Today Current Affairs for Competitive Exams - Current Affairs 2021 Online

Page created by Stephen Simpson
Today Current Affairs for Competitive
    Exams - Current Affairs 2021 Online –
                            28th September 2021
CSIR’s 80th foundation day celebrated on 26          In the Women's Compound Team, the Indian
September 2021                                        team comprising Jyoti Surekha Vennam,
                                                      Muskan Kirar and Priya Gurjar won a silver
 The 80th foundation day of the Council of           medal.
  Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) was
  celebrated on 26 Sep'21.                          Pratham CEO Rukmini Banerji gets global education
 CSIR is known for its scientific and industrial   recognition
  contributions in various fields and has an
                                                     Rukmini Banerji, CEO of India’s Pratham
  effective network of 37 national laboratories
                                                      Education Foundation, has been awarded
  across India.
                                                      2021 Yidan Prize for Education Development.
 It is an autonomous body that has emerged
                                                     It is a top global recognition in the field of
  as the largest research and development
                                                      education and she has been awarded for her
  organisation in India.
                                                      work in improving learning outcomes in
NMDC and CSIR-IMMT Join Hands To Develop              schools.
Indigenous Technology                                Eric Hanushek, a professor at Stanford
                                                      University, has been conferred with the 2021
 National Mineral Development Corporation            Yidan Prize for Education Research.
  R&D Centre and CSIR-IMMT (Institute of
  Minerals and Materials Technology) have           Amazon brings Future Engineer initiative to India
  signed a MoU.
                                                     Amazon has announced the launch of its
 The focus will be the development of
                                                      Future Engineer initiative in India.
  indigenous technology for making the Indian
                                                     The program will enable access to computer
  mineral industry self-reliant.
                                                      science learning and career opportunities for
 The joint venture will utilize the vast
                                                      students from underrepresented and
  knowledge of both for research in the area
                                                      underserved communities.
  of beneficiation of coal, utilisation of mines
                                                     In its first year, the program aims to deliver
  waste, etc.
                                                      learning opportunities to more than 1 lakh
India claim two silver medals in Archery World        students from 900 government and aided
Championships                                         schools across seven Indian states.
 India archers won silver medals in Women’s        MeitY Startup Hub partners with Dell Technologies
  Compound Team and Compound Mixed
                                                     MeitY Start-up Hub (MSH) has entered into a
  Team competitions at the World Archery
                                                      partnership with Dell International Services
  Championships in South Dakota.
                                                      India Pvt. Ltd. (Dell Technologies).
 In the Compound Mixed Team final, the
                                                     MSH is an initiative of the Ministry of
  Indian team of Jyothi and Abhishek Verma
                                                      Electronics & IT (MeitY), aimed at
  won a silver medal.
                                                      strengthening the deep-tech ecosystem
                                                      across India.
 The collaboration shall help the start-ups by      It aims to spread worldwide awareness
  providing mentorship and training for their         regarding the need of expanding laws related
  upskilling, access to pitching events.              to access to information and their
US successfully flight tests Raytheon hypersonic
                                                     The theme for 2021 International Day for
                                                      Universal Access to Information is ‘The Right
 The United States has tested an air-breathing       to Know – Building Back Better with Access to
  hypersonic weapon capable of speeds faster          Information.'
  than five times the speed of sound.               Winners of Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize 2021
 The free flight test of the Hypersonic Air-       announced
  breathing Weapon Concept (HAWC) occurred
  in September 2021.                                 The names of 11 scientists, who received the
 Hypersonic weapons travel in the upper              country’s highest science award Shanti
  atmosphere at speeds of more than five times        Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for science and
  the speed of sound, or about 6,200 kilometers       technology 2021 were announced on 26
  (3,853 miles) per hour.                             September 2021.
                                                     The prize is given to Indian scientists below
NASA launches Landsat 9 satellite to monitor
                                                      the age of 45 for outstanding research in
Earth's landscape                                     seven fields—Biology, Chemistry,
 NASA successfully launched Landsat 9, a             Environment Science, Engineering,
  powerful satellite built to monitor the Earth's     Mathematics, Medicine, and Physics.
  land surface on 27 September 2021.                Nimaben Acharya becomes first woman Speaker of
 Landsat 9, a joint NASA and US Geological         Gujarat Assembly
  Survey (USGS) mission, lifted off on a United
  Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from                Veteran legislator Nimaben Acharya was on
  Vandenberg's Space Launch Complex 3E,               27 September 2021 unanimously elected the
  California.                                         first woman Speaker of the Gujarat Assembly.
 It will help make science-based decisions on       A three-time BJP MLA and a two-time
  key issues like water use, wildfire impacts,        Congress MLA, Ms. Acharya is one of the
  etc.                                                seniormost MLAs in the State.
                                                     BJP legislator Jetha Bharwad has been
Govt dissolves Ordnance Factory Board, transfers
                                                      elected Deputy Speaker while Pankaj Desai
employees and assets                                  has been appointed as the Chief Whip.
 The Defence Ministry has dissolved the            Private Universities (Second Amendment) Bill, 2021
  Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) with effect          passed in Gujarat
  from October 1, 2021.
 It has transferred its assets, employees and       In Gujarat, the Private Universities (Second
  management to seven public                          Amendment) Bill, 2021 was passed in the
  sector undertaking (PSUs).                          State Assembly on 27 Sept 2021.
 The OFB is currently a Defence Ministry entity     The bill will stop grant-in-aid colleges from
  and supplies critical arms and ammunition to        getting affiliated to private universities.
  the three armed forces and the paramilitary.       The government decided to reconsider its
                                                      earlier decision of allowing such affiliation
International Day for Universal Access of
                                                      after receiving several representations from
Information: 28 September                             various stakeholders against this move.
 The International Day for Universal Access to     Govt's Quarterly Employment Survey of AQEES
  Information is celebrated every year on 28        released

