Things to do - Rimini turismo

Page created by Peter Jennings
Things to do - Rimini turismo
to do
Things to do - Rimini turismo
    to do

    ALL YEAR LONG                               Evening opening hours: Wednesday and
    RIMINI, VIA L. TONIN11 AND                  Friday in July and August
    PIAZZA FERRARI                              Also the Museo degli Sguardi, one of the
    MUNICIPAL MUSEUMS                           main Italian museums dedicated to non-
    AND THE SURGEON’S HOUSE                     European cultures and hosted in Villa
The Surgeon’s House and the City Museum         Alvarado, on Covignano’s hills, can be visited
invite you to visit the excavation area in      upon request.
Piazza Ferrari that returned the taberna        Info: +39 0541.793851
medica with the richest set of surgical
instruments dating back to the Roman
times ever discovered, and preserved in             ALL YEAR LONG
the City Museum nearby. Here, through               RIMINI, PIAZZA CAVOUR
the archaeological, medieval and modern             PART, RIMINI ART PALACES
section, you’ll learn about Rimini’s history.   A museum space where the old surrounds
The Museum will offer you the thrill to         the new, in a mutually enriching embrace.
discover the Malatestian Rimini through         A modern and contemporary art museum,
paintings by the 14th Century Rimini School,    born out of a partnership between the Town
Bellini’s famous Pietà, works by Agostino       of Rimini and Fondazione San Patrignano.
di Duccio and Ghirlandaio and 17th Century      Where the old is the exhibit space of the
Romagna paintings in Cagnacci, Centino and      medieval Arengo and Podestà palaces,
Guercino’s canvases.                            brought back to their original splendour by
Admission: € 7 full price ticket,               a renovation and architectural valorisation
€ 5 discounted ticket                           process. And the new is the eclectic and
Summer opening hours (June-August):             variegated collection of important 20th and
from Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 am-7:00 pm.       21th century artworks, conceived by the
Closing day: Monday (except on holidays).       Fondazione to support its operations. Among
Things to do - Rimini turismo
the artists included in the collection: Mario          UNTIL 18 JULY 2021                              UNTIL 02 JULY 2021                             and 6, Sala Pamphili). And the festival will
Airò, Vanessa Beecroft, Bertozzi&Casoni,               RIMINI, MALATESTA TEMPLE -                      RIMINI, SANTARCANGELO                          end on 17 June with ‘ILINX - Don’t stop the
Domenico Bianchi,                                      CATHEDRAL BASILICA                              AND PENNABILLI                                 dance’ by the Compagnia Simona Bertozzi/
William Kentridge, Ibrahim Mahama, Igor                CATTEDRALE GUERCINO                             FILO PER FILO |                                Nexus.
Mitoraj, Mimmo Paladino, Jean Paul Riopelle,           AND GUIDO RENI,                                 SEGNO PER SEGNO                                Info and booking:
Pietro Ruffo, Mario Schifano, Pier Paolo               MASTERPIECES ON DISPLAY                     Childhood and adolescence arts festival  
Calzolari, Yan Pei-Ming, Xiaongang Zhang           For the first time, two lesser known 17th       by Alcantara Teatro. The festival goes back
and many other important names of the              century masterpieces depicting St. Joseph       live with theatre plays, strolls, installations,       EVERY WEDNESDAY AND
international art world. The venue also            are compared and conversing with each           workshops, pedagogy and art observations,              SATURDAY DURING THE
permanently hosts a fresco, a masterpiece of       other: the San Giuseppe con Bambino,            and also with online activities and meetings.          SUMMER
Italian Medieval art.                              attributed to Guido Reni, owned by the          This year’s theme is freedom.                          RIMINI, GATHERING AT BAGNO 26
Admission: € 8 full price ticket, € 6 discounted   Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Rimini,        Among the events in Rimini: on June 6, at              WALK ON THE BEACH
ticket Combined City Museum, Surgeon’s             and the San Giuseppe con Bastone Fiorito,       RiminiTerme, presentation of the book              One hour of power walking on the beach
House, PART ticket: 12 € full price ticket, € 8    by Giovan Francesco Barbieri, called the        “Tetralogia della Colonia” and the play “Una       with workouts in between, guided by
discounted ticket; Summer opening hours            Guercino, owned by the Diocese of Rimini.       promessa più in là” at the Colonia Novarese;       personal trainer Elen Souza. Group activity,
(June-August): from Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00       An occasion to highlight the presence of        on June 11, screening of the documentary           with social distancing.
am - 7:00 pm. Closing day: Monday (except on       two important 17th century masterpieces in      “Filosognare” by Alcantara Teatro at the           Time: (May-September), Saturday 8:00 am,
holidays). Evening opening hours: Wednesday        Rimini, and remember St. Joseph’s figure in     Teatro degli Atti; on June 13, bike tour through   Wednesday 7:30 pm. Admission fee
and Friday in July and August                      the year dedicated to him by Pope Francis.      Rimini’s historical centre, accompanied by         (the first time is free). Info: +39 348 0981594
                                                   Guido Reni and Guercino’s works can             illustrator Monica Gori; between 30 June 
    UNTIL 13 JUNE 2021                             be visited during the Cathedral Basilica        and 2 July, Borgo San Giuliano in Rimini will
    RIMINI, CITY MUSEUM                            opening hours (8:30 am - 12 pm and              be embellished by a new urban mural made               EVERY MONDAY AND
    LUIGI TONINI                                   3:30 - 6:30 pm), except during religious        by children under the creative guidance of             WEDNESDAY UNTIL
    UNICUM. TALES AT THE                           celebrations.                                   artist Antonio Catalano. On this occasion,             27 AUGUST 2021
    BENEDETTO GENNARI MUSEUM:                                                                      there will also be a flash-mob with the kids in        RIMINI, NUOVO BELVEDERE
    THE VIRGIN AND CHILD FOR THE                       UNTIL 27 JUNE 2021                          the streets of the hamlet and the city centre.         LUNGOMARE NEAR BAGNI 27-28
    COURT OF ENGLAND                                   RIMINI FAIR                                 Info:                               MODERNYOGA MORNING
Benedetto Gennari’s Madonna col Bambino                VNL - VOLLEYBALL NATIONS                                                                           CLASSES
opens the ‘Unicum. Racconti al Museo’                  LEAGUE 2021                                     UNTIL 17 JUNE 2021                             Dynamic yoga practice suitable for any level
ancient art festival, three exhibits by Massimo    An event that brings the best of global             RIMINI, TEATRO DEGLI ATTI,                     or age. A fun vinyasa flow - modernyoga
Pulini to admire artworks with unique quality      volleyball to Rimini. The FIVB - World Volley       VIA CAIROLI, 42                                method practice by the sea, to get
and sophistication. The work of art was            Federation - chose Italy and Rimini as venue        E’ BAL - PALCOSCENICI                          back our breathing, muscular tone and
completed by Benedetto Gennari (1633-1715),        of the 2021 Volleyball Nations League (VNL).        ROMAGNOLI PER LA DANZA                         self-awareness.
a sophisticated and talented painter, when he      32 women and men’s national team will               CONTEMPORANEA                                  Time: between 7:30 and 8:20 am.
was at the court of the Stuarts.                   compete at the trade fair, where a “covid-      A project to spread and promote                    From June onward, modernyoga can also
Guided tours of the exhibits are held every        free bubble” will be created.                   contemporary ballet in Emilia Romagna.             be practised in other outdoor spaces.
