can
heaven in close contact with earth.                do and the best God can do.” Read and reflect on 2 Chronicles 7:14 and
                                                   James 4:6.


34   Seek 2022
e  ma  y es t ab l is h you   r
                              that h
                                    s  bl a mel es s in   h ol in ess

DAY                                             1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                           Scripture
God's Will Be Done                              Colossians 3:16
                                                Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly as teach and admonish one another
Encouragement                                   with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with grati-
God's Word is a record of prayer-of             tude in your hearts to God.
praying people- and their achievements.
No one can read the instances,                  Prayer
commands, and examples of statements            Dear God, I realize that much of the successes in my life depend on my prayers
                                                to You and meditating on Your Word. Thank You for the gift of prayer. Amen.
that concern themselves with prayer,
without realizing that the cause of God
                                                Go Deeper
and the success of His work in this world
                                                1.   Read Luke 11:1-2. The word “hallowed” is not a word we exactly use in
are committed to prayer. People who
                                                     our daily lives. The word “hallowed” means to be holy; to sanctify or to
don't, have never been used by Him,                  consecrate. When Jesus says you should pray, "Hallowed be your name,"
                                                     it's a prayer that the name of God, that God himself and the things of God
A reverence for God's holy name is                   would be revered; recognized as holy, and worthy, and beautiful. Take
closely related to a high regard for His             some time right where you are to recognize the holiness of God and beauty
Word. This hallowing of God's Name, the              of God.
ability to do His will on earth as it is done   2.   When Christ returns in power and glory, God’s name will be hallowed,
in heaven, and the establishment and                 honored, glorified and exalted (Habakkuk 2:14). This world will be the home
glory of God's Kingdom are as much                   of righteousness. Never again will God’s name be blasphemed. God’s
involved in prayer as when Jesus taught              name will be honored on earth as it is in heaven. But how can this prayer
                                                     be answered here and now in this world that despises God’s name? God’s
men the Lord's Prayer.
                                                     answer to a world that despises His name is a people who know His name.
                                                     When we pray ‘Hallowed be Your name,’ we are asking God to raise up
                                                     here on earth, people who know Him, love Him, and treasure Him more than
                                                     life itself. Take time to pray for God’s name to be made known to people in
                                                     your sphere of influence who don’t know Him or believe in Him.


                                                                                                                    Seek 2022     35
y be fi ll e d w it h t h e
                                                           that you ma
                                                           knowledge of his will

DAY                                           1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Theme                                         Scripture
Christ's Intercession                         1 Thessalonians 5:17
                                              Pray continually.
How enthroned, magnificent, and royal         Prayer
is the intercession of our Lord Jesus         Lord God, just like Jesus, I want the business of my life to be to pray. Please
Christ at His Father's right hand in          guide me through the power of Your Spirit. Amen.
heaven! The benefits of His intercession
flow to us through our intercessions. Our     Go Deeper
intercession should connect to a plan         1.   If we could see what happens when we pray, we would never cease
greater than our own -God's plan.                  to pray. When you call on the name of Jesus and access the power of
His business and His life are to pray.             Heaven and stand in the gap and agree with God’s plans, things happen,
Our business and our lives ought to be             atmospheres shift. What are some things that you need God to shift in your
to pray too and failure in our intercession        life, home, marriage, job, etc?
affects the fruit of His intercession.        2.   Read Romans 4:18-21. When Abraham had no reason to hope, he kept
                                                   hoping! It’s never too late for God. How have you lost hope in the all
Lazy, heartless, feeble, and indifferent           powerful God?
praying hinders the effects of Christ's       3.   Read 2 Kings 18. Notice how Elijah prayed humbly, persistently and
praying on our behalf.                             expectantly. If you want to get a hold of God let God get a hold of you in
                                                   the posture of prayer. As we close out this season of seek put a prayer plan
                                                   together. Set up a time and a location where you can call on the name of
                                                   the Lord through prayer EVERY day. Share that plan with someone else and
                                                   ask them to hold you accountable to pray everyday.


36   Seek 2022
Seek 2022   37

38   Seek 2022

         Seek 2022   39
T w ent y on e

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