Individualisierte Nierenersatztherapie beim kritisch Kranken - Dialyseseminar Dezember 2020 Berlin

Individualisierte Nierenersatztherapie beim kritisch Kranken - Dialyseseminar Dezember 2020 Berlin
Dialyseseminar Dezember 2020 Berlin

              Individualisierte Nierenersatztherapie beim kritisch


   06.12.20                           Dr. Mariam Abu-Tair            1
Individualisierte Nierenersatztherapie beim kritisch Kranken - Dialyseseminar Dezember 2020 Berlin
Dialyseseminar Dezember 2020 Berlin

         Interessenskonflikte: keine

   06.12.20                            Dr. Mariam Abu-Tair   2
Individualisierte Nierenersatztherapie beim kritisch Kranken - Dialyseseminar Dezember 2020 Berlin
Dialyseseminar Dezember 2020 Berlin

          Übernahme eines anamnestisch 160 kg schweren 53 jährigen Patienten
          Terminale Niereninsuffizienz unklarer Genese; V.a. hepatorenales Syndrom
          Vordiagnosen: Leberzirrhose V.a. NASH; Ausschluss KHK bei leichtgradig eingeschränkter
          Pumpfunktion; Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 ED 1995 (HbA1c aktuell 4,7%)

          Auswärts tägliche UF bei nicht traktablen Ödemen, Pleuraergüssen, Aszites
          Direkte Verlegung auf die Intensivstation bei respiratorischer Insuffizienz und schwerer Hypotonie
          Versuch Volumenentzug mittels CiCaCVVHD ohne Erfolg bei steigendem Katecholaminbedarf
          Implantation eines gecufften Tesiokatheters in den Bauch zur Durchführung einer PD; danach
          kontinuierliche Negativbilanzierung möglich; nach Stabilisierung der Vitalparameter, Ausschleichen
          der Katecholamine und Extubation Implantation eines Tenckhoff Katheters durch die Klinik für

          Entlassung des Patienten nach 2 Monaten und 60 kg Gewichtsverlust in die Häuslichkeit mit
          fortgesetzter CAPD

   06.12.20                                        Dr. Mariam Abu-Tair                                         3
Dialyseseminar Berlin 2020

   06.12.20                  Dr. Mariam Abu-Tair   4
Search results                                                                                  Save
 Dialyseseminar Berlin 2020
                                            Blood Purif                                                    Received: April 28, 2020
                                                                                                           Accepted: September 5, 2020
                                                                                                           Published online:Review             Perit Dial Int. 2020 Sep;40(5):496-498. doi: 10.1177/0896860820953050.
                                            DOI: 10.1159/000511390                                                           October 5, 2020

                                                                                                                        Successfully treating three patients with acute
                                                                                                                        kidney injury secondary to COVID-19 by peritoneal
Peritoneal Dialysis Is an Option for Acute
                                                                                                                        dialysis: Case report and literature review
Kidney Injury Management in Patients
with COVID-19                                                                                                           Abdullah K Al-Hwiesh 1 , Abdelgalil Moaz Mohammed 1 , Mahmoud Elnokeety 1 ,
                                                                                                                                                 2,                    3,
                                                                                                                        Amani Al-Hwiesh               Nadia Al-Audah        Syed Esam 1 , Ibrahiem Saeed Abdul-Rahman   1