Sunday at 5 pm. Booking is mandatory. Free         See the complete calendar on                    Three dates in Rimini: 'Energheia' by Paola        Paid enrolment. Info: -
admission to the exhibits; cost of the guided -        Bianchi (May 29 and 30, 7:00 pm); 'Il verde        whatsapp +39 3484088442
tour: € 3 per person. Info and booking: +39        Games on                         (non) è un colore difficile' by Compagnia II
0541 793851                                                             Tempo Favorevole - Barbara Martinini, with
                                                                                                   original score by Roberto Paci Dalò (June 5
Things to do - Rimini turismo
JUNE - AUGUST                                   JUNE-SEPTEMBER                                   2 JUNE - 12 SEPTEMBER 2021                     A great sports and entertainment festival
    RIMINI, ARENA LIDO,                             RIMINI, PIAZZALE BOSCOVICH                       RIMINI, PIAZZA SULL’ACQUA,                     held every two years, which hosts - for the
    AGOSTINIANI, PIAZZA                             THE WHEEL                                        PIAZZA FRANCESCA DA RIMINI,                    first time in a single location - all the Italian
    SULL’ACQUA, ARENA FRANCESCA                 Right near the beach, the great Ferris wheel         PIAZZALE BOSCOVICH                             championships of the Federazione Italiana
    DA RIMINI, LAPIDARIO ROMANO,                takes visitors on a memorable “air journey”          OPEN AIR YOGA                                  Sport Rotellistici; a sort of first national
    PARCO DEGLI ARTISTI                         to admire the entire city and the Riviera from   Group traditional yoga classes outdoors, in        “Olympics” of skating and skateboarding
    ARENE SOTTO LE STELLE                       Lidi Ferraresi to Gabicce, passing through       the most suggestive venues in Rimini.              disciplines.
A network of outdoor stages that offer many     the hinterland and the sea.                      The lessons, held by Rimini Yogi, are targeted     Figure skating competitions will be held in
events ranging from theatre, music, cinema,     Info:               both to amateurs and regular practitioners.        Rimini between 10 and 15 June and between
ballet and literary reviews. Arenas under                                                        On weekends, the appointment is at Ponte           22 and 30 June at the Palazzo dello Sport.
the stars and on the beach, to turn back on         JUNE - SEPTEMBER 2021                        di Tiberio, while on Tuesdays and Thursdays        Info:
cinema screens and to tread the boards              LUNGOMARE DI VITTORIO                        is at the dock (classes in English). In
once again, outdoors. The film program              MURRI OPEN SPACE–                            Piazza Francesca da Rimini, yoga classes               FROM 5 JUNE
includes seasonal and new films, and films          URBAN SPORT ACTIVITY                         will be held on Mondays and Fridays; on                TO SEPTEMBER 2021
that, due to the health emergency, were not         AND WEEKEND                                  Wednesdays, there will be the Tibetan bells            PARCO DEGLI ARTISTI,
shown in theatres. Apart from screenings,       A redevelopment project for Parco Murri,         sound bath, at the base of the Malatestian             VIA MARECCHIESE, 387
the program also includes live theatre          designed as a large open space right by the      Castle. During summer, the program is                  SUMMER FESTIVAL AT THE
shows and music, with some of the most          beach; a redeveloped space for entertaining      complemented by masterclasses, special                 PARCO DEGLI ARTISTI
popular national names. Among the venues:       and markets outdoors in safety, and to           full moon classes and events. 7:00 pm. Paid        A new art space in the open, on the banks
Arena Lido at the Darsena di Rimini, Corte      promote open-air sports by involving local       admission. Booking recommended.                    of the Marecchia river, just a few km from
degli Agostiniani, Piazza sull'Acqua, Arena     sports associations.                             Info: Whatsapp: +39 3315285154                     the historical city centre. The shows - with
Francesca da Rimini, Lapidario Romano and                                                                     Sergio Casabianca’s artistic direction and
the new Parco degli Artisti in Vergiano di          JUNE - AUGUST,                                                                                  in partnership with the Rimini Classica
Rimini.                                             MONDAY TO THURSDAY                               4 – 5 - 6 JUNE 2021                            association and Lele Guerra - range between
Free and/or paid admission.                         RIMINI, PONTE DI TIBERIO                         RIMINI, PALAZZO DELLO SPORT,                   concerts to theatre in all its forms: cabaret,
Mandatory booking.                                  AND BEACH AREAS                                  PIAZZALE PASOLINI 1/C                          one-man shows and ballets. And also poetry
Info:                     FLUXO - OUTDOOR MOVEMENT                         RITMICA OLTREMARE                              readings and exhibits. The summer festival
                                                Fluxo is an “open air gym” that allows you       The national finals of the regional rhythmic       program is full of events and guests from
    FROM JUNE TO THE BEGINNING                  to choose between several sports to do           gymnastic championships is one of the most         Fabio Concato to Filippo Graziani, from
    OF SEPTEMBER                                outdoors, in iconic Rimini venues, such as       important events for this sport in Italy, due to   Paolo Cevoli to Platinette, from Marescotti to
    RIMINI, FROM TORRE PEDRERA                  the Ponte di Tiberio, port, dock, etc. Classes   its innovative formula.                            Mercandini, from the Nino Rota Ensemble to
    TO MIRAMARE                                 are held between Monday and Thursday             Info:                          the Neri per Caso, from the Rangzen to the
    ONE HUNDRED DAYS OF                         by young professional instructors, and                                                              Good Fellas and many more.
    CELEBRATIONS                                range between capoeria, pilates, functional          BETWEEN 4 JUNE                                 Opening on the 5-6 June weekend with
Events all summer long. Small and big           training and much more, with the option of           AND 4 JULY 2021                                Sergio Casabland and Le Gocce in a
events, held by tourist Committees, to liven    choosing a single class or mixing them up.           RICCIONE, RIMINI, FORLÌ,                       ‘Omaggio to Lucio Battisti’ and Fabio
up squares and streets, and especially the 16   Between June and August, classes will be             RAVENNA, CESENA,                               Concato’s concert.
km of beach from Torre Pedrera to Miramare,     held at sunset and sundown, for over 70              CESENATICO, SENIGALLIA E                       Info: sorridolibero@gmail. com
by enhancing the culture of hospitality and     hours of training per week.                          DELLA REPUBBLICA DI SAN                        Facebook pages Parco degli Artisti di Rimini
leveraging local traditions.                    Paid admission. Info: +39 3471224480                 MARINO                                         and Sorridolibero
Info: +39 0541.53399                                         ROLLER GAMES
Things to do - Rimini turismo
8 - 10 JUNE 2021                              table game, which can be arranged in less         athletes, for the most anticipated and                21 JUNE - 8 JULY 2021
    RIMINI, PARCO FELLINI AND                     than one minute and easily carried on your        participated event in the national sporting           CITY MUSEUM
    PROMENADE                                     shoulders). In partnership with the Rimini        scene.                                                OMAGGIO A FELLINI
    MODENA 100 ORE                                FootVolley association.                           Info:              Within Gruppo Hera’s ‘SCART, il lato bello e utile
The Modena Cento Ore is a sports regularity       Info:                                                                        del rifiuto’ art project, an exhibit dedicated to
rally for classic cars, and also the perfect                                                            19 JUNE – 1 AUGUST 2021                       the great master of cinema will be featured,
combo of amazing cars, race, tourism and              18 – 20 JUNE 2021                                 RIMINI, CITY MUSEUM                           combining cinema, art, territory and respect
nature. A journey through Italy, from the             RIMINI, HISTORICAL CENTRE                         LUIGI TONINI                                  for the environment. The artworks were
Adriatic to the Tyrrhenian Sea, with track            MARE DI LIBRI                                     UNICUM. RACCONTI AL MUSEO                     made by famous artists and students of the
races at the Misano, Imola, Mugello and               FESTIVAL DEI RAGAZZI                              SIMONE CANTARINI.                             Academies of Fine Arts of Florence, Carrara
Modena race circuits, and special uphill              CHE LEGGONO                                       IL RITROVATO RITRATTO DEL                     and Ravenna, using an innovative technique
stages on traffic-free roads. The event starts    14th edition of the literature festival               POETA ALESSANDRO TASSONI                      that combines the millenarian Ravenna mosaic
in Rimini on 8 June, where the cars will be       dedicated to teenagers and young adults.          Within the Unicum. Racconti al Museo              technique with one of the most modern
exhibited at Piazzale Fellini until the morning   An event in the sign of edutainment, and          festival, by Massimo Pulini, the second           figurative art techniques - trashart.
