Natural Hoare Logic: Towards formal verification of programs from logical forms of natural language specifications
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Natural Hoare Logic: Towards formal verification of programs from logical forms of natural language specifications Jayaraj Poroor ABSTRACT Hoare logic [16]1 and its variants are established formal Formal verification provides strong guarantees of correctness techniques for proving that a program satisfies its specifica- tion in the form of pre-condition, post-condition assertions. arXiv:2103.05779v1 [cs.PL] 4 Mar 2021 of software, which are especially important in safety or secu- rity critical systems. Hoare logic is a widely used formalism Hoare logic assertions are specified as triples of the form for rigorous verification of software against specifications in {P}S{Q}, where P and Q are logical assertions on program vari- the form of pre-condition/post-condition assertions. The ad- ables. The meaning of the triple is that: if program variables vancement of semantic parsing techniques and higher com- satisfy the condition P and the program S is executed, then putational capabilities enable us to extract semantic content the program variables satisfy the condition Q provided the from natural language text as formal logical forms, with in- program terminates. This is called the partial correctness creasing accuracy and coverage. assertion. We may extend it to total correctness with the This paper proposes a formal framework for Hoare logic- additional assertion that the program will terminate when based formal verification of imperative programs using logi- starting at a variable state satisfying P. In this paper, we cal forms generated from compositional semantic parsing of consider only partial correctness. If we do not consider ex- natural language assertions. We call our reasoning approach ception conditions, for loop-free programs partial correctness Natural Hoare Logic. This enables formal verification of soft- coincide with total correctness. ware directly against safety requirements specified by a do- Semantic parsing [18] is a collection of techniques whose main expert in natural language. objective is to obtain a formal representation of meaning We consider both declarative assertions of program invari- from natural language sentences. For most part, the research ants and state change as well as imperative assertions that in semantic parsing is concerned with obtaining a represen- specify commands which alter the program state. We discuss tation of meaning that can be interpreted by a computer to how the reasoning approach can be extended using domain perform the task at hand, such as querying a database to knowledge and a practical approach for guarding against se- obtain results. Semantic parsing covers a spectrum of tech- mantic parser errors. niques from shallow to deep. Shallow semantic parsing tech- niques such as semantic role labelling [30] aims to identify semantic roles (such as agent or location) associated with the events specified in a sentence. In contrast, deep seman- 1 INTRODUCTION tic parsing aims to extract a rich representation of meaning Formal verification techniques [50] are a collection of tech- known as logical forms in a formal system such as the λ- niques that can be used to provide strong guarantees of cor- calculus [5]. rectness and security for software. They are especially desir- In this paper we concern ourselves with formal logical able in safety critical software such as the control software forms generated by semantic parsers in the form of λ-calculus of medical devices [24] or security sensitive portions of a expressions. λ-calculus is preferred over first order logic for software system [2]. In order to perform formal verification logical forms since it allows us to define semantics compo- we must specify the correctness or security requirements in a sitionally using function composition and function applica- formal language. For instance, consider the following natural tion, from logic forms representing meanings of constituents. language specification of a safety requirement of a medical Compositional semantics is originally due to Richard Mon- infusion pump from [35]: tague [34] and hence is broadly called Montague semantics “The infusion manager shall stop infusion whenever a [17]. Simply-typed λ-calculus [10] with pre-defined constants critical alarm occurs.” [35] for logical connectives and quantifiers, known as the higher- order logics2 , is commonly employed as the formal language Such natural language specifications are typically given by for logical forms [7]. In this paper we consider logical forms domain experts who understand the safety requirements of in this formal language3 . Owing to the expressive power the particular field. However, in order to formally verify the of λ-calculus we do not lose any generality. Other logical system against these requirements, we must specify them in 1 Also called Floyd-Hoare logic since Floyd had developed a similar a formal language, which cannot be typically done by the system for Flowchart programs earlier[14]. domain expert. The objective of this paper is to propose a 2 Higher-order logics may also be considered as a generalization of first general method that enables software to be formally verified order logic. 3 The lambda calculator available at is directly against requirements specified by a domain expert a great educational tool for natural language semantics in the λ- in natural language. calculus. 1
