Tuesday July 10 THE EXPEDITION BEGINS - July 2018 - PBS

Page created by Denise Maldonado
Tuesday July 10 THE EXPEDITION BEGINS - July 2018 - PBS
July 2018

            Tuesday July 10

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Tuesday July 10 THE EXPEDITION BEGINS - July 2018 - PBS
500 events.

                                         Opening Weekend
                                       ~ June 30 and July 1 ~
                                          ~ Ending July 31~


   Untitled-1 1                                       4/17/18 4:51 PM

2 July 2018
Tuesday July 10 THE EXPEDITION BEGINS - July 2018 - PBS

                                                         Saturdays at 9pm

Set in the deceptively idyllic fictional English
county of Midsomer, the suspenseful drama
the popular novels of Caroline Graham.
Featuring an eccentric cast of characters, ubiquitous red herrings, and quaint
countryside scenery, this long-running crime series recalls classic public
television British mysteries of the past. At the heart of the show is the
perceptive and meticulous criminal investigator Detective Chief Inspector
Tom Barnaby. Watch Saturdays at 9pm, beginning July 7.

And to our many loyal DOC MARTIN fans — thank you for watching!
If additional seasons are made available for us to purchase and broadcast,
we will do our best to make that happen.
                                                                                   Kurt A. Mische
                                                                                   President & CEO
  Meetings of the KNPB Board of Trustees, Board Committees and the Community Advisory Board
                are held at the KNPB offices at 1670 N. Virginia Street, Reno, Nevada.
       Please call 775-784-4555 or visit www.knpb.org for meeting days, times, and agendas.

          KNPB Program Guide (USPS #170) is published monthly by Channel 5 Public Broadcasting,
                                   1670 N. Virginia St., Reno, NV 89503-0703
                                Periodical Postage Rate Paid at Reno NV 89510
      The program guide is a service provided to KNPB members & friends. KNPB Channel 5 Membership
             of $45 ($35 for seniors) or more includes a $10 subscription to KNPB Program Guide.
        KNPB Channel 5 Public Broadcasting is a community-licensed, Public Television Station in Reno, NV
    POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: KNPB Program Guide. 1670 N. Virginia St., Reno, NV 89503-0703
      Volume 34 Number 7          Managing Editor: Barbara Harmon           Layout & Design: Julie Melton

                                                                                                   July 2018 3
Tuesday July 10 THE EXPEDITION BEGINS - July 2018 - PBS

                               KNPB is grateful for the support of
  A Funny Thing Happened       NV Energy’s employees through the
  on the Way to the Forum      company’s foundation giving program.
                               Presenting a check to support KNPB’s
  July 6 - 29                  Ready to Learn classroom initiative
  Presented by                 is Katie Nannini, Community Rela-
                               tions Manager for NV Energy (center).
  Reno Little Theater
                               Accepting the check are KNPB’s Vice
  147 E. Pueblo Street, Reno
                               President of Education Nancy Maldo-
  775-813-8900                 nado (left) and Vice President of Devel-
  www.renolittletheater.org    opment Peter Stanton.

4 July 2018
Tuesday July 10 THE EXPEDITION BEGINS - July 2018 - PBS

 WEEKDAYS                                             SATURDAYS
6:00am Wild Kratts                                    6:00am Arthur
6:30am Wild Kratts, ex. 7/12                          6:30am Dinosaur Train
6:30am Ready Jet Go!: Back to Bortron 7,              7:00am Bob the Builder
		     7/12                                           7:30am Daniel Tiger’s
7:00am Ready Jet Go!                                  		Neighborhood
7:00am Ready Jet Go!: Back to Bortron 7,
           7/10                                       SUNDAYS
7:30am Cat in the Hat Knows                           6:00am		Sid the Science Kid
		 A Lot About That!, ex. 7/6, 7/10, 7/17
                                                      6:30am Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood
7:30am Nature Cat: Ocean Commotion,
		     7/6                                            7:00am Peg + Cat
7:30am Nature Cat: The Return of                      7:30am Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood
		 Bad Dog Bart, 7/17                                 7:30am Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood:
8:00am Nature Cat                                     		 Tiger Family Trip, 7/1
8:00am Nature Cat: The Return of                      8:00am ODD Squad, ex. 7/1
		 Bad Dog Bart, 7/16, 7/19                           8:30am Wild Kratts
8:00am Nature Cat:
		 Ocean Commotion, 7/2
8:30am Curious George,
           ex. 7/2, 7/16, 7/19
  9:00am   Pinkalicious & Peterrific
  9:30am   Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood
 10:30am   Splash and Bubbles
 11:00am   Sesame Street
 11:30am   Super Why!
    noon   Dinosaur Train                        New 1 HOUR Special
 12:30pm   Peg + Cat                             Monday, July 16 at 8am!

                                  Happy Birthday
                                       to our July
                                 Birthday Club Members!

   Alexander........... 7/13 Makayla............... 7/19             Judah.................... 7/26
   Jaidyn................... 7/15 Quinn.................. 7/23       Isaac.................... 7/30
   Sign up today...See your name printed here &                      Teeghan............... 7/30
   enjoy FREE admission to at least 3 special events.

                     Call Gigi at 775.682.7796 or visit
                    knpb.org to enroll a child today!
                                              The KNPB Kids Club is sponsored by:

                                                                                              July 2018 5
Tuesday July 10 THE EXPEDITION BEGINS - July 2018 - PBS
Programs Produced             Membership           Tickets Available
                     by KNPB                       Campaign             775-784-1900 or knpb.org

                 Please note, program changes are often made after press time.
                          We regret any inconvenience this may cause.
              Visit knpb.org for updated programming information.

 SUNDAY 1                                            6:00 WILD NEVADA
  9am NATURE (R)                                    		 “Pyramid Lake & Black Rock” Chris
       “Pets: Wild at Heart: Secretive Creature”          and Dave tour the Pyramid Lake
 		 (Repeats Wednesday, 7/4 at 2pm)                       Paiute Tribe Museum and Visitor
 10:00 NOVA (R)                                           Center. On day two, they visit a Ger-
 		 “Rise of the Superstorms”                             lach landmark, then they explore the
 11:00 WILD WEATHER                                       Black Rock Desert.
 		 Watch a series of brave, ambitious              		 (Repeats Tuesday, 7/3 at 1pm)
       experiments that illustrate how               6:30 ARTEFFECTS
       weather works.                                     Tantalize your taste buds and explore
 		 (Repeats at 4am)                                      the world of cake decoration.
 noon GLOBE TREKKER                                  7:00 DEATH IN PARADISE
 		 “Food Hour: Ireland”                            		 Humphrey’s Aunt Mary visits the
  1:00 DOWNTON ABBEY,                                     island and becomes the only witness
       THE FINAL SEASON                                   to the murder of John Green, a holi-
       ON MASTERPIECE                                     daying salesman.
 		 Wedding plans hit a snag, pigs lead to           8:00 POLDARK SEASON 2
       trouble for Edith and Marigold and                 ON MASTERPIECE
       Thomas gets a hint. (Part 2 of 9)            		 Smugglers make Ross an offer. Ross
  2:00 DOWNTON ABBEY,                                     makes Francis an offer. Verity reap-
       THE FINAL SEASON                                   pears. (Part 3 of 9)
       ON MASTERPIECE                               		 (Repeats at 1am–Joined in Progress
 		 A wedding dress drama takes a disas-                  and Monday, 7/2 at 2am)
       trous turn and the hospital debate            9:00 ENDEAVOUR SEASON 5
       gets nasty. (Part 3 of 9)                          ON MASTERPIECE
  3:00 DOWNTON ABBEY,                                     “Cartouche” Morse and Thursday
       THE FINAL SEASON                                   investigate two poisonings as a hor-
       ON MASTERPIECE                                     ror movie begins filming in Oxford.
 		 Miss Baxter faces a dilemma, Anna                     (Part 2 of 6)
       and Mary rush to London and Daisy            		    (Repeats at 1:30am and Monday, 7/2
       continues to press her case.                       at 3am)
 		    (Part 4 of 9)                                10:30 THE TUNNEL: VENGEANCE
  4:00 BLUEGRASS                                    		­— NEW SEASON!
       “The Mavericks”
       “Guest Deborah Allen (Christmas)”
 		 Join author, activist and political
       commentator Margaret Hoover for              		 A boat carrying child refugees is
       a public affairs talk show that deliv-          torched in the middle of the Channel
       ers a civil and engaging contest of             leaving no sign of passengers.
       ideas among the brightest minds              		 (Part 1 of 6)
       and freshest voices from across the          		 (Repeats at 3am and Monday, 7/2 at
       political spectrum.                             4:30am)
6 July 2018
Tuesday July 10 THE EXPEDITION BEGINS - July 2018 - PBS
11:30 BREAKING BIG — NEW!                       10:00 WORLD DANCESPORT
		 “Trevor Noah” How Trevor used his                  GRANDSLAM SERIES
      painful life stories to create a unique   		    “Latin in Hong Kong” Exceptional
      voice on the comedy circuit.                    dancing and the continued rivalry
Overnight Programming                                 between the Moldovan and Russian
                                                      teams are showcased. (Part 2 of 6)
midnight POV                                    		    (Repeats Tuesday, 7/3 at 3pm)
		 “Singing with Angry Bird” Jae-chang          11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
         Kim runs a children choir in India.
 1:00 POLDARK SEASON 2                          Overnight Programming
         ON MASTERPIECE (R)                     midnight AMANPOUR ON PBS
		       (Joined in Progress)                   12:30 BEYOND 100 DAYS
 1:30 ENDEAVOUR SEASON 5                         1:00 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)
         ON MASTERPIECE (R)                              “Vintage Tampa”
 3:00 THE TUNNEL:                                2:00 POLDARK SEASON 2
         VENGEANCE (R)                                   ON MASTERPIECE (R)
 4:00 WILD WEATHER (R)                          		 (See Sunday, 7/1 at 8pm)
 5:00 CIVILIZATIONS                              3:00 ENDEAVOUR SEASON 5
         “The Cult of Progress” (Part 8 of 9)            ON MASTERPIECE (R)
                                                		 (See Sunday, 7/1 at 9pm)
                                                 4:30 TUNNEL: VENGEANCE (R)
MONDAY 2                                        		 (See Sunday, 7/1 at 10:30pm)
1pm A CRAFTSMAN’S LEGACY                         5:30 EMERY BLAGDON AND HIS
1:30 LEGENDS OF AIRPOWER                                 HEALING MACHINE
     — NEW!                                     		       (Repeats Monday, 7/9 at 5:30am,
                                                         Tuesday, 7/10 at 3am and Tuesday,
                                                         7/31 at 4:30am)

