Towering advantage -

Page created by Rita Lewis
Towering advantage -
Towering                                                                               c&a           mobile self-erecting cranes

In many countries tower cranes mounted on a mobile
crane carrier are seen as a specialist tool for niche
jobs, such as lifting HVAC units onto rooftops. But
perhaps they should really be seen as an emerging
class of more general purpose cranes, Will North
reports. If we look back over the history of the modern
crane rental industry, there are several examples of
new crane concepts that started out as niche products,
but which went on to become mainstream, or even
leading market sectors.
The roots of the European crane        The idea of mounting an up and out
rental sector, and of many of its      folding tower crane on a roadgoing
largest businesses, can be traced      mobile carrier is not new. Indeed,
back to post war entrepreneurs         Liebherr traces the concept to efforts
who mounted homemade cranes            to make its original cranes - developed
on decommissioned military             in 1949 by its founder Hans Liebherr
trucks. They were replaced             - more mobile. This included the KA
in the 1950s by purpose built          Series in 1961, followed by the very
lattice truck cranes, and then         unusual AUK models of the 1960s and
in the 60s by telescopic truck         early 1970s, mounted on Kaeble 6x4
cranes. In the USA and the Middle chassis with trailing tower.
East, Rough Terrain cranes also        Some major rental companies took
became a popular lattice mobile        them on due to the overwhelming
alternative. Then as we headed         appeal of the concept – but it was no
into the 1980s, All Terrains           runaway success.
began to emerge,
eventually replacing
truck cranes. Rental
rates for all of these
cranes has tended
to be based on their
nominal capacity,
rather than their
overall load                    Liebherr’s KA series was introduced in 1961
chart capability.

                                                                   A 1977

                                                                                                                         The AUK 120 was different beast altogether

                                                                                 At the same time Dutch                    set up time of a truck crane, in order
                                                                                 manufacturer Munsters introduced          to bring this type of crane to the
                                                                                 its first mobile tower crane with         short term rental market.
                                                                                 500kg capacity and later mounted          The concept gained some traction,
                                                                                 self-erecting tower cranes onto           particularly in the Netherlands. It
                                                                                 truck type chassis. And then in           was there that Leo Spierings ‘picked
                                                                                 the USA we had the Grove/GCI              up the baton’ in the late 1980s and
                                                                                 tower with lattice or telescopic jib      went on to do more than anyone to
                                                                                 mounted built into a semi-trailer         develop and promote the concept
                                                                                 type chassis.                             and take it more mainstream. His
                                                                                 They were all trying to combine the       idea was to design a high capacity
                                                                                 benefits of a tower crane’s up &          purpose built self-erecting tower
                                                                                 over reach, with the rapid travel and     crane mounted on a modern crane

