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INTRODUCTION Copenhagen Capacity is a non-profit Too often, we find, benchmarks and try to rectify these lacunae through rigorous organization established with the sole rankings for various reasons, not least use of the proprietary databases that purpose to contribute to economic growth in costs and global scope, tend to neglect the Copenhagen Capacity has license to as the Greater Copenhagen region density of highly innovative city regions in well as of public databases from national encompassing all of Eastern Denmark and Northwest Europe and feature only two or statistical offices, accessed where most of Southern Sweden. Its core three of the metropolitan areas here necessary in local languages, and of the, in business is the attraction of resources – presented (e.g., either Berlin or Amsterdam our opinion, most robust, regularly foreign companies, capital, and talent – to and either Copenhagen or Stockholm). published, indices out there. the region, but over the years Copenhagen Capacity (among other things) in addition Moreover, we find, the results of these We hope to provide a sound, has been involved in a string of successful studies too often do not present a fair comprehensive yet neutral, knowledge cluster initiatives. picture of activity levels in each city region base for international decision makers and relying on the ready availability of data for national and local policy makers alike to Every year Copenhagen Capacity national or local administrative units of use in their deliberations about future publishes the Metro Monitor Northern varying size and structure (e.g., counties, investments. Europe in an attempt to objectively municipalities, or postcode areas) with little measure and highlight the performance of consideration for, or awareness of, the Greater Copenhagen as well as of a extent of the actual functional metropolitan number of comparable metropolitan regions areas (e.g., the Hamburg region extending within the same geography (namely, into Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo, Berlin, Hamburg, or the Copenhagen region straddling the Amsterdam, and Dublin, but not London or border between Denmark and Sweden). Vienna, for instance). With the Metro Monitor Northern Europe we 2
STRUCTURE OF THE REPORT The Metro Monitor Northern Europe business case structure to describe and For easy reading all data sections are consists of two major sections. compare business opportunities, costs, and made up of twinned pages containing first a apparent hassles, uncertainties and risks chart and then a text commenting upon it The first part of the report looks at the most that may or may not deter a company from as illustrated by pages 10 (chart) and recent trends in foreign direct investments making an investment. Albeit plain, we find 11 (text) shown in small below. (FDI) based on data from the fDi Markets this basic model to neatly encapsulate the database maintained by fDi Intelligence, a fundamental logic behind most investment division of Financial Times. It offers a decisions and the experience from the contextual overview of the level and more than 600 investment cases that direction of global FDI flows before turning Copenhagen Capacity has been involved in its focus to a more detailed comparison of over the years (obviously no two investment patterns in the eight Northern investment cases are exactly alike, European city regions highlighted in this however, exceptions abound!). publication: Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo, Berlin, Hamburg, To validate our main point – that Northern Amsterdam, and Dublin. Europe is highly competitive and innovative and rife with attractive locations to do The second part of the report instead of business – we also include as an annex to looking at the investments flowing into each the second part of the report a brief city region rather looks at the city regions overview of a handful of the most themselves in order to outline what each recognized country level indices showing city region reasonably has to offer a that Northwestern Europe across the board potential investor from a business reads like a summary of the top countries in perspective. We apply a simple three-tier Europe if not all the world. 3
SUMMARY OF INVESTMENT TRENDS The total number of FDI (greenfield and comprising two out of every three two regions to receive less than 50 projects expansion) projects in the world increased investment projects. It is notable, however, in 2017. Most of the eight regions saw a again in 2017 after several years with that investment projects related to transport growing number of projects. significant decreases following the onset of equipment as well as manufacturing the financial crisis in 2008. projects made up smaller shares of Metropolitan patterns of investments in investment projects in Western Europe than general follow the global and Western Western Europe, North America, and Asia- elsewhere. European patterns with regards to source Pacific were the sources for nine out of regions, industry cluster activity levels, and every ten investment projects and also the Although decreasing in 2017, at least in types of business activities. Yet destination for seven out of every ten part due to the negative impact of Brexit, metropolitan investment patterns by no investment projects globally in 2017. the number of FDI projects in Northwestern means are identical clearly impacted by, Compared to previous years Western and Europe (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, among other things, geographical location. Emerging Europe had particularly good Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, the years in 2017 while the opposite was true United Kingdom, and Ireland), unlike the for Asia-Pacific as a destination region. global total, actually has been gradually increasing for the last decade. ICT and electronics was by far the most active industry cluster responsible for Among the eight metropolitan regions, nearly one out of every five investment Amsterdam received the most investment projects in the world in 2017 followed by projects in 2017 with more than two transport equipment while sales offices, hundred, followed by Dublin and then marketing, and support, manufacturing, and Helsinki, Hamburg, Copenhagen, and business services were the three most Berlin hovering around a hundred projects frequent types of business activities each. Stockholm and Oslo were the only 7
GLOBAL FDI LEVEL SINCE 2008 Notes: Source fDi Markets. Figures include only greenfield and expansion projects, not mergers and acquisitions nor retention projects. 10
