Toys, Technology Kildare Library and Arts Services -

Page created by John Sullivan
Toys, Technology Kildare Library and Arts Services -
Kildare Library and Arts Services

  Toys, Technology
    and Training
Toys and assisitive software catalogue

Toys, Technology Kildare Library and Arts Services -
Toys, Technology Kildare Library and Arts Services -
Toys, Technology and Training Project
What is the TTT Project?
Kildare Library Services would like to inform you about our specialised Toys,Technology and Training Project.

The collection is designed to offer support to children and adults with learning difficulties, disabilities or
more significant needs. Based in Athy, Leixlip and Naas Libraries this specialised collection of toys, software
and assistive technology can be accessed free of charge in branches throughout the county and can be
borrowed or utilised by joining up at any Kildare library. Items in the catalogue can be requested or renewed
online and collected by the borrower at their nearest branch library.

Membership is free to any individual who lives, works or goes to school in County Kildare. Terms and
Conditions of use apply.

The collection was chosen by the staff of Kildare Library Service in partnership with therapists working in
the community.

The Project also includes the Training element of “TTT” which is our annual series of free lectures and
workshops. These events offer further guidance, support and networking opportunities for parents,
teachers and healthcare professionals.

For up to date details of future talks and events relating to the TTT Project please email us and ask to join
our mailing list at

Attendance at all of the events is free of charge and open to everyone but advance booking is required.

Please contact the library where the talk is happening to book your place.
Toys, Technology Kildare Library and Arts Services -
Conditions of Use			          6    Threaders 					13               Wippsider/ Wippwalker			      20
                                   Three Triangle Threader 		 14   Rocking Seesaw 				           20
Assistive Software & Technology    Slanted Writing Board 			  14   Rainbow River Stepping Stones 20
Nessy Fingers: Touch Typing 		 8   Ruff’s House Tactile			    14   Walking Turtle 				           21
Nessy Learning Programme		     8   Abacus					 14                  Rotation Board 				           21
Bee Bot					 8                     Fanta Colour Design Set		  15   Roller Seat 					             21
                                   Peg Puzzles					 15             Scooter Board 				            21
Fine Motor Skills                  Fine Motor Skills Kit 			  15   Rock Around 				              22
Design and Drill				          10                                   Bilibo 				                   22
Double Handed Tracking Boards 10   Gross Motor Skills              Forever Up-Down 			           22
Froggy Feeding Fun			         10   Balance Board Maze			      17   Peanut Sensory Roll 			       22
Graphical Excercise Set		     10   Figure 8 Maze				          17   Peanut Physio Roll 			        23
String Cars					11                 Core Disk					17                Gym Ball 					                23
String Farm					11                 Balance Disc				17              Sit ‘n’ Gym Ball 				         23
Megability Beads				11             Balance Seat				18              Large Sensory Ball			         23
Take-Along Tool Kit			        11   Monkey Balance Board			    18   Tactile Massage Ball			       24
Super Sorting Pie				         12   Putt Putt Balance Board 		 18   Tactile Discs				24
Button-up Bear				12               Tai Chi Balance Board 			  18   Gross Motor Skills Kit 			    24
Rotating Disc Puzzle			       12   Balanco Board				19
Magnetic Maze Pack			         12   Balancing Egg				19             Speech, Language & Social Skills
Marble Maze Farm			           13   Rotago					19                   Who Am I?					 26
Route Maze 				               13   Floor Surfer				19              Basic Sequences				 26
Route Builder 				            13   Popper board				20              Expressive Verbs				26

Toys, Technology Kildare Library and Arts Services -
How are they Feeling?			         26   Play and Life Skills           Move ‘n’ Sit Wedge Cushion		 39
Problem Solving				27                 Dress a Pillar			        33    Sit on Air Cushion 			       39
Simple Sequences			              27   Learn to Dress Monkey			 33    Large Air Cushion 			        39
Sequences Verb Tenses		          27   Octavius the Octopus			  33    Weighted Ball				 39
What are they Thinking?		        27   Learning Frames				33          Tote Around Hound 			        40
Indoor Sounds				28                   Lock and Latch Board			  34    Weighted Lizzard				 40
Outdoor Sounds				28                  Basic Skills Board 			   34    Weighted Snake				 40
What Can You See?			             28   Lacing Shoe 				         34    Weighted Lap Pad 			         40
Multi-Match Categories			        28   Latches Board				34            Weighted Lap Blankets			     41
Prepositions				29                    Wooden Doorbell House 		 35    Finger Colour Mats			        41
The Socially Speaking Game		     29   Coloured Overlays			     35    Fidget Mat					 41
Talkabout Game				29                  Sand Timers 				         35    Grippies					41
Talkabout Cards                       Sleep Timer Bunny Clock  35    Laser Sphere				42
Self Awareness Activities 		 29                                      Laser Stars 				             42
The Time to Talk Game			         30   Sensory and Tactile            Ear Defenders 				           42
Verbs and Prepositions			        30   Guessing Box				37             Sensory Kit					42
Early Language				30                  Tactile Matching Game			  37
Word Association			              30   Bumpity Blocks 				       37   Contact Details 				        43
Better Builders Community People 31   Diffraction Tube Ladder		 37
Better Builders Emotions		       31   Mirror Chimeabout			      38
Spring People				31                   Feelie Dice					 38
Concentration Skills Kit		       31   Bitty Bottoms Cushion 			 38
                                      Disc ‘o’ Sit Cushion			   38

