2020 Annual Implementation Plan - for improving student outcomes - Skipton Primary School

Page created by Aaron Washington
2020 Annual Implementation Plan - for improving student outcomes - Skipton Primary School
2020 Annual Implementation Plan
        for improving student outcomes

        Skipton Primary School (0582)

    Submitted for review by Briana Folkes (School Principal) on 04 March, 2020 at 01:06 PM
    Endorsed by Anthony Fowler (Senior Education Improvement Leader) on 10 March, 2020 at 12:37 PM
    Endorsed by Les Meek (School Council President) on 12 March, 2020 at 12:11 AM

Skipton Primary School (0582) - 2020 - AIP - Overall
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Self-evaluation Summary - 2020

                      FISO Improvement Model Dimensions                                         Self-evaluation Level
                      The 6 High-impact Improvement Initiatives are highlighted below in red.

                         Building practice excellence                                           Emerging moving towards Evolving
 Excellence in
 teaching and

                         Curriculum planning and assessment                                     Emerging moving towards Evolving

                         Evidence-based high-impact teaching strategies                         Evolving moving towards Embedding

                         Evaluating impact on learning                                          Evolving

                         Building leadership teams                                              Emerging moving towards Evolving

                         Instructional and shared leadership                                    Evolving

                         Strategic resource management                                          Evolving

                         Vision, values and culture                                             Evolving moving towards Embedding

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Empowering students and building school pride                                   Evolving moving towards Embedding
  Positive climate
    for learning

                           Setting expectations and promoting inclusion                                    Evolving

                           Health and wellbeing                                                            Embedding moving towards Excelling

                           Intellectual engagement and self-awareness                                      Evolving moving towards Embedding

                           Building communities                                                            Evolving moving towards Embedding
  engagement in


                           Global citizenship                                                              Evolving moving towards Embedding

                           Networks with schools, services and agencies                                    Evolving

                           Parents and carers as partners                                                  Embedding

Enter your reflective comments                           As a result of looking at our Self-evaluation it is evident that there is a need for a focus within the excellence in teaching and
                                                         learning model - with emphasis on curriculum planning and assessment as well as building practice excellence.
                                                         Therefore, the goal for Skipton throughout 2020 will be to continue to develop and embed a consistent teaching and
                                                         learning model as was the intention last year.
                                                         Writing will remain a focus throughout, with the continued development of a whole school curriculum plan, reflecting
                                                         essential learning skills required from F-6 and beyond.
                                                         Within this we will develop teacher knowledge and the capacity to plan and implement differentiated teaching practices in
                                                         writing, as well as develop teacher knowledge of HITS and investigate incorporating HITS strategies into the teaching and
                                                         learning model.

Considerations for 2020                                  As this is a year of review I believe the goal we have set as a staff is achievable in this time frame and will be timely to
                                                         reflect on where the school is at and where we can go moving forward with a new strategic plan.
                                                         We have a new staff member (graduate) who will need continual support and guidance throughout this time, and will

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certainly benefit from the consistent teaching and learning model being embedded.
                                                      Some flexibility needs to remain in order for the new principal to give some direction to the remainder of the year.

Documents that support this plan

   Skipton Primary School (0582) - 2020 - AIP - Self Evaluation Summary
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SSP Goals Targets and KIS

 Goal 1                                                  To achieve high learning growth in literacy and numeracy for every student.