The total number of FDI projects in the million in 2016. For estimates of the total worth of foreign world (greenfield and expansion projects direct investments including mergers and only, thus not including mergers and It is worth noting, however, that the number acquisitions we refer readers to UNCTAD acquisitions nor retention projects) of jobs created by each project in 2017 is and central bank publications, e.g., the recorded by fDi Intelligence (a division of estimated for about three out of every four World Investment Report. Financial Times and owners of the fDi projects shrouding the real number of Markets database) in 2017 grew by nearly associated jobs in much uncertainty two percent to almost 13,600. (indeed the share of estimated job figures in 2008 is even higher: about five out of This is the second year in a row that the every six projects). number of investment projects in the world has grown, albeit slightly, according to fDi Also capital expenditure (capex) figures in Intelligence figures, following a number of large part rely on estimates as it is rarely years with more significant declines reported in public statements unless reaching back with few exceptions to the projects are heavy on bricks and/or onset of the global financial crisis in 2008 expensive equipment (or concern mergers and the European debt crisis in 2011. or acquisitions not included here). Truth be told, the companies themselves in our While the number of investment projects in experience do not always know the value of the world grew for the second year in row, a project up front. We consequently refrain the number of associated jobs surprisingly from reporting further on either measure of fell in 2017 according to fDi Intelligence FDI activity despite the obvious interest in figures, after increasing steadily every year knowing these numbers. from the recent low in 2012 to above two 11
DESTINATION REGIONS 2017 Notes: Source fDi Markets. Southern Europe encompasses Spain, Portugal, Andorra, France, Monaco, Italy, San Marino, and Greece. UKIE encompasses United Kingdom and Ireland. DACH encompasses Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein. Benelux encompasses Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Nordics encompasses Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland. 12
The leading destination regions for FDI in 2017 compared to 2016, but looking at the Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands, and 2017 by number of projects were Asia- trend in the three year moving average Luxembourg), and the Nordics (Denmark, Pacific and Western Europe, which (from 2014-16 to 2015-17, evening out Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland) received about a third and a quarter of all annual fluctuations) all other destination received far more, which at least for the projects, respectively, or more than three regions than Western and Emerging UKIE – for which the downward trend also thousand projects each. Europe had worse years in 2017 than in is apparent in the three year moving 2016. average (from 2014-16 to 2015-17) – may In comparison, Africa and the Middle East be more or less attributable to Brexit each received about one twentieth of all Looking at sub-regions within Western concerns. projects, or around six hundred projects Europe, Southern Europe (Spain, Portugal, each. Andorra, France, Monaco, Italy, San Marino, and Greece), UKIE (the English- For most destination regions, the number of speaking countries, the United Kingdom projects received in 2017 is very close to and Ireland), and DACH (the German- the three year average (2015-17). However, speaking countries, Germany, Austria, it is evident that Asia-Pacific has Switzerland, and Liechtenstein) not experienced better years in recent times, surprisingly received the most investment while 2017 was an exceptionally good year projects in 2017 given that they encompass for Western and Emerging Europe (Eastern the five largest countries by population as Europe, Russia, the Balkans, and Turkey) – well as by gross domestic product. something which is also reflected in the yearly changes from 2016 to 2017. But noticeably both UKIE and DACH received fewer investment projects in 2017 North America likewise had a good year in than in 2016 while Southern Europe, 13
SOURCE REGIONS 2017 Notes: Source fDi Markets. Southern Europe encompasses Spain, Portugal, Andorra, France, Monaco, Italy, San Marino, and Greece. UKIE encompasses United Kingdom and Ireland. DACH encompasses Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein. Benelux encompasses Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Nordics encompasses Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland. 14
Looking at where investments came from in good year receiving investment projects it performance. 2017, the leading source regions for FDI by also initiated many more projects in 2017 number of projects were Western Europe, while Asia-Pacific conversely both had a Interestingly, the apparent drops in the North America, and Asia-Pacific, which poor year receiving investment projects in numbers of investment projects going into together accounted for more than nine out 2017 and initiated significantly fewer, UKIE and DACH from 2016 to 2017 are not of every ten projects, or over 12 thousand something also apparent in the annual apparent in the numbers of investment projects combined. Of these, Western changes from 2016 to 2017. projects coming out of either of the two sub- Europe alone was responsible for nearly regions, which both increased significantly half of all projects, or more than six The significant increase in the number of in 2017. thousand projects. projects coming from Emerging Europe in 2017 compared to 2016 reflects more of a The single largest source country by far in return to normal levels from a down year in 2017 was the United States, while the 2016 than an actual uptick in investment largest source countries in Western Europe projects – in fact, the three year moving and Asia-Pacific were Germany and the average is negative. United Kingdom, and Japan and China, respectively. More than half of all projects in Looking at sub-regions within Western the world came from one of these five Europe, DACH, UKIE, and Southern countries. Europe again not surprisingly given their inclusion of the largest countries in Western For most source regions, the number of Europe were the largest sources of projects initiated in 2017 is very close to the investment projects in 2017 although the three year average (2015-17), but not only order of the countries noticeably is reversed did Western Europe have an exceptionally to resemble their order of recent economic 15
INDUSTRY CLUSTERS 2017 Notes: Source fDi Markets. Other industry clusters encompasses consumer goods, construction, physical sciences, wood, apparel, and related products, tourism, energy, and retail trade (excl. retail stores). 16
