Fibromyalgia: "What we should know about" - Hospital ...

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Fibromyalgia: "What we should know about" - Hospital ...
MSK FOCUS: FIBROMYALGIA                                  53

Fibromyalgia: “What we should know about”
Fibromyalgia is a common and          include genes involved in the
chronic disorder of unknown           serotonin and catecholamine             Written by Professor Fahim Khan,
aetiology characterised by            pathways. Alterations in either of       Consultant Rheumatologist, Aut
widespread pain and tenderness,       these pathways could alter pain          Even Hospital, Kilkenny/Beacon
abnormal pain processing, sleep       sensitivity. Additional genetic                           Hospital Dublin
disturbance, fatigue, and, often,     markers have been identified
psychological distress, as well       through genome-wide scans.
as other symptoms. Although
fibromyalgia is frequently grouped    A biopsychosocial model of
with arthritis-related conditions,    fibromyalgia provides a useful
there is no apparent inflammation     framework for organisation. A
or damage to the joints, muscles,     number of biologic variables
or other tissues.                     have been identified, including
                                      genetics, female sex, age, poor
Data regarding the exact              sleep, trauma, deconditioning,
prevalence of fibromyalgia in the
                                      autonomic dysregulation,
United States are limited. The
                                      chronic infection, abnormal
estimated prevalence is 2%,
                                      nociceptive processing, and
affecting roughly 5 million adults
                                      stress. Identifiable psychological
(age ≥18 years), with women
having a higher prevalence (3.4%)     variables include hypervigilance,
and incidence (80-90%) of this        feelings of helplessness, poor
condition than men (0.5% and          coping strategies, depression,        The pathophysiologic sequence         usually yields normal findings. A
10-20%, respectively). Although       anxiety, certain personality traits   of events that leads to the           tender-point examination should
fibromyalgia most typically           and styles (eg, neuroticism,          development of fibromyalgia is        be performed at the start of the
presents to physicians in women       perfectionism, or compulsive          not well elucidated; however, a       physical examination.
of middle age, the onset of various   behaviour), and excessive pain        number of discrete cellular and
pain symptoms often occurs            behaviours. Environmental and         biochemical abnormalities have        Fibromyalgia is a diagnosis of
early in life, and the condition      sociocultural variables associated    been identified. The volume           exclusion and patients must
can present in either sex at any      with fibromyalgia include             of abnormalities discovered in        be thoroughly evaluated for the
age. Multiple epidemiologic           family support, job satisfaction,     patients with fibromyalgia is         presence of other disorders that
studies have demonstrated a           childhood abuse, and family           high enough to substantiate the       could be the cause of symptoms
strong genetic association with       members or friends with               claim that it is not a subjective     before a diagnosis of fibromyalgia
fibromyalgia. Implicated genes        chronic pain.                         pain condition. When viewed           is made. Patients must also
                                                                            collectively, these abnormalities     undergo a thorough clinical and
                                                                            suggest that fibromyalgia is a        laboratory evaluation to identify
                                                                            disorder of central sensitization     alternative or coexisting diagnoses
                                                                            or abnormal central processing of     for chronic pain.
                                                                            nociceptive pain input.
                                                                                                                  Although patients with fibromyalgia
                                                                            The pain associated with              do not have characteristic
                                                                            fibromyalgia is typically described   or consistent abnormalities
                                                                            as radiating diffusely from the       on laboratory testing, routine
                                                                            axial skeleton over large areas       laboratory and imaging studies
                                                                            of the body, predominantly
                                                                                                                  can help to rule out diseases
                                                                            involving the muscles and joints.
                                                                                                                  with similar manifestations
                                                                            Patients also present with various
                                                                                                                  and to assist in diagnosis of
                                                                            additional complaints. Fatigue and
                                                                                                                  certain inflammatory diseases
                                                                            poor sleep are nearly universal.
                                                                            Cognitive problems ("fibro fog")      that frequently coexist with
                                                                            produce impairments in memory         fibromyalgia. Such tests include
                                                                            and thinking. Patients with           the following:
                                                                            fibromyalgia typically suffer for
                                                                            many years before diagnosis and       • Complete blood count with
                                                                            sometimes receive unnecessary,          differential
                                                                            expensive, or needlessly invasive     • Metabolic panel
                                                                            procedures or medication before
                                                                            fibromyalgia is recognized.           • Urinalysis