of 10 June, when they will set off toward         an annual appointment for all the young           masterpiece exhibited is presented: the           Info:
Imola. The first stage will start at 8:30 am of   people who love books and reading and             painting 'Ritratto del Tassoni' by Simone
Wednesday 9 June from Parco Fellini.              who want to share their passions with their       Cantarini, called Simone il Pesarese, the             21 JUNE – 21 DECEMBER 2021
Info:                peers. This will be a mixed edition, with both    restless and rebel apprentice of Guido Reni           RIMINI - VARIOUS LOCATIONS
                                                  online and physical events. An occasion           - tutelary deity of the Bolognese painting            MINI GIRO DEL MONDO
    11 - 13 JUNE 2021                             of gathering and dialogue with Italian            and one of the major exponents of the 17th            IN 80 CORTI
    RIMINI, MISANO WORLD CIRCUIT                  writers and international guests, through:        century Classicism.                               5 stages, one every month, to the discovery of
    FIM SUPERBIKE WORLD                           book presentations, debates, readings,            Guided evening tours on Wednesdays and            cinema as a universal language. During each
    CHAMPIONSHIP                                  workshops and shows. Mare di Libri is             Fridays, at 9:15 pm, until Friday 30 July.        stage, a selection of short films from all over
The FIM Superbike World Championship              not just a festival for teenagers, it is also a   Mandatory booking Free access to the              the world will be screened, and the audience
- Made in Italy Emilia-Romagna Round - is         festival by teenagers: the team of volunteers     exhibit, Guided tour fee €3. Info: +39 0541       will have the chance to vote and choose the
one of the most anticipated events of the         between 11 and 18 years of age takes care of      793851                 finalists that will compete in the finals, in
season, for three adrenaline-filled days at       all the festival management tasks.                                                                  December.
the 'Marco Simoncelli’ circuit’.                  Info:                              20 JUNE 2021                                  9:00 pm. Free admission.
Info:                                                                             RIMINI, CANTIERI NAVALI,                      Info:
                                                      18 – 27 JUNE 2021                                 VIA SINISTRA DEL PORTO
    12 - 13 JUNE 2021                                 RIMINI FAIR                                       FESTA DI SANT’ANTONIO                             21 JUNE 2021
    RIMINI BEACH                                      NATIONAL SILVER FINALS -                      Seafaring celebration linked to the miracle           RIMINI, PARCO DEGLI ARTISTI, VIA
    FOOTVOLLEY CHAMPIONSHIP                           SUMMER EDITION                                of St. Anthony, who talked to the fish on             MARECCHIESE 387
At Bagno 55 Sud, the CSEN - Centro Sportivo       The big competitive event organized by            the city’s Ponte dei Miracoli, now known              CONCERTI D’ESTATE 2021
Educativo Nazionale di Footvolley - national      Esatourgrup and SSD Pesaro Gym 2019,              as Ponte della Resistenza. The feast, in the      Concert by the Banda città di Rimini conducted
stage, preparatory for the next international     in partnership with the FGI (Federazione          spirit of a revival of traditions, is organized   by Maestro Jader Abbondanza, on the
stage. The championship is one of the             Ginnastica d’Italia) comes back to Rimini.        by the Associazione Ponte dei Miracoli.           occasion of the Festa Europea della Musica
most important events for the new beach           Ten days of great gymnastics, between             Official ceremony with floral tribute to the      By the Associazione Filarmonica Banda città
sports, and it includes the Rimini football       competitions, exhibitions and open events.        fish miracle pillar (noon) and solemn Mass        di Rimini.
championship, the Teqball championship            The event will be spectacular, as usual,          (6:30 pm).                                        9:00 pm Free admission.
and the betable championship (the new foot        thanks to the presence of thousands of                                                              Info:
Things to do - Rimini turismo
21 JUNE – 3 SEPTEMBER                            and the Arena Francesca da Rimini.                 the docked boats, where the crews will tell           JULY-DECEMBER 2021
    BEACH 93, BELLARIVA DI RIMINI                    The project - which involves celebrations in all   you the story and features of these traditional       TEATRO GALLI AND OTHER
    LE SPIAGGE DEL BENESSERE                         Malatestian territories between the Romagna        vessels. The boat visit includes a guided             VENUES
Eleven weeks of opportunities to enjoy               and the Marche regions - is directed by            tour with a fishing equipment exhibit at the          72ESIMA SAGRA MUSICALE
the beach surrounded by nature, health               Ferruccio Farina, in partnership with the          entrance, in partnership with the Museo E’            MALATESTIANA
and harmony. Holistic disciplines, postural          Centro Internazionale di Studi Francesca da        Scaion. By the Associazione Vele al Terzo         Since 1950, the Sagra Musicale Malatestiana
exercises, Oriental arts and ballets, yoga,          Rimini.                                            (In case of adverse weather, the event will be    has brought to Rimini the most prestigious
pilates and meditation with wellness                 Info: www.                postponed to 27/6)                                conductors, soloists and orchestras of
operators.                                                                     Time: 10 am - 1:00 pm / 2:00 - 5:30 pm.          the international music scene, for one of
Info: +39 3392400025                                                                                    Info:         the longest-running cultural events in Italy.
                                                         24 – 27 JUNE 2021                                                                                Apart from the usual symphony concerts,
    23 - 27 JUNE 2021                                    RIMINI, PALASPORT FLAMINIO                         27 JUNE 2021                                  the program includes sections dedicated to
    RIMINI, TEATRO GALLI                                 AND OTHER GYMS                                     RIMINI, TEATRO GALLI                          chamber music and ancient music.
    MASTERCLASSES OF THE                                 FINALI UISP PALLAVOLO                              ROBERTO MERCADINI                             Paid admission.
    NOUREEV INTERNATIONAL                            UISP Lega Pallavolo National Championships             IN DANTE. PIÙ NOBILE                          Info:
    CONTEST                                          -Seniors and Juniors                                   È IL VOLGARE
Masterclasses held by etoiles and                    Info:                        In his new show, Roberto Mercadini talks              1 - 4 JULY 2021
choreographers who worked and danced                                                                    about Dante Alighieri’s relationship with             MISANO WORLD CIRCUIT MARCO
alongside Master Noureev, involving local                25 JUNE 2021                                   words, his love - and also his obsession - for        SIMONCELLI
and Italian schools. The initiative is part of the       RIMINITERME, MIRAMARE                          language: from the sound of different                 MOTOR VALLEY FEST
Riviera Danza project.                                   RASSEGNA ‘AL CHIARO DI LUNA’:                  languages to the meaning of each word.            Third edition of the Motor Valley Fest, the
Info:                      IL BACIO                                       9:30 pm. Single ticket € 10. Presale: https://    Emilia Romagna Motor Festival dedicated to
                                                     Show dedicated to the ‘Bacio’ (kiss) in all In case of rain,    all two- and four-wheel aficionados, which
    END OF JUNE - DECEMBER 2021                      its forms, with the Trio Schumman and              the show will be held at the Teatro degli Atti.   will take place in Modena with an hybrid
    RIMINI, VARIOUS LOCATION                         incursions by Marina Massironi, who will also                                                        physical-digital format. For the first time
    FRANCESCA 2021 TRIBUTE TO                        read a text by Rimini writer Lia Celi.                 ALL WEDNESDAYS                                ever, all the regional race circuits - including
    DANTE AND FRANCESCA DA                           9:30 pm. Presale: Liveticket circuit                   BETWEEN 30 JUNE AND 25                        Rimini, with the Misano World Circuit Marco
    RIMINI IN THE 7TH CENTENARY                      Info:                         AUGUST                                        Simoncelli - will participate, by hosting a
    OF THE POET’S DEATH                                                      RIMINI, HISTORICAL CENTRE                     series of dynamic events, dedicated to the
In the year of Dante’s celebrations, Rimini          Cultural re-enacting event dedicated to                RIMINI SHOPPING NIGHT                         automakers of the Land of Motors
dedicates a rich program of initiatives to           Romagna’s historical boats. You will get the       Nights in the historical centre, with             Info:
Francesca da Rimini - the most beloved and                                                              stores open until 11 pm. In the summer, on
known character of the Divine Comedy, who                26 JUNE 2021                                   Wednesdays, the historical centre livens up           3 JULY 2021
has become a universal myth. The values                  RIMINI PORTO, PIAZZALE                         with several initiatives, and shops are open          ARENA LIDO DARSENA DI RIMINI
embodied by Francesca - such as love,                    BOSCOVICH                                      in the evening, with special events, cocktail         CROSSROADS: JAZZ E ALTRO
faithfulness and freedom - will be articulated           ROMAGNA MARE                                   hours and entertainment. Many businesses              IN EMILIA ROMAGNA