The most active industry cluster by far with activity within a range of other industry electronics, e.g., cosmetics, personal care regards to FDI in 2017 in terms of number clusters including food, beverages, and and household cleaning products, furniture of projects was ICT (Information and tobacco, creative industries (advertising, and homeware, and household appliances, Communications Technology, including publishing, broadcasting, etc.), life sciences but also non-store, i.e., internet, retailers) software and IT services) and electronics (including pharmaceuticals, medical and construction (construction and (including computers, semiconductors, and devices, biotech, and healthcare), and engineering companies as well as building electronic and electric components) transportation, warehousing, and storage, construction materials and machinery followed in descending order by transport all accounting for between five and seven companies, in particular manufacturers of equipment (in particular automotive and percent of investment projects in 2017, is cement and concrete and of paints) are the aerospace), professional and financial not big, however. most active together accounting for nearly services (in particular consultancy and half of the projects in 2017. outsourcing services as well as office space Looking at the numbers of investment providers and corporate and retail banking), projects over time, both annual changes and industrial (primarily machinery, from 2016 and three year moving averages equipment, and tools). (from 2014-16 to 2015-17) suggest increasing activity levels within professional This is also true looking at three year and financial services as well as food, averages (2015-17) with the only difference beverages, and tobacco and life sciences in that industrial in recent years has tended to 2017 and decreasing activity levels within be slightly more active than professional industrial as well as creative industries. and financial services. Among the industry clusters grouped under The gap from professional and financial the other industry clusters header, services and industrial to the levels of consumer goods (consumer products and 17
BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 2017 Notes: Source fDi Markets. Other business activities encompasses education and training, customer contact centres, maintenance and servicing, shared service centres, technical support centres, extraction, and recycling. 18
Sales, marketing, and support was the business services projects all increased investment projects. most frequent type of investment project in from 2016 to 2017 after several years of 2017 in terms of number of projects decreasing project numbers while the long- accounting for more than a quarter of all term upward trend in the number of design, investment projects, or nearly four development, and testing projects stalled at thousand projects. least temporarily in 2017. This type of business activity was followed The number of logistics, distribution, and by manufacturing and business services storage projects meanwhile continued its respectively accounting for slightly more gradual downward trend in 2017, and the than and slightly less than a fifth of all number of headquarter projects remained investment projects. more or less stable, as also evident in the three year moving averages (from 2014-16 Other types of business activities were to 2015-17). much less frequent with design, development, and testing, logistics, Among the business activities grouped distribution, and transportation, and under the other business activities header, headquarters each accounting for between most of the decrease apparent from 2016 five and seven percent of all investment to 2017 concerns shared services centre projects, and research and development projects and education and training projects accounting for as little as one percent. while the number of maintenance and servicing projects increased slightly. None Interestingly, the numbers of sales, of the activities account for much more than marketing, and support, manufacturing, and one percent of the total number of 19
SOURCES BY DESTINATION 2017 Notes: Source fDi Markets and own calculations. Deviation measures difference between actual and expected number of projects based on marginal distributions (count) in terms of standard deviations. 20
In all destination regions Western Europe, Finland, and Iceland) stemming from other Canada). North America, and Asia-Pacific were the Nordic countries in 2017 was 99. But the three largest source regions in 2017. Nordics only received three percent, and Rather UKIE and North America received a only initiated five percent, of all investment much higher proportion of investment This ought not to be surprising given that projects implying an expected number of projects from, and invested at a much Western Europe, North America, and Asia- projects in the Nordics from other parts of higher rate in, each other than predicted by Pacific together were responsible for nine the Nordics closer to 18 (three percent of an “even” or proportionate distribution of out of every ten investment projects in the five percent of about 13,600 projects investment projects, underscoring the world in 2017. globally, with rounding errors). This is a strong historical linkages between the two significant difference of nearly 19 standard regions. (In addition, North America Perhaps more interesting then is the deviations in statistical terms where a invested at a much higher rate in Latin prominence of inter-regional investment threshold of two or three standard America and Asia-Pacific, and UKIE at a projects when adjusting for the size of deviations usually is applied as a rule of much higher rate in Southern Europe and source and destination regions. Comparing thumb to delimit differences likely due to the Middle East.) the actual numbers of investment projects chance. to a proportionate scattering of projects based on the marginal distributions, it is Only UKIE and North America appeared to evident that all regions receive more break this pattern in 2017, which most likely investment projects from other countries in can be attributed to UKIE and North the same region than to be expected. America comprising just two countries, one of which (the United Kingdom or the United For instance, the actual number of States) is substantially larger, and the investment projects in the five Nordic source of substantially more investment countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, projects, than the other (Ireland or 21
INDUSTRIES BY DESTINATION 2017 Notes: Source fDi Markets and own calculations. Deviation measures difference between actual and expected number of projects based on marginal distributions (count) in terms of standard deviations. Other industry clusters encompasses consumer goods, construction, physical sciences, wood, apparel, and related products, tourism, energy, and retail trade (excl. retail stores). 22
