The Venetian Warships of Lake Garda. News of the Benacus Project: What If Fresh Water Is No Longer Protective?

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The Venetian Warships of Lake Garda. News of the Benacus Project: What If Fresh Water Is No Longer Protective?

The Venetian Warships of Lake Garda. News of the Benacus
Project: What If Fresh Water Is No Longer Protective?
Massimo Capulli

                                         Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage, University of Udine, Vicolo Florio 2/b, 33100 Udine, Italy;

                                         Abstract: With the French at the door, on May 31st of 1509, the Head of the Venetian Garda fleet
                                         received the order to burn and sink the ships and come back to Venice: the war on the lake was
                                         temporarily lost. The small fleet, whose base was at Lazise, was formed by one light galley and
                                         two fustas, so the commandant sunk the galley and one fusta in front of the town and went with
                                         the third ship to the northern lake to take a safe trip to Venice on horseback. One shipwreck was
                                         discovered in 1960 and was studied in several campaigns, but it was not clear if it was a small galley
                                         or a large fusta. New research was started in 2018 with BENĀCUS, a project of the Department of
                                         Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the University of Udine, in a joint venture with the Trieste and
                                         Firenze Universities, and under the Superintendency for the Archaeology, Arts and Landscape of
                                         the provinces of Verona, Vicenza and Rovigo. The aim of this project was an historical research and
                                         geophysical survey to map the underwater cultural heritage (UCH) of Garda Lake.

                                         Keywords: underwater archaeology; shipwreck; conservation; galley; zebra mussel

                                         1. Introduction
                                              The Benacus project was born from the agreement with the Superintendence of Verona
                                         and in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics and Geosciences of the University
                                         of Trieste, and the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Florence. The
                                         project focuses on the research and the mapping of the submerged cultural heritage of Lake
Citation: Capulli, M. The Venetian
Warships of Lake Garda. News of the
                                         Garda (Figure 1) using an interdisciplinary method that can be summarized as follows:
Benacus Project: What If Fresh Water
                                         collection and analysis of historical and archival sources, combing of the unpublished
Is No Longer Protective? Heritage        archaeological material available at the offices of the Superintendence, organization of
2023, 6, 1594–1604.     remote sensing campaigns, and ground truthing of anomalies.
10.3390/heritage6020085                       The area selected for a first experimentation (object of the present contribution) sits
                                         across the line that divides the lake between the communes of Lazise and Garda, where
Academic Editor: Deborah Cvikel
                                         the so-called Galea lies. We are using the known position of the Galea as a starting point
Received: 20 December 2022               for the calibration of the instruments, and we believe that the second shipwreck, not yet
Revised: 28 January 2023                 identified, should lie in the same part of the lake.
Accepted: 30 January 2023
Published: 2 February 2023

Copyright:   © 2023 by the author.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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distributed under the terms and
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Attribution (CC BY) license (https://

Heritage 2023, 6, 1594–1604.                              
The Venetian Warships of Lake Garda. News of the Benacus Project: What If Fresh Water Is No Longer Protective?
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 Heritage2023,                                                                                                                                                   15952

