Clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020 - Drug Free Sport NZ

Page created by Kenneth Sparks
Clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020 - Drug Free Sport NZ
clean athletes. clean sport.
handbook 2020
Clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020 - Drug Free Sport NZ
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                  01

                                             clean athletes. clean sport.
                                                  handbook 2020

for more information
TUE enquiries:
report doping:
check a medication:
phone: +64 9 582 0388 fax: +64 9 580 0381
Clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020 - Drug Free Sport NZ
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                              contents 03

clean sport                                  04   supplements                 36
Your role                                    04
The rules                                    08   doping control              38
how to report doping in sport                10
Intelligence and investigations                   athlete whereabouts         46

what’s prohibited?                           12
The prohibited list                          12   education                   48
Recreational drugs                           14
                                                  being informed              50
medications                                  16
Common medications                           16
How to check a medication                    17
A guide to the status of common
medications in sport                         20
Advice for travelling athletes               26
Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs)            28
Clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020 - Drug Free Sport NZ
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                                               clean sport 05

    clean sport

your role                                                          Athlete support personnel
                                                                   Support personnel have a significant and influential role in
                                                                   supporting clean sport. Research has shown that the majority
                                                                   of athletes will seek information about anti-doping matters
Athletes                                                           from a support person before any other source.
New Zealand wants clean athletes competing hard in clean           As a coach, parent, manager, medical professional or any other type
competition, where the best competitors succeed. We all have a     of support person, you need to have a good understanding of anti-
role to play, and we want to support athletes as much as we can.   doping and your responsibilities.
We know the vast majority of NZ athletes are clean, however we     To best support clean sport, you can:
sometimes see people making bad decisions. Our aim is to work
closely with athletes, their support personnel and sporting          Organise an education workshop with us
organisations to ensure NZ sport is as clean as it can be.
                                                                     Complete our e-learning courses
That way, you can be confident that your performance outcomes
are not attained by taking short cuts, relying on substances or      Create a sporting environment which rejects
breaking the rules to gain an advantage.                             cheating and unethical behaviour
As an athlete the rules apply to you. This means you could be
tested at any time, so you need to check every substance before      Understand the Sports Anti-Doping Rules
taking it or having it administered. Be careful when ordering
substances online or accepting false guarantees that substances      Know the risks of supplement use
are safe for athlete use.
                                                                     S upport athletes in times of stress and be
                                                                      mindful of placing unrealistic pressure on them
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clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                       07

  Understand the doping control process and offer
  to be a support person, or representative, for your
  athlete if requested
   emind athletes to check all medications and methods
  before use and provide support throughout the
  Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) process if required
  Know how to report doping in sport to us.

                                       Photo courtesy of NZ Rugby League: credit Photosport NZ
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    clean sport

the rules                                                                                    07.
                                                                                             traffick or attempt to traffick a
                                                                                                                                    administer a prohibited substance
NZ’s Sports Anti-Doping Rules reflect the World Anti-Doping Code,
which includes several International Standards and the Prohibited                            prohibited substance or method         or method
List. Compliance with the Code is mandatory for all countries and
international federations that have signed up to it.                                         09.                                    10.
There are ten anti-doping rule violations which we’ve                                        being intentionally complicit in any   knowingly associate with someone,
summarised below.                                                                            type of anti-doping rule violation     in a sporting capacity, who has
                                                                                             or attempted anti-doping rule          been found guilty of an anti-doping
                                                                                             violation by another person            rule violation.

01.                                          02.
test positive for a prohibited               use or attempt to use a prohibited              Remember, if you are found to have broken any of the ten anti-
substance                                    substance or method
                                                                                             doping rules, you could be banned from all sport (competing,

03.                                          04.
                                                                                             coaching and other activity) for several years. It could end your
                                                                                             career and ruin your reputation.
evade testing or refuse to provide           fail to file accurate whereabouts info          We strongly recommend that you read the full version of the rules
a sample                                     or miss three tests within 12 months            on our website.
                                             (if you’re a Registered Testing Pool athlete)

