TRADE FAIR PROSPECTUS - Australia's premier beef industry event - Beef Australia

Page created by Daniel Hale
TRADE FAIR PROSPECTUS - Australia's premier beef industry event - Beef Australia
\ Rockhampton Showgrounds
\ Monday 3 - Friday 7 May 2021

 Australia’s premier beef industry event
TRADE FAIR PROSPECTUS - Australia's premier beef industry event - Beef Australia
TRADE FAIR PROSPECTUS - Australia's premier beef industry event - Beef Australia
Trade Fair Enquiries
                                                                     Trade Fair Coordinator
                                                                     BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021
                                                                     PO Box 199 | Level 1, 195 Bolsover Street
                                                                     Rockhampton Qld 4700

                                                                     Correspondence to:
                                                                     PO Box 199
                                                                     Rockhampton Qld 4700
                                                                     P +61 7 4922 2989
                                                                     F +61 7 4921 3787

BEEF 2021
  The Australian beef industry assembles every three years in Rockhampton to
compete, showcase, learn about and celebrate industry innovations and achievements.
   BEEF AUSTRALIA is the premier event of its kind in the Southern       Australia’s beef cattle industry will again attract national and
Hemisphere, attracting over 100,000 visitors from throughout         international attention when it goes on display in Rockhampton,
Australia and the world, over an action-packed week.                 Queensland from 2 to 8 May, 2021.
     BEEF AUSTRALIA’s rich history dates back to Australia’s             BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021 provides a platform for all aspects of
bicentennial celebrations in 1988. Originally planned as a ‘one      the beef supply chain to be acknowledged, represented
off’ event, its success was such that the inaugural event was        and celebrated through a relevant, engaging and innovative
held again in 1991. It has since been held every three years and     educational and social program that benefits the Australian beef
has grown to become the cattle industry’s national exhibition.       industry. We achieve our vision by focusing on four key pillars.

TRADE FAIR PROSPECTUS - Australia's premier beef industry event - Beef Australia
Why exhibit at Beef
                             Australia 2021?
                             BEEF AUSTRALIA 2018 saw
                             \ $85,000,000 generated for regional QLD
                             \ 530 displays
                             \ 100,000 attendees
                             \ 5,000 cattle on display
                             \ Over $85 Million total Expo expenditure
                             \ $1,636 average spend per person
                             \ Great food and entertainment

                             What’s New at
Generated for Regional QLD
                             Beef Australia 2021?
                             Town Square
                                A large precinct central to the venue with great food, drinks and
                             atmosphere and a great place to catch up with friends and family.

                             Cattle Precincts
                                 All the best cattle Australia has to offer in one place. Structures
                             will house all Stud Cattle Championship exhibits in breed precincts
                             so attendees can see the best of the breeds all in one location.

                             Ken Coombe Tech Yards
      Trade displays            Showcasing existing and emerging technology in a dedicated
                             AgTech & Innovation Hub offering a world-first display of Australian
                             and international technologies that impact beef production from
                             conception through to the end-consumer consumption.

                             Open concept indoor sites
                                 Indoor site booths located in the Durack Pavilion, Sidney
                             Kidman Pavilion and Walter Pearce Pavilion will have stepped half
                             walls to allow for a more open plan style and better visibility of

                             Trade Fair Portal
                                 An online portal for exhibitors to manage their trade fair
                             booking, make site fee payments and download invoices, provide
        Attendees            social media and contact information for the exhibitor listing and
                             upload required documents.

                                  BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021 will implement a COVID Safe strategy approved
                             by the QLD Chief Health Officer and follow all Government
                             recommendations and legislation to minimise risk to staff,
                             stakeholders, patrons and attendees. Social distancing rules will be
                             in place and participants must comply with all guidelines to support
                             BEEF AUSTRALIA’s endeavours to provide a safe event for everyone.