 Target 1.1                                                    1. Improve relative growth in literacy and numeracy as measured by NAPLAN grade 3 to 5

                                                                                               Low               Medium         High

                                                                                   2016        18.2%             36.4%          45.5%
                                                                                   Target      10%               40%            50%

                                                                                   2016        0%                54.5%          45.5%
                                                                                   Target      0%                50%            50%

                                                                                   2016        9.1%              45.5%          45.5%
                                                                                   Target      5%                45%            50%

                                                                                   2016        18.2%             36.4%          45.5%
                                                                                   Target      10%               40%            50%

                                                                                   2016        9.1%              45.5%          45.5%
                                                                                   Target      5%                45%            50%

                                                               1. To increase the percentage of students in the top two bands in NAPLAN

                                                                                                        Year 3            Year 5

                                                                                      2016              58.8%             36.4%
                                                                                      Target            60%               40%

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2016           35.3%             36.4%
                                                                                     Target         40%               40%

                                                                                     2016           53%               36.4%
                                                                                     Target         60%               40%

                                                                                     2016           58.8%             36.4%
                                                                                     Target         60%               40%

                                                                                     2016           76.5%             36.4%
                                                                                     Target         80%               40%

                                                           1. To increase the percentage of students achieving the highest levels of achievement according to Teacher Judgements (A&B)


                                                                                                  2016              62%
                                                                 Reading & viewing
                                                                                                  Target            70%

                                                                                                  2016              33%
                                                                 Speaking & listening
                                                                                                  Target            40%

                                                                                                  2016              47%
                                                                                                  Target            55%

                                                                                                  2016              28%
                                                                 Measurement & geometry
                                                                                                  Target            40%

                                                                                                  2016              40%
                                                                 Number & algebra
                                                                                                  Target            50%

Skipton Primary School (0582) - 2020 - AIP - SSP Goals Targets and KIS

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2016             18%
                                                                 Statistics & probability
                                                                                                    Target           30%

                                                                                                    2016             15%
                                                                 Science as a human endeavor
                                                                                                    Target           30%

                                                                                                    2016             13%
                                                                 Science inquiry skills
                                                                                                    Target           25%

                                                                                                    2016             20%
                                                                 Science understanding
                                                                                                    Target           25%

                                                     4. To increase Staff opinion survey results in the following components:

                                                                  Component percentage endorsement -
                                                                                                             2016          Target

                                                                  Academic emphasis                          84.4%         90%

                                                                  Teacher collaboration                      65%           88%

                                                                  Collective focus on student learning       85%           90%

                                                                  Staff trust in colleagues                  80%           90%

                                                                  Guaranteed & viable curriculum             75%           85%

                                                                  Component percentage endorsement –
                                                                                                             2016          Target
                                                                  Staff safety & wellbeing

                                                                  Staff professional safety                  40%           60%

                                                                  Staff Safety and Wellbeing Consultation    15%           40%
                                                                  and Participation

Skipton Primary School (0582) - 2020 - AIP - SSP Goals Targets and KIS

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Improved rating from ‘evolving’ to ‘embedding’ of teaching practices and curriculum and assessment processes against the
                                                        FISO Continuum

Key Improvement Strategy 1.a                            Embed the agreed and documented instructional model incorporating high-impact teaching strategies such as questioning,
Building practice excellence                            explicit teaching to learning intentions and success criteria and a common lesson structure.

Key Improvement Strategy 1.b                            Further develop a curriculum plan that reflects the school’s vision, priorities, values and pedagogical practices and
Building practice excellence                            identifies essential learning skills required for each grade level with a focus on writing.

Key Improvement Strategy 1.c                            Implement the PLC framework to embed a culture of continuous improvement focused on improving student learning
Building practice excellence                            outcomes.

Goal 2                                                  Increase student voice, engagement and motivation

Target 2.1                                              To increase Staff opinion survey results in the following components:

                                                                     Component percentage endorsement -
                                                                                                               2016         Target
                                                                     Collective efficacy                       91%          95%

                                                                     Teacher collaboration                     65%          88%
                                                                     Collective focus on student learning      85%          90%

                                                                     Staff trust in colleagues                 80%          90%

                                                                     Guaranteed & viable curriculum            75%          85%

                                                                  Reduce the number of student absences as follows:

                                                                     Level     2016        Target

   Skipton Primary School (0582) - 2020 - AIP - SSP Goals Targets and KIS

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Prep     10.96         8

                                                                     1        8.95          8
                                                                     2        10.08         8

