Covid-19 - Government Funding - Summary of announced schemes in Ireland - Deloitte

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Covid-19 - Government Funding - Summary of announced schemes in Ireland - Deloitte
Covid-19 - Government Funding
Summary of announced schemes in Ireland
25 March 2020
Government Funding – Summary of announced schemes in Ireland
A raft of measures have been announced by the government regarding financial support
Funding category           Details                                        Eligibility                                           How to apply                          Website                  Additional comments                                            Next Steps
 Credit Guarantee          A Credit Guarantee Scheme has been             Viable micro, small and medium sized                  Engage with the Bank(s) to begin   Refinancing of existing debts is excluded as the purpose of
 Scheme                    announced to support loans up to €1            enterprises (SMEs). SMEs have fewer than 250          their standard loan application       /What-We-                this scheme is to facilitate additional lending. However, in
                           million for periods of up to 7 years to help   employees have a turnover of €50 million or less      process. It is only at this stage     Do/Supports-for-         cases where new lending is sought along with refinancing,
                           Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)            (or €43 million or less on their balance sheet) are   that a decision will be made on       SMEs/COVID-19-           the availability of a guarantee in respect of the new
                           impacted by COVID-19 related issues to         independent and autonomous, have less than            credit approval.                      supports/Credit-         lending element should be of assistance in providing an
                                                                                                                                Participating lenders will make all   Guarantee-Scheme-
                           have access to sufficient working capital.     25% of their capital held by public bodies, must                                                                     overall package of support to the business, including
                                                                                                                                decisions on lending. Currently,      COVID-19-FAQ.html
                           The purpose of the SME Credit Guarantee        be established and operating in the Republic of       Bank of Ireland, AIB and Ulster                                consolidation of existing debts Property-related activities
                           Scheme is to encourage additional lending      Ireland. A Small Mid-Cap is an enterprise that is     Bank are participating in the                                  are also excluded.
                           to SMEs by offering a partial Government       not an SME but has fewer than 500 employees.          scheme. The Department plays no
                           guarantee (currently 80%) to banks against     Business with up to 499 employees can apply to        role in the application or
                           losses on qualifying loans to eligible SMEs.   the scheme.                                           decision-making process.
 COVID-19                  Microenterprises can access COVID-19           Any microenterprise (Sole Trader, Partnership or      Talk to a Business Advisor in Local  Business Loans up to €50,000 for eligible micro-enterprises
 Microfinancing            loans of up to €50,000 from Microfinance       Limited Company) who is currently trading not         Enterprise Office                     /What-We-               (Businesses with less than 10 employees and up to €2m
 Loans                     Ireland. Loans are available at an interest    in a position to avail of Bank finance and is         or                                    Do/Supports-for-        annual turnover) that are currently trading. Loans may be
                           rate of between 6.8% and 7.8%.                 experiencing a COVID-19 negative impact on            Register on                           SMEs/COVID-19-          used for working capital and required business changes as a
                                                                          their business (The negative impact must be a                supports/Microfinance   result of COVID 19. Loan terms up to a maximum of 3 years.
                                                                          minimum of 15% of actual or projected in              or                                                            Interest only payments up to 6 months. Interest rate of 6.8%
                                                                          turnover or profit).                                  Talk to a loan Advisor on 01 260                              if submitted through Local Enterprise Office or referred by
                                                                                                                                1007                                                          Bank and 7.8% if applying directly.
 COVID-19 Working          A €200m Strategic Banking Corporation of       Viable micro, small and medium sized                  Via the  Companies which cannot apply - SMEs/ Small Mid-Cap that:        Approval of a loan under
 Capital Scheme            Ireland (SBCI) COVID-19 Working Capital        enterprises (SMEs). SMEs have fewer than 250          website                               emes/covid-19-loan- are involved in the primary agriculture, and/or aquaculture         the SBCI COVID-19
                           Scheme for eligible businesses has also        employees have a turnover of €50 million or less                                            application             sector, are in financial difficulty (excluding cash flow        Working Capital Loan
                           been announced. Maximum loan size will         (or €43 million or less on their balance sheet) are                                                                 pressures caused by COVID19 virus impact) are bankrupt or       Scheme is at the
                           be €1.5 million (first €500,000 unsecured)     independent and autonomous, have less than                                                                          being wound up or having its affairs administered by courts     discretion of the relevant
                           and the maximum interest rate will be 4%       25% of their capital held by public bodies, must                                                                    in the last 5 years has entered in to an arrangement with       finance provider.
                                                                          be established and operating in the Republic of                                                                     creditors, in the context of being bankrupt or wound-up or
                                                                          Ireland. A Small Mid-Cap is an enterprise that is                                                                   having its affairs administered by the courts, are convicted
                                                                          not an SME but has fewer than 500 employees.                                                                        of an offense concerning professional misconduct by
                                                                          Business with up to 499 employees can apply to                                                                      judgement, fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal
                                                                          the scheme.                                                                                                         organisation, money laundering or any other illegal activity
                                                                                                                                                                                              where such illegal activity is detrimental to EU financial
 Enterprise Supports       A €200m Package for Enterprise Supports Eligibility is being finalised                               Application process is being          https://enterprise-
 including a Rescue        including a Rescue and Restructuring                                                                 finalised                   
 and Restructuring         Scheme is available through Enterprise                                                                                                     -Us/Services/Covid-
 Scheme                    Ireland for vulnerable but viable firms that                                                                                               19/Supports/Covid-19-
                           need to restructure or transform their                                                                                                     Guide.pdf
                           business. Enterprise Ireland are also
                           offering a grant of €7,200 to clients for
                           finance review consultancy support.

