Why Did Some Banks Perform Better during the Credit Crisis? A Cross-Country Study of the Impact of Governance and Regulation

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Why Did Some Banks Perform
Better during the Credit Crisis? A
Cross-Country Study of the Impact
  of Governance and Regulation

Finance Working Paper N°. 254/2009   Andrea Beltratti
                         July 2009   Bocconi University

                                     René M. Stulz
                                     The Ohio State University, NBER, and ECGI

                                     © Andrea Beltratti and René M. Stulz 2009. All
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                                     two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit per-
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ECGI Working Paper Series in Finance

   Why Did Some Banks Perform Better during
   the Credit Crisis? A Cross-Country Study of
    the Impact of Governance and Regulation
                                   Working Paper N°. 254/2009
                                             July 2009

                                      Andrea Beltratti
                                      René M. Stulz

We thank Mike Anderson, Jérôme Taillard, Xiaoyu Xie, and, especially, Marianna Caccavaio for
research assistance.

© Andrea Beltratti and René M. Stulz 2009. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed
two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including ©
notice, is given to the source.
Though overall bank performance from July 2007 to December 2008 was the worst
since at least the Great Depression, there is significant variation in the cross-section of
stock returns of large banks across the world during that period. We use this variation
to evaluate the importance of factors that have been discussed as having contributed to
the poor performance of banks during the credit crisis. More specifically, we investigate
whether bank performance is related to bank-level governance, country-level governance,
country-level regulation, and bank balance sheet and profitability characteristics before
the crisis. Banks that the market favored in 2006 had especially poor returns during the
crisis. Using conventional indicators of good governance, banks with more shareholder-
friendly boards performed worse during the crisis. Banks in countries with stricter capital
requirement regulations and with more independent supervisors performed better. Though
banks in countries with more powerful supervisors had worse stock returns, we provide
some evidence that this may be because these supervisors required banks to raise more
capital during the crisis and that doing so was costly for shareholders. Large banks with
more Tier 1 capital and more deposit financing at the end of 2006 had significantly higher
returns during the crisis. After accounting for country fixed effects, banks with more
loans and more liquid assets performed better during the month following the Lehman
bankruptcy, and so did banks from countries with stronger capital supervision and more
restrictions on bank activities.

Keywords: Banking Financial Institutions, Corporate Finance, Capital Structure and
Payout Policies, Coporate Finanace, Governance, Corporate Control and Corganization,
Risk Management, International Finance, Monetary Economics, Corporate law, law and
Finance, Regulation of financial institutions

JEL Classifications: G1, G15, G18, G21, G32, G34

             Andrea Beltratti
             Bocconi University
             Department of Finance
             Via Roentgen 2, 20100, Milan
             e-mail: andrea.beltratti@unibocconi.it

             René M. Stulz*
             Ohio State University - Department of Finance
             2100 Neil Avenue
             Columbus, OH 43210-1144
             United States
             e-mail: stulz@cob.ohio-state.edu

             *Corresponding Author
1. Introduction

    Throughout the world, many large banks have seen most of their equity destroyed by the crisis that

started in the U.S. subprime sector in 2007 and governments have had to infuse capital in banks in many

countries to prevent outright failure. Was the poor performance of the banks the outcome of a financial

Tsunami that hit them unexpectedly, or were some banks more predisposed to experience large losses?

Many observers have argued that ineffective regulation contributed or even caused the collapse. If that is

the case, we would expect differences in the regulation of financial institutions across countries to be

helpful in explaining the performance of banks during the credit crisis. Other observers have criticized the

governance of banks and suggested that better governance would have led to better performance during

the crisis. Finally, it could be that banks were affected differentially simply because they had different

balance sheets and profitability before the crisis for reasons unrelated to governance and regulation and

that these characteristics affected their vulnerability to large adverse shocks. In this paper, we investigate

these possible determinants of bank performance, measured by stock returns, during the crisis for a

sample of large banks, i.e., banks with assets in excess of $50 billion at the end of 2006, across the world.

Our sample includes 98 banks. Of these, 19 are U.S. banks.

    One striking result is that banks with the highest returns in 2006 had the worst returns during the

crisis. More specifically, the banks in the worst quartile of performance during the crisis had an average

return of -87.44% during the crisis but an average return of 33.07% in 2006. In contrast, the best-

performing banks during the crisis had an average return of -16.58% but they had an average return of

7.80% in 2006. This evidence is most consistent with the Tsunami explanation for the crisis: the attributes

that the market valued in 2006, for instance, a successful securitization line of business, exposed banks to

risks that led them to perform poorly when the crisis hit. The market did not expect these attributes to be a

source of weakness for banks and did not expect the banks with these attributes to perform poorly as of


    An OECD report argues that “the financial crisis can be to an important extent attributed to failures

and weaknesses in corporate governance arrangements” (Kirkpatrick (2008)). We find no evidence

supportive of such a statement in our data. There is no evidence that banks with better governance, when

governance is measured with data used in the well-known Corporate Governance Quotient (CGQ score)

perform better during the crisis. Strikingly, banks with more pro-shareholder boards performed worse

during the crisis. Such a result does not mean that good governance is bad. Rather, it is consistent with the

view that banks that were pushed by their boards to maximize shareholder wealth before the crisis took

risks that were understood to create shareholder wealth, but were costly ex post because of outcomes that

were not expected when the risks were taken. Our result is consistent with the result of Adams (2009) that

in the U.S. banks that received TARP funds had more independent boards. Bank balance sheets and bank

profitability in 2006 are more important determinants of bank performance during the crisis than bank

governance and bank regulation. Banks that had a higher Tier 1 capital ratio in 2006 and more deposits

generally performed better during the crisis. As a result, the positioning of banks as of the end of 2006 is

more important than governance and/or regulation in explaining the performance of banks during the next

two years. Another way to explain our results is that banks were differentially exposed to various risks by

the end of 2006. Some exposures that were rewarded by the markets in 2006 turned out to be

unexpectedly costly for banks the following two years. Overall, the explanatory power of regulatory

variables is small compared to the explanatory power of bank-level variables.