A somewhat more varied picture is evident order) in 2017. At the same time, the opposite is also true. when looking at industry cluster activities For instance, all parts of Western Europe across destination regions. This varied pattern also is brought out when received significantly fewer investment comparing the actual numbers of projects in relation to transport equipment While ICT and electronics, by far the most investment projects to an “even” or than the levels of investment activity within active industry cluster globally in 2017, was proportionate distribution of investment that industry cluster and the size of the one of the two most active industry clusters projects. There were many more region as a destination would seem to merit in all destination regions, it was surpassed investment projects in 2016 related to (which is not to say that Western Europe in numbers of projects by transport transport equipment in Emerging Europe did not receive any investment projects in equipment in Emerging Europe and Latin and Latin America, as well as in North relation to transport equipment, it clearly America (two low-cost regions adjacent to America, and many more investment did). affluent markets) and by financial services projects related to financial services in in Africa. Africa, as well as in the Middle East, Asia- Pacific and UKIE, than to be expected. Moreover, the five most active industry clusters globally in 2016, ICT and Likewise, the Nordics and UKIE received electronics, transport equipment, disproportionately high numbers of professional and financial services, and investment projects in relation to ICT and industrial were not the five most active electronics, whereas Africa and Latin industry clusters in any destination region America received a disproportionately high but DACH (in slightly different order). In number of investment projects in relation to fact, the five most active industry clusters environmental technology (primarily differed for all destination regions but the alternative/ renewable energy projects, Nordics and Middle East (disregarding the here solar farms in particular). 23
ACTIVITIES BY DESTINATION 2017 Notes: Source fDi Markets and own calculations. Deviation measures difference between actual and expected number of projects based on marginal distributions (count) in terms of standard deviations. Other business activities encompasses education and training, customer contact centres, maintenance and servicing, shared service centres, technical support centres, extraction, and recycling. 24
Looking instead at business activities, comparing the actual numbers of sales, marketing, and support, investment projects to an “even” or manufacturing, and business services were proportionate distribution of investment the three most frequent types of investment projects. In particular, there were many projects in 2017 in all destination regions more manufacturing projects in 2017 in except Emerging Europe where the number Emerging Europe and Latin America, as of business services projects was well as in Africa, and far fewer in Western superseded by the number of logistics, Europe and the Middle East than could distribution, and transportation projects. reasonably be expected. However, the balance between the three Meanwhile, headquarter projects in 2017 most frequent types of business activities disproportionately were located in North varied substantially. Thus, almost one out America, UKIE, and Benelux, while of every two projects in Emerging Europe research and development projects and and more than one out of every three design, development, and testing projects projects in Latin America were disproportionately were located in North manufacturing projects in 2017 compared America, on the one hand, and Asia-Pacific, to between one out of every four and one on the other. out of every five projects in Asia-Pacific, and North America, and little more than one out of every ten projects in the Middle East and all parts of Western Europe. This pattern also is brought out when 25
NWE FDI LEVEL SINCE 2008 Notes: Source fDi Markets. Figures include only greenfield and expansion projects, not mergers and acquisitions nor retention projects. Northwestern Europe (NWE) encompasses Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Ireland. 28
Switching from global FDI flows to Northern investment projects appears to have been European and metropolitan FDI, the total steadily decreasing. number of FDI projects in Northwestern Europe (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Job figures too, for what they are worth due Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, the to the large share of projects with an United Kingdom, and Ireland) recorded by estimated job value, corroborate that fDi Intelligence in 2017 declined by nearly Northwestern Europe in general has two percent to just below 2,700. outperformed the global trend during the last decade. Thus, fDi Intelligence In contrast to global FDI flows, this is the estimates that the number of associated second year in a row that the number of jobs percentagewise has increased by investment projects into Northwestern twice the global average in Northwestern Europe has declined, according to fDi Europe since the recent low in 2012. Intelligence figures, partially reflecting the negative effects of Brexit on investments It is notable, however, that the average into the United Kingdom. project size in Northwestern Europe continues to be no more than 40 percent of Indeed, over the longer term the opposite is the global average. actually the case: The number of investment projects in Northwestern Europe appears to have been steadily increasing (although not entirely unaffected by the financial and European debt crises, of course) while the global number of 29
DESTINATION CITIES TOTAL 2017 Notes: Source fDi Markets and own calculations. 30
Together the eight metropolitan regions in Amsterdam, in particular, deviate quite a bit focus in this report received close to one from the three year averages. out of every three investment projects in Northwestern Europe in 2017, or nearly two Overall, 2017 was a good year compared to out of every five investment projects 2016 for most of the eight metropolitan outside of the London region (the regions except for Berlin and Oslo (albeit metropolitan regions as here defined from a small initial number) with Stockholm extend approximately 1½ hours drive out having experienced the largest growth. from each main city). Beyond the geographic scope of the Among the eight metropolitan regions, present report other significant metropolitan Amsterdam by far received the most areas in Northwestern Europe as here investment projects at more than two defined include London as well as hundred, followed by Dublin with about one Manchester and Edinburgh in the United hundred and fifty projects, and then Kingdom and Munich, Rhine-Ruhr Helsinki, Copenhagen, Berlin, and (Dortmund-Dusseldorf-Cologne), Frankfurt, Hamburg at a similar level somewhat below and Stuttgart, primarily in the Southern that. Stockholm and Oslo were the only two parts of Germany. regions to receive less than 50 projects in 2017 with 42 and 11, respectively. Three year averages (2015-17) do not substantially alter this division into tiers although 2017 numbers for Berlin and 31
DESTINATION CITIES LARGE 2017 Notes: Source fDi Markets and own calculations. Larger projects defined as projects associated with at least ten jobs, known or estimated. 32
