Page created by Eduardo Miles
Town of Mt. Pleasant
 Fall 2018 & Early/Late winter 2019

         FALL Foliage Festival
      Saturday, October 20, 2018
      Broadway Field, Hawthorne
          11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Supervisor’s message

Summer is ending and with it comes the close of a very successful and well-attended summer camps,
recreational programs and pool.

On that topic, I would like to thank all of our Recreation and Parks staff for the wonderful job they
continually do throughout the year and throughout our beautiful town parks.

Our Highway Department has been diligently working very hard to clean up after another difficult winter
and numerous, dangerous storms. The much-needed roadwork has started and will continue
throughout the rest of the year.

There is infrastructure work being done throughout town by Con Edison and other contractors. We are
watching over their practices more closely to ensure projects are completed thoroughly and timely. The
Town Board is in the process of approving stricter legislation for all projects moving forward.

The Highway Department will be getting a new roof, will be repainted and will receive other
conservation upgrades to their main building. The Town Hall parking lot has received its long awaited
repairs, new pavement, drainage, curbing and required handicap accessible walkways.

Thanks to the Mount Pleasant IDA the town’s Comprehensive Plan initiative has started with the
establishment of a steering committee and community meetings are in progress (at no cost to the
taxpayers). The thoughts, ideas and needs of the community are the focuses of the committee. Your
input will decide the future direction of our town so please participate at the meetings.

We have come a long way from the financially strapped years and now we are slowly rebuilding
infrastructure, replacing outdated equipment and bringing our IT services to a point in which they can
better serve and inform our residents. Starting with the Town Board, we are going paperless and will
begin setting up more efficient ways of filing and sharing information. We are also setting up a credit
card payment system to help make the payment process more streamlined and convenient.

As always, my door is always open to discuss any issues in town. Please feel free to stop by; I find that
in-person conversations are often the most productive.

Carl Fulgenzi
The Town is embarking on a process that will guide the Town’s future planning and development
through a document called a Comprehensive Plan. As the term “comprehensive” suggests, this is an all-
inclusive approach to addressing the issue of a community’s future growth. The document will serve as a
policy guide to decisions about community development and preservation. Over the course of 2018 and
early 2019, the Town will bring together local residents, workers, business owners, and the Town’s
various Boards and Committees, through public workshops and events, to identify priorities, goals, and
strategies that will shape Mount Pleasant over the coming decades and beyond. The Comprehensive Plan
will outline goals and policies related to central themes of strengthening and revitalizing the hamlets of
Valhalla, Hawthorne and Thornwood, as well as broader Town-wide issues related to land use, natural
resources, transportation, municipal services and infrastructure, economics, historic and cultural
resources, sustainability, resiliency and green building. This is the time for residents to get involved in
the conversation and add their voice. Visit and click on Envision Mt.
Pleasant to find out more and to find future dates to participate.

Leaves are collected by the Town of Mount
                                                               PLEASE LICENSE ME
Pleasant Highway Department commencing around
October 15th and continuing until the winter
weather curtails the operations. Loose leaves
should be raked to the curb in a pile; however, they
should NOT be left in the roadway seeing as that is
a safety hazard as well as a violation of Town Code
Section 166-7 Yard Waste. Loose leaves should
NOT be mixed with any other materials as they
will not be collected. Loose leaves will be
collected about every 25 working days depending
on weather conditions. This basically means that
there will be approximately two leaf vacuum
pickups at each residence for the fall season
starting October 15th until December 1st. Please be
aware that any leaves put out at the curb after           DID YOU KNOW IT IS A REQUIREMENT BY
December 1st, MUST BE BAGGED, no                          NEW YORK STATE DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE
exceptions. Leaf bags will be available for sale at       AND MARKETS THAT YOUR DOG MUST
the Highway Department: 6 bags for $3.00; 25              HAVE A NEW YORK STATE DOG LICENSE.
bags for $10.00; or 50 bags for $20.00 (cash or
check only). Please feel free to contact the              PLEASE CONTACT THE TOWN CLERK AT
Highway Department at any time should you have            (914) 742-2312 TO FIND OUT MORE. WE WILL
any further questions and/or concerns (914) 769-          BE HAPPY TO HELP YOU THROUGH THE
1045. We thank you for your cooperation.                  PROCESS
TABLE OF CONTENTS:                                                   Page #                 TOWN BOARD
Envision .............................................................................. 2   Supervisor ....................................................... Carl Fulgenzi
General Information .........................................................3-4            Councilwoman……………………….. Laurie Rogers Smalley
Mt. Pleasant Branch Library ................................................ 5              Councilmen ................................................Thomas Sialiano
Registration Procedures ..................................................... 6                                                                          Anthony Amiano
Pre-School & Children Programs ...................................7-10                                                                                  Nicholas DiPaolo
Teen Programs ............................................................11-12             Recreation Liaison……………………Laurie Rogers Smalley
Karate Programs ............................................................... 13
Winter Vacation Camp ...................................................... 14
Spring Vacation Camp ...................................................... 15
                                                                                            RECREATION & PARKS
Adult Programs ............................................................16-19            COMMISSION
Family & Special Events ................................................... 21              Chairperson ................................................... Gina Harwood
Mt. Pleasant Day Camp Programs ................................... 22                       Vice Chairperson……………………………….Ralph Nicoletti
Office of Elder Americans / Senior Activities ................23-24                         Secretary ...................................................... Debra Mancusi
Youth Sports Organizations .............................................. 25                Members……………………………………….. Patrice Duane
Northeast Westchester Special Recreation ...................... 25                                                                                        Skip Pennacchio
Registration Forms .......................................................29-30                                                                            Chickie Gelardo
                                                                                                                                                         Mary Anne Carey
Departments                                                    Phone No.
                                                                                            COMMISSION MEETING
                                                                                            The Recreation and Parks Commission meets on the
Assessor ................................................................742-2345
                                                                                            first Monday of each month (unless it’s a holiday, in
Building ..................................................................742-2305
                                                                                            which case, it will meet on the second Monday) at Town
Comptroller ............................................................742-2360
                                                                                            Hall at 7:00 p.m. The ideas and suggestions of the
Engineering ............................................................742-2317
                                                                                            residents are vital to help the Commission develop the
Highway ................................................................769-1045
                                                                                            most satisfactory programs possible. All meetings are
Justice Court ..........................................................742-2324
                                                                                            open to the general public.
Planning & Zoning ..................................................742-2330
Police Dept. (Non-Emergency) ..............................769-1941
Receiver of Taxes ..................................................742-2348                RECREATION & PARKS STAFF
Recreation ............................................................742-2310             Superintendent .................................................... Kellie Rizzi
Office of Elder Americans ......................................592-6441                    Recreation Supervisor ................................. Elaine Donnelly
Sanitation ...............................................................592-4129          Recreation Supervisor .............................. James Martorano
Supervisor’s Office .................................................742-2300               Recreation Assistant ....................................... Chris Madera
Town Attorney ........................................................742-2326              Recreation Attendant ..................................... Patrick Tufano
Town Clerk .............................................................742-2312            Parks Superintendent .......................................... Steve Mott
Water & Sewer .......................................................831-1062               Parks Foreman ................................................... Bruce Riehl
                                                                                            Parks Foreman .............................................. Jon Petruzzelli
                                                                                            Assistant Parks Foreman .................................. Scott Naylor
OFFICE INFORMATION                                                                          Maintenance Mechanic Repair ..................... Manny Morales
Recreation Office Location                                              Office Hours        Parks Groundskeeper .............................Nicholas Gasparre
Town Hall                                                    Monday thru Friday             Parks Groundskeeper ................................. Kevin Valentine
1 Town Hall Plaza                                        8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.             Parks Groundskeeper .........................................Chris Sena
Valhalla, NY 10595                                                                          Senior Office Assistant-Recreation .......... Angela Portanova
Telephone Numbers                                                                           Office Assistant-Recreation .............................. Jackie Abate
General Information ...............................................742-2310
Senior Citizen Programs ........................................742-2380
Office of Elder Americans ......................................592-6441                     SINCERE APPRECIATION
Mt. Pleasant Community Center ............................769-0155                          The Recreation and Parks Department would like
Program Hotline .....................................................742-2364               to thank the Mt. Pleasant School District, Valhalla
Adult Sports Hotline ...............................................742-2367                Methodist Church and the Valhalla School District, Holy
Fax .........................................................................769-1070       Name of Jesus for the use of their facilities.
Pool ........................................................................769-1766       The extra time and energy from office assistants,
                                                                                            custodians, teachers and principals is greatly
        LOCATED ON PAGE 6                                     TOWN HALL
PARTICIPATION & FEES                                          EMAIL WEB-SITE
Participation is restricted to residents of the Town of Mt.   RESIDENTS OF MT. PLEASANT REGISTER
Pleasant living outside the Villages of Briarcliff Manor,     FOR RECREATION PROGRAM UPDATES
Pleasantville and Sleepy Hollow. If space is available in     BY JOINING THE TOWN HALL
any program one week prior to the start of the program,       RECREATION EMAIL WEB-SITE:
non residents and Village residents will be allowed to        VISIT: WWW.MTPLEASANTNY.COM/REC
participate by paying a 20% surcharge.

