Transforming through Trust - How social innovators are transforming the lives of millions

Page created by Ronnie Webb
Transforming through Trust - How social innovators are transforming the lives of millions
                          through Trust

                          How social innovators are transforming the lives of millions
Transforming through Trust - How social innovators are transforming the lives of millions
                                                                                                                               Progress in a Pandemic
                                                                                                                               Towards Systemic Change
                                                                                                                               A Social Innovation Movement

                                                                                                                               Social Entrepreneurs
                                                                                                                               ·Impact highlights

                                                                                                                               ·Profiles 2019-2022

                                                                                                                               Corporate Social Intrapreneurs

                                                                                                                               ·Impact highlights

                                                                                                                               ·Profiles 2019-2022

                                                                                                                               Public Social Intrapreneurs

                                                                                                                               ·Impact highlights

                                                                                                                               ·Profiles 2019-2022

                                                                                                                               Thought Leaders

January 2022                                                                                                                   ·Impact highlights
Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship
91-93 route de la Capite                                                                                                       ·Profiles 2019-2022
CH-1223 Cologny/Geneva
Tel.: +41 (0)22 869 1212                                                                                                       Into a Third Decade of Impact
Email:                                                                                                            Being the Change Together
© 2022 Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship. World Economic Forum. All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying and recording, or by any information
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Transforming through Trust - How social innovators are transforming the lives of millions
Hilde Schwab                                                                                                     Klaus Schwab
                                                                                 Co-Founder                                                                                                       Founder
                                                                                 and Chairperson,                                                                                                 and Executive Chairman,
                                                                                 Schwab Foundation                                                                                                World Economic Forum
                                                                                 for Social Entrepreneurship

Foreword                                                 Over the past two decades, we have championed
                                                         the work of Social Entrepreneurs. In the past three
                                                                                                                Corporate Social Intrapreneurs use their influence
                                                                                                                within large private-sector organizations
                                                                                                                                                                         Social innovation has changed enormously
                                                                                                                                                                         and our work to integrate social change leaders
Transforming through Trust celebrates both               years we have witnessed how their work is more         to change how things are done, how they define           across all private, public, social and academic
the values and the achievements of three cohorts         relevant than ever – by bringing quality healthcare    who the customers are. Through innovative business       sectors recognizes the need for all institutions
of awardees of the Schwab Foundation for Social          to rural India in COVID, by empowering Black-owned     units or social business subsidiaries, they also prove   to transform and work entrepreneurially
Entrepreneurship from 2019 to 2022.                      businesses in Brazil to overcome the economic          how the core business model might be more                in the public interest.
We recognize and champion the impact                     barriers of racial inequity, and by using artificial   inclusive and purposeful.
these change leaders have achieved and,                  intelligence (AI) and big data to create inclusive                                                              Our world is in dire need of healing and rebuilding
in particular, how they work to tackle the systemic,     and equitable education platforms from South Korea     Public Social Intrapreneurs work to create               trust, while it also needs us to transform our economic,
deep-rooted and most critical issues of our time in      to South Africa. Social Entrepreneurs continue         better policy environments, public programmes            societal and planetary systems. Both the individual
the midst of a pandemic.                                 to demonstrate that the values of equity and justice   and investments that enable social innovators            and collective work of social innovators in this report
                                                         underpinning models of innovation can help us meet     to thrive and citizens to benefit and become active      helps us recognize that change towards a better
Through values-based approaches, centring                the greatest challenges together.                      agents of change in society. These innovators are        future is not only possible – it is already at work.
on inclusivity, collaboration and sustainability                                                                catalysing governments and large institutions
has collectively had an impact on 100 million            Citizens, activists and our youth are increasingly     to create more inclusive cities and equitable growth.
 people around the world, overcoming persistent          crying out for strong action, requiring complex
and systemic barriers. Together with the combined        changes within governments, businesses and             We have been guided by a generation of Social
impact of our community presented in the report,         research institutions. We have seen this call          Innovation Thought Leaders who have helped shape
Two Decades of Impact, a total of 722 million lives      answered by a committed group of social innovators     the field’s emergence to articulate its relevance.
have been directly improved by the work of this          called intrapreneurs: internal agents of change
community of leading social innovators.                  in large institutions of government and corporations
                                                         that the Schwab Foundation started to recognize
                                                         through three new awards in 2019.

4     SCHWAB FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRANSFORMING THROUGH TRUST                                                                                                                                                  5
Transforming through Trust - How social innovators are transforming the lives of millions
Introduction                                            The work presented here comprises
                                                                                   For 20 years, the Schwab Foundation set                 the 77 social innovators awarded since
                                                                                   about building one of the foremost communities          the introduction of the new award categories,
                                                                                   of accomplished social change leaders in the world.     through three cohorts between 2019 and 2022.
                                                                                   It supports their impact journeys and provides a        During this period the Schwab Foundation
                                                                                   platform to amplify their voices and influence world    has awarded 13 Corporate Social Intrapreneurs,
                                                                                   leaders. At the 50th Annual Meeting                     10 Public Social Intrapreneurs, 16 Thought Leaders,
                                                                                   of the World Economic Forum, we released the            and 38 Social Entrepreneurs.
                                                                                   Schwab Foundation’s first comprehensive impact
                                                                                   report, Two Decades of Impact, demonstrating            The results of an external evaluation demonstrate
                                                                                   the cumulative impact and insights from the work        how this group of social innovators are impacting
                                                                                   of social entrepreneurs over this period.               directly an additional 100 million people.
                                                                                                                                           A large number of the awardees focus on improving
                                                                                   In 2019, the Schwab Foundation Social Innovator         the social and economic quality of life, providing
                                                                                   of the Year Awards expanded to four categories          appropriate and increased access to healthcare,
                                                                                   to recognize a new generation of social change          education, energy, finance and water. Underpinned
                                                                                   leaders across the private, public, social and          by principles of equity and justice, social innovators
                                                                                   academic sectors. This change acknowledges              support people often excluded from the mainstream
                                                                                   the diversity of social innovation models, shining      economic system (especially young people, women
                                                                                   a light on the global momentum for social innovation,   and minority groups) building the tools and capacities
                                                                                   and emphasizes the need to work across sectors          for people to construct an alternative path forward,
                                                                                   on complex and systemic issues.                         engage with social and environmental issues,
                                                                                                                                           and maximize their potential.
                                                                                   The awards recognize:

                                                                                                                                           They have shown that values-based approaches
                                                                                   ·Social Entrepreneurs: Founders or CEOs who             centring on inclusivity, collaboration, relationships
                                                                                    innovatively address a social or environmental         of trust and long-term sustainability are more likely
                                                                                    problem, with a focus on low-income,                   to be transformative in changing institutions, policies
                                                                                    marginalized or vulnerable populations                 and mindsets, and disrupting traditional ways
                                                                                                                                           of working that hold systemic barriers in place.
                                                                                   ·Corporate Social Intrapreneurs: Business leaders       They have achieved enormous success with
                                                                                    within multinational or regional companies who         creativity, empowerment and adaptability, despite
                                                                                    drive the development of new products, initiatives,    persistent and systemic challenges, exacerbated
                                                                                    services or business models that address societal      by the impacts and inequalities of COVID-19.
                                                                                    and environmental challenges
                                                                                                                                           Compelled by a common future and the Sustainable
                                                                                   ·Public Social Intrapreneurs: Public sector leaders     Development Goals (SDGs), social innovators are
                                                                                    who harness the power of social innovation             increasingly working with both large institutional
                                                                                    and social entrepreneurship to create public good      actors and more local grassroot organizations
    Together with the combined impact
                                                                                    through policy, regulation or public initiatives       as they face systemic issues. They act as catalysts,
    of awardees presented in the Two                                                                                                       mobilizing power and spurring collective action,
    Decades of Impact report, a total                                              ·Social Innovation Thought Leaders: Experts             often through partnerships, networks and alliances.
    722 million lives have been directly,                                           and champions who are shaping and contributing
    positively affected by the Schwab                                               to the evolution of the field                          And in the midst of a global pandemic, social
                                                                                                                                           innovation leaders who have lived and learned
    Foundation’s awarded social                                                    Awardees are recognized for their innovative            experiences of the conditions of societal exclusion
    innovators.                                                                    approaches that achieve both significant direct         and environmental vulnerabilities are better placed
                                                                                   impact as well as address the deeper, systemic          to build trust in order to mobilize, orchestrate and
                                                                                   causes of some of the world’s most pressing social      sustain the transformative changes that are needed.
François Bonnici
Director, Schwab Foundation
for Social Entrepreneurship