                                                                     3        12.15         10

                                                                     4        11.10         9

                                                                     5        10.86         9

                                                                     6        7.55          7
                                                                     P-6      10.48         8.5

                                                                  Increase Parent Opinion Survey results in the following components:

                                                                     Component mean              2016   Target

                                                                     Stimulating learning        5.99   6.1

                                                                                                 4.04   4.5

                                                                     Student motivation          6.04   6.2

                                                                                                 5.82   6.0

Key Improvement Strategy 2.a                            To further strengthen teaching practices which purposefully engage and motivate students and offer opportunities for
Intellectual engagement and self-                       students to have a voice, take responsibility for, and contribute to their own learning.

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Skipton Primary School (0582) - 2020 - AIP - SSP Goals Targets and KIS

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Select Annual Goals and KIS

Four Year Strategic Goals                     Is this              Four Year Strategic Targets                                                12 month target
                                              selected for
                                              focus this                                                                                      The 12 month target is an incremental step
                                              year?                                                                                           towards meeting the 4-year target, using
                                                                                                                                              the same data set.

To achieve high learning growth in            Yes                        1. Improve relative growth in literacy and numeracy as measured by   Naplan - Increase % High relative
literacy and numeracy for every                                                 NAPLAN grade 3 to 5                                           growth
student.                                                                                                                                      Writing - 30%
                                                                                                         Low           Medium         High
                                                                                                                                              Naplan - Top 2 bands
                                                                                              2016       18.2%         36.4%          45.5%   Writing Year 3 - 60%
                                                                                 G&P                                                          Writing Year 5 - 50%
                                                                                              Target     10%           40%            50%

                                                                                              2016       0%            54.5%          45.5%   Staff Opinion
                                                                                 Numeracy                                                     Teacher collaboration - 80%
                                                                                              Target     0%            50%            50%     Guaranteed & viable curriculum - 75%
                                                                                              2016       9.1%          45.5%          45.5%
                                                                                              Target     5%            45%            50%

                                                                                              2016       18.2%         36.4%          45.5%
                                                                                              Target     10%           40%            50%

                                                                                              2016       9.1%          45.5%          45.5%
                                                                                              Target     5%            45%            50%

                                                                         1. To increase the percentage of students in the top two bands in

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Year 3            Year 5

                                                                                              2016            58.8%             36.4%
                                                                                              Target          60%               40%

                                                                                              2016            35.3%             36.4%
                                                                                              Target          40%               40%

                                                                                              2016            53%               36.4%
                                                                                              Target          60%               40%

                                                                                              2016            58.8%             36.4%
                                                                                              Target          60%               40%

                                                                                              2016            76.5%             36.4%
                                                                                              Target          80%               40%

                                                                     1. To increase the percentage of students achieving the highest levels of
                                                                            achievement according to Teacher Judgements (A&B)


                                                                                                             2016               62%
                                                                             Reading & viewing
                                                                                                             Target             70%

                                                                                                             2016               33%
                                                                             Speaking & listening
                                                                                                             Target             40%

                                                                                                             2016               47%
                                                                                                             Target             55%

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2016             28%
                                                                            Measurement & geometry
                                                                                                              Target           40%

                                                                                                              2016             40%
                                                                            Number & algebra
                                                                                                              Target           50%

                                                                                                              2016             18%
                                                                            Statistics & probability
                                                                                                              Target           30%

                                                                                                              2016             15%
                                                                            Science as a human endeavor
                                                                                                              Target           30%

                                                                                                              2016             13%
                                                                            Science inquiry skills
                                                                                                              Target           25%

                                                                                                              2016             20%
                                                                            Science understanding
                                                                                                              Target           25%

                                                               4. To increase Staff opinion survey results in the following components:

                                                                            Component percentage endorsement -
                                                                                                                       2016          Target

