THE WEEKLY BUZZ - Kimberly Area School District

Page created by Anthony Graves
THE WEEKLY BUZZ - Kimberly Area School District
                                                                  From Sunrise Elementary
                                                                       December 1, 2021

   •   12/3 2:00pm Elementary Release
   •   12/10 Vision Screening
   •   12/23-1/2 NO SCHOOL

SAVE THE DATE... Sunday, January 30th for a PTO sponsored scavenger hunt. More details and
times will be out closer to event time but hoping for a great turnout for a fun filled afternoon.

Please use the links below for KASD COVID Guidance.

Teens (grades 6-12) build Gingerbread Houses at Kimberly Public Library Dec. 7, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Learn to Skate with Valley Figure Skating Club
Building for Kids Children's Museum Explorer Camps after school and weekends

Cold weather is here. Please make sure your child has the appropriate cold-weather attire (coat,
hat, gloves). When snow arrives, students must wear snow pants and boots to play on the
playground or any other snow-covered area during recess. Students that do not have the
appropriate attire, will need to stay on the blacktop. Thank you for helping keep Sunrise
student’s warm and dry.

The lost and found is starting to accumulate. Please have your child check for any missing

Our spring concerts have been scheduled! More information will be coming after
the holidays.
 * 1st/ 2nd Grade: Tuesday, March 29th
 * 5K: Wednesday, March 30th
* 3rd/ 4th: Thursday, March 31st
THE WEEKLY BUZZ - Kimberly Area School District
November 2021

School Report Cards Released

As part of its assessment and accountability system, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
creates a School Report Card for every publicly funded school in the state. The Report Cards are intended
to help all schools and districts utilize data related to student achievement to monitor their performance
and target their improvement efforts. On its Report Card, a school receives a score on a scale of 0 to 100
and one of five ratings based on that score. The ratings range from Fails to Meet Expectations to
Significantly Exceeds Expectations. The school’s score and rating are primarily based on the school’s
performance on statewide assessments in the 201()-() school year.

Sunrise Elementary’s Report Card score was 89.9 and this gave the school a rating of Significantly
Exceeds Expectations. You can access Sunrise Elementary’s Report Card along with those for all of the
district’s schools and a District Report Card on the DPI’s website:

Report Card scores as well as other district performance reports can also be accessed from the Kimberly
Area School District’s website:

 On the actual Report Card, parents can review the specific student performance information that is used
to calculate the school’s overall score. Keep in mind that these Report Cards are just one source of
information about our school. Our staff will use the data from our Report Card as part of our continuous
improvement efforts during the current school year. If you have questions about the Report Card feel
free to contact me.


Sean Fitzgerald

Sunrise Elementary Principal
THE WEEKLY BUZZ - Kimberly Area School District

Winter is right around the corner. If weather
conditions dictate that there will be no school or a
delayed start, a decision to keep the schools closed is
usually made by 6:00 am. Parents with students in
school receive a direct call, text and/or email from
our auto-call system through Infinite Campus since
that is the fastest way to communicate with
thousands of parents at one time. As a reminder: If
you have a new phone number or email address, please update your information in the Infinite Campus parent
portal or contact your school’s secretary to update the portal. Announcements are also sent to local T.V. and radio
stations, please tune to local stations such as these rather than call the school directly: WAPL-105.7FM, WIXX-
101.1FM, WHBY-1150AM, WKFX-104.9FM, WEMI-91.9 FM, WTAQ-97.5FM/1360AM, WWWX-96.9FM and
WGEE-93.5FM; and WBAYTV2, WFRV-TV5, WGBA-TV26, and WLUK-FOX11. If other school events, such as
concerts or sporting events are also cancelled because of weather, they are typically communicated through these
stations as well. The District’s website and Facebook page are not our primary way to communicate school
THE WEEKLY BUZZ - Kimberly Area School District

When monitoring for COVID-19 symptoms, parents/guardians and
students should look for:

Major symptoms (Students should stay home and take a COVID-19
test if ONE symptom from this list is present): Fever (above 100.4),
cough (above baseline), new loss of taste/smell, trouble                                               They are sick
breathing/shortness of breath                                                                          They are diagnosed with
Minor symptoms (Students should stay home and take a COVID-19                                          They are being tested for
test if TWO symptoms from this list are present): Congestion/runny
nose (above baseline), chills, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, headache (above
baseline), body aches, unusual fatigue, sore throat (above baseline)

COVID protocols vary on a case-by-case basis, but are based on CDC/Wisconsin DHS guidelines. Generally
however, protocols will be:

       IF MY CHILD...                 AND IS...                   THEN HE/SHE/THEY SHOULD...

