Game of Thrones Fans Provide their Opinions on the Series Finale - Ipsos

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Game of Thrones Fans Provide their Opinions on the Series Finale - Ipsos
Game of Thrones Fans Provide their Opinions
             on the Series Finale
            Game of Thrones Predictions. Content warning: Spoilers ahead
Washington, DC, May 23, 2019 – Our watch is now over, but before the Game of Thrones series finale, 15% of fans predicted that
Tyrion Lannister would be the next to go after he busted Jaime out of “jail” in an effort to save the Lannister twins from Daenerys, and
inevitably betraying Daenerys. However, these fans’ prediction was proven wrong after Jon drove a dagger into Daenerys’ stomach,
making her the first to die in the series finale, confirming the prediction of 31% of fans.

Forty-nine percent of fans believe that Jon Snow should have ruled over Westeros, an 11-point increase from last week. However,
Bran is up eight points and makes a surprise jump to second place, after admitting that he knew he would rule over Westeros all along,
11% of fans agree that he is the ruler Westeros deserves. Few fans think that Arya (7%), Sansa (5%), or Samwell Tarly (5%) should have
ended as the ultimate ruler of Westeros.

Just like in the series finale, fans were given the opportunity to select a person to rule over Westeros - regardless of whether they
lived or died by the end of the series. Forty-one percent believe that Jon should have ended up ruling over Westeros, showing him the
same loyalty which he showed to the Andals and the first men. Daenerys came in second place with 14%. Members of the Stark family
follow with Robb at 9%, Eddard (Ned) at 8%.

If fans were given powers from the Lord of Light to bring any Game of Thrones character back to life, 17% are unsure of who they
would bring back, and 11% would not revive anyone at all. However, 14% would revive Eddard (Ned) Stark, and 9% would revive
Daenerys. The top-5 is rounded out by Robb Stark, Jorah Mormont (7% each), and Sandor “The Hound” Clegane (6%).

    1.      Did you watch the last episode of Game of Thrones which aired Sunday, May 19 at 9:00 PM EST?

                                                                                        (N = 1,005)
                          Yes                                                              19%
                          No                                                               91%

 Address:     2020 K Street NW, Suite 410                             Contact:   Chris Jackson
              Washington, DC 20006                                               Vice President, U.S., Ipsos Public Affairs
     Tel:     +1 202 463-7300                                          Email:
                                                                         Tel:    +1 202 420-2025

Press Release – continued –

   2.      In your opinion, out of the characters who remained alive at the end of the final episode of the series, who do you think
           should have ended up ruling over Westeros?**

                                                        Series          After          After           After           After           After
                                                        FInale         Episode        Episode         Episode         Episode         Episode
                                                      Game of           Four           Four            Three           Two             One
                                                                                                                                                    April 11
                                                       Thrones         May 16         May 09          May 02          April 25        April 18
                                                      (N = 176)
   Jon Snow                                              49%             36%            39%             36%             41%             40%           34%
   Bran Stark                                            11%              2%             2%              4%              2%              6%            4%
   Arya Stark                                             7%              6%             7%             12%              4%              7%            3%
   Sansa Stark                                            6%              6%             4%              6%              5%              4%            4%
   Samwell Tarly                                          5%               -             1%              1%              2%              2%            1%
   Davos Seaworth                                         4%               -             2%               *              2%              1%            2%
   Tyrion "The Imp" Lannister                             3%              9%             6%              5%              6%              4%            4%
   Gendry Baratheon                                       1%              3%             2%              1%               -               -             -
   Robin Arryn                                            1%               -              -               -               -               -             -
   Yohn Royce                                              *               -              -               -               -               -             -
   Brienne of Tarth                                        -              4%             1%              2%               -               -             -
   Podrick Payne                                           -              3%             1%              1%               -               -             -
   Grey Worm                                               -              1%             2%              2%               -               -             -
   Gilly                                                   -              1%              *              1%               -               -             -
   Bronn                                                   -              1%              *               -               -               -             -
   Tormund Giantsbane                                      -              1%              -              2%               -               -             -
   Yara Greyjoy                                            -              1%              -               *               -               -             -
   Daenerys "Khaleesi" Targaryen                         RIP             16%            15%             12%             16%             14%           20%
   Cersei Lannister                                      RIP             RIP             1%              1%              3%              1%            2%
   Jaime "The Kingslayer" Lannister                      RIP             RIP             2%               *              3%              3%            4%
   Euron Greyjoy                                         RIP             RIP             1%               -               -               -             -
   Sandor "The Hound" Clegane                            RIP             RIP             1%              1%              2%               -            1%
   Lord Varys                                            RIP             RIP             5%              1%              1%              2%            3%
   Missandei                                             RIP             RIP            RIP               *               -               -             -
   Jorah Mormont                                         RIP             RIP            RIP             RIP               *              1%            3%
   Theon Greyjoy                                         RIP             RIP            RIP             RIP               *              1%            1%
   The Night King                                        RIP             RIP            RIP             RIP              4%              3%            4%
   Other                                                  1%              1%             1%              4%              1%              1%            1%
   None                                                  11%              9%             7%              7%              7%              9%            9%
  ** Prior to the series finale the question text was as follows: In your opinion, who do you think should end up on the Iron Throne, ruling over Westeros?

