2020 Camp Guide - City of Evanston

2020 Camp Guide - City of Evanston

         Camp Guide
2020 Camp Guide - City of Evanston
Table of Contents

                                                              Free Summer Lunch Program
                                                              Tentative sites: Mason Park, James Park and
                                                              adjacent parks to Robert Crown Community Center
                                                              and Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center.
                                                              The City of Evanston’s Parks, Recreation and Community Services
                                                              Department may once again operate a Summer Food Service Program
                                                              through a grant from the Illinois State Board of Education. If the grant
                                                               is awarded for 2020, free cold lunches will be served Monday–Friday
                                                              to youth age 1–18 years at four park sites this summer. The summer
                                                              food service program is available to all eligible children without regard
                                                              to race, color, national origin, sex, age, or ability level.
                                                              Program status updates: 847-448-8254.

Arts                                          Specialty                                        Teen Leadership
Adventure through Creation               5    Chess Wizards Mini-Camp                  14      Aquatic Counselor in Training                16
Early Childhood Arts                     6    Lego® Camps                           14-15      Ecology Counselor in Training                16
Evanston Children’s Theatre Camp         5    Robotics Challenge Mini Camp             15      Chandler-Newberger Counselor In Training     16
Full-Day Themed 1–week Arts Camps        6    Zombie Survival Camp                     15      Robert Crown Counselor in Training Program   16
Immersion in the Arts Camp               5
Taste of Immersion in the Arts Camp      5    Special Needs                                    Variety
YAP (Young Artist Program)               5
                                              Camp R.E.A.L.                            15      Aqua Golf Adventures                         18
                                              Camp Spark                               15      End of Summer Bash!                          17
Ecology                                                                                        Fun Factory                                  17
EcoExplorer Camp                        21    Sports                                           Kid City                                     17
EcoQuest Day Camp                       20                                                     Sandals, Sunshine and Swings                 19
                                              Archery Camp                              9
EcoTravelers Camp                       21                                                     Summer Discovery Camp                        18
                                              Aquatic Camps                             7
Summer Summit                           21                                                     Summer Enrichment Academy                    19
                                              Basketball Camps                          9
Wildflower Camp                         20                                                     Summer in the Park                           18
                                              Figure Skating Camps                      8
                                                                                               Summer Safari                                17
                                              Flag Football Camp                       12
General Information                           Golf and Tennis Camps                    11
                                                                                               Tween Scene                                  17
                                                                                               Ultimate Adventure Camp                      18
Camp Policies                         22-23   Gymnastics Camps                          9
Health, Safety and ADA                   23   Hockey Camps                              8
Información Importante                   23   Jedi Fencing Training                    12
Registration Information                 22   Karate Camp                               9
Summer Camps by Age                      24   Pee Wee Sports Camp                      13
                                              Science and Sports Camp                  13
                                              Sports Camp                              12
                                              Tennis                                   10
                                              Tennis and Soccer Camp                   10
                                              Tri-Sports Camps                         13
                                              Volleyball Camps                      10-11

2                                                     cityofevanston.org/summercamps                                                    2020
2020 Camp Guide - City of Evanston
2020 Important Dates and Information

Special Needs, Medications                              Contact Information                        Beaches Hosting Camps
and Americans with                                      Evanston Recreation Division               Clark Street Beach
Disabilities Act (ADA)                                  Morton Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave.       Clark St. at Sheridan Rd.
                                                        311 (847-448-4311)                         Dempster St. Beach
Does your child need special accommodations             recreation@cityofevanston.org              Dempster St. at the lakefront
to allow him/her full participation? Examples of
needs are medication, behavior management               Facilities Hosting Camps                   Lighthouse Beach
and physical assistance.                                                                           Central St. at Sheridan Rd.
                                                        Chandler-Newberger Community Center
The City of Evanston welcomes the participation                                                    cityofevanston.org/beaches, 847-866-4167
                                                        Center 1028 Central St.
of all individuals in our programs, including
those with disabilities. We are fully committed to
                                                                                                   Parks Hosting Camps
complying with the ADA and providing reasonable         Evanston Ecology Center                    Ackerman Park
accommodations to facilitate participation in           2024 McCormick Blvd.                       Central St. at McDaniel Ave.
our programs. The sooner we know about your             847-448-8256                               Baker Park
special situation, the more time we have to make        cityofevanston.org/ecology                 Keeney St. at Forest Ave.
reasonable accommodations to improve your
child’s recreational experience with us!                Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center        Bent Park
                                                        1655 Foster St.                            Hastings St. at Cowper Ave.
At the time of registration, it is the responsibility   847-448-8254
of a parent/guardian to contact our Inclusion                                                      James Park and James Park Fieldhouse
Coordinator to make arrangements for any                                                           Oakton St. at Dodge Ave.
accommodations. Those registering closer to             Gibb-Morrison Cultural Center
                                                                                                   Leahy Park
the start of camp must contact our Inclusion            1823 Church St.
                                                                                                   Lincoln St., one block west of Ridge Ave.
Coordinator no later than 2 weeks before camp           847-448-8040
                                                        cityofevanston.org/gibbsmorrison           Lovelace Park
starts; otherwise, camp attendance may be
                                                        Lighthouse Nature Center (Foghouses)       Gross Point Rd. at Thayer St.
If you have any questions, please contact Ryan          2601 Sheridan Rd.                          Other Camp Questions?
Dollins at rdollins@cityofevanston.org;                 Noyes Cultural Arts Center                 Please call 311 (847-448-4311).
847-424-5496 (voice); 847-448-8064 (TTY)                927 Noyes St.
or 800-526-0857 (IL Relay Center voice                  847-448-8311                               ¿Habla Español?
transmission).                                          cityofevanston.org/noyes                   Pólizas y plazos para los campamentos de
                                                        Robert Crown Community Center              verano estan publicados en español en el sitio
                                                        1701 Main St.                              cityofevanston.org/summercamps. Las copias
                                                        847-448-8258                               impresas estarán disponibles en los cuatro
                                                        cityofevanston.org/crown                   centros comunitarios (arriba). Para asistencia,
                                                                                                   llame al número 847-448-4311.

2020                                                              cityofevanston.org/summercamps                                                 3
2020 Camp Guide - City of Evanston
2020 Important Dates and Information

              Feb. 1    • Open online registration.
              8am–        See page 22.
                        • In-person registrations at the
              Noon        Levy Senior Center.

              Feb. 3    • Resident registrations resumes.
              10am      • Wait list for residents begin.

              Feb. 10   • Open registration begins
              10am        (Evanston resident and nonresidents)
                        • Registrations accepted online, in person
                          by phone and by mail.

              March 3   • Pre- and Post-care registration begins

              May 5     • Camp balances due.
                        • Last date to request a transfer to a different
                          camp program, cancel, and/or request a
                          payment plan.

              June 8    • First day of camps for registered

              July 3    • No Camp help at any City of Evanston
                          Camp Location

