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Semel Institute

                                                      APRIL 2021 / ISSUE 2

           A Monthly Update on Advances in Neuromodulation

Produced by the Neuromodulation Division of the Semel Institute at UCLA
Andrew F Leuchter, MD, Editor-in-Chief                                       IN THIS ISSUE:
Katharine G Marder, MD, Managing Editor

                                                                             TMS Updates
TMS FOR THE TREATMENT OF INSOMNIA                                              TMS for the Treatment of Insomnia
                                                                               TMS for the Treatment of Depression
Emily Wood, MD, PhD reviewing Sun et al. Sleep Med 2021 Jan
                                                                               in Parkinson's Disease
In this systematic review and meta-analysis, repetitive transcranial           TMS Treatment of Comorbid
magnetic stimulation (rTMS) treatment was associated with improved
sleep outcomes when compared to sham rTMS or to other treatments.
                                                                               Depression and Obsessive-
                                                                               Compulsive Disorder
Insomnia is highly prevalent and is associated with negative physical and      From the Archives: Priming Enhances
mental health outcomes, reduced quality of life, and an economic burden        the Efficacy of Low-Frequency Right-
exceeding $100 billion USD annually. Cognitive behavioral therapy for          sided Stimulation for Depression
insomnia (CBTi) is the first-line treatment, followed by pharmacological
treatments, but both techniques have limitations. Repetitive transcranial
                                                                             Portable Devices
magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a safe and non-invasive neuromodulation
                                                                                Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation for
strategy that can be used to increase or decrease cortical excitability;
                                                                                Pediatric ADHD
insomnia patients demonstrate abnormal cortical excitability. Might rTMS
have a role in the treatment of insomnia?
                                                                             Innovative Technology
Researchers searched multiple English and Chinese language databases,           Bimodal Acoustic and Electrical
including Cochrane, PubMed, and others for controlled trials (cont'd.)          Somatosensory Stimulation for the
                                                                                Treatment of Tinnitus
Semel Institute

involving adults with primary or comorbid                                   Pulse numbers ranged between 800 and                                common side effect was mild headache;
insomnia         who       received           active      rTMS              2400, and total number of sessions varied                           this was more common with active rTMS
compared with sham rTMS, other treatment,                                   between 7 and 30. Based on the included                             versus control groups. Differences in the
or no intervention. The primary outcomes                                    treatment arms, three different comparisons                         occurrence of dizziness, nausea, and
were sleep parameters as assessed by the                                    were made: rTMS versus sham TMS, rTMS                               fatigue were not significantly different.
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and                                   versus other treatment, and other treatment
Polysomnography                  (PSG).             Secondary               with and without adjunctive rTMS.
outcome measures included other sleep-                                                                                                          Impact: When compared to sham
related scales, sleep parameters measured                                   In all comparisons, rTMS was associated                             rTMS, other treatment alone, or as an
by actigraphy, and adverse events.                                          with superior improvement in PSQI total                             adjunctive, rTMS was associated with
                                                                            scores and greater improvement in stage 3                           significantly improved   sleep    as
A total of 28 studies (with 2,357 adult                                     and REM sleep on PSG. When compared to                              measured by decrease in PSQI total
participants) met inclusion criteria. All were                              sham TMS or as an adjunctive, active rTMS                           score and some PSG measures.
carried out in China and published between                                  led to greater improvement in all seven                             Limitations of this analysis include
2012-2019.          Twenty-one             studies      treated             subscale scores on the PSQI (sleep latency,                         high heterogeneity, low quality of
patients        with      primary           insomnia;         the           sleep disturbance, use of hypnotics, sleep                          some evidence, and limited external
remaining 7 studies treated patients with                                   quality, sleep time, sleep efficiency, and                          validity (all included studies were
comorbid            insomnia               (with       anxiety,             daytime dysfunction). When compared to                              conducted in China). The results of
depression, stroke, or drug-dependency).                                    other treatment, rTMS was associated only                           this analysis are consistent with those
Most      trials     stimulated         the        dorsolateral             with improvement on PSQI subscale scores                            of one prior meta-analysis of rTMS for
prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) with frequencies                                  for sleep latency, sleep disturbance, and                           insomnia, and together suggest that
ranging from 0.5 Hz to 20 Hz (most                                          use of hypnotics. No severe adverse effects                         rTMS may be a safe and effective
commonly, right DLPFC at 1 Hz).                                             related to rTMS were reported. The most                             option for insomnia as monotherapy or
                                                                                                                                                as an adjunctive treatment.
Sun N, He Y, Wang Z, Zou W, Liu X. The effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for insomnia: a systematic review and meta-
analysis. Sleep Med. 2021;77:226-237 doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2020.05.020

