Thomas Hickler Einfluss des Klimawandels auf Ökosysteme und Artengemeinscha:en
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doch seit der vorhergehenden Erhebung abgestorben lichen Baumarten sehr hohen Absterberate betroffen. Ans$eg der Baum-Mortalität seit 2018 sind. Wie die folgenden drei Abbildungen zeigen, war Bei der Buche konnte eine geringere Absterberate als die Absterberate 2020 überdurchschnittlich hoch. Vor im Vorjahr festgestellt werden. Abbildung 35: Absterberaten bei Laub- und Nadelbäumen sowie insgesamt
for projected climates for each decade from 2020 to 2280 CE. We analyze simulations for three ESMs with simulations available for but the prevalence of Eocene-like climates accelerates after 2050 the past and future periods considered here: the Hadley Centre CE, and future climates most commonly resemble the Eocene by Die Welt wird sich verändern! Coupled Model Version 3 (HadCM3), the Goddard Institute for Space Studies Model E2-R (GISS), and the Community Climate 2140 CE. The historical and preindustrial time periods re- main best analogs only briefly until 2030 CE. The switch to System Model, Versions 3 and 4 (CCSM) (SI Appendix, Tables S1 Eocene-like climates occurs as early as 2130 CE (HadCM3) and S2). To assess the similarity between future and past climates, and remains a close second until 2280 with GISS. Across all we calculate the Mahalanobis distance (MD) based on a four- models, the proportion of future climates with best matches Fig. 1. Temperature trends for the past 65 Ma and potential geohistorical analogs for future climates. Six geohistorical states (red arrows) of the climate system are analyzed as potential analogs for future climates. For context, they are situated next to a multi-timescale time series of global mean annual temper- atures for the last 65 Ma. Major patterns include a long-term cooling trend, periodic fluctuations driven by changes in the Earth’s orbit at periods of 104–105 y, and recent and projected warming trends. Temperature anomalies are relative to 1961–1990 global means and are composited from five proxy-based reconstructions, modern observations, and future temperature projections for four emissions pathways (Materials and Methods). Pal, Paleocene; Mio, Miocene; Oli, Oligocene. Burke et al. 2018 PNAS Burke et al. PNAS | December 26, 2018 | vol. 115 | no. 52 | 13289
Global Fossil CO2 Emissions Global fossil CO2 emissions: 34.8 ± 2 GtCO2 in 2020, 53% over 1990 ProjecBon for 2021: 36.4 ± 2 GtCO2, 4.9% [4.1%–5.7%] higher than 2020 Uncertainty is ±5% for one standard devia@on (IPCC “likely” range) The 2021 projection is based on preliminary data and modelling. Source: Friedlingstein et al 2021; Global Carbon Project 2021
monitoring dataset from the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment oring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forest17,18 ), depicting presence or Sta
Menzel Projecting European Tree-Species Dis Einige Hauptbaumarten Buras and Menzel 2019 Frontiers in Plant Science
Klimaanaloge Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 22 Sustainability 2021, 13, 6522 10 of 21 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure Figure 4. Twin 4. Twin region region maps maps for for sitesite RothRoth (a) low (a) low RCPRCP 4.5 variant, 4.5 variant, (b) low (b) low RCPRCP 8.5 variant, 8.5 variant, (c) high (c) high RCPRCP 4.5 4.5 variant, variant, (d) (d) high high RCPRCP 8.5 8.5 variant. variant. MeXe et al. 2021 in ”Sustainability”
d.h. die stärksten simulierten Abnahmen der Frosttage sind jedoch in den beiden Ensembles ähnlich. 7.3 Vergleich der Niederschlagsänderung zwischen SRES A1B und RCP8.5 Die projizierten Niederschlagsänderungen im Sommer (Abb. 7.5, links) und Winter (Abb. 7.5, rechts) zeigen unterschiedliche Signale. For latest results see also Coppola et al. 2020 Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres Abbildung 7.5: Zeitlicher Verlauf der mittleren Änderung [%] für das ReKliEs-De Gebiet des Niederschlags
Frankfurter Stadtwald vor 120 Jahren „Ich habe in diesen Mittelgebirgen keinen einzigen Baum gefunden, der stark genug gewesen wäre, um einen Förster daran aufzuhängen“ (ein namentlich nicht bekannter hessischer Oberförster um 1800; Backhaus et al. 2000, Seite 22) Fritz Wucherer: Bei den Schwanheimer Eichen, 1899; aus Fritz Wucherer: 1873 - 1948, ein Meister der Kronberger Malerkolonie im 20. Jahrhundert; Verlag Waldemar Kramer, Frankfurt am Main, 1986. See also Hickler et al. (2012) Folgen des Klimawandels für die Biodiversität in Wald und Forst. Klimawandel und Biodiversität – Folgen für Deutschland (ed. by V. Mosbrugger, et al.). Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft
Wer hält mit und wer nicht? Geißklee-Bläuling WaldbreXspiel C-Falter Plebejus argus Pararge aegeria Polygonia c- album Schwarz: Vorkommen 1970-82 Rosa: Kolonisation bis 1995-99 Grün: lokales Aussterben zwischen 1970-82 und 1995-99 Die Generalisten werden gewinnen! Warren et al. 2001. Nature. See also Chen et al. 2011 Science, IPCC 2014 WG II
N = 29 species group across the world, so a given level of warming 0.65), suggesting that mean an overall la significan leads to different expected range shifts of spe- not consistently lagging tudes behin and elevations Vieleregions cies in different Insekten halten (20), assuming thatmit! spe- lag in elevationtheresponse climate has war (Fig. around three-quarter (hier 85 Spinnenarten in Großbritannien) ward and to higher species have exhibite shifts in recent deca At least three pro the high diversity of time delays in specie physiological constra teracting drivers of c hind climate change or immobile species fragmented landscap possess other traits a tion or colonization r show individualistic different aspects of th sensitivities to maxim atures at critical time sensitivities will comb for different novel place (30). Species ferent extents by n multispecies interact pend on a diversity (21, 28). For examp toward the Equator contracts with habita Fig. 2. Observed Fig. 2. Observed latitudinal shifts of thelatitudinal shifts northern range of theof northern boundaries range species within boundaries four exemplar through climate warm of species wi taxonomic groups, studied over 25 years in Britain. (A) Spiders (85 species), (B) ground beetles range margin of a spe taxonomic groups, studied over 25 years in Britain. (A) Positive (59 species), (C) butterflies (29 species), and (D) grasshoppers and allies (22 species). Chen Spiders (85 species), ricultural et al. landscapes(B 2011 Science. m latitudinal shifts(59 species), indicate movement(C) butterflies toward (29 negative the north (pole); species), valuesand (D)shifts indicate grasshoppers toward the ing and that allies expected,(22 we
weitungen gewöhnlicher Arten zu rechnen. Neue Arten kommen aus dem Süden Abb. 1: Der wärmeliebende Bienenfresser (Merops apiaster) aus dem Mittelmeerraum brütet inzwischen in vielen Regionen Deutschlands. © lucaar/Fotolia HLNUG 2019: Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf hessische Arten und Lebensräume – Liste potenDeller Klimaverlierer
[15] The daily and monthly GFED4 burned area data sets pi Die Welt incorporate brennt updates to theüberall ancillaryaußer bei uns data layers introduced tio in GFED3. These include the following: (1) the distribu- m tion of burned area within each grid cell as a function de of fractional tree cover, based on the Townshend et al. [2011] 250 m MODIS Collection-5 Vegetation Continu- ous Fields product (MOD44B); (2) a breakdown of burned 4. area within the grid cell by land cover type, based on the 4. bu ex ea tic in Su %/year (F 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 sa ec Giglio et al. 2013. JGR, see also Andela et al. 2018 Science, Teckentrup, … Hickler et al. 2019 Biogeosciences
Wir beeinflussen die biologische Vielfalt weltweit! Environ. Res. Lett. 9 (2014) 034015 (Hektar für Lebensmi0elimporte) T Kastner et al ValuesFigure in Millions of ha Kastner et al. 2014 Environmental Research LeXers 3. Croplands associated with interregional trade; the color of the regions shows rates of self-sufficiency (production/consumption). Siehe Values in million hectares of cropland harvested per year; flows larger than 4 Mha are shown. The auch flows Kastner shown et al. account for2021 One Earth respectively 44% (1987) and 58% (2008) of the total area related to interregional trade. Values are 3-year means around the respective year. Figure S3
Zusammenfassung • Ca. 300-500 km Verschiebung der Klimazonen (aus Südwesten) • Mehr Extremereignisse (Dürren und Überschwemmungen) • Wir brauchen diverse Landscha:en zur Risikostreuung • Verteidigung des Status Quo nicht immer eine Op
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