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mobile self-erecting cranes                                   c&a                                                                  It’s all in a
                                                     Maarten van Brink,
                                                     and Liebherr’s product
                                                     director for the mobile                                                 One way to help promote a
                                                     construction crane                                                      new concept is to have a clear
                                                     business, Wolfgang                                                      widely used name. All Terrains
                                                     Schlaucher.                                                             for example combined a Rough
                                                                                                                             Terrain and truck crane, suitable
                                                      While Munsters was a                                                   to both unprepared sites and
                                                                                                     The Spierings cab
                                                      pioneer of the concept,                                                fast smooth road travel. Today
                                                                                                        in top position
                                                      it has not played a                                                    they have very little in common
                                                      major role in the market                                               with RTs.
                                                      for some time and has        Just as Liebherr’s MK range
                                                      passed through a number      compares with that of Spierings           Spierings calls its cranes
                                                      of hands and name            for lifting capacity, so both ranges      ‘mobile tower cranes’. Liebherr
                                                      changes since 1976           are designed for rapid set up, with       prefers ‘mobile construction
  A young Leo Spierings in
  1990 with his first crane An SK 345-AT3             when it became De Jong-      the crane ready to go in under 30         crane’ a direct translation of the
                                                      Munsters. Belgium’s          minutes: 10 to 15 minutes to set up       German term Mobilebaukrane
carrier. Liebherr followed soon after     Arcomet acquired the business            the crane on outriggers, and then a       - Baukrane, directly translates
when it launched its MK series of         in the early 2000s and developed         similar length of time to fully erect     as ‘construction crane’, but in
‘mobile construction cranes. What         the AF38, a self-erector mounted         the tower and jib. Set up is not only     English that covers any crane
made these new models stand               on a three axle Faun carrier. The        fast, but fully automated - no assist     used on construction work.
out is that they were designed as         business was then sold to Max            cranes or helpers.                        Cranes & Access and
a highly optimised, roadable unit,        Holding in 2017 and rebranded as                                                   has always called them ‘self-
                                                                                   Schlaucher says: “One operator can
able to arrive on site, set up quickly,   MTC mobile tower cranes. The                                                       erecting mobile tower cranes’.
                                                                                   bring the crane to the job site, erect
entirely on their own, and get to         company still makes the AF 38, with      it and operate it afterwards.” This       I would suggest however that
work immediately. They needed no          the latest model, the MTC AF38 2.0,      ease of use, and the lower operating      none of these names quite
special permits for travel and no         featuring a Euro 6 diesel now on         costs, comes at a price though.           captures the difference between
additional components or ballast to       the drawing board. Perhaps, when         Schlaucher adds: “The initial price       these cranes and other mobiles,
be installed, so one man operation        Cranes & Access next surveys             is a little bit higher as there is more   while being confused with
was entirely practical.                   this market, we will be talking of       technology inside for the automatic       regular self-erecting tower
While these cranes may indeed             three competitors? Or maybe one          setup, where you need sensors and         cranes designed for longer term
have been seen as a niche product,        of the other major mobile crane          so on.”                                   building jobs. These cranes are
as with other crane types before          manufacturers will have joined the                                                 not merely mobile, in the way
                                                                                   There are a few key differences
them, they are becoming more              fray?                                                                              that some self-erectors can be
                                                                                   between the two manufacturer’s
mainstream, and in an increasing                Spierings Vs Liebherr                                                        towed to site or moved around
                                                                                   ranges. One, which we’ll look at in
number of countries an important                                                                                             site on rails or tracked chassis,
                                          Both of the main ‘players’ in this       more detail elsewhere in this issue,
element of many crane fleets,                                                                                                they are both fully roadable and
                                          market focus on ease of set up and       is their approach to electrification.
able to take on a growing variety                                                                                            optimised for maximum capacity
                                          use of their cranes, in comparison       Both of Liebherr’s cranes, and
of routine work with improved                                                                                                at long reach and height. They
                                          to telescopics with similar long         Spierings’ two latest models - the
efficiency. The challenge now is not                                                                                         are in every sense an All Terrain,
                                          reach capacities. Spierings says:        four axle SK597-AT4 eLift and
finding jobs they can do but selling                                                                                         albeit with a different lifting
                                          “We have always had the concept          six-axle SK1265-AT6 eLift - can
and explaining their benefits to end                                                                                         mechanism to the telescopic All
                                          that one operator should be able to      operate using plug in mains electric
users and establishing pricing that                                                                                          Terrain cranes.
                                          do the job and no additional ballast     power. Spierings, however, also
is based on the job, or capacities        should be required. On our six axle      offers a compact three axle crane,        Associating them with regular
at height and reach, rather than the      crane, you can lift 1.7 tonnes at a      the SK487-AT3 eDrive or ‘City Boy’,       self-erecting towers avoids the
nominal capacity rating used by           radius of 60 metres. With any other      which can travel up to 20 miles on        key benefit, in that once they
their telescopic rivals. This move        mobile crane, you would need two         battery power alone, allowing it to       arrive on site they can be ready
away from a focus on nominal              or three trucks for ballast to achieve   access city centres with restrictive      to make their first lift in as little
capacity also applies to aluminium        this sort of capacity.”                  emission or noise regulations.            as 10 minutes without a great
boomed truck cranes where                                                                                                    deal of physical effort required
capacities at height and reach can          Liebherr MK140                                                                   by the operator. They can get
match substantially larger, heavier                                                                                          straight to work and then be
cranes, or spider cranes which can                                                                                           ready to leave again just as
often get much closer to the lift, and                                                                                       quickly. They are very much
therefore do not need to be so big.                                                                                          versatile taxi cranes, capable of
     Two principle players                                                                                                   working on two or three jobs in a
                                                                                                                             city on the same day.
As discussed in the box story,
I think it best to think of these                                                                                            So, I propose calling and thinking
cranes as ‘Tower-type All Terrains’.                                                                                         of them, as ‘Tower-type All
Whatever you call them, there                                                                                                Terrains’. This both captures the
are only two major manufacturers                                                                                             nature of the carrier, and that
building these cranes for developed                                                                                          of the crane. It differentiates
crane markets: Netherlands based                                                                                             them clearly from telescopic All
Spierings, and Germany’s Liebherr.                                                                                           Terrains, or lattice truck cranes,
I spoke to both companies for this                                                                                           without risking confusion with
piece, talking with Spierings chief                                                                                          normal tower cranes.
executive Koos Spierings (Leo’s                                                                                              Will North
nephew) and his sales engineer