                                                TUESDAY 3
                                                1pm WILD NEVADA (R)
                                                		 “Pyramid Lake & Black Rock”
                                                		   (See Sunday, 7/1 at 6pm)
2:00 THE GREAT BRITISH                          1:30 AMERICA’S HEARTLAND
     BAKING SHOW                                		 Rob Stewart finds out how cli-
3:00 A FEW GREAT BAKERIES                            mate change is affecting American
		 Small bakeries from Massachusetts                 agriculture.
     to California along with delicious         2:00 DOC MARTIN (R)
     icing and treats are explored.             		 “The Doctor is Out”
4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                               3:00 2017 WORLD DANCESPORT
5:00 NHK NEWSLINE                                    GRANDSLAM SERIES (R)
5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                    		 “Latin in Hong Kong”
6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS                             		   (See Monday, 7/2 at 10pm)
6:30 PBS NEWSHOUR                               4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
7:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                    5:00 NHK NEWSLINE
8:00 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW                          5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT
		 “Vintage Savannah” Travel back to            6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS
     2003 for remarkable finds, includ-         6:30 PBS NEWSHOUR
     ing a 1912 Ivan Khlebnikov jewelry         7:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT
     casket.                                    8:00 CIVILIZATIONS
		 (Repeats Tuesday, 7/3 at 4am and Sat-        		 “What is Art (Good for)?” Explore art
     urday, 7/7 at 8am & 7pm)                        in the age of revolution, war and pro-
9:00 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW                               found scientific change. (Part 9 of 9)
		 “Vintage Tampa” A fork from the Hin-         		(Repeats Wednesday, 7/4 at 5am,
     denburg and a Louis Comfort Tiffany             Thursday, 7/5 at 1am, Friday, 7/6 at
     lamp and Rose Helmut shade are                  3pm & 4am and Sunday, 7/8 at 5am)
		 (Repeats at 1am, Tuesday, 7/3 at 5am                See Page 5 for Kids Schedule
     and Thursday, 7/5 at 2am)
                                                                                 July 2018 7

              Wednesday, 7/4 at 8pm

  9:00 THE GREAT WAR:                                  3:00 EL CAP REPORT
       AMERICAN EXPERIENCE                            		 The stories of the men and women
 		 Discover how the violent conflict                       who climb El Capitan in Yosemite.
       transformed the nation forever, as              4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
       America enters World War I.                     5:00 NHK NEWSLINE
 		    (Part 3 of 3)                                   5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT
 		    (Repeats at 1am,Thursday, 7/5 at 3am            6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS
       and Saturday, 7/7 at 3am)                       6:30 PBS NEWSHOUR
 11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                                    7:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT
 Overnight Programming                                 8:00 A CAPITOL FOURTH 2018
                                                      		 John Stamos hosts live from The
                                                            U.S. Capitol featuring musical per-
 12:30 BEYOND 100 DAYS
                                                            formances by Jimmy Buffett and the
                                                            Broadway Cast of Escape to Mar-
                                                            garitaville, The Beach Boys, Pentato-
  3:00 POV
                                                            nix, The Temptations, Luke Combs,
          “Brimstone & Glory” The National
                                                            Lauren Alaina, CeCe Winans, Joshua
          Pyrotechnic Festival in Tultepec,
                                                            Bell, Renée Fleming and the National
          Mexico is a festivity unlike any other.
                                                            Symphony Orchestra.
 		 (Repeats Wednesday, 7/4 at 4am, Fri-
                                                      		    (Repeats at 9:30pm, 1am–Joined in
          day, 7/6 at 3am, Saturday, 7/7 at 2am
                                                            Progress and 1:30am)
          and Sunday, 7/8 at 12am)
                                                       9:30 A CAPITOL FOURTH (R)
                                                      11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
 		 “Vintage Savannah”
 		       (See Monday, 7/2 at 8pm)                    Overnight Programming
  5:00 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)                          midnight AMANPOUR ON PBS
          “Vintage Tampa”                             12:30 BEYOND 100 DAYS
 		 (See Monday, 7/2 at 9pm)                           1:00 A CAPITOL FOURTH (R)
                                                      		       (Joined in Progress)
 WEDNESDAY 4                                           1:30 A CAPITOL FOURTH (R)
                                                       3:00 NOVA
 1pm      WAI LANA YOGA                               		 “Great Escape at Dunkirk”
 1:30     SIT AND BE FIT                              		 (Repeats Thurs., 7/5 at 2pm & 5am, Sat.,
 2:00     NATURE (R)                                           7/7 at 4pm & 1am & Sun., 7/8 at 10am)
 		       “Pets: Wild at Heart: Secretive Creature”
8 July 2018
Tuesday July 10 THE EXPEDITION BEGINS - July 2018 - PBS
4:00 POV (R)                                   11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
		 “Brimstone & Glory”                         Overnight Programming
		   (See Tuesday, 7/3 at 3am)
5:00 CIVILIZATIONS (R)                         midnight AMANPOUR ON PBS
		 “What is Art (Good for)?”                   12:30 BEYOND 100 DAYS
		 (See Tuesday, 7/3 at 8pm)                    1:00 CIVILIZATIONS (R)
                                               		 “What is Art (Good for)?”
                                               		       (See Tuesday, 7/3 at 8pm)
THURSDAY 5                                      2:00 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)
 1pm BEAUTY OF OIL                                      “Vintage Tampa”
      PAINTING WITH GARY                       		       (See Monday, 7/2 at 9pm)
      AND KATHWREN JENKINS                      3:00 THE GREAT WAR:
 1:30 BEST OF THE JOY OF                                AMERICAN EXPERIENCE (R)
      PAINTING                                 		 (See Tuesday, 7/3 at 9pm)
 2:00 NOVA (R)                                  5:00 NOVA (R)
		    “Great Escape at Dunkirk” Archaeol-
      ogists recover remains of ships and      FRIDAY 6
      planes lost during World War II’s
      Dunkirk operation.                       1pm FIT 2 STITCH
		 (Repeats at 5am, Saturday, 7/7 at 4pm       1:30 SEWING WITH NANCY
      & 1am and Sunday, 7/8 at 10am)           2:00 AS TIME GOES BY
 3:00 STATUE OF LIBERTY                        		   (Repeats Saturday, 7/7 at 8:30pm)
		 Ken Burns chronicles the history of         2:30 KEEPING UP
      the Statue of Liberty.                        APPEARANCES
		    (Repeats Sunday, 7/8 at 11am)            		   (Repeats Saturday, 7/7 at 8pm)
 4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                             3:00 CIVILIZATIONS (R)
 5:00 NHK NEWSLINE                             		 “What Is Art (Good for)?”
 5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                       (See Tuesday, 7/3 at 8pm)
 6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS                           4:00 PBS   NEWSHOUR
                                                     KNPB Ad copy.pdf    1  8/26/16  9:53            AM

		 “Dayton & Yerington” Chris and Dave
      go camel riding, then visit Fort Chur-
      chill. On day two, it's birding and
      mountain biking near the Walker
      River in Wilson Canyon.
		    (Repeats Saturday, 7/7 at 3pm, Sunday,
      7/8 at 6pm and Tuesday, 7/10 at 1pm)C



		    “Bowers Mansion” In the solitude    Y

      of Washoe Valley, Bowers Mansion   CM
      stands as a testament to the grit and
      resourcefulness of Eilley Bowers,  MY
                                                       At Dynagraphics, we’re committed
      Queen of the Comstock and myste-
      rious fortune teller.
                                                 to offering the highest quality printing in Reno.
 9:00 PASQUALE ESPOSITO                  CMY          Choose Dynagraphics. Choose Better.
      CELEBRATES ITALIAN                                         -Cindy Mason/CEO

		    Tenor Pasquale Esposito highlights
      Italian piazzas and performs in
      Naples’ Piazza del Plebiscito.
		 Join Holly Holden as she accepts an                 775.786.2041 | dynareno.com
      invitation from Lady Carnarvon to              2001 Timber Way | Reno, NV 89512
      visit Highclere Castle. (Part 1 of 2)
                                                                                        July 2018 9

    Monika Johnson
    Friday, 7/6 at 8:30pm

  5:00 NHK NEWSLINE                            2:00 FOOD FLIRTS
  5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                 		   “Cape Cod Road-Trip”
  6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS                          		   (Repeats Sunday, 7/8 at 4am, Monday,
  6:30 PBS NEWSHOUR                                 7/9 at 3pm and Monday, 7/30 at 3pm)
  7:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                 2:30 FOOD FLIRTS
  8:00 WASHINGTON WEEK                         		 “Thailand Meets Tres Leches”
 		    (Repeats Sat., 7/7 at 5:30pm & 5am)     		   (Repeats Sunday, 7/8 at 4:30am,
  8:30 ARTEFFECTS                                   Monday, 7/9 at 3:30pm and Monday,
 		 “Monika Johnson” Let’s head above               7/30 at 3:30pm)
       the beautiful shores of Lake Tahoe      3:00 POV (R)
       and see how plein air artist Monika          “Brimstone & Glory”
       Piper Johnson uses unique tools to      		   (See Tuesday, 7/3 at 3am)
       carpe diem in her paintings.            4:00 CIVILIZATIONS (R)
 		 (Repeats Sunday, 7/8 at 6:30pm)                 “What is Art (Good for)?”
  9:00 THE BEST OF THE BOSTON                  		   (See Tuesday, 7/3 at 8pm)
       POPS                                    5:00 THIS OLD HOUSE HOUR
 		 Many of the greatest moments from
       the world-renowned orchestra’s
       129-year history are showcased.
                                               SATURDAY 7
 10:00 THE GREAT BRITISH                        8am ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)
       BAKING SHOW                             		    “Vintage Savannah”
 		    “Desserts” The bakers start off with    		 (See Monday, 7/2 at 8pm)
       an array of rich tortes in the Signa-    9:00 THE GREAT BRITISH
       ture challenge. Creme caramel is              BAKING SHOW
       also made.                                    “The Final”
 		    (Repeats at 1am & Mon., 7/9 at 2pm)     10:00 MOTORWEEK
 11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                            10:30 THIS OLD HOUSE
                                               		 “All Decked Out”
 Overnight Programming                         11:00 ASK THIS OLD HOUSE
 midnight AMANPOUR ON PBS                      		    “Radiator Swap, Brick Repointing”
 12:30 BBC WORLD NEWS ON PBS                   11:30 COOKING FROM
  1:00 THE GREAT BRITISH                             THE HEART
          BAKING SHOW (R)                      		    “Stuffed Leg of Lamb” Creating in the