Toys, Technology Kildare Library and Arts Services -
Conditions of Use
•   Membership is free to any individual who lives, works or goes to school in County Kildare.
•   The loan period is three weeks.
•   The loan period may be extended by renewing the item online, by phone or in person.
•   To register, users must have a letter of referral from an Occupational Therapist, Medical Practitioner, Resource
    Teacher or other professional working with them.
•   Teachers or Special Needs Assistants must supply a referral letter from their school principal to register to borrow
    on behalf of the school.
•   In the interests of Health & Safety please inform staff if equipment is incomplete or faulty.
•   Library staff can assist users of this service, but cannot make recommendations on equipment.
•   Equipment should only be used on the advice of a professional.
•   Assistive software may be used in the library on the public access computers by arrangement.
•   Children & Adults using the equipment should be monitored at all times.
•   Toys & equipment may vary slightly from the photographs in this catalogue but will function in the same way.
•   To ensure availability, please book the item you request in advance by phone or email.
•   Contact details for your local branch can be found at the back of this catalogue or at
•   You can also request items online using your TTT membership barcode and PIN number at
•   Items in this catalogue are current at time of publication (2018) but some items may be withdrawn or replaced.

Toys, Technology Kildare Library and Arts Services -
& Technology
  Software can be borrowed or used on a public
     access computer in your local library by

May not be compatible with all operating systems.

Toys, Technology Kildare Library and Arts Services -
Assisitive Software & Technology

Nessy Fingers:         Nessy Learning                        Bee Bot
Touch Typing           Programme                             A programmable robot that
                                                             promotes planning and directional
Touch typing course.   Ideal for use in the classroom.
                                                             language. Programme the Bee Bot
                       Ideal for students with dyslexia or
                                                             to move across the room or use the
                                                             variety of activity mats available.
                                                             Have the Bee Bot negotiate its
                       A cumultative structure of
                                                             way around an obstacle course by
                       incremental lessons.
                                                             programming it to move left, right,
                                                             forward or backward.
                       Learning is focused into small
                       manageable steps.

Toys, Technology Kildare Library and Arts Services -
Fine Motor
 Fine motor skills are the coordination of muscles,
    bones, and nerves to produce small, precise
movements. These items have been chosen to aid fine
 motor skills and many promote other skills such as
            literacy and problem solving.

Toys, Technology Kildare Library and Arts Services -
Fine Motor Skills

Design and Drill                         Double Handed Tracking                 Froggy Feeding Fun                        Graphical Exercise Set
Design & Drill is ideal for developing                                          Squeeze the frog’s mouth to catch         Each set has three manipulative
motor skills and encourages              The child has to guide a wooden        a treat in this fine motor skills game.   boards which can be separated.
creativity as children secure the        pencil along the pattern carved into   Players roll the dice to determine the
colourful bolts into the activity        this sturdy wooden board. Comes in     number and colour of flies to collect,    Promotes:
boards.                                  a pear and star design. Suitable for   then manipulate the durable plastic       •      Fine Motor Precision
                                         right - or left - handed children.     frog to collect them.                     •      Visual Motor Integration
Promotes:                                                                                                                 •      Pre-handwriting Skills
•       Manual Dexterity                 Promotes:                              Promotes:
•       Fine Motor Precision             •      Handwriting Skills              •      Handwriting Position
•       Hand-eye Coordination                   and Pencil Grip                 •      Teaches Colours
•       Imaginative Play                 •      Fine Motor Precision            •      Counting
                                         •      Visual Motor Skills             •      Fine Motor Precision

Fine Motor Skills

String Cars                            String Farm                           Megability Beads                         Take-Along Tool Kit
Thread the cotton lace through         Thread the cotton lace through        Set includes 6 beads ranging in          This 24-piece set includes wooden
the openings on either side of the     the openings on either side of the    size, soft nylon string and features a   nails, screws, nuts, and bolts. As
vehicles and string up a collection.   animals and string up a collection.   handle and a stopper bead.               well as using this as a construction
                                                                                                                      activity you can ask the child to
Promotes:                              Promotes:                             Promotes:                                count the number of tools and
•      Fine Motor Precision            •      Fine Motor Precision           •      Fine Motor Precision              identify each one or sort items by
•      Manual Dexterity                •      Manual Dexterity               •      Manual Dexterity                  colour or type.
•      Bilateral Coordination          •      Bilateral Coordination         •      Large Motor Planning
•      Sequencing                      •      Sequencing                     •      Hand-eye Coordination             Promotes:
•      Counting skills                 •      Counting skills                •      Bilateral Integration             •      Manual Dexterity
                                                                             •      Colour Recognition                •      Early Maths Skills
                                                                                                                      •      Fun and Imaginative Play