  26 cranes & access February/March 2021
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Towering advantage -
mobile self-erecting cranes                                   c&a

  Liebherr electric controls
                                                                                                           Spierings has fixed cab heights
Hydraulic or electric controls           luffing jib tower cranes. Doing this
The two manufacturers approach           will take some steps and checks
also differs mechanically. The           but will take an operator only 10
Spierings cranes are mostly              minutes. The ability to make this
hydraulic, while majority of             change in so short a time is even
functions on the Liebherr models         more impressive, when compared
are electric, the exception being        to the time and cost it would take
a couple of hydraulic actuations         otherwise to bring in a telescopic
required during set up. As with          crane able to lift the same load to
other cranes and aerial lifts, the       the same radius and lift heights.
choice here largely comes down to        Owners will, of course, need
operator familiarity and preference,     to assess whether this will
and is probably not a factor most        significantly add to their ability
buyers consider, although Koos           to take on jobs in their area, or
Spierings says that many operators       whether they are better served by
of his company’s cranes value the        having a fleet mix of telescopic
way the hydraulic controls ‘listen’ to   cranes with luffing jib options, and
them. But equally, other operators       straightforward up and out Spierings
are quite happy working with             models, or Liebherr’s other MK.
electric controls and value the range    Price, finance, and relationships will
of functionality they offer.             of course also play a significant role   The Liebherr cabs
Another big difference between the       in the selection.                        can stop at any height
two ranges is the cab, which on all
                                                 Reach and vision
of these cranes can travel up the
                                         The birthplace of the modern                                             Liebherr can luff its jibs
tower mast to provide a better view                                                                                  to 70 degrees reeved
of the load, especially important        'Tower-type All Terrain' was the                                                      over jib tip
when lifting a chilling unit into the    Netherlands. Even before Leo
centre of the roof of a multi storey     Spierings’ innovations, similar
building from a narrow street. On        cranes with a tower on a roadable
the Spierings models, the elevated       carrier were well established, often
cab height has to be selected from a     used for short term concrete pours
choice of fixed positions. Changing      etc... which remains a core market
cab height requires reconfiguring        for the product.
the crane which takes time. On the       Bob Bruijsten is director of Kuiphuis
Liebherrs the cab can be located at      Kraanverhuur, a company that can
any height, with the operator even       trace its history back more than 100
changing it while working.               years. It bought its first Spierings
While most mobile self-erectors can      crane in 1994. He says: “We first
only work at fixed luffing positions     bought a three axle crane, then a
of up to 45 degrees, Liebherr’s          four axle, and another three axle,
MK 140 can also be set up for            and then we took the first five axle
stepless luffing up to an angle of 70    unit in Eastern Holland. We have
degrees. To achieve this, the crane      owned the whole range. Of all the
must be re-configured from trolley       newly bought cranes from Spierings,
hoisting, standard for cranes of this    we have only ever sold five of them.
type, to jib tip hoisting, as used on    All the others are still being used.”