                                                                            Academic emphasis                          84.4%         90%
                                                                            Teacher collaboration                      65%           88%

                                                                            Collective focus on student learning       85%           90%

                                                                            Staff trust in colleagues                  80%           90%

                                                                            Guaranteed & viable curriculum             75%           85%

                                                                            Component percentage endorsement –
                                                                                                                       2016          Target
                                                                            Staff safety & wellbeing

Skipton Primary School (0582) - 2020 - AIP - Annual Goals Targets and KIS
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Staff professional safety                 40%            60%

                                                                                  Staff Safety and Wellbeing Consultation   15%            40%
                                                                                  and Participation

                                                                   Improved rating from ‘evolving’ to ‘embedding’ of teaching practices and
                                                                   curriculum and assessment processes against the FISO Continuum

Increase student voice,                       No                   To increase Staff opinion survey results in the following components:
engagement and motivation
                                                                                  Component percentage endorsement -
                                                                                                                             2016      Target

                                                                                  Collective efficacy                        91%       95%

                                                                                  Teacher collaboration                      65%       88%

                                                                                  Collective focus on student learning       85%       90%

                                                                                  Staff trust in colleagues                  80%       90%

                                                                                  Guaranteed & viable curriculum             75%       85%

                                                                                Reduce the number of student absences as follows:

                                                                                  Level     2016        Target

                                                                                  Prep      10.96       8

                                                                                  1         8.95        8

                                                                                  2         10.08       8

                                                                                  3         12.15       10

                                                                                  4         11.10       9

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5        10.86         9

                                                                                  6        7.55          7
                                                                                  P-6      10.48         8.5

                                                                                Increase Parent Opinion Survey results in the following components:

                                                                                  Component mean             2016    Target

                                                                                  Stimulating learning       5.99    6.1

                                                                                                             4.04    4.5

                                                                                  Student motivation         6.04    6.2

                                                                                                             5.82    6.0

Goal 1                                              To achieve high learning growth in literacy and numeracy for every student.

12 Month Target 1.1                                 Naplan - Increase % High relative growth
                                                    Writing - 30%

                                                    Naplan - Top 2 bands
                                                    Writing Year 3 - 60%
                                                    Writing Year 5 - 50%

                                                    Staff Opinion

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Teacher collaboration - 80%
                                                     Guaranteed & viable curriculum - 75%

Key Improvement Strategies                                                                                                                          Is this KIS selected for focus this

KIS 1                                                Embed the agreed and documented instructional model incorporating high-impact                  Yes
Building practice excellence                         teaching strategies such as questioning, explicit teaching to learning intentions and
                                                     success criteria and a common lesson structure.

KIS 2                                                Further develop a curriculum plan that reflects the school’s vision, priorities, values and    No
Building practice excellence                         pedagogical practices and identifies essential learning skills required for each grade level
                                                     with a focus on writing.

KIS 3                                                Implement the PLC framework to embed a culture of continuous improvement focused on            No
Building practice excellence                         improving student learning outcomes.

Explain why the school has selected this             To improve literacy and numeracy outcomes for all students.
KIS as a focus for this year. Please make            Writing will remain a focus as the previous data indicates a downward trend.
reference to the self-evaluation, relevant           Nominated actions need to remain a focus in order to become embedded before the review in Term 4.
school data, the progress against School
Strategic Plan (SSP) goals, targets, and the         Our self-evaluation against the FISO Continua of Practice noted that we have continued work to do in the area of writing
diagnosis of issues requiring particular             looking at student assessment and data literacy so that we can move from evolving to embedding.
attention.                                           Also within the the area of developing teacher knowledge of high-impact teaching strategies, particularly implementing
                                                     consistent and sustained high-impact teaching strategies.
                                                     This finding was consistent with our School Staff Survey results reflecting feedback given by staff around moderation of
                                                     student work samples, and our 2019 Panorama NAPLAN. Selection of this KIS builds on our 2019 focus around embedding
                                                     the agreed and documented instructional model in conjunction with developing and documenting a guaranteed and viable
                                                     curriculum and assessment framework for writing.