                                                                            A history of more than 3 months       • Thyroid-stimulating hormone
                                                                            of diffuse musculoskeletal              level
                                                                            pain, along with the other            • 25-hydroxy vitamin D level
                                                                            symptoms like tiredness, fatigue,
                                                                            headaches, memory fog, restless       • Vitamin B12 level
                                                                            legs syndrome, irritable bowel
                                                                            syndrome, poor sleep, pins            • Iron studies, including iron level,
                                                                            and needles etc suggests                total iron binding capacity,
                                                                            fibromyalgia. Physical examination      percent saturation, and serum
                                                                            is helpful in confirming the            ferritin level
                                                                            diagnosis. Except for heightened      • Magnesium level
                                                                            tenderness and evidence of
                                                                            deconditioning, the examination       • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

                                                                                                HOSPITALPROFESSIONALNEWS.IE | HPN • MAY - 2021
Fibromyalgia: "What we should know about" - Hospital ...

                                        Table 1. The Evolution of ACR Classification of Fibromyalgia
Antipolymer antibody assay:,            The ACR 1990 Criteria
May provide conclusive evidence
for a subgroup of people with
fibromyalgia; about 50% of              Widespread pain in combination with:
fibromyalgia patients have
antipolymer antibodies                         Tenderness at –> 11 out of 18 specific tender points
Management                                     Digital palpation should be done with about 4kg of force
                                               The patient must state that the palpation was painful for the tender point to
There is no cure for fibromyalgia,
but education, lifestyle changes,
                                                be considered positive
and proper medications can help                Concomitant radiographic or laboratory abnormalities do not lead to exclu-
the individual to regain control and            sions
achieve significant improvement.

Models of pain behaviour that                 In terms of diagnosis or classification, there is no distinction between primary
interrelate biologic, cognitive,              fibromyalgia and secondary (or concomitant) fibromyalgia
emotional, and behavioural
variables form the basis for
cognitive-behavioural and                     The ACR 2020 Criteria:
operant-behavioural approaches
to adult pain management.                     Tender-point examination eliminated and patient questionnaire with 2 scales:
Fibromyalgia in children
responds to a combination                     widespread pain index (WPI) and the symptom severity score (SSS) were added.
of psychotherapy, exercise,
relaxation techniques, and                    Numerical score was created – the diagnosis of fibromyalgia syndrome was sup-
education. Pharmacotherapy is
generally not indicated in children.
                                              ported when:
Patient Education                              WPI >_7 and SSS >_5 or
Education is an essential element
                                               WPI 3-6 and SSS >_9
in fibromyalgia management. It
begins with an empathetic manner              The ACR 2011 Criteria Modification
on the part of the physician, who
must affirm the patient's pain,
explore social and behavioural
                                              Physician-estimate of somatic symptoms eliminated and the WPI and expanded.
variables (both in childhood and              The new 0-31 FM symptom scale (FS) include:
current) that influence the illness,
and explain to the patient how                 19 pain locations
stress and distress can amplify the
severity of symptoms. Scheduling               6 self-reported symptoms, including difficulty sleeping, fatigue, poor cognition,
time to provide this education                  headache, depression and abdominal pain
at early visits can save time in
subsequent visits.                             An FS >_13 best separated criteria + and criteria – patients
                                                   ACR American College of Rheumatology
The patient should be encouraged
to foster self-efficacy, and
healthcare providers should work
to diminish dependence over time.      Patients should avoid prolonged,      • Low-impact aerobic exercise at    include the following:
Providers can help by teaching         overly strenuous physical               least 3 times weekly
patients about the following:          exercise before reconditioning                                            • Analgesics (eg, simple pain
                                       is established.                       • Target exercise regimen: 4-5        killers like Acetaminophen or
• Diet (eg, promote good nutrition,                                            times a week for at least 20-30     tramadol)
  vitamin supplementation, bone        Aerobic and flexibility regimens        minutes each time; may take
  health, weight loss)                                                         months to achieve                 • Antianxiety/hypnotic agents
• Stress management                    Daily aerobic and flexibility                                               (eg, alprazolam, clonazepam,
                                       exercises may be an essential         For patients who may never
                                                                                                                   zolpidem, zaleplon, trazodone,
• Aerobic exercise (eg, low-           component of the fibromyalgia         achieve the level of the target
                                                                                                                   buspirone, temazepam, sodium
  impact aerobics, walking, water      rehabilitation program. The goal of   exercise regimen, encourage them
  aerobics, stationary bicycle)        these exercises is for the patient    to exercise at the highest level
                                       to exercise safely without            possible without worsening          • Skeletal muscle relaxants (eg,
• Sleep therapy (eg, education/        increased pain.                       their symptoms.                       cyclobenzaprine)
  instruction on sleep hygiene)
                                       An exercise regimen should            Pharmacotherapy                     • Antidepressants (eg,
• Psychologic/behavioral therapy                                                                                   amitriptyline, duloxetine,
  (eg, cognitive-behavioural,          include the following
                                       considerations:                       Always combine pharmacologic          milnacipran, venlafaxine,
                                                                             and nonpharmacologic therapy          desvenlafaxine)
Physical Therapy/Physical              • Always start at low levels of       in the treatment of fibromyalgia.
                                         exercise and progress slowly:       Aggressively treat comorbid         • Anticonvulsants (eg, pregabalin,
                                         Begin with gentle warm-up,          depression.                           gabapentin, tiagabine)
Exercise programs should start           flexibility exercises; progress                                         • Alpha 2 agonists (eg, clonidine)
gently and progress gradually to         to stretching all of the major      Medications used in the
endurance and strength training.         muscle groups                       management of fibromyalgia          • Low dose Naltrexone