Sifting out smaller investment projects with have pronounced start-up initiatives). less than ten associated jobs using fDi Intelligence estimates, much the same Yearly changes from 2016 to 2017 as well picture emerges for 2017 with Amsterdam as changes in the three year moving ahead of Dublin in front, Copenhagen, averages (from 2014-16 to 2015-17) by and Helsinki, Berlin, and Hamburg together in a large resemble those regarding the total tier below that, and Stockholm and Oslo number of investment projects due to the following suit. Only the gap between large shares of projects with at least ten Amsterdam and Dublin narrows while the associated jobs. Consequently, 2017 was a gap between Dublin and the middle group good year for most of the metropolitan widens. regions except for Berlin and Oslo with regards to larger projects with Stockholm In particular, Hamburg, Helsinki, Berlin and experiencing particularly high growth. Oslo received many smaller investment projects in 2017 – around 40 (Berlin and Oslo) to 50 (Hamburg and Helsinki) percent compared to less than 25 percent in the other regions and 28 percent in Northwestern Europe overall – and looking at three year averages (2015-17) relatively large shares of projects with less than ten associated jobs do not appear to be atypical at least for Hamburg, Helsinki, and Berlin (incidentally, all three city regions 33
DESTINATION CITIES STRAT 2017 Notes: Source fDi Markets and own calculations. Strategic projects defined as headquarter, research and development, and design, development, and testing projects and projects explicitly serving more than a national market. 34
Zooming in instead on strategic investment year averages (2015-17) with the only projects, here defined as headquarter, change that the share of strategic projects research and development, and design, in Berlin resembles more the shares in development, and testing projects and Helsinki and Hamburg than the share in projects explicitly serving more than a Copenhagen. national market (this information is not available for all investment projects), does That being said, the number of strategic not radically alter the relative positioning of investment projects increased significantly the eight metropolitan regions although in Helsinki, as well as in Stockholm, in 2017 these projects make up at most half of all compared to 2016 (albeit in both instances investment projects (and half of all larger from small initial numbers) whereas growth projects) except for in Oslo. Amsterdam was more modest in Copenhagen and and Dublin are still in front followed at some negative in Berlin and Hamburg. distance by a group consisting of Copenhagen, Berlin, Helsinki, and All eight metropolitan regions saw Hamburg, and then by Stockholm and Oslo. increasing three year moving averages (from 2014-16 to 2015-17), however, It is notable, though, that just a fifth or less indicating that the 2017 drops in Berlin and of all investment projects in Hamburg and Hamburg may be temporary fluctuations. Helsinki in 2017 were comprised by strategic projects as here defined compared to close to a third in Copenhagen and Berlin with the third and fourth lowest shares, and this is true also looking at three 35
SOURCES BY DESTINATION 2017 Notes: Source fDi Markets and own calculations. Deviation measures difference between actual and expected number of projects based on marginal distributions (count) in terms of standard deviations. 36
The source regions for FDI into the eight was a relatively bigger source of investment the last three years, at best receiving a metropolitan regions generally mirror the projects for the two Westernmost regions, number of projects proportionate to the source regions for Western Europe as a Dublin and Amsterdam. relative size of the metropolitan region as a whole. Thus, in each of the eight regions at destination for, and the relative size of Asia- least eight out of every ten and typically These regional variations also are evident Pacific as a source of, investment projects, more than nine out of every ten investment looking at how actual numbers of as in the case of, for instance, Amsterdam projects the last three years (2015-17) investment projects deviate from an “even” and Hamburg and at worst significantly came from Western Europe, North America, or proportionate distribution of investment fewer, as in the case of Helsinki and Dublin. or Asia-Pacific. projects across Northwestern Europe. The four Nordic metropolitan regions and the This relative lack of investment projects into Yet source patterns over the last three Northernmost of the non-Nordic regions, the eight metropolitan regions from Asia- years by no means are identical. The Hamburg, received far more investment Pacific at least in part reflect that larger Nordics notably was a relatively bigger projects from (other) Nordic countries, the shares of investments from Asia-Pacific source of investment projects for the for the two Easternmost regions, Helsinki and than from elsewhere are related to four Nordic regions, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Berlin, far more investment projects from transport equipment and industrial and Oslo, and Stockholm, as well as for the Emerging Europe, and Dublin, in a sense manufacturing – areas which are not Northernmost region among the four non- the Westernmost region, far more particular strengths of any of the eight Nordic regions, Hamburg, and, likewise, investment projects from North America regions (rather these types of investments Emerging Europe (Eastern Europe, Russia, than to be expected. are disproportionally made in other parts of the Balkans, and Turkey) was a relatively Germany). bigger source of investment projects for the Interestingly, however, none of the eight two Easternmost regions, Helsinki and metropolitan regions by this measure Berlin. In fact, although not exactly received particularly large numbers of bordering each other, even North America investment projects from Asia-Pacific over 37
INDUSTRIES BY DESTINATION 2017 Notes: Source fDi Markets and own calculations. Deviation measures difference between actual and expected number of projects based on marginal distributions (count) in terms of standard deviations. Other industry clusters encompasses consumer goods, construction, physical sciences, wood, apparel, and related products, tourism, energy, and retail trade (excl. retail stores). 38