Senior Citizens age 60 and over who live in the Town          INSURANCE
Outside are entitled to a 50% reduction in program fees       The Town of Mt. Pleasant does not provide accident
for all adult programs unless indicated otherwise. This       insurance for any of its programs. All persons participate
does not apply to drop in programs or trips. Proof of age     at their own risk and should make certain they have their
is required.                                                  own insurance.

The Recreation and Parks Commission maintains a
policy that requires individuals in programs to help defray
                                                              WAITING LIST
                                                              If your desired class is filled, you will be notified and
costs involved. Fees have been established for each
                                                              placed on a waiting list. The department will make every
program based on the cost of operating the program and
number of individuals served.                                 effort to accommodate those on the waiting list. If any
                                                              openings become available, we will then go to the
                                                              waiting list to fill the class.
Participants are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior
at all times. The following guidelines have been
developed to make programs safe and enjoyable for all         CANCELLATION
participants. Additional rules may be developed for           If programs are canceled due to inclement weather,
particular programs and athletic leagues as deemed            notification will be made. The Recreation and Parks
necessary by staff. Participants shall:                       Department has a Hotline service that gives information
           -show respect to all participants and staff.       on program changes and cancellations.
           -refrain from using foul language.
           -refrain from causing bodily harm to other
           participants or staff.
                                                              Program Hotline Number
           -show respect for equipment, supplies and          742-2364
           facilities.                                        Adult Sports Hotline Number
CHANGES/SCHEDULES                                             REFUNDS
Due to circumstances beyond our control, some                 Generally, refunds are granted only if a program is
activities may require time or location changes. When         canceled. The participant assumes the risk of all
possible, if a change or cancellation does occur              changes in personal and business affairs. Any refund
participants will be notified via email and or phone call.    request will be reviewed individually and will, if granted,
                                                              be prorated and subject to a $15.00 processing fee. The
                                                              Recreation and Parks Department reserves the right to
                                                              cancel any program and issue appropriate refunds
                                                              whenever it is considered in the best interest of the
                                                              Bounced check fee: $25.00

                                                              Credit cards are not accepted!
PICNIC FACILITIES                                                 MT. PLEASANT RECREATION
The Town allows group picnics at Broadway Field and                      AND PARKS!
Bradhurst Park. Picnic permits are required and may be
obtained at the Recreation Office. Reserve your space
early. All permits are granted on a first-come, first-           Do you need Community Service
served basis. Picnic areas can be reserved up to one
year in advance. The Town reserves the right to cancel
                                                                    hours for CCD or School?
any permit with a full refund if the Town needs the facility          Call us, we can help!
for a Town sponsored program.
COMMUNITY CENTER                                                     Mount Pleasant Branch
RENTAL                                                                 Library 741-0276
The Community Center is available for use on a rental
basis for individuals and organizations within the Town of       The Mt. Pleasant Branch Library is located in the
Mt. Pleasant. Call 742-2310 for a detailed brochure with         Community Center. The branch has a collection of
policies and fees.                                               approximately 17,000 books, adults and juvenile, popular
                                                                 magazines and a small reference area, as well as a
                                                                 rotating collection of DVDs, talking books, compact discs
                                                                 and large print books. A variety of craft programs and
                                                                 story times are offered for children. Access to the
                                                                 internet and other computer databases are also

                                                                 Hours: Mondays         10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
COMMUNITY SIGN                                                          Tuesdays
                                                                                        10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
                                                                                        10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
BOARD                                                                   Thursdays       10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Community sign boards are maintained by the                             Fridays         10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Recreation and Parks Department for the posting of                      Saturdays        10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
upcoming community events. A single sign is located in
Valhalla, Hawthorne and at Thornwood Water District               PROGRAM / ACTIVITY HOTLINE: 742-2364
Field and a frame with space for 2 signs is located at              ADULT SPORTS HOTLINE: 742-2367
Rose Hill Shopping Center in Thornwood. For additional
information on the use of the signs and to reserve space
contact the Recreation Office at 742-2310.
Information on the use of the signs and to reserve
Space contact the Recreation Office at 742-2310.
                                                                               INCLEMENT WEATHER
                                                                  Program updates, rainouts, snow cancellations
PHOTO POLICY                                                          THE PROGRAM ACTIVITY HOTLINE NUMBER: 742-2364
The department reserves the right to photograph                         ADULT SPORTS HOTLINE: NUMBER IS 742-2367
Program Participants for publicity purposes.

                                                               SPECIAL EVENTS
                                                               Halloween Window Decorating.……..Friday        October         19
                                                               Fall Foliage Festival ………………….Saturday        October         20
                                                               Ladies Night Out Bingo…….…………Friday           October         26
                                                               Town Hall Tree Lighting Ceremony…Friday       November        30
                                                               Valhalla Gazebo Tree Lighting….…...Sunday      December        2
                                                               Breakfast with Santa…………….……Saturday          December         8
                                                               Ladies Night Out Paint Night………...Friday      March           15, 2019
 1.        All mailed-in and dropped-off registrations received by Tuesday, September 4, 2018 will be processed on a random basis starting
           Wednesday, September 5, 2018. All registrations received by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 5 will be processed on a
           random basis starting Thursday, September 6. Registrations received on September 6 will be processed on a random basis
           starting on Friday, September 7. The same process will be followed on the 7th.

 2.        Starting Tuesday, September 11 walk-in registrations will be accepted at the Recreation Office on a space available basis in the
           order in which they are received. Mail-in registrations will be processed randomly each day and interspersed with the walk-in
           registrations as they are received.