 Labour and Employment Minister Bhupender           17th Formation Day of National Disaster
  Yadav on 27th September released the report        Management Authority
  of the first quarter of the Quarterly
  Employment Survey (QES) for April to June           Union Home Minister Amit Shah inaugurated
  2021.                                                the 17th formation day of the National
 The survey of the All-India Quarterly                Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) on
  Establishment-based Employment Survey                28 Sept'21.
  (AQEES) was prepared by the Labour                  The theme for 2021 is cascading effects of
  Bureau.                                              disaster events in the Himalayan region
 The most impressive growth of 152 per cent          The NDMA is the apex body for disaster
  has been recorded in the IT/BPO sector.              management in India.
                                                      Setting up of the NDMA is mandated by the
England's Moeen Ali decides to retire from Test        Disaster Management Act, 2005.
                                                     DRDO successfully flight tests Akash Prime missile
 England all-rounder Moeen Ali has decided to
  retire from Test Cricket.                           A new version of the Akash Missile, Akash
 Moeen Ali is currently playing in the Indian         Prime was successfully flight tested on 27
  Premier League 2021 with the Chennai Super           September 2021 from Integrated Test Range
  Kings.                                               at Chandipur in Odisha.
 He has represented England in 64 Tests,             The missile intercepted and destroyed an
  scoring 2,914 runs at an average of 28.29.           unmanned aerial target mimicking enemy
 The batsman has five centuries and 14 half-
  centuries in the longest format.                    Akash Prime is equipped with an indigenous
                                                       active radio frequency seeker for improved
Sania Mirza-Shuai Zhang win Ostrava Open               accuracy.
women’s doubles title
                                                     Bhagat Singh's 114th birth anniversary: 27
 Sania Mirza won the doubles title at the           September
  Ostrava Open with her Chinese partner Shuai
  Zhang.                                              Indian freedom fighter and revolutionary
                                                       leader Bhagat Singh’s birth anniversary is
 They defeated the pair of Kaitlyn Christian
                                                       observed and celebrated on 27 Sept.
  and Erin Routliffe by 6-3, 6-2.
                                                      He was born in 1907 and the year 2021
 The final was held at the ČEZ Aréna in
                                                       marks his 114th birth anniversary.
  Ostrava in the Czech Republic on 26
  September 2021.                                     He gave his life for the country when he was
                                                       just 23 years old.
 This is the first title of this season for Sania
  Mirza and the 43rd title of her career.             Slogan ‘Inquilab Zindabad’ was given by him.