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mobile self-erecting cranes                                     c&a                                                                   Kuiphuis finds good work for its
                                                                                                                                       Spierings cranes in restricted

                                                                                    he cites a contrasting type of job          important to have a hook available
                                                                                    that is becoming popular: lifting           across the site, than to be able to lift
                                                                                    down below ground level, on                 a great deal of weight.”
                                                                                    jobs such as the widening of the            The fact that the raised cab
                                                                Cranes are used     A9/A10 motorways, or working                gives operators a clear view of
                                                  intermittently at key stages in   on waterway locks, customers                the load is a definite advantage.
                                                               housebuildings...    appreciate that the crane’s raised          Koos Spierings points out that
                                                                                    cabs allow operators to see down            his company’s cranes have LED
                                                  and commercial construction       to the load.                                lights running along the jib, which
                                                                                    On the lock jobs, Kuiphuis recently         provide a daylight view below for
                                                                                    used two of its crawler mounted             night time operations. The basic
                                                                                    Spierings. These feature the same           geometry of the cranes, compared
                                                                                    tower type superstructure but on a          to their telescopic rivals, makes
                                                                                    compact tracked chassis or carrier.         this possible: a line of lights at a
                                                                                    They have the added benefit of              fixed height on a horizontal jib has
                                                                                    being able to travel with the tower         obvious utility, a line of lights on a
                                                                                    erected. The Spierings were not             luffing telescopic jib, less so.
                                                                                    used for the 70 tonne lock gate itself      In fact, one of his cranes provided
                                                                                    – obviously – but for placing iron          the lighting for the Vertikal
                                                                                    around the site. “On these projects,”       Days 10th anniversary evening
                                                                                    says Bruijsten, “It was more                networking party.

Bruijsten, and Koos Spierings, both        in Holland is prefab concrete, and
estimate that mobile tower cranes          rarely over three or four tonnes.
make up around a third of the              We have some customers - small
country’s roadgoing mobile crane           construction companies - that build
rental fleet - around 500 units out        just a few houses a year. We'll
of a total of approximately 1,500          come in, place the flooring panels,                                           LED lights along the
cranes in all.                             and be gone in a few hours, and                                               bottom of the jib light
                                                                                                                         up the workspace -
Bruijsten explains that much of the        then go back again later when they                                            or party - below
country’s construction sector is           are ready to do the next phase
now built around the use of these          of the building. While on steel
cranes. “We have the landscape             construction, the crane can be
for mobile towers. In Amsterdam            employed for several weeks at a
or Rotterdam, there may be more            time.”
telescopic mobile cranes because of        Bruijsten says that lifting into the
the very high buildings. Outside of        centre of large roofs is no longer
big cities, or big industrial sites, you   a core job for its mobile towers,
still see mobile towers everywhere.        as the range of applications they
In general construction, everything        are used for has widened. But

  30 cranes & access February/March 2021
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A Liebherr MK88
                                                         owned by BKL lifts
                                                          components onto
                                                        the new roof of the
                                                       Lower Saxony State
                                                       Museum in Hanover