Address:     2020 K Street NW, Suite 410                                            Contact:    Chris Jackson
             Washington, DC 20006                                                               Vice President, U.S., Ipsos Public Affairs
    Tel:     +1 202 463-7300                                                          Email:
                                                                                        Tel:    +1 202 420-2025

Press Release – continued –

   3.      In your opinion, out of all the characters in the show (dead or alive), who do you think should have ended up on the Iron
           Throne, ruling over Westeros?

                                                                                        Game of
                                                                                        (N = 176)
                                           Jon Snow                                        41%
                                           Daenerys "Khaleesi" Targaryen                   14%
                                           Robb Stark                                       9%
                                           Eddard (Ned) Stark                               8%
                                           Sansa Stark                                      2%
                                           Jaime Lannister                                  2%
                                           Tyrion "The Imp" Lannister                       2%
                                           The Night King                                   2%
                                           Robert Baratheon                                 2%
                                           Gendry Baratheon                                 1%
                                           Renly Baratheon                                  1%
                                           Cersei Lannister                                 1%
                                           Margaery Tyrell                                   *
                                           Joffrey Baratheon                                 -
                                           Stannis Baratheon                                 -
                                           Viserys Targaryen                                 -
                                           Other                                            2%
                                           None                                            12%

Address:     2020 K Street NW, Suite 410                                Contact:    Chris Jackson
             Washington, DC 20006                                                   Vice President, U.S., Ipsos Public Affairs
    Tel:     +1 202 463-7300                                               Email:
                                                                             Tel:   +1 202 420-2025

Press Release – continued –

   4. If you could bring one character back to life from the entire series, who would it be?

                                                                                   Game of
                                                                                   (N = 107)
                                         Eddard (Ned) Stark                           14%
                                         Daenerys "Khaleesi" Targaryen                9%
                                         Robb Stark                                   7%
                                         Jorah Mormont                                7%
                                         Sandor "The Hound" Clegane                   6%
                                         Khal Drogo                                   4%
                                         Lyanna Mormont                               4%
                                         Jaime "The Kingslayer" Lannister             4%
                                         The Night King                               3%
                                         Hodor                                        2%
                                         Missandei                                    2%
                                         Myrcella Baratheon                           2%
                                         Catelyn Stark                                1%
                                         Margaery Tyrell                              1%
                                         Melisandre                                   1%
                                         Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane                1%
                                         Oberyn Martell                               1%
                                         The Sand Sisters                             1%
                                         Shireen Baratheon                            1%
                                         The Dragons                                  1%
                                         Ros                                          1%
                                         Theon Greyjoy                                1%
                                         Lord Varys                                   1%
                                         No one                                       11%
                                         Don't Know                                   17%

Address:   2020 K Street NW, Suite 410                              Contact:   Chris Jackson
           Washington, DC 20006                                                Vice President, U.S., Ipsos Public Affairs
    Tel:   +1 202 463-7300                                            Email:
                                                                        Tel:   +1 202 420-2025

Press Release – continued –

About the Study
These are findings from an Ipsos poll conducted between May 20-21, 2019. For the survey, a sample of 1,005 adults 18+ from the
continental U.S., Alaska and Hawaii were interviewed online in English. The sample includes 176 adults who watched the series finale
of Game of Thrones.