Andrew K Corse, MD reviewing Hai-jiao et al. Int J Neuroscience 2020 Jan
This meta-analysis examining the use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with Parkinson’s Disease
provides evidence that rTMS can improve depression, but not motor function or cognition.

Approximately             35%         of      Parkinson’s                 "Parkinson's            Disease”,            “transcranial        Examination (MMSE), and the Montreal
Disease         (PD)       patients          suffer     from              magnetic stimulation," and "depression."                          Cognitive Assessment (MoCA).
persistent           and          treatment-resistant                     Included         studies         were        randomized,
depression.             Repetitive            transcranial                double-blinded, and placebo-controlled,                           The authors found that rTMS led to
magnetic stimulation (rTMS) delivered to                                  and       involved        subjects         with      clinical     significantly greater reductions in BDI
the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex                                   diagnoses of both idiopathic Parkinson’s                          scores than sham-rTMS (SMD= -0.86; 95%
(DLPFC) has proven effective for the                                      Disease and Major Depressive Disorder.                            CI: -1.29 to -0.43; p
Semel Institute

significant difference between rTMS and
                                                                                 Impact: This meta-analysis demonstrates that rTMS over the left DLPFC
sham-rTMS (SMD = -0.07, CI: -0.56 to
                                                                                 is superior to sham—but not to SSRIs—for the treatment of depression in
0.41;       p=0.68).         Another         two       studies
                                                                                 patients with Parkinson’s Disease. Although rTMS is not superior to
examined MoCA scores; again, there was
                                                                                 SSRIs, it is a valuable treatment option in PD patients, who are generally
no significant difference between rTMS                                           elderly and therefore vulnerable to serious side effects from SSRIs,
and sham-rTMS groups (SMD=-0.29, 95%                                             including falls, bleeding, and hyponatremia. Contrary to previous studies,
CI : -1.43 to 0.85; p=0.62).                                                     this meta-analysis did not demonstrate that rTMS led to significant
                                                                                 changes in motor or neurocognitive function. Additional studies with
Hai-jiao W, Ge T, Li-na Z, et al. The efficacy of repetitive
transcranial magnetic stimulation for Parkinson disease patients                 greater number of participants and more standardized stimulation
with depression. International Journal of Neuroscience. 2020;
130:1, 19-27, doi: 10.1080/00207454.2018.1495632.
                                                                                 parameters and follow-up periods are required.

Katharine G Marder, MD reviewing Tadayonnejad R et al. Brain Stimulation 2020 Oct 13

