THIS WEEK CLASS OF 2022 CELEBRATES GRADUATION 2 - U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command

Page created by Katie Brady
THIS WEEK CLASS OF 2022 CELEBRATES GRADUATION 2 - U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command
                                                    KWAJALEIN HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2022

                                                    GRADUATING SENIORS TATINA SAMSON,
                                                    TOP LEFT, MADDY NIENOW, TOP RIGHT,
                                                    AND SHANNON ROBERT, CENTER, RECEIVE
WITH CYS COOK 5                                     THEIR DIPLOMAS FROM USAG-KA COM-
                                                    MAND SGT. MAJ. ISMAEL ORTEGA DURING
KWAJ REMEMBERS                                      KHS GRADUATION MAY 20.

    ADLER May7 28, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 22   1        JESSICA
                                                                  Kwajalein Hourglass
THIS WEEK CLASS OF 2022 CELEBRATES GRADUATION 2 - U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command

The Class of 2022 turns tassels May 20 at the Kwajalein High School Davye Davis Multi-Purpose Room.

Friends, families, students,
Marshallese traditional lead-
ers and members of the local
and national governments of
the Republic of the Marshall
Islands gathered at the Kwa-
jalein High School Davye Da-
vis Multi-Purpose Room for
the graduation of the Class of
2022 on May 20.
   This year’s highly accom-
plished class of 24 graduates
included six Marshallese Ri-
Katak students and many
students who have lived on
island for more than a de-
cade. Several graduates are
planning to pursue higher
education with specific ca-
reer goals and aspirations in
mind. Among then, one will                 Graduate Litokne Kabua, left, hugs KHS alumna and RMI Minister of Education, Sports and
attend an Ivy league institu-              Training Kitlang Kabua during the ceremony. Students gave their family members leis to thank
tion, one has enlisted in the              them for years of encouragement and support.
U.S. Navy and two have ac-
cepted entry to U.S. military              memories of Kwajalein and                   the courage to continue that                 ceremony included many
academies.                                 to value their friendships and              counts.’”                                    lighthearted      moments—
   During the ceremony, two                relationships in the commu-                    USAG-KA Command Sgt.                      such as a full class hula per-
students with the highest                  nity as they prepared to face               Maj. Ismael Ortega and Lt.                   formance and a slideshow of
grade-point averages were                  the challenges ahead.                       Col. David Taylor, Reagan                    grad photos and the reading
honored. Additionally, three                  “How we deal with these                  Test Site range director took                and reenactment of the class
students all completed the                 challenges is what’s most im-               the stage to deliver each grad-              history, beginning with the
highest number of Advanced                 portant,” Gray said. “When                  uate their diploma, accepting                kindergarten years.
Placement courses, received                encountering obstacles, I en-               a flower lei in return.                         “Kindergarten was a year
the highest grades possible                courage each of you to never                   The students specially                    of learning and exploration,”
in every class, and have been              give up. Instead, stay confi-               thanked their class mentors,                 narrated Lima Lelet. “We
named       co-valedictorians:             dent in yourselves, persevere               as well as parents and faculty               learned the consequences of
Jenna Gray, Eden Pope and                  through hardships one step at               members who have support-                    forgetting about Sean [He-
Maddie Nienow.                             a time, and ask for help when               ed and encouraged them over                  pler] during a fire drill. We
   In her address to the class,            needed. As Winston Chur-                    the years, leaving the stage                 found him asleep under a ta-
Jenna Gray exhorted her                    chill once said, ‘Success is not            to give them teary-eyed hugs                 ble.”
classmates to cherish their                final, failure is not fatal; it is          and purple orchid leis. The                     KHS Principal Matthew

The Kwajalein Hourglass is named for the insignia of     Contents of the Hourglass are not necessarily official   Garrison Commander.....................Col. Thomas Pugsley
the U.S. Army's 7th Infantry Division, which liberated   views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, De-       Garrison CSM............Command Sgt. Maj. Ismael Ortega
the island from the forces of Imperial Japan on Feb.     partment of Defense, Department of the Army or US-       Public Affairs Officer....................................Mike Brantley
4, 1944. The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized        AG-KA. It is published Saturdays in accordance with      Editor............................................Jessica “JD” Dambruch
publication for military personnel, federal employees,   Army Regulation 360-1.
contractor workers and their families assigned to U.S.   Phone: Defense Switching Network 254-5169
Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll.                           Local phone: 5-5169

Saturday, May 28, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 22                                       2                                                             The Kwajalein Hourglass
THIS WEEK CLASS OF 2022 CELEBRATES GRADUATION 2 - U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command


Gerber said he had complete confidence
in the class because the island’s fami-
lies had so invested in their success. He
stressed that graduation was the begin-
ning of a new journey—one in which the                                                  3                     4
families and community on Kwajalein
who had helped raise the students would
continue to play an important role.
   “Thank you so much, for what you all
do to raise the kids,” Gerber said. “It real-
ly takes an island. It takes great families.
I am so grateful for each one of you and
what you’ve done for these kids. They
will still need your support in every way
when they go from here. It will be dif-
ferent—they will need encouragement,
instead of an alarm clock, in some cases,
but you’ll be there for them.”
   After the graduates turned tassels,
they left the MP Room in much the same
way they entered it on the first day of
their senior year—dancing—and head-
ed out into the courtyard to meet the
loved ones and friends who had come to
wish them well and to help them make
their next big steps into the future.

1) Nate Jones makes a grand entrance
during the candlelight processional march.
2) This selfie pose by Caitlin Charlton was                                             5                     6
so epic that it was officially entered into
the history of the graduating class. 3) Lima
Lelet, left, and Morgan Dethlefsen, get
ready to approach the podium to share the
class history. 4) Penny Reed hugs Stacey
O’Rourke, who was recognized by the grad-
uating class with a special thank-you. 5) Lt.
Col. David Taylor, Reagan Test Site range
director, left, presents a diploma to gradu-
ate Tokmen Boutu during the ceremony. 6)
Verlene Lorok leads the graduates offstage
and into the future—with style. 7) We’re
outta here! The Class of 2022 is ready for the
post-grad party.

                                                 U.S. ARMY PHOTOS BY JESSICA DAMBRUCH

Saturday, May 28, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 22                           3                    The Kwajalein Hourglass
THIS WEEK CLASS OF 2022 CELEBRATES GRADUATION 2 - U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command

                                         2                                              3                                          4

                                                         5                U.S. ARMY PHOTOS BY JESSICA DAMBRUCH

                                         7                                               8                                          9

1) The graduates perform a hula during the ceremony. 2) Kwaja-        Test Site range director, congratulates graduate Abri Makovec.
lein High School has three co-valedictorians—2) Jenna Gray; 3)        8) DJ Chong-Gum accepts congratulations from Kwajalein High
Eden Pope; and 4) Maddy Nienow. 5) As a graduation gift, each         School band director Kyle Miller after the ceremony. 9) Now it’s
student received a specially designed throw blanket printed           time for the graduates to take what they’ve learned into the
with an aerial shot of Kwajalein. 6) “We’re here to see Shannon       future. Kim O’Rourke is ahead of the game: Her mortarboard
Robert!” Pictured here, family and friends of graduate Shan-          is decorated with a meaningful bible verse. Congratulations to
non Robert pose for a photo. 7) Lt. Col. David Taylor, Reagan         the Class of 2022!

