April 2019 PANUI - Deloitte

Page created by Jesse Peterson
April 2019 PANUI - Deloitte
April 2019

Kia Koutou Kokako Owners,

Ngā mihi e te whānau o Kokako

2019 has been greeted with mahi and determination to complete the goal of the new Property at 279 Kokako
Road as a Horticulture Base. The Property is named simply Tuarima, the 5th Property to return to us from the
original Lots. Our Tuarima manager is Ceyline Te Whare and along with her whānau they are making great
progress in setting up Tuarima property. As to our AGM presentation not only will it produce kai/native
seedling/plants but the big opportunity to Research/ Supply Hemp. Obtaining a License has been paramount
and not as easy as one thinks dealing with MPI Govt, but we have remained diligent in compliance involving
our Local Police and Council to work alongside us through the whole process. We have 2 Major NZ owned
Companies very interested & not a seed sown, how good is that! Kia tūpato I hear it and yes we will. If our
negotiations are successful we will be launching our new business Logo on 20th April at the Gisborne Beer
Festival if you are there join us in the promotion at the Media arena. We will own the label brand of Kokako
design only for this venture and Partnership.
Takapuhurihuri workshops will be held October/ November as business negotiations take first place but more
Research has developed and a better understanding of how we will remember Te Ahitere urupa. Into 2020.
Volunteers to up keep the surroundings discovery of another burial site of a couple and a fence to be built,
materials brought by the Trust, be nice to have descendants be part of that. They are unknown couple.

On May 9th Kokako will be hosting manuhiri from Tainui Māori in Farming. Powhiri at the new property
Tuarima 8.30am Parakuihi straight into Farm visits. More details contact myself (Gloria). This is part of the
Fonterra Māori Team.
Applications now called for two new Trainee Trustees, as the Trust has evolved around Diversity & Marketing
and Environment Management it would be an opportunity to present those attributes. A huge interest in
Dairy whether Cows or Sheep, tell us your story.

Briar Ensor completed her trainee role at the AGM and Preston Whare’s term expires in May. The Trustees are
inviting applications for two 2 year positions. Applications must be made on the Trust’s application form,
which can be obtained from the Secretary’s office or the website www.rotorua.deloitte.co.nz. Applications
close on Wednesday 15th May 2019 at 4pm. The Trustees will then review all applications and select one
trainee trustee for the next two years of the scheme. Unsuccessful applicants may apply again in the future.
The terms of the Trainee Trustee Policy is available on the website.

The climate this season has been the reverse of the previous year. There was good rainfall in the spring prior
to Christmas and drought conditions over January to March. Without recent rainfall cows may have been due
to be dried off by the end of March. The recent rainfall has given a reprieve and milking will continue at this
stage into April.
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April 2019 PANUI - Deloitte
Production overall is down on budget and last year. Tuarua (Dairy 2) had a great start to the season with a
very compact calving and slightly more cows so they are still ahead while both Tuatahi (Dairy 1)and Tuawha
(Dairy 3) which had slower calving and lower numbers are behind. Total production at the 14th of March is
395,774kgMS compared to 406,943kg year to date last year and a budget of 418,422kg to the 14 th of March.
Total production is estimated to finish the season between 430,000 and 440,000kg. This compares to a total
of 370,106kg in the 2007/08 drought and 422,306kg in the 2012/13 drought. The drop of around 40,000kg
milksolids, from total budget of 478,000kg, will drop income for Kokako by around $209,000. Reductions will
be made in expenditure to help offset this but end of season bank position will still be impacted.

The Fonterra forecast milk price has been lifted back up by 30c to $6.45/kgMS however there will now be no
dividend payment on shares made in April. Global Dairy Trade auctions have been very positive this year
giving more robustness to the current forecast milk price.
The table below shows production for the three dairy units to the 14th of March.