                                 Figure       General  geographic
                                                    geographic     framework
                                                               framework       (created
                                                                         (created       by Massimo
                                                                                  by Massimo          Capulli; background
                                                                                             Capulli; background          Image
                                                                                                                 Image ©Google).
                                  © Google).
                                 2. Historical Background
                                  2. Historical Background
                                        The Serenissima Republic of Venice made use of its maritime ability also for the
                                         The Serenissima Republic of Venice made use of its maritime ability also for the con-
                                 conquest and the maintenance of the “Dominio di Terraferma” [1,2], with a capillary
                                  quest           the maintenance
                                            of rivers     and lakes. of the “Dominio di Terraferma” [1,2], with a capillary control
                                  of rivers    and    lakes.
                                        The regions of northern Italy are in fact crossed by many waterways, which are often
                                 wide Theand regions        of northern
                                                almost always                Italy are inand
                                                                       slow-moving,           factfor
                                                                                                        these by    manyallowed
                                                                                                                reasons       waterways,   Venicewhich     are often
                                                                                                                                                      to make      the
                                 best use of the knowledge and technology that were most peculiar to it: that is to bring the
                                  wide    and    almost     always      slow-moving,         and   for   these   reasons      allowed       Venice     to  make      as
                                  best use
                                 close        of the knowledge
                                         as possible                      and technology
                                                           to the battlefields       the navalthat unitswerethatmost
                                                                                                                  had peculiar         to it: thatitistotoestablish
                                                                                                                         already allowed                    bring as
                                 its      as possible
                                      dominance         onto the the  battlefields
                                                                   seas.  The usethe        naval units
                                                                                       of properly           that hadriver
                                                                                                          equipped        alreadyfleets allowed
                                                                                                                                           gave way it totoestablish
                                                                                                                                                              a new
                                 approach to land wars; this meant not only a faster movement of men and means, but aalso
                                  its dominance         on    the   seas.  The    use   of  properly      equipped      river     fleets    gave   way     to     new a
                                 new             to land
                                        flexibility         wars;[3].
                                                       of attack      thisAlong
                                                                           meantthe  notcourse
                                                                                           only aof faster    movement
                                                                                                       the rivers,             of mendefensive
                                                                                                                      real natural         and means,        but also
                                  a new
                                 the        flexibilitycould
                                      Serenissima           of attack
                                                                   move[3].its Along     the course
                                                                                naval units     with greatof the  rivers, real
                                                                                                               freedom               natural defensive
                                                                                                                             and rapidity,       equippedstruc-  with
                                  tures,    the    Serenissima         could     move     its   naval     units   with
                                 artillery more or less heavy depending on the type of boats used. This is the case of Lakegreat     freedom        and    rapidity,
                                 Garda,     the with
                                                  largest artillery
                                                              lake inmore
                                                                        Italy,or   less heavy
                                                                                where     a fleet depending
                                                                                                    was set up to   onguard
                                                                                                                         the type   theof    boats used.
                                                                                                                                          Venetian            ThisItsis
                                  the   case   of   Lake    Garda,      the   largest    lake   in  Italy,   where
                                 presence was also guaranteed by resorting to an amazing feat, which was called galeas a  fleet    was    set   up   to   guard     the
                                 per   montes.  waters. Its presence was also guaranteed by resorting to an amazing feat, which
                                  was Thecalled    galeasofper
                                              episode           themontes.
                                                                     transport of a Venetian fleet through the mountains is to be ascribed
                                 to theThewarepisode
                                                 betweenofthe     theRepublic
                                                                       transportofofVenicea Venetian
                                                                                                 and the   fleet  through
                                                                                                              Duchy     of Milanthe mountains
                                                                                                                                        (1426–1454isAD).   to beThe as-
                                  cribed to
                                 conflict    wasthetriggered
                                                     war between         theVenetians
                                                                    by the     Republic of   whoVenice
                                                                                                    wanted and totheconsolidate
                                                                                                                      Duchy of Milan    their (1426–1454
                                                                                                                                                power overAD).     the
                                  The conflict
                                 Lombard            was triggered
                                                 possessions,        when bythey
                                                                               the Venetians
                                                                                      waged a who           wantedwar
                                                                                                    preventive         to consolidate
                                                                                                                             against thetheir   Dukepower         over
                                                                                                                                                          of Milan,
                                  the Lombard
                                 Filippo     Visconti. possessions,
                                                           Venice hired   when     theycaptain
                                                                               a great    waged aofpreventive
                                                                                                         fortune named  war against
                                                                                                                                Nicolò the       Duke of
                                                                                                                                            Piccinino      [4],Milan,
                                 was          Visconti.
                                       victorious      in aVenice      hired
                                                               series of        a great
                                                                          clashes          captain
                                                                                      in the   landsof offortune
                                                                                                                       but above Nicolò       Piccinino
                                                                                                                                        all, was    also a[4],    who
                                  was victorious
                                 diplomat,       and thusin a series    of clashes