6       SCHWAB FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRANSFORMING THROUGH TRUST                                                                                                                     7
Transforming through Trust - How social innovators are transforming the lives of millions
Progress                                                  Equipping young
Regional breakdown
                                                                                                             in a Pandemic                                             people to build their
    ·North America 23%
                                                                                                             The Schwab Foundation’s Awardees since 2019               future
                                                        23                                    17
    ·Latin America 9%                                                                                        are championing social innovation across the
                                                                                                             spectrum of society, achieving high-level international   20 million young people with improved
                                                                                                                                                                       access to healthcare and nutrition
    ·Middle East and North Africa 6%                                                                         and national policy changes, building high-impact
                                                                                                                                                                       and 2 million young people with better
                                                                                                             technology social enterprises to grassroots networks
    ·Sub-Saharan Africa 17%                                                                                  empowering communities of change. This multilayered       access to education
                                                                                                             approach proves to be essential in making an impact,
    ·Europe 17%
                                                                                                         3   tackling the need for short-term responses in crises
                                                                                                             with the longer-term arcs of systemic change
                                                                                                                                                                       Through improved education, access to healthcare,
                                                                                                                                                                       nutrition and leadership development, these social
    ·Asia 25%                                                                                                                                                          innovators are providing youth with the tools to con-

                                                                                                             The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic proved to             struct an alternative path forward, maximizing their
    ·Oceania 3%                                                      9                                       be particularly challenging for this community, who       potential. Social Entrepreneurs like Enuma, led by
                                                                                                             also showed extraordinary resilience and agility. The     Sooinn Lee, are using AI to deliver mobile, tailored,
                                                                                                             awardees have made progress in addressing both            self-learning systems that have far greater reach and
                                                                                                             the immediate needs of groups who have been               can include children who are regularly excluded from
                                                                                                             hardest hit by the pandemic as well as the long-term      education.
                                                                                                             social and environmental challenges we face. They
                                                                                                             have done so through deep relationships and net-
Who they are                                                                                                 works of collaboration and trust and have provided
                                                                                                             the tools and capabilities for people who have been
                                                                                                             economically and socially excluded to be pivotal in
                                                                                                             catalysing their own progress.
                                                                                                                                                                       Fostering inclusion
                                                                                                                                                                       through access
                                                                                                             Levelling the playing                                     to finance
                                                                                                             field                                                     15.3m people empowered through
                                                                                                                                                                       better access to finance
                                                                                                             41 million people with improved
                                                                                                             healthcare and 3.6 million with                           The COVID-19 crisis has amplified the systemic
                                                                                                             improved social and economic                              barriers of gender, race and geography, dispro-
    Social innovators: 77       Countries                                                                    livelihoods through financial                             portionately affecting communities that were
                                Headquartered in: 31         Gender: M:58% F:42%                                                                                       already economically excluded. Corporate Social
                                                                                                             disbursements and capacity building
                                                             Average age: 49                                                                                           Intrapreneur Hadi Wibowo, President of BTPN
                                                             (range from 32 to 75 y.o.)                      Intrinsically linked with SDG 10 focused on reducing      Syariah Bank in Indonesia, works to ensure
                                                                                                             inequalities, such approaches to drive equity are         that his products and services reach those seen
    Operating models:                                                                                        exemplified by Social Entrepreneur Prema Gopalan,         as “unbankable” for having neither financial records
                                                                                                             Founder of Swayam Shikshan Prayog, who has                nor legal documentation. Through branchless
                                                                                                             changed the lives of 6 million women from poor            banking that he pioneered, BTPN provides financial
                                                                                                             and marginalized communities in India. Through            services to 6.6 million low and middle-income
                                                                                                             forming support collectives and building the women’s      customers, directly addressing exclusion
                                                                                                             capacity in finance, business and leadership, they        of underprivileged families.
                                                                                                             have transitioned from labours to farmers and
                                                                                                             entrepreneurs, enabling them to construct a pathway
                                                                                                             of resilience and independence.

For profit 43%                  Hybrid 10%                    Non-profit 47%

8         SCHWAB FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRANSFORMING THROUGH TRUST                                                                                                                                      9
Transforming through Trust - How social innovators are transforming the lives of millions
                                                                                Improved Healthcare and Wellness             40’931’000

                                                                                Improved Child Healthcare                    18’050’000

                                                                                Improved Financial Inclusion                 15’356’258
                                                                                Supported Migrants and Refugees              10’000’000
impacted                                                                        Empowered Women                              6’000’000

                                                                                Improved Social & Economic Livelihoods       3’573’300

                                                                                Improved Nutrition                           2’300’748

                                                                                Improved Education                           2’250’752

                                                                                Improved Capacity of Young Leaders           680’000

                                                                                Improved Capacity of Social Innovators       319’100
                                                                                Improved Energy Access                       224’000

                                                                                Improved Legal Identity and Representation   220’000

                                                                                Improved Access to Information               175’608
                                                                                Improved Access to Employment                66’700
                                                                                Supported with addiction                     20’100
10   SCHWAB FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRANSFORMING THROUGH TRUST                                                             11
Transforming through Trust - How social innovators are transforming the lives of millions
Creating the                                                                                                                                                               Ashif Shaikh, Founder of Jan Sahas, rapidly
                                                                                                                                                                           deployed a multipronged approach to support

conditions to enable                                                                                                                                                       migrant workers in India to meet their immediate
                                                                                                                                                                           needs and build resilience for the long-term impli-

social impact                                                                                                                                                              cations of the COVID-19 induced economic crisis.
                                                                                                                                                                           Within 100 days of the lockdown being announced,
                                                                                                                                                                           Jan formed partnerships with over 30 philanthropic
Over 169,000 entrepreneurs from                                                                                                                                            and private sector donors to deliver immediate relief
social and economically excluded                                                                                                                                           support through 42 NGOs in 19 states.
backgrounds directly supported by
new funding models, entrepreneur                                                                                                                                           Syed Azim, CEO of Glocal Healthcare, pivoted
                                                                                                                                                                           its telemedicine and digital dispensary platform to
incubators, accelerators and                                                                                                                                               provide a comprehensive COVID-19 response and
training programmes                                                                                                                                                        by the end of June 2021 had treated some 165,191
Social Innovation Thought Leaders and Public Social                                                                                                                        COVID patients in India. Syed’s platform
Intrapreneurs enable the growth of social innovation                                                                                                                       and technology are highly scalable and have since
by setting the foundations for individuals, businesses                                                                                                                     been deployed across India and sub-Saharan Africa.
and institutions to work. Public Social Intrapreneur
Ann Branch leads the European Commission                                                                                                                                   Jesús Gerena, CEO of UpTogether (originally
policy on social and inclusive entrepreneurship                                                                                                                            Family Independence Initiative founded by Mauricio
who launched the Social Economy Action Plan for                                                                                                                            Lim Miller), in partnership with Stand Together, an
Europe in December 2021. Kim In-Sun, President of                                                                                                                          NGO, launched the #GiveTogetherNow campaign
the Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency,                                                                                                                              and raised over $100 million for low-income families
is shifting the financial landscape of South Korea to                                                                                                                      in the United States. UpTogether’s digital platform
support social enterprises through innovative funding                                                                                                                      enables funds to be disbursed directly
models.                                                                                                                                                                    to low-income families efficiently.