              Aug. 14   • Last day of camps for registered
2020 Camp Guide - City of Evanston
Arts Camps                                               Taste of the Arts Camp                                    YAP (Young Artist Program)
                                                         Tucked inside of Immersion in the Camp we                 Theme: Find your vision, find your voice
General Information                                      have a single week Taste in the Arts camp                 YAP offers a balance of in depth art classes
The City of Evanston Arts Camps provide                  option. Taste of the Arts campers are their own           with summer camp fun for tweens and teens,
enrichment and exploration, giving youth                 multi-aged group, a camp within a camp. Days              of all art experience levels. Explore art
the opportunity to immerse themselves in                 may include multiple classes, field trips and             forms, express creativity, ideas and become
the arts and practice creativity, all of which           visits from guest artists. Each week this camp            empowered through the visual and performing
leads to a fascinating summer. All camp staff            will travel to a new international city and learn         arts. Attend a half-day to get a taste, or enroll
have experience working with children and a              about the culture, art and history and then               in a full-day to immerse in the experience.
background in and love of the arts. Each camp            respond through visual and performing arts. We            Offerings ranged from printmaking and
day includes classes in a variety of disciplines         will explore ideas through music, visual arts,            media, painting and collage; creative writing,
and may include field trips, visits from guest           drama, media and movement. This camp offers               cartooning, air guitar, improvisational comedy,
artists and special workshops. Most classes              Pre-and Post-care: register through Immersion             video making, and performance poetry. Classes
are held indoors, but Arts Camp gets outside             Camp. No camp July 3.                                     seek to expose YAPpers to a wide mix of artistic
whenever the weather permits. Most of our                Manager: Angela Allyn, 847-448-8237                       practices and ideas providing opportunities
camps go to the beach once a week.                       Location: TBD, approval by School District 65             to learn new skills, develop new mastery,
Camp Location Updates: call 847-448-8237.                Age: 6-11 yrs.                                            express and pursue individual interests and
                                                         Fee: $295 R/$324 NR                                       work collaboratively toward final presentations
Communication                                                                                                      and projects. YAP provides time and space
Prior to the start of camp, you will receive a link
                                                         Session I
                                                                                                                   for creating community. Four days a week
to the Parent Web page via email, where you can          Pre-Care: #922212C0                Post-Care: #922212D0   artists, instructors and mentors lead projects
download a detailed manual, all your forms and           Class #    Dates              Days     Time               enhancing both individual expression and
information on how to sign up for extended care          922210A0   June 8-12          M-F      9am-3:30pm         group collaboration. Fridays welcome guest
for the camps that offer it. Weekly newsletters          922210B0   June 15-19         M-F      9am-3:30pm         performers, master workshops, a field trip or
are published during camp. Several camps                 922210C0   June 22-26         M-F      9am-3:30pm         a beach excursion. Wednesdays dress up for
operate blogs and post final projects on                 922210D0   June 29-July 2     M-Th     9am-3:30pm         our imaginative theme CosPlay days. End of
YouTube.                                                 Session II                                                session Friends and Family night includes a
                                                                                                                   gallery opening/reception, with a performance
                                                         Pre-Care: #922212E0                Post-Care: #922212F0
Immersion in the Arts Camp                                                                                         showcase. No camp July 4.
                                                         Class #    Dates              Days     Time
Some families like their kids to deep dive into                                                                    Manager: Angela Allyn, 847-448-8237
the arts and process, other families are looking         922210E0   July 6-10          M-F      9am-3:30pm         Location: Noyes Cultural Arts Center
                                                         922210F0   July 3-17          M-F      9am-3:30pm         Age: 11-16 yrs., entering grade 6
for a smörgåsbord of summer single week
                                                         922210G0   July 20-24         M-F      9am-3:30pm
options: this summer we have both at the same                                                                      Fee, 3 week full-day camp: $670 R/$685 NR
                                                         922210H0   July 27-31         M-F      9am-3:30pm
location. Each week this STEAM based camp                                                                          Fee, 3 week half-day camp: $435 R/$465 NR
will look at ideas that are common to both the                                                                     Class #    Dates             Days    Time
art world and the scientific community and then
                                                         Adventure through Creation
                                                                                                                   922215A0   June 8-26         M-F     9am-4pm
respond through visual and performing arts.              Let’s make things together! We’ll use paint,
                                                                                                                   922215B0   June 8-26         M-F     9am-Noon
We will explore the ideas through music, visual          ink, pencils, sticks and wire to create three             922215C0   June 8-26         M-F     1-4pm
arts, drama, media and movement. Immersion               dimensional works of art. Masks, card board               922215D0   June 29-July 17   M-F     9am-4pm
in the Arts features four week sessions which            constructions and weaving are a few of the                922215E0   June 29-July 17   M-F     9am-Noon
allow campers to experience a sense of                   projects that camp director, Patti Montgomery,            922215F0   June 29-July 17   M-F     1-4pm
community and create a capstone project,                 has in mind. Each day will start with free art
celebrating their creativity. This camp offers           time followed by a project and then time to               Evanston Children’s Theatre
pre-and post-care. No camp July 3.                       play outdoors at Baker Park. Children are
                                                         encouraged to explore media in new ways and               Camp
Manager: Angela Allyn, 847-448-8237                                                                                The ECT experience is now available in a
                                                         design their own camp experience as they
Location: TBD, approval by School District 65                                                                      compressed 4 weeks. Campers will rehearse
                                                         develop new skills.
Age: 6-11 yrs.                                                                                                     and perform the musical The Addams Family
Fee: $750 R/$800 NR                                      Manager: Angela Allyn, 847-448-8237
                                                         Location: Baker Park                                      Young@Part ®, a new musical, book by Marshall
Session I                                                Age: 7-9 yrs.                                             Brickman and Rick Elice Music and lyrics by
Pre-Care: #922212C0               Post-Care: #922212D0   Fee: $275 R/$295 NR                                       Andrew Lippa, based on characters created by
                                                                                                                   Charles Addams. Along the way they will go on
Class #    Dates             Days     Time               Class #  Dates              Days     Time                 field trips, host visiting artists and contribute
922212A0   June 8-July 2     M-F      9am-3:30pm         622276A0 July 6-17          M-F      9am-Noon             to all aspects of the production. Fee includes all
Session II                                               622276B0 July 6-17          M-F      1-4pm                materials and field trips.
Pre-Care: #922212E0               Post-Care: #922212F0                                                             Manager: Angela Allyn, 847-448-8237
Class #  Dates             Days     Time                                                                           Location: James Park
922212B0 July 6-31         M-F      9am-3:30pm
                                                                                                                   Age: 8-13 yrs.
                                                                                                                   Fee: $790 R/$805 NR
                                                                                  cial need 23.                    Class #    Dates        Days        Time
                                                                          ADA/spe          e
                                                                Require dation? See pag                            422210A0   July 6-31    M-F         9am-5pm
                                                                   c o m m o

2020                                                                cityofevanston.org/summercamps                                                                  5
2020 Camp Guide - City of Evanston
1–Week Arts Camps                                   Comic and Cartoon Arts Camp                        Medieval camp
                                                    Let your creativity flow. Learn how our favorite   The Age of Chivalry was filled with knights and
Manager: Angela Allyn, 847-448-8237
                                                    cartoon characters, stories, and art come          maidens, dragons, fairies, wizards and trolls.
Location: Noyes Cultural Arts Center
                                                    together to make comics and explore how to         Travel back to the time of Arthur and learn to
Space Arts Camp                                     make our own comics, and bring our stories to      swing a quarterstaff, polish armor, find a good
                                                    life with CosPlay.                                 horse, identify dragons, tell tales of valor and
Explore the stories, arts and science of the
                                                    Age: 8-12 yrs.                                     create our own mystery play.
stars and make our own.
                                                    Fee: $340 R/$370 NR                                Age: 6-12 yrs.
Age: 7-12 yrs.                                      Pre-Care: #922240B0 Post-Care: #922240C0           Fee: $350 R/$375 NR
Fee: $345 R/$375 NR
Pre-Care: #922235B0 Post-Care: #922235C0            Class #    Dates        Days   Time                Class #  Dates           Days     Time
                                                    922240A0   July 20-24   M-F    9am-3:30pm          922223A0 Aug 10-14       M-F      9am-3:30pm
Class #  Dates            Days     Time
922235A0 June 15-9        M-F      9am-3:30pm
                                                    Secret Agent Camp
                                                    Take on spooks, spies, secret agents, alternate
                                                                                                       Early Childhood
Animalia Camp
Explore the stories, art and behavior of your
                                                    identities, crack codes and explore the world      Early Childhood Arts
                                                    of intelligence. Delve into real and fictional
favorite animals, then dive into the care and                                                          This popular half day camp has all the creativity
                                                    operative biographies. Create your own spy
feeding of mythical creatures. Actual animal                                                           of the Immersion in the Arts Camp but sized for
                                                    persona. Ssh! Perhaps a secret mission, too!
visits included!                                                                                       younger campers. We will explore international
                                                    Age: 6-11 yrs.                                     cities and cultures through stories, art, water
Age: 6-11 yrs.                                      Fee: $340 R/$370 NR
Fee: $345 R/$375 NR                                                                                    fun, guest artists, crafts, painting and a big
                                                    Pre-Care: #922225B0 Post-Care: #922225C0           maker space. No camp July 3.
Pre-Care: #922227B        Post-Care: #922227C0
                                                    Class #  Dates          Days   Time                Manager: Angela Allyn , 847-448-8237
Class #    Dates      Days         Time
                                                    922225A0 July 20-24     M-F    9am-3:30pm          Location: Noyes Cultural Arts Center
922227A0   June 22-26 M-F          9am-3:30pm
                                                                                                       Age: 4-6 yrs.
Pirate Camp                                         Architecture Camp                                  Fee: $455 R/$485 NR
                                                    Explore the built environment, create dream        Class #  Dates             Days    Time
We’ll fly the Jolly Roger in our pirate persona     spaces and get to know the personalities that
as we learn to navigate the seas, host a pirate                                                        922213A0 June 8-July 2     M-F     9am-Noon
                                                    created the places where we live, work and play.   922213B0 June 8-July 2     M-F     1-4pm
picnic at the lake, sing pirate chanteys and talk
like a pirate. No camp July 3.                      Age: 7-12 yrs.
Age: 6-10 yrs.
                                                    Fee: $345 R/$375 NR                                NEW! Royals, Knights and
                                                    Pre-Care: #922226B0 Post-Care: #922226C0
Fee: $345 R/$375 NR                                                                                    Nobles
Pre-Care: #922232B0 Post-Care: #922232C0            Class #  Dates          Days   Time
                                                                                                       For young campers, princesses, armor, dress
                                                    922226A0 July 27-31     M-F    9am-3:30pm          ups! Return to the age of kings, queens, chivalry
Class #  Dates              Days    Time
922232A0 June 29-July 2     M-Th    9am-3:30pm                                                         and dragons, explore myths and legends
                                                    Wizards Camp                                       through art projects, songs and stories. Lunch
Crafters Camp                                       Wizard literature and mythology are favorites,     bunch extended care available.
                                                    from Merlin to Gandalf to Harry Potter. Explore    Manager: Angela Allyn , 847-448-8237
From scrap booking to sewing to collage and         their stories, learn spells, potions and magic.
tie-dyeing, we’ll explore various craft projects                                                       Location: Noyes Cultural Arts Center
and gain skills with tools and supplies.            Age: 6-11 yrs.                                     Age: 4-7 yrs.
                                                    Fee: $340 R/$370 NR                                Fee: $275 R/$295 NR
Age: 8-12 yrs.                                      Pre-Care: #922243B0 Post-Care: #922243C0
Fee: $345 R/$375 NR                                                                                    Class #  Dates           Days     Time
Pre-Care: #922231B0 Post-Care: #922231C0            Class #    Dates        Days   Time                922236A0 July 6-17       M-F      9am-Noon
                                                    922243A0   July 27-31   M-F    9am-3:30pm
Class #    Dates          Days     Time
922231A0   July 6-10      M-F      9am-3:30pm
                                                                                                       NEW! Magical Worlds
                                                    Renaissance Camp                                   A pint sized two week camp for young campers!
Geology Arts Camp                                   Our popular immersion into Elizabethan             Stories are filled with mythical small creatures,
                                                    Renaissance is back. Learn to speak Olde           from fairies to elves to trolls to borrowers’
This camp rocks! We’ll be learning about the        English with eloquence, fight for the realm,       we will explore and inhabit a few miniature
arts inspired by gemstones, rocks, volcanoes,       play with Shakespeare, create Renaissance art      habitats, and then we’ll create our own tiny
environmental studies, artistic exploration         and prepare for a visit from Elizabeth, Regina     worlds. Lunch bunch extended care available.
of our planet and what makes the world go           herself. Garb is encouraged.
around.                                                                                                Manager: Angela Allyn , 847-448-8237
                                                    Age: 6-12 yrs.                                     Location: Noyes Cultural Arts Center
Age: 6-11 yrs.                                      Fee: $355 R/$380 NR                                Age: 4-6 yrs.
Fee: $340 R/$370 NR                                 Pre-Care: #922214B0 Post-Care: #922214C0           Fee: $270 R/$290 NR
Pre-Care: #922239B      Post-Care: #922239C0
                                                    Class #    Dates        Days   Time                Class #    Dates           Days    Time
Class #    Dates          Days     Time
                                                    922214A0   Aug 3-7      M-F    9am-3:30pm          922242A0   July 20-31      M-F     9am-Noon
922239A0   July 13-17     M-F      9am-3:30pm