                                                                 succeeded             in the lands
                                                                                in detaching       from  of Venice
                                                                                                            Brescia,his butprecious
                                                                                                                              above all,      was alsoally
                                                                                                                                            Mantuan        a skillful
                                  diplomat, the   andsouthern         part of the
                                                         thus succeeded              lake [5]. from Venice his precious Mantuan ally who
                                                                                 in detaching
                                        The city
                                  controlled      theofsouthern
                                                          Brescia, partwhich of had     always
                                                                                 the lake    [5]. been faithful to the Serenissima, found itself
                                 besiegedThe city of Brescia, which had alwaysand
                                               by   Milanese       troops,    without      men     been provisions.
                                                                                                            faithful toThe  thesituation
                                                                                                                                  Serenissima,  did notfoundseem     to
                                  besiegedany byhope     in sight,troops,
                                                     Milanese         as the without
                                                                               connections  menwith
                                                                                                  and Venice       were The
                                                                                                          provisions.      precluded,
                                                                                                                                  situation   both
                                                                                                                                                didfor notthe  plain
                                                                                                                                                             seem     to
                                  leaveforanymosthopeof inthesight,
                                                                 lake as
                                                                       of the
                                                                          Garda,     which were
                                                                                connections      withnow       in the
                                                                                                          Venice   were  hands       of Piccinino.
                                                                                                                            precluded,         both forHowever,
                                                                                                                                                           the plain
                                  and forwasmoststill aofroute    that of
                                                           the lake     remained
                                                                           Garda, possible,
                                                                                       which were  an alternative
                                                                                                          now in theroute hands  known       for a longHowever,
                                                                                                                                      of Piccinino.         time [6],
                                  there wasfromstill
                                                        a routeallowed     one to reach
                                                                    that remained            the portanofalternative
                                                                                          possible,          Ponale in the   routenorthknownof thefor
                                                                                                                                                    lake   through
                                                                                                                                                        a long    time
                                 the   Val   Sabbia     and     the  Valle   di  Ledro.     In  order     to connect     Ponale
                                  [6], which from Brescia allowed one to reach the port of Ponale in the north of the lake             to  the  Veronese       shore
                                 of  the lake,
                                  through      thewhich
                                                    Val Sabbiawas under
                                                                      and the  Venetian
                                                                                  Valle dicontrol,
                                                                                             Ledro. In   it was
                                                                                                                    to connect     toPonale
                                                                                                                                       stationto  ships    on Lake
                                                                                                                                                     the Veronese
                                 Garda.     As   the   enemy       controlled     the   southern     part   of the   lake,
                                  shore of the lake, which was under Venetian control, it was necessary to station ships on   where      there   is the   emissary
                                          Garda. itAstothe   the enemy
                                                                   sea, in December
                                                                             controlled1438        the Venetian
                                                                                             the southern        partSenate
                                                                                                                        of thedecided
                                                                                                                                    lake, whereto send     a fleet
                                                                                                                                                       there         to
                                                                                                                                                                is the
The Venetian Warships of Lake Garda. News of the Benacus Project: What If Fresh Water Is No Longer Protective?
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Heritage 2023, 6                                                                                                                                           1596
                                 emissary that connects it to the sea, in December 1438 the Venetian Senate decided to send
                                 a fleet to Garda through the mountains [7]. This prodigious feat was also recorded in a
                                 map, called
                                Garda    through thethe
                                                           mountainsmap, [7].
                                                                            made     between
                                                                                  This   prodigious1463 and
                                                                                                          feat 1467
                                                                                                                was alsoon parchment
                                                                                                                              recorded in   and    has an
                                                                                                                                               a map,       area
                                 of almost    seven    square     meters      [8].
                                the Almagià map, made between 1463 and 1467 on parchment and has an area of almost
                                        square meters to most [8]. sources, the fleet was composed of two light galleys, three fustas
                                 and According
                                       twenty-fivetocopani         ([9], pp. the
                                                          most sources,         12–15);
                                                                                     fleetthewasfleet   arrived of
                                                                                                    composed         at two
                                                                                                                        the mouth       of the river
                                                                                                                              light galleys,     three Adige,
                                and       went up until
                                      twenty-five      copani   beyond     Verona,
                                                                   [9], (pp.    12–15);and theusing     logs andatnumerous
                                                                                                 fleet arrived          the mouthoxen,  of theitriver
                                                                                                                                                  crossed     the
                                 pass atwent
                                which      Moriup until   it reached
                                                      until    beyondTorbole
                                                                           Verona,and   andthenusingthelogs
                                                                                                               (Figure      2). The incredible
                                                                                                                      numerous                      operation
                                                                                                                                     oxen, it crossed        the