 3.        Registration forms are required for most programs. Phone registrations will not be accepted unless noted.

                              Please fill out your registration form completely to help expedite processing.

                              UNTIL SEPTEMBER 11, 2018

                                 Register early, 
           When registering please update all email addresses and
                             phone numbers
                       No credit/debit cards accepted,
         Call the Adult Sports Hotline and Activity Program Hotline
                           for program information;
               Activity /Program Hotline Number- 742-2364
                Adult Sports Hotline Number- 742-2367
                                                 MESSAGE TO PARENTS
                                                 (AGE REQUIREMENTS)
  For all programs age requirements will be as of the date of the first class unless otherwise specified. Please do not request to, or sign your
    child up for, a class he/she does not belong in. If you should do so and we discover the error, it may be too late to get your child in the
   correct class because it is full. All age requirements are set to benefit the children and make instruction more consistent for the program

                                  THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION
Pre-School / Children Programs
ZUMBA BABIES AND TOTS                                                     TINY WARRIORS
Instructor: Peggy Raiskums                                                American Heritage Goju Karate
This 45 minute class for parent/caregiver and child 1-3 years old, is a   Instructor: Sensei Peggy Raiskums
wonderful fun dance-n-play party for little feet where these pint sized   This program introduces boys and girls to the world of Martial Arts in
party animals get silly and begin their journey to a healthy future.      a fun, non-aggressive manner. Basic skills and exercises specifically
Age appropriate music and props are used to help children learn to        designed for this age group are taught to strengthen their bodies as
love moving bodies and dancing to their own rhythm. Singing and           well as their minds while improving their listening skills and their
exciting activities will amuse delight and stimulate your child           ability to follow directions. Increased balance, agility, coordination,
benefiting their cognitive, emotional and social development.             confidence and focus as well as respect for themselves and others
Maximum of 12 participants per class                                      are achieved through this program. Children progress through The
Mt. Pleasant Community Center                                             Tiny Warrior belt and stripe system. Karate uniforms required and
FALL SESSION                                                              purchased through instructor. Maximum 12 participants per class
Tuesdays, Sept. 18 thru Nov. 20 (no class 11/6)                           Mt. Pleasant Community Center
41112 (A) 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.                                         FALL SESSION
Fee: $95.00 9 sessions                                                    Mondays, Sept. 17 thru Nov. 26 (no class 10/8 &11/12)
Fridays, Sept. 21 thru Nov. 16                                            44206 (A) 2:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Age 3          Fee: $85.00
41112 (B) 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.                                         44206 (B) 3:25 p.m. to 4:10 p.m. Age 4          Fee: $95.00
Fee: $95.00 9 sessions                                                    44206 (C) 4:20 p.m. to 5:05 p.m. Age 5          Fee: $95.00
EARLY WINTER SESSION                                                      9 sessions
Tuesdays, Nov. 27 thru Jan. 29 (no class 12/25 & 1/1)                     Wednesdays Sept. 26 thru Nov. 21
51112 (A) 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.                                         44206 (D) 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Age 3 Fee: $85.00
Fee: $85.00 8 sessions                                                    44206 (E) 2:10 p.m. to 2:55 p.m. Age 4 Fee: $95.00
Fridays, Nov. 30 thru Jan. 25 (no class 12/28)                            44206 (F) 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Age 5 Fee: $95.00
51112 (B) 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.                                         9 sessions
Fee: $85.00 8 sessions                                                    EARLY WINTER SESSION
LATE WINTER SESSION                                                       Mondays, Dec. 3 thru Jan. 28 (no class 12/24, 12/31/, 1/21)
Tuesdays, Feb. 5 thru March 26 (no class 2/19)                            54206 (A) 2:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Age 3          Fee: $58.00
11112 (A) 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.                                         54206 (B) 3:25 p.m. to 4:10 p.m. Age 4          Fee: $65.00
Fee: $75.00 7 sessions                                                    54206 (C) 4:20 p.m. to 5:05 p.m. Age 5          Fee: $65.00
Fridays, Feb. 8 thru March 29 (no class 2/22)                             6 sessions
11112 (B) 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.                                         Wednesdays, Dec. 5 thru Jan. 23 (no class 12/26)
Fee: $75.00 7 sessions                                                    54206 (D) 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Age 3 Fee: $67.00
                                                                          54206 (E) 2:10 p.m. to 2:55 p.m. Age 4          Fee: $75.00
                                                                          54206 (F) 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Age 5          Fee: $75.00
                                                                          7 sessions
                                                                          LATE WINETR SESSION
JIGGLE, GIGGLE, STRETCH AND PLAY                                          Mondays, Feb. 4 thru March 18 (no class 2/18)
Instructor: Carol Migliorelli, ISCA/ Promise Certified                    14206 (A) 2:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Age 3           Fee: $58.00
This fun and creative class will engage your 3-5 year old with yoga       14206 (B) 3:25 p.m. to 4:10 p.m. Age 4           Fee: $65.00
style moves, games, large motor skill development and coordination        14206 (C) 4:20 p.m. to 5:05 p.m. Age 5           Fee: $65.00
activities. Each class has something new that stimulates your child’s     6 sessions
creativity and imagination. Scarves, bean bags, hoops, blocks,            Wednesday, Feb. 6 thru March 20 (no class 2/20)
jumping, crawling, and creative movement keep your child moving           14206 (D) 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Age 3 Fee: $58.00
and laughing! Note: A mat to sit on it recommended.                       14206 (E) 2:10 p.m. to 2:55 p.m. Age 4          Fee: $65.00
Maximum of 10 children per class                                          14206 (F) 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Age 5          Fee: $65.00
Mt. Pleasant Community Center                                             6 sessions
Fridays DATES TBA SIGN UP 1/2/19
11110 (A) 1:45 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Fee: $80.00 8 sessions
Instructor: Peggy Raiskums
The ultimate high-energy dance ‘n’ play party for 3 to 5 year old
Zumba fans. They can rock with friends to their own rules! This
program features age-appropriate music with specially
choreographed kid-friendly dance routines to get the kids movin’ to
the beat while getting fit. It’s all about feeling fearless on the dance
floor, reinforcing the idea that it’s okay to just be yourself and dance
like no one’s watching. No dance experience necessary. Maximum               BUDDIN COOKS
of 15 participants                                                           Head Chef: Rosa Carra Asst. Chef: Rosalie Fierro
Mt. Pleasant Community Center                                                For children in grades K, 1 & 2. Children will follow recipes to create
FALL SESSION                                                                 their own baked/cooked creations using a hands-on-process. All
Thursdays: Sept. 27 thru Nov. 29(no class 11/22)                             math, reading and language skills are enhanced. Parents are always
44318 (A) 1:45 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Fee: $95.00 9 sessions                      encouraged to arrive 15 minutes early to enjoy their child’s finished
EARLY WINTER SESSION                                                         product. PLEASE INFORM THE RECREATION OFFICE OF ANY FOOD
Thursdays: Nov. 29 thru Jan. 31 (no class 12/27)                             ALLERGIES. THIS IS A DROP OFF CLASS.
54318 (A) 1:45 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Fee: $95.00 9 sessions                      Maximum of 9 participants each class
 LATE WINTER SESSION                                                         Town Hall Tower Room
Thursdays: Feb. 7 thru March 28 (no class 2/21)                              FALL SESSION
14318 (A) 1:45 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Fee: $75.00 7 sessions                      Thursdays, Sept. 27 thru Nov. 15
                                                                             41502 (A) 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
LIL’ COOKS                                                                   Fee: $130.00 8 sessions
Head Chef: Rosa Carra Asst. Chef: Rosalie Fierro                             EARLY WINTER SESSION
This program for 3-5 year olds introduces children to the art of             Thursdays, Nov. 29 thru Jan. 24 (no class 12/27)
cooking and baking! Children will prepare, cook and eat their own            51502 (A) 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
foods! This program will also enhance many skills such as early              Fee: $130.00 8 sessions
math skills, pre-reading skills and language skills as they learn about      LATE WINTER SESSION
measuring, counting, and word and symbol recognition. Parents are            Thursdays Feb. 7 thru April 4 (no class 2/21)
invited to arrive 15 minutes prior to class ending, to enjoy their child’s   11502 (A) 4:00p.m. to 5:30p.m.
cooking creation. Please inform the Recreation Dept. of any food             Fee: $130.00 8 sessions
allergies. This is a drop off class. Maximum of 9 participants each
class                                                                        JUNIOR COOKS
Town Hall Tower Room                                                         Head Chef: Rosa Carra Asst. Chef: Rosalie Fierro
FALL SESSION                                                                 For grades 3-5. The art of cooking & baking will be introduced.
Wednesdays, Sept. 26 thru Nov. 14                                            Children will prepare, cook and eat their own creations through
41501       (A) 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.                                      hands-on experiences. All math, reading and language arts skills will
Fee: $130.00 8 sessions                                                      be enhanced through the cooking process. The children will go
Thursdays, Sept. 27 thur Nov. 15                                             home with the recipe, a related craft and rating. Parents are invited
41501       (B) 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.                                     to join their children 15 minutes before class ends to enjoy the
41501       (C) 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.                                      finished product. PLEASE INFORM THE RECREATION OFFICE OF ANY
Fee: $130.00 8 sessions                                                      FOOD ALLERGIES. THIS IS A DROP OFF CLASS.
EARLY WINTER SESSION                                                         Maximum of 9 participants per class
Wednesdays, Nov. 28 thru Jan. 23 (no class 12/26)                            Town Hall Tower Room
51501       (A) 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.                                      FALL SESSION
Fee: $130.00 8 sessions                                                      Fridays, Sept. 28 thru Nov. 16
Thursdays, Nov. 29 thru Jan. 24 (no class 12/27)                             42502 (A) 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
51501       (B) 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.                                     Fee: $130.00 8 sessions
51501       (C) 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.                                      EARLY WINTER SESSION
Fee: $130.00 8 sessions                                                      Fridays, Nov. 30 thru Jan. 25 (no class 12/28)
                                                                             52502 (A) 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Wednesdays, Feb. 6 thru April 3 (no class 2/20)
                                                                             Fee: $130.00 8 sessions
11501       (A) 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
                                                                             LATE WINTER SESSION
Fee: $130.00 8 sessions
                                                                             Fridays Feb. 8 thru April 5 (no class 2/22)
Thursdays, Feb 7 thru April 4 (No class 2/21)
11501       (B) 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.                                     12502 (A) 4:00p.m. to 5:30p.m.
11501       (C) 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.                                      Fee: $130.00 8 sessions
Fee: $130.00 8 session
Instructor Debbie Carr
For grades K to 2. This program will include drawing, painting and     CARTOONING CLUB
gluing to create constructions and crafts. There will be a lot of      Instructor: Debbie Carr
materials for big imaginations and tiny hands to explore. Please       For grades 3 to 5. This after school club will give your child a chance
bring a smock. NOTE: If your child attends Hawthorne                   to learn the art of cartooning. A variety of different types of cartoons
Elementary School they will be supervised by the instructor            will be drawn including superheroes, animals, made up creatures and
immediately following dismissal, and you must send a note to           whatever your child’s imagination wants to create. Experienced and
school on each day your child will be attending Creative Kids          non-experienced cartoonist welcomed!! You must send a note to
Craft. Maximum of 15 children                                          school each day your child will be attending Cartooning Club.
Hawthorne Elementary School                                            Maximum of 15 children
FALL SESSION                                                           Columbus Elementary School
Mondays Oct. 15 thru Nov. 19 (no class 11/12)                          FALL SESSION
42103 (A) 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.                                       Wednesdays Sept. 26 thru Nov. 14
Fee: $86.00 5 sessions                                                 42121 (A) 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
EARLY WINTER SESSION                                                   Fee: $110.00 8 sessions
Mondays Dec.10 thru Feb. 25 (no class 12/24 12/31 1/21 & 2/18)         EARLY WINTER SESSION
52103 (A) 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.                                       Wednesdays Dec. 12 thru Jan 30 (no class 12/26)
Fee: $110.00 8 sessions                                                52121 (A) 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
LATE WINTER SESSION                                                    Fee: $100.00 7 sessions
Mondays March 18 thru May 13 (no class 4/22)                           LATE WINTER SESSION
12103 (A) 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.                                       Wednesdays Feb. 27 thru April 17
Fee: $110.00 8 sessions                                                12121 (A) 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
                                                                       Fee: $110.00 8 sessions