in theatre, music and cinema shows,                      VELE AL TERZO RIMINI,                          will participate, between stores, shops               “FLY ME TO THE MOON”:
exhibits, conventions and study days, live or            IL PASSATO E PRESENTE                          and bars. A chance to enjoy the city and go           OMAGGIO A FRANK SINATRA
in streaming, hosted in the most evocative               DELLA NOSTRA MARINERIA                         shopping, even during the summer nights.          Italian Jazz Orchestra
venues of the city, such as the Courtyard of         chance to see the traditional “Vele al Terzo”      Info:                           Special guests Sarah Jane Morris
the Biblioteca Gambalunga, the City Museum,          docked at the port, with free guided tours on      riminishoppingnight                               & Nick The Nightfly
Conductor Fabio Petretti Frank Sinatra video         5 JULY 2021                                    8 – 11 JULY 2021                               12 - 18 JULY 2021
collage: images, film fragments, concerts, TV        RIMINI, ARENA DEGLI                            RIMINI, COMPLESSO                              RIMINI, HISTORICAL CENTRE
specials, interviews Original production Jazz        AGOSTINIANI                                    AGOSTINIANI, SALA PAMPHILI                     AND MARINA CENTRE
Network/ Crossroads - Entroterre Festival -          CONCERTI D’ESTATE 2021                         SANTARCANGELO FESTIVAL                         CARTOON CLUB- 37TH
Associazione Scuola Musicale Dante Alighieri     Concert by the Banda città di Rimini and the       A RIMINI                                       EDITION OF THE FESTIVAL
Bertinoro.                                       Banda giovanile città di Rimini Conducted          SOVRIMPRESSIONI DI                             INTERNAZIONALE DEL CINEMA
Start of the show: 9:30 pm.                      by Maestro Jader Abbondanza and Maestro            DEFLORIAN /TAGLIARINI                          DI ANIMAZIONE, DEL FUMETTO E
In case of adverse weather, the concert will     Andrea Brugnettini                             Performance loosely based on Federico              DEI GAMES
take place at the Teatro Galli at a later date   9:00 pm Free admission                         Fellini’s film ‘Ginger e Fred’, 1986           The Festival comes back to Rimini with a
Info:                      Info:                        Info:            formula combining live and online events;
                                                 bandacittadirimini/                                                                           this year’s theme is Saving the Planet, and
    3 - 25 JULY 2021                                                                                9 – 25 JULY 2021                           a special homage to Dante Alighieri, on the
    RIMINI, SPIAGGIA                                 7 - 28 JULY 2021                               SPORT DANCE                                occasion of the 7th Centenary of his death.
    RIMINI FOR MUTOKO                                RIMINI, HISTORICAL CENTRE                  The greatest sport dance event in the          The 2021 edition will be developed between
A charity event that, through games, sports          ANTICO/PRESENTE                            world, combining sport competitions,           the historical centre and Marina centre,
and fun, raises funds for charity projects in        FESTIVAL DEL MONDO ANTICO                  entertainment, conventions, training and       and it will touch the most evocative venues,
Zimbabwe and in Italy. Among the events          A festival of conferences, meetings and        business areas. Since the first edition        Piazza sull’Acqua, Corte degli Agostiniani,
on the beach: beach tennis, beach volley,        shows, now in its 23rd edition, which          in 2008, it has become an international        Cinema Tiberio, City Museum, Art Space
foot volley and bocce tournaments open to        will focused on the Ponte di Tiberio, on       reference point for all federations            Augeo art gallery, Piazzale Fellini. 250
everyone.                                        the occasion for the celebrations for its      worldwide, and one of the biggest sports       animation short films from all over the world,
At the beginning of August, there will be        2000 years of construction (between 14         events held in Italy every year. The           long-features, specific programs for children
the 4th edition of the Run Rise Rimini For       and 21 AD). The events will be featured in     event includes engaging competitions           and families, workshops with field experts.
Mutoko, the race-walk at sunrise on the          an innovative organization formula, with       with performances in all sport dance           Between 15 and 18 July, Piazzale Fellini will
beach (departure from Bagno 34).                 several summer events in the months of July    specialities, on the occasion of the Italian   host Riminicomix, the market exhibition
Info: +39 335 1270914                            and held outdoors. Evening events will start   Championships.                                 for comic books, memorabilia and novelty                           on July 7, including the theatrical meeting    Info:                  aficionados. And also the colourful Cosplay
                                                 with Daniel Pennac ‘Dal sogno alla scena’,                                                    Convention and a new Games section (and
    4 JULY 2021                                  on Saturday 17, and they will be held in the       12 JULY - 1 AUGUST 2021                    E-Sports in particular). Meetings with the
    RIMINITERME BEACH                            Lapidario Garden of the City Museum and            RIMINI, NUOVO BELVEDERE                    artists, directors, illustrators, art directors,
    CONCERTI ALL’ALBA                            in the amazing Piazza sull’Acqua, near the         PIAZZALE KENNEDY                           journalists, even in live streaming, without
    QUARTETTO EOS -                              bridge; here, also two events of the Tiberio       RDS 100% GRANDI SUCCESSI                   forgetting the exhibits open until 31 July.
    JUST A FANTASY                               2000 program will take place, articulated in   In Rimini’s summer landscape, RDS 100%         To ensure the participants’ safety, the
Classical music, film scores, tangos and         shows, lives, sound landscapes and digital     Grandi Successi - the local Radio Partner      Festival will monitor access to the different
milongas by Astor Piazzola, in the centenary     narratives, organized in partnership with      for the summer - is back once again, with      events on the reference channels. Info
of his birth, and pop/rock music arranged for    the Laboratorio Aperto Rimini Tiberio.         its entertainment, music and explosive         and booking -Tel. +39 0541 784193 - +39
the Quartetto EOS, all in a single concert.      Info:               charm. During the week and in the              3356509432
And the magic of Sunset on the beach...                    weekend, daytime live shows, animation
5:00 am. Presale: Liveticket circuit.                                                           and DJ sets.
15 JULY 2021                                    21 - 24 JULY 2021                                24 JULY 2021                                        26 – 30 JULY 2021
    RIMINI, CORTE DEGLI                             RIMINI, HISTORICAL CENTRE                        RIMINITERME BEACH,                                  RIMINI, TEATRO GALLI
    AGOSTINIANI                                     BIGLIETTI AGLI AMICI                             MIRAMARE                                            RUDOLF NOUREEV CONTEST
    CROSSROADS: JAZZ E ALTRO                    It’s the voice festival It was born to               CONCERTI ‘AL CHIARO DI LUNA’                    2nd edition of the International Ballet Contest
    IN EMILIA ROMAGNA                           celebrate the power of storytelling as the           UNA VOCE POCO FA,                               dedicated to Rudolf Noureev, with the goal of
    PEPPE SERVILLO & DANILO REA                 fulcrum of a contemporary transformation:            DA ROSSINI AI BEATLES                           passing on the memory of his extraordinary
    “NAPOLI E JAZZ”                             radio, poetry, singing, reading, acting,         Ensemble of the Symphony Orchestra G.               choreographies to young generations.
Peppe Servillo - Voice;                         information are all sound boxes that             Rossini                                             Teachers: Monique Loudières, Etoile of the
Danilo Rea - Piano                              express what we are and what we will             9:15 pm. Paid admission.                            Opéra National de Paris; Elisabeth Maurin,
In case of adverse weather, the concert         become. 'Biglietti agli amici' is also a play    Info:                      Etoile of the Opéra National de Paris, Teacher
will be held at the Teatro degli Atti. Paid     by Pier Vittorio Tondelli, where literature                               at the Ballet de l'Opéra National de Paris;
admission. Time: 9:15 pm                        followed the people it wanted to say                                                                 Wilfried Romoli, Etoile of the Opéra National
Info:                     something to: Tondelli and Rimini, once              25 JULY 2021                                    de Paris, Teacher at the Ecole de Danse de
                                                again. Rimini and the freedom of express             ARENA LIDO –                                    l'Opéra National de Paris; Joseph Russillo,
    15 – 17 JULY 2021                           oneself, once again. A festival that speaks          DARSENA DI RIMINI                               "Ballet Théâtre Joseph Russillo”, world-renown
    RIMINI PALACONGRESSI                        about and tells us - through meetings and            CROSSROADS: JAZZ E ALTRO                        choreographer. 30 July: finals of the contest,
    AND ONLINE                                  performances by great artists, with the              IN EMILIA ROMAGNA                               with the pupils show, and performances by the
    WEB MARKETING FESTIVAL                      lightness of their voices and the wonder of          AVISHAI COHEN TRIO                              participants and artists invited. The initiative is
    WMF | WE MAKE FUTURE                        a confession - how we are.                       Avishai Cohen - contrabass, voice; Elchin           part of the Riviera Danza project.