Strengthening social
and economic
development                                                                                                        Rapid response and
Each award category leverages its unique elements
to foster social and economic development
                                                          Putting Sustainable Development
                                                          Goals in action                                          collaboration in the
with outstanding solutions, which places SDG 8
on decent work and economic growth among                  Launched in 2015, the SDGs have effectively              face of the pandemic
the highest ranked with awardees. Corporate               provided a shared language and common purpose
Social Intrapreneur Garance Wattez Richard,               to approach global issues. The top SDGs targeted         Social Innovators have been adept at rapidly pivoting
Head of AXA Emerging Customers at GIE AXA                 across all award categories on the three cohorts give    intervention delivery to deploy immediate assistance
insurance, is changing the definition of customers        us an accurate picture of priorities and the diversity   to those hit hardest by COVID-19. The international
to be more inclusive, removing policy barriers            of ways in which the awardees tackle the most press      community and businesses have also recognized
and designing new products aimed at facilitating          social challenges.                                       the need for collaboration and came together to set
wider adoption of low to middle income customers.                                                                  up coalitions such as the COVID Response Alliance
The impact achieved by social innovators                                                                           for Social Entrepreneurs, the Migrants Resilience
is both increasing in scope and depth as Public                                                                    Collaborative, and Catalyst 2030 among others.
and Corporate intrapreneurs spearhead progress                                                                     These collective efforts tackle issues faced by those
from their institutional and business arenas.                                                                      most in need either directly or by supporting social
                                                                                                                   innovators to deepen and scale up delivery.

12     SCHWAB FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRANSFORMING THROUGH TRUST                                                                                                                                                    13
Transforming through Trust - How social innovators are transforming the lives of millions
Social entrepreneurship
contributes across
all 17 SGDs

                                                                                Putting Sustainable Development
                                                                                Goals in action
                                                                                Launched in 2015, the SDGs have effectively
                                                                                provided a shared language and common purpose
                                                                                to approach global issues. The top SDGs targeted
                                                                                across all award categories on the three cohorts give
                                                                                us an accurate picture of priorities and the diversity
                                                                                of ways in which the awardees tackle the most press
                                                                                social challenges.

14   SCHWAB FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRANSFORMING THROUGH TRUST                                                        15
Transforming through Trust - How social innovators are transforming the lives of millions
Towards Systemic                                                                                                   Social Innovators are playing
                                                                                                                   a systemic role
Change                                                                                                             Systems work is a distinct set of activities            networks, which also facilitates the establishment
                                                                                                                   that goes beyond delivering products and services       of a political platform to unify their voices,
Given the complex challenges the world is facing         to integrate social impact at the core of the business    to overcome deep-rooted issues that surface             empowering the community to engage to challenge
today, from climate change and wealth inequalities       activity. Public Social Intrapreneurs open pathways       as social barriers, such as resource flows,             the political elites and begin shifting power dynamics.
to systemic racism and unequal access to health          for change by unlocking the power of policy making.       mindsets, behaviours and power dynamics.                Through multi-layered solutions, Social Entrepreneurs
and education, the Schwab Foundation for Social          While Thought Leaders continue to reflect on and          It implies a departure from growing single              target grassroots and marginalized people
Entrepreneurship is guided by its overall ambition       challenge the boundaries of social innovation, shifting   organization interventions to influencing               as levers of change.

to create a social innovation movement                   mindsets and practice.                                    the work of multiple actors in a system.
that transforms society for a more just, sustainable                                                                                                                                         Corporate Social Intrapreneur,
and equitable world. This translates in practice into    As we look to the future, the Schwab Foundation           Kennedy Odede, Founder of Shining Hope                                    Khalil Daoud, Chief Executive
a global platform that advances the world’s leading      aims to deepen its systemic impact in three main          for Communities (SHOFCO), works to provide                                Officer of LibanPost, is tackling
models of sustainable social innovation.                 ways: advancing systems leadership and systems            a set of holistic community services for those                            systems of human migration
                                                         work; encouraging collective action; and supporting       living in slums in Kenya. SHOFCO provides               in Lebanon by using biometric technologies to pro-
Each awardee in the four award categories                mainstream adoption of outstanding social models.         healthcare, gender-based initiatives, safehouses        vide identity documents and financial aid for refugees
demonstrates an aptitude for affecting different                                                                   and education centres and has set up a platform         and displaced people; a crucial element enabling
system change conditions. Social Entrepreneurs                                                                     for collective action and political engagement.         integration and social support. With his programmes,
seed grassroots action that leads to transformational                                                              Its structure enables slum dwellers to integrate        he has been able
change. Corporate Social Intrapreneurs masterfully                                                                 horizontally across their community, building support   to help 1.5 million refugees.
use their influence within the private sector

16    SCHWAB FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRANSFORMING THROUGH TRUST                                                                                                                                                  17
Transforming through Trust - How social innovators are transforming the lives of millions
A mobilized social                                         Outstanding models of social
                                                           innovation are adopted across sectors
innovation ecosystem                                       As the work of social innovators solutions achieve

for collective action is                                   greater depth, scale and prevalence, awardees
                                                           continue to demonstrate both the value of their

transforming society
                                                           endeavours and the value of social innovation
                                                           as an effective alternative model.
                                                           We see intrapreneurs securing change not only
Many leaders and organizations within the Schwab           within their companies but also beyond to influence
Foundation community either have collective                their industry. Through Nutrivida, Corporate Social
approaches rooted in their model or have evolved           Intrapreneur Gisela Sanchez has designed an innova-
to develop them in order to tackle the complexity          tive model of highly nutritional low-cost products sold
of the issues they work on. In the current context,        through a network of low-income mothers.
it is clear that no one organization or individual         The model has been a striking success, delivering
can accomplish significant social change alone             fortified food to over 2 million children in Central
and, as a whole, the community acts as a powerful          America and becoming a trusted provider of the
collective voice to advance social impact.                 World Food Programme. Nutrivida’s innovative model
                                                           is now being championed globally and major global
This stronger ecosystem for collective action              food competitors have begun to reformulate
materializes in several ways. One of them is through       their products to match the increased nutrition.
the development of global and local networks
of social innovators with initiatives such as the Health   Technology as a tool to drive systemic
Innovation Exchange, established by Pradeep                change