Saturday, May 28, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 22                      4                                              The Kwajalein Hourglass
THIS WEEK CLASS OF 2022 CELEBRATES GRADUATION 2 - U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command

                                                         Battle mosaics of the World War II Pacific theater, located in Honolulu’s Na-
                                                         tional Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific include maps of Kwajalein and Roi-
                                                         Namur. The large memorial park is the final resting place for more than 50,000
                                                         Veterans, service members, their family members, and notable citizens and

                                  noon, I serve them lunch. I
                                  stay with the kids. Some kids
Originally from the isolated      are good, and some are hard
and lush island of Mejit, US-     to work with. So, we try to do
AG-KA Child and Youth Ser-        our best.
vices Cook Linda Jaime grew         “We get them involved. We
up on Ebeye and has worked        teach them new words so we
on Kwajalein since 2001 as        can tell them what we are do-
a teacher for the island’s        ing in the classroom. We smile
youngest children.                to them, talk to them nicely—
   These days, she splits time    everything we must do in the
between the classroom and         classroom. If the kids come
the CYS kitchen, preparing        with a hard attitude, we give
snacks for each of the age        them a hug and see how we
groups’ programs.                 can get them involved in the
   Over the years, Jaime has      classroom so their parents
seen the children’s programs      can go to work.”
grow and change. She remem-         A typical day on the job for
bers when infant care was         Jaime includes tending the
added to the program lineup.      CYS garden and then heading
Her CYS training has allowed      inside to wash up and check
her to alternate between the      out the meals listings posted
classroom and the kitchen to      in the kitchen. Jaime may fill
assist in a variety of areas.     in for teachers as an assistant
   In working with children,      and help young kids work on
Jaime has learned a thing or      learning concepts.
two. She became a teacher           She has even started a Sat-
after raising her own family.     urday tradition to help kids
While she was surprised at        become excited for the week-
the new things she learned,       end.
                                                                          U.S. ARMY PHOTO BY JESSICA DAMBRUCH
she said it is important to         “Every Saturday, I do a cra-
keep patience and a sense of      zy thing,” Jaime said. “I jump        Kwajalein Child and Youth Services cook and teaching assistant
fun when working with kids.       up, I dance, I sing, and every-       Linda Jaime demonstrates the best way to greet Saturdays. Jai-
   “I’m doing snack, and I love   body’s like ‘Whoa!’ So, every         me has worked with CYS for more than two decades.
it,” Jaime said. “Every after-    Saturday, they do that now.”

Saturday, May 28, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 22                        5                                                      The Kwajalein Hourglass
THIS WEEK CLASS OF 2022 CELEBRATES GRADUATION 2 - U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command
1                                                                        2

1) Sixth-grade teacher Misti French, right, drapes a graduation sash over students’ shoulders during a George Seitz Elementary School
promotion ceremony May 25. 2) Kwajalein High School Principal Matt Gerber, right, welcomes Ciela Bates to the seventh grade.

sixth-graders transition to junior high school
                                    ucation and your newfound
The flags of the RMI and               Behrends shared some of
United      States    fluttered     her favorite memories of sev-
in the breeze at a humble           eral students.
beachside potluck May 25,              “I can’t wait to see the activi-
as George Seitz Elementary          ties that you get involved with,
School’s sixth graders pre-         and the friends you’ll make,”
pared to transition to junior       Behrends said.
high school.                           Kwajalein High School
   The promotion ceremony           Principal Matt Gerber encour-
featured a performance by           aged parents to seek out ways
the sixth-grade band, led by        to best help their students
band directors Kyle Miller          prepare for the changes of the
and Ashley Wright, as well          KHS schedule and class work-
as special remarks delivered        load by finding a balance.
by educators and KHS grad-             “If you can help your stu-
uates.                              dents develop really strong
   Sixth-grade teachers Krissy      practices and routines for
Behrends and Misti French           getting their homework done
congratulated the students          every night so they’re ready to
on their accomplishment             go the next morning, they will                                                                        1
and awarded each a certif-          benefit for their entire lives,”
icate of achievement and a          he said.
specially made sash featur-            He also remined parents
ing the colors of the RMI           that while the students are
flag, purchased by the GSES         now junior high school stu-
Student Council.                    dents, they are still growing
   KHS alumni DJ Chong-             and learning. Every once in
Gum and Kim O’Rourke wel-           a while, it’s good to “take a
comed the students to junior        pulse.”
high school. They encour-              “Ask them once in a while
aged them to take an active         ‘How are they really doing?’
role in their learning and          ‘How are things going with
lives.                              your friends?’” Gerber said.
   “My piece of advice for is       “You need to talk about any
to choose your friends wisely       of those social situations.
and always make wise deci-          They’re going to need support
sions,” Chong-Gum said. “I          in those ways, too.”
hope you choose the right              In closing, Misti French
path.” He also shared tips          challenged the students to
for developing an enjoying          maintain high expectations of
student life by participat-         themselves. “It’s been a priv-
ing in activities and leader-       ilege to have you as a class,”
ship roles at the Namo Weto         French said. “Never accept less                                                                       2
                                    than your best. Keep working                 U.S. ARMY PHOTOS BY JESSICA DAMBRUCH
Youth Center.
   “This time can be terrifying     just as hard as you are now.
but also exciting,” said O’Ro-      You’re amazing. You’re truly              1) Kwajalein School System band directors Ashley right, center,
urke. “I encourage you all to       an amazing class. You’re one              and Kyle Miller, right, played percussion during the sixth-grade
look forward to it. … Take re-      of the finest classes I’ve ever           band performance. 2) Krissy Behrends addresses friends and fami-
sponsibility for your own ed-       seen.”                                    lies during the ceremony.