     Cattle on display
TRADE FAIR PROSPECTUS - Australia's premier beef industry event - Beef Australia
KEY DATES                                                    Trade Fair Site
                         2020                                Application Process
            APPLICATIONS OPEN        3 August
                                                                Applications for trade fair sites will open 9.00am, Monday 3
           APPLICATIONS CLOSE        30 November             August 2020 and close 5.00pm, Monday 14 September 2020.
FIRST ROUND OF OFFERS MADE           14 December                Applicants will be notified of the result of their application via
        FIRST ROUND OFFERS                                   email by Wednesday, 30 September 2020.
 CONFIRMATION PAYMENT DUE            21 December
                                                                Successful applicants will be offered a site(s) and be required to
                                                             pay 20% of their total site fee to accept the offer and confirm their
                          2021                               booking. Payments will be managed via the new Trade Fair Portal.
         SECOND PAYMENT DUE          30 January
                                                                 The remaining site fee is to be paid in several instalments due
       TEMPORARY STRUCTURE                                   on the 7th of each month with the final payment to be paid by 7
            APPLICATION DUE          31 January              March 2021.
           THIRD PAYMENT DUE         28 February                 Unsuccessful applicants will be placed on a waiting list. In the
            FINAL PAYMENT DUE        30 March                event of a cancellation or declined offer BEEF AUSTRALIA will refer to
                                                             the waiting list and make second round offers.
CERTIFICATE OF CURRENCY DUE          31 March                    Applicants may include their preferred site number/s in their
                                                             application however BEEF AUSTRALIA cannot guarantee any particular
            EXHIBITOR BUMP-IN                                site and reserves the right to offer similarly sized or priced sites if
                  (SITE SET UP)      27 April
  TRADE FAIR BUSINESS HOURS          3 – 7 May
                                                                 Applications will be assessed based on their merit and their
          EXHIBITOR BUMP-OUT         8 – 12 May              relevance to BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021 and the Australian beef industry as
                                                             well as their exhibition history.
                                                                Applicants are asked to download the Trade Fair Prospectus and

Trade Fair                                                   submit the online application via the BEEF AUSTRALIA website.
                                                                 Applications can be made at

Business Hours                                                   Please note that all payments are to be made by MasterCard or
                                                             Visa via the Trade Fair Portal.

The Trade Fair will be open and operational during the
following hours.
           MONDAY, 3 MAY 2021        8:30am – 5:30pm         Food and
           TUESDAY, 4 MAY 2021       8:30am – 5:30pm
       WEDNESDAY, 5 MAY 2021         8:30am – 5:30pm         Beverage Sales
         THURSDAY, 6 MAY 2021        8:30am – 5:30pm
                                                                 The retail sale of unpackaged food, meals and beverages
             FRIDAY, 7 MAY 2021      8:30am – 5:30pm         from Trade Fair sites is not permitted. If you are a food business
All Trade Fair sites must be open, operational and staffed   operator who requires a food business license and/or you intend
during the above hours.                                      to sell food, meals or beverages for immediate consumption,
                                                             this is considered a Catering/Fast Food site and not eligible to be
                                                             considered for a Trade Fair site. Food site applications submitted via
                                                             the Trade Fair application process will be immediately declined.
                                                                The sale of pre-packaged foods such as herbs and spices,
                                                             sauces, confectionery, nuts, beef jerky and other packaged ‘take
                                                             home food’ is permitted.

TRADE FAIR PROSPECTUS - Australia's premier beef industry event - Beef Australia
Trade Fair Site Options
Indoor Sites
Durack Pavilion                                                      Walter Pearce Pavilion
Site Fee                                                             Site Fee
Standard                           3m × 2.5m       $3,800 INC GST    Standard                             3m × 2.5m        $3,800 INC GST
Premium                            3m × 2.5m        $4,700 INC GST   Premium                              3m × 2.5m        $4,700 INC GST

    The Durack Pavilion is well known as the hub for                    An existing ringside building located at the end of the
cutting-edge cattle genetics and reproduction research and           Paddock, fitted with temporary air-conditioning for the event.
technologies. Preference will be given to applicants displaying      The Walter Pearce Pavilion will house 82 trade fair sites
the latest developments in breeding, genetics and reproduction       measuring 3m frontage × 2.5m deep and a café offering fresh
technologies.                                                        food, quick meals and hot coffees.
    The Durack Pavilion is a permanent building located              Site Fee includes a shell scheme booth as shown on page 8.
adjacent the two entries into Centre Ring, fitted with temporary
air-conditioning for the event. The Durack Pavilion will house
47 trade fair sites measuring 3m frontage × 2.5m deep and
                                                                     Archer Pavilion
will feature exhibitors showcasing the latest in genetics and        Site Fee
breeding research and developments.
                                                                     Standard                             3m × 2.4m        $2,100 INC GST
Site Fee includes a shell scheme booth as shown on page 8.
                                                                     Premium                              3m × 2.4m        $2,400 INC GST