      Tests positive for COVID-19    Unvaccinated or vaccinated    Quarantine for 10 days from symptom onset or
                                                                   positive test result

      Has COVID-19 symptoms          Unvaccinated                  Stay home
                                                                   Take a COVID-19 test
                                                                   Stay home while awaiting test results
                                                                   Return to school with a negative result
                                                                   Begin 10 day quarantine with a positive result
                                                                   (or if do not test)

      Has COVID-19                   Vaccinated                    Follow typical illness protocol, stay home
      symptoms                                                     until 24 hours fever free
                                                                   COVID-19 test encouraged

      Is a close contact to a        Unvaccinated or               Remain in school and monitor
      positive case at school and    vaccinated                    for symptoms
      is masked

                                                                   Quarantine for 10 days after last close contact
      Is a close contact to a        Unvaccinated
                                                                   without testing, or
      positive case
                                                                   Quarantine 7 days after last close contact, with a
                                                                   negative test result collected on day 6 or 7
                                                                   (provide a copy of the test result to the school)

      Is a close contact to a        Vaccinated                    Remain in school and monitor for
      positive case                                                symptoms

      Is a close contact and         Unvaccinated or               Remain in school and monitor for
      had COVID-19 in last           vaccinated                    symptoms
      90 days

                                                                                                                        Updated 10/14/2021
THE WEEKLY BUZZ - Kimberly Area School District
All our Sunrise 4th graders, have worked together in Art
 class to paint a giant painting of Rudolf the Rednosed
Reindeer on The Holiday Card. They did a fantastic job!
     It will be displayed at Memorial Park starting on
 November 28th to decorate our town for the holidays!

Each school in our district has a Holiday Card and they
 will be lighting them up at the Christmas at the Pond
    event (details below). We hope you can make it!
More information about this event can be found on facebook. Just search Christmas at the Pond.

                                Memorial Park
                              218 E. Kimberly Ave.
                                     6 - 7 P.M.
THE WEEKLY BUZZ - Kimberly Area School District
       Instilling Perseverance in Children
        It's easy for a child to give up on a task that seems too difficult.
      However, encouraging your child to persevere to accomplish a task is
        a great way to build their self-confidence, as well as show how
           rewarding it can be to overcome difficulties and accomplish
                      something they thought they couldnt.

 Why Teaching Perseverance                              How to Teach Perseverance
       is Important                                          Children usually learn from their parents by
 If children are permitted to just give up on a task       watching and imitating their behavior. If their
      they think is too hard, they may eventually        parents give up on difficult tasks easily, children
develop a fear of trying to overcome obstacles in       will learn that behavior as well. However, if parents
    their lives or of trying new things. However, by     can model perseverance by continuing to make
being persistent when they're trying to learn a new     an effort to learn new skills, overcome difficulties,
subject in school or a new task, children will learn     and accomplish their goals. When their parents
    the value of hard work and how good it feels        are rewarded with a promotion and/or pay raise,
  when they accomplish something they consider                children will learn there can be reward for
                          difficult.                                    persevering on a task.