Saturday, May 28, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 22                              6                                             The Kwajalein Hourglass
THIS WEEK CLASS OF 2022 CELEBRATES GRADUATION 2 - U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command
Kwajalein is known as the boomerang,
the rock, paradise. You arrive on the is-
land expecting to learn to love island
time, soak up the sun, bask in the salty
ocean. What ends up being surpris-
ing—although it’s not to anyone who
has lived there for any amount of time—
is how quickly and easily you develop
friendships. And even more surprising
and pleasant is when those friendships
grow into something more, and before
you know it your family has grown. Kwaj
Family—the unexpected gift from the
Marshall Islands.
   That was my experience on Kwajalein
with the Adlers.
   I was fresh out of college with a degree
in Communications and someone 6,000
miles away decided to take a chance on
me and hired me as the Associate Editor
of the Hourglass at USAG-KA. I didn’t
know when I stepped off the plane on
Kwajalein in 2009 and met Dan Adler,
the managing editor of the Hourglass,
that he would become such an import-
ant person in my life.
   Dan was close to retirement age when
we started working together. I had as-
sumed at the time that he had been in
the journalism business his whole life.
He had in fact only worked supporting
the Hourglass during his Kwaj years. He
was part of the team recognized with
the U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Keith L. Ware
communications awards in 2000 and
2003—a significant honor that not many
contractors received. He was a colorful
and masterful writer. His opinion piec-
es were passionate, informed, and often
times fiery.
   He wasn’t as eloquent in real life as he
was on paper. When it came to his pas-
sion for life, his work, and those he cared
about, he wore those emotions on his
sleeve. Sometimes those emotions led to
newspaper boxes being kicked around
the office in a flurry or a “love tap” to a fil-
ing cabinet. It always came with a lesson.
   Dan shared every part of managing
the media services department with me.
The good, bad, and the exasperating. I             This week the island community fondly remembers Dan Adler, former managing editor of
was a year out of college, and he was a            The Kwajalein Hourglass. Dan’s talents, humor, friendship and wisdom are only a few of
year away from retirement. But he always           the many fine qualities that we will continue to cherish. Our thoughts and prayers are with
treated me as an equal and included me             his wife, Carol, and the Adler family.
in everything possible so I could learn.
   That’s what Dan did best: teach.                to be the greatest and most important          most amazing photos. Some of my most
   Dan saw potential in me and mentored            mentor in my life.                             memorable and extraordinary moments
me. He spent hours showing me the in-                We stayed close after Kwaj, visiting         were shared with Dan on Kwajalein.
tricate functions of software and how to           each other’s family any time we could.            Life on Kwaj can be surprising. Like
use a DSLR camera and all the manual               He attended my wedding, and he spoiled         when Dan arrived on Kwaj in his jeans
settings. He taught me skills that even            my kids like they were his own grand-          and cowboy boots, vowing to never give
more than a decade later I still use every         children.                                      in to island wear, but just days later be-
day in my job.                                       A few weeks ago, when I learned how          grudgingly transitioned to shorts and
   His mentorship was felt at the high             sick Dan had become, I hopped on a             flipflops. Like many, Dan and Carol went
school, as well. Dan began hiring high             plane to see him one last time. We rem-        to Kwaj for “just two years” and stayed 17.
school students to work part-time at               inisced about our Kwaj days. We talked         Dan was an unexpected gift in my life.
the Hourglass, helping with the Roller             about how Dan moved out of his office             Dan did what any of us can hope to do
announcements and parts of the paper.              and gave it to me because I was always         with our lives. He left a positive mark in
Each year, two lucky students got to               freezing and ran my little heater 24/7.        this world. He was a loving husband, a
learn from Dan. Those positions were               We looked at pictures from my first ever       caring and nurturing father to Kathleen,
highly coveted by the Kwaj teens. Those            helicopter ride on one of the old Huey’s       a reliable friend, and a wise mentor.
who spent time working with Dan at the             when we covered the Outer Island                  Luckily a piece of Dan will always live
Hourglass also went on to remain close             Christmas Drop for the Hourglass.              on, and those who knew him and love
to Dan, even after they graduated and                We recounted the boat trip with the          him can always look up old Hourglass is-
moved stateside.                                   Marine Science class when I saw whales         sues between 1998 and 2010 to read and
   Dan was, and still is, who I consider           for the first time and Dan captured the        “hear” his voice again.

Saturday, May 28, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 22                             7                                            The Kwajalein Hourglass
THIS WEEK CLASS OF 2022 CELEBRATES GRADUATION 2 - U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command
                                  Kwaj Weekend and Activity Guide

Kwajalein Yacht Club
Monthly Meeting
Saturday, May 28
Happy Hour - 5:30 p.m.                                                                                                                s to kwajale
                                                                                                                                 photo            inho
Meeting and potluck din-                                                                                                    YOUR                      urg
ner - 6:30 p.m.                                                                                                         en

What is the secret to success,


the meaning of life and living                 COURTESY PHOTO BY JULIE MAKOVEC

                                                                                                                                                                RUS,COM . HELP DOC
an authentic island lifestyle?
You might learn the answer at           The biggest party of the year: Students, parents and com-                                   FROM
the next Kwajalein Yacht Club           munity members visit together at the Class of 2022 Emon
meeting. Newcomers are wel-             Beach party May 22. The post-graduation celebration is an


come. Please bring a potluck            annual event produced by parents of the graduates and vol-


                                                                                                                            WA                          e
dish to share.                          unteers.                                                                              J LIF
                                                                                                                                   E. send tos to kwa

                                                                                    Support Boy Scout Troop 314 Monday, May 30
                                                                                    at the Emon Beach Basketball Court during the
                                                                                    Memorial Day Beach Bash! Read more about the
                                                                                    Bake Walk on Kwaj Connect.

Saturday, May 28, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 22                                 8                                                  The Kwajalein Hourglass
THIS WEEK CLASS OF 2022 CELEBRATES GRADUATION 2 - U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command
 Movies begin at 7:30
        p.m.                                   Week 1: June 1 - 4
                                               Wood Working
       KWAJALEIN                               Week 2: June 7 - 11
                                               Weather, weather, let’s enjoy the weather!

                                               Week 3: June 14 - 18
   Saturday, May 28
                                               Sports! Play hard and have fun!
  “Top Gun” (1986)
     (PG) 111 min.                             Week 3: June 22 - 25
                                               Kids in the kitchen, baking up some YUM!
    Sunday, May 29
   “Anchorman 2:                               Week 5: June 28 - July 2
The Legend Contin-                             Party in the USA! (Kwaj-style!)
  (PG-13) 119 min.

   Monday, May 30
  “Flags Of Our Fa-                            Week 7: July 12 - 16
        thers”                                 Mini City/Lego Week
     (R) 135 min.
                                               Week 8: July 19 - 23
  Saturday, June 4                             Transportation Station: Boats, Bikes and things that fly!
 “Despicable Me 2”
  (PG-13) 98 min.                              Week 9: July 26 - 30
                                               Epic Underwater Adventure!
    Sunday, June 5
                                               Week 10: August 2 - 6
                                               The Island Life for Me! Sun, Sand & Swimming!
   (PG-13) 104 min.

    Monday, June 6
  “Jackass Forever”
     (R) 96 min.


   Saturday, May 28
     (R) 93 min.

    Sunday, May 29
   “Atomic Blonde”
     (R) 115 min.

    Saturday, June 4
     (R) 102 min.

     Sunday, June 5
         (R) 90 min.