Consultancy contract signed between India and        Federal Bank partners with NPCI to launch credit
Bangladesh                                           card with lowest APR

 A new direct rail line from Bogura to Sirajganj     Federal Bank has partnered with the National
  in Bangladesh will be developed under the            Payments Council of India (NPCI) to launch a
  government of India's Line of Credit (LoC).          contactless credit card.
 An agreement between Bangladesh Railway             The bank claimed that the card has the lowest
  and a joint venture company of India was             Annual Percentage Rate (APR) in the industry
  signed on 27 September 2021 in Dhaka.                starting at just 5.88% per annum.
 The Bogura-Sirajgnaj Dual Gauge Link will           APR refers to the annual interest rate accrued
  provide a shorter route between the Western          on a credit card if the cardholder fails to pay
  and Northern parts of Bangladesh.                    the bill in full.
                                                      The industry average is 20-35% APR.
World Rabies Day: 28 September                        The MoU was signed at Maritime Security
                                                       Center (MSC), Muscat during the ongoing
 World Rabies Day is observed every year on           visit of the CNS Karambir Singh to Oman.
  28 September.
 The day was started in 2007 to raise               PM to dedicate to the nation 35 crop varieties with
  awareness about rabies.                            special traits
 More than 59,000 people die from the disease
                                                      PM Narendra Modi will dedicate 35 crop
  around the world each year.
                                                       varieties with special traits to the nation on
 Rabies is a fatal but preventable viral disease.
                                                       28th September 2021.
 It can spread to people and pets if they are
                                                      The crop varieties with special traits have
  bitten or scratched by a rabid animal.
                                                       been developed by the Indian Council of
 The theme for the year 2021 is: “Rabies:             Agricultural Research (ICAR) to address the
  Facts, not Fear”.                                    twin challenges of climate change and
NCW launches programme to train rural women in         malnutrition.
dairy farming                                         On this occasion, the Prime Minister will
                                                       distribute Green Campus Award to
 The National Commission for Women has                Agricultural Universities.
  launched a country-wide training and capacity
  building programme for women in dairy              Debabrata Mukherjee elected Chairman of Audit
  farming.                                           Bureau of Circulations
 It has been launched to empower rural               Debabrata Mukherjee has been elected as
  women and make them financially                      the Chairman of the Audit Bureau of
  independent.                                         Circulations (ABC) for the year 2021-2022.
 The first programme under the project was           He is currently serving as Chief Marketing
  organized on ‘Value Added Dairy products’ for        Officer at the United Breweries Group.
  women self-help groups in Hisar, Haryana on
                                                      He was awarded the "Beverage Marketer of
  27 September 2021.
                                                       the Year" award by the International
Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal launches 'Dekho Mere          Advertising Association (IAA).
Dilli' mobile app                                     He was a part of the ABC Council of
                                                       Management, since 2011.
 Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on
  September 27, 2021, launched Delhi                 Centre to extend foreign trade policy 2015-20 till
  tourism’s mobile app ‘Dekho Mere Dilli’.           March 2022
 It contains all the information about all the
                                                      The central government has decided to
  historic and famous places of Delhi.
                                                       extend the existing foreign trade policy 2015-
 It also has the feature of booking tickets.          20 till March 2022.
 This app will especially help international         This was informed by Union Commerce and
  tourists who lack information.                       Industry Minister Piyush Goyal.
MoU signed between Indian Navy and Royal Navy         A new FTP will be put into effect from the next
of Oman                                                financial year.
                                                      The FTP provides guidelines for enhancing
 Rear Admiral Saif bin Nasser bin Mohsen Al-          exports to push economic growth and create
  Rahbi, Commander of Royal Navy of Oman               jobs.
  (CRNO) and Admiral Karambir Singh, Chief of         Exports during April-Sept, 2021, stood at over
  the Naval Staff (CNS), Indian Navy signed an         $185 billion.
  MoU on 27 Sept'21.
 It would facilitate information exchange on        CavinKare CMD CK Ranganathan appointed new
  merchant shipping traffic.                         AIMA President

 CK Ranganathan has been                            RBI imposes monetary penalty of ₹2 crore on RBL
  appointed President of All India Management        Bank
  Association (AIMA) for a period of one year till
  the National Management Convention is held          The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed
  in September 2022.                                   a ₹2 crore monetary penalty on RBL Bank
 He is the Chairman and MD CavinKare Pvt              Limited for breaching deposit, board
  Ltd.                                                 composition norms.
 He takes over from Harsh Pati Singhania,            The bank had opened five savings deposit
  Vice Chairman and MD, JK Paper Ltd.                  accounts in the name of a cooperative bank.
 AIMA is a statutory body for the regulation         It had also failed to comply with the provisions
  and licensing of management profession in            of section 10A(2)(b) of the Banking
  India.                                               Regulation Act, 1949, relating to the
                                                       composition of the Board of Directors.

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