Sidney Kidman Pavilion                                                    The Archer Pavilion is a permanent ringside building offering
                                                                     economic space only site options. Site Fee does not include
Site Fee                                                             air-conditioning, power, fixtures or fittings, floor coverings or
Standard                           3m × 2.5m       $3,800 INC GST    dividers. Sites measure 3m frontage × 2.4m deep and are sold
                                                                     as ‘space only’. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to outfit
Premium                            3m × 2.5m        $4,700 INC GST
                                                                     these sites in a visually appealing manner in keeping with the
                                                                     quality standards of BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021.
    An existing air-conditioned building located adjacent to
the Paddock and just inside the main entrance. The Sidney
Kidman Pavilion will house 99 trade fair sites measuring 3m
frontage × 2.5m deep and the demonstration kitchen hosting
cooking demonstrations and competitions throughout the event.
Site Fee includes a shell scheme booth as shown on page 8.

TRADE FAIR PROSPECTUS - Australia's premier beef industry event - Beef Australia
Trade Fair Site Options                                                Outdoor Cattle Sites
Outdoor Sites                                                          Cattle ‘C’
                                                                       Located in the Western end of the Showgrounds in the cattle
Ringside ‘R’                                                           precinct near the stud cattle housing structures.

Located around the outside perimeter of Centre Ring                    Site Fee
Site Fee                                                               Cattle ‘CS’                           10m × 12m         $3,000 INC GST

Ringside ‘R’                          5m × 5m         $2,200 INC GST   Cattle ‘CP’                           10m × 12m         $3,400 INC GST

Ringside ‘R’                         5m × 8m          $2,900 INC GST       Animals entered into the Stud Cattle Championships are
                                                                       NOT eligible to be housed or displayed on cattle sites. All stud
                                                                       cattle competition entries must be housed in the stud cattle
Robert Schwarten Pavilion ‘RS’                                         housing structures. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Located under cover in the open sided Robert Schwarten                    BEEF AUSTRALIA will again have a dedicated cattle area for
Pavilion                                                               exhibitors to display their livestock.
Site Fee                                                                   Only applicants displaying cattle will be considered for sites
                                                                       in this area.
Robert Schwarten Pavilion ‘RS’       5m × 8m          $1,800 INC GST
Robert Schwarten Pavilion ‘RS’      10m × 12m         $3,400 INC GST       Site Fee does not include any fixtures or fittings. Cattle sites
                                                                       are sold as ‘space only’. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to
                                                                       outfit these sites in a visually appealing manner in keeping with
Premium ‘OP’                                                           the quality and high standards of BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021.
                                                                           Exhibitors intending to erect any kind of temporary
Located in the new Town Centre precinct
                                                                       structure on their cattle site must submit a Temporary Structure
Site Fee                                                               application for approval by BEEF AUSTRALIA no later than 31 January,
                                                                       2021. Under no circumstance will structures be permitted to be
Premium ‘OP’                         5m × 8m          $1,300 INC GST   erected without prior approval via the application process.
Premium ‘OP’                        10m × 12m         $3,400 INC GST

Standard ‘OS’
Located in the new Town Centre precinct

Site Fee
Standard ‘OS’                        5m × 8m          $1,000 INC GST
Standard ‘OS’                       10m × 12m         $3,000 INC GST

Main Gate ‘MG’
Located along the main entrance corridor

Site Fee
Main Gate ‘MG’                        3m × 3m         $1,000 INC GST

    Due to the high demand and limited number of Outdoor
sites, preference will be given to applicants displaying
agricultural/farming machinery and equipment, trucks, vehicles
and accessories and other relevant products and services that
are not be suitable for indoor sites.
    Site Fee does not include any fixtures or fittings. Sites are
sold as ‘space only’. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to
outfit these sites in a visually appealing manner in keeping with
the quality and high standards of BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021. Cattle are
not permitted to be shown from these sites and applications to
display cattle from these sites will not be accepted.
    Exhibitors intending to erect any kind of temporary structure
on their outdoor site must submit a Temporary Structure
application for approval by BEEF AUSTRALIA no later than 31 January,
2021. Under no circumstance will structures be permitted to be
erected without prior approval via the application process.