José M. Rodríguez-Chagolla a Enzo Vásquez Jiménez b Leticia Herrera Arellano a                                          Affiliations           expand
Alberto Villa Torres a Nayeli Acosta García a Dolores Aleman Quimbiulco a                                               PMID: 32998645 DOI: 10.1177/0896860820953050
Sergio Armeaga Aguilar a Magdalena Madero b
aNephrology   Department, Centro Médico Issemym Toluca, Toluca de Lerdo, Mexico; bNephrology Department,
Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez, Ciudad de México, Mexico
                                                                                                               Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a pandemic disease that increased the burden on heal
                                                                                                               care system. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 74,795 cases have been reported until 26 May 20
                                                                                                               and the number of cases is rapidly increasing. The mortality rate of COVID-19 worldwide is 6.37
Keywords                                                                                                       Here wesyn-
                                                                   nally shown to be caused by “severe acute respiratory report three cases of acute kidney injury (AKI) secondary to pneumonia of severe COV
COVID-19 disease · Peritoneal dialysis · Acute kidney injury       drome coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2) [3].19;         Thethey  were treated with automated peritoneal dialysis (PD) with full recovery. To the best of o
                                                                   Health Organization recognized this disease         as a pan- few reports in the literature have discussed the use of PD in AKI secondary to COVI
                                                                   demic, and by April 2020, cases have been reported in 211
Abstract                                                           countries, with more than 1.9 million confirmed cases
In December 2019, cases of acute respiratory illness of un-        [4]. In Mexico, about 256,848 cases have been      diagnosedAKI; COVID-19; automated peritoneal dialysis.
known origin were reported in Wuhan, China. The disease is         in all of the states [5]. Since the beginning of the epidem-
caused by “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus           ic, kidney injury associated with COVID-19 disease has
2”. After identifying severe lung damage, injury to other or-      been documented, in percentages as high as 15% [6].
gans, such as the kidney, has been identified. Peritoneal di-          However, the available data suggest that    Similar
                                                                                                                      the preva-articles
alysis is a renal replacement therapy (RRT) and is at least as     lence of acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients with CO-
effective as other extracorporeal therapy options, with sig-
                                                                                                                   Acute peritoneal dialysis in COVID-19.
                                                                   VID-19 is variable. In another cohort study (n = 1,099),
          cost-effective advantages. However, this strategy is                                    Dr. Mariam
                                                                   5.3% of patients required admission      to theAbu-Tair
                                                                                                                  intensive  careW, Ponce D, Cullis B.
rarely used for the management of acute kidney injury in           unit (ICU) and only 0.5% of patients had AKI        [7].
                                                                                                                   Perit Dial Int. 2020 Jul;40(4):359-362. doi: 10.1177/0896860820931235. Epub 2020 Jun 19.
Dialyseseminar Berlin 2020

                                                                                                         Perit Dial Int. 2015 Jul-Aug; 35(4): 397–405

                   Peritoneal dialysis modalities used in acute kidney injury. Adapted from Ponce et al. (28). IPD =
                   intermittent peritoneal dialysis (PD); CEPD = chronic equilibrated PD; HVPD = high-volume PD; TPD
                   = tidal PD; CFPD = continuous-flow PD.

   06.12.20                                                          Dr. Mariam Abu-Tair                                                                6
Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis 2018
                                 doi: 10.1111/1744-9987.12660
                                 © 2018 The Authors. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of International Society for Apheresis,
Dialyseseminar Berlin 2020       Japanese Society for Apheresis, and Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy

                                   Acute Kidney Injury in Critically Ill Patients: A Prospective
                                     Randomized Study of Tidal Peritoneal Dialysis Versus
                                           Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy

                                  Abdullah Al-Hwiesh,1 Ibrahiem Abdul-Rahman,1 Fredric Finkelstein,2 Jose Divino-Filho,3
                                      Hatem Qutub,1 Nadia Al-Audah,1 Abdalla Abdelrahman,4 Nazeeh El-Fakhrany,1
                                            Mohammed Nasr El-Din,1 Tamer El-Salamony,1 Abdulsalam Noor,1
               4                                                   A Al-Hwiesh
                                                      Mohammed Al-Shahrani 1
                                                                            , andetKhalid
                                                                                    al. Al-Otaibi1
                                     Nephrology Division, King Fahd Hospital of the University, Al-Khobar, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal
                                   University, Saudi Arabia;2.andOutcome
                                                 TABLE            Yale University,
                                                                           of renalNewreplacement
                                                                                       Haven, CT, USA;  and 3in
                                                                                                    therapy   Karolinska Institutet, CLINTEC,
                                                                                                                the two groups
                                       Division of Renal Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden; and Department of Electrical Engineering, Queens
                                                                        University, Kingston,Group
                                                                                               ON, Canada
                                                                                                    A                      Group B
               Outcome                                                                                           N = 62                                      N = 63                              P-value
               Infectious complications related to dialysis, N (%)                                              11 (17.7)                                    6 (9.5)                             0.0084
               Time to prepare dialysis access and initiate dialysis,                                                                                                                            0.2010
                               Abstract: Few studies have discussed the role of perito-
               (min), median (IQR)                                                          between
                                                                                             35 (30–37)groups in regard to patients’
                                                                                                                                  38 characteristics.
                                                                                                                                      (32–40)         The
                               neal function,
               Recovery of kidney    dialysis (PD)   in managing acute kidney injury (AKI)
                                                 N (%)                                      survival
                                                                                             22 (35.5)at 28 days was significantly38
                                                                                                                                   better in the patients
                                                                                                                                      (60.3)                                                     0.0056
                               in critically ill patients. The present study compares the   treated with TPD when compared to CVVHDF (69.8%
               Resolution of AKI   (days),
                               outcome       median
                                          of AKI        (IQR) care unit (ICU) patients ran-
                                                   in intensive                             vs.8 46.8%,
                                                                                                  (7–10)P < 0.01). Infectious complications
                                                                                                                                   5 (4–6) were signifi-                                         0.0044
               ICU stay (days),domized
                                medianto(IQR)treatment with tidal PD (TPD) or continuous    cantly less (P < 0.01) in the TPD 9
                                                                                             19   (13–20)                             (7–11)
                                                                                                                                    group  (9.5%) when                                           0.0031
               Need of chronic venovenous
                               dialysis, N hemodiafiltration
                                              (%)               (CVVHDF). One hundred         7 (11.3) to the CVVHDF group (17.7%).
                                                                                            compared                               6 (9.5) Recovery of                                           0.3112
               Mortality, N (%)and twenty-five ICU patients with AKI were randomly          kidney   function (60.3% vs. 35.5%), median
                                                                                             33 (53.2)                                    time to resolu-
                                                                                                                                  19 (30.2)                                                      0.0028
                              allotted to CVVHDF, (Group A, N = 62) or TPD,                 tion of AKI and the median duration of ICU stay of
                              (group B, N = 63). Cause and severity of renal injury were    9 days (7–11) vs. 19 days (13–20) were all in favor of TPD
                 AKI, acute kidney   injury; ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile(P
                              assessed at the time of initiating dialysis. The primary out-
                                                                                                 < 0.01). This study suggests that there are better out-
                              come was hospital mortality at 28 days, and secondary         comes with TPD compared to CRRT in the treatment of
                              outcomes were time to recovery of renal function, dura-       critically ill patients with AKI. Key Words: Acute kidney                                     Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis 2018
                              tion of stay in the ICU, metabolic and fluid control, and     injury, Acute tubular necrosis, Continuous venovenous                                         doi: 10.1111/1744-9987.12660
               and acidosis improvement
                               were deemed           to have
                                             of sensorial           been achieved,
                                                           and hemodynamic      parameters.   CVVHDF (Group
                                                                                            hemodiafiltration,              A, N =therapy,
                                                                                                                   Renal replacement      62) orSepsis,
                                                                                                                                                      TPD                                 ©(Group      B,
                                                                                                                                                                                            2018 The Authors.   Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis pu
                              No statistically significant differences were observed        Tidal peritoneal dialysis.                                                                    Japanese Society for Apheresis, and Japanese Society for Dia
               or when urine output had improved, or both. End-                        N = 63) (Fig. 2). Patient’s demographic and clinical
               points included cessation of dialysis after improve-                    characteristics are shown in Table 1. There was no