Fibromyalgia: "What we should know about" - Hospital ...
                                         Managing Flare-ups in
Poor sleep worsens and                   Fibromyalgia                             Calmare Pain Therapy is a U.S.
perpetuates symptoms, so                 Patients should learn to identify        FDA 510(k)-cleared and European
intensive treatment is indicated.        the factors that trigger flare-          CE mark-certified pain therapy
Most patients understand                                                                                                     university Indianapolis IN USA ,
                                         ups (although, on occasion, no           medical device to treat pain
little about the nature of sleep;                                                                                            Board certified in Rheumatology
                                         trigger can be identified) and what      without the use of drugs, a non-           and is a fellow of the American
therefore, instruct them on the          measures to take to decrease their       invasive, biophysical approach to
basics of sleep and proper sleep                                                                                             College of Physicians.
                                         symptoms. Tips for avoiding and          chronic pain relief by transmitting
hygiene. Providing this education        managing flare-ups include the           a 'no-pain' message to the pain-
is one of the most helpful                                                                                                   Prof.Khan has extensive
                                         following:                               producing nerve/s via painless             experience in Rheumatology
interventions.                                                                    surface electrodes applied to the          including Fibromyalgia and Soft
                                         • Treat infections quickly               skin consistently over a period of
Medications that may prove helpful                                                                                           tissue Rheumatism, Osteoarthritis,
                                         • Avoid changes in diet                  time and has been found to be              Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriatic
for sleep problems that do not                                                    very effective pain relief therapy
respond to nonpharmacotherapy                                                                                                arthritis, Spondyloarthritis, early
                                         • Exercise as prescribed (ask            in Fibromyalgia without the use of         arthritis clinics and rheumatology
include the following:                     patients not to increase their         drugs or medications and in many           related pain management
                                           routine without consulting             other pain conditions including            disorders including back pain
• Antidepressants (eg, trazodone,
                                           a physician)                           neuropathic pain.                          and has extensive experience
  SSRIs, SNRIs, tricyclic
  antidepressants)                       • Moderate changes in activity                                                      in musculoskeletal ultrasound
                                                                                  Professor Fahim Khan                       in rheumatology and ultrasound
• Anticonvulsants (eg,                   • Avoid unnecessary life changes         (MBBS,MD,MRCP London,,                     guided joint injections and for
  clonazepam, gabapentin,                                                         MRCP Rheumatology RCP-UK,                  back pain.
  tiagabine)                             • Treat changes in mood or sleep         FRCP London, FRCP Edin, FACP,
                                           early and aggressively                 Diplomat American Board of                 Prof. Khan has extensive
• Nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics                                                     Rheumatology ,is a consultant              experience in the use of Scrmbler
  (eg, zolpidem, zaleplon,               • Always start new medications at
                                                                                  Rheumatologist at the Aut Even             therapy,“Calmare Therapy” for
  eszopiclone)                             the lowest possible dose
                                                                                  Hospital Freshford Road Kilkenny           pain management which is a
• Muscle relaxants (eg,                  • Prepare for unavoidable                and Beacon Hospital Dublin. Prof           U.S. FDA 510(k)-cleared and
  cyclobenzaprine, tizanidine)             situations that have caused            Khan also works as a visiting              European CE mark-certified pain
                                           flare-ups in the past (eg,             Rheumatologist at the Orlando              therapy medical device for pain
• Dopamine agonists (eg,                   arrange for an increase in sleep       Health, Fibromyalgia Center                management without the use
  pramipexole)                             medication or for help with            in USA.                                    of drugs, in Rheumatological
                                           housework and child care)                                                         conditions like Fibromyalgia,
Other agents used in fibromyalgia                                                 Prof.Khan completed his higher             Myofascial pain syndrome,
may include the following:               • Encourage patients to pace their       postgraduate qualifications from           neuropathic pain back pain and
                                           activities and know their limits       Ireland, UK and USA. and qualified         is the sole provider of Calmare
• Vitamins and minerals                                                           the membership examination of
                                         Any latest treatments in                                                            therapy in Ireland for over 10 years
• Malic acid and magnesium               Fibromyalgia?                            the Royal College of Physicians            with excellent results.
  combination                                                                     of London UK, Fellowship from
                                         Scrambler therapy “Calmare               the Royal college of Physicians            Prof. Khan is the author of many
• Antioxidants                           Therapy” in Fibromyalgia is              of London and Edinburgh UK                 medical and rheumatology
• Amino acids                            widely used in the USA and it is         ,Fellowship in Rheumatology                articles/publications in the
                                         also available in Ireland as a non       and research experience in knee            leading international medical/
• Herbs and supplements                  drug treatment for pain relief.          Osteoarthritis from the Indiana            rheumatology journals.

