To react to disruption rapidly, build a foundation of customer-centric experience design - How Premier set up a unique digital customer experience ...

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To react to disruption rapidly, build a foundation of customer-centric experience design - How Premier set up a unique digital customer experience ...
To react to disruption rapidly, build a
foundation of customer-centric
experience design
How Premier set up a unique digital customer
experience that came to the rescue in a crisis

MAY 2021

Melissa O’Brien, Vice President, Research

© 2021, HFS Research                             1
If there’s one thing we can all agree on in      organizations, such as long-term care and
2021, it’s the goal of beating this global       skilled nursing facilities. While business
pandemic and moving faster to do so. In a        was strong and the model robust, there
recent webinar titled “Building a digital        were market dynamics at play— including
business at speed to beat this pandemic,”        startups, online natives, price wars,
we were joined by special guests Andy            changing buyer expectations—had
Brailo, Chief Customer Officer at Premier        Premier rethinking its approach to
Inc., and Mohd Haque, SVP and Head of            member experience.
Healthcare and Medical Devices, Wipro. As
the customer evangelist for a healthcare         For its members in the non-acute space,
improvement company and Group                    Premier wanted to better understand their
Purchasing Organization (GPO), which             supply chain challenges and pain points.
helps source essential products and              They found these members to be slowed
services to the healthcare ecosystem,            down by multi-step processes, facing a
Andy is an advocate for his customers,           lack of transparent pricing and toggling
referred to as “members.”                        multiple platforms to buy products when
                                                 what they really desired was a one-stop-
These members are the hospitals and              shop tailored to their needs.
other healthcare facilities on the front lines
of the pandemic. We heard first-hand             And so the e-Commerce platform Premier
about the digital acceleration Premier put       now calls stockd® was conceptualized. The
in place, aiding thousands of acute and          idea was to design a platform that
non-acute care facilities in getting the         enabled the convenience of online
vital PPE (personal protective equipment)        purchasing and helped members
and other critical supplies they need to         understand the best products for them at
fight COVID-19. But Premier’s digital            a fair price, and to effortlessly connect
transformation story started long before         these members with suppliers who
COVID-19 hit, demonstrating that its             provide reliably sourced products. While
foundation of well-designed, customer-           consumer-like behavior such as seamless
centric solutions already in place               online ordering is the standard, healthcare
prepared the organization for massive            organizations cannot accept the risk of
disruption; business leaders from all            getting a lower quality product—and so,
industries can benefit from this approach.       Premier sought to ensure ease and
A customer-first mindset created
the first burning platform for
                                                 Our aspirational goal is to be seen as
Premier’s journey has seen a decades-            an extension of our member’s
long focus and innovation in its ultimate        organization.
mission to “improve members’ outcomes                                     – Andy Brailo,
while also safely reducing cost.” Premier                 Chief Customer Officer, Premier
unites an alliance of 4,100+ acute entities
(hospitals) and 200,000 non-acute

© 2021, HFS Research                                                                        2
Intelligent design is the foundation          cases caused demand for PPE to spike
of seamless experiences                       between 300 and 1,700 percent, with many
                                              Premier’s members saying they only had a
In developing stockd, Premier brought in      couple of days of inventory left.
Wipro as a partner, which worked as an
extension of the Premier team. A big part     While stockd was designed to meet the
of Wipro’s role included experience design,   specific needs of non-acute members,
bringing in research, experience, and         Premier opened up this digital platform to
brand designers who worked together to        the acute market, helping to meet
identify the buyer personas across            demand and rapidly adding new
physicians, clinician managers,               products to the platform. Given the
purchasing agents, and more. The              circumstances, hospitals were open to
synthesis of the insight on how buyers        forgoing their usual preferred products,
want to consume informed the design of        knowing that the stockd platform provided
the Stockd platform. As such, Stockd          an alternative and verifiable high-quality
became a very personalized experience         product. This enabled hospitals, health
for non-acute members, allowing for           systems and other providers to procure
healthcare-specific attributes such as tax    much-needed PPE and other supplies in a
exemption statuses and bulk buying.           time of grave necessity.

                                              Agility is the name of the game for
                                              customer centricity and battling
Design for what matters to people and         disruption
business. Design digital solutions that
                                              The pandemic may have been the
are easy use, easy to access, reliable        biggest disruption of our lifetime, but it
and secure.                                   won’t be the last. Customer expectations
       – Mohd Haque, SVP and Head of          will continue to change, disruptors will
 Healthcare and Medical Devices, Wipro        enter the market, and unforeseen events
                                              will occur. Mohd Haque of Wipro notes that
                                              delivery models must shift to become
                                              extremely agile to co-create solutions with
                                              clients and design experiences focused
Pivoting to meet acute demand                 on the user and customer. Healthcare
amid pandemic disruption                      clients like Premier are relying on Wipro to
                                              cut down cycle time while reducing costs.
Fast forward to early 2020, and the COVID-
                                              This kind of transformation requires rapid
19 pandemic were felt throughout
                                              design changes, often on a weekly and
Premier’s supplier ecosystem; tracking        monthly basis. The ability to shift and pivot
down products, dealing with shipments
                                              quickly has never been so important.
delays, speaking to caregivers concerned
about having enough masks and gowns
consumed the business. Rising COVID-19

© 2021, HFS Research                                                                       3
The Bottom Line: A foundation of customer-centric
design enables speed in times of crisis.

Every business needs to become much           platform is a shining example of a catalyst
more digitally savvy to deliver competitive   for digital acceleration, as an online
products and services critical to             marketplace that not only improves
customers. Now is the time to tightly align   outcomes for members and their patients,
your business with customer expectations      but also rose to the occasion in a crisis to
and design your processes, supply chains,     aid in saving lives.
and experiences for agility. The stockd

© 2021, HFS Research                                                                     4
HFS Research author

                       Melissa O’Brien | Vice President, Research
                       Melissa O’Brien leads HFS’ customer experience and front office
                       services research, with a specialization in retail and travel and
                       hospitality strategies. Her key focus areas are on customer
                       engagement operations, CX design, digital marketing, and
                       digital associates, focusing on the trends that are driving
                       customer experience across the enterprise.

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           HFS Research introduced the world to terms such as "RPA"
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