Message from the chairman - MR EDMUND CHENG - Mapletree

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Message from the chairman - MR EDMUND CHENG - Mapletree
message from
    the chairman

                                                          MR EDMUND CHENG

Message from the chairman - MR EDMUND CHENG - Mapletree
                                     MAPLETREE REMAINS RESILIENT IN THE FACE OF
                                  CHALLENGES AND ADVERSITY. THE GLOBAL ECONOMY
                                   IS GRADUALLY RECOVERING AND THE ROLLOUT OF
                                      COVID-19 VACCINES BRINGS IMMENSE HOPE.
                                  HOWEVER, NEW VARIANTS OF THE VIRUS ARE A STARK
                                 REMINDER THAT COVID-19 CONTINUES TO BE A SERIOUS
                                     THREAT TO OUR COMMUNITIES AND ECONOMIES.

When I penned my message for               At the same time, the Group made a                       Closer to home in Asia, Mapletree and
Financial Year 2019/2020 (FY19/20),        significant number of acquisitions that                  Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust
Covid-19 had just emerged across           strengthened its portfolio. The Group’s                  (MNACT) completed the acquisition
Asia and its repercussions on our          office asset class was enhanced by the                   of a Grade A freehold office building
lives, economies and financial markets     addition of properties in South Korea,                   in South Korea for KRW452 billion
were unclear. 12 months on, it has         the Netherlands and the United States                    (~S$535.1 million). Known as The
transformed the way we live and work.      (US) at a total transaction value of                     Pinnacle Gangnam, the 20-storey asset
                                           approximately S$1.8 billion.                             with six underground floors is located in
The pandemic has left its mark across                                                               the Gangnam business district.
the globe. At Mapletree, Covid-19          In the US, Mapletree acquired 11
impacted our business, stakeholders,       office buildings in Raleigh, North                       These acquisitions grew the Group’s
tenants and staff. Nonetheless, we         Carolina; Uptown Station in Oakland,                     AUM for the office asset class by 2%
demonstrated resilience and delivered      California; and Galatyn Commons,                         compared to a year ago.
a strong performance in FY20/21.           a four-building office portfolio in
                                           Richardson, Texas. These acquisitions                    In terms of development projects,
The Group recorded S$1,849.9 million       broadened Mapletree’s exposure in                        Mapletree advanced in the Japan
for its profit after tax and minority      the US commercial market with a total                    logistics and Hong Kong SAR data
interests (PATMI)1 in FY20/21, an          investment value of US$1 billion                         centre markets. In November 2020, the
increase of 4% year-on-year (y-o-y).       (~S$1.3 billion). In Europe, the                         Group acquired a 116,431-square metre
Total owned and managed assets             Group made inroads into the Dutch                        (sqm) plot of prime land in Chikushino,
under management (AUM) also grew           commercial office market by acquiring                    Fukuoka prefecture, Japan. The land
to S$66.3 billion, a rise of 9.7% from a   six office buildings at Papendorp Park                   parcel will be transformed into two
year ago. Due to the deconsolidation of    in Utrecht for EUR147 million                            blocks of multi-storey logistics facilities
Mapletree Industrial Trust (MIT) and the   (~S$236 million).                                        with total investment amounting to
syndication of private funds, the Group
witnessed a 29.4% y-o-y decrease
in revenue2 to S$2,735.9 million.
Mapletree’s EBIT + SOA3 decreased
by 19.3% from a year ago to S$1,862.9
million, and the return on equity (ROE)4
edged lower to 10.6% in FY20/21.

Mapletree’s strategic business model
has enabled the Group to broaden its
presence in higher-earning asset classes
and take on a more cautious approach
in weaker sectors. Logistics and data
centre asset classes, which comprise
more than a third of Mapletree’s overall
AUM, saw higher than pre-pandemic
occupancy rates as more people turned
to e-retailers and companies adopted
remote working arrangements.               Mapletree marked its first foray into the Dutch commercial office market with the acquisition of six office
                                           buildings at Papendorp Park in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Message from the chairman - MR EDMUND CHENG - Mapletree
message from
 the chairman
                                                                                                                        Meanwhile, MIT secured a
                                                                                                                        S$300 million sustainability-linked
                                                                                                                        facility for general working capital and
                                                                                                                        corporate funding purposes. MCT
                                                                                                                        also secured S$370 million of green
                                                                                                                        loan facilities in FY20/21 to refinance
                                                                                                                        loans for its properties that have been
                                                                                                                        certified BCA Green Mark GoldPLUS
                                                                                                                        or better. MNACT obtained two
                                                                                                                        green loan facilities amounting to
                                                                                                                        HK$1.2 billion (~S$207.3 million)
                                                                                                                        for loans relating to Festival Walk in
                                                                                                                        Hong Kong SAR.