Kakkatil, Director of Innovation at UNAIDS, forming
formal knowledge hubs and communities of practice.                          Social innovators frequently integrate
Through these networks, resources are pooled,                               technology to improve the depth, reach
ideas shared and collective action shapes up.                               and quality of their solutions. Mobile
                                                                            technology continues to be a global
New and more inclusive funding models are also             game-changer, with 70% of awardees utilizing
emerging designed to accelerate entrepreneurship           it to deliver their interventions. Mobile technologies
and enable collective action. Fadi Ghandour                play a significant role in enabling interventions that
is shifting the impact entrepreneurship ecosystem          affect resource flows, practices, power dynamics
in the Middle East, conducting research and raising        and mental models. However, they play a less
the profile of social entrepreneurship in the region,      significant role in shifting policy where technology
while seeding many of the region’s successful start-       such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning
up and growth companies both in the traditional            and automation is used more frequently.
and social impact sectors.
                                                           However, AI accounts for 43% of technologies
A third expression of the ecosystem for collective         used to affect policy change. It is reinventing
action is the emergence of leaders that accelerate         the way children learn through ed-tech solutions,
the mobilization process. Youth groups from South          how government and business make decisions
Asia to South America are being established                and providing patients with faster, safer and better-
to overcome systems of oppression by developing            quality healthcare. Critically, AI is transforming
inclusive leaders. Social Entrepreneur Adriana             how communities engage with government.
Barbosa, CEO of PretaHub, has identified,                  Phillip Atiba Goff, Co-Founder of Centre for
supported and built the capacity of 100,000 Black          Policing Equity, has drawn on policing data and
entrepreneurs in Brazil. In turn, these entrepreneurs      AI to develop the Justice Navigator, an interactive
are leading the transformation of their communities        tool that tracks and analyses statistics on police
through business that challenges structural racism.        behaviour, which, in turn, spurs data-driven reforms
                                                           in police departments in the United States. Through
                                                           transparency and data analytics, Phillip is transform-
                                                           ing the relationship between communities and police
                                                           services in the US.

A Social
                                                        For over 20 years the Schwab                               They empower socially and economically excluded           They leverage technology to leap-frog barriers
                                                        Foundation has been recognizing                            people so they become architects of their own future.     to growth and make public services more inclusive.
                                                                                                                   Through RLabs, Rene and Marlon Parker provide             Kennedy Njoroge has created a blockchain-based
                                                        founders who innovatively address

                                                                                                                   opportunities to a generation of unemployed,              smart contracting marketplace that decentralizes
                                                        social or environmental problems,                          unskilled and underprivileged youth in 23 African         access to marketplaces and empowers smallholder
                                                        with a focus on low-income,                                countries, enabling self-empowerment, building            producers to make better decisions and obtain better

                                                        marginalized and vulnerable                                of community solutions and economic independence.         prices. With WaterHealth, Sanjay Bhattnagar
                                                        populations and ecosystems.                                Lindiwe Matlali is delivering science, technology,        has used the internet of things and automation
                                                                                                                   engineering and mathematics education to students         systems to remotely monitor and control decentralized
                                                        The Schwab Foundation 2019-2022 Social Entrepreneur        in South Africa, allowing students to gain high-quality   water systems, creating an efficient and scalable
                                                        awardees are social pioneers addressing persistent         and valuable education regardless of their socio-         water management and distribution model.
Spotlight on Social                                     structural inequalities including gender discrimination,
                                                        economic exclusion and racial bias.
                                                                                                                   economic background. Lisa McLaughlin and Robin
                                                                                                                   McIntosh are creating a new paradigm in addiction
                                                                                                                                                                             Hla Hla Win, CEO of 360education, is using virtual
                                                                                                                                                                             reality and augmented reality to deliver educational
Entrepreneurs                                           They work closely with the issues faced, and their scope
                                                        covers a wide array of challenges from refugee family
                                                                                                                   care in the US with Workit Health, an effective
                                                                                                                   and accessible opioid addiction platform that shows
                                                                                                                                                                             content to children previously excluded
                                                                                                                                                                             from education as well as push for educational reform.
                                                        reunification and human rights to water infrastructure     exceptional retention rates, a decrease in addictive
                                                        and financial inclusion. By empowering marginalized        behaviours and anxiety, as well as an increase
                                                        populations to be actors of their own change,              in healthy habits.
                                                        Social Entrepreneurs enable lasting, transformational

20   SCHWAB FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRANSFORMING THROUGH TRUST                                                                                                                                                    21
Celso Athayde founded Central Univa das                                      “I work in the territories of Brazil     Ashraf Patel founded Pravah and ComMutiny              “When we started 25-30 years ago, there were
Favelas (CUFA) in 1998 in Rio do Janeiro, Brazil,                            with over 37 million people.             Youth Collective (CYC), which focuses on facilitat-    no programmes with an emphasis on making
to engage and empower young people, especially                               Some 87% are Black people.               ing the development of a generation of empathetic,     connections between self and society in school
young people of colour, to inspire change. In 2015,                          Brazil is a country based on slavery.    sensitive youth change-makers in India, helping        curriculums. They didn’t exist.
Celso founded Favela Holding, a group of companies            Happiness was reserved for the few during slavery.      them build more inclusive identities and societies.    You need young people in leadership at all levels.
whose central objective is to change the economic             The effects of colonial social inequality are brutal.   Ashraf’s work challenges traditional concepts          Building youth leadership is not the work of NGOs,
matrix of the favela. It is the first social holding in the   The victims of this inequity need to understand they    of youth leadership and expands youth empower-         colleges and schools. Youth development
world and promotes social entrepreneurship, new               have a right and are a part of the prosperity           ment through exploring the idea of a “fifth space”.    is the work of everyone – all of us can be youth
business opportunities and increased employability            that belongs to our country. Wealth has to be           She suggests that traditional spaces for youth         workers. If every space becomes a space to nurture
for those living and working in favelas.                      shared or there will be social chaos. The people        engagement – friends, family, education                youth leadership, we will succeed.”
                                                              we serve through Favela Holding are living lives        and employment, leisure and recreation –
                                                              that were not projected for them. They are now the      are not governed by young people, and that decision    “The idea of self-to-society or me-to-we is important
                                                              bosses of their own companies. This is not a legacy     making, rules and expectations are set by others.      language and it is what we champion. We knew that
                                                              they inherited; it is their time to see the effects     In the fifth space, her work seeks to create a space   design principles could help build youth-centric
                                                              of their efforts.”                                      where young people can discover themselves             and youth-empowered spaces. We’ve worked with
                                                                                                                      through community actions. Members of the expansive    many designers and these thousands of designs
                                                                                                                      coalition she has established include young people,    have emerged from our work, each contributing to
                                                                                                                      youth organizations, youth facilitators,               our purpose to ‘scale with soul’.”
                                                                                                                      and representatives from public and private sectors.