©2020 Deloitte Ireland LLP – All rights reserved                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2
Government Funding – Summary of announced schemes in Ireland
A raft of measures have been announced by the government regarding financial support
Funding category           Details                                                              Eligibility                                 How to apply                                         Website                 Additional comments                   Next Steps
 COVID-19 Enhanced         If a worker is diagnosed with COVID-19 or they are medically         To receive the enhanced payment, must       If suffering from COVID-19 or a doctor advises to    It will be paid for a maximum of 2
 Illness Benefit           required to self-isolate, they can get enhanced Illness Benefit or   be:                                         self-isolate, the doctor will then complete a        n/service/df55ae-how-   weeks where a person is self-
                           Supplementary Welfare Allowance. They will not have to wait 6        • self-isolating on the instruction of a    medical certificate on the worker’s behalf and       to-apply-for-illness-   isolating but will be paid for the
                           days before they can apply for Illness Benefit. This means Illness       doctor or diagnosed with COVID-19       send this directly to the department. To receive a   benefit-for-covid-19-   duration of a person's absence
                           Benefit can cover the first week of a COVID-19 diagnosis (or             (Coronavirus)                           payment worker should provide doctor with:           absences/               from work if they have been
                           medically-required self-isolation) and any subsequent weeks.         • be absent from work and not getting       Name, PPS Number, date of birth. Worker must                                 diagnosed with COVID-19
                           The COVID-19 illness payment has been increased to €350 per              paid by employer                        then complete an application form for Illness                                (Coronavirus).
                           week.                                                                • must be confined to their home or a       Benefit (Form IB 1) which can be posted or
                                                                                                    medical facility
                                                                                                                                            delivered to an Intreo Centre. Online application
                                                                                                                                            will be operational by the end of March.
 Pandemic                  The Government have increased the COVID-19 emergency                 Eligible for the payment if aged between    Send the completed application form by Freepost
 Unemployment              support payment for people who have lost their job as a result       18 and 66 years and have lost employment to: PO BOX 12896, Dublin 1.                             n/service/be74d3-
 Payment                   of the pandemic from €203 to €350.                                   due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus)                                                                covid-19-pandemic-
                                                                                                pandemic, are a non EU/EEA worker who Or                                                         unemployment-
                           If an employee's working hours are reduced to 3 days or less per     has lost employment due to the COVID-19                                                          payment/
                           week they can apply for Short Time Work Support.                     (Coronavirus) pandemic, are a student over Apply for the emergency Covid-19 payment is by
                                                                                                18 who has lost employment due to the       applying online at
                                                                                                COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic or if a     All that’s needed is your email to set up a basic
                                                                                                non-EU/EEA student over 18 who has lost MyGovID account.                                         support/
                                                                                                employment due to the COVID-19
                                                                                                (Coronavirus) pandemic
 Income Support Scheme The COVID-19 Wage Subsidy is a scheme which allows                       Employers must self-declare to Revenue      Employers can apply on the Revenue website. The    The scheme will provide support on
                       employers to pay their employees during the current pandemic.            that they have experienced significant      self-employed should apply for the COVID-19          n/service/578596-       incomes up to €76,000 or twice
                       Employers will be refunded up to 70 percent of an employee's             negative economic disruption due to         Pandemic Unemployment Payment.                       covid-19-wage-          average earnings. It will be capped
                       wages - up to a level of €410. This is to be in place for 12 weeks.      COVID-19, with a minimum of 25% decline                                                          subsidy/                at net €350 for incomes between
                       The employer is expected to make best efforts to maintain as             in turnover, and an inability to pay normal This payment replaces the Department's Employer                              €38,000 and €76,000.
                       close to 100% of normal income as possible for the subsidised            wages and other outgoings, in accordance Refund Scheme announced on 15th March, and                                      Wherever possible, employers are
                                                                                                with guidance to be issued by Revenue.      any business that received refunds under the                                 asked to top their employees
                                                                                                The employee must have been on the          current scheme do not need to reapply. The                                   wages.
                                                                                                payroll in February 2020                    Revenue Commissioners will contact them directly                             There will be severe penalties for
                                                                                                                                            to confirm that they meet the conditions for this                            any abuse of the scheme.
                                                                                                                                            new scheme.
 Utilities Support         The following measures have been put in place to help                Emergency Credit is for Pre-pay customers Must being Prepay Top Up Card to a shop. In the     It should be noted that customers     After applying, please
                           customers remain connected to their electricity and gas supplies                                                 event customers cannot reach shops additional        cru-announces-          who have existing Emergency           keep checking bank
                           during this period:                                                                                              credit will be supplied.                                                     Credit Debt on the meter before       account as payment
                           • Domestic disconnections are suspended until 29 March                                                                                                                covid-19-customer-                                            may issue before the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the update will have to pay off the
                           • Emergency credit levels for prepaid (Pay As You Go) gas                                                                                                             protection-                                                   formal department
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         emergency credit debt before being
                               meters will increase from €10 to €100                                                                                                                             measures-to-assist-     able to avail of the increased        notification.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 consumers/              emergency credit value.