    To test the bank-level governance hypothesis, we use data from the CGQ score and a proxy for the

existence of a controlling shareholder. We require banks in our sample to have a CGQ index for 2006. We

use the governance attributes of the CGQ score in the same way as Doidge, Karolyi, and Stulz (2007) and

Aggarwal, Erel, Stulz, and Williamson (2009), namely we create subindices that capture key elements of

governance rather than use the CGQ score directly. The subindices are for board attributes, audit function

attributes, compensation policy attributes, and takeover restrictions. With all subindices, more pro-

shareholder governance implies a higher value of the index. We find no consistent evidence that better

governance led to better performance during the crisis, but we find strong evidence that banks with more

shareholder-friendly boards performed worse. We also use a measure of insider ownership as a proxy for

governance. This measure is never related to performance in our regressions. Country governance,

measured using the comprehensive index of Kaufman, Kray, and Mastruzzi (2008), is also not related to

bank performance. Finally, shareholder protection as measured by the anti-director index first introduced

in La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer, and Vishny (1998) is not consistently related to performance, but

when it has a significant coefficient, the coefficient is positive. Though studies of corporate governance

are generally plagued by concerns about endogeneity, such concerns do not seem to be relevant for our

study. It does not seem plausible that banks’ anticipation of how they would be affected by the events of

2007-2008 somehow influenced their choice of governance mechanisms before 2007.

    We use the database on bank regulation developed in Barth, Caprio, and Levine (2001, 2004) to

examine the hypothesis that stricter regulation prevented bank losses during the crisis. We use indicators

for the power of the regulators, oversight of bank capital, restrictions on bank activities, and the

independence of the supervisory authority. When we compare the banks in the top quartile of return

performance to those in the bottom quartile, the better performing banks have more restrictions on their

activities, stronger oversight of bank capital, and a more independent supervisory authority. In multiple

regressions, we generally find that a stronger supervisory authority has a negative impact on performance

during the crisis and stronger bank capital oversight is associated with better performance. We interpret

the negative coefficient on the strength of the supervisory authority as follows. If stronger supervisory

authorities would have been more effective at preventing banks from taking risks before the crisis, we

would expect a positive coefficient on that variable. A possible explanation for this negative coefficient is

that once the crisis was ongoing, stronger regulators took more measures that were costly to shareholders

to assure the survival of banks.

    When a financial crisis occurs, we would expect banks with more capital and more stable financing to

perform better. We find that this is the case. Banks with more Tier I capital in 2006 had higher returns

during the crisis. Further, banks that rely more on deposits in their financing also had higher returns.

There is some evidence that larger banks performed worse. In contrast, however, the coefficients on

measures of leverage other than Tier I, such as the ratios of equity to assets and tangible equity to

liabilities, are not significant when we limit the sample to large banks. These latter ratios perform better in

terms of significance than the Tier 1 ratio in a sample that includes banks with assets in excess of $10

billion, in contrast to our main sample that includes only banks with assets in excess of $50 billion.

    The results we have described so far concern the performance of banks from the middle of 2007 to

the end of 2008. The month following the bankruptcy of Lehman is widely regarded as a month where

contagion was dominant. Contagion is usually taken to mean comovement that cannot be explained by

fundamentals. It is therefore important to investigate whether the bank characteristics we focus on can

help understand the performance of banks during that month. With contagion, we would expect bank-

level variables and regulatory variables to have no explanatory power for that period. In multiple

regressions, banks with more shareholder friendly boards performed worse in the month after Lehman.

There is some evidence that banks with more loans to assets and with more liquid assets performed better.

Banks from jurisdictions with strong capital supervision and more restrictions on bank activities had

higher returns during that month. Our evidence suggests that the market discriminated across banks to

some extent during the month following Lehman. The explanatory power of our bank governance,

balance sheet, performance, and regulatory variables drops in half during the month following Lehman

compared to the period from July 2007 to the end of December 2008.

    The paper proceeds as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the data we use. In Section 3, we examine

how the performance of banks during the crisis relates to governance, regulation, balance sheet

composition, and profitability before the crisis. In Section 4, we investigate whether the contagion that

followed the collapse of Lehman affected banks differently depending on their attributes. In Section 5, we

examine the robustness of our results. We conclude in Section 6.

2. Data

    To select the sample, we start from the financial institutions in Bankscope with assets in excess of

$10 billion in 2006. There are 1,245 institutions in Bankscope that satisfy this criterion. We then

eliminate the financial institutions that are not included in the Riskmetrics database, which we use for

bank-level governance data. We are left with 231 institutions. This sample includes a wide variety of

financial institutions: banks, holding companies, investment banks, brokers. Importantly, the sample

includes all financial institutions that merged or went bankrupt during the financial crisis. We use

Datastream for stock returns (including dividends). Eleven institutions are dropped for various reasons:

data errors (one), delisting before July 2007 (six), avoid duplication between the banking group and the

financial group when both are publicly traded (two), mergers (two).1 We are therefore left with a slightly

smaller sample of 220 institutions.