Fine Motor Skills

Super Sorting Pie                      Button-up Bear                           Rotating Disc Puzzle               Magnetic Maze Pack
Place the sorting cards into the       This bear allows the child to            Rotate the discs to move them up   Use the magnetic wand to move the
bottom of the pan to provide visual    participate in a number of fine motor    and down the pole.                 ball around the mazes.
cues that support success. Top crust   tasks. They will also be able to match
becomes a bowl to conveniently         shapes and colours.                      Promotes:                          Promotes:
hold plastic fruit. Jumbo tweezers                                              •      Fine Motor Skills           •     Fine Motor Skills
reinforce fine motor skills.           Promotes:                                •      Hand-eye Coordination       •     Hand-eye Coordination
                                       •      Fine Motor Skills                 •      Visual Perception           •     Pre-literacy Skills
Promotes:                              •      Matching and Sorting              •      Motor Planning
•      Counting, Colours and           •      Colour Recognition                •      Problem Solving Skills
       Shapes                          •      Counting
•      Sorting, and Organisation.
•      Fine Motor Skills

Fine Motor Skills

Marble Maze Farm                    Route Maze                       Route Builder                            Threaders
Use the magnetic wand to move the   Move the large peg across the    Move the pegs around the board to        Thread the large chunky needle
ball around the farm maze.          wooden maze.                     make one of the twelve patters. Can      through the holes.
                                                                     be set at different angles for double-
Promotes:                           Two mazes available:             sided play.                              A variety of threaders are
•     Fine Motor Skills             Right Angle Maze and Quadruple                                            available.
•     Hand-eye Coordination         Maze.                            Promotes:
•     Pre-literacy Skills                                            •      Fine Motor Skills                 Promotes:
                                    Promotes:                        •      Motor Planning                    •      Fine Motor Skills
                                    •      Fine Motor Skills         •      Hand-eye Coordination             •      Hand-eye Coordination
                                    •      Motor Planning            •      Pre-writing Skills                •      Sequencing
                                    •      Visual Perception                                                  •      Problem Solving

Fine Motor Skills

Three Triangle Threader                  Slanted Writing Board                 Ruff’s House Tactile                   Abacus
Thread the lace through the wooden       Sloped surfaces are easier to write   Help the fuzzy dog sort through        Wooden abacus.
triangles. Suitable for those who have   on and can provide assistance to      all the textured rubber and cloth
difficulty with hand control.            children who have difficulty with     bones he hid in his doghouse. Builds   Promotes:
                                         handwriting.                          fine motor sensory play skills, plus   •     Fine Motor Skills
Promotes:                                                                      teaches children about matching,       •     Hand-eye Coordination
•      Fine Motor Skills                 Promotes:                             taking turns and sharing. Features     •     Numeracy Skills
•      Hand-eye Coordination             •      Literacy Skills                a variety of rubber and cloth bones:   •     Colour Recognition
•      Sequencing                        •      Fine Motor Skills              smooth, silky, scratchy, bumpy,
•      Problem Solving                                                         ridged and more.

                                                                               •      Fine Motor Skills
                                                                               •      Colour Recognition
                                                                               •      Counting
                                                                               •      Sorting

                                                                               •      Imaginative Play
Fine Motor Skills

Fanta Colour Design Set               Peg Puzzles                             Fine Motor Skills Kit
A pegboard set with multiple design   Extra large peg puzzles for easy hand   A selection of items used to improve
options.                              grasp.                                  fine motor skills and writing skills.

Promotes:                             Options include:                        Contains items such as:
•      Fine Motor Skills              House, Shapes, Farmyard, Pets,          •      Handtrainer Eggs
•      Hand-eye Coordination          Geometric Shapes.                       •      Squeeze Foam
•      Visual Perception                                                      •      Scissors
•      Creative Skills                Promotes:                               •      Tweezers
                                      •      Fine Motor Skills                •      Springy Coils
                                      •      Hand-eye Coordination
                                      •      Visual Perception                Items in the kit may differ from

Gross Motor
        Gross motor skills are tasks that utilise the
      gross or large muscles of the body like those in
     the arms, legs and core. Walking, balancing, and
             crawling all utilise gross muscles.

Gross Motor Skills

Balance Board Maze                      Figure 8 Maze                           Core Disk                             Balance Disc
The maze in this balance board          This figure 8 maze is a table top       These inflatable Core Disk cushions   A unique balancing board for play.
distracts from the balancing exercise   activity. The deeply grooved pattern    are designed to encourage             The board consists of a hard plastic
thus making the challenge harder        allows all children to be successful    movement, balance and increased       surface with non-skid elevations
compared with a standard balancing      by coordinating the pressure with the   sensory awareness in a variety of     in artificial rubber to give a good
board.                                  hands to move the ball through the      situations.                           foothold.
While this board can take weight up                                             Promotes:                             Promotes:
to 80 kg, the footprint size makes it   Promotes:                               •      Strengthening of Core          •      Balance Skills
suitable for 3-10 years.                •      Crossing Midline                        Muscles                        •      Righting Reactions
                                        •      Encourages Hand                  •      Can be used as Fidget Seat
Promotes:                                      Dominance
•      Balance                          •      Coordinating Body Sides
•      Motor Planning                   •      Hand-eye Coordination
•      Visual Processing