©2020 Deloitte Ireland LLP – All rights reserved                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3
Government Funding – Summary of announced schemes in Ireland
The Minister for Finance and the Banks have agreed a whole range of measures including payment breaks
Funding category           Details                                                                              Eligibility     How to apply Website                             Additional comments                        Next Steps
 Banking Credit Supports On 18 March 2020 the 5 retail banks (AIB, Bank of Ireland, KBC, Permanent tsb          No clear        Contact relevant                         Based on our interactions with banks and direct
                         and Ulster Bank), along with their representative body Banking & Payments              eligibility     bank directly    nks-set-joint-plan-support-        lenders, businesses should consider:
                         Federation Ireland (BPFI) announced a series of measures to support people and         requirements                     businesses-personal-        us-update/                                       • Reforecasting trading and cash flows
                         businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.                                          outlined                         customers-impacted-covid-               • Completing scenario analysis
                          These include:                                                                                                         19-pandemic/                us/notices/2020/march/covid-19-                  • Reviewing lending documents
                          • An optional payment break of up to 3 months for businesses and personal                                                                          statement                                        • Identifying additional sources of capital
                                                                                                                                                                         • Keeping plans & options actively under
                          • A solution to ensure that COVID-19 applications for a payment break will                                                                                                                              review
                              not affect credit ratings.                                                                                                                                                                    Most importantly, we would encourage our
                          • Deferral of court proceedings for 3 months.                                                                                            
                                                                                                                                                                             press/latest-news-and-press-                   clients to proactively engage in discussions with
                                                                                                                                                                             releases/covid-19-update-a-message-for-        their banks.
                                                                                                                                                                             kbc-customers                                  Our Debt Advisory team can provide further
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            insights and guidance on this topic.