Trade Fair Information

1 Indoor Site Shell Scheme
\ Syma style shell schemes will be erected in the Sidney Kidman
  Pavilion, the Walter Pearce Pavilion and the Durack Pavilion.
\ Each booth measures 3m frontage × 2.5m deep × 2.5m high and
  is included in the site fee for the Pavilions listed above.

                                                Syma shell

Booths are comprised of
\ 2.5m high matt anodized aluminium frame with white laminate
\ Half walls on sides
\ Fascia with aluminium frame and white laminate infill
\ Site number and company name in black lettering on fascia
\ Charcoal carpeted floor
\ 1 × 4amp power point
\ 1 × arm light

2 Site Materials
    The following site materials may be ordered/hired through BEEF
AUSTRALIA or its official suppliers in early 2021. Site materials can be
ordered online via the Trade Fair Portal.
\ Power to Outdoor, Cattle and Archer Pavilion Sites
\ Bark Chip
\ Saw Dust for Cattle Sites
\ Hay Bales
\ Stock Panel Hire for Cattle Sites
\ Forklift hire
\ Livestock loading ramps
3 Bump in /Site set up                                              5 Accreditation and
\ Exhibitors may access the Rockhampton Showgrounds to
  commence with site set-up from 8.30am, Monday 26 April
                                                                    Vehicle Passes
  2021 via Gate 8.                                                  \ Each exhibitor will receive three (3) exhibitor accreditations
\ Exhibitors must collect their accreditation from the security       for the first site, plus one (1) additional accreditation per
  office at gate 8 during the bump-in period prior to entering        extra site for multiple site purchases. Additional exhibitor
  the venue and have their vehicle pass on display in the             accreditation can be purchased for $60.00 each. These
  windscreen.                                                         can be ordered online via the trade fair portal. Exhibitor
\ From 4.30pm Sunday 2 May, accreditation can be collected            accreditation is NOT transferable and must be registered in
  from the Accreditation Office located at the Main Entrance.         the name of an attendee.
\ Exhibitors are required to have their trade fair site set up      \ Exhibitor accreditation is only to be used for exhibitors at
  completed and ready for the opening of the Trade Fair at            the BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021 Trade Fair. Should you require passes
  8:30am Monday, 3 May 2021.                                          for family and/or friends please purchase them from the
                                                                      ticketing office.
\ From Monday, 3 May to Friday 7 May 2021 vehicle access
  will only be permitted between 5.00am – 8.00am each               \ Each exhibitor will receive one (1) vehicle pass to gain entry
  morning. Vehicles will not be permitted entry to the venue          to the Trade Fair for bump in/bump out. To minimize vehicle
  after 7.30am and must be removed from the venue by                  traffic on the grounds, additional vehicle passes will not be
  8.00am. Vehicle access is permitted via Gate 8 during this          available under any circumstances.
  time. Vehicles will not be permitted access to the venue via      \ If your vehicle forms part of your display, please note
  any other gate under any circumstances from 3 to 7 May              that normal vehicle policy applies. Absolutely no vehicle
  2021 (during the event).                                            movement outside 5.00am - 8.00am daily.
\ Absolutely no vehicle movement on the grounds outside the         \ Vehicles parked within the grounds outside of 5.00am -
  hours of 5.00am – 8.00am daily. This includes motorcycles,          8.00am or not displaying a vehicle pass will be towed at the
  ATVs, Mules, buggies and all other vehicles.                        owner’s expense.
\ Vehicles on the grounds outside of these hours will be            \ Vehicles will not be permitted access to the venue unless
  towed at the owner’s expense.                                       the vehicle pass is displayed in the windscreen.
\ Exhibitors are not permitted to dig or sink posts on their site   \ Accreditation can be collected from the security office at
  to erect any kind of structure unless they have completed           Gate 8 during the bump-in period until 4.00pm Sunday 2
  the Temporary Structure application and received written            May 2021. After 4.30pm, accreditation can be collected
  approval from BEEF AUSTRALIA. Any damage to underground             from the Accreditation Office located at the Main Entrance.
  power and/or other underground services will be repaired at
  the exhibitor’s expense.
                                                                    6 Public Liability Insurance
4 Bump Out/Site Dismantle                                           \ All exhibitors are required to hold a public liability insurance
                                                                      policy current at the time of exhibiting at BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021
\ Site dismantle may commence at 5.30pm, Friday 7 May                 (including the bump-in/bump-out period) with BEEF AUSTRALIA
  2021.                                                               Ltd noted as an interested party.
\ Vehicles used to dismantle sites will not be permitted            \ A Certificate of Currency issued by your insurer must be
  access to the venue before 5.30pm, Friday 7 May 2021.               received by BEEF AUSTRALIA no later than 31 March 2021. Please
  Restricted vehicle access is permitted via Gate 8 during this       do not email your Certificate of Currency as it will not be
  time. Vehicles are not permitted to enter the front area of         accepted. It MUST be supplied via the Trade Fair Portal.
  the venue past the Durack and Walter Pearce Pavilions or          \ No exhibitor shall participate in the Trade Fair without
  Town Centre as restaurants and entertainment will still be in       producing proof of coverage. Exhibitors are required to have
  operation.                                                          a minimum liability limit of $20 million.
\ All exhibitor property must be removed from the venue by
  6.00pm, Wednesday 12 May 2021.
\ Cattle Site Exhibitors are not permitted to move cattle or
  vacate the venue until 6.00am Saturday 8 May 2021.
                                                                    7 Cancellations
                                                                       The following cancellation fees shall apply for any trade fair
                                                                    booking cancelled after the acceptance of a site offer:
                                                                    Prior to 7 December 2020		                   10% cancellation fee
                                                                    7 December 2020 – 7 February 2021		         25% cancellation fee
                                                                    From 7 February to 7 March 2021		           50% cancellation fee
                                                                    After 7 March 2021		                                    No refund