Gross Motor Skills

Balance Seat                           Monkey Balance Board                  Putt Putt Balance Board               Tai Chi Balance Board
T-shaped seat which encourages         Small balance board perfectly sized   Move the ball around the maze while   A balance board with a ball on an
child to maintain a midline position   for little feet.                      keeping your balance on the board.    inner track. Children can move the
and work to keep central. Provides                                                                                 ball along the track by balancing on
movment input without bouncing.        Promotes:                             Promotes:                             the board and moving it back and
                                       •      Gross Motor Skills             •      Gross Motor Skills             forth.
Promotes:                              •      Sense of Balance               •      Flexibility
•      Gross Motor Skills              •      Coordination                   •      Coordination                   Promotes:
•      Core Stability                  •      Reaction                       •      Balance                        •      Gross Motor Skills
                                       •      Concentration                                                        •      Balance
                                                                                                                   •      Coordination

Gross Motor Skills

Balanco Board                           Balancing Egg                           Rotago                                   Floor Surfer
The maze on this balance board          The Balancing Egg is unique             Rotago is a system of spin which is      This item has wheels at the bottom
distracts from the balancing exercise   in combining a lot of fun with          challenging and fun. The rotation        of it. The child can sit on it and scoot
thus making the challenge harder        awareness of posture and                results from body movement and           – promoting balance, or they can
compared with a standard balancing      development of balancing skills. The    the up/down design of the base           lie on it and propel themselves with
board. This product contains 3          base of the egg is a soft ring that     track. Holding the child’s hands         their hands – promoting core muscle
easily replaced inserts each with a     adapts to the head of each child.       allows it to be fun for those who find   strength. The board allows the child
different challenge level.              The skill now is to build your egg,     it too challenging. Max load 120kg.      to receive proprioceptive feedback
                                        piece by piece, on this base. Younger                                            (information into muscles and joints)
This balance board can take a           children can start by balancing         Promotes:                                which can help with concentration.
maximum load of 120 kg.                 one or two pieces of the egg. To        •      Core Muscle Strength
                                        challenge those who have perfected      •      Balance                           Promotes:
Promotes:                               the skill (not an easy task), place     •      Coordination                      •       Balance
•      Balance Skills                   some items inside the egg. Suitable     •      Cardiovascular Training           •       Core Muscle Strength
•      Righting Reactions               from ages 7-14.                         •      Kinesthetic Perception            •       Upper Body Strengthening

                                        •      Balance
                                        •      Core Muscle Strength
                                        •      Motor Planning
Gross Motor Skills

Popper Board                            Wippsider/ Wippwalker                Rocking Seesaw                        Rainbow River Stepping
The child can stand, sit, rock, tilt    An easy to use see-saw and walking   This Rocking Seesaw is ideal for
and wobble on this device. It makes     toy for developing a sense of        teaching balance, control and         Each stone features a different
a pleasant popping sound when it        balance.                             coordination. The non-slip rubber     slope and texture that challenges
moves.                                                                       inserts provide sensory stimulation   balancing skills while providing
                                        Promotes:                            for the feet.                         sensory stimulation to children’s
Weight limit: Approximately 110 lbs     •      Balance                                                             feet.
                                        •      Righting Reactions            Promotes:
Promotes:                               •      Motor Control                 •      Balance                        The game’s difficulty level can be
•      Core Strength and Stability                                           •      Righting Reactions             adjusted through 3 directional points
•      Balance                                                               •      Vestibular Input               and the ability to stack two stones
•      Coordination                                                                                                together. This 6-piece activity set
                                                                                                                   includes stepping stones of three
                                                                                                                   different sizes.


20                                                                                                                 •
                                                                                                                          Tactile Sensory Input
                                                                                                                          Righting Reactions
Gross Motor Skills

Walking Turtle                          Rotation Board                       Roller Seat                           Scooter Board
Children can kneel, sit or stand on     Hold the handles while spinning or   Sit in the ‘U’ shape or sit across    Sit or lie on the board and scoot or
the turtles back and rock gently from   rocking on the board in circles.     and the roller seat can move in any   be pulled along.
side to side to move along the floor.                                        direction. For indoor use only.
                                        Promotes:                                                                  Promotes:
Promotes:                               •      Gross Motor Skills            Promotes:                             •      Gross Motor Skills
•      Gross Motor Skills               •      Balance                       •      Gross Motor Skills             •      Upper Body Strength
•      Balance                          •      Coordination                  •      Coordination                   •      Development of Movement
•      Coordination                                                                                                •      Balance

Gross Motor Skills

Rock Around                          Bilibo                                   Forever Up-Down                        Peanut Sensory Roll
Allows for gentle circular rocking   A spinning seat. Spinning activities     Hand-held activity. Manipulate the     A peanut shaped physio roll with a
motion with room for one or more     should always be monitored. Never        ball around and around while keeping   bumpy surface all over.
children.                            spin a child without their permission.   it on the track.
Promotes:                            Promotes:                                Promotes:                              •      Gross Motor Skills
•      Gross Motor Skills            •      Gross Motor Skills                •      Gross Motor Skills              •      Sensory and Tactile Input
•      Balance                       •      Balance                           •      Visual Perception
•      Coordination                  •      Posture Control                   •      Spatial Skills
                                     •      Sensory Processing