Saturday, May 28, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 22                      9                         The Kwajalein Hourglass
THIS WEEK CLASS OF 2022 CELEBRATES GRADUATION 2 - U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command
Authorized wear of
                                                                                                        listening devices

The Kwajalein Provost Marshal’s Office—
better known as the Kwajalein Police De-
partment—is located in Bldg. 806. The team
welcomes the chance to help you and main-                                                                            Northpoint Street
tains an active Facebook page where you
can private message questions and helpful
information.                                                                                           6th Street
   Read on for a few updates from the PMO
about safety and island life.
                                                                 Unauthorized wear of
    REGULATION UPDATE                                            listening devices

USAG-KA Regulation 56-4 Motor and
Non-Motor Transportation,Vehicle Op-               Wear of listening devices south of           HOW TO SUBMIT GUEST
eration and Control, was signed into               6th Street is unauthorized.                   SPONSORSHIP FORMS
effect April 26. (This action rescinds US-
AG-KA Regulation 190-5, Motor Vehicle,         •   Bicycles and/or riders are required      The Provost Marshal’s Office will no
Non-Motor Vehicle and Bicycle Traffic              to operate a form of lighting in use     longer accept hard copy forms. Only
Supervision, and consolidates its con-             while operating on USAG-KA roads         forms sent digitally will be accepted. All
tents into USAG-KA 56-4).                          between sunset and sunrise. Head-        55R’s, Community Exchange, 480’s and
                                                   lamps on the rider and/or flashlights    Day Guest forms will be sent to usarmy.
If you enjoy listening to music or audio-          affixed to the bicycle are acceptable.   bucholz.311-sig-cmd.mbx.usag-pmo@
books while walking or doing physical                                             
fitness activities around Kwajalein, this      •   Wear of protective helmets while cy-        All documents must come from your
regulation applies to you.                         cling is a Sponsor’s decision. How-      servicing Human Resources representa-
• Wear of portable listening devices               ever, helmets are required when          tive. All forms must be received 14 days
     is authorized only while walking,             conducting “speed training.”             prior to the beginning of travel of the
     running, jogging and cycling on
     USAG-KA roads between 6th Street          For more information, email usarmy.
     and Northpoint Street, so long as         bucholz.311-sig-cmd-mbx.usag-pmo@
     the device is not “noise canceling.”                                                   Questions regarding forms can be di-
                                                                          rected to the 5-4416 or 5-3739.

                                               surgical and medical care to the shelter
                                               animals on their path to finding their
The island community will welcome              fur-ever homes.
TDY veterinarian Dr. Claire Conrath lat-          In 2017, Dr. Conrath moved to Hawaii
er this summer to conduct appointments         to continue her quest to help fix the pet
on Kwajalein.                                  overpopulation problem via HQHV spay
  Island residents are strongly advised to     and neuter through work with multiple
contact the Kwajalein Hospital as soon         rescues and shelters. She also works for
as possible to be added to an appoint-         the Army providing veterinary services
ment waitlist. Call 5-2223/5-2224 to join      to the pets of military members and has
the list or to receive more information.       worked on projects in Kabul, Afghan-
                                               istan to provide veterinary care for the
About the Veterinarian                         explosive detection canines at the U.S.
   Dr. Conrath spent her first year prac-      embassy. Most recently Dr. Conrath cre-
ticing in central Illinois before returning    ated Paws of the Pacific to start deliver-
home to the Chicagoland area where she         ing veterinary services to neighboring
practiced emergency medicine in addi-          Hawaii and Kwajalein.
tion to private day practice.                     Outside of the veterinary world Dr.
   While Dr. Conrath enjoyed the fast          Conrath spends her time enjoying island
paced, unpredictable environment of            life on Oahu with her boyfriend Russel
the ER, her true passion of surgery and        and their 2 dogs, Pumba and Guava. Her
shelter medicine was fulfilled as a veter-     happiest place is the ocean whether its
inary surgeon at PAWS Chicago.                 a day on the boat at the sandbar, snor-      Don’t miss Dr. Conrath, Kwajalein’s TDY
   During her time at PAWS, Dr. Con-           keling or just relaxing on a beach with      veterinarian. Island pet owners are encour-
rath helped to control the pet overpop-        friends. Dr. Conrath is very excited to      aged to contact the Kwajalein Hospital
ulation problem by performing high             bring veterinary care to Kwajalein and       at 5-2223 to be added to an appointment
quality spay and neuter surgery on more        looks forward to meeting the pets and        waitlist.
than 25,000 animals. She also provided         families in the community.

Be sure to call the Kwajalein Hospital at 5-2223 or 5-2224 to express your inter-
est and place your name on the list for appointments this summer.
Saturday, May 28, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 22                       10                                          The Kwajalein Hourglass
Naming Comis n anouces Army base name recomtnidas

Washington,      D.C.—The       commission
tasked to provide Congress new names
for U.S. military bases and other Depart-
ment of Defense assets originally named
in commemoration of the Confederacy
and its leaders announced its recom-
mendations for nine Army installations.
   The Naming Commission also re-
viewed Fort Belvoir, Virginia, originally                                     1                           2                                3
named after U.S. Army Maj. Gen. An-
drew A. Humphreys in 1917 and renamed
in 1935 after the Colonial-era plantation
that once stood on its grounds. The com-
missioners determined that Belvoir does
not meet the criteria provided in the
2021 National Defense Authorization
Act for a renaming recommendation but
will recommend the Department of De-
fense conduct its own naming review of
the post.
   The Commission visited the installa-
tions last year for listening sessions with                                   4                           5                                6
military commanders and community
leaders to gain feedback on their pro-
cess, preferences for new names and an
understanding of local sensitivities.
   Over the course of those initial ses-
sions and a public comment period via
its website that closed Dec. 1, 2021, the
commission received more than 34,000
submissions related to naming activi-
ties, which included for consideration
3,670 unique names of individuals, lo-
cations, values and more. Between Jan-                                        6                            7                             8
uary and April, the Naming Commis-
sion developed a short-list of potential
new names for the nine installations                                              1) Fort Benning, Ga. – renamed as Fort Moore after Lt.
before re-engaging the same commu-                                                Gen. Hal and Julia Moore; 2) Fort Bragg, N.C. – renamed
nity groups through virtual listening                                             as Fort Liberty after the value of liberty; 3) Fort Gordon,
sessions to gather more input on their                                            Ga. – renamed as Fort Eisenhower after General of the
naming preferences.                                                               Army Dwight Eisenhower; 4) Fort A.P. Hill, Va. – renamed
   At the start of May, the commission                                            as Fort Walker after Dr. Mary Walker; 5) Fort Hood, Texas
met for extensive deliberations that re-                                          – renamed as Fort Cavazos after Gen. Richard Cavazos; 6)
sulted in the final name selections. “This                                        Fort Lee, Va. – renamed as Fort Gregg-Adams after Lt. Gen.
was an exhaustive process that entailed                                           Arthur Gregg and Lt. Col. Charity Adams; 7) Fort Pickett, Va.
hundreds of hours of research, commu-                                             – renamed as Fort Barfoot after Tech. Sgt. Van T. Barfoot
nity engagement and internal delibera-                                            8) Fort Polk, La. – renamed as Fort Johnson after Sgt. Wil-
tions,” said retired Navy Adm. Michelle                                           liam Henry Johnson; 9) Fort Rucker, Ala. – renamed as Fort
Howard, the chair of the Naming Com-                                              Novosel after Chief Warrant Officer 4 Michael J. Novosel, Sr.
mission. “This recommendation list in-
cludes American heroes whose stories                proud to present a slate of names that        within the Department of Defense that
deserve to be told and remembered;                  reflect the courage, values, sacrifices and   commemorate the Confederacy.
people who fought and sacrificed great-             demographics of our military men and            In addition, the commission is review-
ly on behalf of our nation.” Howard said            women.”                                       ing any “base, installation, street, build-
she doesn’t consider the list of recom-               Per the William M. (Mac) Thornber-          ing, facility, aircraft, ship, plane, weap-
mendations to be an exclusively                     ry National Defense Authorization Act         on, equipment or any other property
   Commission-generated product, since              for Fiscal Year 2021, which mandated its      owned or controlled by the Department
“every single one of the names selected             formation, the commission—comprised           of Defense.”
either originated from, or resonated                of eight volunteers selected by the Sec-
with, the communities we engaged at                 retary of Defense and Congress—must
the bases; and certainly, were all sug-             submit its final report to Congress by        Detailed information regarding each of
gested by members of the American                   Oct. 1 with recommendations to remove,        the recommended names is available on
public at large. So, this list is as much, if       rename or modify “names, symbols, dis-        the Naming Commission website at www.
not more, theirs as it is ours. And we are          plays, monuments and paraphernalia” 