     Skipton Primary School (0582) - 2020 - AIP - Annual Goals Targets and KIS
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Define Actions, Outcomes and Activities

 Goal 1                                        To achieve high learning growth in literacy and numeracy for every student.

 12 Month Target 1.1                           Naplan - Increase % High relative growth
                                               Writing - 30%

                                               Naplan - Top 2 bands
                                               Writing Year 3 - 60%
                                               Writing Year 5 - 50%

                                               Staff Opinion
                                               Teacher collaboration - 80%
                                               Guaranteed & viable curriculum - 75%

 KIS 1                                         Embed the agreed and documented instructional model incorporating high-impact teaching strategies such as questioning, explicit
 Building practice excellence                  teaching to learning intentions and success criteria and a common lesson structure.

 Actions                                       Build a common understanding of our instructional model with staff and students
                                               Build teacher capability to deliver the curriculum program using the instructional model
                                               Develop and utlise artefacts to support the use of the instructional model
                                               Provide regular feedback to staff to around the use of the instructional model

 Outcomes                                      Staff - being able to articulate what part of the lesson they are in (ie Reflection) / lesson planning reflects instructional model / use of
                                               LI and SC / Common vocabulary used / Referring to instructional model
                                               Students - Articulate their LI and SC / Be familiar with the model and talk about what their role is in that / Vocabulary of Instructional
                                               mode / Referring to instructional model
                                               Leaders - Attending level meetings / Conducting learning walks / Providing feedback / providing relevant PD as identified throughout
                                               PLT meetings

                                               Teachers will use the instructional model, with a focus on incorporating HITS regularly to plan and deliver lessons.
                                               All teachers and students will be able to identify and use learning intentions and success criteria (in literacy and numeracy) This will
                                               help students take responsibility for their own learning and help them become independent and self-regulating learners.
                                               In every classroom the model will be used consistently within literacy.

Skipton Primary School (0582) - 2020 - AIP - Actions Outcomes and Activities
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Success Indicators                            Agenda of PLC / PLT reflecting work on this
                                               Records of classroom observations / learning walks
                                               PDP linked to this goal

 Activities and Milestones                                                      Who                 Is this a PL   When     Budget

 Schedule meeting time in PLC to explain the model to ensure all                 All Staff          PLP          from:    $0.00
 staff understand how to implement agreed model effectively in their                                Priority       Term 1
 classrooms.                                                                                                       to:
                                                                                                                   Term 1
                                                                                                                             Equity funding will
                                                                                                                            be used

 Focus group to find out level of understanding of LI and SC.                    All Staff          PLP          from:    $0.00
                                                                                                    Priority       Term 1
                                                                                                                   Term 1
                                                                                                                             Equity funding will
                                                                                                                            be used

 Organise professional development for staff to ensure common                    All Staff          PLP          from:    $2,000.00
 language and vocabulary is being used (Seven Steps writing                      Principal         Priority       Term 1
 workshop).                                                                                                        to:
                                                                                                                   Term 1
                                                                                                                             Equity funding will
                                                                                                                            be used

 Staff meeting to develop a set of questions (survey) to ask students            All Staff          PLP          from:    $0.00
 their understanding of what a writing lesson looks like in their                                   Priority       Term 2
 grade.                                                                                                            to:
 Conduct surveys with students (sample across the school)                                                          Term 3
                                                                                                                             Equity funding will
                                                                                                                            be used

 Develop with students a set of "I can " statements based on the                 Student(s)         PLP          from:    $0.00
 instructional model in terms of what the students will be doing                 Teacher(s)        Priority       Term 2
 throughout the writing lesson.                                                                                    to:
                                                                                                                   Term 3
                                                                                                                             Equity funding will
                                                                                                                            be used