                                                                       STAINED GLASS
CREATIVE KIDS CRAFT                                                    Instructor: Debbie Carr
Instructors: Debbie Carr                                               For grades 3 to 5. Children will enjoy painting in the authentic style
For grades K to 2. This is a fun way to get your child’s creative      of stained glass. Create your own designs on safe plexiglass while
imagination working and this club consists of a variety of craft       learning about color, lines, and patterns. You must send a note to
projects using different art materials. Please bring smock. You must   school each day your child will be attending Stained Glass.
send a note to school each day your child will be attending            Maximum of 15 children
Creative Kids Craft. Maximum of 15 children                            Kensico Elementary School
Virginia Road Elementary School                                        FALL SESSION
FALL SESSION                                                           Tuesdays Sept. 25 thru Nov. 20 (no class 11/6)
Thursdays Sept. 27 thru Nov. 15                                        42122 (A) 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
42109 (A) 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.                                       Fee: $110.00 8 sessions
Fee: $110.00 8 sessions                                                EARLY WINTER SESSION
EARLY WINTER SESSION                                                   Tuesdays Dec. 11 thru Feb. 5 (no class 12/25 & 1/1)
Thursdays Dec.13 thru Jan. 31 (no class 12/27)                         52122 (A) 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
52109 (A) 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.                                       Fee: $100.00 7 sessions
Fee: $100.00 7 sessions                                                LATE WINTER SESSION
LATE WINTER SESSION                                                    Tuesdays Feb. 26 thru April 16
Thursdays Feb. 28 thru April 18                                        12122 (A) 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
12109 (A) 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.                                       Fee: $110.00 8 sessions
Fee: $110.00 8 sessions
Instructor: Susan Czechel
A class to guide young dancers through ballet stretches
movements and various dance games. Through role play as
princesses and princes. They will learn basic ballet positions and
jumps. This is a fun introduction to classical ballet for any child.
For ages 3 and 4. Maximum 12 participants
Mt. Pleasant Community Center
FALL SESSION                                                           BABYSITTERS TRAINING COURSE with CPR
Tuesdays, Sept. 25 thru Nov. 20 (no class 11/6)                        For children ages 11 thru 15. Prepares student with the training
41107 (A) 12:30 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.                                      every parent wants in a babysitter, including safety, basic child
Fee: $120.00 8 sessions                                                care, safe play, critical emergency action skills, CPR and first aid.
Wednesdays, Sept. 26 thru Nov. 14                                      Student becomes certified in babysitting and CPR.
41107 (B) 1:20 p.m. to 2:05 p.m.                                       Town Hall Tower Room, Enter through Police Dept. to the
Fee: $120.00 8 sessions                                                3rd floor. Bring Lunch
EARLY WINTER SESSION                                                   42402 (A) Saturday, October 27
Tuesdays, Dec. 4 thru Feb. 5 (no class 12/25 & 1/1)                    9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
51107 (A) 12:30 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. .                                    Fee: $90.00
Fee: $120.00 8 sessions                                                Maximum of 10 participants
Wednesdays, Dec. 5 thru Jan. 30 (no class 12/26)
51107 (B) 1:20 p.m. to 2:05 p.m.
Fee: $120.00 8 sessions
Tuesdays, Feb. 26 thru April 16                                        YOUTH TENNIS
11107 (A) 12:30 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.                                      Instructor: Lifetime Racquet
Fee: $120.00 8 sessions                                                Children ages 8 to 14.
Wednesdays, Feb. 27 thru April 17.                                     Certified instruction for all levels of ability
11107 (B) 1:20 p.m. to 2:05 p.m.                                       Saturdays, Valhalla Tennis Courts
Fee: $120.00 8 sessions                                                Beginner: Enjoy the fundamentals including forehand,
                                                                       backhand, serving, and light play.
                                                                       Intermediates: Master your ground strokes, volleying, and learn
                                                                       various game strategies.
This Class is the next level/age up from Tiny Ballet Dancers.
                                                                       FALL SESSION
These dancers will be introduced to more advanced steps,
positions, and technique, including barre work.(For children ages
                                                                       Sept. 29 thru Oct. 27(no class 10/6)
4-5 who have completed several sessions of Tiny Ballet Dancers
and/or have had other ballet training. The instructor will             42204 (A) Beginner:         11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
determine if this is the right class for your child.)                  42204 (B) Intermediate: 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Mt. Pleasant Community Center Maximum 12 participants                  Fee: $75.00        4 sessions      Maximum 10 participants
Tuesdays, Oct. 2 thru Nov. 27 (no class 11/6)
41119 (A) 1:25 p.m. to 2:10 p.m.                                       SAFE ON MY OWN
Fee: $120.00 8 sessions                                                Instructor: TBA
Wednesdays, Sept. 26 thru Nov. 14                                      Safe on My Own is a program for children in grades 3 thru 5
41119 (B) 2:15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.                                       taught by a Red Cross/ASHI Instructor, on the safety measures
Fee: $120.00 8 sessions                                                of what to do when home alone. Maximum of 12 participants
EARLY WINTER SESSION                                                   Town Hall Tower, 3rd floor. Enter through Police Dept.
Tuesdays, Dec. 4 thru Feb. 5 (no class 12/25 & 1/1)                    Friday, October 26
51119 (A) 1:25 p.m. to 2:10 p.m. .                                     42401 (A) 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Fee: $120.00 8 sessions                                                Fee: $30.00
Wednesdays, Dec. 5 thru Jan 30 (no class 12/26)
51119 (B) 2:15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Fee: $120.00 8 sessions
Tuesdays, Feb. 26 thru April 16
11119 (A) 1:25 p.m. to 2:10 p.m.
Fee: $120.00 8 sessions
Wednesdays, Feb. 27 thru April 17.
11119 (B) 2:15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Fee: $120.00 8 sessions
                                                                   Program Director: Chris Madera
Mt. Pleasant provides a unique atmosphere for students. The        League games and instructional clinics for area youths. There
evening includes music, game room, prizes and a chance to          are separate divisions for boys and girls in grades 3 thru 8
mingle with friends. Pre-teens in grades 5 to 8 can take           practices:
advantage of the                                                   Midgets-        3rd and 4th grades 52213 (A)
Mt. Pleasant Community Center on Lozza Drive between the           Elementary- 5th and 6th grades 52213 (B)
hours of 7:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Tickets will be available for    Junior -        7th and 8th grades 52213 (C)
“The Premier” at the Recreation Office.                            Fee: $100.00
Doors will open at 7:30 p.m.                                       Training and team assignments are held in November. League
Friday, October 19, 2018                                           play starts in December. This program has been reorganized.
Friday, January 18, 2019                                           Adult volunteers will be coaching the teams. Anyone interested
Friday, May 3, 2019                                                in coaching should contact the Recreation Dept. prior to Sept. 7th
Fee: $8.00 at the office                                           to register. There will be a volunteer meeting on Wednesday,
$10.00 at the door                                                 Sept. 19 at the Mt. Pleasant Community Center at 7:00 p.m. All
                                                                   interested volunteers must attend this meeting. Player
PARENTS NITE OUT                                                   registration must be submitted to the Recreation Office no later
For Grades K to 5                                                  than Friday, October 5th. As of October 19th, registrations will be
Parents go out and enjoy yourselves for a few hours on your        accepted on a space available basis only. NOTE: BOTH
own. We’ll take care of the kids – you take care of yourselves.    REGISTRATION AND TRYOUT FORMS MUST BE
Under the supervision of Recreation Staff, children will enjoy     FILLED OUT GAMES WILL BE PLAYED ON
games, arts and crafts, organized activities in the gym and have   SATURDAYS AND PRACTICES WILL BE DURING
                                                                   THE WEEK. SCHEDULES TO BE DETERMINED
Mt. Pleasant Community Center
5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Friday, October 5, 2018           (A) 16501
Saturday, October 20 2018         (B) 16501
Saturday, December 8, 2018 (C) 16501
Friday, December 14, 2018 Surprise Guest (D) 16501
Saturday, December 22, 2018 (E) 16501
Saturday, January 12, 2019       (F) 16501
Saturday, March 9, 2019          (G) 16501
Saturday, April 6, 2019          (H) 16501
* Includes 2 slices of pizza, ice pops and drinks.
NOTE: Pre-registration suggested.                                  HIP HOPPIN & TAPPIN TOTS
Fee per session: $12.00                                            Instructor: Andrea Verdeschi.
Fee at door per session: $20.00                                    Ages 3-4 year olds
                                                                   Sing and dance to popular children’s music. Hip hoppin and
                                                                   tappin tots teaches your child basic tap dancing and hip hop
                                                                   dance moves. Appropriate attire- sneakers, tee shirts,
Instructors: Staff
                                                                   leggings/shorts and tap shoes(optional)
A mini basketball training program for boys and girls in 2nd       Maximum of 12 participants per session
grade. Participants will learn the basic offensive and defensive   Mondays, Mt. Pleasant Community Center
skills, dribbling and shooting and will use lower baskets.         FALL SESSION
No games will be played. LOCATION: TBD                             Sept 24. thru Nov 26 (no class 10/8, 11/12)
Saturdays Dec. 8, 2018 thru Feb 2, 2019(No class 12/22 12/29)      42219 (A) 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
52212 (A) 12:45 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. Fee:$50.00                       Fee: $120.00 8 sessions
                                                                   EARLY WINTER SESSION
INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE                                               Nov 26 thru Feb 4(no class 12/24, 12/31, 1/21)
Instructor: Luis Lewis                                             52219 (A) 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
For players in grades 3 to 9. Divisions and teams will be formed   Fee: $120.00
based on age, gender and skill level.                               8 sessions.
Great fun while fine-tuning your skills.
Columbus Elementary School
Saturdays, January 5 thru March 2
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 52211(A)
Fee: $60.00
9 sessions
Schedule TBD