6                                                              cityofevanston.org/summercamps                                                         2020
2020 Camp Guide - City of Evanston
Aquatic Camps                                         Teen Aquatic Camp                                     Kayak and SUP Camp
                                                      Have you aged out of our popular Youth                Find adventure on Lake Michigan and learn
General Information                                   Aquatic Camp, but still want to participate in        confidently to paddle kayaks and stand-up
Important registration information!                   your favorite lakefront activities? This camp is      on paddle boards safely from The Northwest
                                                      designed with you in mind! Please refer to the        Passage staff. Instructors share their wind,
Due to high demand and safety concerns,
                                                      Youth Aquatic Camp description for information        wave and weather conditions knowledge,
register your child for either the morning or
                                                      about apparel and the swim test. Water                creating an exciting educational environment.
afternoon Youth Aquatic Camp per session,
                                                      activities include: sailing, kayaking, swimming,      Start by warming up with games, learn
but not both. We do not prorate Aquatic Camp
                                                      tubing, canoeing and water skiing. If there is        essential gear and activity safety rules, next
                                                      poor weather, there will be one makeup day the        head into the water and apply the day’s lesson
Swim Test Required                                    week after the session ends on the same day           on kayaks or SUP’s. Campers must be able to
Although campers will wear Coast Guard                camp was held.                                        swim 50 yards. The wearing of a flotation device
approved personal flotation devices when              Manager: Adam Abajian, 847-448-8237                   is required.
they are aboard boats or other vessels, they          Location: Dempster Street Beach                       Manager: Adam Abajian, 847-448-8237
are required to pass a 50-yard swim test (any         Age: 13-18 yrs.                                       Location: Clark St. Beach
combination of strokes) before they may               Fee: $130 R/$160 NR                                   Age: 10-13 yrs.
participate in aquatic activities. The test will      Class #    Dates            Days     Time             Fee: $391 R/$491 NR
be given in the lake on the first day of camp                                                               Class #    Dates         Days     Time
                                                      722212A0   July 10-31       F        6-7:30pm
(weather permitting). It’s in your best interest to                                                         722220A0   Aug 3-7       M-F      1-4pm
be sure the camper can pass the test. Refunds
will not be provided if the test is failed.           Parent/Child AquaAction
                                                      Camp                                                  Lakefront Variety Camps
What about the weather?                                                                                     Sports & Aquatic Camp
                                                      This Aquatic Camp is offered for parents/
Aquatic Camp meets every day, but bad
                                                      caregivers who want to share a great aquatic          Full day of activities. The Aquatics Camp has
weather, poor lake conditions or equipment
                                                      experience with their children. Multiple              teamed up with Sports Camp at the lakefront:
failure may require that activities take place on
                                                      generations can participate in the same water         mornings (9:30am–12:30pm), variety of
the sand, in the park, or inside the Beach Office.
                                                      sports as Aquatic Camp (tubing, sailing,              sports and recreational games; afternoons
Camp Staff                                            paddling etc. in a fun, relaxing environment. A       (1:30–4:30pm), traditional aquatics camp fun.
Instructors are highly qualified with extensive       swim test is required at the first class. At least    Campers will sign in at the Arrington Lagoon
lakefront experience. All staff members are           one parent must register for every two children       Building, participate in the morning sports
certified in waterfront lifeguarding, C.P.R. and      and must be present at every class; adults and        activities, eat lunch and walk to Dempster
First Aid.                                            children must register at the same time. The          Beach to participate in the afternoon session of
                                                      fee listed is per person. If there is poor weather,   the aquatics camp. No camp on July 3.
Apparel                                               there will be one makeup day the week after the       Manager: Adam Abajian, 847-448-8237
Bring a swimsuit, towel and athletic shoes or         session ends on the same day camp was held.           Michelle Bush, 847-448-8252
sandals. Dress for the weather at the lakefront       Manager: Adam Abajian, 847-448-8237                   Location: Dempster Street Beach
(it’s often 10° cooler at the lake).                  Location: Dempster Street Beach                       Age: 8-13 yrs.
                                                      Age: 8 yrs. and up                                    Fee: $780 R/$880 NR
Youth Aquatic Camp                                    Fee: $130 R/$160 NR                                   Class #  Dates           Days      Time
Imagine a summer filled with fun activities,          Class #    Dates              Days    Time            722208D0 June 29-July 17 M-F       9:30am-4:30pm
learn about safety and gain respect for the lake!     722214A0   June 15-29         M       6-7:30pm
Water activities include: sailing, kayaking,          722214B0   June 17-July 1     W       6-7:30pm
                                                                                                            Arts & Aquatic Camp
swimming, tubing, canoeing, water skiing,             722214C0   July 13-27         M       6-7:30pm        Full day of activities. The Aquatics camp has
fishing theme days will be held, along with an        722214D0   July 15-29         W       6-7:30pm        teamed up with Arts Camp at the lakefront:
informal parent’s night held the last Thursday of                                                           mornings (9:30–12:30), creating artwork,
the camp. No camp July 3.                             Adult Aquatic Adventures                              crafts, music and hearing stories related to
                                                      Now adults, who didn’t have an opportunity to         water and shorelines; afternoons (1:30–4:30)
Manager: Adam Abajian, 847-448-8237
                                                      participate in water sports as a child, can enjoy     will be packed with traditional aquatics camp
Location: Dempster Street Beach
                                                      Lake Michigan. You’ll enjoy the same water            fun. Campers will sign in at the Arrington
Age: 8-13 yrs.
                                                      sports as our very popular Aquatic Camp in a          Lagoon Building, participate in the morning
Fee: $390 R/$440 NR
                                                      fun, relaxing environment (see previous page).        Arts activities, eat lunch and walk to Dempster
Class #    Dates             Days   Time                                                                    Beach to participate in the afternoon session of
722210A0   June 8-26         M-F    9:30am-12:30pm    You’ll also learn important safety rules and
                                                      tips. A 50-yard swim test is required at the first    the Aquatics Camp.
722210B0   June 8-26         M-F    1:30-4:30pm
                                                      class. If there is poor weather, there will be one    Manager: Adam Abajian, 847-448-8237
722210C0   June 29-July 17   M-F    9:30am-12:30pm
722210D0   June 29-July 17   M-F    1:30-4:30pm       makeup day the week after the session ends on         Angela Allyn, 847-448-8237
722210E0   July 20-Aug 7     M-F    9:30am-12:30pm    the same day camp was held.                           Location: Dempster Street Beach
722210F0   July 20-Aug 7     M-F    1:30-4:30pm       Manager: Adam Abajian, 847-448-8237                   Age: 8-13 yrs.
                                                      Location: Dempster Street Beach                       Fee: $780 R/$880 NR
                                                      Age: 18 yrs. and up                                   Class #  Dates             Days    Time
                             s                        Fee: $130 R/$160 NR                                   722209B0 June 8-26         M-F     9:30am-4:30pm
                    cial need 23.
            ADA/spe          e                                                                              722209F0 July 20-Aug 7     M-F     9:30am-4:30pm
     Require dation? See pag                          Class #    Dates              Days    Time
     accomm                                           722215A0   June 16-30         Tu      6-7:30pm
                                                      722215B0   July 14-28         Tu      6-7:30pm