The WMF, the greatest Festival on Digital and   Info:                 Shirinov - piano; Roni Kaspi - drums                Info:
Social Innovation, goes back live.                                                               In case of adverse weather, the concert will
The 9th edition of the WMF will include             22 JULY 2021                                 take place at the Teatro Novelli at a later date.       26 JULY - 1 AUGUST 2021
over 100 training, show, entertainment,             RIMINI, PARCO DEGLI ARTISTI,                 Paid admission. Time: 9:15 pm                           RIVIERA DI RIMINI
business and networking, music, art                 VIA MARECCHIESE 387                          Info:                             LA NOTTE ROSA
and live performance events, live and               CONCERTI D’ESTATE 2021                                                                           The summer “New Year’s Eve”, the great
online, through the hybrid platform. All the    AB Rimini Big Band in concert                        26 JULY 2021                                    party on the Riviera, now in its 16th edition,
most popular topics, from Innovation, to        Conductor: Maestro Renzo Angelini                    RIMINI, ARENA LIDO,                             will reach the high point between Friday 30
Virtual Reality, to Social Media Marketing,     9:00 pm Free admission.                              DARSENA DI RIMINI                               July and Sunday 1 August. The entire coast,
Blockchain and eSports and Gaming, plus         Info:           Kledi Kadiu presents                            with Rimini’s bearing heart, will turn pink,
the business events organized by partners                                                            DANZANO LE STELLE                               from sundown to sunset, in an explosion of
and businesses.                                     23 - 24 JULY 2021                            Dance starts coming from important Italian          lights, sounds, images and colours; an event
Info                    ARENA LIDO –                                 and European theatres and companies - such          spread between the beach and the historical
                                                    DARSENA DI RIMINI                            as Virna Toppi, Anbeta Toromani, Nicola Del         centre, with concerts, shows and magic
    18 JULY 2021                                    ROCKIN’ 1000 PARTY                           Freo and Arianna Maldini and Marco Dalia (from      sets. Rimini fills its Pink Week with the great
    SPIAGGIA DI RIMINITERME                     Screening of ‘WearetheThousand’, the             Rimini) take the Rimini stage. The narrator will    names of music: Diodato, Extraliscio, Morgan,
    CONCERTI ALL’ALBA                           incredible story of Rockin’1000 party, the       be Kleidi, ‘Amici’s historical dancer, who has      and the 'Ensemble Symphony Orchestra in
    ALBA CHIARA                                 biggest band in the world. The 1000 will be in   been committed to spreading the art of dance        'The Legend of Morricone'. And at midnight
Sergio Casabianca performs Vasco                Rimini to meet again and share their passion     with traineeships and workshops all over Italy      on Friday, the entire Riviera, brightly lit by
Trio Rimini Classica                            for music.                                       for many years now.                                 the usual fireworks show, one of the most
5:15 am. Paid admission.                        Time: 9 pm. Paid admission.                      9:30 pm. Paid admission                             anticipated moments of this magical night.
Info:                     Info:                           on the Liveticket circuit.                          Info:
30 JULY - 10 AUGUST 2021                             31 JULY 2021
    GRAND HOTEL GARDENS,                                 RIMINITERME BEACH
    PARCO FEDERICO FELLINI                               ALBA IN MUSICA:
The protagonists of the world of cinema,             For the Pink Week, in the evocative setting
culture, journalism and entertainment will           created by the sun rising on the sea, the
meet here, at the Rimini Grand Hotel terrace,        Ensemble Symphony Orchestra, conducted
to talk, along with journalist Giovanni Terzi,       by Maestro Giacomo Loprieno, will perform a
about dreams and imagination, in the places          unique tribute to the music of the great Italian
loved by Fellini, and in the city that is about to   composer, Ennio Morricone. Special guests:
open the greatest museum project dedicated           soprano Anna Delfino, Cirque du Soleil violinist
to Federico Fellini's genius. The 2021 edition       Attila Simon, and actor Matteo Taranto.
kicks off the Pink Week.                             Time: 5:30 pm. Info:
                                                         31 JULY 2021
    30 JULY 2021                                         RIMINI
    LA MILANESIANA A RIMINI                          The great protagonist of the Pink Night, on
On the occasion of the Pink Night, the               Saturday 31 July in Rimini, will be Diodato, the
Festival of literature, music, cinema, art and       only artist to ever win the Festival di Sanremo,
philosophy directed by Elisabetta Sgarbi,            the David di Donatello 2020, the Nastri
comes to Rimini. Vittorio Sgarbi will give a         d'argento 2020 and the Ciak d'oro del Pubblico
lecture on the great Rimini director, Federico       2020 in the same year, with the song "Che vita
Fellini, and on artist Guido Cagnacci, one of        Meravigliosa” as the “best original song”, from
the most fascinating and complex figures of          the movie score of "La Dea Fortuna” by Ferzan
the 17th century figurative culture. The event       Ozpetek. Diodato will be on Rimini’s stage with
will be followed by Morgan’s concert. After          a super band, which also includes Rodrigo
the concert, the Extraliscio, the Romagna            D’Erasmo, from Afterhours, playing the violin.
group that gave new life to ballroom music           Info:
in a punk key, which will present their hits
and the songs from the new album "È bello                1 AUGUST 2021
perdersi” - published after the Festival di              ARENA LIDO –
Sanremo adventure - live.                                DARSENA DI RIMINI
The evening will be presented by Elisabetta              I MINISTRI IN CONCERT
Sgarbi.                                              The Italian alternative rock music band on
Time: 8:00 pm. Free admission event,                 the Rimini Arena Darsena stage, presents
until capacity is reached (according to              the new ep “Cronaca nera e musica leggera”.
the current Covid-19 regulations), and it            Time: 9 pm. Paid admission.
will be also broadcast in streaming on La            Info:
Milanesiana channel.
2 AUGUST 2021                                                                                     8 AUGUST 2021                                        12 AUGUST 2021
    RIMINI, ARENA AGOSTINIANI                         6 AUGUST –                                      RIMINITERME BEACH                                    RIMINI, ARENA LIDO –
    CONCERTI D’ESTATE 2021                            30 SEPTEMBER 2021                               CONCERTI ALL’ALBA                                    DARSENA DI RIMINI
    GRAN CONCERTO DI MEZZA                            RIMINI, CITY MUSEUM -                           ELTON&AMY                                            SUBSONICA
    ESTATE                                            LUIGI TONINI                                Darma voice                                          Samuel Romano’s band - pivot of Italian
Rimini never forgets solidarity                       UNICUM. RACCONTI AL MUSEO                   Marco Giorgi piano and voice                         electronic rock from the 1990s until
Banda città di Rimini in partnership with             GUIDO RENI. PAESAGGIO                       Aldo Maria Zangheri viola                            now - lands on the Rimini stage. With him,
CSV Volontarimini                                     CON AMORINI IN GIOCO                        Jean Gambini soprano sax and contrabass              Massimiliano 'Max' Casacci (guitar), Davide
Conductor: Maestro Jader Abbondanza               Ending the Unicum festival. Racconti al         Time: 5:30 pm. Paid admission.                       'Boosta' Dileo (piano), Enrico 'Ninja’ Matta
9:00 pm Free admission.                           Museo, by Massimo Pulini, Guido Reni’s          Info:                          (drums) and Luca 'Vicio' Vicini (bass).
Info:        painting Paesaggio con amorini, recognized                                                           9:00 pm. Paid admission.