               ment and a minimum period of 3 days of not
               requiring dialysis was necessary for the patients to
                               Acute   kidney injury (AKI)   is a common   Dr. Mariam
                                                                                       statistically significant difference in age, gender, the
                                                                                     Hyman   et al.(IQR)
                                                                                                     (2) havesystolic
                                                                                                              reported aand
                                                                                                                          transition of dialy-
                                                                                                                                                                                           Acute Kidney Injury in
                                                                                       median                                 diastolic     blood pressure,                                                  7
                             cation in patients treated in the  intensive
               be classified as successfully withdrawn from dialysis,     care unit  sis methods    prescribed for AKI   from  1994–1995
                                                                                       median (IQR) baseline eGFR and the initial median
                                                                                                                                                                                             Randomized Study o
DISCUSSION                                        hemodialysis, CVVHD, CVVHDF or PD. Such a
                      BUN, blood urea nitrogen; Cr, serum creatinine; CVVHDF, continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration; HCO3, serum bicarbonate; IQR,
                   interquartile range; K,The
                                           serum potassium; TPD, tidal peritoneal dialysis;requires,
                                                                                                             decision is not always easy, taking into consider-
                                                                                            UF, net ultrafiltration.
                                               management    of AKI    in ICU setting
                                                                                         ation the hemodynamic instability of the ICU
                            in addition to conservative treatment, a decision            patients and the feasibility of implementing the dif-
Dialyseseminar Berlin 2020concerning     when to start RRT. Once RRT
                                DISCUSSION                                        is
                                                                            hemodialysis,    CVVHD,
                                                                                         ferent           CVVHDF
                                                                                                 modalities.             or PD.
                                                                                                               For the last        Such a PD has
                                                                                                                             two decades,
                            needed, the treating physician should choose    decision is been
                                                                                          not always     easy,   taking class
                                                                                                                          into treatment
                                                                                                                                consider- for ICU
                                                                                                considered    a second
                The management    of AKI
                            between        in ICU setting
                                      its different          requires,
                                                     modalities,  i.e. intermittent
                                                                            ation the patients     who develop
                                                                                          hemodynamic               AKI and
                                                                                                             instability        it hasICU
                                                                                                                           of the       been rarely
              in addition to conservative treatment, a decision             patients and the feasibility of implementing the dif-might be
                                                                                         used   in  the  developed     world   (2). This
              concerning when    to 4.
                             TABLE   start  RRT.
                                         Adverse    Once
                                                 events      RRTto treatment
                                                        according    is                  becauseFor
                                                                             group modalities.
                                                                            ferent                 of lack
                                                                                                       the of
                                                                                                                                  PD has  knowledge
              needed, the treating physician should choose                               by intensivists  and  nephrologists   working   in ICU set-
                                                  CVVHDF          TPD       been
                                                                             P-valueconsidered a second class treatment for ICU
              between its different modalities, i.e. intermittent           patients who tings, the limitations
                                                                                            develop     AKI and   attributed  to PD,rarely
                                                                                                                     it has been      and/or a lack
                                    Hypotension             27 (43.5)            10 (15.9)       0.0016
                                    Infections              11 (17.7)            6 (9.5)        used
                                                                                                  0.0036 in the developed world (2). This might be
                                    Catheter change
                    TABLE 4. Adverse events according       14 (22.6)
                                                           to treatment          5 (7.9)
                                                                                group             0.0007
                                                                                                because of lack of      PD experience,
                                                                                                                     TABLE     5. Causes ofand/or  knowledge
                                                                                                                                            death in the two groups
                                    Bleeding events§        17 (27.4)            4 (6.3)          0.0008
                                    Arrhythmias ¶
                                             CVVHDF         13
                                                            TPD(21.0)            5 (7.9)
                                                                                                by   intensivists and nephrologists working
                                                                                                  0.0023                                          in ICU
                                                                                                                                            Group A
                                                                                                                                                        Group B
                                    Hypoglycemia            5 (8.1)              3 (4.8)        tings,
                                                                                                  0.0488 the limitations   attributed
                                                                                                               Cause of death         to  PD,   and/or
                                                                                                                                             N (%)       a lack
                                                                                                                                                          N (%)               P
                   Hypotension†     Hypomagnesemia
                                             27 (43.5)    106(15.9)
                                                              (9.7)              7 (11.1)
                                                                                0.0016          0.3212
                   Infections       Hypocalcemia
                                             11 (17.7)      6 (9.7)
                                                          6 (9.5)                6 (9.5)
                                                                                0.0036            —           Sepsis                           13 (20.9)      8 (12.7)     0.0232
                   Catheter change‡ Hypophosphatemia
                                             14 (22.6) †† 5 5(7.9)
                                                              (8.1)              7 (11.1)
                                                                                0.0007          0.1121        ARDS                              5 (8.1)       2 (3.2)      0.0361
                   Bleeding events§ Thrombocytopenia
                                             17 (27.4)    410  (16.1)
                                                             (6.3)               3 (4.8)
                                                                                0.0008          0.0046TABLE   DIC5. Causes of death in the5two     (8.1)groups1 (1.6)      0.0066
                              ¶                                                                               Hepatic failure                   7 (11.3)      6 (9.5)      0.2344
                   Arrhythmias                13 (21.0)        5 (7.9)         0.0023                                            Group A        1Group
                                                                                                                                                   (1.6) B
                                        All hypotensive episodes were recorded from initiation until          Acute infective endocarditis                    0 (0)        0.5454
                   Hypoglycemia    end of RRT.5 (8.1)
                                                    Hypotension3 means
                                                                 (4.8) at least0.0488         Cause
                                                                                 one hypotensive      of deathMethanol toxicity N (%)
                                                                                                   epi-                                         2N    (%)
                                                                                                                                                   (3.2)          P
                                                                                                                                                              2 (3.2)        —
                   Hypomagnesemia sode during 6 (9.7)          7 (11.1)
                                                  RRT. ‡Catheter     change due0.3212
                                                                                  to infection or mal-        Total                            33 (53.2)     19 (30.2)     0.0021
                   Hypocalcemia    function. 6 (9.7)
                                                  §            6 (9.5)reported when
                                                    Bleeding events              —            Sepsis is
                                                                                        transfusion                              13 (20.9)       8 (12.7)      0.0232
                   Hypophosphatemiarequired. 5 (8.1)
                                                    Arrhythmia 7means
                                                                 (11.1) supraventricular
                                                                               0.1121         ARDS
                                                                                          or ventricu-                            5 (8.1) distress2 syndrome;
                                                                                                                 ARDS, acute respiratory            (3.2)      0.0361
                                                                                                                                                              DIC,   disseminated
                   Thrombocytopenialar.    †† 10 (16.1)
                                                                 (4.8) to the procedure.
                                                                               0.0046         DIC                                 5 (8.1)
                                                                                                              intravascular coagulopathy.        1 (1.6)       0.0066
                                                                                                Hepatic failure                     7 (11.3)         6 (9.5)        0.2344
                       All hypotensive episodes were recorded from initiation until             Acute infective endocarditis        1 (1.6)          0 (0)          0.5454
                   end of RRT. Hypotension means at least one hypotensive epi-                                © 2018 The Authors. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis published by John
                                                                                                Methanol toxicity                   2 (3.2)          2 (3.2)           —
                                                                                                            Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of International Society for Apheresis,
                   sode during RRT. ‡Catheter change due to infection or mal-                   Total                               33 (53.2)       19 (30.2)       0.0021
                                §     Ther Apher Dial, Vol. ••, No. ••, 2018                                    Japanese Society for Apheresis, and Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy
                   function.      Bleeding events reported when transfusion is
                   required.      Arrhythmia means supraventricular or ventricu-                   ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; DIC, disseminated
                                                                                                                                                             Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis 2018
                   lar. ††Thrombocytopenia related to the procedure.                            intravascular coagulopathy.                                  doi: 10.1111/1744-9987.12660
                                                                                                                                                                      © 2018 The Authors. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis publ
                                                                                                                                                                      Japanese Society for Apheresis, and Japanese Society for Dialy
                                                                                              © 2018 The Authors. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis published by John
                                                                                             Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of International Society for Apheresis,
                   Ther Apher Dial, Vol. ••, No. ••, 2018                                      Japanese Society for Apheresis, and Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy
                                                                                                                                                                           Acute Kidney Injury in
                                                                                                                                                                             Randomized Study o
     06.12.20                                                                           Dr. Mariam Abu-Tair
                                                                                                                                                                                   Continuous Re
Clinical and Experimental Nephrology
Dialyseseminar Berlin 2020