    From the sample of 220 institutions, we form a sample of 98 institutions that includes only

institutions   that   can    be    reasonably     called   large    deposit-taking     banks.    Except    for

Section 5, we focus on large banks in this paper. A financial institution is included in the sample of 98

large banks if it has a loan/asset ratio above 10%, a deposit/asset ratio above 20%, total assets in excess of

$50 billion at the end of 2006 and reports information on its Tier 1 capital ratio. These banks come from

20 countries. Univariate statistics for the data discussed in this section are reported in Table 1. We

winsorize the explanatory variables at the 1% and 99% level. In this section, we describe the data as well

as the performance measures we use.

2.a. Bank returns

    Our bank performance measure is buy-and-hold dollar returns. Our main focus is on returns from the

middle of 2007 to the end of 2008. We call this period the crisis period. The start of the period seems

uncontroversial. The end of the period is partly dictated by data availability. Banks performed poorly

during the first quarter of 2009 as well, but one could argue that the returns of banks during that period

were heavily influenced by uncertainty about resolution mechanisms and the possibility of nationalization.

Not surprisingly, the average buy-and-hold dollar return in our sample is extremely poor at -54.43%.

However, the standard deviation of 28.55% is surprisingly high. The banks in the sample also performed

 Our sample includes banks that merged during the crisis. We excluded banks with mergers close to completion on
July 1, 2007.

extremely poorly in the month that followed the bankruptcy of Lehman as they lost on average 28.81%,

but again there is a surprisingly large standard deviation of 17.57%.

2.b. Bank balance sheet and income characteristics

    We investigate the hypothesis that characteristics of bank balance sheets and income statements

before the start of the crisis help explain the performance of banks during the crisis. We obtain these data

from Bankscope for 2006. Our choice of variables is largely dictated by data availability. For instance, it

would be useful to have measures of the exposure of banks to subprime loans, but such data is not

available from Bankscope – or, for that matter, any public source. Similarly, banks’ exposure to SIVs

played an important role in the crisis (see Acharya and Schnabl (2009)), but we have no data for this


    We use three different variables to capture the capital ratios of banks:

        a. Tier 1, defined as the ratio of tier 1 capital to total risk-weighted assets;

        b. Equity, defined as the ratio of total equity to total assets;

        c. Tangible equity, defined as the ratio of tangible equity to total liabilities. When we do not

            have data for intangible assets, we use total equity in the numerator.

The first is a regulatory capital ratio whereas the other two are ratios that capital markets focus on (see the

arguments in Acharya, Gujral, and Shin (2009)). Everything else equal, we would expect banks’

performance during the crisis to be positively related to capital ratios before the crisis since a bank with

more capital would have more of a cushion to absorb adverse shocks and hence would experience less

financial distress. To capture the composition of the liabilities we use Deposit, which is defined as the

ratio of deposits to assets. Deposit financing is generally more sticky, so that a bank with more deposits

will have more stable financing compared to one that relies more on money markets for its financing,

especially when the money markets work poorly. We would therefore expect that banks with more

deposit financing would have performed better. We also use Money Market defined as the ratio of money

market funding to assets as the withdrawal of short-term money market funding played an important role

in the credit crisis (see, for instance, Brunnermeier (2009)).

       We use two variables to characterize the asset side of the banks. First, we use Loans defined as the

ratio of loans to total assets. Banks where Loans is higher would be banks with a smaller portfolio of

securities. Presumably, these banks would also have fewer assets marked to market. We would expect

such banks to have performed better because their regulatory capital would have been less endangered by

the increase in credit spreads that reduced security values – though these banks would have had to

increase their loss reserves on their loans. We also use Liquidity which we define as the ratio of liquid

assets to total assets. Everything else equal, we would expect banks with more liquid assets to be in a

better position to reduce their balance sheet and to cope with financing difficulties. We also report a

measure of profitability, Profit, defined as pre-tax profits divided by assets, but do not use it in

regressions as it is available for only a subset of firms for 2008 and as it is sensitive to differences in

accounting standards on how securities and derivatives are marked to market. Not surprisingly,

profitability falls sharply from 2006 to 2008.

2.c. Regulation

       The regulation hypothesis for the performance of banks during the crisis is that lax regulation led

banks to take risks that they would not have taken with tighter regulation. With this hypothesis, we would

expect stricter regulation to be associated with better bank performance during the crisis. To test this

hypothesis, we use the indices of Caprio, Laeven and Levine (2007).2 These indices are as follows:

           a)     Official, an index of the power of the commercial bank supervisory agency, includings

                  elements like the rights of the supervisor to meet with and demand information from

                  auditors, to force a bank to change the internal organizational structure, to supersede the

                  rights of shareholders, and to intervene in a bank;

    These indices are also discussed in Barth, Caprio, and Levine (2001, 2004).

b)     Capital, an index of regulatory oversight of bank capital, Capital, including indicators for

               whether the sources of funds that count as regulatory capital can include assets other than

               cash and government securities, and whether authorities verify the source of capital;

        c)     Restrict, an index of regulatory restrictions on the activities of banks, consisting, for

               example, of limitations in the ability of banks to engage in securities market activities,

               insurance activities, real estate activities, and to own nonfinancial firms;

        d)     Independence, an index of the independence of the supervisory authority, measuring the

               degree to which the supervisory authority is independent from the rest of the government

               and the degree to which the supervisory authority is shielded from lawsuits by banks and

               other parties.