                                                                                                                        CONTINUING CORPORATE SOCIAL
                                                                                                                        RESPONSIBILITY SUPPORT
                                                                                                                        U N D E R T H E “ N E W N O R M A L”
 Mapletree acquired a 116,431-sqm plot of prime land in Chikushino, Fukuoka prefecture, Japan to build two              Mapletree continues to commit to the
 blocks of multi-storey logistics facilities that will be the largest logistics warehouse space in the Kyushu region.   community by setting aside S$1 million
                                                                                                                        for every S$500 million of PATMI to
                                                                                                                        fund its Corporate Social Responsibility
 over S$550 million. Upon completion,                        As a capital manager, Mapletree                            (CSR) programmes. In FY20/21,
 it will be the largest logistics warehouse                  successfully concluded its first                           Mapletree committed approximately
 space in the Kyushu region.                                 European office fund at the end of                         S$3.7 million to such causes.
                                                             March 2021. The fund comprises seven
 In February 2021, Mapletree acquired                        Grade A office properties across seven                     During the Singapore Government-
 an approximately 4,000-sqm industrial                       major cities in the United Kingdom (UK)                    mandated “circuit breaker” period,
 site at Fanling, Sheung Shui Town in                        and Europe, totalling approximately                        the Group offered financial relief and
 New Territories, Hong Kong SAR, for                         270,000 sqm in GFA at a total asset                        support schemes for its staff, tenants
 HK$813 million (~S$140.4 million) to                        value of EUR1.2 billion (~S$1.9 billion).                  and the communities it operates
 develop the Group’s first data centre in                    Notwithstanding the global pandemic,                       in, despite the unusually difficult
 the market. The facility, which will have                   Mapletree Europe Income Trust (MERIT)                      circumstances.
 a maximum gross floor area (GFA) of                         – the Group’s 11th private equity fund
 20,140 sqm, can be leased to an                             – attracted strong investor interest                       For one, Mapletree established a
 end-user or a data centre operator                          and closed favourably, raising                             community sharing fund that pooled
 upon completion in 2023.                                    EUR507 million (~S$812.9 million) in                       voluntary contributions from local staff.
                                                             total fund equity.                                         These were distributed to employees of
 On the residential front, the Group                                                                                    tenants and service providers working
 launched luxury condominium The                             I am heartened to note that in this                        at Mapletree properties who had to
 Reef at King’s Dock in the heart of                         financial year, all four of the Group’s                    take no-pay leave during the “circuit
 the Greater Southern Waterfront,                            real estate investment trusts –                            breaker”. This was on top of the
 Singapore. From its launch in January                       Mapletree Logistics Trust (MLT), MIT,                      S$223 million Covid-19 rental rebates
 2021 to 31 March 2021, 80% of the                           Mapletree Commercial Trust (MCT) and                       that Mapletree swiftly provided to
 429 units were sold – a testament to its                    MNACT – made strides towards a more                        affected tenants.
 strong appeal among home buyers and                         sustainable future.
 investors. The Reef at King’s Dock will                                                                                The Group also committed S$85,000
 also feature Singapore’s first floating                     MLT secured a S$200 million loan                           and launched Mapletree Arts in the City
 deck in a residential development.                          to install at least eight rooftop solar                    on Air, a series of digital performances
                                                             panels at its properties in Singapore.                     adapted from the quarterly lunchtime

10                                                     MAPLETREE INVESTMENTS PTE LTD                                         ANNUAL REPORT 2020/2021
Message from the chairman - MR EDMUND CHENG - Mapletree
performances held at Mapletree                       30 trainees, M-TRAIN seeks to impart      vodcast. Supported by Mapletree,
Business City in Singapore before the                relevant real estate knowledge and        the challenge provided about 750
pandemic. Apart from showcasing                      skills through both work and study.       SIT students with a platform to pitch
artists in Singapore, the series also                The latter comprises classroom training   their entrepreneurial ideas on the
served to pay tribute to frontline                   by faculty members of Singapore           theme “Reimagining Sustainability
workers and keep the public’s spirits up.            Management University (SMU) and           for Improving Our World”, as well as
                                                     Mapletree’s senior leaders.               equipped them with job interview and
Mapletree’s continued financial                                                                presentation skills.
support is both crucial and timely for               We are equally encouraged by the
Singapore’s art and culture scene, which             number of staff-led CSR proposals for     Under the Mapletree Real Estate
is significantly affected by the ongoing             the Mapletree Staff CSR Programme.        Programme at SMU, Mapletree and
pandemic. During this period when                    Since 2014, the programme has grown       SMU jointly organised the second
access to the arts is severely restricted,           from supporting three teams to            edition of the Mapletree Real Estate
the Mapletree-TENG Academy                           14 teams with S$5,000 each in seed        Forum (October 2020) and the third
Scholarships are a vital support for                 funding. In FY20/21, we received          edition of the Mapletree Annual
young artists and demonstrate the                    17 proposals, of which nine teams         Lecture (March 2021), holding both
Group’s commitment to the arts and                   renewed their commitment to support       virtually for the first time. Over 360
education – two of the four pillars of               beneficiaries they have been working      participants took part in the forum titled
Mapletree’s CSR programme. For the                   with. Teams in seven markets carried      “Opportunities and Challenges for
fourth year in a row, the Group awarded              out their activities, namely Singapore,   the Real Estate Sector in the Covid-19
these scholarships with a tenure of two              Australia, Greater China, India, Japan,   Era”, which painted a positive albeit
years and a value of S$10,000 each.                  the US and Vietnam.                       challenging outlook of the real estate
In FY20/21, there were four recipients.                                                        sector. “The Commercial Real Estate
                                                     The pandemic has compelled us to          Eco-System” lecture was presented
We also launched the Mapletree                       adapt to the “new normal” and leverage    by keynote speaker Professor Stijn
Traineeship (M-TRAIN), a 12-month full-              technology to hold key CSR events.        Van Nieuwerburgh, the Earle W. Kazis
time work-study programme completely                                                           and Benjamin Schore Professor of Real
funded by Mapletree. The programme                   Mapletree and the Singapore Institute     Estate and Professor of Finance at
supports fresh graduates who face                    of Technology (SIT) successfully          Columbia University’s Graduate School
difficulty finding employment during                 concluded the second edition of The       of Business.
the pandemic. Employing up to                        Mapletree Challenge Grand Final via
                                                                                               Similarly, we organised the inaugural
                                                                                               virtual edition of the Singapore Bird
                                                                                               Race, which is now into its 36th year.
                                                                                               We saw a record turnout, with 250
                                                                                               participants from six different categories
                                                                                               competing under safe distancing
                                                                                               guidelines. Additional measures were
                                                                                               introduced, including remote reporting
                                                                                               of bird observations via a web-based
                                                                                               platform, as well as the omission of a
                                                                                               centralised flag-off and finale location.
                                                                                               The race was jointly organised by
                                                                                               Mapletree, BirdLife International and
                                                                                               the Nature Society (Singapore), and
                                                                                               supported by the National Parks Board.