 Being persistent can also help children develop         Parents can also use language to help children
  self-confidence. When they do persevere and           make the connection between their hard work and
  accomplish something, children need to have              success. For instance, rather than just giving
 their perseverance reinforced with praise from          general praise, tell them that their practice has
  their teachers and parents. For small children,       paid off - that playing their instrument, their grade
 learning to tie their shoes can be difficult, but if     in math class, or their sports performance has
  they persevere, they'll master tying their shoes       gotten much better. Make the direct connection
  and move on to learn the next new skill. Praise             between their perseverance and their
children for their efforts and accomplishments to           accomplishments. Not only will they learn to
   help build their self-esteem and confidence.          persevere, but they can learn self-discipline as

                          • Adults need to model perseverance for children •
            • Praise children by connecting their accomplishments with their hard work •
• Teaching perseverance will help them build confidence, boost self-esteem, and learn self-discipline •
THE WEEKLY BUZZ - Kimberly Area School District
Join                                 FLEXIBLE &
 OUR TEAM!                             Earn extra income while
  Kimberly Area School District is     your child is at school.
     seeking support from our
community. Make a difference and       Turn your volunteer hours
 consider becoming a substitute        into a paid position.
      teacher or a substitute
       paraprofessional.               No prior teaching
                                       experience needed.
    APPLY NOW AT             Maintain a flexible work

                                       Help students succeed.
Are you in need of extra food on the weekend when school meals
                        are not available?

                         WE CAN HELP!

 We will provide you with a bag of basic, small meals & snacks (per
  child) that will be sent home on Fridays during the school year.

     There is no need to provide documentation to be eligible.
            Contact your child(ren)’s school counselor
       or the KASD School Social Worker, Katie DeLain at:
             423-4159 or
                                        PARENT CALENDAR
          September 2021                                           October 2021                                     November 2021
   M           T          W         TH             F        M       T         W    TH         F               M        T       W      TH          F
                          1          2             3                                          1               1        2       3       4          Q
 NS            7           8          9           10        4       5      HS        7      E2                 8       9       10    E2&C         12
  13          14          15         16           17        11     12         13    14       15             E2&C      16      MS MS AM
  20          21         22          23          AM         18     19         20    21       22               22      23      24      NS          NS
  27          28         29          30                     25     26         27    NS      NS                29      30

           December 2021                                           January 2022                                     February 2022
   M           T          W         TH            F         M       T         W    TH         F               M        T       W      TH          F
                          1          2            E2        3       4         5     6         7                        1       2       3          4
   6           7           8          9           10        10      11        12    13      E2                 7       8       9      NS          NS
  13          14          15         16           17        17     18         I      I     Q/AM               14      15      HS       17         E2
  20          21         22          NS          NS         24     25         26    27       28               21      22      23       24         25
 NS          NS          NS          NS          NS         31                                                28

               March 2022                                            April 2022                                         May 2022
   M           T          W         TH            F         M       T         W    TH       F                 M        T       W      TH          F
               1          2          3            E2                                        E2                2        3       4       5          6
    7          8           9        MS           AM         4       5         6      7        8                9      10       11      12        AM
  14          15          16          17          18        11     12         13    14      NS                16      17       18      19         20
  21          22         23          24           25       NS      NS         20    21       22               23      24      25       26         EN
   Q          29         30          31                     25     26         27    28       29              NS       31

                June 2022                                   NS    No School
                                                                  AM classes only (exception: No school for 4K) KHS dismissed at 11:31am, JRG &
   M           T   W TH                            F        AM    Intermediate dismissed at 11:20am, Elementary dismissed at 12:00pm
                   1    2                        DAY
                                                            E2    Elementary Early Release - Elementary dismissed at 2:00pm (Exception: 4K morning
                                                                  classes 8:45am - 10:45am, afternoon classes 11:45am - 1:45pm)

                                                            EN    Elementary Noon Release - All Elementary students dismissed at 12:00pm (exception:
                                                                  No school for 4K)

                                                            HS    High School Parent/Teacher Conferences - KHS students dismissed at 2:00pm

                                                                  Middle School Parent/Teacher Conferences - JRG students dismissed at 2:00pm
                                                            MS    except on November 18th - students will have a full day of school
                                                                  Intermediate School Parent/Teacher Conferences - Intermediate students dismissed at
                                                            I     2:00pm
*If needed, snow day make-up will be on Friday, June 3rd
                                                                  4K-4th Gr. Parent Techer Conferences; No school for 4K; Grades 5K-4th Grades
                                                           E2&C   dismissed at 2:00pm

                                                            Q     End of quarter
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