Top Gear in the fast lane with Supertracker versatility

Page created by Terrance Hines
Top Gear in the fast lane with Supertracker versatility
Issue 5 December 2012 - February 2013


Top Gear in the fast lane with
   Supertracker versatility
                                                               plus custom fabrication on cars. Therefore we intend to
                                                               install a series of modern equipment as part of our
                                                               proposed expansion plans for the future.

                                                               “The sheer flexibility of the Supertracker STR410R has
                                                               swiftly become an essential part of our daily operation
                                                               because with so many services being provided we can
                                                               never be sure which (if any) ramps are going to be free for
                                                               an alignment inspection. So being able to move the
                                                               Supertracker around the workshop is a real bonus. In fact
                                                               I actually measured a vehicle in our car park recently at a
                                                               particularly busy period.”

 Paul Freeman with the Supertracker STR410R computer aligner   Another highly important factor for Top Gear has been a
                                                               significant rise in profit from alignment services. The
Over the past three decades Supertracker has                   company used to have a monthly alignment sales
developed a very extensive customer base but                   performance of around £800, now that figure has
working on the tried and trusted theory that a                 rocketed to £3000 meaning that the Supertracker
business is only as good as its last sale. It is               equipment is already well on the way to 'paying for itself'
always encouraging to record a recent successful               in just a couple of months.
installation such as Top Gear (Bridport) who recently took
delivery of our flagship STR410R Computer Aligner.             Paul is so pleased with Supertracker's equipment that he
                                                               is already considering further expanding the alignment
Top Gear has been carrying out an alignment service for        service as part of a general extension to Top Gear's tyre
the past thirteen years but up till now has only been          bay element of their business.
offering basic tracking and recently surveyed the market
for a machine that would meet all their specific demands       Even in such periods of caution and consolidation in the
for the future. Director, Paul Freeman explains that the       business world, Top Gear have never been so busy and
company realised that with the very latest alignment           over the past three months their tyre fitment performance
equipment they would be able to instigate more interest        has risen by an amazing 300 per cent therefore further
from customers and invited all the leading suppliers to        underlining the company's position as the leading tyre
demonstrate their models.                                      and exhaust specialist in Bridport.

He adds, “Having tested all the different machines we          Having been formed as a motor accessory business in
overwhelmingly decided on Supertracker as their                1984, Top Gear's growth and progression has been
equipment was not only relatively easy to operate but also     impressive over the past three decades and Supertracker
incredibly versatile. At Top Gear we provide a thriving        look forward to working with Paul and his team in the
service in MOT's servicing and repairs, tyres and exhausts     future.

Tel: 01489 773888                          Fax: 01489 773889                     www.supertracker com
Top Gear in the fast lane with Supertracker versatility
Trev's                                 Everything at Supertracker is designed to generate
                                                             maximum profit for our customers which is why we are

                      Comments...                            constantly evolving our product base.

                                                             In 2013 we will be looking to introduce several new
                                                             products as well as improving our existing equipment so
                                                             Supertracker goes into the next twelve months with
It would be true to say the past year has proved
rather difficult for some people and you have to
feel for anyone who has struggled financially.
                                                             I have already commented in a previous edition that
Unfortunately there has been significant casualties in UK
                                                             success in business these days is all about instant access
business with some being household trading names.
                                                             to information – 24/7 so let's look at the negatives of this
                                                             modern way of life such as the need for making
In my opinion there is a common misconception that
                                                             immediate decisions and confirming orders, especially on
leading business groups and corporations are more
                                                             equipment appear to be costing companies a fortune,
experienced and knowledgeable than the rest of us.
                                                             which is particularly relevant to alignment machinery.
When in fact their business runs in roughly the same way
as smaller companies, it's just the 'numbers are bigger'
                                                             We are now inundated with cheap imported products
and sound more impressive. There is no doubt than in the
                                                             from China through distributors who know nothing about
current trading uncertainty it is important to adopt the
                                                             the product or indeed wheel alignment. These cheap and
right business policy's backed by enthusiasm and ability
                                                             totally inadequate products support the theory that 'if it
to stand more of a chance of continued success.
                                                             seems to good to be true, it probably is' so in my opinion
                                                             it is always better to opt for quality products opposed to
Moving forward to the New Year, once again there may be
                                                             buying 'twice' on cheaper items.
tempting deals that all of us have the opportunity to take
advantage of. It is a question of having the confidence to
                                                             It is very strange that although people tend to resent
try and exploit these new avenues of business when they
                                                             paying higher prices for business products they are quite
present themselves as its better to have tried and failed
                                                             willing to meet the expensive price tags of holidays and
than to not have tried at all.
                                                             cars. So why not use the same sensible example when
                                                             buying garage equipment which will reap rewarding profits
For the past twenty five years Supertracker has
                                                             in the long term.
manufactured our alignment equipment in the UK
although we do source products (for production) from
other European countries. With every component being
produced to our own specification and final assembly and
quality control carried out at our Southampton base.
                                                             Trevor Lovesy

New website design for                                       Time never stands still at Supertracker and the
                                                             perfect example of this constant progression is the
Guaranteed Tool Company                                      recent introduction of our Guaranteed Tool
                                                             Company's (GTC) new revamped website.