,, Jayaraj Poroor forms like λ-DCS [25] can be readily expressed in terms of {I} λ-calculus. R We propose a framework for associating logical forms gen- L S erated from assertions about program state made in natural R language to pre-condition/post-condition assertions in Hoare logic. We call our framework, Natural Hoare Logic (NHL). {I} Our objective is to enable formal verification of programs from natural language assertions. Figure 1: Invariant proofs in Hoare logic from logical forms. 2 THE PROPOSED FRAMEWORK We introduce the proposed framework with the help of sim- We may use the semantic expressions corresponding to ple examples. We use the notation text to denote the se- the entities present in the natural language specification to mantics of text in λ-calculus. We use identifier to denote the construct the relation, as below. semantic function or constant corresponding to identifier ap- pearing in the sentence. R , ∃x · balance(x) = _balance (3) Consider the statement: It may be noted that ∃x · P = ∃ λx · P. All balances must be greater than zero. Given a logical form L specifying a program invariant4 and an LFPL relation R, we may prove that the program S where, satisfies the invariant by establishing the Hoare triple {I} S {I}, balances = λx· balance(x), a function that returns the bal- where I is the strongest condition that satisfies: ance value, given an account. For the sake of simplicity, in our examples, we restrict our semantic domain (and hence L ∧ R =⇒ I =⇒ 6 R (4) our domain of discourse) to accounts. The condition, I =⇒ 6 R is required to remove the corre- greater than = λx, y· x > y spondance relation from the Hoare logic assertions. In prac- zero = λx· 0, which we may simply write as 0. tice, I should be an assertion on program variables without all = ∀. ∀ is simply a higher-order function constant in any correspondence to logical forms. Presence of the corre- our logic that takes a truth-valued function f and evaluates spondence relation in Hoare logic assertions may cause the to true if f evalutes to true for all values. proof to fail owing to the predicate transformer nature of The semantics of the entire sentence may be composed Hoare logic rules. The Hoare logic rules will transform the from the constituent semantics to get: program variables in the assertions while the variables in the All balances must be greater than zero = logical forms remain unchanged. This results in the LFPL re- lation specifications in the assertions to become inconsistent ∀x · balance(x) > 0 (1) as Hoare logic rules get applied. Please note that, ∀x · P is a short-hand for ∀ λx · P. We The requirement that I is the strongest condition that omit explicit type annotations in the logical forms used in satisfies the above constraint ensures that a weakened form our examples. of the user requirement is not take up for proof. Now, consider the following program fragment that simply Figure 1 visualizes how R relates the invariant specified in increments a variable representing balance: the logical form L to pre-condition P and post-condition Q. The arrow {Q} → S → {P} shows the direction of the proof. _balance := _balance + 1 (2) Program execution and the state transformation occurs in the opposite direction. To avoid name confusion we prefix the names of program Using the Hoare triple in Equation 21 for proving logical variables with underscore (e.g., _balance). form 1 on program 2: Since: 2.1 Invariant declaratives {∀x · balance(x) > 0} ∧ ∃x · balance(x) = _balance (5) In order to prove that the program holds the invariant spec- ified by the logical form in Equation 1, we must relate the variables occuring in the logical form to the variables occur- _balance > 0 (6) ing in the program. We need to prove: We specify the relation between the logical form and pro- gram variables via a formal relation. We call this the logical {_balance > 0} (7) form - program logic relation (LFPL relation). This is similar _balance := _balance + 1 (8) in spirit to the state relations [49] from the refinement theory {_balance > 0} (9) [11] used to prove formal correspondence (forward/backward simulations) between an abstract specification and its con- 4 We consider the invariant to hold true only before and after the crete implementation. program execution, not in the intermediate states. 2
Natural Hoare Logic ,, We can prove this by considering a stronger post-condition {P} _balance > 1 and applying the assignment rule, and then R applying the consequence rule to weaken the post-condition L S to get back the invariant. R′ The LFPL relation simply specifies the formal association between the logical form and the program variables. We may {Q} make a general assertion in natural language and then use the LFPL relation to establish the association. For example, Figure 2: Hoare logic proofs from imperative logical forms. consider the natural language assertion: All values must be greater than zero. Its corresponding logical form may be: R ′ is obtained by replacing the variable x by post(x) in the body of R, assuming the R relation is on a single logical ∀x · valueof (x) > 0 (10) variable x. If there are multiple logical variables, then the In this case, the LFPL relation would specify that the post function must be applied on all of them. program variable _balance is the value of an account, as Given a L which is a logical form of the imperative asser- follows: tion, we may prove that a program S satisfies the specified imperative command, by proving the following: ∃x · valueof (x) = _balance (11) {L ∧ R} S {L ∧ R ′ } (13) 2.2 Imperatives (14) Consider the statement: Increment the balance. This is simpler than that of the invariant because post- This is an imperative