                                                                                                                            MSK FOCUS: NEWS
Impact of Arthritis on Mental Health
Arthritis Ireland is highlighting        “The disruptive and destructive          health. They also aired a series of
the impact that arthritis can have       nature of arthritis impacts people’s     online daily mindfulness sessions
on people’s mental health and            relationships, their careers and their   with mindfulness practitioner,
wellbeing during National Arthritis      capacity to enjoy life. The burden of    Susan Barrett.
Week, which took place 12-18 April.      living with chronic pain and fatigue
                                                                                  How sleep, diet and exercise affect
                                         affects mental, as well as physical
According to the national patient                                                 inflammation was the theme of
                                         health, with the most common
organisation, arthritis is associated                                             an online symposium to be held
with poor mental health, including       psychological comorbidities being        in conjunction with the molecular
depression and anxiety. Research         depression and anxiety.                  rheumatology unit at Trinity College
has shown that up to 20% of              “However, these are poorly               Dublin, which took place on
rheumatoid arthritis patients            recognised within the health             Thursday 15 April.
experience depression, with 30%          system, and there is too little
developing depression within five                                                 The charity also launched a
                                         psychological support for people         nationwide survey looking to gain
years of diagnosis.                      to help them deal with the mental        a better understanding of how
Arthritis is the biggest cause of        health aspects of living with a          arthritis affects mental health, and it
disability in the country and affects    chronic disease like arthritis,”         announced a new six-week mental
one million people in Ireland.           O’Leary said.                            health online course, called Behind
                                                                                  the Pain.
According to Gráinne O’Leary, Chief      As part of National Arthritis
Executive of Arthritis Ireland, “While   Week, the charity held an online         Further information about
the physical symptoms of arthritis,      information event on Tuesday             National Arthritis Week is
like fatigue and joint damage, are       13 April with Dr Jennifer                available on the charity’s website at
well recognised, there is much less      Wilson-O’Raghallaigh, Chief Clinical
awareness of the drastic effect          Psychologist at Beaumont Hospital                                                      Grainne O’Leary, Chief Executive,
the condition can have on mental         to discuss the relationship                                                                              Arthritis Ireland
health and well-being.                   between arthritis and mental

                                                                                                        HOSPITALPROFESSIONALNEWS.IE | HPN • MAY - 2021
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