USAG-KA                                                                       Roi Town Hall
                                                                              June 7 at 1:15 p.m.

RMI WORKFORCE                                                                 at the Tradewinds Theater
                                                                              KWAJALEIN TOWN HALL
TOWN HALLS                                                                    June 8 from11 a.m. - noon
                                                                              at the Island Memorial Chapel
 Saturday, May 28, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 22                            11                                           The Kwajalein Hourglass
                                                                                                                               areas. For more information and to
                                                                                                                               apply, go to

                                                                                                                               USAG-KA CYS has openings for new
                                                                                                                               employees and coaches. Required
                                                                                                                               experience levels vary. All children
                                                                                                                               of head coaches play for free. Visit
The community wants to hear from you. Email announcements and advertisements to kwajaleinhour-                                 Central Registration or call 5-2158 in Wednesdays by close of business. Ads received after deadline will be published in                            Building 356.
the next issue of The Kwajalein Hourglass.
                                                                                                                               HOURS OF OPERATION
                                                                                                                               COMMON ACCESS CARD OFFICE
        ARMY REGULATIONS                   com and Ch. Brian Conner at brian_            at 5-2632, 5-4995 or 5-4996.          is open Tuesday through Saturday
TOBACCO USE. USAG-KA Policy                                                                     from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Schedule ap-
Memorandum 600-8 protects others                                                         QUANTUM DYNAMICS, INC., is            pointments at https://idco.dmdc.osd.
from the negative impact of tobacco        CALIBRE seeks a Military Material             accepting resumes for positions on    mil/idco.
use. On USAG-KA, smoking is per-           Specialist. For more information, or          Kwajalein and Roi-Namur in the fol-
mitted in designated smoking areas         to apply, visit https://jobs.silkroad.        lowing areas: Vehicle Maintenance,
only. Smoking and cigarette butt           com/calibresys/httpscalibresysca-             Transportation Motor Pool, Move-
receptacles must be at least 50 feet       reerssilkroadcom/jobs/4013.                   ment Control, and Custodial.
from the entrance of facilities.                                                         Please apply to specific oppor-
                                           INTERNATIONAL SOS seeks a                     tunities at
CANDLES and open flames are not            dental assistant and applicants for           home/careers/ or contact Ms.
permitted in BQ rooms. The Kwaja-          administrative positions. Send your           Trina Romeo, HR Manager at
lein Fire Department thanks you for        resume to marykathleen.bryan@in-              5-1509 (office phone), email: tro-
keeping your neighbors safe.                       or stop by
                                                                                         Building 1071 (Emergency Op-
METAL DETECTORS are not al-                KAIHONUA is hiring for multiple po-           erations Center) located at the
lowed on Kwajalein according to            sitions. For more information or to           southern end of Kwajalein.
Army Regulation. Unexploded Ord-           apply, please contact Tribalco Hu-
                                           man Resources at 5-4344 and visit             TRUESTONE is hiring for mul-
nance exists and could be dangerous
if disturbed. Contact Deirdre Wy-           tiple positions. Contact Tribalco     Kwajalein Air terminal
att-Pope at 5-1442.                        kaihonua. Applicants must meet job
                                                                                         Human Resources at 5-4344
                                                                                         and visit           shuttle bus
               CLASSES                                                                   careers/. Visit
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Open                 NAN, INC. seeks a project engineer,           careers.html.                         Need a ride?
meetings for this group are Tuesdays       welder, welding inspector, quality                                                  Call 5-TAXI to book your ride to
at 6:30 p.m. in the REB, Room 213.         control manager (QCM), and site               RGNEXT, LLC seeks qualified           the terminal at least 24 hours in
                                           safety and health officer (SSHO). To          candidates to fill several open       advance of check-in for your Unit-
BLDG. COORDINATOR TRAINING.                apply, visit and            positions on Kwaj and Roi in en-      ed or ATI flights.
This training for building managers is     contact Clint Ueatari or Kevin Short          gineering, technical and other
required by AR 420-1. Kwaj training
occurs on the first and third Wednes-
days of each month at 10 a.m. in the
Religious Education Building. Roi-
Namur training occurs on the second
Wednesday each month at 9:30 a.m.
in C-building. Call 5-3364 to register.

smoking and tobacco cessation
counseling is available. Call the EAP
at 5-5362 or email marybeth.mawic- for more.

PROGRAMS. Kwajalein Classes:
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurs-
days from 9 – 11 a.m. and 1 – 3 p.m.;
Automotive Area, Bldg. 856, Room
103. Roi Classes: Saturdays only, 9
– 11 a.m. and 1 – 3 p.m.; C-building
Call 5-3291 to register. Class size
is limited. Please bring a valid U.S.,
international or Marshall Islands li-
cense with you to class

Residents can obtain the door code
from the MWR Desk at the Grace
                                           KWAJ, ARE YOU TRACKING? Kommol Tata
Sherwood Library. The code will not        The LOGCAP V                                  ATI Flight Times Updates
be given out over the phone. Contact
                                                                                         The ATI will arrive May 28 at         The Kwajalein Hourglass
MWR at 5-3331 with questions.              RMI Job Fair
                                                                                         noon and depart at 2:30 p.m.          would like to thank Ronald
                                           Nice job, LOGCAP V! On May
           HELP WANTED
                                                                                         The ATI returns Tues., May            Jenkins, dining services man-
                                           27, supervisory staff and
To research and apply for govern-
                                                                                         31 and departs on June 1 at           ager, for adding the print
ment employment opportunities on           LOGCAP V human resources
                                                                                         10:40 a.m.                            distribution bin to the dining
U.S. Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll         representatives coordinated
and worldwide, visit                                                                                              hall. Check out the bin during
                                           a job fair on Ebeye to better
Write to kwajalein.hourglass@amen-
                                                                                         Island Orientation and                your next visit to check out to remove your listing.            reach members of the local
                                                                                         Newcomer’s Brief                      menus and to read the Hour-
                                           national community. Read
AKIMA is hiring for the following                                                        Thursday, June 2 at 1 p.m.            glass during your next meal.
on-island positions: Communications        more in next week’s Kwaja-
Clerk (ID: TRU01101); Communi-             lein Hourglass. A career fair                 Religious Education Building
cations Specialist (ID: TRU01100);         on Enniburr is planned for a                  (near the Chapel)
and Fiber / Cable Technician (ID:
TRU01099). Applicants must current-        future date.                                  Please email asia.williams@
ly reside on USAG-KA and possess                                                or call 5-3511 to
a valid passport. For more informa-
                                           July 1: Reduced Hawaii Quar-                  register.
tion and a list of required qualifica-
tions, visit   antine Begins
reersection/akimallc_cs/jobsearch.         Beginning with tranche 109
ftl. Apply online or send resume to
Jeannette McIlwain at jeannette.mcil-      on July 1, the mandatory                            quarantine time in Hawaii
                                           will be three days only. Two
position provides daily administrative     weeks’ quarantine on Kwaja-
task support for operations at the Is-     lein is still in effect.
land Memorial Chapel. For questions
or to submit a resume, please call
5-3505. Send to kwajchapel@gmail.