           Reaching out                   of space at street level – so no
While lifting single loads onto           contest, and yet this method is still
rooftops may have been eclipsed           relatively common. It is almost akin
by a host of new applications, their      to transport companies using a
ability to handle relatively modest       horse and cart to transport freight in
loads over extended distances,            the 1930s.
without interference from the             Wolfgang Schlaucher at Liebherr
building’s edge, makes them a             says: “We are seeing big demand
compelling alternative to telescopics     in Scandinavia at the moment,
of much higher nominal capacity on        driven by the high cost of labour
many city centre jobs. For example,       and the possibility to run the crane
placing a 3.5 tonne HVAC unit onto        on electrics. As soon as labour
the roof of a 35 metre building say       becomes expensive, the quick setup
30 metres in, from the street below       time and ability for one man to set
is a breeze for a six axle Spierings.     up and operate the crane on his own
And if the unit is ready when the         the more the concept appeals.”
crane arrives, the entire job can be      ”We also see demand in France, and
completed in a couple of hours, with      Spain is now coming along too. In
the AC unit placed exactly where it       Austria and Switzerland, there has
is required, and the operator having      always been a market. Of course,
a perfect view of the load placement      they are not the biggest countries.
without leaving his crane.                But for the size of the country, there
The alternative is to bring in a big      is now a good population of these
All Terrain, close the road, truck        cranes.”
in counterweight and jib, set up,         Beyond Europe, Schlaucher says
do the short lift and then strip it all   Liebherr is seeing increasing
out. The whole process can take an        demand from further flung
entire weekend and involve huge           international markets, for example
amounts of transport and labour,          South Korea. “At first some
not to mention require a good deal        contractors imported mobile
                                                                                   February/March 2021 cranes & access   31
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Towering advantage -
      construction is a
                                                                                            c&a             mobile self-erecting cranes
      big application
      for NMT                                                                         crane does 120 lifts a day. They are      planned around the use of mobile
                                                                                      really fast pieces of equipment.”         tower type cranes, in Germany, their
                                                                                      “It’s not just that the cranes are fast   use has to be pitched to customers
                                                                                      to set up, and to perform each lift.      further along in the process, but it
                                                                                      It’s that you can cover the entire        is an argument that is increasingly
                                                                                      structure from a single point," adds      succeeding.
                                                                                      Ambridge. “You have 50 to 60 metres       BKL supplied an MK88 to lift
                                                                                      of reach on the six axle cranes.          components for a new roof on
                                                                                      So, on a 100 metre building, you          the Lower Saxony State Museum
                                                                                      only have to re position the crane        in Hanover. The crane needed
                                                                                      once or twice.”                           to be positioned in an area with
                                                                                      On these jobs, reach is far more          limited space, and to reach over
                                                                                      important than capacity, says             an interfering edge. Working close
construction cranes more or less           customer of our customer.”                 Ambridge: “We are using a big roof        to the building highlighted another
to use them for their own work,            In the UK and the Netherlands, these       sheeting beam now with which we           advantage over telescopics: the
but then they saw the possibilities        large commercial buildings are an          can handle 15 to 20 metre long            crane could plug in to site power,
for this crane type in a taxi crane        important part of selling the concept.     panels. So, the beam is heavier than      working without emissions and
concept, coming from one job site          In the UK, Tim Ambridge is one of          the load a lot of the time. The total     limiting noise.
to another.”                               three brothers, along with Nick and        load is no more than one to two           On some jobs, Hegestweiler sees
  “we have to convince the                 Mark, whose initials are referenced        tonnes.”                                  advantages to the high height
 customer of our customer”                 in the name of family business, NMT        Germany is another market where           under hook made possible by the
                                           Crane Hire. The company started            mobile tower cranes are beginning to      MK cranes’ luffing jibs. But more
Before becoming chief executive of
                                           out in vehicle recovery in the 1970s,      carve out a significant market share.     routinely, it is reach that matters.
the family company, Koos Spierings
                                           but after a couple of scary, and           Jörg Hegestweiler is chief executive      “On 30 or 35 metre high buildings,
was responsible for sales in the
                                           life threatening, incidents on the         officer of BKL, or BauKran Logistik.      we can go very far into the job site,
UK, and witnessed the concept
                                           motorway, the brothers decided to          The company’s roots were in regular       they are used for everything, even
really take off, almost from a
                                           move into crane hire.                      tower crane rental, but it added          scaffolding. As well as staircases,
standing start, especially erecting
                                           As a well established business, they       mobile cranes initially for tower crane   in complete pieces or sections. You
large commercial buildings placing
                                           moved into tower type mobile cranes        erection and dismantle, and then          still have the maximum lift of eight
large sheets of metal cladding. “If
                                           in the early 2000s, initially with a six   as part of its rental fleet. Today, the   tonnes, which is not so small, but
you look at the huge warehouses
                                           axle Spierings in late 2005, then a        company runs around 100 wheeled           also not so heavy in comparison to
that have been built in the UK over
                                           seven axle and two more six axles.         mobile cranes, including Liebherr MK      telescopic mobiles.”
recent years, you can see there has
been a big move to mobile tower            The company’s focus has been on            mobile self-erectors. Hegestweiler        Routinely in Germany, as in other
cranes. All the roofing and sheeting       the larger models, with longer reach.      notes that this is a high proportion      markets, these cranes are being
is done with our cranes, because           That brings in a lot of city centre        for the country, estimating that          used to reach into the centre or
once a customer has seen how               crane jobs, but also longer hires on       overall these cranes only make up         far edge of large warehouses
quickly it goes, he realises that it's a   those warehouse projects.                  around three or four percent of the       or factories, such as the Tesla
huge benefit compared to telescopic        Ambridge says: “We are doing a             national fleet.                           ‘Gigafactory’ currently being built
mobile cranes. It took 30 years in         lot more contract lifts now. We've         As in the UK, the reach, especially       near Berlin, or across smaller scale
Holland to show the concept to             got a particular customer we work          at height, is key to winning new          housing projects. But Hegestweiler
all the end users. It's a process          with, who builds big, million square       jobs and convincing end users that        has seen another application taking
where we have to convince not              foot, buildings all over the country.      this is a better solution. While in the   off in the country, carrying out lifts
only our own customer, but also the        Generally, on those projects, the          Netherlands, he notes, jobs will be       in the petrochemical sector.
                                                                                                                                He points out that such sites will
                                                                                                Congested petrochemical         occasionally have no alternative but
                                                                                                  plants need to work fast
                                                                                                                                to shut down in order to perform
                                                                                               during short shutdowns - a
                                                                                              Liebherr MK 140 from ADW          maintenance work, lifting in pipe
                                                                                               at the Stade Dow chemical        racks and similar modules. On these
                                                                                                      plant during a recent     shut down projects, where every
                                                                                                                 shutdown       second of lost production carries a
                                                                                                                                substantial cost, being able to
                                                                                                                                quickly deploy a crane and lift a
                                                                                                                                load into place over obstacles and
                                                                                                                                crowded space where other works
                                                                                                                                is going on is vital.
                                                                                                                                “These jobs are pushing demand,
                                                                                                                                not just in Germany, but around
                                                                                                                                the world, you have a very limited
                                                                                                                                time, maybe a couple of days for the
                                                                                                                                shutdown, where you need to go in,
                                                                                                                                do the lifts and get out. And the
                                                                                                                                loads are usually extremely small,
                                                                                                                                often relatively small parts, but you
                                                                                                                                have to take them far into the site,”
                                                                                                                                says Hegestweiler.