                                                                       MT. PLEASANT AMERICAN HERITAGE GOJU KARATE
MT. PLEASANT AMERICAN HERITAGE GOJU KARATE                             WELCOME to our Junior Class!! This exciting and high energy
Sensei: Lonnie Guinee                                                  streamlined martial arts program is designed by American
Instructor: Sensei Lonnie Guinee                                       Heritage Goju Karate-Do for boys and girls ages 6 thru 11.
WELCOME to our program called “Little Lions”! This class meets         Students in this class will be taught a wide variety of self defense
twice a week for boys and girls ages 6 and 7 years of age. Our         techniques in a motivating, structured, safe and friendly
program is designed to train the students to further develop their     environment. Public and private schools are intended to teach
basic motor skills, and to increase their balance, and hand eye        students many good and important things… but what they lack in
coordination. Our classes are a perfect blend of focus, fitness,       is so many other important life skills, such as focusing, a sense of
and fun while they are learning fundamental martial arts skills        self respect, self-defense and fitness. For the individual that
and acquiring other constructive knowledge. Our instructors use        doesn’t do well in team sports, our program is designed for
drills that are exciting and motivating, encouraging all to do their   Individual Growth for Individual Achievement which results in a
best through positive reinforcement. Non-aggressive self defense       confidence boost. Students in this class will learn to achieve their
skills are taught at a speed and level that is appropriate for this    goals by developing a more positive self image through our
age group. Male and Female instructors focus on Individual             “students mentoring” concept. Uniforms and school patch are
Growth for Individual Achievement! Official uniform and school         required, and can be purchased through the instructor.
patch are required and can be purchased through the instructor.        FALL SESSION
All instruction, requirements, standards and rank promotions are       44201 (A) Sept. 24 thru Nov. 7 (no class 10/8, 10/10)
governed by the American Heritage Goju Karate-Do organization.         5:30 p.m. to 6:30pm Fee: $170.00 12 sessions
Monday & Wednesdays, Mount Pleasant Community Center                   EARLY WINTER SESSION
(All Belt Levels)                                                      54201 (A) Nov. 26 thru Jan 30
FALL SESSION                                                           (no class 12/24, 12/26, 12/31, 1/2, 1/21, 1/23)
42208 (A) Sept. 24 thru Nov. 7 (no class 10/8, 10/10)                  5:30p.m. to 6:30 pm Fee: $170.00 14 sessions
5:30 p.m. to 6:30pm                                                    LATE WINTER SESSION
Fee: $170.00                                                           14201 (A) Feb. 25 thru April 3
12 sessions                                                            5:30p.m. to 6:30pm Fee: $170.00 12 sessions
52208 (A) Nov. 26 thru Jan 30                                          MT. PLEASANT AMERICAN HERITAGE GOJU KARATE
(no class 12/24, 12/26, 12/31, 1/2, 1/21, 1/23)                        Sensei: Lonnie Guinee
5:30p.m. to 6:30 pm                                                    WELCOME! Our Martial Arts Program is designed for adults and
Fee: $170.00                                                           youths ages 12 and up. Students will learn a wide variety of
14 sessions                                                            self-defense techniques in a motivating, highly structured, safe
LATE WINTER SESSION                                                    and friendly environment. Students will develop a stronger and
12208 (A) Feb. 25 thru April 3                                         healthier mind, body and spirit with our effective instruction,
5:30p.m. to 6:30pm                                                     including meditation and relaxation techniques for stress
Fee: $170.00                                                           management. Our program encourages respect for yourself and
12 sessions                                                            others while developing a more positive attitude, enhancing self-
                                                                       esteem and peaceful resolutions to conflict. Male and female
                                                                       instructors focusing on Individual Growth for Individual
Additional $15.00 discount per additional child.                       Achievement! Sessions are held continuously throughout the
Students ages 8+ must have sparring equipment                          year. Uniforms and school patch are required and can be
                                                                       purchased through the instructor. All instruction, requirements,
                                                                       standards and rank promotions are governed by the American
                                                                       Heritage Goju Karate-Do Organization. (All Belt Levels)
                                                                       Mondays & Wednesdays, Mt. Pleasant Community Center
                                                                       FALL SESSION
                                                                       44201 (B) Sept. 24 thru Nov. 7 (no class 10/8, 10/10)
                                                                       7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Fee: $190.00 12 sessions
                                                                       EARLY WINTER SESSION
                                                                       54201 (B) Nov. 26 thru Jan 30
                                                                       (no class 12/24, 12/26, 12/31, 1/2, 1/21, 1/23)
                                                                       7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Fee: $190.00 14 sessions
                                                                       LATE WINTER SESSION
                                                                       14201 (B) Feb. 25 thru April 3
                                                                       7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Fee: $190.00 12 sessions
Town of Mt. Pleasant Recreation Department is offering an opportunity for your child(ren) to choose from a variety of workshops during the
school break. These workshops are great for boys and girls. There are 6 sessions each workshop. You can sign up for one workshop
or all the workshops. We are also offering a $75.00 discount for the 2 nd child for the Total Workshop only!
                        Tuesday thru Friday, Mt. Pleasant Community Center, February 19 thru February 22