Gross Motor Skills

Peanut Physio Roll           Gym Ball                    Sit ‘n’ Gym Ball                            Large Sensory Ball
Peanut shaped Physio Roll.   Large therapy balls.        A physio ball with little feet              A large soft ball with a bumpy surface
                                                         underneath to stop it rolling while still   all over. Suitable for throwing and
Promotes:                    Available in sizes:         allowing for bouncing movement.             catching activities.
•      Flexibility           45cm and 55cm
•      Coordination                                      Available in sizes:                         Promotes:
•      Gross Motor Skills    Promotes:                   45cm and 55cm                               •      Gross Motor Skills
•      Core Strengthening    •      Flexibility                                                      •      Core Stability
•      Balance               •      Coordination         Promotes:                                   •      Sensory Stimulation
                             •      Gross Motor Skills   •       Gross Motor Skills
                             •      Core Strengthening   •       Core Stability
                             •      Balance              •       Balance

Gross Motor Skills

Tactile Massage Ball                Tactile Discs                             Gross Motor Skills Kit
Gym ball with an all-over pimpled                                             A selection of items used to promote
surface for a sensory and tactile   Tactile material that challenges          Gross Motor Skills.
experience.                         children’s sense of touch on both
                                    hands and feet. The tactile discs,        Contains items such as:
Promotes:                           made of nice-to-touch synthetic           •      Bean Bag Balls
•      Gross Motor Skills           rubber, contain different tactile         •      Bean Bag Bears
•      Sensory Stimultation         structures, each with its own colour.     •      Monster Mitts
                                    A set of 5 different tactile structures   •      Reaction Balls
                                    in a range of colours.                    •      Sure Katchball

                                    Promotes:                                 Items in the kit may differ from the
                                    •       Tactile Integration               photograph
                                    •       Regulation
                                    •       Matching and Counting

Language and
 Social Skills
 Social skills are used to interact and communicate
                      with others.

These items have been chosen to aid both verbal and
non-verbal communication, such as speech, language,
   gesture, facial expression and body language.

Speech, Language and Social Skills

Who Am I?                              Basic Sequences                             Expressive Verbs                         How are they feeling?
The cards can be used in a number      Designed to support language                The 48 cards depict a wide range of      Cards with different activities and
of ways such as a warm-up game,        development for children and adults.        states such as listening and frowning,   expressions. The child has to guess
group cohesion activity or a closing   Basic Sequences features cards in 16        intentions such as beckoning and         how the person is feeling using the
game. They can be used to gel a new    three-step sequences of common              stopping, reactions such as hushing      clues from the pictures.
group or for players to get to know    activities like shaving, writing, eating,   and sneering, and emotions such
one another by asking appropriate      reading and painting.                       as anger and happiness. Includes:        Promotes:
questions. The cards will therefore
                                                                                   fingers – counting, tapping on the       •      Reading Faces and Contexts
help to stimulate group conversation
and allow people to practice and       Promotes:                                   shoulder; hands – waving, shaking        •      Communication Skills
                                       •       Communication                       hands; faces – frowning, raising         •      Emotional Intelligence
improve good social skills with
                                       •       Organisation                        eyebrows.
                                       •       Sequencing
Promotes:                                                                          Promotes:
•      Communication                                                               •      Communication
•      Social Skills                                                               •      Social Skills

Speech, Language and Social Skills

Problem Solving                        Simple Sequences                        Sequences Verb Tenses                  What are they Thinking?
The child tells you what they see in   The child sorts the cards into simple   The child sorts the cards into         Cards with different activities and
the cards and what they might do in    sequences of actions.                   sequences of actions.                  expressions. The child has to guess
that situation.                                                                                                       what the person might be thinking
                                       Promotes:                               Promotes:                              using the clues from the pictures.
Promotes:                              •      Communication                    •      Communication
•      Communication                   •      Sequencing                       •      Learning about ‘action words’   Promotes:
•      Social Reasoning                •      Problem-solving                                                         •      Reading Faces and Contexts
•      Problem-solving                                                                                                •      Communication Skills
                                                                                                                      •      Emotional Intelligence

Speech, Language and Social Skills

Indoor Sounds                           Outdoor Sounds                          What Can You See?                      Multi-Match Categories
Cards with different activities and a   Cards with different activities and a   This entertaining game can be played   Comprising two sets of identical
CD with matching sounds. The child      CD with matching sounds. The child      by both individuals and groups.        pairs, Multi Match has been designed
has to match the Indoor sound with      has to match the Outdoor sound          Each of the selection of pictures is   for a variety of games, matching
the picture card.                       with the picture card.                  viewed through a space in the book’s   tasks and activities suitable for
                                                                                pages, gradually revealing more        children, adolescents and adults.
Promotes:                               Promotes:                               and more of the image. This allows
•      Listening Skills                 •      Listening Skills                 players to guess what they can see,    Promotes:
                                                                                encouraging communication and          •      Communication
                                                                                vocabulary building.                   •      Attention and Concentration