10 July 2018
Tuesday July 10 THE EXPEDITION BEGINS - July 2018 - PBS
kitchen can be a joy, whether it be         10:00 DEATH IN PARADISE
      traditional family recipes, cookbook        		 Top London chef, Robert Holt, is
      favorites, or inspired improvisations-            set to open a new restaurant - Le
      Join Dr. Kosta Arger — cardiologist,              Calmar Saint Marie. That is until he
      winemaker and gourmet.                            is found dead in the walk-in freezer
noon COOK’S COUNTRY                                     with a knife in his back.
		    “Smoky Barbecue Favorites”                  		    (Repeats Sunday, 7/8 at 7pm)
12:30 AMERICA’S TEST                              11:00 AUSTIN CITY LIMITS
      KITCHEN FROM                                		 “Father John Misty / The Black Angels”
                                                  Overnight Programming
      “Pork Chops and Corn Fritters, Perfected”
 1:00 LIDIA’S KITCHEN                                   CARGO LIVE AT WHITNEY

		 “Slow Cooking”                                       PEAK HOTEL
 1:30 KEVIN BELTON’S                              		“Misterwives”
      NEW ORLEANS KITCHEN                         12:30 THE RENO SESSIONS
      “Louisiana Yams”                             1:00 NOVA (R)
 2:00 MARTHA BAKES                                		 “Great Escape at Dunkirk”
      — NEW SEASON!                               		 (See Thursday, 7/5 at 2pm)
      “Adorned Cakes”                              2:00 POV (R)
 2:30 SAMANTHA BROWN’S                                  “Brimstone & Glory”
      PLACES TO LOVE                              		    (See Tuesday, 7/3 at 3am)
      “Xi’an, China”                               3:00 THE GREAT WAR:
 3:00 WILD NEVADA (R)                                   AMERICAN EXPERIENCE (R)
		    “Dayton & Yerington”                        		    (See Tuesday, 7/3 at 9pm)
		    (See Thursday, 7/5 at 8pm)                   5:00 WASHINGTON WEEK (R)
 3:30 OUTDOOR NEVADA                               5:30 BREAKING BIG
		    “Natural Wonders”                                 “Jason Aldean”
 4:00 NOVA (R)                                    		 (Repeats Sunday, 7/22 at 11:30pm)
		 “Great Escape at Dunkirk”
		    (See Thursday, 7/5 at 2pm)                  SUNDAY 8
 5:30 WASHINGTON WEEK (R)                          9am NATURE
 6:00 LAWRENCE WELK SHOW                          		 “Penguin Post Office” In the heart of
		    “Strike Up The Band (1964)”                       the Antarctic Peninsula, a post office
 7:00 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)                             is surrounded by 3,000 Gentoo
		 “Vintage Savannah”                                   penguins.
		    (See Monday, 7/2 at 8pm)                          (Repeats Wednesday, 7/11 at 2pm)
 8:00 KEEPING UP                                  10:00 NOVA (R)
      APPEARANCES (R)                                   “Great Escape at Dunkirk”
 8:30 AS TIME GOES BY (R)                         		 (See Thursday, 7/5 at 2pm)
                                                  11:00 STATUE OF LIBERTY (R)
9:00 MIDSOMER MURDERS - NEW!                      		    (See Thursday, 7/5 at 3pm)
		                                                noon GLOBE TREKKER
		                                                 1:00 DOWNTON ABBEY,
                                                        THE FINAL SEASON
                                                        ON MASTERPIECE
                                                  		 Thomas makes Andy a generous
                                                        offer. Spratt rescues Denker. A pow-
                                                        erful politician comes to dinner.
                                                        (Part 5 of 9)
                                                   2:00 DOWNTON ABBEY,
                                                        THE FINAL SEASON
		 “Tainted Fruit, Part 1” Barnaby and                  ON MASTERPIECE
   Troy weed through a dark world of              		 The hospital war reaches a climax,
   adultery and lies to catch a calculat-               Violet goes on the warpath and
   ing murderer. 		                                     Daisy foils a romance.
   (Repeats Tuesday, 7/10 at 2pm)                 		    (Part 6 of 9)

                                                                                    July 2018 11
Tuesday July 10 THE EXPEDITION BEGINS - July 2018 - PBS
3:00 DOWNTON ABBEY,                             Overnight Programming
      THE FINAL SEASON                           midnight POV (R)
 		 ON MASTERPIECE                               		 “Brimstone & Glory”
 		 A car race gives Mary flashbacks, Mrs.       		       (See Tuesday, 7/3 at 3am)
      Patmore opens for business and Mrs.         1:00 POLDARK SEASON 2
      Hughes tricks Carson. (Part 7 of 9)                 ON MASTERPIECE (R)
 4:00 BLUEGRASS                                  		       (Joined in Progress)
      UNDERGROUND                                 1:30 ENDEAVOUR SEASON 5
 		 “Chris Robinson Brotherhood”                          ON MASTERPIECE (R)
 4:30 RAY STEVENS CABARAY                         3:00 THE TUNNEL:
      NASHVILLE                                           VENGEANCE (R)
      “Guests Ray Stevens & A-Team”               4:00 FOOD FLIRTS (R)
 5:00 PBS NEWSHOUR WEEKEND                       		 “Cape Cod Road-Trip”
 5:30 FIRING LINE WITH                           		       (Repeats Monday, 7/9 at 3pm)
      MARGARET HOOVER                             4:30 FOOD FLIRTS (R)
 6:00 WILD NEVADA (R)                                     “Thailand Meets Tres Leches”
      “Dayton & Yerington”                       		       (Repeats Monday, 7/9 at 3:30pm)
 		 (See Thursday, 7/5 at 8pm)                    5:00 CIVILIZATIONS (R)
 6:30 ARTEFFECTS (R)                             		 “What is Art (Good for)?”
 		 “Monika Johnson”                             		       (See Tuesday, 7/3 at 8pm)
 		 (See Friday, 7/6 at 8:30pm)
 		   (See Saturday, 7/7 at 10pm)                MONDAY 9
 8:00 POLDARK SEASON 2                            1pm A CRAFTSMAN’S LEGACY
      ON MASTERPIECE                              1:30 LEGENDS OF AIRPOWER
 		 George maneuvers Poldark toward               2:00 THE GREAT BRITISH
      checkmate. The law hunts down free               BAKING SHOW (R)
      traders. (Part 4 of 9)                     		    “Desserts” (See Friday, 7/6 at 10pm)
 		 (Repeats at 1am–Joined in Progress)           3:00 FOOD FLIRTS (R)
 9:00 ENDEAVOUR SEASON 5                         		 “Cape Cod Road-Trip”
      ON MASTERPIECE                                   (Repeats Monday, 7/30 at 3pm)
                                                  3:30 FOOD FLIRTS (R)
                                                 		 “Thailand Meets Tres Leches”
                                                 		 (Repeats Monday, 7/30 at 3:30pm)
                                                  4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
                                                  5:00 NHK NEWSLINE
                                                  5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT
                                                  6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS
                                                  6:30 PBS NEWSHOUR
                                                  7:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT
                                                  8:00 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW
       “Passenger” Endeavour investigates a      		    “Vintage Portland” Standout appraisals
       disappearance, and fears it’s linked to         from 1998 include one with jumps to
       the unsolved murder of a teenager.              $70,000-$90,000!
       (Part 3 of 6)                             		    (Repeats Sat., 7/14 at 8am & 7pm)
 		    (Repeats at 1:30am and Monday, 7/9         9:00 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW
       at 3am)                                   		    “Vintage Columbus” Highlights include
 10:30 THE TUNNEL: VENGEANCE                           a trio of Albert Cheuret art deco
 		 Karl and Elise try to decode the Pied              clocks and a Thomas Jefferson letter.
       Piper’s demands, while BB joins the       		 (Repeats at 1am – Joined in Progress
       French investigation. (Part 2 of 6)             and Tuesday, 7/10 at 5am)
 		    (Repeats at 3am and Monday, 7/9 at        10:00 2017 WORLD DANCESPORT
       4:30am)                                         GRANDSLAM SERIES
 11:30 BREAKING BIG                                    “Standard in Stuttgart, Germany” Cou-
       “Eddie Huang” Follow Huang, restau-             ples from Germany, Russia and Lith-
       rateur, television host and author,             uania compete. (Part 3 of 6)
       on his unique path to the American        		    (Repeats Tuesday, 7/10 at 3pm)
       Dream.                                    11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
12 July 2018
                                       erica throug
                          Exploring Am       fo od .
                              the culture of