Grades K to 2                                             12210           Grades 3 to 5                                            12211
COOKING                                                    (A)            GYM WARRIORS                                                (A)
8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.                                                   8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
This workshop introduces children to the art of baking and                Studies have shown that children who are physically active
cooking. Children will prepare, cook and eat their own foods.             in the morning have active brain stimulation. Children will
This program introduces early math skills as they learn about             participate in a variety of fitness games and activities.
counting and word and symbol recognition.                                 Maximum 20 children. Fee: $60.00
Maximum 20 children. Fee: $75.00
                                                                          COOKING                                                   (B)
HAVING A BALL                                                  (B)        10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.                                                  This workshop introduces children to the art of baking and
Children will participate in a variety of exciting, fitness based         cooking. Children will prepare, cook and eat their own foods.
games and activities while stimulating their mind and body.               This program counting and word and symbol recognition.
Maximum 30 children. Fee: $60.00                                          Maximum 20 children. Fee: $75.00

LUNCH AND GAMES                                             (C)           LUNCH AND GAMES                                             (C)
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.                                                  11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
This workshop is designed for the child who will participate              This workshop is designed for the child who will participate
in all day workshops. They will be able to have lunch,                    in all day workshops, they will be able to have lunch,
socialize, play board games, ping pong or air hockey with                 socialize, play board games, ping pong or air hockey with
their friends. NOTE: BRING BAGGED LUNCH                                   their friends. NOTE: BRING BAGGED LUNCH
Maximum 20 children.      Fee:$25.00                                      Maximum 20 children.       Fee: $25.00

CREATIVE CLAY WORKSHOP                                   (D)              CREATIVE CLAY WORKSHOP                                   (D)
12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.                                                   12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Children will explore working with model magic to create                  Children will explore working with model magic to create
Own 3D forms. Many different techniques will be taught.                   Own 3D forms. Many different techniques will be taught.
Maximum 20 children.       Fee: $60.00                                    Maximum 20 children.       Fee: $60.00