2020                                                             cityofevanston.org/summercamps                                                                7
2020 Camp Guide - City of Evanston
Hockey Camps                                          Hat Trick Hockey                                      Freeskate Camp
                                                      Camp is geared toward the Travel or House             Designed for Freeskate level skaters, includes
Apparel                                               hockey player to develop their game with daily        on and off ice sessions. Skaters must have
Indoor activities: recommended, comfortable           on ice skills and training. Players will be grouped   passed through the Basic levels of the Learn to
athletic clothing and shoes. On-ice activities:       by age and skill level. Ice time is divided into      Skate USA program, including the
recommended, helmet, elbow and knee pads.             three 50 min. sessions.                               Pre-Freeskate level. On ice skating sessions
Full hockey equipment is required. Coaches will       Manager: James Faedtke, 847-448-8258                  focus on power skating, edge work, jumps,
assist with equipment. Skate rental is included       Location: Robert Crown Community Center               spins music interpretation and daily
in the registration fee.                              Age: 6-14 yrs.                                        independent practice sessions. Off ice
                                                                                                            sessions will include conditioning, ballet, yoga,
Learn to Skate Hockey Camp                            Half Day                                              stretching and technique.
Summer is a great time to develop skating and         Fee, 5 sessions: $300 R/$350 NR                       Manager: Vicki Revere, 847-448-8258
hockey skills in a positive environment. Daily        Pre-Care: #322247A0 Post-Care: #322247B0              Location: Robert Crown Community Center
ice sessions, off ice conditioning and arts           Class #        Dates          Days   Time             Age: 6-18 yrs.
and crafts and special weekly theme days are                                                                Fee, 5 days: $205 R/$225 NR
                                                      322235A0       June 8-2       M-F    1:30-4:30pm
included.                                                                                                   Fee, 4 days: $164 R/$184 NR
                                                      322235B0       July 6-10      M-F    1:30-4:30pm
Schedule                                              322235C0       July 13-7      M-F    1:30-4:30pm      Class #    Dates            Days   Time
Camp will include daily 1.75 hrs. of Learn to         322235D0       July 20-24     M-F    1:30-4:30pm      322229A0   June 8-12        M-F    8am-3pm
Skate time on the ice and a rotation of activities    322235E0       Aug 3-7        M-F    1:30-4:30pm      322229B0   June 15-19       M-F    8am-3pm
throughout the week.                                  Daily                                                 322229C0   June 22-26       M-F    8am-3pm
Manager: James Faedtke, 847-448-8258                                                                        322229D0   June 29-July 2   M-Th   8am-3pm
                                                      Fee: $75 R/$85 NR
                                                                                                            322229E0   July 6-10        M-F    8am-3pm
Location: Robert Crown Community Center               Class #        Dates          Days   Time             322229F0   July 13-17       M-F    8am-3pm
Age: 5-12 yrs.
                                                      322231A0       June 8-12      M-F    1:30-4:30pm      322229G0   July 20-24       M-F    8am-3pm
Fee: $200 R/$250 NR                                   322231B0       July 6-10      M-F    1:30-4:30pm      322229H0   July 27-31       M-F    8am-3pm
Morning                                               322231C0       July 13-17     M-F    1:30-4:30pm      322229I0   Aug 3-7          M-F    8am-3pm
Pre-Care: #322247A0                                   322231D0       July 20-24     M-F    1:30-4:30pm      322229J0   Aug 10-14        M-F    8am-3pm
                                                      322231E0       Aug 3-7        M-F    1:30-4:30pm      322229K0   Aug 17-21        M-F    8am-3pm
Class #    Dates        Days     Time
322232A0   June 8-12    M-F      8:30am-Noon                                                                Figure Skating Training Camp
           June 15-19
           June 22-26
                                                      Figure Skating Camps                                  Designed for high level figure skaters, includes
                                                                                                            on and off ice sessions. Skaters must have
           July 27-31
           Aug 3-7
                                                      Learn to Figure Skate Camp                            passed through all levels of the Learn to Skate
322232F0   Aug 10-14    M-F      8:30am-Noon          Campers are introduced to figure skating basics       USA program and be able to properly execute
322232G0   Aug 17-21    M-F      8:30am-Noon          through on and off of the ice activities. Skaters     an axel jump. On ice skating sessions include
                                                      are divided by ability and level, ranging from        power skating, edge work, jumps, jump harness
Afternoon                                             beginners to advanced. Skate rental included if       training, spins, music interpretation and daily
Post-Care: #322247B0                                  needed. Preregistration is required.                  independent practice sessions. Off ice sessions
Class #    Dates          Days    Time                Manager: Vicki Revere, 847-448-8258                   include intense conditioning, cardio training,
322223A0   June 8-12      M-F     12:30-4pm           Location: Robert Crown Community Center               ballet, yoga, stretching, jump and positioning
322223B0   June 15-19     M-F     12:30-4pm           Age: 5-12 yrs.                                        technique.
322223C0   June 22-26     M-F     12:30-4pm           Fee Full Day: $205 R/$225 NR                          Manager: Vicki Revere, 847-448-8258
322223D0   July 27-31     M-F     12:30-4pm           Fee Half Day: $164 R/$184 NR                          Location: Robert Crown Community Center
322223E0   Aug 3-7        M-F     12:30-4pm           *
                                                        $149 R/$169                                         Age: 6-18 yrs.
322223F0   Aug 10-14      M-F     12:30-4pm           **
                                                         $120 R/$140 NR                                     Fee, 5 days: $205 R/$225 NR
322223G0   Aug 17-21      M-F     12:30-4pm           Pre-Care: #322247A0 Post-Care: #322247B0              Fee, 4 days: $164 R/$184 NR
                                                        Class #    Dates            Days   Time             Class #    Dates            Days   Time
                                                        322241A0   June 8-12        M-F    8:30am-4pm       322230A0   June 8-12        M-F    8am-3pm
                                                        322241B0   June 8-12        M-F    8:30am-Noon      322230B0   June 15-19       M-F    8am-3pm
                                                        322241C0   June 15-19       M-F    8:30am-4pm       322230C0   June 22-26       M-F    8am-3pm
                                                        322241D0   June 15-19       M-F    8:30am-Noon      322230D0   June 29-July 2   M-Th   8am-3pm
                                                        322241E0   June 22-26       M-F    8:30am-4pm       322230E0   July 6-10        M-F    8am-3pm
                                                        322241F0   June 22-26       M-F    8:30am-Noon      322230F0   July 13-17       M-F    8am-3pm
                                                        322241G0   June 29-July 2   M-Th   8:30am-4pm       322230G0   July 20-24       M-F    8am-3pm
                                                        322241H0   June 29-July 2   M-Th   8:30am-Noon      322230H0   July 27-31       M-F    8am-3pm
                                                        322241I0   July 6-10        M-F    8:30am-4pm       322230I0   Aug 3-7          M-F    8am-3pm
                                                        322241J0   July 6-10        M-F    8:30am-Noon      322230J0   Aug 10-14        M-F    8am-3pm
                                      s                 322241K0   July 13-17       M-F    8:30am-4pm       322230K0   Aug 17-21        M-F    8am-3pm
                            cial need
         e q u ire ADA/spe ee page 23.                  322241L0   July 13-17       M-F    8:30am-Noon
       R                   ?S
                    odation                             322241M0   July 20-24       M-F    8:30am-4pm
                                                        322241N0   July 20-24       M-F    8:30am-Noon
                                                        322241O0   July 27-31       M-F    8:30am-4pm
                                                        322241P0   July 27-31       M-F    8:30am-Noon
                                                        322241Q0   Aug 3-7          M-F    8:30am-4pm
                                                        322241R0   Aug 3-7          M-F    8:30am-Noon

8                                                                  cityofevanston.org/summercamps                                                        2020
2020 Camp Guide - City of Evanston
Basketball Camps                                                  Gymnastics Camps                                        Karate Camps
Full Day Basketball Camp                                          NEW! Tumbling Mini Camp                                 Karate Camp
Let’s play ball! This camp is for all levels to                   Tumbling camp focuses on power moves on the             Join Sensei Thomas in learning defensive
improve their game, experience teamwork                           floor. Participants will work on somersaults,           and counterattacking body movements as he
and break a sweat while having fun. Station                       handstands, cartwheels, flips and                       teaches hard and soft style techniques. Karate
style instruction along with, multiple games                      handsprings. Many of these gymnastic moves              teaches self-defense and fighting, while also
a day ensure the repetition and experience                        will work perfectly for cheerleaders. Some              improving the mental and moral aspects of an
players need to take the next step in their                       basic gymnastics experience is necessary.               individual. The sport also promotes a healthy
development. Players will compete for coaches                     The parent packet, emailed prior to the camp            body and mind. This camp is for those new or
awards, hustle awards, and skill challenges for                   start, includes important camp and appropriate          fairly new to martial arts.
prizes!                                                           apparel information.                                    Manager: Michelle Tompkins, 847-448-8252
Manager: James Faedtke, 847-448-8258                              Manager: Michelle Tompkins, 847-448-8252                Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
Location: Robert Crown Community Center                           Location: Chandler-Newberger Center                     Age: Varies.
Age: 6-14 yrs.                                                    Age: 6-10 yrs.                                          Fee: $203 R/$235 NR
Fee: $299 R/$319 NR                                               Fee: $220 R/$258 NR                                     Class #    Dates       Days   Time       Age
Class #  Dates                Days     Time                       Class #  Dates           Days   Time                    622201A0   Aug 10-14   M-F    9am-Noon   5-7 yrs.
322237A0 Aug 17-21            M-F      9am-4pm                    622258A0 July 27-Aug 7   M-F    4:30-6:30pm             622201B0   Aug 10-14   M-F    1-4pm      8-11 yrs.