                                                                                •      Listening skills
                                                                                •      Attention and Concentration
                                                                                •      Logical Thought
                                                                                •      Visual Perception

                                                                                •      Problem Solving
                                                                                •      Expressive Language
Speech, Language and Social Skills

Prepositions                            The Socially Speaking                   Talkabout Game                            Talkabout Cards Self
                                        Game                                                                              Awareness Activities
Eight prepositions have been                                                    The Talkabout board game is a
photographed six times in different     The game focuses on social              journey through the week where a          Fun, quick and easy to play, this
contexts. The concepts and              interaction in three key areas: home,   player will encounter a number of         game features the familiar Talkabout
vocabulary shown relate to common       school and wider community.             different social skills tasks that need   drawings to provide visual cues.
experiences such as a cat on a lap;                                             to be completed in order to get to        There are 20 group games. Each
while other cards introduce humour      Promotes:                               the end of the week.                      game card includes instructions for
with for example, a bear queuing at a   •      Listening                                                                  playing the game and colour coding
bus stop.                               •      Social Skills                    Promotes:                                 to show which cards are best to use.
                                                                                •       Self-Awareness                    A lot of the activities can be made
Promotes:                                                                       •       Self-Esteem                       easier or harder by increasing or
•      Language Development                                                     •       Body Language                     decreasing the number of cards.
•      Communication                                                            •       Conversational Skills
                                                                                •       Assertiveness Skills              Promotes:
                                                                                                                          •      Self-Awareness
                                                                                                                          •      Social Skills

Speech, Language and Social Skills

The Time to Talk Game                     Verbs and Prepositions                 Early Language                         Word Association
Get children talking and interacting      Use these cards to help children       Includes Early Vocabulary and          Allow your child to use language in a
with this board game. The game            practice saying sentences and          Language Concepts packs. Is your       colourful humorous way. If your child
teaches and develops essential            learn how to use verbs in every day    child talking yet? If not, use these   is talking, but needs help to expand
language and social skills for children   life. Prepositions are used in most    cards to encourage him/her to start    their language skills by learning to
aged 4-7.                                 sentences and they are learned early   talking and also begin to use more     describe, explain and discuss things,
                                          on in a child’s development.           descriptive words as well.             then these cards are excellent.
•      Listening                          Promotes:                              Promotes:                              Promotes:
•      Turn-taking                        •      Vocabulary                      •      Early Concepts                  •      Communication
•      Basic Conversations                •      Verbal Comprehension            •      Vocabulary                      •      Verbal Reasoning
•      Non-verbal Communication           •      Communication                   •      Verbal Comprehension            •      Language Processing
•      Eye Contact                        •      Social Skills                   •      Communication                   •      Problem Solving
•      Understanding Feelings.                                                   •      Word association                •      Word Association
                                                                                 •      Social Skills                   •      Logical Thinking
                                                                                                                        •      Social Skills

Speech, Language and Social Skills

Better Builders                       Better Builders Emotions                  Spring People                            Concentration Skills Kit
Community People
                                      Better Builders Emotions is a ball and    Four people, fitted into spring loaded   A selection of items used to promote
Better Builders Community People      rod construction toy assembled as 6       tubes, which bounce up and down          Concentration Skills.
is a ball and rod construction toy    dramatic play characters. The faces       at the slightest touch. It can be used
with colourful faces, uniforms, and   express 6 distinct emotions to which      to teach counting and colours or can     Contains items such as:
personalities!                        children can relate: happy, sad, angry,   be used as a ‘cause and effect’ toy.     •      Handtrainer
                                      surprised, confused, and scared.                                                   •      Tangle
Promotes:                                                                       Promotes:                                •      Magnetic Polydron
•      Communication                  Promotes:                                 •      Counting                          •      Bean Bag Bears
•      Play                           •      Understanding Feelings             •      Colours                           •      Stress Ball Set
•      Manual Dexterity               •      Verbal and Non-verbal              •      Cause and Effect
•      Imagination                           Communication                                                               Items in the kit may differ from the
•      Colour Recognition             •      Imaginative Play                                                            photograph

Play and Life
     Through play, children can develop physical, social
                    and cognitive skills.