05.                                          06.                                                  know the anti-doping rules
tamper with any part of the                  possess prohibited substances                   If you break the rules, whether you intend to dope or not,
doping control process                       or methods                                      you could face a ban from all sport.
Clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020 - Drug Free Sport NZ
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                                               report doping 11

    how to report doping in sport

Intelligence and
                                                                     Ask yourself these questions:
We have a dedicated intelligence and investigations resource
and any information provided will be dealt with in the strictest
                                                                      Do you know or suspect an athlete is doping?
confidence. We rely increasingly on the efforts of athletes and
support personnel to expose drug cheats in sport.                      re you aware of a support person who is
We work closely with other government agencies such as Medsafe,       helping an athlete dope or doping an athlete
New Zealand Customs Service and the Police to share information       without their knowledge?
about potential doping in sport. For example, if you purchase a
prohibited substance online from overseas, it could be intercepted
                                                                       ave you observed or do you know of any
at the border and reported to us.                                     suspected doping activity?
                                                                      Does that knowledge sit uneasily with your
                                                                      personal values?

                                                                     Even if you think your information seems minor, we would like to
     speak out now                                                   hear about it. Examples of the things people report include; being
Contact us in confidence on                                          offered steroids over social media, being offered unspecified
0800 DRUGFREE (378 437)                                              “vitamins” by support personnel, overhearing conversations or
email or                                  rumours about drug use in sport and suspicions about sudden
report doping in sport via our website.                              and dramatic increases in performance.
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                                              what’s prohibited? 13

    what’s prohibited?
                                                                   prohibited                  Substance
                                                                   at all times                Non-Approved substances
                                                                                               Anabolic agents

the prohibited list
                                                                   in and out of competition
                                                                                               Peptide Hormones, Growth Factors and related
                                                                                               Beta-2 Agonists
                                                                                               Hormone and Metabolic Modulators
The Prohibited List is updated every year by the World Anti-                                   Diuretics and other Masking Agents
Doping Agency (WADA) and comes into effect on 1 January.                                       Method
It details all the substances and methods that are prohibited                                  Manipulation of blood and blood components
in sport.                                                                                      Chemical or physical manipulation of a sample
                                                                                               Gene doping
  substance or method may be included on the list if it meets
 any two of the following criteria:                                prohibited in               Substance
                                                                   competition                 Stimulants
   it presents an actual or potential health risk                                             Narcotics
    to the athlete                                                                             Cannabinoids (including synthetic)
   it has the potential to enhance sports performance
                                                                   prohibited in               Substance
   it violates the spirit of sport                                certain sports              Beta-Blockers

You can view the full Prohibited List on our website.

The tables on the following pages provide a summary of the kinds         it’s up to you
of substances and methods that are prohibited in sport.            It’s your responsibility to check the status of any substance
                                                                   or method before using it. Visit our website to check a
                                                                   medication. Make sure your medical professionals know that you
                                                                   are an athlete who could be drug tested and that all medications
                                                                   are checked with us to ensure they are permitted in sport.
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                                         what’s prohibited? 15

    what’s prohibited?

recreational drugs
All recreational drugs are banned in sport during competition and
if you use them, you’re taking a risk. If you’re tested and something
like cannabis is found in your system, you could face a ban from
all sport.

What you need to know about recreational drugs:

   t hey are potentially harmful to your health and their
    use violates the spirit of sport
   c annabis and all its synthetic forms are prohibited
   o ther recreational drugs, including cocaine, BZP and
    amphetamines are prohibited in-competition
   c annabis and other drugs can be stored in the body
    for an extended period
   p assive inhalation of cannabis or other drugs is                       don’t risk it
    unlikely to result in a positive test, but you should               Testing positive for a recreational drug
    avoid situations where this might occur                             can result in a ban from all sport.
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                                                   medications 17

    medications                                                           medications

common                                                                 How to check
medications                                                            a medication
As an athlete you train hard, and sometimes you get injured or         You’re not expected to remember or know every substance
sick. Or you may need to take regular medication for an ongoing        that’s prohibited in sport, but you are expected to check
condition, such as asthma or diabetes.                                 everything BEFORE taking it.
                                                                       It’s your responsibility to let medical professionals know that
Many common medications can contain ingredients which are
                                                                       you’re an athlete who could be tested.
prohibited in sport, so you need to be very careful about everything
you take.                                                              To check your medications:

Here we’ve listed some common medications and whether they’re            c lick on the Check Medications link on our
prohibited in sport or not.                                               website or go to
On the following pages we’ll take you through how to apply for
an exemption to use a prohibited substance or method to treat a
medical condition.                                                     If you need further help, please call 0800 DRUGFREE
                                                                       (378 437) in NZ or +64 9 582 0388 from overseas.

     tell your medical professional
Tell your medical professional that as an athlete you could be
drug tested and insist that they check that the medication or
method is allowed in sport.
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                       medications 19

Medical Resources
Your medical professional will have access to resources which
detail the status of all medications and methods to determine
whether something is permitted for use in sport.