STICKY FINGERS                                                   (E)      STAINED GLASS                                                (E)
2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.                                                    2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
A fun and creative workshop for young children to explore                 Children will learn the technique of painting on plexi glass.
Different art. Children will work with a variety of materials.            They can create their own designs or use stencil.
After the craft the child will play organized fitness activities          Maximum 25 children         Fee: $60.00
in the gym.
Maximum 25 children           Fee: $60.00
                                                                          LEGOS                                                          (F)
LEGOS                                                          (F)        3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.                                                    The focus of this class will be on visual buildings, exploring
The focus of this class will be on visual buildings, exploring            Shapes, brick building, color usage and creating mosaics,
Shapes, brick building, color usage and creating mosaics,                 as well as always having fun. Children will not bring home
as well as always having fun. Children will not bring home                any Lego bricks or the models they create.
any Lego bricks or the models they create.                                Maximum 25 children          Fee: $75.00
Maximum 25 children          Fee: $75.00
                                                                          TOTAL WORKSHOP                                               (G)
TOTAL WORKSHOP                                               (G)          8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.                                                    Enjoy an all-day total workshop experience. Learn to cook,
Enjoy an all-day total workshop experience. Learn to cook,                Play sports and games, create their own 3D forms, explore
Play sports and games, create their own 3D forms, explore                 Different art and have fun with Legos while socializing with
Different art and have fun with Legos while socializing with              Friends.
Friends.                                                                  Maximum 25 children        Fee: $275.00
Maximum 25 children        Fee: $275.00
Spring vacation camp 2019
Town of Mt. Pleasant Recreation Department is offering an opportunity for your child(ren) to choose from a variety of workshops during the
school break. These workshops are great for boys and girls. You can sign up for one workshop or all the workshops. This is a fun
way to keep busy during the SPRING BREAK! We are also offering a $75.00 discount for the 2nd child for the Total Workshop only!
                             Monday thru Friday, Mt. Pleasant Community Center, April 22 thru April 26

Grades K to 2                                            12212            Grades 3 to 5                                            12213
COOKING                                                   (A)             OPEN GYM ACTIVITIES                                         (A)
8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.                                                   8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
This workshop introduces children to the art of cooking. Children         Studies have shown that children who are physically active
will prepare, cook and eat their own foods. This program                  in the morning have active brain stimulation. Children will
introduces early math skills as they learn about counting and             participate in a variety of fitness games and activities.
word and symbol recognition.                                              Maximum 20 children. Fee: $75.00
Maximum 20 children. Fee: $100.00
                                                                          COOKING                                                    (B)
HAVING A BALL                                                  (B)        10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.                                                  This workshop introduces children to the art of baking and
Children will participate in a variety of exciting, fitness based         cooking. Children will prepare, cook and eat their own foods.
games and activities while stimulating their mind and body.               This program introduces early math skills as they learn about
Maximum 30 children. Fee: $75.00                                          counting and word and symbol recognition.
                                                                          Maximum 20 children. Fee: $100.00
LUNCH AND GAMES                                             (C)
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.                                                  LUNCH AND GAMES                                             (C)
This workshop is designed for the child who will participate              11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
in all day workshops, they will be able to have lunch,                    This workshop is designed for the child who will participate
socialize, play board games, ping pong or air hockey with                 in all day workshops, they will be able to have lunch,
their friends. NOTE: BRING BAGGED LUNCH                                   socialize, play board games, ping pong or air hockey with
Maximum 30 children.       Fee: $35.00                                    their friends. NOTE: BRING BAGGED LUNCH
                                                                          Maximum 20 children.       Fee: $35.00
CREATIVE CLAY                                            (D)
12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.                                                   CREATIVE CLAY                                            (D)
Children will explore working with model magic to create                  12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Own 3D forms. Many different techniques will be taught.                   Children will explore working with model magic to create
Maximum 20 children.       Fee: $80.00                                    Own 3D forms. Many different techniques will be taught.
                                                                          Maximum 20 children.       Fee: $80.00
PUPPETS GALORE AND MORE                                       (E)
2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.                                                    CARTOONING                                                  (E)
Children will explore working with a variety of material to create        2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
their own puppet forms. Many techniques will be taught.                   A wide variety of different types of cartoons will be drawn
Maximum 25 children        Fee $75.00                                     including super heroes, animals, and whatever your child’s
                                                                          imagination takes them. They will create their own comic book.
LEGOS                                                          (F)        Maximum 20 children          Fee: $75.00
3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The focus of this class will be on visual buildings, exploring            LEGOS                                                          (F)
Shapes, brick building, color usage and creating mosaics,                 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
as well as always having fun. Children will not bring home                The focus of this class will be on visual buildings, exploring
any Lego bricks or the models they create.                                Shapes, brick building, color usage and creating mosaics,
Maximum 25 children          Fee: $100.00                                 as well as always having fun. Children will not bring home
                                                                          any Lego bricks or the models they create.
TOTAL WORKSHOP                                               (G)          Maximum 25 children          Fee: $100.00
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Enjoy an all-day total workshop experience. Learn to cook,                TOTAL WORKSHOP                                               (G)
Play sports and games, create their own 3D forms, explore                 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
different art and have fun with Legos while socializing with              Enjoy an all-day total workshop experience. Learn to cook,
Friends. Maximum 25 children       Fee: $325.00                           Play sports and games, create their own 3D forms, explore
                                                                          Different art and have fun with Legos while socializing with
                                                                          Friends. Maximum 25 children       Fee: $325.00
Adult Programs
Instructor: Mt. Pleasant Sportsman Club
This is an introductory program for novice or experienced
participants with instruction by experienced marksmen. The                             CO-ED
program will include a 1 hour discussion on firearm safety           Instructor: Peggy Raiskums, Licensed Zumba Instructor
followed by individual instruction on trap shooting(Clay targets),   Dance, laugh, smile sweat to this fun, aerobic, one of a kind
Everything needed for this event will be supplied by the Mt.         fitness program. Achieve long term benefits while experiencing
Pleasant Sportsman’s Club and will include 2 rounds of trap          an inspiring exciting hour of calorie burning and body
(50 targets) and a complimentary continental breakfast and           energizing easy to follow movements. Move at your own pace.
lunch. Due to the popularity of this program new participants        For all fitness levels. Please wear sneakers, bring water and a
will be given preference when signing up. Participants must be       towel. Maximum of 25 participants.
12 years or older. Please note that an adult guardian must           Thursdays, Mt. Pleasant Community Center
accompany minors 16 & under.                                         FALL SESSION
The program will be held at the Mt. Pleasant Sportsman’s Club        Sept. 20 thru Nov. 15
with the cooperation of the Mt. Pleasant Recreation                  44310 (A) 6:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
Department. You must register with the Mt. Pleasant                  Fee: $99.00 9 sessions
Recreation Dept. by completing and mailing in the registration       EARLY WINTER SESSION
form. For questions on the program and for inclement weather         Nov. 29 thru Jan. 31
please contact Dottie Concia at 914-255-4184,                        54310 (A) 6:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
Bud Sansavera 845-529-3999,                                          Fee: $110.00 10 sessions
Debra & Dante DiGiansante 914-417-8696.                              LATE WINTER SESSION
Experienced shooters interested in this type of program may          Feb. 7 thru March 28
contact the Mt. Pleasant Sportsman Club directly.                    14310 (A) 6:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
Mt. Pleasant Sportsman’s Club                                        Fee: $88.00 8 sessions
121 Clay Bird Lane, Briarcliff Manor, NY
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Sign in 8:45 a.m.)
24200 (A) Saturday, Oct. 6, 2018 - rain date Oct. 13                 YOGA
24200 (B) Saturday, Nov. 3, 2018 -rain date Nov. 10                  Instructors: Cameron Kelly 7pm /Chris Tangermen 6pm
Fee: $ 30.00 per session/per person                                  The century’s old practice is today’s most popular fitness
Maximum of 15 participants                                           endeavor. Increase your body’s strength, endurance and
                                                                     flexibility like no other program. As you practice Asanas
                                                                     (postures) along with conscious breathing, you will achieve a
                                                                     sense of calm, balance and well-being on more than just the
                                                                     physical plane. The session ends with deep relaxation and
Instructor: Sharon Campbell Rubens
                                                                     guided meditation. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a floor
Sharon has taught knitting for over 20 years. All skill levels
                                                                     mat. Maximum of 14 participants
welcome, including no-skills-at-all. Beginners will be taught the
                                                                     Wednesdays, Mt. Pleasant Community Center
basics of this ancient craft and move on to hat and scarf
                                                                     FALL SESSION
projects. More advanced knitters can hone their skills, acquire
                                                                     Sept 26 thru Nov. 14
new techniques, and work on projects of their choice. Please
                                                                     44304 (A) 6:00 p.m. to 6:55 p.m.
bring to class one pair of medium size (US 7 through 9) knitting
                                                                     44304 (B) 7:00 p.m. to 7:55 p.m.
needles, and any worsted weight basic yarn, or purchase a
                                                                     Fee:          $109.00 8 sessions
starter kit containing needles, yarn, book and tote from the
                                                                     EARLY WINTER SESSION
instructor at the first class.
                                                                     Nov 28 thru Jan. 23 (no class 12/26)
Tuesdays, Mt. Pleasant Community Center
                                                                     54304 (A) 6:00 p.m. to 6:55 p.m.
                                                                     54304 (B) 7:00 p.m. to 7:55 p.m.
Sept. 11 thru Nov 13 (no class 9/25, 11/6)
                                                                     Fee:          $109.00 8 sessions
44118 (A) 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Fee: $72.00
                                                                     LATE WINTER SESSION
8 sessions Maximum of 15 participants
                                                                     Feb. 13 thru April 10 (no class 2/20)
                                                                     14304 (A) 6:00 p.m. to 6:55 p.m.
Nov 20 thru Jan 22 (no class 12/25 1/1)
                                                                     14304 (B) 7:00 p.m. to 7:55 p.m.
54118 (A) 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Fee: $72.00
                                                                     Fee:          $109.00 8 sessions
8 sessions Maximum of 15 participants
Feb 5 thru April 2 (no class 2/19)
14118 (A) 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Fee: $72.00
8 sessions Maximum of 15 participants
20-20-20                                                           ADULT BASKETBALL
Instructor: Carol Migliorelli, ISCA/Promise Certified              An organizational meeting for ADULT BASKETBALL
Aerobics, Step and Toning….Get it all in one workout: burn         LEAGUES will be held on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at
calories and sculpt your body. This fun interval workout will      7:00p.m. At the Mt. Pleasant Community Center. If you are
flatten that tummy and tone those muscles! Note: Please bring      interested in entering a team, you must attend or send a
3-5 lb. weights, mat, and step (optional but recommended for       representative. Each league is limited to 8 teams. For
optimal workout)                                                   additional information, contact the Recreation Department-
FALL SESSION                                                       742-2310
Mt. Pleasant Community Center
MONDAYS, Sept. 10 thru Nov 5 (no class 10/8)
6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
44302 (A) Fee: $109.00 8 sessions