In this case series, excitatory transcranial magnetic stimulation of left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex followed by
inhibitory stimulation of supplementary motor area led to meaningful response in both depression and OCD symptoms.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)                                       different psychotropic medications and                                       partial response (20-34% reduction in
and major depressive disorder (MDD)                                       2.4         courses            of       psychotherapy.                       YBOCS            score).        Five        of     seven
are         frequently            comorbid;             this              Participants received 36 TMS treatment                                       participants showed a full response of
comorbidity is associated with lower                                      sessions of excitatory treatment at left                                     depressive symptoms (defined as a
quality of life and higher treatment-                                     dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (LDLPFC)                                      >50% reduction in IDS-SR score), and
resistance. TMS is established as an                                      with either 3,000 pulses of 10 Hz or 600                                     the remaining two participants showed
effective treatment for both MDD and                                      pulses         of     intermittent          theta       burst                a partial response (30-50% reduction
OCD        when         the      conditions          occur                stimulation at a goal intensity of 120%                                      in IDS-SR score). There were no
independently. Can stimulating multiple                                   motor        threshold,         followed        by     1,200                 adverse events leading to treatment
targets        in      a      sequential            fashion               pulses of 1 Hz inhibitory TMS over the                                       discontinuation.
effectively treat comorbid MDD and                                        bilateral        supplementary              motor        area
OCD?                                                                      (SMA) at a goal intensity of 130% motor
                                                                                                                                                          Impact: This study suggests a
                                                                                                                                                          sequential     TMS       treatment
Researchers retrospectively analyzed
                                                                                                                                                          protocol targeting both LDLPFC
treatment outcomes of seven patients                                      Over the course of treatment, there were
                                                                                                                                                          and SMA can effectively treat
with refractory and comorbid MDD and                                      significant decreases in average YBOCS                                          comorbid MDD and OCD. The
OCD.        The      participants         had       severe                scores (from 24.2 at baseline to 12.71,                                         results from this retrospective
symptoms, with an average baseline                                        47% decrease, p=0.0013) and IDS-SR                                              case series are promising, but
Yale-Brown            Obsessive             Compulsive                    scores (from 45.1 at baseline to 19.29,                                         should    be    interpreted    with
Scale (Y-BOCS) score of 24.2 and an                                       57% decrease, p=0.0017). Five of seven                                          caution; a larger, prospective,
average             baseline          Inventory            of             participants showed a full response of                                          sham-controlled study of this
Depressive             Symptomatology                  Self-              OCD         symptoms           (defined         as     >35%
                                                                                                                                                          novel treatment approach is
Report         (IDS-SR)          score         of     45.1.               reduction in YBOCS score), and the
Participants had on average tried 6.8                                     remaining two participants showed a

Tadayonnejad, R, Wilson, AC, Corlier, J et al. Sequential multi-locus transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder with comorbid major depression: A case series. Brain
Stimulation. 2020; 13(6): 1600-1602. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2020.10.003.

Semel Institute

Michael K. Leuchter, MD reviewing Fitzgerald PB et al. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2007 September 19

This study found that administering a brief "priming" stimulation protocol prior to 1 Hz stimulation increased the efficacy of
the 1 Hz treatment for reducing symptoms of depression. This study was the first to examine the clinical use of TMS priming
in depression, and set the foundation for its use in clinical practice.

When treating major depressive disorder                                  participants) received priming stimulation                              group effect was observed). There was a
(MDD) with repetitive transcranial magnetic                              (6 Hz, 600 pulses, 25-second inter-train                                trend towards higher rates of clinical
stimulation (rTMS), both high-frequency                                  interval,   10    minutes,   90%     RMT)                               response in the active priming group
(excitatory)   stimulation    to    the   left                           immediately prior to each session of 1 Hz.                              compared to sham group (33% vs 14% of
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and                               The sham group (30 participants) received                               participants). Stimulation site discomfort
low-frequency (inhibitory) stimulation to the                            the same stimulation with the coil angled                               and mild headache occurred in both
right DLPFC have proven effective. There is                              away from the scalp. Partial responders                                 groups, and were reported in greater
a pressing clinical need to enhance the                                  (>20% improvement) could receive an                                     numbers in the active group, though no
efficacy of these two treatment strategies.                              additional 10 treatment sessions. The                                   statistical comparison was noted. One
Some research indicates that applying high-                              primary outcome was the change in the                                   patient in the active group reported
frequency (excitatory) stimulation at a low-                             10-item Montgomery-Asberg Depression                                    nausea during a single session.
intensity immediately prior to low-frequency                             Rating Scale (MADRS) score; secondary
(inhibitory) stimulation can “prime” the                                 outcomes      included    remission    and                              Impact: This study demonstrated
neurons and enhance their response to the                                response rates, and change in the Brief                                 that      an     active        priming        protocol
subsequent low-frequency (inhibitory) train.                             Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), Beck                                   administered               prior       to       1      Hz
Can “priming” the right DLPFC in this                                    Depression inventory (BDI), CORE                                        stimulation of the right DLPFC was
manner enhance the efficacy of low-                                      Assessment of Psychomotor Change,                                       superior to a sham priming protocol
frequency, right-sided rTMS for the                                      Global Assessment of Functioning Scale                                  in reducing depressive symptoms.
treatment of depression?                                                 (GAF), and Clinical Global Improvement
                                                                                                                                                 More broadly, this pivotal study
                                                                         Scale (CGI) scores. Assessments were
                                                                                                                                                 supported the notion that “priming”
Researchers performed a randomized,                                      collected at baseline, 2 weeks, and 4
double-blind,     sham-controlled      study                             weeks.
                                                                                                                                                 a target by delivering low-intensity,
comparing the efficacy of priming stimulation                                                                                                    high-frequency stimulation prior to
to sham priming stimulation during a course                              There were significantly greater reductions                             low-frequency                stimulation             can
of low-frequency right-sided TMS treatment.                              in MADRS score in the verum priming                                     enhance            clinical        benefit.         This
60 participants with treatment-resistant                                 group compared to the sham priming                                      important            result        informed           the
depression were randomized to two groups:                                group at both week 2 (21.7 vs 7.3 percent                               clinical use of priming prior to low-
a priming group and a sham priming group.                                change, p < 0.005) and at week 4 (30.5 vs
                                                                                                                                                 frequency            rTMS          and        inspired
Both groups (all participants) received 10                               13.2 percent change, p < 0.05).
                                                                                                                                                 research into the role of priming
sessions of 1 Hz rTMS treatment to the right                             Secondary outcomes demonstrated similar
                                                                                                                                                 stimulation in other rTMS treatment
DLPFC (900 pulses, continuous, 15 minutes,                               trends, except for the change in CORE
110% RMT). The priming group (30                                         scores (a time effect was noted, though no                              protocols.

