Tuesday 22nd November 2021

Page created by Alex Freeman
Tuesday 22nd November 2021
Term 4, Issue 23                                     Tuesday 22nd November 2021
Dear Families,

WOW! What a busy few weeks we have had here at St Mary’s! I would like to express my gratitude to each
and every one of you for the way in which you have dealt with the challenges we have faced together. I have
been so impressed with the calm way in which people have followed the processes we have put in place and
been so willing to work together as a Community.

At St Mary’s, we talk about Community all of the time. We always talk about how wonderful it is to work
together and how great it is to be in a tight knit community, but lately, we have actually seen the actions
beyond the words that make this community so great. I am also very aware of the trust that people are putting
in us when they send their children here in the mornings. It is humbling to say the least, and it is not
something we take for granted. We thank you for your continued support and we will do our best for you and
your children.

Its great to have our Community up and running again!

Prep Orientation 2022 - SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Lovely!

This morning, we had some of our 2022 Preps come in for their first transition session. As I said to the
parents, it is one of the highlights of my calendar year. I love to see how the children come in and make the
transition to school and I love to meet our new parents as a group. We had Sabrina, mother of Florian in
Prep/1, talk to our families this morning, and it was lovely and very affirming to hear her perspectives on St
Mary’s. We are indeed a special community, and I can’t wait for our Preps to start next year. Wow...can’t
believe I am saying that already...

Staffing News - 2022

As always, there are some changes happening in our staffing next year.

We bid farewell to Hannah Nevins at the end of 2021 and are very sad to see her go! Hannah began her
teaching career here as a graduate in 2015 and has been very heavily invested in the school and the St
Mary’s Community ever since. Next year, she is teaching at St Anne’s Park Orchards and they are very lucky
to have her. Hannah will be greatly missed and has had a huge impact on the children in her care. Hannah,
for all of your work, commitment and years of service to the people of St Mary’s Dandenong, we say thank

We also bid farewell to one of the most loved people in just about any Primary School I have ever worked in.
Our beloved custodian, Jean-Claude Radegonde has decided to retire at the end of 2021, finishing his 29th
year of employment at St Mary’s Dandenong. Jean-Claude’s children came to school here and he has been
part of the furniture ever since. Every staff member who works here has a Jean-Claude story, and he is
usually the first person they meet when they arrive. He has done an extraordinary job over his years here and
is very special to many people. He is a big part of why St Mary’s is such a special place and his always
smiling face and easy going nature will be sadly missed. We wish you all the very best in your retirement
Jean-Claude. Orevwa frè mwen...

Denise Ryan, our intrepid Intervention Teacher, will be taking an extended Long Service Leave for the first six
months of the year with retirement in sight at the end of her time away, and again, will be very sadly missed.
Denise has been at St Mary’s since 2001, a MONUMENTAL effort when you consider all of the children she
would have taught in that time! Her dedication and commitment to Catholic Education has been a labour of
Love, and she has always worked her hardest for the children in her care. Denise, all of the children who
have benefitted from your caring tutelage will be far better off for it. We hope your Long Service Leave is
particularly peaceful and we look forward to hearing all about it.
Tuesday 22nd November 2021
Page 2                             St Mary’s News                                        Term 4 Issue 23
Which brings me to the teaching positions for next year!

Level                                                    Teachers
Prep                        Mrs Faye Canty

Year 1/2                    Mrs Dora Swan                Miss Claudia Ferreira and
                                                         Miss Samantha Isaacson (sharing a classroom)

Year 3/4                    Mrs Rose Stapleton           Mr Jack Ross                To Be Confirmed...
                            and Mrs Yvette Silva
                            (sharing a classroom)

Year 5/6                    Miss Jordyn Gray             Mrs Jennifer D’Souza        Miss Alana Hanney

We are currently in the process of confirming our third Year 3/4 teacher and look forward to making an
announcement about that in the coming weeks. We are delighted to announce that we have employed Miss
Alana Hanney to our wonderful Year 5/6 team to work with Miss Gray and Mrs D’Souza. Alana did a
voluntary teaching placement in Year 5/6 this year and we were just so impressed with her that we had to
offer her a position. She did an amazing job adjusting to the online world of teaching and is a welcome
addition to our school and we look forward to starting her off on the best foot in her teaching career in the
best school in the world!

Mr Steve Carter is moving into the world of intervention next year to continue the wonderful work which has
become so much more important after the past two years of multiple lockdowns. Steve is an amazing one-on-
one and small group teacher, so we look forward to seeing the improvements the children make under his

As we head towards the end of the year, we are grateful for the hard work of everybody here. We hope and
pray that you are all going ok...