 Personal Banking            •   In order to support public health policy, the Minister for Finance is         No eligibility   Not required
                                 requesting that industry increase the limit on contactless payments to €50. required                            release/878d4d-
                             •   The Minister for Finance has decided to defer the collection of stamp duty                                      wednesdminister-donohoe-
                                 on credit cards to July, which is normally levied in April, for which he will                                   outlines-further-measures-to-
                                 legislate for in due course.                                                                                    support-individ/

 Central Bank of Ireland The Central Bank has made the decision to reduce the Countercyclical Capital         No eligibility    Not required
                         Buffer, from 1% to 0%. This decision will free up bank capital that can be used to required                             release/878d4d-
                         provide credit, and to restructure and extend the loans of bank customers, both                                         wednesdminister-donohoe-
                         individuals and SMEs. The impact of the reduction of this buffer to 0% will free                                        outlines-further-measures-to-
                         up in excess of €1 billion of bank capital. This capital amount has the potential to                                    support-individ/
                         support approximately €13 billion of restructured lending to bank customers
                         that need assistance.                                                                                         
                         The Central bank has confirmed that it will allow banks to dip into their rainy-day                                     release/a6d8fa-government-
                         capital reserves to keep lending flowing. It is anticipated that this move could                                        announced-new-covid-19-
                         free up considerable additional credit for households and businesses.                                                   income-support-scheme/
 Rental Support            Emergency measures were announced on 19 March 2020 to protect tenants who No eligibility             No application    While tenants are expected to pay rent       Renters encouraged to engaged with landlords as
                           have been impacted by COVID-19. These are:                                     required              needed           ousing/private-rented-          during the COVID-19 pandemic, income         early as possible. Landlords asked to show
                            • A moratorium on notices to leave rental accommodation and a                                                        housing/government-             supports and Rent Supplement are             forbearance.
                                moratorium on rent increases for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic                                           approves-series-emergency-      available if they are struggling to pay.
                            • An increase in the notice period for tenancies of less than six months from                                        measures-protect-tenants        These supports are provided by the
                                28 to 90 days                                                                                                                                    Department of Employment Affairs and
                                                                                                                                                                                 Social Protection. Any rent arrears built up
                                                                                                                                                                                 will be payable, but landlords have been
                                                                                                                                                                                 asked to show understanding and reach
                                                                                                                                                                                 local arrangements in these circumstances.

©2020 Deloitte Ireland LLP – All rights reserved                                                                                                                                                                                                                                4
Government Funding – Summary of announced schemes in Ireland
Revenue has announced measures in relation to COVID-19 to assist SMEs experiencing cashflow difficulties
arising from COVID-19

Funding category          Details                                                                      Eligibility                      How to apply   Website                             Additional comments                   Next Steps
 Commercial Rates         On 20 March 2020, the Government agreed with local authorities that                                                
 Deferral                 they should agree to defer rates payments due from the most                                                                  government/covid-19-
                          immediately impacted businesses - primarily in the retail, hospitality,                                                      coronavirus/support-businesses-
                          leisure and childcare sectors, for three months, until end-May. This                                                         impacted-covid-19-through-
                          measure will be implemented by each local authority in its own area.                                                         commercial-rates
 Tax Returns              Revenue has underlined that taxpayers should continue to file tax returns Taxpayers generally.                          Small and Medium Enterprises
                          on time. The filing of returns informs Revenue of a taxpayer’s liability or                                                  rate/press-office/press-            (SME).
                          refund due (if any) for a period.                                                                                            releases/2020/pr-130320-revenue-
                                                                                                                                                       announce-measures-to-assist-        For these purposes an SME is a
                                                                                                                                                       smes-experiencing-cashflow-         business with turnover of less than
 Tax Forbearance and      •   Application of interest to late payments of VAT suspended for            Applicable to SMEs (as defined                  difficulties-arising-from-covid-    €3 million who is not dealt with by
 Rebates                      January/February. Effectively a VAT payment deferral.                    across).                                        19.aspx                             either Revenue’s Large Cases
                          •   Application of interest to late payments of employer PAYE (income                                                                                            Division or Medium Enterprises
                              tax) liabilities suspended for February/March. Effectively a payment                                                                                         Division.
                                                                                                                                                                                           SME’s are managed from both a
                                                                                                                                                                                           service and compliance standpoint
                                                                                                                                                                                           by Revenue’s Business Division.