 Fitzgerald PB, Hoy K, McQueen S, et al. Priming Stimulation Enhances the Effectiveness of Low-Frequency Right Prefrontal Cortex Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Major Depression. J Clin Psychopharmacol.
 2008;28(1):52-58. doi:10.1097/jcp.0b013e3181603f7c

Katharine Marder, MD reviewing McGough et al. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2019 Apr
In this randomized, double-blinded, sham-controlled trial, non-invasive electrical stimulation with a portable device was
superior to sham for reducing ADHD symptoms in pediatric patients.

 While stimulant medications are the                                    involved in ADHD, such as the nucleus                               produces an electrical current to stimulate
 mainstay of ADHD treatment, many                                       tractus solitarius, locus coeruleus,                                the trigeminal nerve via an adhesive
 patients and families prefer non-                                      reticular activating system, anterior                               electrode worn on the forehead. Can
 pharmacological approaches due to                                      cingulate, and insula. Trigeminal nerve                             trigeminal nerve stimulation provide
 concerns about side effects or social                                  stimulation     is     a     non-invasive                           clinical benefit for ADHD?
 stigma. The trigeminal nerve conveys                                     neuromodulation treatment modality in
 sensory information to brain regions                                   which a small, portable stimulator                                  Researchers performed a randomized,
Semel Institute

 double-blinded, sham-controlled trial in which      In the first week, both groups demonstrated
 children aged 8 to 12 years with ADHD by            improvement (with greater improvement in            Impact: This study demonstrates the
 DSM-5 criteria (n=62) were randomized to            the active TNS group). The active group             safety and efficacy of TNS in the
 receive active trigeminal nerve stimulation         demonstrated          gradual       ongoing         treatment of ADHD in this age group.
 (rate of 120 Hz, pulse width of 250-μs,             improvement for the remainder of the trial,         The effect size is similar to that of
 strength of 2 to 4 milli-Amperes, and duty          while the sham group did not. A significant         non-stimulant medications, and the
 cycle of 30 seconds on/30 seconds off) or           group-by-time interaction was found. The            treatment is well tolerated and
 sham stimulation via identical-appearing            effect size of active treatment at week 4           accepted by patients and parents. The
 stimulators (the Monarch eTNS System™,              was 0.50, indicating a medium effect size.          Monarch eTNS System™ has since
 NeuroSigma, Inc., Los Angeles CA) for 8             The          number-needed-to-treat       for       been FDA approved as monotherapy
 hours nightly over a 4-week period, followed        improvement on the CGI-I scale was 3.               for ADHD in patients ages 7 to 12.
 by one blinded week without intervention.           Quantitative EEG demonstrated increased             Further study is needed to determine
 The primary outcome was change in the               broadband power with active TNS. Power
                                                                                                         whether this portable device has a
 clinician completed ADHD-RS Total Score;            changes in right frontal and frontal midline
                                                                                                         role in treating patients in other age
 secondary outcomes included clinician-              regions were significantly associated with
                                                                                                         groups or as an adjunct to
 scored CGI-Improvement (CGI-I) and several          decreases in ADHD-RS scores, particularly
                                                                                                         psychotropic medication.
 parent- and teacher-completed scales.               for hyperactive and impulsive symptoms.
 Scales were collected weekly over the 5             The active TNS group showed increased
 week study period. Participants underwent           weight and blood pressure, as well as            McGough JJ, Sturm A, Cowen J, et al. Double-Blind, Sham-Controlled,
                                                                                                      Pilot Study of Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation for Attention-
 quantitative electroencephalography (EEG)           fatigue, headache, increased appetite, and       Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry.
 at baseline and weeks 1 and 4. Participants         temporary skin discoloration from patch          2019;58(4):403-411.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2018.11.013.