                                               Tuesdays at 9pm beg. July 10

Overnight Programming                                 3:00 WORLD DANCESPORT
                                                           GRANDSLAM SERIES (R)
midnight   AMANPOUR ON PBS
                                                     		    “Standard in Stuttgart, Germany”
12:30      BEYOND 100 DAYS
                                                     		 (See Monday, 7/9 at 10pm)
 1:00      ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)                      4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
		         “Vintage Columbus” (Joined in Progress)    5:00 NHK NEWSLINE
 1:30      POV                                        5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT
           “The Workers Cup” The 2022 FIFA            6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS
           World Cup in Qatar is being built by       6:30 PBS NEWSHOUR
           1.6 million African and Asian migrant      7:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT
           workers.                                   8:00 10 STREETS THAT
		         (Repeats Tuesday, 7/10 at 3:30am, Fri-          CHANGED AMERICA
           day, 7/13 at 3am, Saturday, 7/14 at       		 — NEW SERIES!
           4am and Sunday, 7/15 at 12am)             		 A tour of engineering feats that made
 3:00      ENDEAVOUR SEASON 5                              our civilization possible focuses on
           ON MASTERPIECE (R)                              streets in America.
		         (See Sunday, 7/8 at 9pm)                  		    (Repeats Wednesday, 7/11 at 4am,
4:30       THE TUNNEL:                                     Thursday, 7/12 at 1am, Friday, 7/13 at
           VENGEANCE (R)                                   3pm and Sunday, 7/15 at 4am)
		         (See Sunday, 7/8 at 10:30pm)               9:00 NO PASSPORT REQUIRED
5:30       EMERY BLAGDON AND HIS                     		 — NEW SERIES!
           HEALING MACHINE (R)                       		“Detroit” Chef Marcus Samuelsson
                                                           explores the savory tastes, sights and
TUESDAY 10                                                 sounds of Detroit’s Arab American
                                                           community. (Part 1 of 6)
1pm WILD NEVADA (R)                                  		    (Repeats at 1am, Wednesday, 7/11 at
		 “Dayton & Yerington”                                    5am, Thursday, 7/12 at 3pm & 2am
		   (See Thursday, 7/5 at 8pm)                            and Sunday, 7/15 at 5am)
1:30 AMERICA’S HEARTLAND                             10:00 FRONTLINE
		 A bacon festival in Colorado and a pub                  “Trump’s Takeover” Inside President
     serving up beer and bacon pairings.                   Trump’s high-stakes battle for con-
2:00 MIDSOMER MURDERS (R)                                  trol of the Republican party.
     “Tainted Fruit, Part 1”                         		    (Repeats at 2am)
		   (See Saturday, 7/7 at 9pm)                      11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
                                                                                       July 2018 13
The Rockies: Kingdoms of the Sky
   Wednesday, 7/11 at 9pm

 Overnight Programming                       8:00 EARTH’S NATURAL
                                                  WONDERS – LIFE AT THE
 12:30 BEYOND 100 DAYS                            EXTREMES — NEW SERIES!
  2:00 FRONTLINE (R)
  3:30 POV (R)
       “The Workers Cup”
 		    (See Monday, 7/9 at 1:30am)
  5:00 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)                		“Surviving the Extreme” Discover
       “Vintage Columbus”                         why human beings need bravery and
 		 (See Monday, 7/9 at 9pm)                      ingenuity to survive in the world’s
                                                  most extreme places. (Part 1 of 3)
                                                  (Repeats Thursday, 7/12 at 3am, Satur-
  WEDNESDAY 11                                    day, 7/14 at 2am, Sunday, 7/15 at 9am
                                                  and Wednesday, 7/18 at 2pm)
 1pm WAI LANA YOGA                           9:00 THE ROCKIES: KINGDOMS
 1:30 SIT AND BE FIT                              OF THE SKY — NEW SERIES!
 2:00 NATURE (R)                            		 Experience the amazing wildlife and
 		   “Penguin Post Office”                       remarkable people who inhabit this
 		 (See Sunday, 7/8 at 9am)                      3,000-mile mountain range.
 3:00 THE MYSTERY OF CHACO                  		    (Repeats at 1am & 3am, Thursday,
      CANYON                                      7/12 at 4am, Saturday, 7/14 at 3am,
 		 A look at how an ancient civilization
                                                  Sunday, 7/15 at 10am and Wednesday,
      could have created the mysterious
                                                  7/18 at 3pm)
      Chaco Canyon in New Mexico.           10:00 NOVA
 4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                          		 “Treasures of the Earth: Gems” Delve
 5:00 NHK NEWSLINE                                into Earth’s depths to discover how
 5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                     precious Gemstones like diamonds
 6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS                              and rubies are forged.
 6:30 PBS NEWSHOUR                          		 (Repeats at 2am, Thursday, 7/12 at
 7:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                     2pm & 5am, Saturday, 7/14 at 4pm &
                                                  1am and Sunday, 7/15 at 11am)
14 July 2018
11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                            11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
Overnight Programming                         Overnight Programming
midnight                                      midnight AMANPOUR ON PBS
12:30 BEYOND 100 DAYS                         12:30 BEYOND 100 DAYS
 1:00 THE ROCKIES: KINGDOMS                    1:00 10 STREETS THAT
      OF THE SKY (R)                                   CHANGED AMERICA (R)
 2:00 NOVA (R)                                		       (See Tuesday, 7/10 at 8pm)
 3:00 THE ROCKIES: KINGDOMS                    2:00 NO PASSPORT REQUIRED (R)
      OF THE SKY (R)                          		       “Detroit”
 4:00 10 STREETS THAT                         		 (See Tuesday, 7/10 at 9pm)
      CHANGED AMERICA (R)                      3:00 EARTH’S NATURAL
		    (See Tuesday, 7/10 at 8pm)                       WONDERS – LIFE AT THE
 5:00 NO PASSPORT REQUIRED (R)                         EXTREMES (R)
		    “Detroit” (See Tuesday, 7/10 at 9pm)    		 “Surviving the Extreme”
                                              		 (See Wednesday, 7/11 at 8pm)
                                               4:00 THE ROCKIES: KINGDOMS
THURSDAY 12                                            OF THE SKY (R)
1pm BEAUTY OF OIL                             		       (See Wednesday, 7/11 at 9pm)
     PAINTING WITH GARY                        5:00 NOVA (R)
     AND KATHWREN JENKINS                     		       “Treasures of the Earth: Gems”
1:30 BEST OF JOY OF PAINTING                  		 (See Wednesday, 7/11 at 10pm)
2:00 NOVA (R)
		 “Treasures of the Earth: Gems”
		 (See Wednesday, 7/11 at 10pm)              FRIDAY 13
3:00 NO PASSPORT REQUIRED (R)                 1pm FIT 2 STITCH
		   “Detroit” (See Tuesday, 7/10 at 9pm)     1:30 SEWING WITH NANCY
4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                             2:00 AS TIME GOES BY
5:00 NHK NEWSLINE                             		   (Repeats Saturday, 7/14 at 8:30pm)
5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                  2:30 KEEPING UP
6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS                                APPEARANCES
6:30 PBS NEWSHOUR                             		   (Repeats Saturday, 7/14 at 8pm)
7:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                  3:00 10 STREETS THAT
8:00 WILD NEVADA                                   CHANGED AMERICA (R)
		 “Baker to Ely” Chris and Dave begin        		   (See Tuesday, 7/10 at 8pm)
     this trip with caving and hiking then    4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
     a visit to the ghost town of Osce-       5:00 NHK NEWSLINE
     ola. Day two includes gem hunting at     5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT
     Garnet Hill.                             6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS
		   (Repeats Sat., 7/14 at 3pm, Sun., 7/15   6:30 PBS NEWSHOUR
     at 6pm and Tues., 7/17 at 1pm)           7:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT
8:30 HOUSE WITH A HISTORY                     8:00 WASHINGTON WEEK
		                                            		   (Repeats Saturday, 7/14 at 5:30pm &
		 “Piper-Beebe House” Virginia City’s             5:30am)
     history is full of wild characters       8:30 ARTEFFECTS
     and sensational stories. Piper-Beebe          “Ian Wright” Meet a local photogra-
     house was home to two of its most             pher who began his 50-year career
     famed and flamboyant inhabitants.             as a photojournalist at age 14 and
9:00 BRAIN                                         has captured rare, candid moments
     SECRETS                                       of the Beatles, Ella Fitzgerald and the
     WITH DR.                                      Rolling Stones, just to name a few.
     MICHAEL                                  		   (Repeats Sunday, 7/15 at 6:30pm)
     MERZENICH                                9:00 GREAT PERFORMANCES
		 Dr. Merzenich                              		   “Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga: Cheek to
     discusses how                                 Cheek Live!” The legendary singer
     to improve and                                and the pop diva perform swing-
     maintain cogni-                               ing selections from their latest
     tive fitness and deal with aging.             collaboration.

                                                                                July 2018 15
10:00 THE GREAT BRITISH                        11:30 COOKING FROM
       BAKING SHOW                                    THE HEART
                                                      “Halibut Livornese”
                                                noon COOK’S COUNTRY
                                                		 “BBQ Thighs and Fried Peach Pies”
                                                12:30 AMERICA’S TEST
                                                      KITCHEN FROM
 		                                                   COOK’S ILLUSTRATED
                                                		    “Chinese Classics”
                                                 1:00 LIDIA’S KITCHEN
                                                		 “Heartwarming Favorites”
                                                 1:30 KEVIN BELTON’S
                                                      NEW ORLEANS KITCHEN

                                                		 “Croatia - The Adriatic Influence”
                                                 2:00 MARTHA BAKES