 Debt Enforcement         All debt enforcement activity is suspended until further notice by Revenue Applicable to SMEs.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Note: Businesses, other than SMEs,
                                                                                                                                                                                           who are experiencing temporary
 Tax Clearance            Current tax clearance certificates will remain in place for all businesses   Applicable to SMEs.
                                                                                                                                                                                           cash flow or trading difficulties
                          over the coming months.
                                                                                                                                                                                           should contact the Collector-
                        Revenue has suspended the Relevant Contracts Tax (‘RCT’) rate review       Applicable to SMEs.                                                                     General’s office on (01) 7383663.
 RCT Rate Review
                        that was scheduled to take place in March 2020. This process assesses the                                                                                          Alternatively, these businesses can
                        current compliance position of each subcontractor in the eRCT system and                                                                                           engage directly with their branch
                        determines their correct RCT deduction rate, i.e. 0%, 20% or 35%. As this                                                                                          contacts in Revenue’s Large
                        process may result in a subcontractor’s RCT rate increasing due to changes                                                                                         Corporates Division or Medium
                        in their compliance position, the review is suspended.                                                                                                             Enterprises Division.
                        Subcontractors’ existing rates will continue for now, but any
                        subcontractor can check if their current rate should be reduced using the
                        self-review feature on the Revenue Online Service (‘ROS’).
 ‘Green routing’ status Revenue has also announced that critical pharmaceutical products and       Applicable to SMEs.
 for critical           medication will be given ‘green routing’ status for customs’ purposes.
 products and           This to ensure that the importation process is completed without delay.

©2020 Deloitte Ireland LLP – All rights reserved                                                                                                                                                                                              5
Your contacts

Lorraine Griffin                                   Michael Flynn                         Anya Cummins
Partner                                            Partner                               Partner
Head of Tax                                        Financial Advisory Public             Head of Deloitte Private
Tel: +353 1 417 2992                               Sector Industry Leader                Tel: +353 1 417 2240
Email:                      Tel: +353 1 417 2515                  Email:

​Business Continuity                               Financing                            ​Maximising Cash-flow            ​Maximising Cash-flow
 Ken Fennell                                       Brian Fennelly                        Vincent McCullagh                David Shanahan
 Partner                                           Partner                               Partner                          Partner
 Restructuring Services                            Debt and Capital Advisory Services    Head of Indirect Tax             Taxation Services
 Tel: +353 1 417 8803                              Tel: +353 1 417 3947                  Tel: +353 1 417 2771             Tel: +353 1 417 2598
 Email:                       Email:          Email:    Email:

©2020 Deloitte Ireland LLP – All rights reserved
This publication has been written in general terms and we recommend that you obtain professional advice before acting or refraining from action on any of the contents of
this publication. Deloitte Ireland LLP accepts no liability for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any material in this publication.

Deloitte Ireland LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in Northern Ireland with registered number NC1499 and its registered office at 19 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2
7EJ, Northern Ireland.

Deloitte Ireland LLP is the Ireland affiliate of Deloitte NSE LLP, a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”).
DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL and Deloitte NSE LLP do not provide services to clients. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms.

© 2020 Deloitte Ireland LLP. All rights reserved.
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