 were randomized to active treatment (n=32)          removal. There were no serious adverse
 or sham (n=30).                                     events.

Katharine G Marder, MD reviewing Conlon B et al. Sci Transl Med. 2020 Oct 7

Approximately 10-15% of the population             In this study, researchers investigated           participants experienced improvement.        All
suffers from chronic tinnitus, or the              bimodal stimulation with the Lenire device        within-arm comparisons demonstrated highly
perception of sound in the absence of an           (Neuromod Devices, Dublin, Ireland) for the       significant decreases in TFI and THI scores,
external stimulus. The condition can be            treatment of tinnitus. A small battery-           with moderate to large effect sizes (ranging
debilitating, and no adequate treatment            powered stimulator electrically stimulated        from -0.77 to -0.92). There was not a
options        are      currently    available.    the tongue via a wired connection to a small      significant difference between the arms during
Neuromodulation offers one promising               array of 32 electrodes placed on the anterior     the treatment phase. Arms 1 and 2 sustained
approach.       Neuromodulation      strategies    dorsal surface of the tongue. The same            benefits out to 12 months, while arm 3 did not;
generally apply a magnetic or electrical           stimulator provided acoustic stimulation via      this finding was consistent with the notion that
stimulus to the brain, for example by              a Bluetooth connection to a set of                more synchronized stimulation (as in Arms 1
stimulating a peripheral nerve or by applying      headphones. 326 participants with chronic,        and 2) drives greater plasticity and therapeutic
a magnetic field or an electric current to the     subjective tinnitus were randomized 1:1:1         effect. Adverse effects included increase in
scalp, in order to modulate neuronal activity.     into one of three treatment arms. Each arm        tinnitus symptoms, discomfort in the head, ear,
Some       strategies,    including   electrical   paired sound and tongue stimulation with          or mouth, and ulceration in the mouth. There
somatosensory          stimulation,    achieve     different frequencies, inter-stimulus delays,     were no serious adverse events.
nonspecific activation of widespread areas         synchronization,      and      tone-to-tongue
of the brain. Paired stimulation is a              mapping. The volume of acoustic stimulation       Impact: This is one of the largest medical
neuromodulation approach that pairs broad          and the intensity of electrical tongue            device trials for the treatment of tinnitus, and
electrical stimulation with a targeted input in    stimulation was customized to each                demonstrates that bimodal neuromodulation is
order to achieve greater activation within a       participant’s sensation thresholds. In each       feasible, safe, tolerable, and likely effective for
selected group of neurons. Animal studies          arm, patients used the device for 60 minutes      the treatment of tinnitus. A significant limitation
and pilot human studies have shown that            daily for 12 weeks. The primary outcome           is the absence of a sham control. A sham-
pairing sound (the targeted input) with            was within-arm and between-arm change in          controlled study of this novel treatment
electrical somatosensory stimulation (the          the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) and         approach is warranted to provide definitive
broad input) can increase plasticity within        Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI), where            evidence of efficacy.
the auditory system and improve tinnitus           scores range from 0 (least severe)
symptoms. More synchronized stimulation            to 100 (highest severity).                        Conlon B, Langguth B, Hamilton C, et al. Bimodal neuromodulation
                                                                                                     combining sound and tongue stimulation reduces tinnitus symptoms in a
appears to drive greater increases in                                                                large randomized clinical study. Sci Transl Med. 2020 Oct
plasticity.                                        Depending on the arm, 74.7 to 88.8% of            7;12(564):eabb2830. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abb2830. PMID: 33028707.

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