 		“Pies” The bakers must master a
   perfect Wellington. Hand-raised pies
   and American pies are prepared.
 		(Repeats at 1am & Mon., 7/16 at 2pm)
 11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                             		 “Perfect Pate A Choux”
 Overnight Programming                           2:30 SAMANTHA BROWN’S
 midnight AMANPOUR ON PBS                             PLACES TO LOVE
 12:30 BBC WORLD NEWS ON PBS                    		 “Ireland’s Northwest Coast”
  1:00 THE GREAT BRITISH                         3:00 WILD NEVADA (R)
          BAKING SHOW (R)                       		 “Baker to Ely”
  2:00 FOOD FLIRTS                              		    (See Thursday, 7/12 at 8pm)
          “Pretzel Meets Chocolate”              3:30 OUTDOOR NEVADA
 		       (Repeats at 4:30am and Monday, 7/16         “A Berry Fine Time”
          at 3pm & 5:30am)                       4:00 NOVA (R)
  2:30 FOOD FLIRTS                              		 “Treasures of the Earth: Gems”
 		       “What is A Food Incubator?”           		 (See Wednesday, 7/11 at 10pm)
 		 (Repeats Monday, 7/16 at 3:30pm)             5:00 PBS NEWSHOUR WEEKEND
  3:00 POV (R)                                   5:30 WASHINGTON WEEK (R)
 		 “The Workers Cup”                            6:00 LAWRENCE WELK SHOW
 		       (See Monday, 7/9 at 1:30am)           		    “The Great Gershwin (1972)”
  4:30 FOOD FLIRTS (R)                           7:00 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)
 		       “Pretzel Meets Chocolate”                   “Vintage Portland”
  5:00 THIS OLD HOUSE HOUR                      		    (See Monday, 7/9 at 8pm)
                                                 8:00 KEEPING UP
                                                      APPEARANCES (R)
  SATURDAY 14                                    8:30 AS TIME GOES BY (R)
  8am ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)                      9:00 MIDSOMER MURDERS
 		 “Vintage Portland”                          		    “Tainted Fruit, Part 2”
 		    (See Monday, 7/9 at 8pm)                 		 (Repeats Tuesday, 7/17 at 2pm)
  9:00 THE GREAT BRITISH                        10:00 DEATH IN PARADISE
       BAKING SHOW                              		 When a marine salvage hunter is
       “Masterclass 1”                                killed, the evidence seems to point
 10:00 MOTORWEEK                                      to one man.
 10:30 THIS OLD HOUSE                                 (Repeats Sunday, 7/15 at 7pm)
 		 “This Old House U.”                         11:00 AUSTIN CITY LIMITS
 11:00 ASK THIS OLD HOUSE                       		 “Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit /
 		 “Tree Removal, Stud Finders”                      Amanda Shires”

16 July 2018
Overnight Programming                        6:30 ARTEFFECTS (R)
midnight                                     		   “Ian Wright”
      PEAK HOTEL                             		 (See Friday, 7/13 at 8:30pm)
		    “The Soft White Sixties”               7:00 DEATH IN PARADISE (R)
12:30 THE RENO SESSIONS                      		   (See Saturday, 7/14 at 10pm)
 1:00 NOVA (R)                               8:00 POLDARK SEASON 2
      “Treasures of the Earth: Gems”              ON MASTERPIECE
		 (See Wednesday, 7/11 at 10pm)
      EXTREMES (R)
		 “Surviving the Extreme”
		 (See Wednesday, 7/11 at 8pm)
      OF THE SKY (R)
		    (See Wednesday, 7/11 at 9pm)
 4:00 POV (R)                                		 Ross does Elizabeth a favor. A mys-
      “The Workers Cup”                           terious benefactor reciprocates.
		    (See Monday, 7/9 at 1:30am)                 George starts plan C against Ross.
 5:30 WASHINGTON WEEK (R)                    		   (Part 5 of 9)
                                             		 (Repeats Monday, 7/16 at 2am)
                                             9:00 ENDEAVOUR SEASON 5
SUNDAY 15                                         ON MASTERPIECE
 9am EARTH’S NATURAL                              “Colours” A photo shoot on an army
      WONDERS – LIFE AT THE                       base turns sinister when a model is
      EXTREMES (R)                                found dead. (Part 4 of 6)
      “Surviving the Extreme”                		 (Repeats at 1:30am and Monday, 7/16
		 (See Wednesday, 7/11 at 8pm)                   at 3am)
      OF THE SKY (R)
		    (See Wednesday, 7/11 at 9pm)
11:00 NOVA (R)
		 “Treasures of the Earth: Gems”
		 (See Wednesday, 7/11 at 10pm)
		 “Papua New Guinea Islands”
		Two romances get complicated,
      Molesley and Spratt try out new jobs
      and Thomas takes a fateful step.
		    (Part 8 of 9)
		 After six passionate and poignant
      seasons, the curtain comes down on
      “Downton Abbey.” (Part 9 of 9)
		 “Guest Ray Hildebrand”
      “Baker to Ely”
		 (See Thursday, 7/12 at 8pm)
                                                                            July 2018 17
10:30 THE TUNNEL: VENGEANCE                     9:00 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW
 		 Another message from the Pied                     “Vintage Toronto” Highlights include
       Piper leads Karl and Elise to a horri-         a Victorian carved oak bed, a violin
       fying discovery. (Part 3 of 6)                 and a Demetre Chiparus “Starfish”
 		    (Repeats at 3am and Monday, 7/16 at            bronze.
       4:30am)                                  		    (Repeats at 1am,Tuesday, 7/17 at 5am
 11:30 BREAKING BIG                                   and Friday, 7/20 at 4am)
 		    “Danai Gurira” Tony Award-nomi-          10:00 WORLD DANCESPORT
       nated writer Danai Gurira made the             GRANDSLAM SERIES
       leap from storyteller to Hollywood
 Overnight Programming
      POV (R)
      “The Workers Cup”
 		   (See Monday, 7/9 at 1:30am)
 4:00 10 STREETS THAT                           		    “Latin in Moscow, Russia” The last reg-
      CHANGED AMERICA (R)                             ular leg of the World DanceSport
 		   (See Tuesday, 7/10 at 8pm)                      GrandSlam Series is showcased in
 5:00 NO PASSPORT REQUIRED (R)                        Moscow, Russia. (Part 4 of 6)
 		   “Detroit” (See Tuesday, 7/10 at 9pm)      		    (Repeats Tuesday, 7/17 at 3pm)
                                                11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
  MONDAY 16                                     Overnight Programming
 1pm A CRAFTSMAN’S LEGACY                       midnight AMANPOUR ON PBS
 1:30 LEGENDS OF AIRPOWER                       12:30 BEYOND 100 DAYS
 2:00 THE GREAT BRITISH                          1:00 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)
      BAKING SHOW (R)                                    “Vintage Toronto”
      “Pies” (See Friday, 7/13 at 10pm)          2:00 POLDARK SEASON 2
 3:00 FOOD FLIRTS (R)                                    ON MASTERPIECE (R)
 		 “Pretzel Meets Chocolate”                   		       (See Sunday, 7/15 at 8pm)
                                                 3:00 ENDEAVOUR SEASON 5
                                                         ON MASTERPIECE (R)
                                                		       (See Sunday, 7/15 at 9pm)
                                                 4:30 THE TUNNEL:
                                                         VENGEANCE (R)
                                                		 (See Sunday, 7/15 at 10:30pm)
                                                 5:30 FOOD FLIRTS (R)
                                                		       “Pretzel Meets Chocolate”

      “What is A Food Incubator?”               TUESDAY 17
 4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                              1pm WILD NEVADA (R)
 5:00 NHK NEWSLINE                              		 “Baker to Ely”
 5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                   		   (See Thursday, 7/12 at 8pm)
 6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS                            1:30 AMERICA’S HEARTLAND
 6:30 PBS NEWSHOUR                              		 Travel to North Carolina where one
 7:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                        nursery uses robotic workers to
 8:00 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW                              plant and pack new flowers.
 		 “Vintage Chicago” A 1908 Chicago            2:00 MIDSOMER MURDERS (R)
      Cubs presentation piece, a Tiffany        		 “Tainted Fruit, Part 2”
      & Co. gold necklace and more are          3:00 2017 WORLD DANCESPORT
      reappraised.                                   GRANDSLAM SERIES (R)
 		   (Repeats Tuesday, 7/17 at 4am and         		 “Latin in Moscow, Russia”
      Saturday, 7/21 at 8am & 7pm)              		   (See Monday, 7/16 at 10pm)
18 July 2018
10 Monuments that Changed America
                         Tuesday, 7/17 at 8pm

 4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                             1:00   NO PASSPORT REQUIRED (R)
 5:00 NHK NEWSLINE                             2:00   FRONTLINE (R)
 5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                  3:00   POV
 6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS                           		     “Lindy Lou, Juror Number Two” A juror
 6:30 PBS NEWSHOUR                                    who handed down the death penalty
 7:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                         to a Mississippi man 20 years ago
 8:00 10 MONUMENTS THAT                               tackles past demons.
      CHANGED AMERICA                          		     (Repeats Fri., 7/20 at 3am, Sat., 7/21 at
		 Tour wholly original American mon-                 4am and Sun., 7/22 at 12am)
      uments and explore surprising sto-       4:00   ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)
      ries behind American favorites.          		     “Vintage Chicago”
		    (Repeats Wednesday, 7/18 at 4am,         		     (See Monday, 7/16 at 8pm)
      Thursday, 7/19 at 1am, Friday, 7/20 at   5:00   ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)
      3pm and Sunday, 7/22 at 4am)             		     “Vintage Toronto”
 9:00 NO PASSPORT REQUIRED                     		     (See Monday, 7/16 at 9pm)
		    “New Orleans” Chef Marcus Sam-
      uelsson discovers how Vietnamese
      cuisine and culture have influenced
                                               WEDNESDAY 18
      New Orleans. (Part 2 of 6)               1pm WAI LANA YOGA
		 (Repeats at 1am, Wednesday, 7/18 at         1:30 SIT AND BE FIT
      5am, Thursday, 7/19 at 3pm & 2am         2:00 EARTH’S NATURAL
      and Sunday, 7/22 at 5am)                      WONDERS – LIFE AT THE
10:00 FRONTLINE                                     EXTREMES (R)
		    “Blackout in Puerto Rico” An inves-      		   “Surviving the Extreme”
      tigation into the humanitarian and       		   (See Wednesday, 7/11 at 8pm)
      economic crisis in Puerto Rico after     3:00 THE ROCKIES: KINGDOMS
      Hurricane Maria.                              OF THE SKY (R)
		    (Repeats at 2am)                         		   (See Wednesday, 7/11 at 9pm)
11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                             4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
Overnight Programming                          5:00 NHK NEWSLINE
                                               5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT
midnight AMANPOUR ON PBS                       6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS
12:30 BEYOND 100 DAYS                          6:30 PBS NEWSHOUR