                                                                        Cancellation fees shall be retained from monies paid to date
                                                                    and any remaining monies shall be refunded to the MasterCard
                                                                    or Visa used to pay the site fee.

Venue Map
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                                                                                                                        STUD CATTLE
                                                                             CENTRE RING STRUCTURE
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                                       STUD CATTLE HOUS

                                                                                                                                                    Map subject to change without notice.

Ringside ‘R’ - 5m X 5m                                        Premium ‘OP’ – 5m x 8m                                                                Cattle ‘CS’ 8m x 12m

Ringside ‘R’ – 5m x 8m                                        Premium ‘OP’ - 10m x 12m                                                              Cattle ‘CS’ – 10m x 12m

Robert Schwarten Pavilion ‘RS’ – 5m x 8m                      Standard ‘OS’ – 5m x 8m                                                               Cattle ‘CP’ – 10m x 12m

Robert Schwarten Pavilion ‘RS’ – 10m x 12m                    Standard ‘OS’ – 10m x 12m                                                             Main Gate ‘MG’– 3m x 3m

Standard Site
  Archer Pavilion                                                   Premium Site

  Floor Plan

           ENTRY                                                      ENTRY
            /EXIT                                                     /EXIT


  Durack Pavilion
  Floor Plan
                         EXIT                        ROLLER DOOR

                                                                    MALE TOILETS

                                                                   FEMALE TOILETS

                                                                     TAKE AWAY

                ENTRY                         EXIT
                 /EXIT          RINGSIDE               /EXIT

Standard Site
Walter Pearce Pavilion Floor Plan                   Premium Site

                           ENTRY         ENTRY
                           /EXIT         /EXIT



                  ‘N’ GO


                            ENTRY        ENTRY
                             /EXIT       /EXIT
                           OUTDOOR SITES

Standard Site
Sidney Kidman                           Premium Site

Pavilion Floor Plan




Outdoor Cattle Sites
Animal Care and Protection Act (2001)
    Any persons intending to use animals for show, display
or demonstrations at BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021 must be aware of their
obligations under the ‘Animal Care and Protection Act (2001)’.
    Every person in charge of an animal has a legal ‘Duty of Care’
to that animal, which means they must take all reasonable steps to
meet the needs of that animal through the provision of:
\ Water and appropriate diet
\ Appropriate accommodation, which protects the animal from
  discomfort, including climatic extremes and provide a dry,
  comfortable resting area.
\ Conditions that allow the animal to perform normal patterns of
\ Rapid diagnosis and treatment of any disease
\ Handling and management that does not cause the animal
  unnecessary fear and suffering.
    Failure to fulfil any of the above conditions may be considered
an offence.