sentence, specifying a command to condition and pre-condition use different LFPL relations, R be performed. Semantics of imperatives are much more chal- and R ′ . lenging than that of declarative statements [21]. A common Figure 2 visualizes how LFPL relations R and R ′ are used approach for specifying semantics of imperative sentences is for Hoare logic proofs from imperative logical forms. by introducing modal operators[20, 38]. In this paper, we do For the sentence, increment the balance the Hoare triple not consider imperatives in a general setting, instead restrict to prove becomes: ourselves to considering only those imperative statements We need to prove: that specify operations on program state. {L ∧ ∃x · balance(x) = _balance} (15) As a result, we explicitly model a restricted form of modal- ity as a logical relation between the current state of the world _balance := _balance + 1 (16) (before-state) and the state after the command has been car- {L ∧ ∃x · balance(post(x)) = _balance} (17) ried out (after-state)5 . We define a function post that maps elements to their after-state. Therefore, λx· balance(post(x)) where L = ∀x · balance(post(x)) = balance(x) + 1. gives the balance of an account after the specified command Applying the assignment rule to the post-condition, we get has been carried out. The semantics of ‘increment’ can be the following assertion, from which the pre-condition follows: defined as a higher order function as follows: increment = λf · ∀x · f(post(x)) = f(x) + 1 L ∧ ∃x · balance(post(x)) = _balance + 1 (18) This allows such imperative commands to be composed with the semantics of its objects, enabling compositional se- 2.3 Conditional imperatives mantics, e.g, We consider conditional imperatives where the conditional increment the balance = ∀x · balance(post(x)) = and imperative parts are specified separately. An example of balance(x) + 1 a conditional imperative statement is: Of course we are unable to model general imperative state- ments such as: you may increment the balance. However, we IF: the balance is greater than 0 THEN: increment the believe our approach is useful enough for specifying pre- balance. condition/post-conditions assertions on sequential impera- The proof approach for imperatives may be extended to tive programs. conditional imperatives in a straightforward manner. In addition to the R relation defined previously, we also If E is the logical form of the conditional part and L, then define an R ′ relation as: the proof rule is: {L ∧ R ∧ E} S {L ∧ R ′ } (19) R ′ , ∃x · balance(post(x)) = _balance (12) (20) 5 We may consider this as a modality with two possible worlds repre- sented by the before-state and after-state. The proof rule is visually illustrated in Figure 3. 3
,, Jayaraj Poroor R All balances must be greater than zero L∧E {P} L S ∀x · balance(x) > 0 (25) R′ Consider the domain knowledge that the balance of an {Q} account is its value, which we may express logically as: ∀x · balance(x) = valueof (x) (26) Figure 3: Hoare logic proofs from logical forms of conditional imperatives. We may use this and our previous proof to now infer, that program S satisfies new invariant in Equation 25, without R having to go through the proof again. L {P} In many domains, formalized domain knowledge exists in the form of domain ontologies in languages such as the web L′ S ontology language[33] (which has a logical basis in descrip- R′ tion logics [3]). For instance the ontological assertion that A isa B can be expressed as: {Q} ∀x · A(x) =⇒ B(x) (27) Figure 4: Hoare logic proofs from pre/post-condition logical Bringing such knowledge to aid in our reasoning is likely forms. to be quite beneficial. 2.4 Pre/Post-condition declaratives 2.6 Guarding against semantic parser errors Another form of natural language specification we consider Owing to the variety and ambiguity in natural language sen- is the declarative specification of the pre-condition and post- tences, semantic parsers are probabilistic parsers. The parse condition separately. For instance: (and the resultant logical form) with the highest probabil- IF: the balance is greater than 0 THEN AFTER: balance ity is taken as the selected parse (logical form). This need must be remain non-negative not always be the correct parse. Since we are targeting for- This case is simpler than the imperative specification. The mal verification of programs, we need to guard against these Hoare logic assertion would be: errors. In this section, we consider one practical approach. Given a language of logical forms generated by a semantic parser, we define a function from logical forms to natural {L ∧ R} S {L ′ ∧ R ′ } (21) language, let’s call this function N. We may use this function (22) to paraphrase the user input in the manner understood by the system. Given a natural language sentence S input by a where L′ is the logical form of the post-condition and L user and if its logical form generated by a semantic parser is is the logical form of the pre-condition. S, then we could ask back the user: Figure 4 visualizes how LFPL relations R and R ′ are used for Hoare logic froms for logical forms of pre/post-condition Did you mean: N(S)? assertions. If the answer is yes we proceed, otherwise we could show the N-mappings of other probable logical forms (if available) 2.5 Extending with domain knowledge for user to choose from. User’s selection may also be used In this section we discuss how our reasoning technique can as a form of labelling for retraining the model. If the user is be extended using domain knowledge specified in the form of unable to choose, then the system