We Got Game Basketball                                            Gymnastics Camp
Camp                                                              These camps are designed to have fun while
                                                                                                                          Archery Camps
                                                                  developing and improving gymnastic skills.
  Basketball camps feature skill-based drills,
                                                                  Our coaches will help your child increase his/
                                                                                                                          Beginning Archery Camp
  games designed to improve techniques and                                                                                Learn and master the sport of archery in a safe
  game understanding, build confidence to                         her coordination, balance, flexibility and self-
                                                                  confidence while working on the floor, vault,           environment. We use a nationally recognized
  succeed on and off the court and learn to be                                                                            beginner’s 9-step to the 10 ring progression
  a better team. Campers will be divided into                     bars and beam. No experience is necessary
                                                                  to register for the beginning-level camps. The          created by the Coaches Development
  game teams daily for the opportunity to try new                                                                         Committee of the National Archery Association.
  moves in a safe instructional environment.                      parent packet, emailed prior to the camp start,
                                                                  includes important camp and appropriate                 Participants will work on concentration and
  Manager: Michelle Bush, 847-448-8685                            apparel information. No Camp July 3.                    discipline through exciting drills and games.
  Location: Chandler-Newberger Center                                                                                     Campers will learn about archery history,
  Age: 5-12 yrs.                                                  Manager: Michelle Tompkins, 847-448-8252
                                                                                                                          equipment, characters in movies and comics,
  Fee, 5 days: $120 R/$140 NR                                     Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
                                                                                                                          Olympic archery, folk heroes, and other fun
  Fee, 4 days: $96 R/$112 NR                                      Age: Varies
                                                                                                                          facts. Recurved bows, blunt tipped arrows and
  $280 R/$300 NR                                                  Fee: $225 R/$263 NR
                                                                                                                          targets will be provided during camp.
  Class #    Dates              Days    Time		        Age         Beginning                                               Manager: Michelle Tompkins, 847-448-8252
  622295A0   June 8-12          M-F     4:30-6:30pm   5-12 yrs.   Class #  Dates           Days   Time		 Age              Age: Varies
  622295B0   June 15-19         M-F     4:30-6:30pm   8-13 yrs.   622259A0 June 15-26      M-F    4:30-6:30pm 5-7 yrs.    Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
  622295C0   June 22-26         M-F     4:30-6:30pm   5-12 yrs.   622259B0 June 29-July 10 M-F    4:30-6:30pm 8-10 yrs.   Fee: $130 R/ $149 NR
  622295D0   June 29-July 2     M-Th    4:30-6:30pm   5-12 yrs.                                                           Class #  Dates         Days Time        Age
  622295E0   July 6-10          M-F     4:30-6:30pm   5-12 yrs.   Advanced Beginning / Intermediate
                                                                                                                          622805A0 Aug 17-20     M-F 9:30-11:30am 7-9 yrs.
  622295F0   July 13-17         M-F     4:30-6:30pm   5-12 yrs.   Class #  Dates           Days   Time        Age         622805B0 Aug 17-20     M-F 4:30-6:30pm 10-12 yrs.
  622295G0   July 20-24         M-F     4:30-6:30pm   8-13 yrs.
  622295H0   July 27-31         M-F     4:30-6:30pm   5-12 yrs.   622259C0 July 13-24      M-F    4:30-6:30pm 6-10 yrs.
  622295I0   Aug 3-7            M-F     4:30-6:30pm   5-12 yrs.
  622295J0   Aug 10-14          M-F     4:30-6:30pm   5-12 yrs.
  622295K0   Aug 17-21          M-F     9am-4pm		     5-13 yrs.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Photo credit: Meagan Adams

2020                                                                        cityofevanston.org/summercamps                                                                     9
2020 Camp Guide - City of Evanston
Tennis Camps                                               NEW! Tennis & Soccer Camp                               Volleyball Camps
                                                           Every expert starts as a beginner. Let your child
Summer Daze Junior Tennis                                  embrace their tennis and soccer bug at our              Beach Volleyball Camp
Camp                                                       summer camp! The City of Evanston and Team              Our coaches deliver a fun and challenging
                                                           Evanston have teamed up to provide a unique             lesson plan. You’ll learn the rules, fine-tune
Our camp offers personalized attention for all.            multi-sports camp that will give campers the            your skills, and pick up valuable strategy tips.
Players are grouped by age and ability level.              opportunity to participate in both tennis and           We’ll concentrate on the fundamentals of
Our goal is to provide a highly fun organized              soccer. Campers are challenged to improve their         passing, setting, spiking, learn to overhand
and energetic program. We will focus heavily on            technical skills and will have fun playing the          serve and play organized games. The sand adds
solid stroke development, strategy, footwork               game under the guidance of our professionally           a whole new dimension. Dress for the beach;
patterns and instill a love of the game. Dress for         qualified coaching staff. Camp topics will              sun care and bathing suits are suggested. At the
the weather, wear sunscreen, bring a water bottle          include instructional activities focusing on            end, campers will receive a voucher for one free
and tennis racquet.                                        dribbling, shooting, ball control, passing and          entry to an EVP Volleyball Tournament.
Manager: Michelle Bush, 847-448-8252                       small group tactics. Players will be grouped by         Half day camp: Monday–Thursday
Location: Lovelace Park                                    age and ability level.                                  Rain make-up day: Friday
Age: 7-14 yrs.
                                                           Schedule                                                Manager: Michelle Bush, 847-448-8252
Fee, 10 days: $318 R/$361 NR
                                                           Campers start their morning at Lovelace Park            Location: Clark St. Beach
Fee, 9 days: $282 R/$315 NR
                                                           tennis courts from 10am-Noon participating in           Age: 8-14 yrs.
Morning Session                                            tennis. After a break for a supervised lunch from       Fee: $110 R/$135 NR
Class #    Dates            Days   Time       Age          12–1pm (campers must be sure to bring their             Morning Session
622287A0   June 8-19        M-F    9am-Noon   7-10yrs.     own lunch), campers will proceed to the soccer
                                                                                                                   Class #     Dates        Days   Time        Grade
622287B0   June 8-19        M-F    9am-Noon   10-14 yrs.   portion of camp from 1–3pm. Pick-up will be at
622287C0   June 22-July 2   M-F    9am-Noon   7-10yrs.     Lovelace Park.                                          622293A0    June 15-18   M-Th   8:30-11am   3-5
622287D0   June 22-July 2   M-F    9am-Noon   10-14 yrs.                                                           622293B0    June 15-18   M-Th   8:30-11am   3-5
622287E0   July 6-17        M-F    9am-Noon   7-10yrs.                                                             622293C0    June 22-25   M-Th   8:30-11am   6-8
622287F0   July 6-17        M-F    9am-Noon   10-14 yrs.                                                           622293D0    June 22-25   M-Th   8:30-11am   6-8
622287G0   July 20-31       M-F    9am-Noon   7-10yrs.                                                             622293E0    July 6-9     M-Th   8:30-11am   6-8
622287H0   July 20-31       M-F    9am-Noon   10-14 yrs.                                                           622293F0    July 6-9     M-Th   8:30-11am   3-5
622287I0   Aug 3-14         M-F    9am-Noon   7-10yrs.                                                             622293G0    July 13-16   M-Th   8:30-11am   3-5
622287J0   Aug 3-14         M-F    9am-Noon   10-14 yrs.                                                           622293H0    July 13-16   M-Th   8:30-11am   6-8
                                                                                                                   622293I0    July 20-23   M-Th   8:30-11am   6-8
Afternoon Session                                                                                                  622293J0    July 20-23   M-Th   8:30-11am   4-6
                                                                                                                   622293K0    July 27-30   M-Th   8:30-11am   6-8
Class #    Dates            Days   Time       Age
                                                           Team Evanston                                           622293L0    July 27-30   M-Th   8:30-11am   2-4
622288A0   June 8-19        M-F    1-4pm      7-10 yrs.
                                                           Soccer teaches kids many life values, and it is         Afternoon Session
622288B0   June 8-19        M-F    1-4pm      10-14 yrs.
                                                           lots of fun. At Team Evanston we specialize in
622288C0   June 22-July 2   M-F    1-4pm      7-10yrs.
                                                           coaching soccer, we enjoy teaching kids, and            Class #     Dates        Days   Time        Grade
622288D0   June 22-July 2   M-F    1-4pm      10-14 yrs.
622288E0   July 6-17        M-F    1-4pm      7-10 yrs.    we have lots of fun. Have your player join us this      622294A0    June 15-18   M-Th   1:30-4pm    3-5
622288F0   July 6-17        M-F    1-4pm      10-14 yrs.   summer at soccer camp to improve your soccer            622294B0    June 15-18   M-Th   1:30-4pm    6-8
622288G0   July 20-31       M-F    1-4pm      7-10 yrs.    skills, eye-foot coordination, and teamwork.            622294C0    June 22-25   M-Th   1:30-4pm    3-5
622288H0   July 20-31       M-F    1-4pm      10-14 yrs.   Kids will have lots of touches on the ball              622294D0    June 22-25   M-Th   1:30-4pm    6-8
622288I0   Aug 3-14         M-F    1-4pm      7-10 yrs.    practicing soccer-specific skills and will learn        622294E0    July 6-9     M-Th   1:30-4pm    3-5
622288J0   Aug 3-14         M-F    1-4pm      10-14 yrs.   how to make decisions by playing competitive            622294F0    July 6-9     M-Th   1:30-4pm    6-8
                                                           small sided games.                                      622294G0    July 13-16   M-Th   1:30-4pm    3-5
                                                                                                                   622294H0    July 13-16   M-Th   1:30-4pm    6-8
                                                           Manager: Michelle Bush, 847-448-8252                    622294I0    July 20-23   M-Th   1:30-4pm    3-5
                                                           Location: Lovelace Park                                 622294J0    July 20-23   M-Th   1:30-4pm    6-8
                                                           Age: 6-12 yrs.                                          622294K0    July 27-30   M-Th   1:30-4pm    3-5
                                                           Fee: $600 R/$625 NR                                     622294L0    July 27-30   M-Th   1:30-4pm    6-8
                                                             Note: If you register for more than one session
                                                           your fee will then be $500 per session.
                                                           Class #    Dates            Days   Time       Session
                                                           622273A0   June 8-18        M-Th   10am-3pm   1
                                                           622273B0   June 22-July 2   M-Th   10am-3pm   2
                                                           622273C0   July 6-16        M-Th   10am-3pm   3
                                                           622273D0   July 20-30       M-Th   10am-3pm   4