                                                                                   July 2018 19
 8:00 EARTH’S NATURAL                              PAINTING
      WONDERS – LIFE AT THE                   2:00 NOVA (R)
      EXTREMES                                     “Treasures of the Earth: Metals”
 		 “Surviving with Animals” Wildlife holds   		 (See Wednesday, 7/18 at 10pm)
      the key to survival for people in       3:00 NO PASSPORT REQUIRED (R)
      northern Australia, northern Siberia         “New Orleans”
      and Vanuatu. (Part 2 of 3)              		 (See Tuesday, 7/17 at 9pm)
 		 (Repeats Thursday, 7/19 at 3am, Satur-    4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
      day, 7/21 at 2am, Sunday, 7/22 at 9am   5:00 NHK NEWSLINE
      and Wednesday, 7/25 at 2pm)             5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT
 9:00 HIMALAYA: KINGDOMS OF                   6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS
      THE SKY                                 6:30 PBS NEWSHOUR
                                              7:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT
                                              8:00 WILD NEVADA
                                                   “Carson to Topaz Lake” Hike in an
                                                   aspen grove off of Spooner Summit
                                                   then we go mountain biking in Gard-
                                                   nerville. Day two is fly fishing near
                                              		   (Repeats Sat., 7/21 at 3pm, Sun., 7/22
                                                   at 6pm and Tues., 7/24 at 1pm)
 		The extraordinary wildlife and             8:30 HOUSE WITH A HISTORY
       remarkable people of Earth’s highest
       mountain range are showcased.               “Withers Log Cabin” Is a lasting legacy
 		    (Repeats at 1am & 3am, Thursday,            of Norman Blitz, the dynamic entre-
       7/19 at 4am, Saturday, 7/21 at 3am,         preneur and Tahoe-area real estate
       Sunday, 7/22 at 10am and Wednesday,         developer dubbed “The Duke of
       7/25 at 3pm)                                Nevada.”
 10:00 NOVA                                   9:00 CELTIC THUNDER X
 		    “Treasures of the Earth: Metals”
       Explore how our mastery of met-
       als has led us from the stone age to
       today’s hi-tech world.
 		    (Repeats at 2am, Thursday, 7/19 at
       2pm & 5am, Saturday, 7/21 at 4pm &
       1am and Sunday, 7/22 at 11am)
 Overnight Programming
                                              		 Traditional and contemporary Irish
 12:30 BEYOND 100 DAYS                              songs, classic hits and fun retro songs
  1:00 HIMALAYA: KINGDOMS OF                        are performed.
       THE SKY (R)                            11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
  2:00 NOVA (R)                               Overnight Programming
  3:00 HIMALAYA: KINGDOMS OF                  midnight AMANPOUR ON PBS
       THE SKY (R)                            12:30 BEYOND 100 DAYS
  4:00 10 MONUMENTS THAT                       1:00 10 MONUMENTS THAT
       CHANGED AMERICA (R)                             CHANGED AMERICA (R)
 		    (See Tuesday, 7/17 at 8pm)             		       (See Tuesday, 7/17 at 8pm)
  5:00 NO PASSPORT REQUIRED (R)                2:00 NO PASSPORT REQUIRED (R)
       “New Orleans”                          		       “New Orleans”
 		 (See Tuesday, 7/17 at 9pm)                		 (See Tuesday, 7/17 at 9pm)
                                               3:00 EARTH’S NATURAL
  THURSDAY 19                                          WONDERS – LIFE AT THE
                                                       EXTREMES (R)
  1pm BEAUTY OF OIL                           		 “Surviving with Animals”
      PAINTING WITH GARY                      		 (See Wednesday, 7/18 at 8pm)
20 July 2018
4:00 HIMALAYA: KINGDOMS OF                     Overnight Programming
     THE SKY (R)                               midnight AMANPOUR ON PBS
		   (See Wednesday, 7/18 at 9pm)              12:30 BBC WORLD NEWS ON PBS
5:00 NOVA (R)                                   1:00 THE GREAT BRITISH
     “Treasures of the Earth: Metals”                   BAKING SHOW (R)
		 (See Wednesday, 7/18 at 10pm)                2:00 FOOD FLIRTS
                                               		 “Burger Meets Dosa”
FRIDAY 20                                      		       (Repeats Monday, 7/23 at 3pm)
                                                2:30 FOOD FLIRTS
1pm FIT 2 STITCH                                        “Pastrami Meets Ramen”
1:30 SEWING WITH NANCY                         		 (Repeats Monday, 7/23 at 3:30pm)
2:00 AS TIME GOES BY                            3:00 POV (R)
		   (Repeats Saturday, 7/21 at 8:30pm)                 “Lindy Lou, Juror Number Two”
2:30 KEEPING UP                                		       (See Tuesday, 7/17 at 3am)
     APPEARANCES                                4:00 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)
		   (Repeats Saturday, 7/21 at 8pm)           		 “Vintage Toronto” (See Mon., 7/16, 9pm)
3:00 10 MONUMENTS THAT                          5:00 THIS OLD HOUSE HOUR
		   (See Tuesday, 7/17 at 8pm)
4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                              SATURDAY 21
5:00 NHK NEWSLINE                              8am   ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)
5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                   		    “Vintage Chicago”
6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS                            		    (See Monday, 7/16 at 8pm)
6:30 PBS NEWSHOUR                              9:00  THE GREAT BRITISH
7:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                         BAKING SHOW
8:00 WASHINGTON WEEK                           		 “Masterclass 2”
		   (Repeats Sat., 7/21 at 5:30pm & 5am)      10:00 MOTORWEEK
8:30 ARTEFFECTS                                10:30 THIS OLD HOUSE
		                                                   “Approaching Half Way”
                                               11:00 ASK THIS OLD HOUSE
                                               		 “Happy Holidays!”
                                               11:30 COOKING FROM THE
                                               noon COOK’S COUNTRY
                                               		 “Bourbon and Broccoli Hit the Grill”
                                               12:30 AMERICA’S TEST
		 “Singing Bowls” Explore the healing               KITCHEN FROM
      energies of sound through the ther-            COOK’S ILLUSTRATED
      apeutic alchemy of singing crystal             “Summer Cookout”
      bowls.                                    1:00 LIDIA’S KITCHEN
		 (Repeats Sunday, 7/22 at 6:30pm)            		    “A Winter Garden”
 9:00 ANDREA BOCELLI —                          1:30 KEVIN BELTON’S NEW
      LANDMARKS LIVE IN                              ORLEANS KITCHEN
      CONCERT: A GREAT                         		 “Gone Fishin’”
      PERFORMANCES SPECIAL                      2:00 MARTHA BAKES
		 Singer Andrea Bocelli performs at           		 “Decorative Breads”
      the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy    2:30 SAMANTHA BROWN’S
      with conductor Zubin Mehta.                    PLACES TO LOVE
		 (Repeats Friday, 7/27 at 2am)               		 “Orange County, California”
10:00 THE GREAT BRITISH                         3:00 WILD NEVADA (R)
      BAKING SHOW                                    “Carson to Topaz Lake”
		“Puddings” The bakers go all out             		 (See Thursday, 7/19 at 8pm)
      with two types of sponge puddings.        3:30 OUTDOOR NEVADA
      Queen of Pudding and strudel are               “Duck Hunting”
      served.                                   4:00 NOVA (R)
		 (Repeats at 1am & Mon., 7/23 at 2pm)              “Treasures of the Earth: Metals”
11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                             		 (See Wednesday, 7/18 at 10pm)

                                                                               July 2018 21
5:00 PBS NEWSHOUR WEEKEND                  11:00 NOVA (R)
  5:30 WASHINGTON WEEK (R)                   		 “Treasures of the Earth: Metals”
  6:00 LAWRENCE WELK SHOW                    		    (See Wednesday, 7/18 at 10pm)
 		 “From Polkas to Classics (1967)”         noon GLOBE TREKKER
  7:00 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)                       “Food Hour: The Story of Beef ”
 		 “Vintage Chicago”                         1:00 TONY BENNETT: THE
 		    (See Monday, 7/16 at 8pm)                   LIBRARY OF CONGRESS
  8:00 KEEPING UP                                  GERSHWIN PRIZE FOR
       APPEARANCES (R)                             POPULAR SONG
  8:30 AS TIME GOES BY (R)
 		 “Ring Out Your Dead, Part 1” Church-
       bell ringers are being murdered one
       by one, with a nursery rhyme line
       left by each body.
 		    (Repeats Tuesday, 7/24 at 2pm)
 		 A young backpacker is found dead
       from a gunshot wound in her hostel.   		 Enjoy an all-star tribute to singer
 		    (Repeats Sunday, 7/22 at 7pm)              Tony Bennett from DAR Constitu-
 11:00 AUSTIN CITY LIMITS                         tion Hall in Washington, DC.
 		 “Gary Clark Jr. / Courtney Barnett”      2:30 WORK OF ART: ARTOWN
 Overnight Programming
                                             		 Go behind the scenes of Reno’s
                                                  annual art festival, examining its his-
       PEAK HOTEL                                 tory and impact.
       “Moon Taxi”                           4:00 BLUEGRASS
 12:30 THE RENO SESSIONS                          UNDERGROUND
  1:00 NOVA (R)                              		 “Russell Moore & IIIrd Tyme Out”
 		 “Treasures of the Earth: Metals”         4:30 RAY STEVENS CABARAY
 		    (See Wednesday, 7/18 at 10pm)              NASHVILLE
  2:00 EARTH’S NATURAL                       		   “Guest Steve Warnier”
       WONDERS – LIFE AT THE                 5:00 PBS NEWSHOUR WEEKEND
       EXTREMES (R)                          5:30 FIRING LINE WITH
 		    “Surviving with Animals”                   MARGARET HOOVER
 		 (See Wednesday, 7/18 at 8pm)             6:00 WILD NEVADA (R)
  3:00 HIMALAYA: KINGDOMS OF                 		 “Carson to Topaz Lake”
       THE SKY (R)                           		   (See Thursday, 7/19 at 8pm)
 		    (See Wednesday, 7/18 at 9pm)          6:30 ARTEFFECTS (R)
  4:00 POV (R)                               		 “Singing Bowls”
       “Lindy Lou, Juror Number Two”         		   (See Friday, 7/20 at 8:30pm)
 		    (See Tuesday, 7/17 at 3am)            7:00 DEATH IN PARADISE (R)
  5:00 WASHINGTON WEEK (R)                   		   (See Saturday, 7/21 at 10pm)
  5:30 BREAKING BIG                          8:00 POLDARK SEASON 2
 		    “Christian Siriano”                        ON MASTERPIECE
                                             		 A fugitive points the way to riches.
  SUNDAY 22                                       Ross and the free traders sail into a
                                                  trap. (Part 6 of 9)
                                             		 (Repeats at 1am–Joined in Progress
                                                  and Monday, 7/23 at 5am)
       EXTREMES (R)
                                             9:00 ENDEAVOUR SEASON 5
       “Surviving with Animals”
                                                  ON MASTERPIECE
 		 (See Wednesday, 7/18 at 8pm)
                                                  “Quartet” The investigation of an
                                                  assassination attempt is brought
       THE SKY (R)
                                                  to an end, but Morse continues to
 		    (See Wednesday, 7/18 at 9pm)
                                                  probe. (Part 5 of 6)
                                             		 (Repeats at 1:30am and Monday, 7/23
    See Page 5 for Kids Schedule                  at 3:30am)