Saturday, May 28, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 22                                        12                                                  The Kwajalein Hourglass
or MWR equipment, call 5-3331/3332
                                          or visit the Grace Sherwood Library
                                                                                        CLUB. Looking for active members
                                                                                        and leadership positions to take the
                                                                                                                                   RELIGIOUS SERVIEC S AT THE
                                          in Bldg. 805 Tuesday through Friday           club to new heights. Contact the club      Island Memorial Chapel
                                          from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.                          at 5-2501 or email kwajradioclub@
                                                                               to learn more.                   Join the congregations of
                                          CALL THE Kwajalein Hospital to                UKULELE CLUB. The Kwajalein                the Island Memorial Chapel
                                          express your interest in securing             Ukulele Club is a free club open to        for weekly services and op-
                                          a future optometry appointment at             ukulele enthusiasts of all ages and        portunities to join in fellow-
                                          5-2223.                                       skill levels. Bring your uke and join      ship and praise activities.
                                                                                        us for a strum-along each Friday in
                                          FLYROI. FlyRoi has a new email                CRC room 6 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. Sign
                                          address. Email for             up for the mailing list to receive up-     Be sure to keep an eye on
                                          work and space-A request forms.               dates and sheet music by writing to        Kwajalein social media
                                                                                                   for event announcements
                                          VACCINES. A wait list for persons 12
   Send in the ads!                       years old and under for the COVID
                                          booster or for your first or second
                                                                                        KWAJALEIN GIRL SCOUTS. The
                                                                                        Kwajalein Girl Scouts are open to all
                                                                                                                                   for the island’s fellowship
                                                                                                                                   groups. Check out addition-
                                          vaccine; or to vaccinate children             school-aged K-12 girls on Kwajalein        al community services pro-
                                          aged 5- 11 years old, the list is now         ( Membership fees are          vided by the chapel team.
                                          forming. Email Suzanne Mosier at              $45. Also seeking adult volunteers.        Call 5-3505 to speak with
For more information about       to              Contact Carrie Aljure at whatacod@
                                                                                                                                   a religious services team
   island media, contact                  get your child on the list.         
                                                                                                                                   member about your specific
 USAG-KA PAO Mike BRANTLEY                DON’T TAKE CULTURAL ARTI-                     TWO LIFEGUARDS REQUIRED.                   worship needs.
         AT 5-4848                        FACTS. Remember, it is illegal to             For safety reasons, an extra lifeguard
                                          remove cultural resources from the            is required for parties held at the Mil-
                                          atoll. This includes any protected            lican Family Pool. Questions, or to
                                                                                                                                   Prayer requests
AUTOMOTIVE LICENSING. The Au-             species, unexploded ordnance,                 reserve the pool, contact Cliff Pryor      Send prayer requests
tomotive Licensing Office has moved       WWII-era artifacts and ancient Mar-           at or         electronically to:
to Bldg. 808. Please visit during reg-    shallese artifacts.                           5-2848.                                    IMCKwajalein
ular hours of operation to complete          These resources are protected
license testing and documentation.        under U.S. federal and RMI law.               MILITARY WORKING DOGS. The
                                          Please do not remove these pre-               community is advised to follow these       Counseling sessions
The SELF HELP CENTER is in Bldg.          cious ieces of atoll history from             tips for safety around military working    Counseling sessions are
1791. Hours of operation are Mon-         Kwajalein. For any questions about            dogs. WDs will conduct inspections         available by appointment.
day, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:30          cultural resources, please contact            at locations like BQs, transient facil-    Call 5-3505.
a.m. - 6 p.m. Visit Self Help for tools   the Kwajalein Archaeology Office              ities and other areas.
and materials for household upkeep        at 5-9502.                                    • Maintain a distance of five feet
projects.                                                                                     at all times.                        Protestant Services
                                                   VETERINARY CARE                      • Do not attempt to pet or agitate         Early Sunday Services
           MWR RENTALS                    Call 5-2017 or email the Kwajalein                  the Working Dogs on patrol or
CART RENTALS. All cart opera-             Veterinary Clinic at kwajaleinveteri-               at the K-9 kennel area               Sunday, 8:15 a.m.
tions have moved to the Bowling  to           • Follow all instructions from the         Traditional Worship
Center on the first floor of Building     get on the list or make an appoint-                 Kwajalein Police Department          Small Chapel
805. Call 5-3439 for more.                ment for prescreening conditions like               and K-9 dog handlers at all
                                          dental care, diabetes, eye issues, lab              times.
EQUIPMENT. When requesting a              work and medication.                              Questions? Contact the Provost         Mid-morning Services
tent, two weeks’ notice is required for                                                 Marshal’s Office at 5-2109, 5-8859         Sunday, 11 a.m.
dig permit approval. To request ta-             ORGANIZATIONS                           and 5-3530.                                Contemporary Service
bles, linens, chairs, bounce houses,      KWAJALEIN AMATEUR RADIO
                                                                                                                                   Main Sanctuary