22       SCHWAB FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRANSFORMING THROUGH TRUST                                                                                                                                               23
Alex Eaton                      Alexandre Tourre            Chris Sheldrick               Nthabi Mosia                Jalil Allabadi                  Joseph Thompson Kennedy Njoroge                              Lisa McLaughlin
Organization:       Organization: Easy Solar    Organization: what3words      Organization: Easy Solar    Organization: Altibbi           Organization: AID:Tech         Organization: Cellulant       Organization: Workit Health
HQ country: Mexico              HQ country: Sierra Leone    HQ country: United Kingdom    HQ country: Sierra Leone    HQ country; Jordan              HQ country: Ireland            HQ country; Kenya             HQ country: USA
Operations: Latin America       Operations: Africa          Operations: Global            Operations: Africa          Operations: MENA                Operations: Global             Operations: Africa            Operations: USA
Sector: Energy                  Sector: Energy              Sector: Information           Sector: Energy              Sector: Health and healthcare   Sector: Information            Sector: Financial inclusion   Sector: Health and healthcare
SDG: 2, 13, 15                  SDG: 7                      communications technologies   SDG: 7                      SDG: 3, 9, 10                   communications technologies    SDG: 9, 10                    SDG: 3, 9, 10
                                                            SDG: 9, 10                                                                                SDG: 9, 10, 17
Alex Eaton, CEO and             Alexandre Tourre is                                       Nthabiseng Mosia is         Jalil Allabadi is CEO                                          Ken Njoroge is the found-     Lisa McLaughlin is Co-
Co-Founder of Sistema.          Co-Founder and CEO          Chris Sheldrick, Co-          Co-Founder of Easy          of digital health plat-         Joseph Thompson is             ing CEO of Cellulant,         Founder and Co-CEO
bio, grew up on                 of Easy Solar. He has       Founder and CEO of            Solar. A South African      form Altibbi. He is an          CEO and Co-Founder             which delivers a con-         of Workit Health, a
a small farm and is             a background in finan-      what3words, has pio-          and Ghanaian dual citi-     industrial engineer by          of AID:Tech, which uses        nected one-stop mobile        behaviour al healt h
committed to optimizing         cial inclusion and mobile   neered a simpler way to       zen, she has worked as      training, with a master’s       blockchain for digital         payments and digital          company providing
natural ecosystems.             money in Kenya and          give precise locations by     a management consul-        degree in Business              identity, aid and remit-       commerce service              expert, evidence-based
His company helps               Afghanistan. Easy Solar     turning accurate GPS          tant and has extensive      Administration. Jalil           tance delivery. AID:Tech       across Africa for busi-       addiction care through
farmers put waste to            is transforming people’s    coordinates into us-          experience spanning         was born in Lebanon to          has also released the          nesses, mobile network        telemedicine. She held
work using patented             lives in West Africa        er-friendly combinations      the energy spectrum as      Palestinian parents. He         first blockchain appli-        operators, financial in-      leadership positions at
bio-digesters that con-         by supplying reliable       of three words. Instead       well as in telecoms and     has built Altibbi into a        cation of peer-to-peer         stitutions, and their con-    leading digital health
vert animal manure into         solar energy and other      of using international ad-    financial services. Easy    digital health platform for     traceable donations for        sumers. He has led the        and learning compa-
renewable energy and            transformative durable      dresses and postcodes,        Solar is transforming       the Arab world. Inspired        clients of banks, corpo-       company from an idea          nies before setting up
organic, natural fertiliz-      goods, including solar      which are often too broad     people’s lives in West      by a pioneering medical         rations and consumers.         sketched on a serviette       Workit, which is working
er. With as few as two          lanterns, home-lighting     and not universal, what-      Africa by supplying         reference dictionary            The platform provides          in 2002 to an enterprise      to reinvent substance
cows, one bio-digester          systems, applianc-          3words names every 3m         reliable solar energy       written by his father,          transparency and trace-        with more than 350            abuse and addiction
produces enough clean           es and cookstoves.          square in the world with      and other transforma-       Jalil created Altibbi to        ability to the distributions   employees across 13           treatment. Using both
and renewable biogas to         It makes these afford-      a unique three-word ad-       tive durable goods,         offer up-to-date medical        of resources, bringing         markets. He remains un-       virtual and in-person
meet all the energy needs       able through a range        dress. This simple solu-      including solar lanterns,   information to users in         access and inclusion to        wavering in his pursuit       mental health support
for cooking and heating         of flexible financing       tion means that everyone      home lighting systems,      the Middle East and             the underserved. Each          of connecting more than       programmes, the team
in a rural household, as        options, using pay-as-      can easily talk about a       appliances and cook-        North Africa (MENA) in          AID:Tech digital ID            500 million consumers         is tackling the nearly
well as organic fertilizer to   you-go technology,          specific location. NGOs,      stoves. It makes these      Arabic. The platform            represents a blockchain        in Africa with digital        $35 billion addiction
improve crop yields for up      and accessible through      aid organizations, emer-      affordable through          has a unique mix of             wallet address, which is       payment services. Over        recovery market, with
to five hectares, providing     an extensive network        gency services, delivery      a range of flexible fi-     tools to deliver health         unique and documents           the past few years, he        a focus on accessibility
customers with a better         of agents and shops.        companies and govern-         nancing options, using      awareness, information          every transaction asso-        has invested time in          for those who need it
quality of life.                                            ments are adopting the        pay-as-you-go tech-         and advice to millions          ciated with it. AID:Tech       training and advising         most. Its programmes
                                                            technology to improve         nology, and accessible      through its extensive           was the first company          the next generation of        provide holistic care
                                                            business efficiencies,        through an extensive        content library and tele-       in the world to deliver        entrepreneurs and con-        to patients for all three
                                                            drive growth and save         network of agents and       health service.                 international aid using        tributing to the growth       addiction stages: pre-
                                                            lives.                        shops.                                                      blockchain technology          of the entrepreneurship       vention, treatment and
                                                                                                                                                      in 2015.                       ecosystem in Africa.          detox.