                                                  as a rare masterpiece of the Artist’s young         9 AUGUST 2021                                    Info:
    5 AUGUST 2021                                 production, linked to Odoardo Farnese’s             RIMINI,
    RIMINI,                                       patronage, and originating from Palazzetto          CORTE DEGLI AGOSTINIANI                              12 – 15 AUGUST 2021
    CORTE DEGLI AGOSTINIANI                       Farnese’s secret chambers.                          CLAUDIO GASPAROTTO,                                  RIMINI, PIAZZALE FELLINI
    TEATRO DELLE TEMPERIE                         Guided evening tours in August, on                  FABIO MINA                                           BIRRIMINI
    ESAURIMENTI DI UN UOMO                        Wednesdays and Fridays, at 9:15 pm, and             IN SOLITARIA                                     Event dedicated to the hops fruit and its
    RIDICOLO                                      in September on Sundays, at 5:00 pm.            Theatrical piece for bodies and music.               craft production. The four day event in the
Andrea Lupo and Mara Di Maio bring on             Mandatory booking Free access to the            The show - inspired by the snow leopard, a           Parco Federico Fellini - heart of Marina
stage a show that unfolds the relationship        exhibit, Guided tour fee €3. Info: +39 0541     mysterious creature that leads a solitary life,      Centro - will host the stands of Italian craft
between psychologist and patient in a comic       793851               between Central Asia highlands and valleys -         breweries, and also street food stands, the
way: in a virtuous play of improv, between                                                        stems from Fabio Mina’s musical idea. Claudio        perfect beer companion.
therapy stereotypes, neuroses and stresses            7 – 8 AUGUST 2021                           Gasparotto dances this condition of solitude,        Info:
inspired by day-to-day living, the two leads          RIMINI HISTORICAL CENTRE                    by transforming it into a drive to intercept life,
will lead the public toward a redeeming               AL MENI                                     with the awareness of sharing a sentiment                13 - 15 AUGUST 2021
cathartic laugh.                                  A Circo 8 h where everything can be             that belongs to all human beings.                        RIMINI, PIAZZA SULL’ACQUA,
9:30 pm. Single ticket € 10.Presale: https://     imagined, for a new edition, in the city        9:30 pm. Paid admission. Presale: Liveticket             ZONA PONTE DI TIBERIO In case of rain,    historical centre, of things made with our      circuit. In case of rain, the show will be held at       TIBERIO CINEPICNIC
the show will be held at the Teatro degli Atti.   hands and heart, in the year of the opening     the Teatro degli Atti.                               An evocative arena for an evening picnic at
                                                  of the new Fellini Museum. In a circus-inn,                                                          the foot of the two-millennium old Ponte di
                                                  between castle and theatre, art buildings           10 AUGUST 2021                                   Tiberio, lit by the lights and the magic of the
    6 AUGUST 2021                                 and dream square, along with celebrities            ARENA LIDO –                                     Cinema. In the Park overlooking the basin of
    ARENA LIDO –                                  from the world of culture, cinema and food,         DARSENA DI RIMINI                                the Marecchia, thanks to the refreshment
    DARSENA DI RIMINI                             and together with Massimo Bottura, who will         FUOCHI SULLA COLLINA                             stands, you can have a picnic, with blankets
    WILLIE PEYOTE                                 gather the dreams, hands and hearts of the      Show dedicated to Ivan Graziani.                     and pillows, at the right distance from one
On the Arena Lido stage, the Italian              best talents in the Italian and international   Texts and narrator: Andrea Scanzi Musics             another, and enjoy the images of the films
rapper and songwriter, back from the              food landscape, Michelin-starred dishes and     and arrangements: Filippo Graziani                   featured by Notorius Rimini Cineclub on the
lucky participation at the latest Festival di     great products will be featured, between        Time: 9 pm. Paid admission.                          big screen.
Sanremo.                                          show cooking and farmers’ markets.              Info:                               Info:
Time: 9 pm. Paid admission.                       Info:
20 – 25 AUGUST 2021                                 27 AND 29 AUGUST 2021                                FROM 2 TO 5 SEPTEMBER AND                      UA 21 km road race on a slightly uphill
    RIMINI FAIR AND HISTORICAL                          RIMINI, TEATRO GALLI                                 FROM 9 TO 12 SEPTEMBER 2021                    path, surrounded by nature, from Rimini to
    MEETING PER L’AMICIZIA                              E PIAZZA CAVOUR                                      RIMINI, COMPLESSO DEGLI                        Verucchio.
    TRA I POPOLI                                        OPERA: AROLDO                                        AGOSTINIANI                                    Departure: 6:30 pm.
Summer festival full of meetings, exhibits,         which the Teatro Galli was opened, in 1857. It           FESTIVAL LE CITTÀ VISIBILI                     Info:
music and shows. A markedly international           is the first opera production for the renewed        Theatre and music festival, with excellent
festival, a crossroads of testimonies and           Teatro Galli, frontrunner with the Ravenna,          events and artists, created and produced by            7 – 9 SEPTEMBER 2021
experiences from different cultures. This           Piacenza and Modena theatres, which                  Tamara Balducci.                                       RIMIN FAIR
unique event tackles crucial topics, in a free      co-produced the opera. The opera is directed         Info:                          MACFRUT
and open dialogue with the most interesting         by Emilio Sala and Edoardo Sanchi. The                                                                  Fruit & Veg Professional Show. Fieravicola - the
personalities of culture, politics and religion.    Orchestra Giovanile Luigi Cherubini and the              3 - 4 SEPTEMBER 2021                           international rabbit and poultry activity fair,
With the title “Il coraggio di dire no”, the 42th   Coro del Teatro Comunale di Piacenza are                 RIMINI, BORGO SAN GIULIANO                     leaving the Forlì Fair for the Rimini Fair - will be
edition of the meeting wants to be an invitation    conducted by Maestro Manlio Benzi.                       P.ASSAGGI DI VINO                              held at the same time, and henceforth on an
to rediscover the substance and greatness           Info:                             The Rimini hinterland wineries come together       annual basis.
of our lives. Every night, shows in Rimini’s                                                             on the Ponte di Tiberio and in the squares of      Time: from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm
historical centre. On the last night, 25 August,        LAST WEEKEND OF AUGUST                           Borgo San Giuliano, to enjoy to whole nights       Info:
presented by Lorenzo Baglioni, the winners of           AND FIRST TWO WEEKENDS                           of tastings and entertainment, with a glass
the Meeting Music Contest - the music contest           OF SEPTEMBER                                     in hand. Two evenings, Friday and Saturday,            9 – 11 SEPTEMBER 2021
addressed to all music artists and bands, in            RIMINI, 99 LORETTA BEACH                         devoted to local DOC wine and to the century-          RIMINI FAIR
partnership with the Mei-Meetings of Faenza’s           ‘PESCA ALLA TRATTA’                              old cultural and food relationship that binds          EXPODENTAL MEETING
independent labels - will be announced.                 RE-ENACTMENT                                     it to the Rimini province hinterland. There will   The Rimini fair is the reference event for
Info:                         In the name of protecting local traditions, every    be ad hoc menus and street food options.           companies, buyers and operators in the Dental
                                                    year, on the Rimini beach, a practical exhibition    Saturday and Sunday, picnic lunch in the           sector.
    22 AUGUST 2021                                  open to the public is carried out, by the ‘Rimini    Marecchia park, in partnership with the Borgo      Free admission for industry professionals.
    RIMINITERME, MIRAMARE                           per tutti onlus’ association, in partnership         restaurants.                                       Info:
    CONCERTI ‘AL CHIARO DI LUNA’                    with Coop. Sociale Punto Verde, to enjoy the         Time: 18 - 24. Free admission and paid
    REMO ANZOVINO,                                  ancient fishing tradition and a tasting of grilled   tastings. Info:          10 – 12 SEPTEMBER 2021
    CONCERTO PER PIANO SOLO                         fish, according to the ancient Rimini tradition,                                                            RIMINI PARCO FEDERICO FELLINI
The pianist and composer ends the Rimini            offered by the organizers.                               5 SEPTEMBER 2021                                   ITALIAN BIKE FESTIVAL
Terme festival                                                                                               RIMINI, PARCO DEGLI ARTISTI, VIA               4th edition.