                                                                                                                                             cial need 23.
                                                                                                                                     ADA/spe          e
                                                                                                                              Require dation? See pag

10                                                                    cityofevanston.org/summercamps                                                               2020
Volleykidz Beach Volleyball                         Golf Camps                                           NEW! Intro to Golf & Tennis
Series Camp                                                                                              This camp collaboration between The Golf
The Volleykidz Beach Volleyball Series Camps                                                             Practice Golf Academy and the City of Evanston
are for junior athletes interested in playing                                                            Tennis Academy introduces campers to
beach volleyball all summer in a 2-person                                                                the world of golf and tennis! The golf portion is
and 4-person format. The series of beach                                                                 aimed at getting young golfers excited about
volleyball tournaments are girls and boys in                                                             learning and participating in the sport. We
the following divisions 10U 12U, 14U, 16U                                                                nurture this excitement by using a variety of
and 18U. The Junior teams who finish 1st and                                                             non-traditional learning strategies to assist our
2nd in these event receive a bid (free entry) to                                                         junior golfers on their path to discovery. Intro to
compete in the annual Evanston Clark St. Beach       The Golf Practice is a Chicago based golf           Golf addresses and instills these fundamentals
Championships on Sunday, Aug. 9.                    academy that serves Adult and Junior golfers of      through thoughtful instruction with a
Manager: Michelle Bush, 847-448-8252                all ages and skill levels. Using unique and non-     concentration on deliberate game play that
Start Time: 10am                                    traditional learning strategies, our PGA certified   will entertain and challenge your junior golfer.
Playoffs: 3pm top two teams to GOLD Brackets        instructors will walk together with you on your      The tennis portion aims to provide a highly
and unranked teams to Silver Brackets               golfing journey and help you reach your goals.       organized and energetic program which focuses
Awards: 1st place Gold EVP Medal, 2nd place         Join us outdoors in Evanston and Deerfield           heavily on solid stroke development, strategy
Silver EVP Medal                                    or at our 13,000 square foot indoor facility in      and footwork patterns. The main focus is to let
Location: Clark St. Beach volleyball courts         Highland Park fully equipped with undulating         kids have fun and instill a love of the game. The
Age: 10-18 yrs.                                     greens, real bunkers, three Trackmans and            golf portion of camp will take place first from
Fee: $20 R/$35 NR                                   high speed video analysis. The Golf Practice         3-4pm and the tennis portion of camp will take
                                                    offers private instruction, group training and       place from 4-5pm..
Class #    Dates        Days   Time
                                                    indoor practice. For more information visit,         Location: Leahy Park
622274A0   June 7       Su     10am-5pm
622274B0   June 12      F      10am-5pm             thegolfpractice.com or call 847-850-0956.            Manager: Michelle Bush, 847-448-8252
622274C0   June 14      Su     10am-5pm                                                                  Location: Chandler Newberger Center
622274D0   June 21      Su     10am-5pm             Junior Golf and Tennis Camp                          Age: 8-13 yrs.
622274E0   July 3       F      10am-5pm             Every expert starts as a beginner. The City of       Fee: $400 R/$425 NR
622274F0   July 10      F      10am-5pm             Evanston and The Golf Practice at Canal Shores       Class #   Dates          Days     Time
622274G0   July 12      Su     10am-5pm             introduces the sports of golf and tennis at a        622279A0 June 9-July 9 Tu, Th     3-5pm
622274H0   July 18      Sa     10am-5pm             young age. This program provides parents a           622279XB0 July 14-Aug 13 Tu, Th   3-5pm
622274I0   July 26      Su     10am-5pm             convenient and affordable option for children to
622274J0   Aug 7        F      10am-5pm             experience fun and enrichment. Our dedicated
622274K0   Aug 9        Su     10am-5pm
                                                    coaching staff help students develop their
                                                    skills, a passion for golf or tennis and use
NEW! Volleykidz Indoor                              sports as a vehicle for delivering curriculum
Volleyball Camp                                     loaded with educational concepts, including
Come indoors for a special camp session taught      STEM and life skills such as respect, honesty,
and directed by EVP Volleyball Professionals.       perseverance and sportsmanship. On the
This 4 day camp will concentrate on the             last day, campers receive a Canal Shores Golf
fundamentals of passing, setting, and spiking.      Course voucher for a free round of golf for 1
The lesson plan directs the use of self-mastery     guardian and child. The 18-hole Canal Shores
training that helps each student reach a new        Golf Course offers half-day youth golf camps
level. The knowledge of the instructors will give   for kids ages 5 and older at all skill levels.
the participants a head start on their skills in    Visit www.canalshores.org for fees, dates and
preparation for the next upcoming season.           sign-up. Limited scholarship opportunities for
Manager: Michelle Bush, 847-448-8252                youth golfers are also available. Equipment
Location: Chandler Newberger Center                 is provided. The golf portion of camp will take
Age: 8-14 yrs.                                      place first from 9am-noon and the tennis
Fee: $100 R/$120 NR                                 portion of camp will take place from 1-4pm.
Class #    Dates        Days   Time                 Manager: Michelle Bush, 847-448-8252
                                                    Location: Leahy Park
622292A0   June 8-11    M-Th   6:30-8:30pm
                                                    Age: 8-13 yrs.
622292B0   July 13-16   M-Th   6:30-8:30pm
622292C0   Aug 3-6      M-Th   6:30-8:30pm
                                                    Fee, 10 days: $650 R/$675 NR
                                                    Fee, 9 days: $585 R/$608 NR
                                                    Class #    Dates            Days   Time
                                                    622278A0   June 8-19        M-F    9am-4pm
                                                    622278B0   June 22-July 2   M-F    9am-4pm
                                                    622278C0   July 6-17        M-F    9am-4pm
                                                    622278D0   July 20-31       M-F    9am-4pm
                                                    622278E0   Aug 3-14         M-F    9am-4pm