Table 1: Production to 14 March 2019

    kgMS                                  Total budget
Production for 14 March      total YTD     2018/19 to Variance to   Variance to 2018/19 YTD   2018/19 YTD
   2018/19       YTD          last year     14 March    budget        last yr     kgMS/ha      kgMS/cow
Kokako Dairy 1 123,189         140,030       142,366   -19,177       -16,841         821          312
Kokako Dairy 2 209,325         197,720       198,582    10,743        11,605        1203          374
Kokako Dairy 3  63,260          69,193        77,474   -14,214        -5,933         736          312
Total            395,774      406,943       418,422     -22,648      -11,169       965            336

The incalf rates were slightly improved this year so there are fewer empty cows. The first of the cull and
empty cows have been sold with prices down on last year due to high numbers of culls going out with the
On a more positive note the lambing % was excellent this year at 140% with the Kokako grown replacements
performing well. Lamb prices have held well this year with the average price of $119/lamb for the 552 lambs
sold to date. The average weight of 16.9kg is down a little on last year as the last draft of lambs included
lighter animals to get these off before conditions were too dry. There are now around 100 lambs left to sell.

Images: Lambs at Kokako Drystock.

For the following season, 2019/20 the only change to staffing is at Tuatoru –Dairy 3 where Richard Cook is
leaving after 12 years with Kokako and Damian Clarke will start from 1 June:
        Drystock unit will be managed by Jim Clarke
        Dairy 1 will be the second year for Contract milkers Jason Stowell and his family team.
        Dairy 2 will remain with Jason and Shelley Sabin as 50/50 sharemilkers,
        Dairy 3 will be operated with Damian and Cloe Clarke as Manager.

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April 2019 PANUI - Deloitte

At the start of the current financial year the Trust had accumulated cash reserves exceeding $500,000. Due to
lower expected income this year, mortgage repayments, taxes and new investments the Trust expects to hold
cash reserves of around $100,000 at 30 June 2019. Expenditure budgets for 2020 will be conservative
although the signs for an increased milk payout next year are encouraging.

Additional revenue may be generated next year as the Trustees are considering the harvesting of mature
production trees.

The Trusts original bank mortgage which started at $3.3 million has been reduced to $401,000. An additional
loan of $530,000 has been borrowed for the purchase of the Tuarima property.

The net equity of the Trust is in excess of $26 million.

A Kaumatua grant of $250 was paid to Owners aged 65 years as at the date of the AGM on 1st December 2018
or if turning 65 before 31st December 2018. If you have not been paid your grant then this can still be claimed
up until the 2019 AGM on 7th December 2019 by contacting the Secretary’s office. If you are claiming a
Kaumatua grant through a Whanau Trust that is the registered owner in Kokako Trust then you need to
contact the office for a claim form. The 2018 AGM approved an owner’s grant payment relative to
shareholding with a minimum payment of $75 per owner. Owner’s grants are paid to owners who have
supplied their address and bank account number to the Trust. If you have not supplied your details and
claimed your grant then you may still do so before this year’s AGM. Grant payments cannot be claimed for
prior years, you can only claim in the current year.

Education grants are paid at the rate of $200 per student.

The Trust continues to support its students who are                      Applications for 2019 education grants
studying at tertiary institutions through education                      must be submitted online by 4pm
grants. Applications can only be made online at                          Tuesday 30th April 2019.

Students are reminded to take care to complete their forms in full and supply all information requested.


The 2019 AGM is scheduled for Saturday 7th December 2019, venue to be advised.

KOKAKO TRUST                                                                                               Page 3
Current Trustees:                      Current Trainee Trustee:
Huimai Makela                          Preston Whare
Gloria Koia (Chair)
Airini Hepi
Riria McDonald
Kyle Amopiu
Farm Advisor:                          Secretary/Accountants:
Trudy Laan (Perrin Ag)                 Murray Patchell/Deloitte

More Information is available on Kokako Trust including annual reports, by visiting the website
www.rotorua.deloitte.co.nz and looking for Kokako Trust under Trusts/Incorporations.

We remind owners to encourage whanau who are owners, that have not registered with the Trust, to do so
and for those who have not completed their successions to become shareholders, to contact the Māori Land
Court and get this done.
Owners that have any queries or comments about the Trust are welcome to post or email their queries to the
Trustees through the contact details below.

Tena koutou katoa

Gloria Koia
8th April 2019

Deloitte                               Or   Pukeroa Oruawhata House
Chartered Accountants                       2/1176 Amohau St
P.O.Box 12003                                       Rotorua
Rotorua 3045

PH (07) 3431050
FAX(07) 3431051
email: nzrotoruaenquiries@deloitte.co.nz    website: www.rotorua.deloitte.co.nz

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