         Effect of peritoneal dialysis vs. haemodialysis on respiratory
         mechanics in acute kidney injury patients
                                                                                                     Clinical and Experimental Nephrology
         Cibele Puato Almeida1 · André Luís Balbi1 · Daniela Ponce1
                                                                                                      ORIGINAL ARTICLE
         Kein Unterschied zwischen beiden Gruppen bezügl. Ventilation, Weaning,
         Received: 23 January 2018 / Accepted: 1 June 2018
         © Japanese Society of Nephrology 2018
        Abstract                                                                                     Effect of peritoneal dialysis vs. haemodialysis on respirator
                                                                                                     mechanics in acute kidney injury patients
        Background Peritoneal dialysis (PD) and hemodialysis (HD) are options for the treatment of acute kidney injury (AKI)
        patients. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of PD and daily HD on respiratory mechanics of AKI patients
         Zur Bauchlagerung
        undergoing                bei Peritonealdialyse
                     invasive mechanical  ventilation (IMV). wenig Daten: mögliche Lösung multiple kleinvolumige
                                                                                                                     1                     1                1
         Zyklen unter intraabdomineller Druckmessung (18 – 20 cm H2O)
        Methods    A  prospective cohort study evaluated 154 patients, 37 on  continuous Cibele
                                                                                           PD    Puato
                                                                                                 and      Almeida
                                                                                                         94   on   HD. · André   Luís
                                                                                                                           RespiratoryBalbi  · Daniela Ponce
        parameters such as pulmonary static compliance (Psc) and resistance of the respiratory system (Rsr) and oxygenation index
        (OI) were assessed for 3 days. Patients were evaluated at moments 1, 2 and 3 (pre-     and
                                                                                         Received:     post-dialysis).
                                                                                                   23 January 2018 / Accepted: 1 June 2018
        Results The initial clinical parameters were similar in the two groups, except© the      age
                                                                                           Japanese      that
                                                                                                     Society     was higher
                                                                                                             of Nephrology 2018 in continuous PD
        group (70.8 ± 11.6 vs. 60 ± 15.8; p < 0.0001). In both groups, Psc increased significantly, with no difference between the
        two groups—pre-dialysis (continuous PD 40 ± 17.4, 42.8 ± 17.2, 48 ± 19; HD 39.1 ± 21.3, 39. 5 ± 18.9, 45.2 ± 21) and post-
        dialysis (continuous PD 42.8 ± 7.2, 48 ± 19, 57.1 ± 18.3; HD 42 ± 19, 45 ± 18.5, 56 ± 24.8). Rsr remained stable among
                                                                                         Background Peritoneal dialysis (PD) and hemodialysis (HD) are options for the treatment
        patients on continuous PD (pre-dialysis 10.4 ± 5.1, 13.3 ± 7.7, 13.5 ± 10.3, post-dialysis 13.3 ± 7.7, 13.5 ± 10.3, 11.1 ± 5.9)
   06.12.20                                                   Dr. Mariam Abu-Tair        patients. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of PD and daily HD on respirator
        and decreased among HD patients (pre-dialysis 10.4 ± 5.1, 10.4 ± 5.1, 10.4 ± 5, 1, post-dialysis 10.5 ± 6.8, 10 ± 4.9, 8.9 ± 4.2).
                                                                                         undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV).
Dialyseseminar Berlin 2020
          European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences                          2018; 22: 2432-2438