Time: 9:00 pm. Paid admission                           1 – 5 SEPTEMBER 2021                                 MARECCHIESE 387                                For fans and the general public, industry                                   RIMINI, HISTORICAL CENTRE                            CONCERTI D’ESTATE 2021                         professionals and families, this festival is
                                                        BALAMONDO                                        Concert by Banda città di Rimini Conducted by      the reference point for the bike market. A
    27 AUGUST 2021                                  World Music Festival: the story, magic and           the young students of the conductor course         large exhibit area, previews, tests, shows
    RIMINI, ARENA LIDO –                            evolution of ballroom music, in a conversation       9:00 pm Free admission Info: www.facebook.         & performances, meetups, experiences
    DARSENA DI RIMINI                               with music from the entire world, the true           com/bandacittadirimini/                            and entertainment: the perfect ingredients
    MARGHERITA VICARIO IN CONCERT                   universal language that unites people and                                                               to enjoy an all-round bike festival! Ample
The young artists tours with hew new album,         populations. An event dedicated to Raoul                 5 SEPTEMBER 2021                               space will be given also to bike tourism,
‘Blingo’.                                           Casadei’s artistic heritage.                             RIMINI - VERUCCHIO                             with “La Dolcevita” cycling route, and the
9:00 pm. Paid admission.                            Info:                                   38^ RIMINI – VERUCCHIO /                       return of the ‘Malatestiana, the cycling route
Info:                                                                                       4^ CORSA PER LA VITA AIDO                      that takes participants to the discovery of
Rimini’s hinterland. First event: Sunday with         11 SEPTEMBER 2021                            in Piazzale Fellini, for the public to see them,   the Country’s traditions. It’s the great
the ‘CargoBike Revolution’ meeting.                   RIMINI, PALAZZO DELLO SPORT,                 until the morning of 19 September.                 motor tourism festival, combined with the
Free admission.                                       PIAZZALE PASOLINI 1/C                        Info:                            show of the World Rally Raid, that starts in
Info and registration on the reference website:       SFERA EBBASTA                                                                                   Rimini with the opening of the Village. From                       The Artist and best selling recordman in Italy       17 - 19 SEPTEMBER 2021                         Rimini, a new route toward Tuscany takes
                                                  and abroad, sets off with a tour in the main         RIMINI, PIAZZA SULL’ACQUA                      off, between sinuous valleys and beautiful
    10 SEPTEMBER –                                Italian cities in September 2021. The rapper         AL PONTE DI TIBERIO                            landscapes, up to the Maremma.
    13 NOVEMBER 2021                              lands on the Rimini stage, on the occasion           GIARDINI D’AUTORE                              Info:
    RIMINI, BIBLIOTECA CIVICA                     of the first date of his “Famoso Tour”, for an   The gardening exhibit with the best Italian
    GAMBALUNGA, SALE ANTICHE                      unmissable event, during which he will play      garden centres, comes back to Rimini for               21 – 23 SEPTEMBER 2021
    LE OPERE DI DANTE NELLA                       some of the songs from his latest album,         the Autumn edition. Next to craft gardeners,           RIMINI FAIR
    STORIA DELLA GAMBALUNGA                       ‘Famoso’.                                        artists and designers with many ideas and              ENADA PRIMAVERA
The exhibit highlights the presence of Dante      Info:                      tips to furnish your home and decorate your        International Entertainment and Gaming
in Gambalunga, beautifully signified by the                                                        garden, with many events scheduled. Paid           Equipment Show, dedicated to leading
Gradenighiano Code, dating back to the end            17 - 19 SEPTEMBER 2021                       admission.                                         industry professionals in Southern Europe
of the 14th century. It will include the most         MISANO WORLD CIRCUIT                         Info:                      and in the Mediterranean Area, for the
significant editions of Dante’s other works,          GRAN PREMIO OCTO                                                                                Gaming sector.
along with books and studies on Dante.                DI SAN MARINO E                                  17 - 26 SEPTEMBER 2021                         Info:
Free admission on the regular Library opening         DELLA RIVIERA DI RIMINI                          RIMINI AND ROMAGNA
hours. Booking mandatory.                         Warm up the engines for the 14th edition             WELLNESS WEEK                                      21 – 23 SEPTEMBER 2021
Info:                 of the Gran Premio San Marino e Riviera di       A week of events in the sign of wellness,              RIMINI FAIR
                                                  Rimini - the event that attracts enthusiasts     to enjoy and discover Romagna, the first               RIMINI AMUSEMENT SHOW
    10 - 12 SEPTEMBER 2021                        from all over the world, and millions            district of wellness and quality life.             A reference appointment for the amusement
    CLUB NAUTICO, PIAZZALE                        of viewers every year. A weekend of              Info:                        world professionals; an event to highlight
    BOSCOVICH, 12 – RIMINI                        extraordinary performances, inside and                                                              the news and excellence of fun without cash
    LASER MASTER ITALIAN                          outside the race track, in the heart of the                                                         prizes for all ages: families, young people,
    CHAMPIONSHIP                                  Motor Valley.                                        18 - 19 SEPTEMBER 2021                         children and adults.
Info:                            Info:                          CLUB NAUTICO, PIAZZALE                         Info:
                                                                                                       BOSCOVICH, 12 – RIMINI
    11 – 12 SEPTEMBER 2021                            17 - 19 SEPTEMBER 2021                           MEDIOLANUM CUP RIMINI,                             21 - 28 SEPTEMBER 2021
    RIMINI SOUTH BEACH                                RIMINI, PARCO FELLINI                            PESARO, RIMINI                                     RIMINI, TEATRO DEGLI ATTI,
    UN MARE DI SPORT                                  GRAN PREMIO NUVOLARI                         A classic offshore race                                VIA CAIROLI 4
A weekend of open-air sports non-stop.            International regularity car race, now in its    Info:                                 VOCI DELL’ANIMA 2021
Many disciplines, music, events and               30th edition, reserved for vintage cars (built                                                          SOPRAVVISSUTI
wellness on the beach... along with               between 1919 and 1972). The vintage cars             20 – 22 SEPTEMBER 2021                         Theatre and ballet festival by the Teatro della
traditional sports on the 25 fields of the        from all over the world will be challenged in        RIMINI, PIAZZALE FELLINI                       Centena - APS Rimini in partnership with
equipped areas of the beach resorts, there        a 1000km route, through the most evocative           TRANSITALIA MARATHON                           ResExtensa Dance Company Bari
will be water sports exhibitions and all the      historical centre, and will stop in Rimini,      A unique non-competitive event in Europe:          Info:
beach “news”.                                     where they will parade in the historical         a tourist travelling event with rally-style
Info:                      centre and be showcased at Piazzale Fellini.     navigation formula. The route - crossing
                                                  On Saturday night, the cars will be parked       several regions - is aimed at promoting
22 SEPTEMBER 2021                                     28 SEPTEMBER –                                  1 - 2 - 3 OCTOBER 2021                      saucers, the Beach Ultimate World Cup (i.e.
    RIMINI, TEATRO GALLI                                  1 OCTOBER 2021                                  RIMINI, CINEMA FULGOR, TEATRO               beach Frisbee). Paganello is not just sports
    ANTICO/PRESENTE FESTIVAL DEL                          RIMINI FAIR                                     GALLI, CINETECA                             and competitions, but also music, good
    MONDO ANTICO                                          TECNA                                           LA SETTIMA ARTE                             food and gatherings with people from all
    CONFERENZA                                        International fair of surface industries        Rimini’s cinema fest is back, with the goal     over the world.
    DI MASSIMO RECALCATI                              technologies and supplies.                      of continuing to support and spread the         Info:
Massimo Recalcati - one of the most popular           Info:                         culture and values of the film industry and
therapists and writers in Italy - will be the guest                                                   the related activities. The Fest will be back       2 - 3 OCTOBER 2021
at the Autumn appointment of the traditional              29 SEPTEMBER –                              with a program of free events, screenings,          RIMINI, MEETING POINT AT THE
program of meetings, conferences and shows.               2 OCTOBER 2021                              masterclasses, training, meetings and the           PIAZZA SULL’ACQUA
Info:                         FIERA DI RIMINI                             “Cinema e Industria” awarding ceremony,             RIVER RUN AND FAMILY RIVER
                                                          SUPERFACES                                  to conclude the festival, assigned by the           BIKE
    24 – 26 SEPTEMBER 2021                            The new multi-industry surface fair, targeted   jury chaired by Pupi Avati. Like in the past    On 2 and 3 October, Rimini Marathon is back
    RIMINI FAIR                                       to architects, designers, developers,           edition, ample room will be devoted to the      with its own Autumn even, the ‘River Run’.