These are findings from an Ipsos poll conducted between May 13-14, 2019. For the survey, a sample of 1,005 adults 18+ from the
continental U.S., Alaska and Hawaii were interviewed online in English. The sample includes 288 adults who watch Game of Thrones.

For the wave fielded after episode four, a sample of 1,004 adults 18+ from the continental U.S., Alaska and Hawaii were interviewed
online in English. The sample includes 281 adults who watch Game of Thrones.

For the wave fielded after episode three, a sample of 1,005 adults 18+ from the continental U.S., Alaska and Hawaii were interviewed
online in English between April 29-30, 2019. The sample includes 278 adults who watch Game of Thrones.

For the wave fielded after episode two, a sample of 1,005 adults 18+ from the continental U.S., Alaska and Hawaii were interviewed
online in English. The sample includes 267 adults who watch Game of Thrones.

For the wave fielded after episode one, a sample of 1,005 adults 18+ from the continental U.S., Alaska and Hawaii were interviewed
online in English between April 15-15, 2019. The sample includes 303 adults who watch Game of Thrones.

For the pre-season wave, a sample of 1,006 adults 18+ from the continental U.S., Alaska and Hawaii were interviewed online in English
between April 4-5, 2019. The sample includes 298 adults who watch Game of Thrones.

The sample for this study was randomly drawn from Ipsos’ online panel (see link below for more info on “Access Panels and
Recruitment”), partner online panel sources, and “river” sampling (see link below for more info on the Ipsos “Ampario Overview”
sample method) and does not rely on a population frame in the traditional sense. Ipsos uses fixed sample targets, unique to each
study, in drawing a sample. After a sample has been obtained from the Ipsos panel, Ipsos calibrates respondent characteristics to be
representative of the U.S. Population using standard procedures such as raking-ratio adjustments. The source of these population
targets is U.S. Census 2016 American Community Survey data. The sample drawn for this study reflects fixed sample targets on
demographics. Post-hoc weights were made to the population characteristics on gender, age, race/ethnicity, region, and education.

Statistical margins of error are not applicable to online polls. All sample surveys and polls may be subject to other sources of error,
including, but not limited to coverage error and measurement error. Where figures do not sum to 100, this is due to the effects of
rounding. The precision of Ipsos online polls is measured using a credibility interval. In this case, the poll has a credibility interval of
plus or minus 3.5 percentage points for all respondents. Ipsos calculates a design effect (DEFF) for each study based on the variation
of the weights, following the formula of Kish (1965). This study had a credibility interval adjusted for design effect of the following
(n=1,005, DEFF=1.5, adjusted Confidence Interval=+/-5.0 percentage points).

The poll also has a credibility interval plus or minus 6.7 percentage points for adults who watch Game of Thrones.

For more information about conducting research intended for public release or Ipsos’ online polling methodology, please visit our
Public Opinion Polling and Communication page where you can download our brochure, see our public release protocol, or
contact us.

 Address:   2020 K Street NW, Suite 410                                 Contact:   Chris Jackson
            Washington, DC 20006                                                   Vice President, U.S., Ipsos Public Affairs
     Tel:   +1 202 463-7300                                               Email:
                                                                            Tel:   +1 202 420-2025

Press Release – continued –

About Ipsos Public Affairs
Ipsos Public Affairs is a non-partisan, objective, survey-based research practice made up of seasoned professionals. We conduct
strategic research initiatives for a diverse number of American and international organizations, based not only on public opinion
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Ipsos has media partnerships with the most prestigious news organizations around the world. Through our media partnerships, Ipsos
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 Address:   2020 K Street NW, Suite 410                                    Contact:   Chris Jackson
            Washington, DC 20006                                                      Vice President, U.S., Ipsos Public Affairs
     Tel:   +1 202 463-7300                                                 Email:
                                                                              Tel:    +1 202 420-2025

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