Perhaps not surprisingly given our data requirements, the banks in our sample have on average stronger

regulation indices than the average bank in studies that cover more countries such as Caprio et al. (2007).

2.d. Country-level governance

    There is now considerable evidence showing that country-level governance variables are important

determinants of firm policies and valuations as well as of financial development. Empirical work shows

that risk-taking is affected by shareholder rights as well as by a country’s institutions, such as the

institutions protecting property rights (see, for instance, John, Litov, and Yeung (2008)). At the level of a

bank, we would expect that banks in countries with better institutions would be more likely to take

decisions that maximize shareholder wealth. If bank executives took bad risks because they were not

sufficiently focused on the interests of shareholders, we would expect banks to perform better during the

crisis in countries with more protection of shareholder rights and stronger institutions. However, private

benefits of control are higher in countries with poor shareholder rights and poor institutions. It could be

that executives took fewer risks in such countries to protect their own interests. Hence, banks from these

countries could perform better because executives paid less attention to maximizing shareholder wealth.

As proxies for country-level governance, we use the country-level indicators of Kaufman, Kray, and

Mastruzzi (2008). These indicators are obtained from combining several hundred individual variables

measuring political stability, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, enforcement of the rule of law,

corruption, and the extent to which a country’s citizens are able to participate in selecting their

government. We follow Kaufman et al. (1999) and consider the mean of the six variables for each country.

We call this index Institutions and a higher value of the index indicates better institutions. We measure

shareholder protection using Anti-director, which is the anti-director index of La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes,

Shleifer, and Vishny (1998) as revised in Djankov, La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, and Shleifer (2008). The

anti-director index takes values from 0 to 5. A higher value means better shareholder rights. Our sample’s

lowest value is 2.

2.e. Bank-level governance

    The bank governance hypothesis predicts that banks with better governance should have had higher

returns during the crisis. Better governance could have acted through two channels. Many observers have

argued that traders and executives of banks had incentives to take risks that were not in the best interests

of shareholders. If these observers are right, we would expect banks with better governance to have set

incentives and controls in such a way that in these banks traders and executives would have been more

likely to avoid taking risks that did not benefit shareholders. Hence, these banks should have performed

better during the crisis because their exposure to the risks that manifested themselves during the crisis

would have been lower. Though this type of argument has been advanced by many observers, it is

worthwhile to note that it does not follow from finance theory that poor governance necessarily leads to

more risk-taking. Following Merton (1977), there is a considerable literature making the case that greater

risk-taking can be in the interests of shareholders in the presence of deposit insurance. Further, there is

empirical evidence showing that poor governance can lead executives to take fewer risks to protect their

private benefits from control (see, for instance, John, Litov and Yeung (2008)). This paper would predict

that banks with better governance would take more risks, which would have led to poor performance

during the crisis if the risks taken before the crisis had unexpected bad outcomes. The second channel

through which governance could have affected performance is that once the crisis affected banks

adversely, banks with better governance might have been better at coping with the crisis effectively

because they made better decisions (see Graham and Narasimhan (2004) for a similar perspective on how

firms weathered the Great Depression). With this channel, banks with better governance would have

made wiser decisions during the crisis and hence they would have had better returns.

      Recent cross-country research emphasizes the importance of the nature of ownership for bank

performance and risk-taking. Most relevant for our study, Laeven and Levine (2008) consider the

potential conflicts between managers and owners and analyze the relations between risk taking by banks,

their ownership structures, and bank regulations. They find that bank risk is generally higher in banks

that have controlling shareholders with large stakes. However, they show that this effect is mitigated by

the presence of strong shareholder protection laws. They conclude further that the impact of regulation on

bank risk depends on whether the bank has a large controlling shareholder. Specifically, stricter regulation

decreases bank risk when a bank is widely held but increases it when it has a large controlling shareholder.

      To proxy for the nature of ownership, we use an indicator variable from Bankscope which takes value

one if there is no shareholder who controls directly or indirectly more than 25% of the shares. We call

this indicator variable ownership. Admittedly, Bankscope’s threshold of ownership is higher than is

typically used to denote widely-held ownership.3 The high threshold helps explain why the frequency of

widely-held banks is a high 80% in our sample. Another contributing factor to the high frequency of

widely-held banks may be that we are considering the largest banks and our data is more recent than the

data used in other studies.4

      We also use components of the CGQ score for 2006. ISS started providing the Corporate Governance

Quotient (CGQ) for U.S. companies in 2002 and for international companies in 2003. The CGQ scores

are now produced by Riskmetrics. The CGQ rankings are a relative measure of a firm’s investment in

    For instance, La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, and Shleifer (1999) consider thresholds of 10% and 20%.
    See, for instance, Caprio, Laeven, and Levine (2007).

internal governance – that is, its adoption of governance attributes that increase the power of minority

shareholders – and indicate the firm’s investment in governance relative to firms in its industry or within

an index in which the firm is included. To compute these indices, Riskmetrics collects information on

governance attributes for a large number of U.S. and foreign companies. We use that information to

construct governance subindices. How a firm fares for each attribute is determined by an examination of

the firm’s regulatory filings, annual reports, and its website. Firms do not pay to get rated but can access

their ratings and check for accuracy. Firms can change their ratings only by making and publicly

disclosing changes to their governance structure. For each attribute, Riskmetrics evaluates whether a firm

meets a threshold level of implementation of the attribute and considers the firm to have that attribute if it

meets the threshold. The advantages of using the Riskmetrics data are that it evaluates firms consistently

across countries, that it is publicly available, and that it has been used in empirical work showing that the

governance attributes it measures are related to firm value (see, for instance, Aggarwal, Erel, Stulz, and