Tick Requirements
   All stock exhibited shall be free of cattle ticks upon entry to the
grounds and remain so for the duration of BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021.
Trade Fair
                                                              always during the Trade Fair opening hours.             The Company reserves the right to reallocate
                                                              The exhibitor shall not dismantle, remove or            or relocate any trade fair site to enable a
                                                              pull-down the site or any part of it before             better showing of exhibits and to amend

Terms and
                                                              close of business on the final day of the               or alter the exact location of the site The
                                                              Trade Fair.                                             exhibitor agrees to be bound by such
                                                         9    Vehicles involved in the set-up of trade fair           alteration or relocation.

Conditions                                                    sites must be removed from the venue by
                                                              8.00AM on Monday, 3 May 2021. Vehicles
                                                              will not be permitted entry to the venue after
                                                                                                                 19   Exhibits, displays and demonstrations
                                                                                                                      shall remain in keeping with the dignity
                                                                                                                      and atmosphere of the BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021
                                                              7.30AM. No exceptions.                                  Exposition and the Company reserves the
By submitting an application for a BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021
trade fair site, you agree to abide by and be bound      10   Vehicles involved in the dismantling of                 right to reject any display or demonstration,
                                                              exhibits will not be permitted entry to the             which does not achieve this objective.
by the following terms and conditions.
1    The exhibitor must submit to BEEF AUSTRALIA
                                                              venue before the close of the Trade Fair on        20 The Company or its authorised agents may
                                                              the final day – 5.30pm Friday 7 May 2021.               enter upon the site at any time to remove
     Ltd (the Company) a completed Trade Fair
                                                              Vehicle access is restricted to the rear area of        any article, sign, picture or printed matter,
     Application, herein referred to as “the
                                                              the grounds with access via gate 8.                     which in his/her opinion is not eligible for
     agreement” via the BEEF AUSTRALIA website, to
     apply to lease a site at BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021 “the   11   Vehicles shall not be permitted to enter                display or may cause offence.
     event”.                                                  the front of the grounds (past the Durack &        21   The exhibitor shall not erect or display any
                                                              Walter Pearce Pavilions) or Town Square due             form of signage, promotional or advertising
2    Upon acceptance of a trade fair site offer the
                                                              to evening operation of restaurants and the             material on or around the venue outside the
     exhibitor shall pay the requested payment to
                                                              entertainment precinct.                                 boundaries of the trade fair site leased under
     confirm the booking. This payment confirms
     the exhibitor’s agreement to lease the              12   The exhibitor shall not share, assign, transfer,        this agreement.
     allocated trade fair site space for the duration         sublet, set over or part with possession of        22   The exhibitor shall not conduct any leaflet
     of BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021 including the bump-in             their site or any part of it or enter into any          dropping, questionnaires, surveys or offer to
     and bump-out periods. The exhibitor agrees               agreement so to, unless written authorisation           the public any free products and/or materials
     to erect their display within the boundaries             from the Company is obtained prior.                     on or around the grounds outside the
     of the leased trade fair site and not to exceed     13   It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to            boundaries of the trade fair site leased under
     the boundaries or encroach on any other                  maintain a clean, tidy and waste free site              this agreement.
     trade fair site, common area, walk way or                at all times. The exhibitor shall make no          23   The exhibitor shall not conduct, permit
     aisle.                                                   alterations to any floors, walls or roofs               or suffer any lottery, raffle, guessing
3    The exhibitor shall pay any and all requested            and the site must be returned to the same               competition, game of chance, sideshow or
     instalment payments as listed under the Key              condition as that of when the exhibitor took            sale by auction or tender on the grounds
     Dates of this document unless otherwise                  possession.                                             without the prior written permission of the
     stated in writing by the Company. The               14   The exhibitor shall cover their public risk             Company & the applicable permit/license
     exhibitor shall order and pay for all site               liability and indemnify the Company, its                from the relevant governing body.
     materials and additional accreditation by 7              employees and agents from all claims,              24   Microphones, sound amplifiers and machine
     March 2021. BEEF AUSTRALIA Ltd reserves the              demands, losses, damages, actions, costs and            demonstrations will be permitted only