                                                                                                                                   Catholic Services
                                                                                                                                   Morning Services
BUILDER SMS MILITARY HOUSING INSPECTIONS                                                                                           Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
                                                                                                                                   Main Sanctuary
                                          housing unit to complete a                before entrance into the
                                          visual inspection of building             home and remain secured                        Daily Mass
                                          components. The contractors               until our team departs your                    Tuesday through Friday
Dear Housing Residents,                                                                                                            5:15 p.m.
U.S. Army Garrison Kwaja-                 must access all interior and              home.
                                          exterior spaces to take mea-                Thank you for your contin-                   Chapel office
lein will undergo an installa-
tion-wide facility inspection             surements and document                    ued patience as we work to
                                          findings.                                 provide you the safe, quality                  Saturday Evening Mass
program between May 4 and
                                             The contractors are re-                housing that you deserve.                      5:30 p.m.
June 11.
                                          quired to take photos of                                                                 Small chapel
                                          building components but will              For more information, please
WHERE:   USAG-KA Army                     not take photos of residents                                                             Roi Services
Family Housing and Bachelor                                                         contact Wood Field Project
                                          or personal identifiable infor-                                                          Protestant Services
Quarters                                  mation such as names, pho-                Manager Jim Streetman at                       1st & 3rd Fridays
                                          tos and certificates.                     jim.streetman@woodplc.                         at 6:30 p.m.
WHEN: Through June 11,                       A full schedule is being de-           com (704)-724-2708
Tuesday through Saturday,                 veloped, and can be found                                                                CHAPEL ACTIVITIES
from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Housing              on the next page. Please note             This information was approved                  Night of Prayer and Praise
residents are not required to             there could be short-notice               for release by Lauren Jackson,                 Join the Island Memorial
be home during the inspec-                changes to the schedule. This             USAG-KA DPW Housing Man-                       Chapel for a night of wor-
tion, which could take 60 to              is a mandatory inspection                 ager.                                          ship. Event meets monthly
90 minutes.                               that helps standardize docu-                                                             at 7 p.m. on first Sundays
                                          mentation of facility condi-              Kwaj AFH Inspection Schedule                   in the IMC main sanctu-
WHY: Inspections of Army                  tions.                                    Saturday, May 28: 456, 457,                    ary.
Family Housing and BQ facil-                                                        470, 472, 474
ities are required by HQ IM-              Before Inspection Day                     Tuesday, May 31: 476, 480,
COM to document standard-                   To ensure safety for your               484, 496
ization of facility conditions.           pets and our inspection team,
Inspections will allow consis-            before inspections begin, it is            Roi BQ Inspection Schedule
tent reporting to the Army’s              required that all pet owners              Wednesday, June 8: Ajax and
real property database and                please notify Jim Streetman               Sprint
provide analytical data for re-           via email if you have a dog
                                          and/or cat residing in your               Thursday, June 9: Apache,
sourcing of funding.
                                          house. Some team members                  Zeus, Nike
   Housing-escorted       con-
tractor teams of two to five              may be allergic to cat hair and           Friday, June 10: Ratak “A” and
assessors from Wood, PLC,                 pet dander.                               Ralik “B”
will be required to enter your              All pets must be secured                Saturday, June 11: Spartan

Saturday, May 28, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 22                                       13                                                   The Kwajalein Hourglass
                                    For Service Orders                      at https://www.armymainte-               For Emergency
                                    PublicWorksServiceDesk@                                      Service Orders
Community members play an                                 The Army’s online main-       To report emergency service
important role in maintain-         POC: PW Service Desk 5-3550             tenance tracking system is a     order requests, call 5-3550.
ing island housing units. As-                                               one-stop shop for reporting      Emergencies include major
signed occupants help the           For Dig Permits                         all routine service order re-    water leaks, loss of all air con-
Army identify maintenance           DigPermitsDPW@Vectrus.                  quests for on-island quar-       ditioning, no operational toi-
issues and safety-related           com. POC: Darryl Lorok                  ters, to include both bachelor   lets or inoperable appliances,
concerns so they can be ad-         5-2049                                  quarters and Army Family         smoke detectors, door locks
dressed. These efforts are ap-                                              Housing units. Housing oc-       or plumbing.
preciated.                                                                  cupants can upload photos
                                    Get to know ArMA.
  The safety of your quarters                                               of maintenance issues and
                                       ARMA will continue to be
is important to the Depart-                                                 log maintenance requests
                                    utilized for all routine “prior-
ment of Public Works. Fol-                                                  through the website. The
                                    ity 3” requests for Army Fam-
lowing LOGCAP V transition,                                                 ArMa system maintains a per-
                                    ily and bachelor quarters re-
some contact information for                                                manent log of all records for
                                    quests. If you are a new island
DPW has changed.                                                            issue tracking purposes.
                                    resident, be sure to register
  Read on for the best phone        for your ArMA account online
numbers to reach out to DPW
to get the help you need.

                                                  Pools and Beaches
                                                    Summer Hours                                   E-Wareness:
                                                          May 29 – Aug. 8
                                                                                                   Household Waste Disposal
As of this week, the Army Mainte-                         Millican Family Pool
nance Application has been ex-
panded at USAG Kwajalein Atoll!                          Lifeguard on Duty                         Remember to use trash bags when
Previously, ArMA was only for bar-                                                                 throwing away food and food waste
racks and Army-managed family                            Tuesday, Wednesday,                       containers. Any household waste that
housing. It now includes ALL build-                 Friday and Saturday, 1 – 6 p.m.                cannot be incinerated must be dis-
ings maintained by the USAG Kwa-                                                                   posed of separately. Please call 5-3867
jalein Atoll Directorate of Public                       Sunday and Monday,                        with questions.
Works.                                                      Noon – 6 p.m.
   All ArMA users can now login at                                                                 Trash includes the following items: alka- and change                    Closed Thursdays for cleaning                    line batteries, all plastic, paper, card-
the location of your request. You                                                                  board, kitchen waste, non-recyclable
can now select any DPW-main-                     Emon Beach Lifeguard on Duty                      glass, incandescent light bulbs, and
tained building from the drop-down                  Tuesday – Saturday, 1 – 6 p.m.                 lids for jars and bottles.
menu in the location field. You will               Sunday & Monday, noon – 6 p.m.
also notice that the catalog has in-                                                               Recycling: aluminum drink cans (no foil
creased to include demand main-                              Adult Pool                            or food trays) and glass containers (no
tenance for roads, trails, grounds,                      No Guard – Open 24/6                      windows, mirrors, light bulbs, etc.),
trees, fences, utilities, streetlights,                                                            Individually package and discard aero-
traffic lights, outdoor and recre-                                                                 sol cans, food cans, scrap metal and
ational facilities, airfield and ani-               Closed Fridays for cleaning
mal control. For more information,
please contact DPW at 5-3550.                      Buddy swim recommended                          Hazardous waste: Deliver to Self-Help.
                                                                                                   Call 5-8858 for pickup of fluorescent
                                                                                                   bulbs, LED lights, waste paint, pesti-
                                                                                                   cides, etc.

                                                                                                   Non-alkaline batteries: Visit Self-Help or
                                                                                                   AAFES collection points.

                                                                                                   Jabdrewot kopej ko ilo imoko im rejjab
                                                                                                   maron in itibdrikdrik ak bwil rej aikuj
                                                                                                   in jenolok nan julok. Solid waste ekoba
                                                                                                   battery ko,plastic ko kajojo, paper, box
                                                                                                   pepa ko,kobij in mona ko,glass ko ka-
                                                                                                   jojo, Teńki im light bulb ko, im Bato ko
                                                                                                   ewor mejier (JAR).
                                                                                                     Kejenolok aluminum can ko, glass
                                                                                                   bottle ko, aerosol can ko, food can
                                                                                                   ko,metal ko, E-waste ko lok wot iaar.
                                                                                                   Self Help ej ijo Hazardous Waste ej
                                                                                                   etal nan e ak call 5-8858 nan iwoj im
SMALL ARMS RANGE ON MAY 28                                                                         buki fluorescent bulb ko, LED light ko,
                                                                                                   UNO ak paint ko, pesticide ko, im ko
Security and Access Control will be conducting a                                                   aerlokwot. Non-Alkaline Battery ko re-
                                                                                                   maron in etal nan Self-Help ak AAFES
small arms range on May 28 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.                                                    Collection Point ko. Call 5-3867 with
Please observe the red flag hazard area. Contact Se-                                               questions.
                                                                                                     Jab Koman Bwe En Wor Lon Ilo Ni-
curity Chief Chris Ramsey or Cpt. Bryan Mesey at                                                   ien Kopej Ko. Kemejmej kojerbal Trash
                                                                                                   Bags ko ne kwoj jokpej mona ilo ni-ien
5-4445 or 5-9046 with any questions.                                                               kopej ko.