If you’re seeing a doctor, dentist, surgeon or any other medical
professional always ensure that they have referred to one of
these resources before prescribing or giving you any medication.

Remember it is your responsibility to tell your medical
professionals that you are an athlete who could be tested anytime.

  check all medications and the way it is given to you

Don’t get caught out thinking a substance must be okay
because it’s commonly used. Check everything. If you return
a positive test, you could face a ban from all sport whether
you were intending to cheat or not.

                                                                     check everything
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                                                        medications 21


a guide to the                                                            asthma

status of common
                                                                          If you need to take medication to keep your asthma under
                                                                          control, you need to know which asthma medications are
                                                                          allowed in sport and which are not.

medications                                                               If you use asthma inhalers and you are tested, be aware that
                                                                          maximum thresholds exist, and overuse of some inhalers could

in sport                                                                  return a positive drug test (see below). Follow the directions on
                                                                          the prescription label of your inhaler and talk with your medical
                                                                          professional if you need to use your inhaler frequently.

                                                                          Please contact us if you need more clarification.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
        Prohibited in sport – requires a TUE                                    Glucocorticoids (e.g. Beclazone, Flixotide, Pulmicort)
        Methylphenidate (Ritalin/Concerta)
                                                                                   Salbutamol - max thresholds exist (e.g. Ventolin, Respigen)
                                                                                   Salmeterol - max thresholds exist (e.g. Serevent)
Antibiotics                                                                        Formoterol - max thresholds exist (e.g. Oxis, Foradil,
        All antibiotics available in New Zealand are permitted in sport         Prohibited in sport – requires a TUE
                                                                                Terbutaline (e.g. Bricanyl), Bambuterol (e.g. Bambec)
        Prohibited in sport – requires a TUE
                                                                                and oral Glucocorticoids (Prednisone, Prednisolone),
        Probenecid is commonly prescribed with antibiotics.                     oral Salbutamol (e.g. Ventolin in syrup form), Vilanterol
        It is prohibited without a TUE                                          (e.g. Breo Ellipta)
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                                           medications 23

cold / flu / sore throat medications                             skin conditions
	Permitted                                                      	Permitted
        Phenylephrine (e.g. Lemsip and Maxiclear products)            Topical Glucocorticoids (e.g. Beta cream/ointment, DP
        Paracetamol (e.g. Panadol)                                    lotion/cream, DermAid, Egocort, Hydrocortisone cream,
                                                                      Locoid, Skincalm)
 Prohibited in competition
        Pseudoephedrine: only ever take the recommended          	
                                                                  Prohibited in competition
        dose and stop using this drug at least 24 hours before        Oral/Systemic Glucocorticoids (e.g. Prednisone, Medrol)
        Morphine based cough syrup (e.g. Gees Linctus)
contraception                                                    	Permitted
                                                                      Glucocorticoids administered non-systemically (e.g.
                                                                      injections into the joint, nasal sprays and inhaled)
        All oral contraceptives available in New Zealand are
        permitted in sport                                       	
                                                                  Prohibited in competition
                                                                      Glucocorticoids administered systemically (e.g. oral
                                                                      Prednisone, intra-muscular Kenacort injections, intravenous
                                                                      fluids and rectal suppositories)
 Prohibited in Sport – Requires a TUE
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                                                    medications 25