22 July 2018
10:30 THE TUNNEL: VENGEANCE                   9:00 AMERICAN MASTERS –
		 When Karl and Elise reach a dead                TED WILLIAMS:
      end in the case, they both resort to         “THE GREATEST HITTER
      unconventional means. (Part 4 of 6)          WHO EVER LIVED”
		    (Repeats at 3am and Monday, 7/23 at

      dom after
      battling through constant setbacks.
Overnight Programming
midnight POV (R)
                                             		 Discover the many sides of base-
		 “Lindy Lou, Juror Number Two”
                                                ball great Ted Williams. Bob Costas,
		       (See Tuesday, 7/17 at 3am)
                                                Wade Boggs and more appear.
                                             		 (Repeats at 1:30am, Tuesday, 7/24 at
                                                4:30am and Wednesday, 7/25 at 3am)
		       (Joined in Progress)
                                             10:00 2017 WORLD DANCESPORT
                                                   GRANDSLAM SERIES
                                                   “Latin Final in Shanghai, China” The 12
                                                   top couples in the GrandSlam rank-
                                                   ing compete in the GrandSlam Latin
                                                   Final in Shanghai, China. (Part 5 of 6)
		       (See Tuesday, 7/17 at 8pm)
                                             		    (Repeats Tuesday, 7/24 at 3pm)
                                             11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
		       “New Orleans”
		 (See Tuesday, 7/17 at 9pm)                Overnight Programming
                                                  AMANPOUR ON PBS

MONDAY 23                                    12:30BEYOND 100 DAYS
                                              1:00ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)
1pm A CRAFTSMAN’S LEGACY                     		   (Joined in Progress)
1:30 LEGENDS OF AIRPOWER                      1:30AMERICAN MASTERS –
2:00 THE GREAT BRITISH                            TED WILLIAMS:
     BAKING SHOW (R)                              “THE GREATEST HITTER
		   “Puddings”                                   WHO EVER LIVED” (R)
		 (See Friday, 7/20 at 10pm)                2:30 THE TUNNEL:
3:00 FOOD FLIRTS (R)                              VENGEANCE (R)
		   “Burger Meets Dosa”                     		   (See Sunday, 7/22 at 10:30pm)
3:30 FOOD FLIRTS (R)                         3:30 ENDEAVOUR SEASON 5
     “Pastrami Meets Ramen”                       ON MASTERPIECE (R)
4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                            		 (See Sunday, 7/22 at 9pm)
5:00 NHK NEWSLINE                            5:00 POLDARK SEASON 2
6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS                          		 (See Sunday, 7/22 at 8pm)
8:00 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW                       TUESDAY 24
     “Vintage Omaha”                         1pm WILD NEVADA (R)
		   (Repeats at 1am–Joined in Progress,         “Carson to Topaz Lake”
     and Saturday, 7/28 at 8am and 7pm)      		  (See Thursday, 7/19 at 8pm)
                                                                                July 2018 23
1:30 AMERICA’S HEARTLAND                       3:00 POV
 		 A farming program helps Armed                    “The War to Be Her” Maria Toorpa-
      Services veterans transition from              kai disguises herself as a boy to play
      combat to life on the land.                    sports in a Taliban-controlled area of
 2:00 MIDSOMER MURDERS (R)                           Pakistan.
      “Ring Out Your Dead, Part 1”                   (Repeats Fri., 7/27 at 3am, Sat., 7/28 at
 		 (See Saturday, 7/21 at 9pm)                      4am and Sun., 7/29 at 12am)
 3:00 2017 WORLD DANCESPORT                     4:30 AMERICAN MASTERS –
      GRANDSLAM SERIES (R)                           TED WILLIAMS:
      “Latin Final in Shanghai, China”               “THE GREATEST HITTER
 		 (See Monday, 7/23 at 10pm)                       WHO EVER LIVED” (R)
 4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                              		   (See Monday, 7/23 at 9pm)
 5:00 NHK NEWSLINE                              5:30 KATMAI: ALASKA’S WILD
 5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                        PENINSULA
                                                WEDNESDAY 25
 8:00 10 MODERN MARVELS                         1pm WAI LANA YOGA
      THAT CHANGED AMERICA                      1:30 SIT AND BE FIT
 		                                             2:00 EARTH’S NATURAL
                                                     WONDERS – LIFE AT THE
                                                     EXTREMES (R)
                                                		   “Surviving with Animals”
                                                		 (See Wednesday, 7/18 at 8pm)
                                                3:00 HIMALAYA: KINGDOMS OF
                                                     THE SKY (R)
                                                		   (See Wednesday, 7/18 at 9pm)
                                                4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
                                                5:00 NHK NEWSLINE
                                                5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT
 		 Take a whirlwind tour of engineer-          6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS
       ing feats that made our civilization     6:30 PBS NEWSHOUR
       possible.                                7:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT
 		    (Repeats Wednesday, 7/25 at 4am,         8:00 EARTH’S NATURAL
       Thursday, 7/26 at 1am, Friday, 7/27 at        WONDERS – LIFE AT THE
       3pm and Sunday, 7/29 at 4am)                  EXTREMES
 		    “Chicago” Chef Marcus Samuelsson
       explores the Mexican American
       community in Chicago and learns
       about their heritage and culinary
       traditions. (Part 3 of 6)
 		 (Repeats at 1am, Wednesday, 7/25 at
       5am, Thursday, 7/26 at 3pm & 2am
       and Sunday, 7/29 at 5am)                 		 “Surviving Against the Odds” People in
 10:00 FRONTLINE                                     Brazil, Ethiopia, Laos, the Faroes and
       “UN Sex Abuse Scandal” An investiga-          Switzerland push themselves to the
       tion of sex abuse by United Nations           limit to survive. (Part 3 of 3)
       peacekeepers in the world’s conflict     		 (Repeats Thurs., 7/26 at 3am, Sat.,
       zones.                                        7/28 at 2am and Sun. 7/29 at 9am)
 		    (Repeats at 2am)                         9:00 THE ANDES: KINGDOMS OF
 11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                                  THE SKY
                                                		 Experience the astonishing natu-
 Overnight Programming                               ral life found in the world’s longest
 midnight AMANPOUR ON PBS                            mountain range.
 12:30 BEYOND 100 DAYS                          		   (Repeats at 1am, Thursday, 7/26 at
  1:00 NO PASSPORT REQUIRED (R)                      4am, Saturday, 7/28 at 3am and Sun-
  2:00 FRONTLINE (R)                                 day, 7/29 at 10am)

24 July 2018
10:00 NOVA                                      9:00 JOE BONAMASSA –
		    “Treasures of the Earth: Power” Dis-           BRITISH BLUES
      cover how Earth’s natural treasures            EXPLOSION LIVE
      provide bountiful energy to power
      our modern world.
		    (Repeats at 2am, Thursday, 7/26 at
      2pm & 5am, Saturday, 7/28 at 4pm &
      1am and Sunday, 7/29 at 11am)
Overnight Programming
12:30 BEYOND 100 DAYS
         OF THE SKY (R)
                                                		 Joe Bonamassa’s love of the British
 2:00 NOVA (R)
                                                      Blues is at the heart of his musical
                                                      inspiration. He plays homage to the
         TED WILLIAMS:
                                                      British blues rock guitarists that
                                                      inspired him – Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck
         WHO EVER LIVED” (R)
                                                      and Jimmy Page.
		       (See Monday, 7/23 at 9pm)
                                                10:30 YOU ARE CORDIALLY
                                                      Travel to Blenheim Palace, a mon-
         AMERICA (R)
                                                      umental country house located in
		       (See Tuesday, 7/24 at 8pm)
                                                      Woodstock, Oxfordshire that serves
                                                      as the principal residence of the
		       “Chicago” (See Tuesday, 7/24 at 9pm)
                                                      Dukes of Marlborough. (Part 2 of 2)
                                                11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
THURSDAY 26                                     Overnight Programming
1pm BEAUTY OF OIL                               midnight AMANPOUR ON PBS
     PAINTING WITH GARY                         12:30 BEYOND 100 DAYS
     AND KATHWREN JENKINS                        1:00 10 MODERN MARVELS
1:30 BEST OF THE JOY OF                                  THAT CHANGED
     PAINTING                                            AMERICA (R)
2:00 NOVA (R)                                   		       (See Tuesday, 7/24 at 8pm)
     “Treasures of the Earth: Power”             2:00 NO PASSPORT REQUIRED (R)
		 (See Wednesday, 7/25 at 10pm)                		       “Chicago” (See Tuesday, 7/24 at 9pm)
3:00 NO PASSPORT REQUIRED (R)                    3:00 EARTH’S NATURAL
		   “Chicago” (See Tuesday, 7/24 at 9pm)                WONDERS – LIFE AT THE
4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                                        EXTREMES (R)
5:00 NHK NEWSLINE                                        “Surviving Against the Odds”
5:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                    		 (See Wednesday, 7/25 at 8pm)
6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS                              4:00 THE ANDES: KINGDOMS
6:30 PBS NEWSHOUR                                        OF THE SKY (R)
7:30 NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT                             (See Wednesday, 7/25 at 9pm)
8:00 WILD NEVADA                                 5:00 NOVA (R)
		 “Hawthorne to Gabbs” Explore cen-                     “Treasures of the Earth: Power”
     tral Nevada with a desert hike and         		 (See Wednesday, 7/25 at 10pm)
     bike tour through the Ichthyosaur
     State Park.
		 (Repeats Sat., 7/28 at 3pm, Sun., 7/29       FRIDAY 27
     at 6pm and Tues., 7/31 at 1pm)             1pm FIT 2 STITCH
8:30 HOUSE WITH A HISTORY                       1:30 SEWING WITH NANCY
		                                              2:00 AS TIME GOES BY
     “Savitt House” Bringing Hollywood          		   (Repeats Saturday, 7/28 at 8:30pm)
     to the Biggest Little City. The Savitt     2:30 KEEPING UP
     House conveys the essence, glamour              APPEARANCES
     and style of L.A. in Reno.                 		   (Repeats Saturday, 7/28 at 8pm)
                                                                                   July 2018 25
Hello Hollywood Hello!
                                                   Friday, 7/27 at 9pm

