The Voter League of Women Voters of North & Central San Mateo County, California

Page created by Marie Hodges
The        Voter
                  League of Women Voters of North & Central San Mateo County, California
            The League of Women Voters is where hands-on work to safeguard democracy leads to civic improvement.
                                                                      January 2021

                                                              Program Planning Meeting
                                                              Tuesday, January 19, 2021
                                                                  Noon – 1:30 p.m.
                                                 It’s my pleasure to invite you to our annual program planning meeting. “Program”
                                                 consists of the body of issues we choose for study, education, and action at local,
                                                 state, and national levels. It takes the enthusiasm and interest of our members to
                                                 keep our program vital. You would never skip voting in an election; you shouldn’t
                                                 skip the League’s equivalent. Program planning is your voice!
  Program can include both education and advocacy work. The program planning process occurs every year. It is part of
  what makes the League a grassroots organization. This year, each League member has the opportunity to influence the
  selection of issues on which the local, county, and state Leagues will focus time, talent, and money.
  The program planning process is an opportunity to think strategically in collaboration with other League members about
  the work of the League. Together we will answer the following questions:
       Where is the need greatest?
       Where can the League be most effective?
       What activities best serve our mission and are they supported by our positions?
       What is the indirect impact of these choices, particularly on membership recruitment and retention, fundraising,
         and our reputation?
  Please prepare for this meeting by reviewing the LWV California positions as well as LWV North and Central San Mateo
  positions. You can find all of them on our website at
  If you have questions, send a message to Marie Baldisseri’s attention at or leave a message on
  the League phone, 650-342-5853.

  Register for this Zoom meeting at
Contents: President’s Message, p. 2— Board Highlights, p. 3 — Climate Change Community Meetings, p. 3 — Legislative Interviews, p. 4 — Mark Your
Calendars! p. Error! Bookmark not defined.

      The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government and
                                                 influences public policy through education and advocacy.
                                   Marie Baldisseri, President  Marie Baldisseri, Membership Chair  Ann Kuchins, Editor
              Office: 444 Peninsula Avenue, Suite 1, San Mateo CA 94401  Phone: 650-342-5853 Email:  Web site:
LWVN&CSMC                                                                                            January 2021

                                               President’s Message
                         January is an opportunity to make pledges for the coming year; a time for resolutions. One of my
                         2021 New Year resolutions is to celebrate by December 31, 2021 a 10% net increase of our
                         League’s membership and that our new members reflect the diversity of the communities our
                         League serves. However, my pledge cannot be achieved without you. Your help is critical for my
                         goal to be met. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if every member recruited one new member?

                         You may ask why, why has Marie set such a lofty membership goal? It’s because members are
                         the League; they are our lifeblood. Members give the League clout and visibility. They are the
                         source of our leadership. A growing, thriving membership means we can succeed in
                         accomplishing the goals we share at all levels of the League.

The following quote from a past LWVUS President says it well:

        …we can grow, if we are willing to bring to this problem the same commitment, the same high priority that we
        give the causes we pursue as part of our action campaigns. Until we seek new members, of both sexes, all races
        and all ages, with the same vigor and enthusiasm that we bring to our program, until we are willing to make the
        same sacrifices, until we are willing to spend the same kind of money, adopt the same innovative ideas, it won’t
        happen. Ruth C. Clusen, President, LWVUS

Share with your family and friends the many reasons to join the League of Women Voters; convey why you joined the
League. Tell them there are many motives, such as developing associations and friendships with others who share a
common interest; a desire to understand and influence government at all levels; a wish to be part of an organization
that is politically effective; as well as getting accurate factual information on key issues. Leagues with a reputation for
getting things done attract new members, and we get things done!

So, make a commitment to bring a guest to League meetings, share the Voter, introduce the League’s websites, and
show them the power of Voters Edge. Each tells the story of our work. And don’t forget the ask; ask them to join the

Lastly, my New Year’s wish for you:

                                              May the dawn of this New Year
                                              fill your heart with new hopes,
                                                 and bring for you promises
                                                    of brighter tomorrows.
                                              Have a wonderful year ahead.
                                                       Happy New Year!
                                                                                                     Marie Baldisseri, President

LWVN&CSMC                                                                                         January 2021

                                                Board Highlights
At the December board meeting, our board
         Made plans to improve the website using MyLO’s template in stages
         Considered a proposed series of county-wide climate change forums during 2021
         Discussed topics for next year’s general meetings
         Heard a postmortem report on the Pros & Cons for this past election cycle and was advised on the
           effectiveness of Zoom presentations and prerecorded video content
         Was updated on growing social media presence and on engagement stemming from the Wednesday Caucus
                                                                                                  Nicole Niederer, Secretary

                                Climate Change Community Meetings
                                             County League Day Kickoff
                                     Building Resiliency for a Changing Climate
                                       Thursday, February 4, 2021, 7:00 p.m.