hayfever / sinusitis medications                                       Common Methods
        Permitted                                                        IV Fluids
        Antihistamines (e.g. Lortab, Loraclear, Claratyne, Claramax,   All prohibited substances administered by IV require a TUE.
        Phenergan, Polaramine, Razene, Telfast, Zadine, Zyrtec)        Permitted substances which require IV infusion may not exceed
        Nasal sprays (e.g. Flixonase, Alanase, Beconase, Drixine,      100ml per 12 hours without a TUE, unless it’s given while in
        Otrivin)                                                       hospital, during surgery, or travelling in an ambulance. Any
	Prohibited in Competition                                            infusions given in a non-hospital setting such as an outpatient
        Pseudoephedrine: only ever take the recommended                clinic, medical rooms or on-site ambulance will require a TUE.
        dose and stop using this drug at least 24 hours before
                                                                       It is important that you check if it is permitted for your medication
        Oral/Injected Glucocorticoids (e.g. Prednisone, Kenacort,
                                                                       to be administered using a needle. For example, in some
                                                                       situations, needles are permitted when administered into a joint,
                                                                       however are prohibited when administered into a muscle.
nausea / vomiting
 e.g. Antinaus, Buccastem, Maxolon, Nausicalm, Sea-Legs,
 Stemetil, Serecid, Gaviscon, Quick-eze, Gastrolyte, Mylanta

headaches / pain / inflammation
         Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatories (NSAID)
         Ibuprofen (e.g. Brufen, Nurofen, Panafen)
         Diclofenac (e.g. Diclax, Voltaren, Cataflam)
         Pain tablets (e.g. Aspirin, Codeine, Tramal, Tramadol*,
         Paracetamol, Panadeine)
        * Some sports may have additional regulations i.e. cycling
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                      medications | advice for travelling athletes 27


advice for                                                         You can check medications overseas in several ways:

travelling athletes
                                                                    in Australia, the UK, Canada, the USA, Switzerland
                                                                    or Japan use
                                                                    c ontact the anti-doping organisation of the
If you’re travelling overseas and require medication for an          country you are in for advice. For a full list, see
ongoing condition, we recommend that you plan ahead and take        the WADA website
enough medication to last for the period you’re away.
                                                                   Contact us on +64 9 582 0388 if you need further assistance
Some medications purchased overseas have the same brand
                                                                   Don’t assume medications or supplements purchased overseas
name as those in New Zealand but contain different and possibly
                                                                   are the same as in New Zealand. They could contain or be
prohibited ingredients.
                                                                   contaminated with a prohibited substance.
You should be extremely careful when purchasing any medication
overseas and always inform a doctor or pharmacist that you’re an
athlete who could be drug tested.

     You should be wary of purchasing
     medications overseas.
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                 medications | theraputic use exemptions 29


therapeutic use                                              If you meet the following criteria, you need to have received
                                                             TUE approval before using a prohibited substance or method.

exemptions (TUE)                                             Who meets the TUE In-Advance criteria?

                                                                thletes in DFSNZ’s Registered Testing Pool or
                                                               National Testing Pool
A TUE is an exemption that allows an athlete to use,
for therapeutic purposes only, an otherwise prohibited          thletes selected or on the long-list for a New
substance or method. If you need to use a prohibited
                                                               Zealand Olympic, Paralympic or Commonwealth
substance or method, you can apply for a TUE.
                                                               Games team
There are certain TUE requirements depending on your
sport and the level at which you compete. TUEs are not          thletes who have been registered, qualified,
automatically approved so athletes must ensure they follow     selected, named or contracted to compete in specific
the appropriate process.                                       teams and/or national events for the following sports:

                                                             Athletics              Football                  Rugby Union
                                                             Basketball             Hockey                    Snow Sports
                                                             Canoe/Kayak            Netball                   Swimming
                                                             Cricket                Rowing                    Triathlon
                                                             Cycling                Rugby League              Weightlifting
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                          medications | theraputic use exemptions 31

What if I’m competing internationally or                            What do I need to include with my
in an international competition?                                    TUE application?
If you are on your International Federation’s testing pool or are   Your medical professional will need to provide a variety
competing in an international event, contact your International     of information in support of your TUE application.
Federation or major event organiser for their TUE requirements.     This includes:
If your sport is not listed above, what should                        Comprehensive medical evidence to justify use of
you do?                                                               the substance or method (including blood test results,
Athletes who do not meet the In-Advance criteria can apply for        consultation reports, specialist endorsement)
a retroactive TUE. This means you only need to apply if you are
tested and you return a positive test.                                 onfirmation that permitted alternative medications
                                                                      have been trialled
  If you’re not sure if you need TUE approval in
  advance, contact us.                                              If your TUE application does not meet these requirements it may
                                                                    take longer to process. Athletes who meet the In-Advance criteria
                                                                    must have received TUE approval before using a prohibited
                                                                    substance or method.
                                                                    Remember the TUE approval process takes time so don’t leave
                                                                    it until the last minute to apply.