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mobile self-erecting cranes                                         c&a
                                                                                      standard cab and remote controls.         one of the company’s cranes, as
                                                                                      This optional extra control for           have others such as Brad Pitt and
                                                                                      the transportation of passengers          Angelina Jolie.
                                                                                      duplicates all elements, including        When rigging an outside stage,
                                                                                      PLC and frequency converters,             whether for a film set or a live
                                                                                      meaning that if anything goes wrong       performance, speed is vital.
                                                                                      with the in cab or remote controls,       Ambridge says that with its reach
                                                                                      the operator is still able to operate     and pace of lifting, a tower type
                                                                                      the crane. Adding this extra layer        crane can rig a stage in under a
                                                                                      of redundancy, ensuring the safe          week, often in two or three days,
  A Liebherr MK140 from BKL is
  shown lifting musician Alain
                                                                                      recovery of lifted personnel in the       compared to two weeks for a
  Roche for his performance                                                           event of a failure elsewhere, can         telescopic mobile.
  Vertical Piano.                                                                     speed up the approval process for
                                                                                                                                The up and out geometry of a tower
                                                                                      personnel lifts in Germany; it would
                                                                                                                                type crane has another advantage
                                                                                      likely be looked on favourably in other
                                                                                                                                over telescopics on these roles, it
                                                                                      regulatory regimes as well.
                                                                                                                                is much easier to set up without
                                                                                      NMT’s stage career is much more           casting a shadow.
                                                                                      well established. While there is
                                                                                                                                         Pitching the job
                                                                                      no Oscar for stage rigging, if there
                                                                                      were, the company would likely be         One potential drawback of these
                                                                                      a regular nominee. As many baristas       cranes is that they do not fit within
                                                                                      and delivery drivers in Hollywood         the mindset of much of the crane
                                                                                      or London will tell you, getting that     rental industry, which regards them
                                                                                      first role can be an insurmountable       as niche or specialist machines, and
                                                                                      challenge. For Tim Ambridge, one          most customers will not know to
                                                                                      introduction, and a reputation built up   ask for them. So the response to a
                                                                                      over time, has led to a regular flow of   manufacturer’s salesman is that old
                                                                                      work for his fleet.                       chestnut - “we never get asked for
                                                                                                                                them”. For some crane owners, and
                                                                                      NMT Film and TV Crane Hire has
                                                                                                                                more importantly, most customers,
                                                                                      deployed a wide range of equipment,
                                                                                                                                crane hire is all about selecting the
                                                                                      on films such as Gravity, the Fast
                                                                                                                                cheapest crane of the right nominal
                                                                                      and Furious franchise, World War
                                                                                                                                capacity for the best possible price.
                                                                                      Z, and Mission Impossible. Beyond
                                                                                      the film industry, they have been         On the nominal capacity front an
                                                                                      used in live performances, such as        eight tonne mobile tower crane can
                                                                                      those in London’s Hyde Park, and for      appear impossible to compete. How
                                                                                      personnel lifts, such as the singer       can you compare a crane that lifts
                                                                                      Pink, who has used the cranes to          no more than 10 tonnes, with one
                                                                                      support her during an acrobatic           that supposedly lifts 200 tonnes?
                                                                                      entrance to her shows. It says a lot      The answer, as we have pointed
                                                                                      about the company’s attention to          out, is that this type of crane lifts
                                                                                      detail that the famously meticulous       its full capacity to a much greater
                                                                                      Tom Cruise has worked hanging from        height and radius than a larger