Participants, including Minister for National Development Mr Desmond Lee, were equipped for
birdwatching at the 36th Singapore Bird Race.

Message from the chairman - MR EDMUND CHENG - Mapletree
message from
 the chairman
 Lastly, we were privileged to sponsor
 the third edition of the Mapletree-
 SCCCI River Hongbao Hackathon,
 an annual youth entrepreneurship
 competition supported by the
 Singapore Chinese Chamber of
 Commerce & Industry. Incorporating
 either environmental sustainability or
 social enterprise in their business ideas,
 students showcased the unity and spirit
 of Singapore’s “new normal” in this
 year’s theme of “Forging a Brighter
 Future”. The competition attracted
 participants aged 18 to 29 from 11
 tertiary institutions. Winning teams also
 had the opportunity to set up booths at
 Singapore’s largest Chinese New Year         Mr Edmund Cheng, Chairman, Mapletree; Ms Low Yen Ling, Minister of State for the Ministry of Culture,
 event, the annual River Hongbao, while       Community and Youth & Ministry of Trade and Industry; and Mr Tan Aik Hock, Chairman, River Hongbao
                                              2021 Organising Committee, presenting the Top 3 Finalists Award to Stick ’Em.
 adhering to Covid safety measures.

 EMERGING STRONGER FROM                       I am also deeply grateful to Group
 CRISIS                                       Chief Executive Officer Mr Hiew Yoon
                                              Khong for his emphatic stewardship
 Mapletree remains resilient in the           at Mapletree. My appreciation
 face of challenges and adversity. The        extends to our employees as well,
 global economy is gradually recovering       who have not only stayed the course
 and the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines         in this unprecedented crisis but also
 brings immense hope. However, new            contributed greatly to the Group’s
 variants of the virus are a stark reminder   success.
 that Covid-19 continues to be a
 serious threat to our communities and        With brighter days on the horizon, we
 economies.                                   will ride the waves of change and forge
                                              ahead in the coming year.
 On this note, I would like to record
 my heartfelt gratitude to healthcare
 workers everywhere for responding
 swiftly and selflessly during the
                                                                                                    1   PATMI denotes net profit after tax and non-
 Covid-19 crisis.                                                                                       controlling interests attributable to Perpetual
                                                                                                        Securities Holders and Equity Holder of the
 To my esteemed and highly dedicated                                                                2   Revenue is adjusted to exclude incentive fee
 Board members, thank you for your                                                                      income and residential revenue. They are not
 nimble execution and strategic               EDMUND CHENG                                              deemed to be the core business activities for
                                                                                                        the Group.
 guidance in this past financial year.        CHAIRMAN                                              3   Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) plus
                                                                                                        share of operating profit or loss of associated
                                                                                                        companies and joint ventures (SOA), excluding
                                                                                                        residential profits, incentive fee from private
                                                                                                        funds’ divestment, revaluation gains or losses,
                                                                                                        divestment gains or losses, foreign exchange
                                                                                                        and derivatives gains or losses.
                                                                                                    4   ROE denotes return on equity and is
                                                                                                        computed based on PATMI attributable
                                                                                                        to Equity Holder of the Company over
                                                                                                        shareholder’s funds.

12                                        MAPLETREE INVESTMENTS PTE LTD                                    ANNUAL REPORT 2020/2021
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