Social Entrepreneurs 2019
24     SCHWAB FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRANSFORMING THROUGH TRUST                                                                                                                                                               25
Mehrdad Baghai                Mostafa Farahat             Phillip Atiba Goff             Prema Gopalan                Roberta Faria                Robin McIntosh                Rodrigo Wright               Sanjay Bhatnagar
Organization: High Resolves   Organization: Nafham        Organization:                  Organization:                Organization:                Organization: Workit Health   Pipponzi                     Organization:
HQ country: Australia         HQ country: Egypt           Center for Policing Equity     Swayam Shikshan Prayog       Editora MOL                  HQ country: USA                                            Water Health International
                                                                                                                                                                                 Organization: Editora MOL
Operations: Global            Operations: MENA            HQ country: USA                (SSP)                        HQ country: Brazil           Operations: USA                                            HQ country: USA
                                                                                                                                                                                 HQ country: Brazil
Sector: Children and youth    Sector: Education           Operations: USA                HQ country: India            Operations: Brazil           Sector: Health & Healthcare                                Operations: Global
                                                                                                                                                                                 Operations: Brazil
development                   SDG: 4                      Sector: Governance and civic   Operations: India            Sector: Information,         SDG: 3, 9, 10                                              Sector: Natural Resources
                                                                                                                                                                                 Sector: Information,
SDG: 4, 5, 8, 10                                          engagement                     Sector: Community            communications                                                                          SDG: 6
                              Mostafa Farahat is Co-      SDG: 10, 16, 17                empowerment                  and technology
                                                                                                                                                                                 and technology
Mehrdad Baghai is             Founder and CEO of                                         SDG: 1, 4, 5, 8              SDG: 9, 10                   Robin McIntosh is             SDG: 9, 10
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Sanjay      Bhatnagar
Chairman of Alchemy           online learning platform    Phillip Atiba Goff is Co-      Prema      Gopalan      is   Roberta Faria is Co-         co-founder and co-                                         is President and
Growth, a boutique            Nafham, which currently     Founder and CEO of             Executive Director           Founder and Executive        CEO of Workit Health,                                      CEO of WaterHealth
strategy advisory firm        helps 5 million school      the Center for Policing        of Swayam Shikshan           Director of Editora MOL,     a behavioural health          Rodrigo Wright Pipponzi      International (WHI),
advising large com-           students and young          Equity (CPE), which            Prayog (SSP), a learn-       a social impact publish-     company providing             is Co-Founder and CEO        and Founder of THOT
panies on growth.             learners in six Arab        serves as a bridge             ing and development          ing house that created       expert, evidence-based        of Editora MOL, a social     Capital Group, a private
He is an active investor      countries. Established      between police depart-         organization that aims       the concept of socied-       addiction care through        impact publishing house      equity firm investing in
in both the technology        in 2012, Nafham is an       ments and communities          to promote women’s           itorial projects. The        telemedicine.        She      that created the concept     energy and infrastruc-
and private equity fields.    award-winning edu-          to reduce burdensome           economic and social          group prints inspiring       worked at the cross-          of socieditorial projects.   ture. WHI’s approach of
In 2017, he reduced           cational platform and       and disparate policing.        empowerment as entre-        content – magazines,         roads of technology,          The group prints inspir-     decentralized sustain-
his business interests        online tutoring service.    He is a US national            preneurs and leaders         books, calendars, ta-        healthcare and engage-        ing content – maga-          able water purification
to take over as global        It uses the power of the    leader in the science of       for sustainable commu-       bletop games and much        ment platforms before         zines, books, calendars,     makes it possible to
CEO of High Resolves,         crowd to simplify and       racial bias after pioneer-     nity development. Her        more – and sells it for      setting up Workit, which      tabletop games and           deliver safe water ser-
a social venture which        explain school curric-      ing experiments that           belief is that excluded      below-the-market prices      is reinventing substance      much more – and sells        vices to communities
he co-founded with his        ulum lessons in short       have exposed how our           and resource-poor            in big retailers, donating   abuse and addiction           it for below-the-market      once considered un-
wife, Roya, in 2005 to        videos in a process         minds learn to associate       communities can be           part of the revenue to       treatment. Using both         prices in big retailers,     reachable by construct-
provide peak learning         called “crowd-teach-        Blackness and crime            revitalized through eco-     non-profits that fight for   virtual and in-person         donating part of the         ing and operating mi-
experiences that help         ing”, which enables         implicitly, often with         nomic growth and social      major causes. Since          mental health support         revenue to non-profits       cro-water utilities called
young people reflect on       students to access          deadly consequences.           progress, if the true        2008, MOL has sold           programmes, the team          that fight for major caus-   WaterHealth Centres.
their shared humanity.        multiple explanations       This research led to the       potential of grassroots      more than 20 million         is tackling the nearly        es. Since 2008, MOL          It uses commercially
Since its inception in        for the same lesson in      co-founding of CPE,            women entrepreneurs          units, donating more         $35 billion addiction         has sold more than 20        available water puri-
2005, High Resolves           a few seconds, anytime      a university research          is realized. Based in        than R$39 million to         recovery market, with a       million units, donating      fication technologies,
has engaged with over         and anywhere. It attracts   centre now supported           Pune, SSP has built a        more than 100 non-prof-      focus on accessibility for    more than R$39 mil-          remote monitoring and
500,000 young people          700,000 unique visitors     by the 501c3 Policing          robust ecosystem that        its, becoming the largest    those who need it most.       lion to more than 100        smart card systems to
in Australia, the Unites      every month and offers      Equity organization.           empowers women-led           social impact publishing     Its programmes provide        non-profits, becoming        provide affordable, safe
States, Canada, Mexico,       thousands of videos.        Created at UCLA, the           entrepreneurship and         house in the world.          holistic care to patients     the largest social impact    drinking water to nearly
Brazil and many other                                     centre is now the world’s      leadership in emerging                                    for all three addiction       publishing house in the      450 underserved com-
countries.                                                largest research and           high-impact sectors                                       stages: prevention,           world.                       munities in India, the
                                                          action think-tank on race      such as clean energy,                                     treatment and detox.                                       Philippines, Ghana and
                                                          and policing.                  agriculture and nutrition,                                                                                           Bangladesh.
                                                                                         health and sanitation.

Social Entrepreneurs 2019
26     SCHWAB FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRANSFORMING THROUGH TRUST                                                                                                                                                            27
Hla Hla Win                 Daniel Asare-Kyei             Adriana Barbosa                   Henrique G.                  Jesús Gerena                Javier Goyeneche             Dharsono Hartono Sooinn Lee
Organization: 360Ed         Organization: Esoko           Organization: PretaHub            Brammer Junior               Organization: UpTogether    Organization: Ecoalf         Organization: PT Rimba      Organization: Enuma Inc.
HQ country: Myanmar         HQ country: Ghana
                            Operations: Africa
                                                          HQ country: Brazil
                                                          Operations: Latin America
                                                                                            (Guilherme                   HQ country: USA
                                                                                                                         Operations: USA
                                                                                                                                                     HQ country: Spain
                                                                                                                                                     Operations: Europe
                                                                                                                                                                                  HQ country: Indonesia
                                                                                                                                                                                                              HQ country: South Korea
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Operations: Asia and East
Operations: Myanmar
Sector: Education           Sector: Food systems          Sector: Diversity and inclusion   Brammer Jr)                  Sector: Community           Sector: Circular resources   Operations: Indonesia       Africa
SDG: 4, 5, 10               SDG: 1, 2, 10                 SDG: 4, 8, 10, 16                                              empowerment                 SDG: 12, 13, 14, 15          Sector: Environment         Sector: Education
                                                                                            Organization: Boomera
                                                                                                                         SDG: 1, 10                                               SDG: 2, 13, 15              SDG: 4, 10
Win Hla Hla is Co-Founder   Daniel       Asare-Kyei       Adriana Barbosa is                HQ country: Brazil                                       Javier Goyeneche is
                                                                                            Operations: Brazil
and CEO of 360ed, a         is CEO of Esoko, a            Founder of Preta Hub,             Sector: Circular resources
                                                                                                                         Jesús Gerena is CEO of      Founder and President        Dharsono Hartono is         Sooinn Lee is Co-
Myanmar-based start-        Ghana-based group             a centre for Black cre-           SDG: 11, 12, 13              UpTogether, a commu-        of EcoAlf, a sustainable     CEO of Rimba Makmur         Founder and CEO of
up tackling the problem     that empowers rural com-      ativity and enterprise                                         nity movement and plat-     fashion brand that           Utama, an Indonesian        Enuma, a children’s ed-
of access to quality        munities on the African       in Brazil. She started            Henrique Guilherme           form using data and per-    develops fabrics from        company that manages        ucational software com-
education for those at      continent through digital     her journey in São Paulo          Brammer Junior is            sonal success stories to    recycled materials. He       the Katingan Mentaya        pany changing the para-
the bottom of the pyra-     transformation and            in 2002 by creating with          founder of Boomera,          transform stereotypes,      launched the company         Project, which con-         digm of basic education
mid. 360Ed is composed      financial inclusion. He       a friend a fair for Black         a Brazilian recycling        beliefs and policies. Its   after growing frustrated     serves large areas of       through digital learning.
of educators, tech ex-      is a technologist, agri-      entrepreneurs, which              company. Frustrated          vision is for all people    with the amount of waste     peat forest in Borneo,      She has developed ma-
perts, content creators     cultural economist and        has since become a                by the environmental         in the US to be seen        being produced by the        while providing sustain-    ny highly acclaimed ap-
and scholars who are        an entrepreneur, having       major cultural and                impact of waste like cig-    and invested in for their   fashion industry. In part-   able sources of liveli-     plications that engage
committed to revamping      spent the past 17 years       economic success,                 arette butts, disposable     strengths and be able       nership with specialist      hood for local communi-     a wide range of young
the education reform        working at the nexus of       bringing together annu-           diapers and espresso         to build their social and   manufacturers, EcoAlf        ties. Following six years   learners around the
process by leveraging       development, entrepre-        ally over 700 exhibitors,         pods, he founded             financial assets. Since     transforms discarded         at Pricewaterhouse          world, including those
advances in virtual         neurship and science.         50,000 visitors and a             Wisewaste in 2011 and        2001, it has demon-         fishing nets, PET plas-      Coopers       and     JP    with special needs, in
reality, augmented real-    Initially focused on pro-     revenue flow of around            renamed it Boomera in        strated that people and     tic bottles, used tyres,     Morgan in New York,         independent and effec-
ity and other emerging      viding content services       R$800,000. She has                2017. The group has          families in historically    coffee and post-indus-       Dharsono went on to         tive learning. Enuma’s
technologies for learners   to farmers to improve         also founded Festival             developed a methodol-        undervalued and finan-      trial cotton and wool into   executive roles at a        approach combines
in Myanmar. Its work is     productivity, Esoko now       Feira Preta, the largest          ogy called the Circular      cially under-resourced      high-quality yarns and       local Indonesian com-       universal learning princi-
grounded in experimen-      provides a community          event on Black culture            Pack to gain scale and       communities have the        components for cloth-        pany before starting        ples with best practices
tation, innovation, col-    management platform           in Latin America and              impact by turning waste      initiative and capacity     ing, accessories and         his Katingan Mentaya        in commercial game
laborative partnerships     for organizations to im-      an equal opportunity              into a range of products,    to move themselves and      footwear. It manages the     Project in 2007. Rimba      design and educational
and extended fieldwork.     plement and track com-        space to showcase                 bringing together tech-      their communities out       full process in the sup-     Makmur Utama imple-         research to build the
                            munity-based projects.        and celebrate Afro-               nology, design, science      of poverty. It invests in   ply chain, from waste        ments a sustainable         best-quality, digital
                            Via its cloud platforms,      contemporary trends in            and social inclusion. It     the entrepreneurship of     collection to recycling      land-use model by           learning products. Its
                            Esoko also provides           the arts and the creative         has also established         people in undervalued       technologies, manufac-       reducing deforestation      flagship product, Todo
                            excluded communities          economy.                          partnerships with cus-       communities and works       turing, design and retail.   and degradation, pro-       Math, has been ranked
                            and project beneficia-                                          tomers like Procter &        with government and                                      moting conservation,        #1 in the App Store in 20
                            ries with information                                           Gamble, Adidas and           philanthropies to do the                                 enhancing ecological        countries.
                            services and access to                                          Nestlé to find environ-      same.                                                    integrity and growing
                            digital financial products.                                     mentally friendly solu-                                                               economic opportunities
                                                                                            tions for their waste.                                                                for rural communities in
                                                                                                                                                                                  Central Kalimantan.