Williamson (2009)). Though governance indices are widely used in empirical research, such use has both

strengths and weaknesses. In particular, theoretical work shows that a governance attribute can be

valuable for one firm but also can destroy wealth in another firm, so that on theoretical grounds there is

no necessary relation between governance indices and firm value. 5 The literature has also questioned

whether governance indices measure the right governance attributes. A further difficulty is that, as noted

by Adams and Mehran (2003) for the U.S., regulation typically affects governance more for financial

institutions than it does for other firms. In this paper, our ambition in using the governance attributes of

the CGQ rankings is limited. These rankings evaluate firms according to a number of criteria that are

considered to be important by governance observers in the U.S. and we investigate whether these

attributes are related to bank performance during the crisis.

      Following Aggarwal, Erel, Stulz, and Williamson (2009), we select 44 attributes that are available for

U.S. firms as well as for foreign firms. These attributes cover four broad subcategories: (1) Board (25

attributes), (2) Audit (three attributes), (3) Takeover (six attributes), and (4) Compensation (10 attributes).

    See, for instance, Coles, Naveen, and Naveen (2008).

Board attributes attempt to capture the aspects of the functioning of the board of directors that relate to

board independence, composition of committees, size, transparency, and how work is conducted; Audit

includes questions regarding the independence of the audit committee and the role of auditors; Takeover

includes provisions from the firm’s charter and bylaws concerning the existence of a dual-class structure,

the role of shareholders, and the existence of a poison pill and blank check preferred; and Compensation

deals with executive and director compensation issues related to options, stock ownership and loans, and

how they are determined and monitored. We average the scores for each attribute within a group to obtain

an index for that group for each firm. A higher value of an index means that the firm’s governance is

more favorable to the interests of shareholders for that index. As can be seen in Table 1, there is a wide

range of values for each of the indices. The range is narrower within countries. However, it is interesting

to note that there is substantial variation in the board index within the U.S. as well. The standard deviation

of the index within the U.S. for the banks in our sample is roughly half its standard deviation across all


    Table 1 shows that the banks in our sample differ substantially with respect to the characteristics we

measure. Interestingly, all the banks meet the Basel I Tier 1 requirement at the end of 2006 since the

lowest Tier 1 ratio is 5.79%. However, the ratio of equity to total assets is quite low for some banks as its

minimum is 1.85%. Similarly, the ratio of tangible equity to liabilities has low values as well since its

minimum is 1.49%. All these capitalization variables have wide ranges. For instance, for Tier 1, the range

is from 5.79% to 14.03%. Our other bank characteristics have wide ranges as well. For instance, the range

of Deposits is from 28.49% to 90.99%. There is much variation in the governance and regulatory

variables as well.

3. Determinants of bank performance during the crisis

    In this section, we first compare the characteristics of the banks that had the worst return performance

(bottom quartile) and had the best return performance (top quartile) during the crisis. We then estimate

multiple regressions to investigate the determinants of performance.

3.a. Characteristics of worst and best performing banks

    Table 2 divides the sample into the top and bottom quartiles of return performance from the middle of

2007 to the end of 2008. By construction, the difference in average returns between these two groups is

extremely large. The bottom-performing quartile banks had an average return over that period of -

87.44%; in contrast, the top-performing banks had an average return of -16.58%. Strikingly, however, the

banks that performed poorly during the crisis had extremely high returns in 2006 as their average return

was 33.07%. In contrast, the banks that performed better during the crisis had a much lower average

return of 7.80% in 2006.

    The worst-performing banks are larger banks. We see that the best-performing banks had

significantly lower leverage at the end of 2006. Interestingly, the difference in capital ratios is higher for

the equity capital ratio than for the Tier 1 capital ratio. The best-performing banks have a Tier 1 ratio that

is 98 basis points higher than the worst-performing banks. However, they have a ratio of equity to assets

that is higher by 176 basis points. A similar result holds for the ratio of tangible equity to liabilities.

Consequently, the banks that performed better had more capital but also better capital – in the sense of

more equity.

    The better-performing banks are more traditional banks. There is an extremely large difference in the

ratio of deposits to assets between the best-performing and the worst-performing banks. At the end of

2006, the average deposits to assets ratio was 72.65% for the best-performing banks and 52.69% for the

worst-performing ones. Neither the ratio of loans to assets nor the ratio of liquid assets to total assets was

significantly different between the two groups of banks. Money market funding was not more important

for the banks that perform poorly. There was no difference in the profitability of banks in 2006.

Obviously, there were large differences in 2007 and 2008.

    We now consider the regulation and country-level governance variables. The first variable measures

the power of the supervisors. There is no difference in that variable between best-performing and worst-

performing banks. However, the banks that performed better come from countries with stronger oversight

of bank capital, more restrictions on bank activities, and greater independence of regulators. Banks that

performed better also come from countries with worse governance. The anti-director index does not differ

between the best-performing banks and the worst-performing banks.

    Finally, we turn now to differences in governance. There is no difference in the proportion of banks

with concentrated ownership between the best performing banks and the worst performing banks. With

the indices we use, a higher value of an index means that, everything else equal, the bank has more

shareholder-friendly governance as evaluated by Riskmetrics. The first index is the index of board

attributes. Strikingly, the banks with the worst performance have an index with a much higher value than

the banks with the best performance. The difference between the two means is statistically significant at

the 1% level. Consequently, better-performing banks had a much less shareholder-friendly board than the

worse-performing banks. There is no significant difference for the other indices.