2020                                                           cityofevanston.org/summercamps                                                            11
Fencing Camps                                           Sports Camps                                        SESSION I
                                                                                                            Fee, full-day: $501 R/$573
Jedi Fencing Mini-Camp                                  Sports Camp                                         Fee, half-day: $251 R/$287 NR
This camp, a combination of Tai Chi and Fencing,        Team sports, individual accomplishments and         Pre-Care: #622236A0 Post-Care: #622236B0
will focus on self-awareness and increase self-         tons of fun await your camper at the Chandler-      Class #    Dates       Days   Time       Age
confidence. Our resident “Yoda”, Diana Unger            Newberger Sports Summer Camp and Sports             622282A0   June 8-26   M-F    9am-4pm    6-8
and help young Jedi’s become one with the               Mini-Camp! Guided by counselors, our sports         622282B0   June 8-26   M-F    9am-Noon   6-8
“Force”. For campers registered in the Fencing          camp will introduce participants to a variety       622282C0   June 8-26   M-F    1-4pm      6-8
Camp and Chandler-Newberger Camp Program                of sports along with traditional camp and           622282D0   June 8-26   M-F    9am-4pm    8-10
which ends at 4pm, supervision will be provided         playground activities. Instruction and play         622282E0   June 8-26   M-F    9am-Noon   8-10
at no charge, you must contact Michelle                 are combined in each sport to encourage             622282F0   June 8-26   M-F    1-4pm      8-10
Tompkins two weeks prior to the start of camp to        individual skill improvement and action in          622282G0   June 8-26   M-F    9am-4pm    10-12
complete a registration form.                           a non-pressuring and exciting atmosphere.           622282H0   June 8-26   M-F    9am-Noon   10-12
                                                                                                            622282J0   June 8-26   M-F    1-4pm      10-12
                                                        Emphasis is placed on teamwork, friendship,
Apparel                                                 the enjoyment of building a successful team         SESSION I (Girls Only)
Weapons, jackets and masks are provided.                and sportsmanship not the final score. Each
For safety, campers must buy an underarm                                                                    Class #    Dates       Days   Time       Age
                                                        camp day ends with a team coming together in a
protector and glove.                                                                                        622282K0   June 8-26   M-F    9am-4pm    6-9
                                                        closing circle reflecting on their day.
                                                                                                            622282L0   June 8-26   M-F    9am-Noon   6-9
Manager: Michelle Tompkins, 847-448-8252                Field trips are included in both the full-day and   622282M0   June 8-26   M-F    1-4pm      6-9
Location: Chandler-Newberger Center                     half-day camps. Sports camp will not be going       622282N0   June 8-26   M-F    9am-4pm    9-12
Age: Varies                                             to Great America in 2020. The last day of each      622282P0   June 8-26   M-F    9am-Noon   9-12
Fee: $203 R/$229 NR                                     camp session will end with our Camp Olympics        622282Q0   June 8-26   M-F    1-4pm      9-12
Class #  Dates        Days   Time          Age          (ages 8–12) and Bonanza extravaganza
622296A0 July 27-31   M-F    5-7pm         7-9 yrs.      (ages 6–8) celebrations. No camp July 3.           SESSION II
622296B0 Aug 3-7      M-F    5-7pm         10-13 yrs.                                                       Fee, full-day: $501 R/$573 NR
                                                        Grouping of Campers                                 Fee, half-day: $251 R/$287 NR
                                                        Campers are assigned to groups according to         Pre-Care: #622236G0 Post-Care: #622236H0
Football Camps                                          age. Every effort is made to place friends in the
                                                        same group. Group requests by families: (may
                                                                                                            Class #    Dates       Days   Time       Age
                                                                                                            622283A0   July 6-24   M-F    9am-4pm    6-8
4th & 5th Grade Flag Football                           only include 3 children) must be made by May 4,
                                                                                                            622283B0   July 6-24   M-F    9am-Noon   6-8
                                                        no requests will be accepted after this date.
Camp                                                    Contact: Michelle Tompkins at
                                                                                                            622283C0   July 6-24   M-F    1-4pm      6-8
                                                                                                            622283D0   July 6-24   M-F    9am-4pm    8-10
Get ready for the upcoming flag football season.        mtompkins@cityofevanston.org.                       622283E0   July 6-24   M-F    9am-Noon   8-10
This camp is perfect for all player levels.                                                                 622283F0   July 6-24   M-F    1-4pm      8-10
Campers learn non-contact football, develop             Information Packet                                  622283G0   July 6-24   M-F    9am-4pm    9-12
throwing, catching, running and basic defensive         Information packet will include activity            622283H0   July 6-24   M-F    9am-Noon   9-12
skills. In addition, there will be speed and agility    calendar and a camper’s group newsletter from       622283J0   July 6-24   M-F    1-4pm      9-12
training as well as individualized attention to         mtompkins@cityofevanston.org. Group lists
each camper’s skills. At the end of the week,           will be posted on the first day of camp. Please     SESSION II (Girls Only)
players will have a chance to scrimmage fellow          have a current email on file.                       Class #    Dates       Days   Time       Age
campers. Players that attend this camp will             Manager: Michelle Tompkins, 847-448-8252            622283K0   July 6-24   M-F    9am-4pm    6-9
receive $5 off their player registration fee for the    Age: 6-12 yrs.                                      622283L0   July 6-24   M-F    9am-Noon   6-9
fall 2020 flag football season.                                                                             622283M0   July 6-24   M-F    1-4pm      6-9
Manager: Michelle Bush, 847-448-8685                                                                        622283N0   July 6-24   M-F    9am-4pm    9-12
Location: Robert Crown Community Center                                                                     622283P0   July 6-24   M-F    9am-Noon   9-12
Age: 9-11 yrs.                                                                                              622283Q0   July 6-24   M-F    1-4pm      9-12
Fee: $100 R/$125 NR
                                                                                                            Session III (Mini-Camp)
Class #  Dates        Days   Time                                                                           Fee, full-day: $216 R/$260 NR
622252A0 Aug 3-7      M-F    4:30-6:30pm                                                                    Fee, half-day: $108 R/$130 NR
622252B0 Aug 10-14    M-F    4:30-6:30pm                                                                    Pre-Care: #622236S0 Post-Care: #622236T0
                                                                                                            Class #    Dates       Days   Time       Age
                                                                                                            622284A0   Aug 3-7     M-F    9am-4pm    6-8
                                                                                                            622284B0   Aug 3-7     M-F    9am-Noon   6-8
                                                                                        s                   622284C0   Aug 3-7     M-F    1-4pm      6-8
                                                                               cial need 23.
                                                                       ADA/spe          e                   622284D0   Aug 3-7     M-F    9am-4pm    8-10
                                                                Require dation? See pag
                                                                        o                                   622284E0   Aug 3-7     M-F    9am-Noon   8-10
                                                                                                            622284F0   Aug 3-7     M-F    1-4pm      8-10
                                                                                                            622284G0   Aug 3-7     M-F    9am-4pm    10-12
                                                                                                            622284H0   Aug 3-7     M-F    9am-Noon   10-12
                                                                                                            622284J0   Aug 3-7     M-F    1-4pm      10-12

12                                                               cityofevanston.org/summercamps                                                             2020
Pee Wee Sports Camp                                    Science & Sports Camp                                 NEW! Tri-Sports Camp
Introduce your child to summer camp! Pee Wee           The City of Evanston and Northwestern Center
                                                                                                             Session I
Sports Camp is designed for the young camper,          for Talent Development (CTD) have teamed up
                                                       to provide children with experiences in a variety     Players will learn strategy through game play in
a great way to prepare children for future
                                                       of sports, enrich them in math and science            three sports. We Got Game coaches lead games
summer camps. In this camp popular children’s
                                                       exploration, and empower them with decision-          and tournaments in basketball, whiffle ball and
games are combined with fun sports activities.
                                                       making skills. Our teachers and coaches offer         flag football. We focus on fun while keeping
Campers feel comfortable in a noncompetitive
                                                       an innovative blend of athletics and academics        everyone playing and working together.
and supportive atmosphere as they learn new
games and make new friends. Each camper will           in a fun and enjoyable camp setting. There will       Manager: Michelle Bush, 847-448-8252
receive a camp t-shirt that must be worn on field      be a variety of hands on instruction in sports        Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
trip days (included in fee). Reference the parent      and science lessons as well as interactive            Age: 10-13 yrs.
packet for items to bring to the beach day and         learning experiences. Registration is required        Fee: $236 R/$252 NR
field trip day. NEW field trip days will be offered.   for each session.                                     Class #    Dates              Days    Time
                                                                                                             622230A0   June 29-July 2     M-Th    9am-4pm
Activities                                             Session I: Playground Math
We encourage campers to improve their ability          How do you measure the angle of a slide? Why          Session II
to play on a team and grow as individuals.             does the angle of a slide matter? What shapes         Players will learn strategy through game play
Activities may include soccer, t-ball, basketball      can be found on a playground? Students use a          in three sports. We Got Game coaches lead
and tennis. Outings include two beach days             real playground to explore a variety of geometry      games and tournaments in soccer, dodgeball
and one field trip day per 3-week camp session.        concepts and then design and build their own          and floor hockey. We focus on fun while keeping
Please pack your child a snack for camp.               playground model.                                     everyone playing and working together.
Campsites                                              Session II: Blood & Bones                             Fee: $294 R/$314 NR
  Pee Wee Sports Camp is held at three different                                                             Class #  Dates              Days     Time
                                                       Young biologists learn about what cells are
  locations. Please be sure to check the location      and how they function in the human body.              622230B0 July 27-31         M-F      9am-4pm
  next to the class number below. Leahy Park is        They learn about body systems, such as the
  a large open park with a playground and park         respiratory system and circulatory system, as
  shelter. It is located just across the street from   well as the role of exercise in our overall health.
  Chandler-Newberger. Baker Park has a large
  open field, playground and park shelter.             Session III: Extreme Code Breaking
  Manager: Michelle Bush, 847-448-8252                 Breaking a code often involves identifying a
  Age: 4-5 yrs.                                        pattern. Students identify patterns of numbers,
  Fee: $250 R/$275 NR                                  words, letters, symbols and even actions
  Fee: $223 R/$256 NR                                  and apply what they learn to create and crack
  Location: Leahy                                      increasingly complex secret codes.
  Class #     Dates          Days   Time               Session IV: Big Cats
  621205A0 June 8-26         M-F    9:30am-Noon        Lions, tigers and more! Young zoologists
  621205B0 June 29-July 17   M-F    9:30am-Noon
                                                       explore the captivating world of big cats.
  Location: Baker                                      Students learn where these cats live across the
  Class #     Dates          Days   Time               globe, how they survive in their habitats, and
  621205C0 July 20-Aug 7     M-F    9:30am-Noon        how scientists study them.