The Leagues of San Mateo County are partnering with OneShoreLine: San Mateo County Flood and Sea Level Rise
Resiliency District to hold six community meetings, Building Resiliency for a Changing Climate, addressing the impact and
solutions of sea level rise and wildfires in the following geographic areas of San Mateo County:
         Kickoff: Countywide featuring Supervisor Dave Pine and Len Materman, CEO One Shoreline; Thursday
             February 4 at 7:00 p.m.
         Bayside: Redwood City from Whipple Avenue south including Menlo Park, and East Palo Alto
         Bayside: North county line to Burlingame
         Bayside: San Mateo to San Carlos, including Redwood Shores
         Coastside
         Entire county: Fire risk

The Leagues are excited to educate members and the community about upcoming public policy issues related to flood
protection alternatives, flood protection design options, financing flood protection options, and lowering fire risk. The
forums are set up geographically as each area in the county has its own unique challenges. The forums will also address
equity issues involved in planning and solutions.

OneShoreline will provide speakers and the Leagues will be responsible for outreach and for the production and
organization of the forums. League members will work with interested groups to identify their concerns and questions.
Our North and Central San Mateo County League will take the lead on the north, central, and coastal forums.

About One Shoreline The San Mateo County Flood and Sea Level Rise Resiliency District, also known as OneShoreline, is
an independent government agency that works across jurisdictional boundaries to secure and leverage public and
private resources for the long-term resilience of our region. We plan and build solutions to the climate change impacts

LWVN&CSMC                                                                                           January 2021

of sea-level rise, flooding, and coastal erosion, and enhance the environment, recreational opportunities, and quality of
life within communities throughout the county.

How to Get Involved in the Climate Change Community Meetings

                   The North and Central San Mateo League will hold an organizational meeting on January 11 at 4:00
                   p.m. We would like to have one lead for each of our geographic areas and as many other people as
                   possible to assist in the planning and outreach for our three community meetings. This is a great
                   opportunity to work with some of our elected officials and other interested parties in bringing them
                   together to tackle some of the biggest challenges to our county. To join the meeting,

                                                                                                                   Ann Kuchins
                                              Legislative Interviews
Each year, the Leagues meet with their state elected officials to discuss their priorities and future plans. The League of
Women Voters of California (LWVC) creates four or five questions on different issues for the legislators. In addition, the
LWVC provides detailed background information to prepare the interviewers. The local League summarizes the
responses of the legislators and sends the summary to the LWVC. The LWVC uses this information when working with
legislators on bills or when lobbying legislators on bills.

In 2021, the League will highlight the following issues:
     Land use and climate change
     Housing, homelessness, zoning, and affordability
     Equitable recovery from COVID-19

                                            Interview Your Legislator!

This is a wonderful opportunity to meet with San Mateo County’s legislators and get to know them in a smaller setting.
Usually we meet at the legislator’s office but in 2021 we will be meeting them on Zoom. Because the legislative districts
cross League boundaries, we work with the San Francisco, South San Mateo County, and Palo Alto Leagues to set up and
conduct interviews. The interviews for 2021 are as follows:
          Assemblymember Kevin Mullin: Friday, January 29 at 10:00 a.m.
          Senator Scott Weiner: Friday, January 21 at 3:00 p.m.
          Assemblymember Phil Ting: TBA
          Senator Josh Beck: TBA
          Assemblymember Marc Berman TBA

If you are interested in attending one or more of these interviews, send a message to Marie Baldisseri’s attention at or leave a message on the League office phone, 650-342-5853.

You do not need to live in the legislator’s district. If you sign up for a TBA interview, you can always cancel if you cannot
attend at the arranged time. The interviews are no longer than an hour and often are 30 minutes. We hope to see some
new faces in addition to those of you with experience.
                                                                                                                   Ann Kuchins

LWVN&CSMC                                                                                                    January 2021


                                                  Mark Your Calendars!
        Date                                                             Topic
January 2021
     Wed 1/6            Board Meeting
  4:00 – 6:00 p.m.      All members welcome!
                        Zoom link:
       Mon 1/11         Committee Meeting for Climate Change Community Meetings
    4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
       Tues 1/19        Program Planning – Mark your calendar!
    Noon-1:30 p.m.      Zoom link:
    Wed 1/27            The Wednesday Morning Caucus. Zoom link:
    10:00 a.m.
February 2021
     Wed 2/3            LWVNCSMC Board Meeting
   4pm-6 p.m.           Zoom link:
     Thurs 2/4          County League Day – Save the date!
     7:00 p.m.
    Tues 2/16           General Meeting – Childcare Crisis
12 Noon-1:30 p.m.
    Wed 2/24            The Wednesday Morning Caucus. Zoom link:
 10:00-11:00 a.m.

Please note: In compliance with San Mateo County’s COVID-19 guidelines, all general meetings will be hosted on Zoom,
a teleconferencing tool that enables you to watch and/or call from your computer or phone to participate. This tool is

                                                JOIN THE LEAGUE!
           Where members like you are taking advantage of leadership opportunities and making an impact.
City                             Zip Code
Phone Number (daytime)
E-mail address
Amount enclosed $ __________________________________
       ($75 one member; $115 two members, same household; $40 each additional member, same household. Dues are tax deductible.)
                         Mail to: LWVNCSMC 444 Peninsula Avenue, Suite 1, San Mateo, CA 94401

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