3.b. Multiple regressions

    The comparisons made in section 3.a. show that the banks that performed the worst during the crisis

had on average, in 2006, better returns, more leverage, less deposits, more shareholder-oriented boards,

and came from countries with better governance, weaker oversight of capital, fewer restrictions on bank

activities and more independent supervisors. The problem with these comparisons is that many of these

bank characteristics are correlated. Further, they might be correlated with unobserved country

characteristics. In this section, we therefore estimate multiple regressions to evaluate the relation between

bank characteristics and bank performance. In some of these regressions, we control for country fixed

effects. We cannot control for country fixed effects in all regressions because of multicollinearity when

we use our regulatory variables. We therefore estimate regressions without the regulatory variables but

with country fixed effects and regressions with regulatory variables but not with country fixed effects. In

estimating the significance of the regression coefficients, we allow for clustering at the country level.

    Regression (1) of Table 3 estimates the relation between bank performance and bank-level

governance variables and uses country fixed effects. The board index has a negative coefficient

significant at the 1% level and the takeover index has a positive coefficient significant at the 10% level.

However, the latter index is never significant in the other regressions. The economic significance of the

coefficient on the board index is substantial. The firms in the bottom quartile of performance have an

average board index of 13.80 and the firms in the top quartile of performance have an average board

index of 10.84. A one point increase in the board index is associated with a decrease in returns of 5.04

percentage points. We explained earlier that we would find such a result if banks with more pro-

shareholder boards took more risks that unexpectedly performed poorly. A concern, however, is that

banks with more pro-shareholder boards could have performed more poorly because these boards forced

management to disclose bad news. However, such an explanation seems to make it difficult to understand

why, as we show in the next section, the coefficient on the board index is negative in the month following

Lehman’s bankruptcy as well. We would expect that more transparent banks would have suffered less

during that month for given risk exposures, so that the poor performance of banks with more pro-

shareholder boards seems more likely to result from the risk exposures of those banks.

    We now turn to balance sheet and income statement characteristics of banks. In Regression (2), we

use bank characteristics and country fixed effects as independent variables. The regression uses the Tier 1

capital ratio as the proxy for regulatory capital. We find that there is a significant positive relation

between bank performance and Tier 1 capital. A one standard deviation increase in the Tier 1 capital ratio

controlling for country fixed-effects improves performance during the crisis by 14.71%. Banks with

higher returns in 2006 performed worse during the crisis. No other variable has a significant coefficient.

    In regression (3), we combine regressions (1) and (2). The board index, the Tier 1 capital ratio, and

the 2006 return are still significant and their coefficients are similar to their coefficients in the previous

regressions. The takeover index is not significant in regression (3). However, the ratio of deposits to

assets has a significant positive coefficient at the 5% level and size has a negative coefficient significant

at the 10% level.

    Regressions (4) and (5) use the regulatory variables. In regression (4), we regress bank returns on the

regulatory indices, the country-level governance index, the anti-director index, and GDP per capita. Bank

returns during the crisis were positively related to the index of capital supervision. Except for the anti-

director index, which has a positive coefficient, no other variable is significant in regression (4).

    Finally, in regression (5), we add to regression (4) the bank-level governance variables as well as the

bank financial characteristics. In contrast to regression (3), neither bank size nor deposits are significant.

However, the board index has a significant negative coefficient and the Tier 1 capital ratio has a positive

significant coefficient. Further, as in regression (4), the index of capital oversight is positive and

significant. In addition, the index of powers of supervisors has a negative significant coefficient. The

country governance variables are not significant.

    A striking result from Table 3 is the extent to which governance and bank characteristics are helpful

in explaining the cross-sectional variation in bank returns during the crisis compared to regulatory

characteristics. Though we do not report that regression, the adjusted R-squared of a regression with only

country fixed-effects is 0.187. The adjusted R-squared of the regression using bank-level governance

variables and bank balance-sheet and performance characteristics is 0.515, so that these bank-level

characteristics increase the adjusted R-squared by 0.328. In contrast, the adjusted R-squared of the

regression with only regulatory variables is 0.093. The adjusted R-squared of the regression with only

regulatory variables surely overstates the impact of regulation since the regulatory variables are likely to

be correlated with country characteristics not controlled for. This evidence suggests that bank-level

variables are much more important in understanding the performance of large banks during the credit

crisis than the regulation they were subjected to.

    To better understand the role of the governance and regulatory variables, we estimated regressions

using information available from Bloomberg on writedowns and capital raising for 41 banks in our

sample from 11 countries. Because of the small sample, the information from these regressions is limited,

but it is nevertheless interesting. We first regressed the ratio of writedowns to assets on the board index,

Tier 1 capital ratio, the log of assets, the power of the supervisor, the index of capital supervision, the

institution index, and the anti-director index. We find that the writedown ratio is positively related to the

board index and to the powers of the supervisor, and negatively related to the Tier 1 capital ratio and the

strength of capital supervision. This regression supports our interpretation that banks with a more

shareholder-friendly board took more risks. We then estimate the same regression for capital raising, but

now we add the ratio of writedowns to assets as an explanatory variable. In that regression, the board

index is not significant. However, the index of the power of the supervisor has a positive significant

coefficient at the 5% level. This regression is consistent with the hypothesis that more powerful

supervisors required banks to raise more funds for a given amount of writeoffs. Of course, these

regressions have to be interpreted with caution because of the small sample, of selection problems, and of

potential endogeneity issues.