Saturday, May 28, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 22                           14                                            The Kwajalein Hourglass
Package pick-up for deliveries to
                                                                                        personnel in quarantine will depart
                                                                                        from Macy’s on Mondays at 10 a.m.
                                                                                        and Surfway on Thursdays at 2 p.m.
                                                                                        A delivery vehicle will arrive 30
                                                                                        minutes before departure. Please
                                                                                        ensure all deliveries are securely
                                                                                        packed and labeled with the recip-
                                                                                        ient’s name and quarters number.
                                                   QUARANTINE DELIVERY                  Questions? Please call Clint Weaver

NEW LUNCHTIME HOURS                                PICK-UP TIMES                        at 5-2465 or Hugo Arce-Hodgson at

     Cafe Roi lunch hours have
    changed to 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
                                                PREFLIGHT CHECKLIST:
                                               WHO NEEDS A COVID TEST?                WILCO
                                               FOR United Airlines                    REMINDER FROM THE CSM
                                               •    Contractor flying out to PCS or   Kwajalein community members can
                                                    R&R                               help make the island a great place
                                               •    Government employee or de-        to live and work by showing pride in
                                                    pendent flying out for R&R        their residences. Here are a few ways
                                                                                      that you can help the garrison take
                                                               NO                     care of its facilities:
                                                                                      • Please take care of military lawn
                                               •    Government employee or de-
                                                    pendent flying out on govern-          equipment like it was your own.
                                                    ment orders for PCS or TDY             Cover equipment when it is not
                                                                                           in use and take care not to leave
                                                                                           it out during inclement weather.
                                               FOR ATI FLIGHTS                        • Please rake leaves or other shrub-
       QUARTERLY INNOVATION                                                                beries instead of running them
            CHALLENGE                                          NO                          over with lawn mowers.
                                                                                      • Lawn care equipment should be
    The Garrison Commander wants to            •    Contractor flying out to PCS on
                                                                                           returned in the same condition
              hear from you.                        orders (Usually only those who
                                                                                           in which it was delivered. Please
                                                    are PCS’ing with a pet autho-
                                                                                           charge your lawn equipment af-
U.S. Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll is               rized to PCS on ATI)
                                                                                           ter use, so it is ready for the next
looking for great ideas to help make in-                                                   island resident.
novations and improvements to our is-          •    Government employee or de-
land community life. You can help.                  pendent flying out on Govern-
                                                    ment orders for PCS or TDY.
You can win the Quarterly Innovation
                                                                                          Planned Non-Potable
Winners will receive an official innova-
                                                               YES                           Water Outage
tor’s award and a special AAFES gift card
                                               •    Contractor flying out using
presented by Col. Tom Pugsley.
                                               •    Government employee or de-
                                                                                      A four-hour, non-potable water out-
                                                    pendent flying out for R&R
Submit your great idea:                                                               age is scheduled for May 28 to repair
•    Call the Commander’s Hotline at                                                  a failed non-potable water main valve
     5-1098.                                   Call the Kwaj Hospital at 5-2223       and the replacement of a service valve
•    Send an email to USAG-KA Pub-             to schedule at least 1 week            for the Quarters 454 refurbishment.
     lic Affairs Officer Mike Brantley, at     prior.                                 The outage begins at 8 a.m. and will                                                  affect Qtrs. 441 – 466, and 468.
•    USAG-KA Command thanks AAFES                                                         
     for supporting this special commu-                                               Questions? Contact Stan Jazwinski at
     nity initiative.                                                                 5-1847.

  U.S. Entry Requirement
     A reminder to all
departing on United Airlines
It is a requirement of the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention that all
passengers have a negative COVID test
one day prior to departure.
   How does this impact you? If you are
traveling to the U.S., you must call the
hospital no later than a week prior to
your departure to schedule your COVID
test. Payment will be expected at the
time of service.
   *EXCEPTON: Government, Active
Duty or DoD Civilians/dependents
traveling on official orders do not re-
quire a COVID test to fly on United Air-

Saturday, May 28, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 22                    15                                    The Kwajalein Hourglass
thunderstorm development
                                    on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Weather Discussion
  After active weather Thurs-       Saturday
day night and Friday morn-            Mostly sunny with stray
ing, conditions have settled.       showers. Winds NE-E at 10-
Dry air in the mid-levels will      15 knots with a few higher
work into the Kwajalein Atoll       gusts.
area and keep conditions
predominately dry through           Sunday
Saturday.                             Mostly cloudy with scat-
  A weak wave on the inter-         tered showers. Winds NE-
tropical Convergence Zone           SE at 8-14 knots with higher
will bring more unsettled           gusts near showers.
weather to Kwajalein on
Sunday, with scattered to           Monday
possibly numerous showers             Mostly cloudy to partly
expected.                           sunny with scattered show-
  Showers look to be more           ers A.M., isolated to wide-
hit or miss on Monday,              ly scattered showers P.M.
though that could change            Winds ENE-ESE at 8-13
depending on how the ITCZ           knots with higher gusts near
cycles.                             showers.
  A weak ITCZ stays over the
Marshalls into the middle of        Tuesday and Wednesday
next week, supporting addi-           Mostly cloudy with scat-          Contact the USAG-KA Sexual Harassment/ Assault
tional periods of unsettled         tered showers and stray
weather with conditions po-         thunderstorms at times.
                                                                        Response and Prevention Victim Advocate
tentially more conducive for        Winds NE-SE at 5-15 knots
                                    with a few strong gusts pos-                               Sgt. 1st Class Effie Banks
                                    sible near showers.                                        SHARP Victim Advocate
                                                                                               Work: 805-355-0660
                                                                                               or 805-355-1419
                           Work and play safely.                                               USAG-KA SHARP Pager:
                                                                                               805-355-3241 #0100
                            For additional weather informa-                                    DOD SAFE Helpline:
                            tion, please click the logo to visit                               877-995-5247
                            the RTS Weather Station online.

RMI TRAVEL                                     The Republic of the Marshall Islands government has
ISSUANCE #38                                   insituted Travel Issuance 38. This travel restriction
                                               applies through May 31.
UNITED AIRLINES                                Monday                                   Tuesday
FLIGHTS                                        UA155 (HNL)                              UA154 (GUM)
FOR APRIL-MAY                                  Check-in: 3:30 – 4:45 p.m.               Check-in: 10:45 – 11:15 a.m.

Saturday, May 28, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 22                       16                                    The Kwajalein Hourglass
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