    RIMINI WELLNESS                                   engineers.                                      memory of Federico Fellini, his art and         This edition will feature two days of sports,
Fitness, wellness and sports on stage The             Info:                         his genius, in line with the continuation of    with the Expo at the Ponte di Tiberio. Before
greatest festival in the world dedicated to                                                           the celebration of the 100th anniversary        the run, on Saturday 2 October at 3:00 pm,
fitness, wellness, business, sports, physical             29 - 30 SEPTEMBER 2021                      of his birth, even in 2021. By Confindustria    there will be the first “Family River Bike”, a
culture and healthy diet goes back live. An               RIMINI, MISANO WORLD CIRCUIT                Romagna, Cinema Fulgor, University of           25 km bicycle tour open to everyone, with
event that includes all the leading companies             MARCO SIMONCELLI                            Bologna - Dipartimento Scienze per la           a safe trial on the Marecchia bike path,
in the wellness universe: from workout                    IBE DRIVING EXPERIENCE                      Qualità della Vita di Rimini, in partnership    reaching Santarcangelo di Romagna. Sunday
equipment manufacturers to gyms, schools              2nd edition of the Italian Exhibition Group     with the Town of Rimini and with the            3 October, at 9:30 am, the ‘River Run’ (Fidai
and associations, to experts of physical              format dedicated to the bus travel industry.    sponsorship of ANICA, MIBACT, Rimini            competition) will set off on a 15km distance,
training, passing through SPAs, physical              Two days of meetings and test drives for        Province, Emilia Romagna Region, SIAE,          on the same beautiful scenario of the
therapy sciences, dance and also tourism              private Bus Operators and long-distance         Visit Romagna.                                  Marecchia biking path.
and design. A festival full of events, which          local public transport operators. An            Info:                       Info and registration on: www.
will ensure business and training moments             innovative event and a unique chance to test                                           - Rimini Marathon
for industry professionals in the Pro.Fit area,       the latest models at the track.                     1 - 2 - 3 OCTOBER 2021                      Facebook page
and leisure occasions for the athlete and fan         Info:                   CLUB NAUTICO, PIAZZALE
community in the FUN area.                                                                                BOSCOVICH, 12 – RIMINI                          7 OCTOBER 2021
In 2021, the expert focuses by RiabiliTec, Pilâtes        OCTOBER 2021 - APRIL 2022                       4TH NATIONAL STAGE OF THE                       RIMINI, PALAZZO DELLO SPORT,
Juction, Riministeel and FoodWell Expo are                RIMINI, TEATRO GALLI E TEATRO                   O’PEN SKIFFERSAERO                              PIAZZALE PASOLINI 1/C
back.                                                     DEGLI ATTI                                  Final regattas for the Ranking List.                NEGROAMARO IN CONCERT
Info:                              THEATRE SEASON AT THE                       Info:                          The Negramaro start off from Rimini. An
                                                          TEATRO AMINTORE GALLI                                                                       occasion to listen to the Italian band that
    25 - 26 SEPTEMBER 2021                            TThe spotlights on the Rimini stages are            2 - 3 OCTOBER 2021                          will perform on the Rimini stage live with the
    CLUB NAUTICO, PIAZZALE                            back on, thanks to a program of classic and         RIMINI BEACH, ZONA PIAZZA A.                “Contatto Tour 2021”, which will take them
    BOSCOVICH, 12 – RIMINI                            contemporary titles, with the best artists in       MARVELLI                                    back throughout Italy.
    53° COPPA TAMBURINI –                             the Italian scene performing in the renewed         PAGANELLO                                   9:00 pm. Paid admission.
    IV REGATA NAZIONALE SNIPE                         Teatro Galli and Teatro degli Atti.             Exceptionally in Autumn, Rimini is once         Info:
Info:                                Info on the shows:           again stormed by the Paganello flying
13 – 15 OCTOBER 2021
                                                    Info: -
                                                                                Guided tours to
                                                                                                          discover Rimini
    SIA HOSPITALITY DESIGN –                            23 - 28 NOVEMBER 2021
TTG Travel Experience is the reference Italian          VARIOUS LOCATIONS
show for the promotion of global tourism in             AMARCORT FILM FESTIVAL
Italy and for marketing the Italian tourist offer   114the edition of the short film festival
in the world. It’s the only completely b2b          dedicated to Federico Fellini. A week of
industry fair in Italy, and it combines: TTG        appointments in various locations of the
Travel Experience, SIA Hospitality Design and       historical centre, with screenings of all the
SUN Beach&Outdoor Style - the open air,             finalist short films of the 8 sections. Special
camping and beach holidays fair in a single         cinema events with international guests.
show.                                               Time: every day from 10 am to 11:30 pm.
Info: - -              Info:                                                                                            EVERY LAST SATURDAY                            designed by Modena architect Luigi Potetti,
                                                        26 – 27 – 28 NOVEMBER 2021                        OF THE MONTH                                   and opened in 1857 by Giuseppe Verdi, is
    16 - 17 OCTOBER 2021                                RIMINI, PALAZZO DELLO SPORT,                      RIMINI – BIBLIOTECA                            intertwined with Rimini’s history and with
    MISANO WORLD CIRCUIT                                PIAZZALE PASOLINI 1/C                             GAMBALUNGA, VIA                                one of its most prestigious spaces, the city
    GRAND PRIXTRUCK                                     LE CIRQUE ALIS CHRISTMAS                          GAMBALUNGA 27                                  square, as well as with the events of World
The only Italian stage of this spectacular              GALA                                              MERAVIGLIOSA BIBLIOTECA:                       War II and the debate that followed the
truck championship.                                 The Alis revelation show, with the                    GUIDED TOUR TO THE ANCIENT                     Teatro’s renovations, renewed in 2018 “as
Info:           international stars of modern circus. An              HALLS                                          and where it was”.
prix-truck/                                         international Gran Gala of contemporary           An invitation to visit the ancient halls of the    Fee: € 5. Duration: 45 minutes.
                                                    circus excellence, a single 90 minute show        17th century Gambalunga Palace, which              Info and booking: +39 0541.793879
    26 – 29 OCTOBER 2021                            without breaks. The Alis show is presented        houses the most prestigious books and the
    RIMINI FAIR                                     by Le Cirque World’s Top Performers, a            precious furniture of the first civic library in
    ECOMONDO – KEY ENERGY                           project that interprets and promotes modern       Italy.                                                 ALL YEAR LONG
International energy recovery and                   circus without animals.                           Free guided tours: 10, 11:30 am. Limited               RIMINI, PIAZZA CAVOUR
sustainable development fair                        Time: 9:00 pm, Sunday 5:30 pm.                    admissions. Booking at +39 0541 704326                 GUIDED TOURS TO PART -
The two appointments go back live and will          Tickets on                       (from the 15th of every month, until capacity          RIMINI ART PALACES
spread on almost 130k square meters of the                                                            is reached). Optional paid guided visits, by       Guided tours to the discovery of the eclectic
trade fair district. They are articulated into          DECEMBER – 6 JANUARY                          calling + 39 0541 793851.                          contemporary art collection, donated by
a specific layout, to promote institutional             RIMINI                                        Info:                  artists, collectors and gallery owners to the
and business relationships. Waste and                   IL CAPODANNO PIÙ LUNGO                                                                           Fondazione San Patrignano, as well as the
resources, remediation and hygrogeological              DEL MONDO                                         ALL YEAR LONG                                  two temporary exhibits featured in Palazzo
risk, circular bioeconomy, water - these            An open air stage for a month of music,               RIMINI, TEATRO GALLI,                          del Podestà under the acronym [APARTE]:
are Ecomondo sectors. Renewable e                   art, shows, Christmas events and great                PIAZZA CAVOUR                                  Convivium (with artworks by Francesco
nergies, storage and distributed generation,        concerts, under the lights of the Christmas           GUIDED TOURS                                   Bocchini, Vittorio D'Augusta, Luca Giovagnoli,
efficiency and smart cites - are Key Energy         Tree.                                                 OF TEATRO GALLI                                Marco Neri, Nicola Samorì) and Magna Carta
fields.                                                                                               The history of the 19th century Teatro             (with recent works by Denis Riva)
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