4. The performance of banks following the Lehman bankruptcy

    The Lehman bankruptcy was followed by what has generally been characterized as a period of panic

and contagion in the markets. There is controversy about that period. For instance, Taylor (2009) argues

that the dramatic events in the capital markets over the weeks after the Lehman bankruptcy filing were

not triggered by the bankruptcy filing but instead by the actions of policymakers. More specifically, using

an event study, he claims that the adverse movements in the markets followed the meeting of Fed

Chairman Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Paulson with Congressional leaders and the announcement of

TARP. During the month starting on the market close immediately before the bankruptcy filing (the

Lehman bankruptcy month), the average return of the banks in our sample is -28.81%. If this dramatic

destruction of shareholder wealth was the result of indiscriminate panic and contagion, the variables we

have focused on so far should not be helpful in understanding the cross-sectional variation in bank returns

during that month. In this section, we investigate whether the performance of banks during the Lehman

bankruptcy month is related to the characteristics used in Section 3.

    In Table 4, we divide banks in the Lehman bankruptcy month into return quartiles and compare bank

characteristics between the worst and best performing banks, similarly to the analysis conducted in Table

2. We find that banks with the worst performance had lower Tier 1 capital and a lower deposit-to-asset

ratio before the crisis. None of the other bank characteristics differ between the best-performing and

worst-performing banks at the 10% level. There are no significant differences in governance between the

best and worst performing banks even though the board index is close to being significant at the 10%

level. However, the best-performing banks come from countries with more powerful supervisors, more

restrictions on bank activities, and stricter capital oversight.

    We also estimate multiple regressions for the Lehman bankruptcy month as we did for the whole

crisis period. These multiple regressions are presented in Table 5. The board index has a significant

negative coefficient in all regressions. The takeover index has a positive significant coefficient in the first

regression, but not in the other ones. In regression (2), banks that performed better have a higher ratio of

loans to assets and a higher ratio of liquid assets to assets, but the Tier 1 ratio is not related to

performance. In regression (3), we use both bank-level governance variables and balance sheet and

performance characteristics. No bank balance sheet or performance characteristic is significant in that

regression. In regression (4), we use only the regulatory variables. The index of capital supervision has a

positive significant coefficient and no other regulatory variable has a significant coefficient. We also

include the anti-director index which has a positive significant coefficient in that regression at the 1%


    Regression (5) controls for all the bank-level and regulatory characteristics we are interested in, but it

does not use country fixed-effects. In that regression, the board index has a significant negative

coefficient. The loan to assets and the liquid assets to assets ratios have positive significant coefficients,

but again the Tier 1 ratio is not significant. The indices of capital supervision and of restrictions of bank

activities have significant positive coefficients. The coefficient on the anti-director index is significantly

positive as well.

    The evidence in regression (5) suggests that the market distinguished between banks following the

bankruptcy of Lehman to some extent. However, regression (5) in Table 5 does not explain as much of

the cross-sectional variation in returns as the comparable regression in Table 3. A concern with these

regressions is that the regulatory variables could proxy for country characteristics. In general, fixed-

effects could alleviate that concern, but in regression (5) such an approach cannot be used because of

multicollinearity. When we use country-fixed effects without the regulatory variables, none of the bank

balance sheet and performance characteristics are significant.

5. Robustness checks

    We now turn to an exploration of the robustness of our results. We focus on regression (5) in Table 3

since that regression includes all the variables we are interested in. We first estimate the same regression

but with different capital ratios. The estimates are provided in Table 6. Regression (1) uses the ratio of

equity to total assets. With that regression, the coefficient on the ratio of equity to assets is positive and

close to being significant at 10%. The other coefficients are similar to those in regression (5) of Table 3.

When we estimate regression (5) of Table 3 with the ratio of tangible equity to liabilities instead of the

Tier 1 ratio, the coefficient on the ratio is positive and insignificant. The log of assets is significantly

negative. As in all other regressions, the board index has a significant negative coefficient.

    The last three regressions of Table 6 estimate regression (3) on a larger sample. The larger sample

differs from the sample used so far because we allow banks to be included if they have assets in excess of

$10 billion instead of in excess of $50 billion. As in all regressions, the board index has a significant

negative coefficient. The ratio of equity to assets and the ratio of tangible assets to liabilities have positive

significant coefficients, but the coefficient on the Tier 1 capital ratio is not significant. The coefficient on

liquid assets is positive and significant in each regression, but the 2006 return is not significant in these

regressions. The log of assets has a negative significant coefficient in all the regressions. The regulation

variables are usually not significant in this sample. It seems from these regressions that the Tier 1 ratio is

more relevant for the large banks, whereas the other ratios are more relevant for the smaller banks.

    We performed additional robustness tests that we do not report in a table. First, we added a country’s

stock market index return net of the banking index return. The results are generally consistent with the

results we report in the tables when we do not include fixed-effects, though in some regressions more

regulatory variables have positive significant coefficients. The concern about these regressions is that the

banks in our sample are generally in the bank index. Second, we re-estimated our regressions without

three countries that have each only one bank in the sample. Again, the results are generally consistent

with the regressions we reproduce in the tables – though in one regression using the larger sample the

board index is no longer significant. Finally, we estimate the regressions using robust standard errors

instead of clustering. The only major change resulting from using these estimates is that Tier 1 has a

positive significant coefficient in the regressions of Table 5.