      These items have been chosen to aid these skills
      and to develop confidence in everyday and new

Play and Life Skills

Dress a Pillar                             Learn to Dress Monkey                     Octavius the Octopus                      Learning Frames
This toy helps your child learn to         This is a 21 inch tall monkey featuring   Octavius is the perfect tool for          The dressing frames are a set of
dress. There are small pockets to          11 dressing activities. Your child can    teaching dressing skills as each of his   wooden frames with two pieces of
place rewards in for accomplishment        learn to snap on straps, button,          legs offers a fine motor manipulative     cloth attached to the sides, which
and there are six dressing activities      hook and loop, zipper etc. Includes       task such as button, buckle, snap or      can be fastened together at the
e.g. lacing, buckles, buttons, zips etc.   runners, socks, dungarees and             tie.                                      centre.
                                           t-shirt, all completely removable for
Promotes:                                  taking on and off.                        Promotes:                                 There are 12 Frames: one of each
•       Fine Motor Skills                                                            •      Sensory and Tactile                Large Buttons, Small Buttons, Zip,
•       Dressing Skills                    Promotes:                                        Stimulation                        Buckles, Toggles, Snap Buttons, Ties,
•       Bilateral Coordination             •      Dressing Skills                    •      Fine Motor Skills                  Laces, Velcro, Rings, Safety Pins,
•       Hand-eye Coordination              •      Fine Motor Skills                  •      Social Skills                      Loop buttons.
                                           •      Sequencing
                                           •      Imaginative Play                                                             Promotes:
                                                                                                                               •      Dressing Skills
                                                                                                                               •      Fine Motor Skills

                                                                                                                               •      Sequencing
Play and Life Skills

Lock and Latch Board               Basic Skills Board                 Lacing shoe                      Latches Board
Unlock, unlatch, open the hinged   Learn to dress Bear. Practice      Lacing Shoe.                     Undo a latch, open the door and
panels, and count on finding fun   buttons, zips, velcro, laces and                                    reveal the picture beneath. Learn
when the pictures beneath are      buckles                            Promotes:                        colours, numbers and animals.
revealed.                                                             •      Developing Independence
                                   Promotes:                          •      Fine Motor Skills         Promotes:
Promotes:                          •      Dressing Skills             •      Bilateral Ingegration     •      Basic Problem Solving
•      Functional Skills           •      Fine Motor Skills           •      Dressing Skills           •      Fine Motor Skills
•      Manual Dexterity            •      Bilateral Movements                                          •      Colour and Number
•      Language                    •      Memory                                                              Recognition
                                                                                                       •      Counting
                                                                                                       •      Bilateral Movement

Play and Life Skills

Wooden Doorbell House                   Coloured Overlays                      Sand Timers                             Sleep Timer Bunny Clock
This doorbell house features four       Mutes the contrast between text and    3 , 10, 15 and 30 minute sand timers.   Bunny’s face indicates when it’s time
electronic doorbells, four locks with   background for those with dyslexia                                             to get up.
matching keys and four poseable         and some other reading difficulties.   Promotes:
play dolls                                                                     •      Start and Fnish Tasks            Promotes:
                                        Promotes:                              •      Time Management                  •      Good Bedtime Routine
Promotes:                               •      Literacy Skills
•      Fine Motor Skills                •      Sensory and Tactile
•      Creativity                              Stimulation
•      Auditory Skills

Sensory and
     Sensory and tactile stimulation involves the
          sensation of touch and texture.

      These items have been chosen to offer a
       variety of different tactile and sensory

Sensory and Tactile

Guessing Box                          Tactile Matching Game                  Bumpity Blocks                       Diffraction Tube Ladder
A hands on way to encourage young     Create shapes and patterns with 18     A set of tactile blocks with bumpy   Each of the five tubes is a different
learners about shapes and textures.   individual red and blue wooden tiles   surface all over.                    colour, is highly reflective and turns
Includes: 20 wooden texture blocks    stored in a wooden tray.                                                    with a light touch. Can be used in
and 20 animal shapes.                                                        Promotes:                            two positions, upright on base or with
                                      Promotes:                              •      Visual Perception             rollers in a more horizontal position
Promotes:                             •      Matching                        •      Fine Motor Skills
•      Tactile Discrimination         •      Creativity                      •      Hand-eye Coordination         Promotes:
•      Multi-sensory Approach to      •      Construction                    •      Sensory and Tactile           •      Stress Reduction
       Learning.                      •      Visual Perception                      Stimulation                   •      Relaxation
•      Turn-taking                                                                                                •      Manual Dexterity

Sensory and Tactile

Mirror Chimeabout                   Feelie Dice                              Bitty Bottoms Cushion                 Disc ‘o’ Sit Cushion
Wooden spinning frame with jangly   Six cubes spin on their axis. Matching   Small cushions with marbles inside,   Allows for ‘active sitting’ or
shiny leaves.                       pairs can be found and the order         suitable for children who need to     movement while sitting.
                                    rearranged.                              fidget and move.
Promotes:                                                                                                          Available in:
•      Sensory Stimulation          Promotes:                                Promotes:                             Junior Size
•      Tactile Stimulation          •      Sensory Stimulation               •      Sensory and Tactile            Regular Size
•      Auditory Stimulation         •      Matching Skills                          Stimulation
•      Visual Focus                                                          •      Core Strengthening             Promotes:
•      Visual Tracking                                                                                             •       Sensory Stimulation
                                                                                                                   •       Balance
                                                                                                                   •       Core Strengthening
                                                                                                                   •       Can aid Concentration