Instructor: Carol Migliorelli, ISCA/Promise Certified Instructor
A fun high energy fitness class that incorporates Step and
Tone, Pilates, and boxing. Please bring a mat and weights to       MAH JONGG
every class. Maximum of 15 participants                            Instructor: Regina Klenosky
EARLY WINTER SESSION                                               The Chinese game of skill and Luck. Brush up on your
Mondays, Mt. Pleasant Community Center                             Mah Jongg skills while making new friends! Learn how to
Nov 26 thru Feb. 4 (no class 12/24, 12/31, 1/21)                   assemble tiles into specific patterns. Formulate your hand by
14305 (A) 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.                                   picking and discarding tiles. Beginners and amateurs improve
Fee: $109.00 8 sessions                                            their Mah Jonng skills: learning the basic rules, including
                                                                   passing tiles, indispensable strategies, and invaluable betting
STEP AND TONE                                                      tactics. Master a social, competitive game that requires
Instructor: Carol Migliorelli, ISCA/Promise Certified              practice, strategy—and a little bit of luck! Sets and cards
Step aerobics and toning combined. A fun interval workout that     provided by instructor. Maximum of 12 participants.
burns calories and tones muscles. Can be done with or without      Mondays, Mt. Pleasant Community Center
a step (if you have one please bring it) along with 3-5 lb. hand   FALL SESSION
weights and a mat for floor work. There is a new earlier time      Sept 17. thru Nov 5 (no class 10/8)
and a new format. What more are you waiting for?                   44316 (A) 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Maximum of 20 participants                                         Fee: $70.00 7 sessions
NOTE: Please bring a towel and your own mat!                       EARLY WINTER SESSION
LATE WINTER SESSION                                                Nov 19 thru Jan 14(no class 12/24, 12/31)
Mt .Pleasant Community Center                                      54316 (A) 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
MONDAYS Feb. 25 thru April 15                                      Fee: $70.00 7 sessions.
14301 (A) 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.                                   LATE WINTER SESSION
Fee: $109.00 8 sessions                                            Jan 28 thru March 18 (No class 2/18)
                                                                   14316 (A) 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
                                                                   Fee: $70.00 7 sessions
Instructor: Margaret Cunzio
This workout will sculpt your body “to the core” with precision    DEFENSIVE DRIVING
and control. Bring weights and a mat for a total body workout      Instructor: Dan Oderifero
that incorporates strength, core and flexibility for a total       Upon successful completion of this program, you may be
package and a new you! Maximum of 20 participants                  eligible for a 10% insurance discount as well as a 4 point
Wednesdays, Mt. Pleasant Community Center                          removal from your driving record. If you pass the course and
FALL SESSION                                                       would like the certification, there is a $14.00 fee due at the
Sept 26 thru Nov. 14                                               first class made payable to National Safety Council to
44308 (A) 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Fee: $109.00 8 sessions         receive the certification.
EARLY WINTER SESSION                                               Town Hall Tower
Nov 28 thru Jan.23 (no class 12/26)                                7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
54308 (A) 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Fee: $109.00 8 sessions         44401 (A) September 17 and September 18 (Mon & Tues)
LATE WINTER SESSION                                                44401 (B) October 22 and October 23                 (Mon & Tues)
Feb 13 thru April 10 (no class 2/20)                               44401 (C) November 12 and November 13 (Mon & Tues)
14308 (A) 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Fee: $109.00 8 sessions         44401 (D) December 10 and December 11 (Mon & Tues)
                                                                   44401 (E) January 7 and January 8                   (Mon & Tues)
                                                                   44401 (F) February 11 and February 12               (Mon & Tues)
                                                                   Maximum of 25 participants per class Fee per session:$35.00
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