          Peritoneal dialysis effectively removes toxic
          substances and improves liver functions of
          liver failure patients
            W.-X. Zhao, X.-M. Liu, C.-M. Yu, H. Xu, J.-R. Dai, H.-Y. Chen, L. Li, F. Chen, Y.-L. Ou, Z.-K. Zhao
          W.-X. ZHAO, X.-M. LIU, C.-M. YU, H. XU, J.-R. DAI, H.-Y. CHEN,
          L. LI, F. CHEN, Y.-L. OU, Z.-K. ZHAO                                               EurRevMedPharmacolSci 2018; 22:2432-2438
          Table III.
          Nephrology Department, People’s Hospital of Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Fourth
          AffiliatedGroup                                     TNF- (pg/ml)
                     Hospital of Dali University, Chuxiong, China                IL-6 (pg/ml)                             PCT (ng/ml)

          Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: Liver failure (LF) is           Key Words:
         a clinically complex disorder that characterizes          Liver failure, Peritoneal dialysis, Plasma exchange,
         with hepatic dysfunction. This study aimed at           Toxic substances, Liver functions.
         observing the therapeutic effects of peritoneal
         dialysis on liver function in LF patients.
            PATIENTS AND METHODS: This study in-
                                                                       p < 0.01 vsIntroduction
         volves 62 patients diagnosed as LF hospital-
         conservative  treatment.2005
         ized from February         p
Dialyseseminar Berlin 2020