     right to terminate this agreement should                 expenses resulting from their participation             so long as they cause no annoyance to
     the exhibitor fail to comply with the site fee           in the event. The exhibitor must provide a              neighbouring exhibitors or the visiting public.
     payment schedule under the Key Dates of                  Certificate of Currency, as proof of Public        25   Cattle shall only be displayed on trade fair
     this document.                                           Liability Insurance coverage with BEEF AUSTRALIA        sites where the exhibitor has applied for a
4    If the exhibitor should request that                     Ltd noted as an interested party, to the                designated cattle site. Cattle shall not be
     this agreement be terminated after the                   Company as per the due date under the Key               permitted on any other Trade Fair site.
                                                              Dates of this document. Exhibitors must have
     acceptance of a site offer and prior to 7
                                                              a minimum liability limit of $20 Million.
                                                                                                                 26   Cattle entered into the BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021 Stud
     December 2020 a 10% cancellation fee shall                                                                       Cattle Championships shall not be shown,
     apply. Cancellations prior to 7 February            15   The Company shall not be liable for any theft,          housed or displayed from any trade fair
     2021 shall incur a 25% cancellation fee                  loss or damage to the exhibitor’s property              site. Cattle displayed on a trade fair site are
     and a 50% fee for cancellations prior to 7               during the event, bump-in or bump-out                   ineligible to be entered into the Stud Cattle
     March 2021 shall apply. Cancellation fees                period.                                                 Championships.
     shall be retained from monies paid towards          16   The Company shall use its best endeavours          27   Any persons intending to use animals for
     the exhibitor’s site fees and any remaining              to ensure the supply of services to the
     monies shall be refunded to the MasterCard                                                                       show, display or demonstrations at BEEF
                                                              site but it shall not be liable for any theft,          AUSTRALIA 2021 must be aware of and abide by
     or Visa used to pay the site fees.                       loss, damage or expenses incurred by the                the regulations under the ‘Animal Care and
5    NO REFUNDS will be given from 8 March                    exhibitor resulting from any cause beyond               Protection Act (2001)’. Details are shown on
     2021.                                                    its control.                                            page 14.
6    The exhibitor agrees to comply with                 17   If the Company shall find it necessary,            28   All cattle must be visibly free of ticks and
     Federal, State, and Local laws including                 expedient or desirable to postpone the                  must remain so for the duration of the event.
     but not limited to COVID-19 frameworks                   BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021 Exposition or cancel or             The Company reserves the right to remove
     and legislation, together with any fire,                 suspend the operation of the Trade Fair site            any infested or disruptive animals at the
     police, health and/or public safety laws,                agreement, then this agreement shall cease              exhibitor’s expense.
     regulations or ordinances which are or may               to operate or be suspended upon notice
     be applicable to the trade fair site covered by          to the desired effect being served upon
                                                                                                                 29   If any breach or infringement of any
     this Agreement. The exhibitor is responsible                                                                     conditions of this agreement and/or if the
                                                              the exhibitor by handing it to the exhibitor
     for obtaining all necessary permits and                                                                          exhibitor does not occupy its site for the full
                                                              personally or by mailing it to the exhibitor
     licenses and paying all applicable taxes and                                                                     period of the Trade Fair, BEEF AUSTRALIA 2021
                                                              at the postal or email address given on
     fees.                                                                                                            shall have the right to cancel this agreement,
                                                              the site application, or at the option of the
                                                                                                                      retain any monies paid and relet the site.
7    The exhibitor agrees to truthfully complete              Company or its authorized agent handing it
     and submit any additional requests or forms              to or offering it to any person who appears
     required by the Company such as Hazard                   to be an employee, agent or partner of the
     Assessment, Risk Management, Site Induction              exhibitor. The Company shall not be liable to
     and Safety or Temporary Services and                     the exhibitor for any compensation, whether
     Structure applications by the due date as per            in respect to loss of profit or otherwise, as a
     the Key Dates in this document.                          result of such cancellation or postponement.
                                                              The Company may at its sole discretion
8    The site set-up must be completed and
                                                              decide whether to refund any monies paid
     the display open for business and manned
                                                              by the exhibitor.

Beef Australia Ltd ABN 34 111 657 160
 PO Box 199 | Level 1, 195 Bolsover Street
 Rockhampton Qld 4700

 P 07 4922 2989

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