                                                             GTC is a successful part of the Supertracker Group and its
                                                             very extensive product and services portfolio adds another
                                                             innovative dimension to our comprehensive range of facilities
                                                             for the UK automotive market.

                                                             The colourful new website incorporates a number of viewing
                                                             options including Vehicle Lifts, Emissions and Diagnostics,
                                                             Brake Testers, MOT Installations, Workshop Tools and
                                                             Equipment plus Tyre Changers and Balancers. Other services
                                                             include Workshop Design, Planned Maintenance, Calibration
                                                             and Breakdown Response. At the same time there is an
                                                             additional, specific tools website which
                                                             offers an online ordering service.

                                                             GTC are based in Hedge End, Southampton and represent
                                                             Supertracker's in-depth coverage of the garage equipment
                                                             market. For more information visit
Top Gear in the fast lane with Supertracker versatility
A day of interest and fun as Supertracker celebrate 25 years of continual growth

                                                               Always based in Southampton, the company has relocated                                                                     popular Wheeler Dealers series on the Discovery Channel
                                                               on several occasions to further enhance their stock-holding                                                                then took the floor and generally chatted about his opinion
                                                               and service facilities and another important contribution to                                                               of wheel alignment and answered questions about his TV
                                                               Supertracker's ongoing growth in corporate image and                                                                       career.
                                                               sales performance success has been their sheer in-depth
                                                               strength and knowledge of their national sales and after-
                                                               sales service engineering teams.

                                                                                                                              To celebrate 25 years of success in the UK alignment
Celebrating its 25th trading anniversary                                                                                      market, Supertracker recently held a 'special' Alignment
this year. It would be true to say that a                                                                                     Day event at their Wheel Alignment Centre in
lot has happened over the past three                                                                                          Southampton for the automotive and tyre trade media
decades since the late Keith Lovesy                                                                                           which consisted of a mixture of serious presentations on
                                                                                                                              modern wheel alignment and a few hours of relaxed fun.      Finally Edd invited everyone to take a ride in a couple of his
originally founded the company in 1987
                                                                                                                                                                                          famously Quirky vehicles, a fully motorised and street legal
following almost twenty years dedicated                                                                                                                                                   bed and a sofa. Needless to say, the sight of these
experience within the UK wheel                                 Both teams are comprehensively experienced and fully                                                                       'unbelievable' means of transport being driven around an
alignment market.                                              trained in the very latest technological developments in                                                                   industrial estate caused a lot of attention and it wasn't long
                                                               alignment equipment and work in complete harmony                                                                           before there was a crowd surrounding Edd, eager for a
                                                               therefore highlighting the company's working ethics of                                                                     photo opportunity.
                                                               always doing business as a complete 'family unit'.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Finally everyone departed after a very informative and
                                                               Over the years Supertracker has always been at the cutting                                                                 interesting experience to mark Supertracker's ultimate
                                                               edge of new product innovation and currently showcases its                                                                 achievement within the alignment industry.
                                                               flagship unit – the STR410R computerised aligner. At the
                                                               same time, training continues to play an extremely
                                                               important role in their continued progression.

                                                                                                                              Initially Supertracker's guest list of Journalists from a
                                                                                                                              number of leading publications including Professional
                                                                                                                              Motor Mechanic, Aftermarket, VW and Audi Driver, Tyres
                                                                                                                              & Accessories, Tyre Trade News and Tread magazines
Keith was considered something of a pioneering expert                                                                         were given a fully comprehensive induction on the need
within the industry and over the years acted as a guiding                                                                     and important merits of modern wheel alignment by
'mentor' to many of today's leading alignment specialists                                                                     Trevor and Supertracker's National Sales Manager – Jerry
including his son Trevor. Eventually Trevor took over at the                                                                  Barker.
helm of Supertracker and carried on his Father's policy of
consistently maintaining a positive attitude towards new                                                                      Jerry then provided a series of 'live' demonstrations
innovative development and techniques within the                                                                              before answering a series of questions. Supertracker's
alignment market.                                                                                                             Celebrity Guest – Edd China – co-presenter of the
Top Gear in the fast lane with Supertracker versatility
Customer Corner
 County Tyres take wheel alignment to a new
 level with Supertracker