Skipton Primary School (0582) - 2020 - AIP - Actions Outcomes and Activities
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Organise structured learning walks in order for teachers to reflect            All Staff     PLP      from:    $0.00
 on the agreed instructional model and ensure consistency                       Principal    Priority   Term 2
 throughout classrooms.                                                                                  to:
                                                                                                         Term 4
                                                                                                                   Equity funding will
                                                                                                                  be used

 Complete survey with students again to gauge where students                    Student(s)    PLP      from:    $0.00
 understanding of the instructional model is for a writing lesson               Teacher(s)   Priority   Term 3
 (consistency across the school)                                                                         to:
                                                                                                         Term 4
                                                                                                                   Equity funding will
                                                                                                                  be used

Skipton Primary School (0582) - 2020 - AIP - Actions Outcomes and Activities
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Equity Funding Planner
Equity Spending Totals
 Category                                                                                                                    Total proposed   Spend ($)
                                                                                                                             budget ($)
 Equity funding associated with Activities and Milestones                                                                    $2,000.00        $2,000.00

 Additional Equity funding                                                                                                   $11,077.00       $11,077.00

 Grand Total                                                                                                                 $13,077.00       $13,077.00

Activities and Milestones
 Activities and Milestones                                              When     Category                                    Total proposed   Equity Spend ($)
                                                                                                                             budget ($)
 Organise professional development for staff to ensure                  from:     Teaching and learning programs and        $2,000.00        $2,000.00
 common language and vocabulary is being used                           Term 1   resources
 (Seven Steps writing workshop).                                        to:       Professional development (excluding CRT
                                                                        Term 1   costs and new FTE)

 Totals                                                                                                                      $2,000.00        $2,000.00

Additional Equity spend
 Outline here any additional Equity spend for 2020                      When     Category                                    Total proposed   Equity Spend ($)
                                                                                                                             budget ($)
 Employment of additional staff time to support                         from:     School-based staffing                     $11,077.00       $11,077.00
 intervention programs                                                  Term 2    Teaching and learning programs and
                                                                        to:      resources
                                                                        Term 4

     Skipton Primary School (0582) - 2020 - AIP - Equity Funding Planning
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 Professional development (excluding CRT
                                                                           costs and new FTE)
                                                                            Support services
Totals                                                                                                                 $11,077.00   $11,077.00

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Professional Learning and Development Plan

 Professional Learning                   Who                    When          Key Professional Learning     Organisational Structure   Expertise Accessed       Where
 Priority                                                                     Strategies

 Schedule meeting time in                 All Staff            from:          Formalised PLC/PLTs          PLC/PLT Meeting           Internal staff          On-site
 PLC to explain the model to                                    Term 1         Individualised Reflection                               High Impact
 ensure all staff understand                                    to:                                                                    Teaching Strategies
 how to implement agreed                                        Term 1                                                                 (HITS)
 model effectively in their

 Focus group to find out level            All Staff            from:          Formalised PLC/PLTs          PLC/PLT Meeting           Internal staff          On-site
 of understanding of LI and                                     Term 1         Individualised Reflection                               High Impact
 SC.                                                            to:                                                                    Teaching Strategies
                                                                Term 1                                                                 (HITS)

 Organise professional                    All Staff            from:          Planning                     Whole School Pupil        External consultants    Off-site
 development for staff to                 Principal            Term 1         Curriculum development      Free Day                   Seven Steps              Geelong
 ensure common language                                         to:                                                                    professional
 and vocabulary is being used                                   Term 1                                                                 development
 (Seven Steps writing

 Staff meeting to develop a set           All Staff            from:          Student voice, including     PLC/PLT Meeting           Internal staff          On-site
 of questions (survey) to ask                                   Term 2        input and feedback
 students their understanding                                   to:
 of what a writing lesson looks                                 Term 3
 like in their grade.
 Conduct surveys with
 students (sample across the

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