  3:00 10 MODERN MARVELS                              bakers prepare regional buns. Jam
       THAT CHANGED                                   doughnuts and an enriched dough
       AMERICA (R)                                    loaf are made.
 		    (See Tuesday, 7/24 at 8pm)               		    (Repeats at 1am & Mon., 7/30 at 2pm)
  4:00 PBS NEWSHOUR                             11:00 PBS NEWSHOUR
  5:00 NHK NEWSLINE                             Overnight Programming
  6:00 BBC WORLD NEWS                           midnight AMANPOUR ON PBS
  6:30 PBS NEWSHOUR                             12:30 BBC WORLD NEWS ON PBS
  8:00 WASHINGTON WEEK                                   BAKING SHOW (R)
 		    (Repeats Saturday, 7/28 at 5:30pm &       2:00 ANDREA BOCELLI —
       5:30am)                                           LANDMARKS LIVE IN
  8:30 ARTEFFECTS                                        CONCERT: A GREAT
 		    “Hello Hollywood Hello” The 40 year      		       PERFORMANCES SPECIAL (R)
       reunion of this show is this year, and   		(See Friday, 7/20 at 9pm)
       we will take a look at how Hello Hol-     3:00 POV (R)
       lywood Hello affected Reno’s growing     		       “The War to Be Her”
       art culture.                             		       (See Tuesday, 7/24 at 3am)
 		 (Repeats Sunday, 7/29 at 6:30pm)             4:30 BREAKING BIG
  9:00 HELLO HOLLYWOOD                                   “Roxane Gay”
       HELLO!                                    5:00 THIS OLD HOUSE HOUR
 		 Learn the history of the longest-run-
       ning stage show in Reno. Launched        SATURDAY 28
       in 1978, Hello Hollywood, Hello was
       the most extravagant stage show           8am ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)
       ever. The one-acre stage featured a      		    “Vintage Omaha”
       landing jet, an earthquake, a three-      9:00 THE GREAT BRITISH
       story waterfall, a levitating space            BAKING SHOW
       dome and a cast of 133.                  		    “Masterclass 3”
 10:00 THE GREAT BRITISH                        10:00 MOTORWEEK
       BAKING SHOW                              10:30 THIS OLD HOUSE
       “Sweet Dough” The seven remaining              “Duct Dynasty”

26 July 2018
11:00 ASK THIS OLD HOUSE                     2:00 EARTH’S NATURAL
      “Window Gap, Solar Drinking Water”          WONDERS – LIFE AT THE
11:30 COOKING FROM                                EXTREMES (R)
      THE HEART                                   “Surviving Against the Odds”
      “Salmon Dijon”                         		 (See Wednesday, 7/25 at 8pm)
noon COOK’S COUNTRY                          3:00 THE ANDES: KINGDOMS OF
		 “Southern Discoveries”                         THE SKY (R)
12:30 AMERICA’S TEST                              (See Wednesday, 7/25 at 9pm)
      KITCHEN FROM COOK’S                    4:00 POV (R)
      ILLUSTRATED                                 “The War to Be Her”
      “To Meat Or Not to Meat (Sauce)”       		 (See Tuesday, 7/24 at 3am)
 1:00 LIDIA’S KITCHEN                        5:30 WASHINGTON WEEK (R)
      “Italian Style BBQ”
                                             SUNDAY 29
		    “Pecans - Louisiana’s Favorite Nut”     9am EARTH’S NATURAL
 2:00 MARTHA BAKES                                 WONDERS – LIFE AT THE
      “Elegant Cookies”                            EXTREMES (R)
 2:30 SAMANTHA BROWN’S                       		 “Surviving Against the Odds”
      PLACES TO LOVE                         		 (See Wednesday, 7/25 at 8pm)
      “Montreal, Canada”                     10:00 THE ANDES: KINGDOMS OF
 3:00 WILD NEVADA (R)                              THE SKY (R)
		 “Hawthorne to Gabbs”                      		 (See Wednesday, 7/25 at 9pm)
		    (See Thursday, 7/26 at 8pm)            11:00 NOVA (R)
 3:30 OUTDOOR NEVADA                               “Treasures of the Earth: Power”
		    “Saddle Up” Host John Burke is         		 (See Wednesday, 7/25 at 10pm)
      leading 300 rowdy head of cattle       noon GLOBE TREKKER
      towards the Reno Rodeo.                      “Food Hour: The Story of Beer”
 4:00 NOVA (R)
      “Treasures of the Earth: Power”
		 (See Wednesday, 7/25 at 10pm)
		    “Henry Mancini-Johnny Mercer (1973)”
      “Vintage Omaha”
      “Ring Out Your Dead, Part 2”
		 (Repeats Tuesday, 7/31 at 2pm)
		 The death of a scientist on the side of
      a live volcano is a difficult case.
		    (Repeats Sunday, 7/29 at 7pm)
      “Alabama Shakes / Vintage Trouble”
Overnight Programming
 1:00 NOVA (R)
      “Treasures of the Earth: Power”
		 (See Wednesday, 7/25 at 10pm)

                                                                         July 2018 27
1:00 THE DURRELLS                            5:00 PBS NEWSHOUR WEEKEND
        ON MASTERPIECE                          5:30 FIRING LINE WITH
                                                     MARGARET HOOVER
                                                6:00 WILD NEVADA (R)
                                               		 “Hawthorne to Gabbs”
                                               		 (See Thursday, 7/26 at 8pm)
                                                6:30 ARTEFFECTS (R)
                                               		 “Hello Hollywood Hello”
                                               		    (See Friday, 7/27 at 8:30pm)
                                                7:00 DEATH IN PARADISE (R)
 		 Louisa Durrell and her headstrong          		    (See Saturday, 7/28 at 10pm)
      children arrive on the bucolic Greek      8:00 POLDARK SEASON 2
      island of Corfu in 1935. (Part 1 of 6)         ON MASTERPIECE
 2:00 THE DURRELLS                             		 For once, Ross plays the game he
      ON MASTERPIECE                                 despises. George is on the brink of
 		 Louisa orders her children to put                success. (Part 7 of 9)
      food on the table. Larry bites the       		    (Repeats Monday, 7/30 at 5am)
      bullet and goes hunting. (Part 2 of 6)    9:00 ENDEAVOUR SEASON 5
 3:00 THE DURRELLS                                   ON MASTERPIECE
      ON MASTERPIECE                                 “Icarus” After a teacher mysteriously
 		 Gerry’s new soulmate has a surpris-              disappears, Endeavour investigates
      ing background and Leslie suffers the          the dark world of a public school.
      pangs of heartbreak. (Part 3 of 6)             (Part 6 of 6)
 4:00 BLUEGRASS                                		    (Repeats at 1:30am and Monday, 7/30
      UNDERGROUND                                    at 3:30am)
 		 “Kasey Chambers”                           10:30 THE TUNNEL: VENGEANCE
 4:30 RAY STEVENS CABARAY                      		 Karl makes a major breakthrough in
      NASHVILLE                                      the search for Saban. (Part 5 of 6)
 		 “Guest Paul Overstreet”                    		    (Repeats at 3am & Mon., 7/30 at 2:30am)
                                               11:30 BREAKING BIG
                                                     “Ruth Zukerman” Turns her passion
                                                     for indoor-cycling into businesses
                                                     with SoulCycle and FlyWheel.
                                               Overnight Programming
                                               midnight POV (R)
                                               		 “The War to Be Her”
                                               		       (See Tuesday, 7/24 at 3am)
                                                1:30 ENDEAVOUR SEASON 5
                                                        ON MASTERPIECE (R)
                                                3:00 THE TUNNEL:
                                                        VENGEANCE (R)
                                                4:00 10 MODERN MARVELS
                                                        THAT CHANGED
                                                        AMERICA (R)
                                               		       (See Tuesday, 7/24 at 8pm)
                                                5:00 NO PASSPORT REQUIRED (R)
                                               		 (See Tuesday, 7/24 at 9pm)

                                               MONDAY 30
                                               1pm A CRAFTSMAN’S LEGACY
                                               1:30 LEGENDS OF AIRPOWER
                                               2:00 THE GREAT BRITISH
                                                    BAKING SHOW (R)
                                                    “Sweet Dough” (See Fri., 7/27 at 10pm)
                                               3:00 FOOD FLIRTS (R)
                                                    “Cape Cod Road-Trip”
28 July 2018
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