Having highlighted a relatively new customer in               straightforward the equipment is to use, so its very much
this edition, it is always satisfying to gain the             a win-win situation for us. At the same time the after-sales
opinion of a company who have a long                          support facilities from Supertracker are 'second-to-none.'
association with Supertracker. The Weymouth,                  If we do have any technical queries then Richard is in
Dorset branch of the County Tyre Group has been               touch with us almost immediately to help.”
working with our equipment for a number of years now
and several months ago upgraded to a Supertracker             Tim has very definite views on customer satisfaction
STR410R computer aligner.                                     which he believes has always been about providing the
                                                              customers with service at the highest level within all
County Tyres Regional Operational Manager – Tim Lewis         aspects of the tyre and wheel market. Therefore to not
who is responsible for the Weymouth outlet points out         provide the very latest alignment innovation as part of
that in line with the continual growth of the Group, he       County Tyre's product package would be giving the
recently decided to purchase a new aligner in order to        company's many loyal drivers a dis-service. He adds, “
take advantage of printing facilities both before and after   County Tyres has always considered itself to be very good
the alignment procedure. He says, “I have personally had      at wheel alignment but since the installation of this new
dealings with Supertracker for the past twelve years and      equipment we have been able to take this service to an
never considered any other brand as we have always            even higher level.
received quality products and excellent after-sales service
particularly from Richard, our regional contact.              “A number of high performance car drivers have recently
                                                              commented that since receiving four wheel alignment, the
“This new STR410R machine offers the depot a much             car they are now driving has become the vehicle they
more comprehensive geometry inspection which has              anticipated when it was bought in terms of increased road
proved very beneficial. The upgraded aligner has also         comfort and safety.”
made a huge difference to our revenue from alignment
checks plus we have received a number of positive             County Tyres also celebrates 75 years of successful
comments from customers about the swiftness and               trading this year as a family business and will continue to
efficiency of service.”                                       take advantage of every opportunity for future expansion.
                                                              To this effect, Tim is already looking to purchase a further
Weymouth Branch Manager, Lewis Holtom adds, “All our          Supertracker STR410R for another tyre outlet in the
staff are really impressed at how simple and                  future.
Top Gear in the fast lane with Supertracker versatility
Team Fact File:

               Darren Pracy:
                                                                                   Our Supertracker spotlight this edition falls on
                                                                                   Darren Pracy who is part of our Production and
                                                                                   Development department at the Southampton

                                                                                   Darren, who has been employed by Supertracker for the
                                                                                   past thirteen years, is one of those impressive, multi-skilled
                                                                                   individuals who can provide expertise in both electronics
                                                                                   and computing along with a wealth of experience and
                                                                                   knowledge in mechanics, as he used to work in the trade.

                                                                                   As Head of Production, Darren has a staff of five working
                                                                                   for him and his main responsibilities lie in the overall control
                                                                                   of production scheduling, stock-holding and shipping
                                                                                   activities and dates. At the same time he is Technical
                                                                                   Advisor to the Service Team and also visits customers as
Darren Pracy

                                                                                   and when required. Finally product development is also
                                                                                   part of his remit. A truly versatile position with Supertracker
                                                                                   needing many skills and Darren's the perfect guy for the
                                                                                   job especially as he has a fantastic sense of humour
                                                                                   making working with him an enjoyable experience.

               Away from work, Darren is married with two young boys and he has a passion for motor sport, particularly drag racing.
               He is also an ex-motocrosser and footballer, has an excellent Karaoke voice and was a competent Cello player when he
               was younger.

                                                                                  Contact Supertracker

                                                                                  For further information on any of our wheel alignment systems,
                                                                                  products, services and tracking please contact us.

                                                                                  Unit 1, Nelson Industrial Park, Manaton Way, Hedge End,
                                                                                  Southampton, Hampshire, SO30 2JH. England

                                                                                  T: 01489 773888
                                                                                  F: 01489 773889
                                                                                  E: Click here to email us.

                                                                                  Office opening times:
                                                                                  8.00am to 5.30pm Monday To Friday
                                                                                  Workshop Opening Times:
                                                                                  8.00am to 4.30pm Monday To Friday

               Tel: 01489 773888                        Fax: 01489 773889                              www.supertracker com
                              Designed and Electronically Published by Sapphire Media (01206 822320) and DBA Graphics (01206 804890)
Top Gear in the fast lane with Supertracker versatility Top Gear in the fast lane with Supertracker versatility Top Gear in the fast lane with Supertracker versatility Top Gear in the fast lane with Supertracker versatility Top Gear in the fast lane with Supertracker versatility
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