Have a wonderful week,

Mr Gardiner’s Rib Ticklers…
Mr Gardiner: Mrs Edgar, did you hear about the teacher who was a vampire?
Mrs Edgar: Um...no...I didn't, but I’m sure you’ll tell me about her...
Mr Gardiner: Yeah, there were a LOT of blood tests in her grade!!! Get it? Blood Tests...a vampire? And a teacher?
Blood tests??? Bahahahahahahahaha….bahahahahahahahahaha
Mrs Edgar: Oh no...did you really just make that joke??? That is sooooooooo bad!
Mr Gardiner: Bahahahahahahahaha….bahahahahahahahahaha...aaaahhhhhh....

                                  Important Dates


Tues 23rd—Prep Orientation! Welcome New Preps!                                                      2022
                                                                                           Mon 31st January
                                                                                          All Students Return
Thurs 2nd—Prep Orientation!
                                                                                               to School!
M-F 6-10th—Swimming at Splash!

Mon 13th—Grade 6 Graduation Mass!

Tues 14th—Grade 6 Fun Day

Wed 15th—Last day for Students!

Mon 25th—Christmas Day! Merry Christmas Everyone!
Tuesday 22nd November 2021
Page 3           St Mary’s News          Term 4 Issue 23

         We’re Back at School (some of us)

                The children in 2SC were
                 very happy to be back at
                 school. “I’m happy to be
  back because I get to see my friends,’’ said Deng,
Luka and Athyak. Nicholas said, “ I like being back at
   school so I can do algebra and listen to Beatles’
    songs.” Nyakuoth was keen to work with other
  children in reading groups. Nishan, Kathrina and
Penelope said, “We can learn new stuff.” Cosimo said,
 “I like the celebration days we have sometimes. We
              hope everyone is back soon.”

   Welcome Back! We’ve
       Missed You!
Tuesday 22nd November 2021
Page 4                  St Mary’s News               Term 4 Issue 23

         Uniform Shop                             Canteen News
      Due to Government                    There will be no canteen for the
 regulations, all people visiting              remainder of this year.
the Uniform Shop are required
  to wear a mask and provide
  proof of COVID vaccination

 Are now available from
   the Uniform Shop
     or order online

   St Mary’s is a COVID
       Safe School
 Please sign in with the QR
 code and provide proof
 of COVID vaccination
 status when visiting our
 All Students in Grade 3-6,
 all Staff and visitors aged 12
 and above are required to
 wear a mask while indoors.
Tuesday 22nd November 2021
Page 5                          St Mary’s News                                   Term 4 Issue 23

                                                                       9th         Srishakthi
   Join Dandenong Little Athletics in Season 2021/2022                             Daniella
  Make Friends, Stay Healthy, Fun for the Whole Family.                12th        Priyam
  Little Athletics is a great activity for children aged 5—15          15th        Gloria
                              years.                                   16th        Aker
The emphasis of Little Athletics is Family, Fun and Fitness.           20th        Pavneet

Dandenong Little Athletics conducts Competition Saturday                           Aman
Mornings with Training held on both Tuesday and Wednes-                21st        Mara
                       day Nights.                                                 Aryan
          TRY FOR FREE – we offer 2 FREE WEEKS                         23rd        Angelo
          Full Season Membership Cost: $140.00                         24th        Joel

 For further Information Contact: David - 0408 381 688 or                          Drake
                                                                       26th        Enrique
                                                                       27th        Angel

Please make sure that your fees are up to date. As a matter of justice to all there is
                   an expectation that all families contribute.

     Enrolments 2022                                            School Contacts
If you have a child turning 5        Principal: Mr Terry Gardiner
by 30th April 2022, they may         Deputy Principal: Mr Bryan Handasyde
be eligible to enrol at St           Family Engagement Leader: Mrs Yvette Silva
                                     School Secretaries: Ms Michelle Grenfell, Ms Jane Merchant
Mary’s school for Prep next
                                     School Office Hours: 8.30am - 4.00pm    Phone: 9791-7650
year. Please come to the
                                     Email: principal@smdandenong.catholic.edu.au
office for an enrolment form.
                                     Website: www.smdandenong.catholic.edu.au
We are also taking
enrolments for other year                                       Parish Contacts
levels.                              Parish Priest: Fr Brendan Lane Parish Office: 9791 4611
                                     Pastoral Associate: Kathy Gottliebsen
Tuesday 22nd November 2021 Tuesday 22nd November 2021 Tuesday 22nd November 2021 Tuesday 22nd November 2021 Tuesday 22nd November 2021
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