                            Social Entrepreneurs 2020
28    SCHWAB FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRANSFORMING THROUGH TRUST                                                                                                                                                            29
Lindiwe Matlali              Shanti Raghavan               Anushka Ratnayake              Azim Sabahat                    Ashif Shaikh                Dipesh Sutariva              Celso Athayde
Organization: Africa Teen    Organization: EnAble India    Organization: myAgro           Organization:                   Organization: Jan Sahas     Organization: EnAble India   Organization:
Geeks                        HQ country: India             HQ country: Senegal            Global Healthcare Systems       HQ country: India           HQ country: India            CUFA Favela Holding
HQ country: South Africa     Operations: India             Operations: Africa             HQ country: India               Operations: India           Operations: India            HQ country: Brazil
Operations: Africa           Sector: Disability            Sector: Food systems           Operations: Africa, East        Sector: Humanitarian        Sector: Disability           Operations: Brazil, Bronx, NY
Sector: Education            SDG: 4, 8, 10                 SDG: 1, 2, 8, 10               and Northern Asia               and migration               SDG: 4, 8, 10                (Global CUFA)
SDG: 4, 5, 8, 10                                                                          Sector: Health and healthcare   SDG: 3, 5, 8, 10, 16, 17                                 Sector: Community
                             Shanti Raghavan is            Anushka Ratnayake is           SDG: 3, 10                                                  Dipesh Sutariya is Co-       empowerment
Lindiwe Matlali is           Founder of Enable India,      Founder and CEO of                                             Ashif Shaikh is Co-         Founder and CEO of           SDG: 1, 10
Founder and CEO of           which works for the eco-      myAgro, a non-profit so-       Sabahat S. Azim is              Founder and Director        Enable India, a non-prof-
Africa Teen Geeks, one       nomic independence            cial enterprise based in       Founder and Managing            of Jan Sahas, a national    it organization that         Celso Athayde is                DJ workshops, break,
of Africa’s largest com-     and dignity of persons        West Africa pioneering         Director of Glocal              grassroots organization     works for the economic       Founder of the Central          rap, audio-visual media,
puter science NGOs.          with a disability. She cre-   a mobile layaway sav-          Healthcare Systems, a           in India committed to       independence and             Union of Favelas                street basketball, and lit-
Its mission is to bring      ated the organization in      ings model that enables        social venture that seeks       ensuring dignity and        dignity of persons with      (CUFA), a Brazilian             erature. Also founded by
science into children’s      1999 after experiencing       farmers to invest their        to bring state-of-the-          equality for all. He is a   disability across India,     non-profit organisation         Celso Athayde, “Favela
classrooms, driven by        her brother becoming          own funds in high-quali-       art healthcare to rural         human rights activist       since 1999. The group        established 20 years            Holding” is a conglom-
the belief that no child     blind at the age of 15.       ty seeds, fertilizers, tools   populations in India by         who has pledged his life    is transforming attitudes    ago to represent and            eration of 23 companies
should be left behind        Enable India has helped       and training. She has          offering an integrated          to eliminate slavery and    towards employment of        promote the interests           whose goal is to develop
by the tech revolution.      change the mindset of         worked in rural Africa         model of comprehensive          end violence based on       the disabled and cre-        of people living in over        the favelas and empow-
The social enterprise        businesses and govern-        since 2008, helping to         block-level primary and         caste and gender. For       ating a new market in        five thousand favelas           erment of their residents
teaches children and         ment agencies, has built      increase market access         secondary care hospi-           20 years, Jan Sahas has     which the needs of the       in Brazil, estimated            through fomenting en-
unemployed youth how         models and frameworks         for small-scale farmers.       tals, digital dispensaries      worked with excluded        corporate sector are met     at 17 million people            trepreneurship amongst
to code, exposes them        for inclusion, and has        Under the myAgro               and technology. He is a         communities for safe        by a growing cohort of       and equivalent to ap-           these communities and
to computer science          built collectives to scale    model, farmers pay             medical doctor, a former        migration, prevention of    disabled professionals       proximately 8% of the           promoting business and
and inspires a future        across the country and        in advance for inputs          Indian Administrative           sexual violence against     who are dispelling the       population. Recognised          employment opportuni-
generation of technol-       world. Today it is pio-       and training by buying         Service officer and an          women and children,         myths and stereotypes        both nationally and inter-      ties for favela residents.
ogy entrepreneurs and        neering new models for        a myAgro card at their         entrepreneur. Under             eradication of forced       about hiring persons         nationally in the fields of
innovators. The organi-      the future of work in a       local village store and        his stewardship, Glocal         labour practices like       with disability. Enable      social assistance, sports
zation plugs a vital gap     post-COVID world and          depositing their money         has set up and is oper-         trafficking, manual         India’s models and           and recreation and
in science, technology,      campaigning for “includ-      into a layaway account         ating 11 integrated su-         scavenging, bonded          content are also used        community develop-
engineering and math-        ability” – the competen-      by texting in the scratch-     per-specialty hospitals         labour and commercial       in other organizations in    ment, CUFA promoted
ematics (STEM) edu-          cy that leaders need to       off code.                      in the states of Bihar,         sexual exploitation of      India, as well as some in    the unification of young
cation in South Africa,      have to work with any                                        Uttar Pradesh, Odisha           children. It works across   Africa, Asia, Europe and     people from favelas,
with a particular focus      kind of “difference”.                                        and West Bengal. Glocal         nine states in India,       the US.                      mostly black youth,
on girls.                                                                                 stands for global quality,      partnering with com-                                     who sought means of
                                                                                          delivered at a local level.     munity-based organiza-                                   expression through ac-
                                                                                                                          tions, philanthropies and                                tivities such as graffiti,