ICT and electronics was one of the most accounted for more than one out of every In addition, there were many more transport active, if not the most active, industry seven investment projects. equipment and environmental technology cluster over the last three years (2015-17) projects (here wind farms in particular) in at metropolitan level too, only surpassed in Looking at the regional numbers of Hamburg and many more professional numbers of projects, and then barely, by investment projects over the last three services projects in Berlin than to be transport equipment in Hamburg. years compared to an “even” or expected. proportionate distribution across What is more, in all eight metropolitan Northwestern Europe, the high shares of regions except for Hamburg the share of investment projects related to ICT and investment projects related to ICT and electronics and creative industries are electronics was higher than the Western somewhat less pronounced being only European (as well as the global) average significantly higher than to be expected for ranging between a small third of all Dublin, Stockholm, Amsterdam, investment projects in Stockholm and a fifth Copenhagen, and Helsinki with regards to in Berlin. ICT and electronics and for Berlin and Dublin with regards to creative industries. Also creative industries was more active in each of the eight regions than in Western Likewise, by this measure Dublin received Europe overall accounting for as much as a a disproportionately high number of fifth of all investment projects in Oslo and investment projects related to financial Berlin, whereas transport equipment in services and Amsterdam and Hamburg general was relatively less active than in received disproportionately high numbers of Western Europe overall except for in investment projects related to Hamburg where transport equipment transportation, warehousing, and storage. 39
ACTIVITIES BY DESTINATION 2017 Notes: Source fDi Markets and own calculations. Deviation measures difference between actual and expected number of projects based on marginal distributions (count) in terms of standard deviations. Other business activities encompasses education and training, customer contact centres, maintenance and servicing, shared service centres, technical support centres, extraction, and recycling. 40
Over the last three years (2015-17) sales, number of manufacturing projects still Moreover, Amsterdam and Dublin not only marketing, and support and business exceeded the number of research and received disproportionately high numbers of services projects by far were the two most development projects. headquarter projects, but also frequent types of investment projects in six disproportionately high numbers of of the eight metropolitan regions comprising Comparing actual numbers of investment logistics, distribution, and transportation two thirds or more of all investment projects projects to an “even” or proportionate projects and ICT and internet infrastructure in those regions with no other business distribution of investment projects across projects in the case of Amsterdam and activity accounting for more than a tenth. Northwestern Europe in particular Helsinki, disproportionately high numbers of design, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Hamburg, development, and testing projects in the Only in Dublin and Amsterdam did another Berlin, and Stockholm received fewer case of Dublin. type of business activity, namely manufacturing projects over the last three headquarter projects, come close to a years than to be expected while Dublin and share approaching either of the two, but Oslo received fewer than an “even” share, even in those two regions sales, marketing but not significantly so. and support and business services were the two most frequent types of projects. It is also notable comparing actual numbers of investment projects to a proportionate On the other hand, the second most distribution that besides Dublin and frequent type of business activity globally, Amsterdam, which received manufacturing, was even less frequent in disproportionately high numbers of all of the eight metropolitan regions than in headquarter projects, all other regions Western Europe overall, which already had except Copenhagen received significantly very low shares of manufacturing projects. fewer headquarter projects. Nonetheless, in all eight regions the 41
THE NEED FOR A BUSINESS CASE The second part of the report instead of not outweigh the potential gains and the looking at the investments flowing into each same business opportunity cannot be city region rather looks at the city regions realized cheaper elsewhere. themselves in order to outline what each city region has to offer a potential investor 3. Any associated hassle, uncertainty, and from a business perspective. risk should be as small as possible. Companies invest in a specific location only - Political stability The business case model applied is simple. if the likelihood of (sustained) success is However, we believe the fundamental logic acceptable and the same business Hassle, - Ease of doing business - Ease of hiring and firing behind most investment decisions can be opportunity cannot be realized elsewhere uncertainty, - Availability of talent - Availability of services described as follows: with fewer headaches and/or more pleasure and gratification. and risk - Airport connectivity - Quality of living 1. At the heart of every investment is a business opportunity. Companies invest in In the following, we expound on each a specific location only if there is a genuine component of the business case opportunity either to sell something or to considering the elements in the figure. Costs of - Corporate tax rates - Labour costs develop something that may then be operation - Property costs monetized in that location and/or elsewhere. 2. The costs associated with the business - Market size opportunity should be reasonable. Business - Market wealth - Innovation capacity Companies invest in a specific location only if the projected fixed and variable costs do opportunities - Innovation capital 44
SUMMARY OF LOCATION TRENDS While not the largest markets for selling Stockholm and Berlin, and Amsterdam and Copenhagen and Hamburg. products and services, the eight Dublin. metropolitan regions constitute some of the All eight metropolitan regions are in general most affluent markets in Europe on a per That being said, none of the eight secure and stable and easy places to do capita basis as well as, for the most part, metropolitan regions are exactly cheap business although German compliance growing markets. places to do business in Europe although laws may provide some headaches. with significant variations in the costs of Moreover, each of the eight metropolitan operation among the eight. In addition, all eight metropolitan regions regions is ideally suited as a place to rank highly on the availability of general develop new knowledge, technologies, In particular, labour unit costs tend to be talent from which to hire from as well as on products, and services, arguably ranking high in an international perspective (but at the availability of global advanced producer among the most innovative cities in the least in part offset by equally high labour services firms to help with professional, world and certainly among the most productivity) whereas corporate tax rates creative, and financial matters. innovative in Europe. with few exceptions are surprisingly average. More variation exists with regards to the For instance, WIPO in a recent study put ease of hiring and firing and airport six of the eight metropolitan regions among In both regards, Dublin is the cost leader connectivity with Copenhagen providing the 20 highest performing regions in among the eight metropolitan regions while some of the most flexible employment and Europe with regards to science and Hamburg is the most expensive except redundancy rules in the world and technology, and Amsterdam, Copenhagen, when considering lower skilled and Amsterdam providing one of the most Stockholm, and Berlin among the 40 largest unskilled employees where Copenhagen connected regions by air as well as by sea clusters of inventive activity in the world and Oslo are the most expensive. in Europe. with Amsterdam just outside the top 10. On the other hand, office space is most The quality of living is generally high in all Also venture capital is soaring, not least in expensive in Dublin and least expensive in eight metropolitan regions. 45