                                                       Northwestern University’s Center for Talent
                                                       Development (CTD) provides hands-on,
                                                       engaging courses for academically advanced
                                                       students during the summer and academic year.
                                                       Courses are fast-paced and encourage students
                                                       to explore topics in depth. Sites are located in
                                                       Skokie (summer), Evanston (weekends), and
                                                       downtown Chicago.
                                                       Manager: Michelle Bush, 847-448-8252
                                                       Location: Ackerman Park
                                                       Age: 6-8 yrs.
                                                       Fee: $400 R/$425 NR
                                                       Class #    Dates        Days   Time      Session
                                                       622280A0   July 6-10    M-F    9am-4pm   I
                                                       622280B0   July 13-17   M-F    9am-4pm   II
                                                       622280C0   July 20-4    M-F    9am-4pm   III
                                                       622280D0   July 27-31   M-F    9am-4pm   IV

 2020                                                             cityofevanston.org/summercamps                                                             13
Chess Camps                                        Play-well Teknologies Camps                              Harry Potter Magical Engineering with LEGO®
                                                   Manager: Michelle Tompkins, 847-448-8252                 Explore the magic of Harry Potter using
Chess Scholars Mini-Camp                           Location: Baker Park (Keeney and Forest)                 LEGO®! Find Platform 9 3/4, travel to school
Develop your child’s intellect through the         Age: varies; see below                                   on the Hogwarts Express, and challenge the
royal game of Chess! Our immersive Chess           Fee, 5 days: $209R/$261 NR                               Hungarian Horntail Dragon. Travel to a world
camp is great for beginners and experienced        Fee, 4 days: $167/$209 NR                                of wizardry and hone your magical skills while
players alike. Each day will consist of fun,                                                                learning about Muggle (STEM) concepts.
interactive teaching periods and plenty of time
                                                   Adventures in STEM with LEGO®
                                                                                                            Camp #     Date        Day   Time       Age
for students to practice against one another       Bring your craziest ideas to life with Play-Well
                                                                                                            621203F0   Aug 10-14   M-F   9am-Noon   5-6 yrs.
while being coached by an experienced              TEKnologies and thousands of LEGO® parts!
instructor. Additionally, we will switch things    Build engineer-designed projects such as:                Girl Powered Intro to STEM with LEGO®
up and change the pace throughout the day          chugging steamboats, enchanting moon                     A Play-Well offering for girls who love to
with problem-solving cooperative games, brain      bridges, and bustling airports. Design and build         build! This course will provide a supportive
teasers, and a recess period to let everyone get   as never before.                                         environment to learn about influential females
the wiggles out.                                   Camp #     Date           Day      Time       Age        throughout history. Fly across the Atlantic with
We offer options for a Half-Day Camp                                                                        Amelia Earheart, assemble dinosaur bones with
                                                   621203A0   June 8-12      M-F      9am-Noon   5-6 yrs.
(your choice of 9am-12pm or 1pm-4pm), or                                                                    Anna K. Behrensmeyer, and blast off into outer
attend the Whole-Day Camp for a jam-packed
                                                   Mine Craft Build Adventure Game with LEGO®               space with Mae Jemison.
immersion into the world of Chess! There will      Bring Minecraft to life using LEGO® materials!           Camp #   Date          Day   Time       Age
be a lunch period for Whole-Day campers            Resourcefulness, creativity, and cooperation
                                                                                                            621203G0 Aug 17-21     M-F   9am-Noon   5-6 yrs.
(parents provide a sack lunch and drink) and       come together in this unique building adventure
a snack period for all campers (we supply a        game; roll the dice to mine for resources, and           STEM Explorations with LEGO®
peanut-free snack). Every camper will receive      use these resources to build special items,              Refine your construction skills as you tinker
a Chess Scholars tee shirt! During the camp,       a zoo, create a medieval castle, and design              with Play-Well TEKnologies and tens of
students will have the opportunity to test for a   a tree house village. This experience is an              thousands of LEGO® parts! Apply real-world
Chess Belt using our unique system, patterned      original game designed by Play-Well instructors          concepts through projects such as: dizzying
after martial arts belts. The camp session will    inspired by the popular game, Minecraft. No              Teacup Rides, customized Cuckoo clocks, and
conclude with a non-elimination tournament,        prior experience needed.                                 the historic Wright Flyer. Design and build as
and prizes will be awarded to every participant.   Camp #   Date             Day      Time       Age        never before and explore your craziest ideas.
Manager: Michelle Tompkins, 847-448-8252           621203B0 June 15-19       M-F      9am-Noon   5-6 yrs.   Camp #   Date          Day   Time       Age
Location: Chandler-Newberger Center                                                                         622203A0 June 8-12     M-F   1-4pm      7-12 yrs.
Age: 5-14 yrs.                                     Batman Gotham Gadgets with LEGO                  ®

Fee: $230 R/$265 NR                                Take on Gotham’s villains by designing and               Mine Craft Build Survival Game with LEGO®
Pre-Care: #622236W0 Post-Care: #622236X0           building Batman’s favorite crime-fighting                Level up your engineering skills with Play-
Class #  Dates         Days   Time
                                                   machines! Build the Bat Tumbler, craft a                 Well TEKnologies and tens of thousands of
                                                   Batwing, and design your very own Batcave, all           LEGO® parts! Apply real-world concepts in
622297A0 Aug 17-21     M-F    9am-Noon
                                                   out of LEGO® materials. Then use your projects           physics, engineering, and architecture through
622297B0 Aug 17-21     M-F    1-4pm
                                                   to help save the city. Be the super-hero or super-       engineer-designed projects such as: Gear Cars,
                                                   heroine Gotham needs while learning how the              Castles, Airplanes, and Scissor Lifts. Design
Lego® Camps                                        world works through STEM concepts!                       and build as never before, and explore your
                                                   Camp #   Date       Day            Time       Age        craziest ideas in a supportive environment.
LEGOmania Camp                                     621203C0 June 22-26 M-F            9am-Noon   5-6 yrs.
                                                                                                            There are no prerequisites for this course.
We love LEGO® bricks! Campers will spend                                                                    Camp #   Date          Day   Time       Age
their camp time imagining, constructing and        Animal Architects with LEGO®
                                                                                                            622203B0 June 15-19    M-F   1-4pm      7-12 yrs.
achieving new goals with their favorite toy!       Let your imagination run wild as we design and
This camp will encourage participants to focus     build leaping dolphins, buzzing beehives, and            Batman Master Mechanics with LEGO®
on using their imagination and sharing ideas       towering giraffes. Play, create, and learn in a          Defeat Gotham’s villains by designing and
to create new designs and test their building      world inspired by the animal kingdom. Design             building Batman’s most advanced crime-
skills. Themes such as Pirates, Star Wars, Toy     and build as never before. No Camp July 3.               fighting machines! Infiltrate Arkham Asylum,
Story and MineCraft are introduced into camp                                                                build a Bat Cycle, and fly your Batcopter. Then
                                                   Camp #   Date               Day     Time     Age
activities that include building with LEGO®                                                                 use your projects to thwart the Joker’s plans
bricks, art projects, and daily outdoor play.      621203D0 June 29-July 2     M-Th    9am-Noon 5-6 yrs.
                                                                                                            to take over the city. Be the super-hero or
Manager: Michelle Bush, 847-448-8252               Jedi Engineering with LEGO®                              super-heroine Gotham needs while engineering
Location: Ackerman Park                            The Force Awakens in this introductory                   solutions through the use of STEM concepts.
Age: Varies                                        engineering course for young Jedi! Explore               Camp #   Date       Day      Time       Age
Fee: $125 R/$145 NR                                engineering principles as we construct the
                                                                                                            622203C0 June 22-26 M-F      1-4pm      7-12 yrs.
Class #    Dates       Days   Time       Age       Ewok Village on Endor, fly through space on our
622257A0   Aug 3-7     M-F    9am-Noon   6-7       X-Wings, and defend the Echo Base on Hoth.
622257B0   Aug 10-14   M-F    9am-Noon   5-6       Create motorized and architectural projects
622257C0   Aug 17-21   M-F    9am-Noon   4-5       with imagination and engineering to defeat the
                                                   Empire! Please note time change for this camp.
                                                   Camp #     Date           Day      Time       Age
                                                   621203E0   Aug 3-7        M-F      1-4pm      5-6 yrs.

14                                                            cityofevanston.org/summercamps                                                              2020
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