                                                                    What if I need emergency treatment?
                                                                    If you have a serious accident or you require emergency medical
                                                                    treatment, don’t hesitate. Your health always comes first, and you
                                                                    should seek medical help immediately.
                                                                    However, if you need a prohibited substance or method for the
                                                                    sake of your health, apply for a TUE immediately after treatment
                                                                     (a retroactive TUE).
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                           medications | theraputic use exemptions 33

Who do I apply to for a TUE?
A TUE application can only be sent to one anti-doping
organisation: either us (DFSNZ), your sport’s International
Federation or a major event organiser (e.g. International Olympic
Most athletes can apply to us. Most International Federations will
accept our TUE approvals for international level athletes but it’s
important to check.

What happens if I return a positive test?
If you were not required to have TUE approval before using
a prohibited substance or method, and you have returned a
positive test, you may retroactively apply for a TUE. This must be
supported by full medical documentation.
Athletes who are required to have TUE approval before use of
a prohibited substance or method and return a positive test (in
most cases), cannot apply for an exemption retroactively and
sanctions may apply.
Remember to inform all medical professionals that you are
subject to drug testing. You must also check the status of
every medication – prescribed or not.
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                      medications | theraputic use exemptions 35

Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE)

step-by-step process
   1      Medication recommended                                 5   Submit application
          Tell your medical professional that you are                To us:                           TUE
          an athlete who could be tested anytime.                    To your International Federation if you are
                                                                     competing in an international event.

   2      Check status                                           6   Application review
          Check if your medication or method                         The TUE Committee will review your application            TUE
          is permitted in sport:                                     and supporting evidence.
                                   They may ask you for further information to          ?
                                                                     support your application.

   3      Consider alternative                                   7   Application result
          If prohibited, discuss permitted alternatives
          with your medical professional.
                                                            ?        If approved, you will receive a certificateof
                                                                     approval with an expiry date.

          If there are no permitted alternatives, check
          if you meet the in-advance TUE criteria.

  4       Apply for a TUE                                        8   Next steps
          Download the application form from our website   TUE       If your TUE is for an ongoing condition,
          and submit with supporting medical evidence.               check the expiry date.                              EXP
          Find out what evidence is required in the                  If you are tested, inform the DCO that
          checklists on our website.                                 you have an approved TUE.
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                                    medications | supplements 37


supplements                                                          It is your responsibility to be aware of what you are taking and
                                                                     whether it contains prohibited substances. It is important for
                                                                     informed decisions to be made about supplement use for athlete
We cannot approve the use of any supplement product.                 health, performance and continued clean competition.
Supplements include pre-workouts, protein powders,
                                                                     On our website there is a dedicated supplement section which
vitamins, herbal remedies and products which claim to assist
                                                                     provides more information about supplement risks and presents the
weight loss, to develop muscular strength or size and to
                                                                     factors that athletes and support personnel should consider before
provide energy.
                                                                     using any supplement.
Before using any supplement, it is important that athletes and
support personnel consider if they are necessary or if their needs
can be met through changes in their diet. We encourage athletes
to take a food first approach to their nutrition.

It is also important that athletes and support personnel
understand the risks involved with supplement use. Supplements
can contain substances which are prohibited in sport. This is
why some athletes have returned positive tests from using them.
Supplements might not be made with adequate quality control
and their labels may not accurately list all of their ingredients.
This makes it hard to know what is in them.

clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                                               doping control 39

    doping control

Who can be
                                                                      We understand that going through the doping control process
                                                                      can be unnerving, especially if it’s your first time. We want to
                                                                      make sure you have support through this process. Accordingly,

tested?                                                               throughout the doping control process you have the right to:

                                                                        h ave a support person or representative (e.g. parent,
Any athlete can be tested at any time, although our testing
                                                                         coach or friend) with you in the doping control station
programme is focussed on high performance athletes and
                                                                        h ave a support person or representative with you when
those tracking towards this.
                                                                         passing a sample if you are under 18 years of age
Your rights and responsibilities                                        a sk for additional information about the sample
If you’re selected for testing, you will be advised of your rights       collection process
and responsibilities. You’ll be offered a copy of this handbook for
more information.                                                       request an interpreter if required

Your rights                                                             request modifications if you have a disability
First and foremost, you have the right to be treated with dignity     You also have the right to request a delay in reporting to the
and respect, and have your privacy protected throughout the           doping control station in certain circumstances. These include
process.                                                              attending a medal ceremony, cooling down and fulfilling media

Doping Control Personnel                                              If at any time you are unsure of anything, you should ask the
                                                                      DCO for more information.
  DCO – Doping Control Officer
  BCO – Blood Collection Officer
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                                                       doping control 41

Your responsibilities                                                     What happens if you are selected for testing?
If you are selected for testing, your most immediate responsibility       If you are selected for testing, we will do our best to make the
is to provide a sample. If you fail to do so, it may result in an anti-   process as “painless” as we can for you, while following a set
doping rule violation and a ban from all sport.                           process and rules that we, and you, must adhere to.
Once you have been notified that you will be tested, you                  You will be notified by a Doping Control Officer (DCO) working
have a responsibility to:                                                 for, or on behalf of us (DFSNZ), an International Federation, or
                                                                          another National Anti-Doping Organisation. You should ask to
  remain in sight of the doping control personnel                        see their identification and authorisation.
  at all times
  r eport to the doping control station as soon
   as possible
  p roduce valid identification at the doping
   control station
  comply with the sample collection process
You should also know that if you choose to eat or drink
prior to providing a sample, you do so at your own risk.

When and where does drug testing take place?
In-competition testing takes place either immediately after
you’ve finished competing or at any time during an event,
tournament, regatta, or games.
Out-of-competition testing can take place at any time
of the year and at any location, including your home, training
venue, hotel or when you’re overseas.
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                                              doping control 43

What happens during a doping control test?                           Here’s what happens in a blood test:
When you’re notified for testing, you may need to provide a            you choose a kit for sample collection
urine sample, a blood sample, or both.
You will be accompanied to the doping control station where the        you sit down and rest for ten minutes (you may
DCO will explain the sample collection process to you. You can ask     need to rest for longer if you have just exercised)
questions at any time.
                                                                       a BCO draws blood from your arm
Here’s what happens if you’re asked to provide a urine sample:
                                                                       you seal the vials containing your sample
  y ou choose a collection vessel in which
   to provide your urine sample                                        y ou let the DCO know whether you have taken any
                                                                        medications or supplements recently
  y ou provide a urine sample in the direct view of your
   chaperone, who is the same gender as you
                                                                     Once your samples are sealed in tamper-evident containers, the
  y ou choose a sample kit in which to seal                         DCO will go through the paperwork with you to ensure all the
   your urine sample                                                 details are correct. You can also make comments about the doping
                                                                     control process, including any concerns you may have.
  you pour your urine sample into two sample                        The DCO will ask you then to sign the relevant forms to complete
  collection bottles (A and B)                                       the process.

  you seal the samples and place them in the
  transport box
  you let the DCO know whether you have taken
  any medications or supplements recently
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                                                   doping control 45

Analysis and results                                                  Consequences of an ADRV
Your sample will be transported to a World Anti-Doping Agency         The consequences of breaking the rules can be wide-ranging, even
(WADA) accredited or approved laboratory for analysis. Our            if your positive test was unintentional. Your reputation could be
samples are typically sent to the Australian Sports Drug Testing      damaged and a ban from sport could potentially end your career.
Laboratory in Sydney.                                                 The sanctions for an ADRV can include:
The laboratory will then notify us of the results of the analysis.
In anti-doping, a negative result is a good outcome. A positive         b eing banned from all sport (competing, training and
result may mean you have committed an anti-doping rule                   coaching)
violation (ADRV).
                                                                        disqualification of competition results
What happens if I test positive?
                                                                        publication of your anti-doping rule violation
If your sample tests positive, we will first check whether you have
an approved TUE in place to explain the positive test.                  financial penalties
You will be notified that you have returned a positive test and
                                                                      The starting point for a first violation is four years, which can be
asked for an explanation. You will have the opportunity to request
                                                                      reduced if, for example, the violation is proved to be unintentional.
that your “B” sample is analysed.
If there is no approved TUE in place, and the “B” sample confirms
the “A” sample (if tested), we will then bring an allegation of an
anti-doping rule violation against you before the Sports Tribunal
of New Zealand (or the Anti-Doping Tribunal within your sport).
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                                        athlete whereabouts programme 47