MARKET SIZE Notes: Source Statistics Denmark (DST), Statistics Sweden (SCB), Statistics Finland (Tilastokeskus), Statistics Norway (SSB), Statistics Netherlands (CBS), Central Statistics Office (CSO), Eurostat, Orbis/Bureau van Dijk, and own calculations. Percentages show percentage change from 2016 to 2017. 48
Considering the eight metropolitan regions Agreement on the European Economic as places to sell products and services Area). However, three regions, Stockholm, Amsterdam, both by number of inhabitants Oslo, and Copenhagen, are not members and number of enterprises, is the largest of the Eurozone, of which only Copenhagen market encompassing within 1½ hours has a currency pegged to the Euro (albeit driving distance most of the densely with a fluctuation band). populated Netherlands including the entire Randstad metroplex (the combined The number of inhabitants increased metropolitan areas of Amsterdam, Utrecht, modestly in all eight metropolitan regions Rotterdam, and the Hague). from 2016 to 2017 and in most cases slightly faster than the national populations Next after Amsterdam, Hamburg is the and well above the European average. second largest consumer market (B2C) and Among the eight metropolitan regions, the third largest business market (B2B) Stockholm and Dublin experienced the followed by Berlin (the most populous city) fastest growth in the number of inhabitants. on the consumer side and itself following Stockholm on the business side. By both The number of enterprises on the other measures Copenhagen is the fourth largest hand only increased in Stockholm, market followed by Stockholm and Berlin Copenhagen, and Amsterdam from 2016 to respectively. 2017 while it remained more or less stable in Hamburg, Helsinki, and Oslo, and Beyond the local metropolitan markets, all decreased in Dublin and Berlin. eight regions provide equal access to the European single market (Oslo via the 49
MARKET WEALTH Notes: Eurostat and own calculations. Information at national level. Percentages show percentage change from 2016 to 2017 (not available for gross national income per capita). 50
While the biggest market, Amsterdam is not by non-profit institutions and government has exceeded the national averages by the richest market among the eight for individual consumption (e.g., health and approximately 5 percent). metropolitan regions on a per capita basis. education services), ranks at the lower end among the eight regions. Nevertheless, even the least rich market Whether looking at gross domestic product among the eight metropolitan regions on a at one end, indicating the overall size of the It should be noted, however, that with few per capita basis still ranks among the most economy, or consumption expenditure of exceptions, metropolitan GDP as well as affluent in Europe with GDP and household households at the other end, indicating the household consumption tend to be higher consumption values well above EU size of private disposable funds, the richest than the national averages here shown due averages. market by far is Oslo due in large part to to lack of updated regional information. Metropolitan GDP Metropolitan net the country’s substantial oil and natural gas Thus, available historic data suggest as per capita relative to disposable income national GDP per per capita relative to production. much as 20-25 percent higher GDP per capita, 2007-15 national net capita values in Stockholm, Dublin, and disposable income Also Dublin has a very high GDP per Helsinki, and 2-5 percent higher household per capita, 2007-15 capita, but the drop-off between gross consumption figures per capita in all the Average Last Average Last for available for available domestic product and gross national metropolitan regions except Amsterdam available year available year income, which subtracts primary income and Berlin. years years payable to non-resident units (e.g., foreign Copenhagen 97 101 102 102 owned companies), is noticeable and much In fact, only Berlin would appear to have Stockholm 124 125 106 105 higher than in any of the other countries. significantly lower per capita GDP and Helsinki 120 120 106 160 Hence, household consumption household consumption values than the Oslo 88 93 103 102 expenditure per capita in Dublin, and in national averages shown, historically Hamburg 107 105 103 103 particular adjusted individual consumption lagging 10-15 percent behind the national Berlin 85 86 89 88 factoring in the value of services provided averages (in contrast Hamburg historically Amsterdam 102 103 101 100 Dublin 118 124 103 104 Notes: Source Eurostat and own calculations. GDP per capita based on NUTS3 whereas net disposable income per capita based on NUTS2. 51
INNOVATION CAPACITY Notes: Source ShanghaiRanking Consultancy, Times Higher Education, QS, National Taiwan University, Leiden University (CWTS), Spanish National Research Council (Cybermetrics Lab), Cornell University, INSEAD, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and own calculations. Numbers at end of bars indicate average global rank of highest ranked university (left-hand side) and European regional cluster rank (right-hand side). Numbers in parenthesis due to highest ranked university being omitted from one or other of six rankings. 52
Looking instead at the metropolitan regions regions feature five or more universities as places to develop new knowledge, listed among the top 500 in one or other of technologies, products, and services, all the major university rankings published eight regions rank among the 50 most annually, and Copenhagen and Amsterdam innovative cities in the world according to feature multiple universities consistently the annual Innovation Cities Index by listed among the top 200, with the 2thinknow (all are top tier Nexus regions University of Copenhagen having the led by Amsterdam, Berlin, Stockholm, and highest average rank (58 globally – only Oslo in the European top 10) and the 70 one other European university outside of most innovative regions in Europe the United Kingdom, and five other non- according to the biennial Regional English speaking universities in the world, Innovation Scoreboard by the European have a higher average rank). Commission (five of the eight regions belong to the top Innovation leader tier with Similarly, a recent clustering analysis of Stockholm and Copenhagen at the very patent filings and scientific publications by top). WIPO (as part of the most recent Global Innovation Index publication) put six of the The strong capacity for innovation is also eight metropolitan regions among the 20 reflected in the number of highly ranked highest performing regions in Europe with universities in each region and each regards to science and technology, and region’s share of global patent filings and Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and scientific publications. Berlin among the 40 largest clusters of inventive activity in the world with For instance, six of the eight metropolitan Amsterdam just outside the top 10. 53