                                                                                                                                              NMT Spierings cranes
                                                                                                                                                rigging a stage set
 Photo courtesy of Ivana Bilz/Festival Out Of The Box 2020

    Best supporting actors                     height of 75.5 metres to a radius of
One new role for these cranes is in            40 metres.
the entertainment sector, and one              On any job like this, safety is key.
in which both BKL in Germany and               The job needs to be carefully
NMT in the UK have already had a               planned, eliminating risks. In
starring role.                                 Germany, and most other well
In Munich, BKL supplied a Liebherr             regulated markets, the crane itself
MK140 for musician Alain Roche’s               must be set up to a much higher
performance ‘Vertical Piano’, which            safety factor than for normal lifts.
saw him and his piano carried                  And multiple layers of redundancy
over two 33 metre and 54 metre                 must also be in place.
buildings, before being swung in               For Hegestweiler, this was another
front of the audience. For this job,           compelling reason to use the
the crane was configured with nine             MK140. The crane, he explains,
tonnes of additional ballast; with             is especially equipped with a
the crane’s luffing jib positioned at          completely redundant additional
45 degrees and working at a hook               control system, alongside the

  34 cranes & access February/March 2021
c&a   mobile self-erecting cranes
telescopic. A 200 tonne load, for
example, is a totally impractical          Breaking news
and impossible lift for a 200        As we go to print, we hear
tonner at any radius. While the      news that Liebherr will unveil
mobile tower’s time and cost         a new three axle MK 73-3.1
savings of setting up without        mobile model incorporating
the need for additional support      all of its latest technology and
vehicles, or the space to lay        more. Check and
down and set up jibs etc... is       the next Cranes & Access for
massive.                             the full details.
In countries or market sectors
where these cranes are still an
emerging alternative, it takes a
great deal of explaining to the
customer that the job will be
completed faster and cheaper,
than with a telescopic crane of
the nominal capacity they are
used to asking for. But Ambridge
is clear that making this pitch is
worth it.

  “They’re a good earner.
    If it were possible, I
 would get rid of all of our
  telescopic mobiles, and
 just run a fleet of mobile
 towers as they are a one
       man operation.”

                                                                              February/March 2021 cranes & access   35
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