     Athlete Whereabouts Programme

                                                                         Testing pool athletes need to provide and maintain:

                                                                           Their home address

whereabouts                                                                 ddresses for training, work and any other regular
                                                                           activities (including time-frames for those activities)
The Athlete Whereabouts Programme only applies to athletes                  competition schedule (including dates, locations
assigned to a testing pool by us or their International                    and accommodation details)
Federation (IF). These athletes need to provide and maintain
whereabouts information so they can be found for out-                       ny travel information (including destination, flight
of-competition testing at any time. The whereabouts                        details and dates of travel)
programme allows us to perform regular out-of-competition
testing on athletes and this helps reduce or eliminate doping              Any temporary or alternative addresses (e.g. when
from sport.                                                                on holiday or a partner’s address)
When athletes are added to a testing pool, they will be informed         All athletes need to file whereabouts information every quarter and
by us (or their IF) and given all the relevant information about their   regularly update that information if and when plans change.
whereabouts responsibilities.
                                                                         Quarterly whereabouts information needs to be filed by the
                                                                         following dates:

                                                                          Quarter               Period                    Due Date
     update your whereabouts                                              1st quarter           1 July to 30 Sept         15 June
To update your whereabouts information, go to:                            2nd quarter           1 Oct to 31 Dec           15 Sept                                      3rd quarter           1 Jan to 31 Mar           15 Dec
If you would like more information about the athlete whereabouts          4th quarter           1 April to 30 June        15 Mar
programme and what’s required of you, please visit our website.
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                                                     education 49


                                                                       Support personnel module
e-learning                                                             This singular module has been designed specifically for athlete
                                                                       support personnel to reflect their important role in clean sport.
                                                                       We recommend that all coaches, managers and parents complete
We have a range of e-learning courses for athletes and support         this module in addition to our Level One or Level Two course.
personnel to access clean sport education and information,             To complete any of these courses, visit the e-learning tab on
anytime. Our e-learning courses help individuals understand            our website and follow the prompts.
their important role in clean sport and highlight the risks
associated with doping.

Level One
This seven-module course is designed for athletes and support
personnel who have never received anti-doping education or
                                                                       Good Clean Sport–Youth
who have not been educated recently. This course provides a
comprehensive overview of all aspects of clean sport using practical   This values-based programme has been developed to support
examples and a blended learning approach.                              and educate youth athletes and support personnel on clean sport
                                                                       through workshops within the secondary school environment.
Level Two                                                              Good Clean Sport – Youth provides young athletes with tools
This seven-module course is designed for athletes and support          to make informed decisions in practical sporting contexts and
personnel who have received recent anti-doping education via one       raises awareness of the important roles of athletes and support
of our workshops or through completion of our Level One course.        personnel in values-based sport.
Level Two provides comprehensive education across all areas of
                                                                       For more information or to book a Good Clean Sport-Youth
clean sport however does so with an expectation that the learner
                                                                       workshop, visit our website.
has existing knowledge on the topic.
clean athletes. clean sport. handbook 2020                                                                              51

    being informed

find out more
We want to make it easy for athletes to compete clean.
You can get more information about clean sport on our website:

While there you can also:

  Organise an education workshop
  Complete our e-learning courses
  Request or download resources
  Check out the WADA World Anti-Doping Code
  and 2020 Prohibited List
  Report any concerns about doping in sport

                                                                 Paralympic cycling: Paralympian Kate Horan at 2017
                                                                 Southland Track Championships. credit Dianne Manson.
for more information
TUE enquiries:
report doping:
check a medication:
phone: +64 9 582 0388 fax: +64 9 580 0381
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