VENTURE CAPITAL Notes: Source CB Insights and own calculations. Percentages show percentage change for normal rounds from 2014-16 to 2015-17. 54
A related, perhaps more dynamic, measure relatively few deals, indicatively named venture capital activity and that, for of innovative capacity is the number of “mega-rounds”, account for relatively large instance, many companies founded in companies in each metropolitan region with shares of the total values implying that Copenhagen will choose to move to technologies, products, and/or services differences between regions are Stockholm or further abroad at the point of interesting enough to get venture backing significantly smaller going by the total needing or getting additional funding in for their further development and value, or average size, of the more frequent order to attract investors. expansion. and typically much smaller normal deals (the average normal round ranges in value By this measure, Stockholm, Berlin and between two million dollars in Amsterdam Amsterdam provide the most thriving and five million dollars in Dublin). environments for innovation with close to eight hundred successful deals to raise Comparing three year moving averages capital each over the last three years (from 2014-16 to 2015-17), venture activity (2015-17) according to CB Insights data, both by the number of financing deals and followed by Copenhagen and then Dublin the total value of all normal rounds with more than four hundred and close to increased by double digits in Stockholm, four hundred financing deals, respectively Amsterdam, Berlin and Hamburg, and (not including exits, i.e., IPOs, mergers, Dublin – outpacing global and European and acquisitions). averages in most instances – but decreased in Helsinki, Copenhagen and By the total value of those financing deals Oslo. Berlin come out on top followed at some distance by Dublin and then Stockholm and It should be noted, though, that tax Amsterdam. It should be noted though that incentives play some role for the level of 55
CORPORATE TAXES Notes: Source OECD, PwC, and own calculations. Percentages show percentage point change from 2016 to 2017. 58
It is no secret that Ireland and consequently lower tax rates further out). On the other hand, important exemptions Dublin has one of the lowest corporate exist to the corporate income tax in some income tax rates in Europe, fixed at just Statutory tax rates do not tell the whole countries not least what is known as patent 12.5 percent since 2003. story, however. On the one hand, box, innovation box or knowledge companies are subject to other taxes development box schemes, which under Perhaps less well known is that corporate beyond the corporate income tax as certain conditions allow companies with income tax rates in the Nordic countries, exemplified by the total tax and contribution research, development, and innovation often confounded with high personal rate also including social contributions and activities to significantly lower the tax rate income tax rates, in reality also are lower labour taxes paid by the employer, property applied to income derived from any than or at least on par with European and taxes, turnover taxes, and, for instance, resulting intellectual property. OECD averages after series of tax any municipal fees. reductions starting in Sweden in 2012 (the In the Netherlands and Ireland, for corporate income tax rate in Norway is Adding these taxes to the profit tax for a instance, such schemes may reduce the planned to decrease to 23 percent by model company with 60 employees, corporate income tax to five or six percent 2018). turnover equal to 1,050 times national for all or parts of the income. income per capita, and a profit rate of 20 The highest corporate income tax rates are percent, total taxes are actually slightly In addition, differences in withholding tax found in Hamburg and Berlin and vary lower in Copenhagen than in Dublin due to regimes may constitute an important factor slightly due to the existence of a locally almost no mandatory employer paid social in the attractiveness of each metropolitan determined trade tax (this also implies that contributions in Denmark whereas the total region from a cost perspective if the the corporate income tax rates vary within tax and contribution rate suggests that objective is to lower as much as possible the Hamburg and Berlin metropolitan Stockholm and Helsinki are just as the corporate taxes paid in each country. regions with a tendency for higher tax rates expensive as Berlin and Hamburg. close to the core parts of the regions and 59
LABOUR COSTS Notes: Source fDi Benchmark, Towers Watson, and own calculations. Total annual costs include salaries as well as any additional costs (social contributions payable by the employer, employment taxes, etc.). Percentages show percentage change from 2016 to 2017. 60
Also with regards to labour costs Dublin is Europe. Thus, according to fDi Intelligence the cost leader among the eight and Towers Watson data, a professional, an metropolitan regions. Depending on the associate professional, and a worker, type of employee, labour costs including respectively, were approximately 30, 50, salaries as well as any additional costs and 80 percent more expensive in Dublin such as employer paid social security than in Ljubljana in Slovenia in 2017 contributions were between a quarter and a (indeed London at the moment appears third lower in Dublin than in the most cheaper than Dublin due to the weak British expensive of the eight regions in 2017 pound). (varyingly Hamburg (managers and professionals) and Copenhagen and Oslo While labour costs in general are high in all (associate professionals and workers, eight metropolitan regions, labour costs for respectively)). the most part increased at modest rates from 2016 to 2017 if not actually decreased Next after Dublin, labour costs are lowest in as appears to have been the case in Helsinki and Stockholm where they were Stockholm, Oslo, and Helsinki (possibly, in between a fifth and quarter below the most the case of Sweden, as an artefact of a expensive level in 2017. depreciating Swedish krona). But none of the eight regions are exactly low cost destinations in a European context as labour costs in Dublin across the board were significantly higher than in even the most expensive capital region in Emerging 61
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