         PD Katheter Implantation
         Laparoskopisch: unter Sicht   weniger Risiko einer Verletzung des Darms
                                       Katheter liegt an gewünschter Stelle
                                       Verwachsungen können ggfs. gelöst werden

         Perkutan:                     einfach und schnell, bettseitig
                                       Nutzung unmittelbar

   06.12.20                                Dr. Mariam Abu-Tair                     11
Dialyseseminar Berlin 2020

                                                   adapted from ISPD guidelines

   06.12.20                  Dr. Mariam Abu-Tair                                  12
Dialyseseminar Berlin 2020

                                                   adapted from ISPD guidelines

   06.12.20                  Dr. Mariam Abu-Tair                                  13
Dialyseseminar Berlin 2020

                                                   adapted from ISPD guidelines

   06.12.20                  Dr. Mariam Abu-Tair                                  14
Dialyseseminar Berlin 2020

                                                   Ggfs. zu ergänzen

                                                   adapted from ISPD guidelines

   06.12.20                  Dr. Mariam Abu-Tair                                  15
Dialyseseminar Berlin 2020
Peritoneal Dialysis International: Journal of the International                                                     1.768
Society for Peritoneal Dialysis                                                                                     Journal In

    Peritoneal dialysis for acute kidney injury: Equations for dosing in pandemics,
    disasters, and beyond
    Chang Yin Chionh       , Fredric O Finkelstein   , Claudio Ronco

    First Published November 11, 2020 Research Article

     Article information

       Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a viable option for renal replacement therapy in acute kidney injury (AKI),
       especially in challenging times during disasters and pandemics when resources are limited. While PD
       techniques are well described, there is uncertainty about how to determine the amount of PD to be
       prescribed toward a target dose. The aim of this study is to derive practical equations to assist with the
       prescription of PD for AKI.
    06.12.20                                                   Dr. Mariam Abu-Tair                                  16
Dialyseseminar Berlin 2020

          Komplikationen bei Peritonealdialyse:
          • Peritonitis/ intraabdominelle Abzedierungen
          • Inadäquate Dialyse
          • Exit- oder Tunnelinfekte
          • Hernien und Leckagen
          • Malnutrition durch Eiweissverluste

   06.12.20                                      Dr. Mariam Abu-Tair   17
Dialyseseminar Berlin 2020

              Peritonealdialyse bei akutem Nierenversagen

              Vorteile                              Nachteile
              •   techn. einfach                    • Bauchhöhle mit intakter
              •   kostengünstig                       Membranfunktion
              •   kein Gefäßzugang notwendig        • nicht adäquat bei schwerem
              •   keine Blutverluste                  Lungenödem und
              •   biokompatibel                       lebensbedrohlicher
              •   schnellere renale Erholung          Hyperkaliämie
              •   mehr kardiovask. Stabilität       • UF kann nicht exakt bestimmt
              •   nicht nur für spezielle             werden
                  Patientengruppen wie              • mögliche Proteinverluste
                  Kinder, Pat. mit                  • mögliche Hyperglykämie und
                  Herzinsuffizienz,                   Hypernatriämie
                  Leberzirrhose, hämorrhagischer
                                                                          aus Seminars in Nephrology, Vol 37, NO1, Jan 2017,

   06.12.20                                        Dr. Mariam Abu-Tair                                                         18
Dialyseseminar Berlin 2020

       Peritonealdialyse ist
       - einfach
       - sicher und
       - effizient, um metabolische Störungen, Elektrolytstörungen und Störungen des Säure
         Basen und Volumen Haushalts zu beseitigen

       In Kliniken mit PD Erfahrung sinken Mortalität und Komplikationsraten stetig.

       Personalressourcen und Behandlungskosten sind geringer.

   06.12.20                                   Dr. Mariam Abu-Tair                            19
Dialyseseminar Berlin 2020

              PD als Alternative und sinnvolle Ergänzung auf der Intensivstation

              Größer angelegte Studien zur Qualitätssicherung notwendig und damit

              Eintrittskarte für die Nephrologie auf alle Intensivstationen

              Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!

   06.12.20                                     Dr. Mariam Abu-Tair                 20
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