6. Conclusion.

    In this paper, we investigate the determinants of large bank stock return performance across the world

during the period from the beginning of July 2007 to the end of December 2008. This period corresponds

to the greatest destruction of bank wealth since the Great Depression. We find that banks with more

shareholder-friendly boards performed worse during that period. In contrast, banks with more Tier 1

capital, more deposits, and more loans performed better. Banks from countries with stronger capital

supervision had higher returns as well. Banks from countries with stronger regulators had worse

performance, but this might result from greater intervention by these regulators during the crisis at the

expense of shareholders. In particular, using a smaller sample, we find that banks in countries with more

powerful regulators raised more capital for a given amount of writedowns. During the month following

the bankruptcy of Lehman, banks’ balance sheet characteristics are insignificant in regressions that allow

for country fixed effects, but even during that month banks with more shareholder-friendly boards

performed worse and banks from countries with stronger capital supervision and more restrictions on

banking fared better.

Overall, our evidence shows that bank governance, regulation, and balance sheets before the crisis are all

helpful in understanding bank performance during the crisis. However, banks with more shareholder-

friendly boards, which are banks that conventional wisdom would have considered to be better governed,

fared worse during the crisis. Either conventional wisdom is wrong, as suggested by Adams (2009), or

this evidence is consistent with the view that banks that took more risks rewarded by the market –perhaps

because the market did not assess them correctly ex ante – before the crisis suffered more during the crisis

when these risks led to unexpectedly large losses. Strong evidence supportive of the latter interpretation is

that the performance of large banks during the crisis is negatively related to their performance in 2006. In

other words, the banks that the market rewarded with largest stock increases in 2006 are the banks whose

stock suffered the largest losses during the crisis.


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Table 1. Summary Statistics

The sample includes 98 banks in Bankscope with returns available from Datastream, with loan/assets larger than
10%, deposit/assets larger than 20%, total assets larger than $50bn as of 2006, and included in the Riskmetrics CGQ
database. Firm characteristics are computed in 2006, prior to the beginning of the financial crisis. Tier 1 is the ratio
of Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets, equity is the ratio of equity to total assets, ownership is a dummy variable
equal to 1 when no shareholder holds more than 25% of the shares directly or indirectly; the other bank
characteristics are deposits, tangible equity (equity minus intangible assets whenever available or equity when
intangible assets is not available), loans, liquid assets (all these variables are normalized by total assets except for
tangible equity which is normalized by liabilities). The bank balance sheet and income variables are winsorized at
the 1% and 99% levels and are expressed in percentage terms. The regulation variables come from Caprio, Laeven
and Levine (2007) using data in the 2007 database (revised in June 2008) downloaded from the World Bank
(http://econ.worldbank.org). Official is an index of the power of the commercial bank supervisory agency, restrict is
an index of regulatory restrictions on the activities of banks, capital is an index of regulatory oversight of bank
capital, and independence is an index of the independence of the supervisory authority. The variable institution is the
simple average of six indicators reported by Kaufmann, Kraay and Mastruzzi (2008) called voice, political stability,
government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law, corruption. ADRI is the anti-director index of LLSV
(1998) as revised in Djankov, La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, and Shleifer (2008). For corporate governance, we follow
Aggarwal, Erel, Stulz, and Williamson (2008) and select 44 attributes that are available for U.S. firms as well as for
foreign firms from the Riskmetrics CGQ dataset and construct indices for these attributes for broad subcategories:
(1) Board (board, 25 attributes), (2) Audit (audit three attributes), (3) Anti-takeover (takeover, six attributes), and (4)
Compensation and Ownership (compensation, 10 attributes).

                                  Observations      Minimum        Maximum          Average        Median       Standard
Stock returns
- 2006                                  98            -31.92           74.04          25.22          26.22        22.23
- July 2007 - Dec. 2008                 98            -98.75           29.14         -54.43         -55.50        28.55
- Sep. 12 - Oct. 10, 2008               97            -89.55            3.98         -28.81         -25.46        17.57
Bank characteristics
- Tier 1                                98              5.79            14.03           8.65          8.20         1.80
- Equity                                98              1.85            11.62           6.20          5.89         2.54
- Tangible equity                       98              1.49            13.07           6.06          5.55         2.90
- Deposits                              98             28.49            90.99          62.21         63.32        15.40
- Money market debt                     98              0.45            41.34           8.51          5.54         8.99
- Loans                                 98             19.31            82.91          55.74         59.21        15.45
- Liquid assets                         98              2.88            61.94          20.30         18.75        12.19
- Log assets                            98             17.77            21.40          19.25         19.14         1.13
- Profit rate 2006                      98             -0.65             3.93           1.19           1.10        0.64
- Profit rate 2007                      97             -1.50             3.20           1.17           1.22        0.75
- Profit rate 2008                      68             -4.14             2.38            0.34          0.57         1.33
Regulation and institution
- Official                              98               3.00          13.00           10.25         11.00          2.69
- Capital                               98               1.00           5.03            3.26          4.00          1.07
- Restrict                              98               3.00          13.00            9.01          9.00          3.02
- Independence                          98               1.00           4.00            3.36          4.00          0.83
- Institution                           98               0.59           1.79            1.33          1.27          0.29
- ADRI                                  98               2.00           5.00            3.82          4.00          0.93
Corporate governance
- Ownership                             98               0.00           1.00            0.80           1.00         0.40
- Board                                 98               6.00          21.00           12.29          12.00         3.74
- Audit                                 98               0.97           3.00            1.80           2.00         0.79
- Takeover                              98               1.97           6.00            3.81           4.00         0.70
- Compensation                          98               1.00           9.00            4.48           4.00         2.42

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