Sensory and Tactile

Move ‘n’ Sit Wedge                   Sit on Air Cushion                          Large Air Cushion                       Weighted Ball
                                     A straight edge faces on the back           Large inflatable cushion suitable for   The weighted balls are filled
Wedge shaped cushion. Allows for     of the chair for a dynamic sitting          floor work. Size: 55cm.                 exclusively with water. Their surface
‘active sitting’ or movement while   position. When it faces the front of                                                allows to achieve a good grip.
sitting.                             the chair it allows for a relaxed sitting   Promotes:
                                     position.                                   •      Balance                          2 weights available:
Available in:                                                                    •      Tactile Feedback                 2kg Yellow
Junior Size                          Promotes:                                                                           3kg Blue
Regular Size                         •       Balance
                                     •       Core Stability                                                              Promotes:
Promotes:                            •       Tactile Feedback and                                                        •      Aiming and Catching
•      Gross Motor Skills                    Stimulation                                                                 •      Concentration
•      Sensory Stimulation           •       Can aid Concentration
•      Core Strengthening
•      Can aid Concentration

Sensory and Tactile

Tote Around Hound                       Weighted Lizard                         Weighted Snake                             Weighted Lap Pad
A weighted dog (2.3kg) which            The Weighted Lizard is a comforting     The Sensory Weighted Snuggle               A weighted lap pad which provides
provides input and stability enabling   companion. Through the provided         Snake provides a gentle weight to          reassuring downward pressure to
a child to focus.                       pressure, it can help children remain   help facilitate proprioceptive input       the upper thighs while the user is in a
                                        attentive in class, focus during        as it wraps snugly around the upper        seated position.
Promotes:                               homework, alleviate excess energy or    shoulder area. This fun design and
•      Relaxation                       provide the necessary calmness for      cute fabric makes this friendly            Promotes:
•      Concentration                    bedtime. A period of use of 15 to 20    snake perfect to wear during school        •      Relaxation
•      Sensory Integration              minutes is recommended due to the       activities, or during times that require   •      Concentration
•      Calming                          weight. Ages 3 +.                       good attention. The Sensory Snake          •      Self-Regulation
                                                                                can also be placed in the lap if this is   •      Calming
                                        Promotes:                               more comfortable for the child.
                                        •      Relaxation
                                        •      Concentration                    Promotes:
                                        •      Regulation                       •      Relaxation
                                                                                •      Regulation

                                                                                •      Concentration
Sensory and Tactile

Weighted Lap Blankets                  Finger Colour Mats                       Fidget Mat                                 Grippies
Weighted Lap Blankets have a           A set of 5 flexible mats with coloured   A weighted lap pad with lots of            Sensory and Magnetic Exploration
calming effect, helping attention      oil. Simple pressure moves the oil       fidgets including pull-string vibration.   toy.
span and reducing excessive            around the mat, leaving a temporary
fidgeting. The deep pressure           trail where pressure has been            Promotes:                                  Promotes:
provided will assist your child with   applied.                                 •       Sensory Stimulation                •     Develops Tactile Senses
just the right input.                                                           •       Self-Regulation                    •     Sensory Stimulation
                                       Promotes:                                •       Calming                            •     Concentration
Set of three                           •      Fine Motor Skills
Each blanket weighs 3 lbs.             •      Hand Strengthening
                                       •      Calming
Promotes:                              •      Cause and Effect
•      Relaxation
•      Concentration
•      Self-Regulation
•      Calming

Sensory and Tactile

Laser Sphere                            Laser Stars                              Ear Defenders                           Sensory Kit
This dual use laser pod is a relaxing   Rotating lamp that reflects stars onto   Blocks out distracting noise and        A selection of items that can be used
colour changing mood light as well      the ceiling and walls.                   helps child to focus on a given task.   to help with sensory integration and/
as being a light show projector. The                                                                                     or sensory diets.
semi sphere top attached creates        Promotes:                                Promotes:
patterns within the sphere. Remove      •      Sensory Stimulation               •      Concentration                    Contains items such as:
the top and a dazzling light show is    •      Visual Stimulation                •      Calming                          •      Hedgehog balls
displayed upon the ceiling. Supplied    •      Self-Regulation                                                           •      Boomwhackers
with AC adaptor.                        •      Calming                                                                   •      Tangles
                                                                                                                         •      Variety of fidgets
•      Relaxation                                                                                                        Items in the kit may differ from the
•      Regulation                                                                                                        photograph

Kildare County Library And Arts         Clane Community Library              Maynooth Community Library
Services Headquarters                   Tel: 045 892716                      Tel: 01 6285530
Tel: 045 431109/431486                  Email:       Email:
                                        Clocha Rince Community Library       Monasterevin Community Library
Athy Community Library                  Tel: 046 9553428                     Tel: 045 529239
Tel: 045 980555                                                              Email:
Email:           Kilcock Community Library
                                        Tel: 01 6284403                      Naas Community Library
Ballitore Community Library             Email:     Tel: 045 879111
Tel: 059 8623344                                                             Email:
Email:      Kilcullen Community Library
                                        Tel: 045 482193                      Newbridge Community Library
Castledermot Community Library          Email:   Tel: 045 448353
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Email:   Kildare Community Library
                                        Tel: 045 520235                      Rathangan Community Library
Celbridge Community Library             Email:     Tel: 045 528078
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                                        Tel: 01 6060050

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