may prompt the user to logical expressions. For example, consider the sentence and rephrase the specification (perhaps as simpler sentences). its logical form below: Of course it is important for the N-function to generate All values must be greater than zero a consistent and understandable natural language represen- tation. This is usually a simpler problem than the semantic Logical form: parsing itself. Semantic parsing based on synchronous context free gram- ∀x · valueof (x) > 0 (23) mars (SCFG) [48] is especially interesting to address this Using the LFPL relation below, assume that we have al- problem. This approach recasts semantic parsing as a ma- ready established proof for this invariant for some program chine translation problem - that of translating from natural S. language to the language of logical forms. This enables the parsing to be inverted to generate natural language state- ∃x · valueof (x) = _balance (24) ments from logical forms, automically giving us the function Now consider a new sentence and its logical form: N from the learnt grammar. 4
Natural Hoare Logic ,, 3 BRIEF REVIEW OF RELATED FIELDS and low level. A Hoare Logic for Java embedded in the Is- In this section, we briefly review Hoare logics and seman- abelle/HOL theorem prover[37] is given in [46]. A Hoare logic tic parsing since our framework attempts to connect logical for realistic machine code is presented in [36]. forms that are outcomes of semantic parsing with Hoare logic The principle of forward (backward) simulations from the assertions on programs. refinement theory [11] may be used to prove formal corre- spondence between an abstract specification and concrete Hoare logic implementation. This enables us to prove formal properties on the abstract specification using Hoare logic (or equivalent We briefly review the basic Hoare logic rules. The simplest methods) which then carries over to the concrete implemen- rule is the axiom of assignment: tation owing to the simulation proofs. Formal verification of complex programs such as the seL4 microkernel takes this {Q[E/x]} x := E {Q} (28) approach [22]. The notation Q[E/x] stands for the expression obtained af- Mechanization of Hoare logic proofs involve first generat- ter all instances of the variable x occuring in Q is substituted ing verification conditions by a verification condition gener- with expression E. ator (VCG) that apply Hoare logic rules on the annotated The rule for sequential composition can be used to infer code [32]. The verification conditions are then typically me- the pre-condition/post-condition asserts of a program from chanically checked by an automated theorem prover. its sequential components: {P} S1 {Q} {Q} S2 {R} Semantic parsing {P} S1 ; S2 {R} (29) Combinatory categorical grammars (CCGs) [45] is a well studied and powerful method to achieve compositional se- The conditional rule may be applied to reason about if- mantics. CCGs employ a few general purpose combinatory else statements. rules along with a highly lexicalized grammar that maps to- {E ∧ P} S1 {Q} {¬E ∧ P} S2 {Q} kens/phrases to categories. CCG2Lambda [31] is a recent {P} if E then S1 else S2 {Q} (30) work that compositionally maps CCG trees to λ-terms. Compositional semantics can also be achieved by attach- The consequence rules allows us to strengthen the pre- ing logical forms to context-free syntactic parsing rules (usu- condition and weaken the post-condition: ally parsing is done on tokens/phrases tagged with semantic P =⇒ P ′ {P ′ } S {Q ′ } Q ′ =⇒ Q annotations)6 . Whenever a context-free syntactic rule is ap- plied, the attached logical form is composed with the logical {P} S {Q} (31) forms of the constituents to generate a resultant logical form. Reasoning about loops is done using the while loop rule: Semantic parsing based on synchronous context free gram- {I ∧ E} S {I} mars (SCFG) is proposed in [48]. This approach recasts se- mantic parsing as a machine translation problem - that of {I} while E do S {¬E ∧ I} (32) translating from natural language to the language of logical Here I is the loop invariant. One of the primary difficulties forms. This also enables the parsing to be inverted to gener- in automating Hoare logic proofs is the construction of loop ate natural language statements from logical forms. The abil- invariants. In general, the code must be manually annotated ity to invert logical forms to natural language statements is with loop invariants for Hoare logic proofs to go through. especially interesting for the problem being addressed in this The Hoare logic axioms and inference rules provide an ax- paper. This enables us to give a natural language feedback of iomatic semantics for an imperative programming language. what the system has understood regarding the natural lan- Hoare logic rules may be recast as rules for obtaining weak- guage specification made by the domain expert. This acts est pre-conditions from post-condition assertions (or equiv- as a check against any potential errors introduced by the alently, strongest post-conditions from pre-condition asser- semantic parser. tions). The weakest pre-condition or predicate transformer Compositional semantics using dependency-based parse semantics is originally due to Dijskstra [12]. structures is discussed in [27]. More recently, in [41], a compo- In recent years, the basic Hoare logic [1] has been ex- sitional semantics is defined over universal dependency parse tended to support formal verification of complex and real- trees. Here the λ-calculus logical forms capture semantics in world code. 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