Social Entrepreneurs 2020
30     SCHWAB FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRANSFORMING THROUGH TRUST                                                                                                                                                             31
Rana Dajani                  Jos de Blok                     Mikaela Jade                      Kennedy Odede                  Rene Parker                   Marlon Parker                 Wenfeng Wei (Jim)               Ashraf Patel
Organization: Taghyeer       Organization:                   Organization: Indigital           Organization: SHOFCO           Organization: RLabs           Organization: RLabs           Organization: Hangzhou          Organization:
We Love Reading (WLR)        Stichting Buurtzorg             HQ country: Australia             HQ country: Kenya              HQ country: South Africa      HQ country: South Africa      DADDYLAB Technology Co.,        Pravah and ComMutiny
HQ country: Jordan           HQ country: Netherlands         Operations: Australia             Operations: Africa             Operations: Africa            Operations: Africa            Ltd                             HQ country: India
Operations: MENA             Operations: Global              Sector: Diversity and inclusion   Sector: Community              Sector: Workforce             Sector: Workforce             HQ country: People’s            Operations: India
Sector: Education            Sector: Health and healthcare   SDG: 8, 10                        empowerment                    development                   development                   Republic of China               Sector: Children
SDG: 1, 4, 5                 SDG: 3                                                            SDG: 1, 4, 5, 10               SDG: 1,8, 10                  SDG: 1,8, 10                  Operations: People’s            and youth development
                                                             Mikaela Jade is a                                                                                                            Republic of China               SDG: 4, 10
Rana Dajani is Founder       Jos de Blok is an               Cabrogal woman of the             Kennedy Odede grew up          Rene Parker is a social       Marlon Parker is a social     Sector: Consumer protection
of Taghyeer/We Love          award-winning social en-        Dharug-speaking nation            in Kibera, Africa’s largest    impact entrepreneur with      entrepreneur and advo-        SDG: 12

Reading ( W L R ) , a        trepreneur and CEO and          of Sydney. Her compa-             slum, and started Shining      extensive experience in       cate of using technology                                      Ashraf Patel has played
non-profit organization      Founder of Buurtzorg            ny, Indigital, founded in         Hope for Communities           building social ventures at   for good. As Co-Founder       Wenfeng Wei (Jim) is            a key role in shaping the
based in Jordan. She         (neighbourhood nurs-            2014, is Australia’s first        (SHOFCO) in 2004 with          scale. As CEO of RLabs        of RLabs Marlon led its       Founder of Daddylab, a          youth work field over two
is also a Professor of       ing). Founded in 2006           Indigenous edu-tech               passion, 20 cents, and         she led its transformation    transformation from the       social enterprise to keep       decades as co-Founder
Molecular Cell Biology at    with one team of four           company. Indigital is built       a soccer ball. SHOFCO          from the humble begin-        humble beginnings of          children away from toxic        of Pravah and ComMutiny
Hashemite University in      nurses, Buurtzorg has           on a belief that together         proposes to eradicate          nings of a community          a community project in        and harmful products.           - The Youth Collective.
Jordan, a Harvard Radcliff   transformed home-               we can use digital tech-          extreme poverty in urban       project in Cape Town into     Cape Town into an award       Daddylab was estab-             She is a passionate
fellow, a Fulbrighter, and   based healthcare and it         nologies to help preserve         slums, demonstrating a         an award winning global       winning global social         lished in 2015 and now          practitioner and advo-
Eisenhower fellow, and a     has created an innovative       and proliferate 80,000            model that can be repli-       social enterprise. RLabs      enterprise. RLabs is a        has over 300 staff, includ-     cate of inside-out youth
Yale and Cambridge vis-      method for nursing care         years of human knowl-             cated around the globe.        is a global movement that     global movement that          ing 45 technical experts        leadership. She is com-
iting professor. She spe-    at home. Jos, himself a         edge while engaging               SHOFCO believes that           has inspired replication of   has inspired replication of   with a diverse range of         mitted to collaboration
cialises in the research     nurse, believes in an em-       people in education that          the key to peace and           the model in 23 countries     the model in 23 countries     academic backgrounds.           and is a part of shaping a
area of refugee youth and    powered nurse-led team          leads to skills, jobs, and        prosperity is through em-      and impacted more than        and impacted more than        Over 300 different cat-         cross-sectoral communi-
the epigenetics of trauma    approach, as well as an         wealth creation to build          powering communities           20 million people since       20 million people since       egories of consumer             ty of leading stakeholders
across generations, and      empowered patient. He           a stronger future for all.        to participate actively in     its inception in 2009.        its inception in 2009.        products have been              called the VartaLeap
is a world expert on ge-     believes most patients          Indigital Schools, the            their own transformation       Rene has a passion for        Rene has a passion for        tested since its formation      Coalition, working to-
netics of Circassian and     can be encouraged to            company’s flagship pro-           and harnessing their           empowering women in           empowering women in           in 2015. It is a social plat-   wards strengthening
Chechan populations in       participate together with       gramme, is an Elder-led,          collective voice to advo-      technology and business       technology and business       form which combines the         youth-centric develop-
Jordan. She established      their Buurtzorg nurse in        fully curriculum-integrat-        cate for change. In 2020,      and continues to support      and continues to support      function of a third-party       ment as a systemic ap-
stem cell research ethics    finding solutions to their      ed exploration of cultural        SHOFCO has reached             start-ups and innovation      start-ups and innovation      testing agency, a market        proach based on values
law in Jordan and is an      home-care needs, and            expressions, heritage and         2.4 million individuals        hubs across Africa by         hubs across Africa by         watchdog, a consumer            of justice, equality, liberty,
advocate for biological      that many of these solu-        knowledge through aug-            across 17 urban slums          providing mentorship and      providing mentorship and      rights advocacy forum,          and fraternity, enshrined
evolution, and a Member      tions can be found in the       mented and mixed reality          through COVID response         strategic direction.          strategic direction.          and an e-commerce               in the Indian Constitution,
of the UN Women Jordan       community.                      production. It exists to          at scale. Over the next                                                                    platform selling products       that also further societal
advisory council. Rana                                       preserve, access and              five years, they aim to                                                                    which are tested in a very      wellbeing and global
established a women                                          share traditional knowl-          build a nationwide com-                                                                    transparent, scientific,        citizenship. Ashraf is an
mentor network and                                           edge, language and law.           munity platform that links                                                                 verifiable, and reproducible    Ashoka Fellow and was
received the Partner-                                                                          people to dignified critical                                                               way.                            recognised as the Social
ships for Enhanced                                                                             services.                                                                                                                  Entrepreneur of the Year
Engagement in Research                                                                                                                                                                                                    (SEOY 2020) and award-
(PEER) award in 2014.                                                                                                                                                                                                     ed Distinguished Alumni
She also organised the                                                                                                                                                                                                    for Public Service (2014
first gender summit for                                                                                                                                                                                                   XLRI).
the Arab world 2017.

                                                                                                                              Social Entrepreneurs 2022
32     SCHWAB FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRANSFORMING THROUGH TRUST                                                                                                                                                                      33
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