                                 of the
                                pass   at Serenissima
                                          Mori until it succeeded
                                                            reached Torbole  in its and
                                                                                           then andtheBrescia      was rescued.
                                                                                                        lake (Figure                  The following
                                                                                                                           2). The incredible              year,
                                 however,     the  Venetian       fleet  was    destroyed       by   that  of  Piccinino.
                                of the Serenissima succeeded in its intent, and Brescia was rescued. The following year,      A   second    fleet  was    there-
                                 fore prepared,
                                however,             but notfleet
                                             the Venetian         sentwasfrom     Venice by
                                                                              destroyed       because
                                                                                                 that ofthe     enterprise
                                                                                                           Piccinino.           through
                                                                                                                           A second     fleetthe
                                 although but
                                prepared,     successful,
                                                   not sent was fromvery
                                                                       Venice  challenging
                                                                                  because theand        expensive.
                                                                                                    enterprise            It was
                                                                                                                    through     thethus    decidedalthough
                                                                                                                                     mountains,         to send
                                 pieces, made
                                successful,    wasonverythe challenging
                                                               model of a light         galley designed
                                                                                and expensive.         It was by thus master
                                                                                                                         decided Nicolò
                                                                                                                                    to sendPalopano,      to the
                                                                                                                                               pieces, made
                                on  thewhere
                                         model  they
                                                   of awould      be assembled
                                                         light galley     designed    byby Giorgio
                                                                                                           Giovanni       [10,11].toThis
                                                                                                                    Palopano,         the second
                                                                                                                                           lake where fleetthey
                                would     be assembled
                                 more fortunate       than by  theGiorgio      di Giovanni
                                                                    one transported               [10,11].
                                                                                             through      theThis    second fleet
                                                                                                               mountains.            was thwarted
                                                                                                                                 Having     more fortunatean at-
                                 tempt thetoone   transported
                                              destroy     it when   through
                                                                       it was the  stillmountains.       Having thwarted
                                                                                          under construction            [12], thisansecond
                                                                                                                                                   to destroy
                                   when theit was   still under
                                                Milanese       armyconstruction
                                                                       and won. Despite  [12], this    second
                                                                                                   these           fleet fought
                                                                                                           victorious               against the
                                                                                                                           achievements,        the Milanese
                                                                                                                                                    life of the
                                 second and   won.
                                           fleet  was Despite
                                                        almost as   these
                                                                       short. victorious      achievements,
                                                                                 In fact, following        the famousthe life    of the
                                                                                                                             peace       second
                                                                                                                                     of Lodi        fleetAD)
                                                                                                                                                 (1454     wasit
                                 was laid as to
                                                 rest In
                                                       in fact,   following
                                                           the arsenal           the famous
                                                                             of Lazise.     Some   peace   of Lodi
                                                                                                      scholars     have(1454    AD) that
                                                                                                                           argued     it wasthelaid  to rest
                                                                                                                                                  ships   basedin
                                the  arsenaland
                                 at Lazise     of Lazise.
                                                    sunk during Some thescholars     havewar
                                                                               Cambrai        argued     that the
                                                                                                   belonged       to ships    based
                                                                                                                      the first,       at Lazise
                                                                                                                                   older            and sunk
                                                                                                                                           fleet [13,14],    alt-
                                 hough thethisCambrai
                                                hypothesis   warseems
                                                                           unlikelyto theto first,  older fleet
                                                                                             us because             [13,14],that
                                                                                                             it implies        although     this hypothesis
                                                                                                                                   these vessels     lasted 70
                                 years.  unlikely    to  us   because     it  implies    that   these   vessels     lasted   70   years.

                                Figure 2.2. Route
                                Figure      Route of
                                                  of the
                                                      the ships
                                                          ships from
                                                                 from Venice
                                                                                       Garda: the
                                                                                               the line
                                                                                                    line through
                                                                                                          through the
                                                                                                                   the Adige
                                                                                                                       Adige River
                                                                                                                             River and
                                                                                                                                   and the
                                points   the  passage   through    the mountains   (created by   Massimo      Capulli;  background
                                points the passage through the mountains (created by Massimo Capulli; background Image ©Google).     Image
                                © Google).
                                      Since the birth of the “Dominio di Terraferma”, at the beginning of the 14th century,
                                      Since thehad
                                the Venetians    birth of the
                                                     kept      “Dominio
                                                           a strategy      di Terraferma”,
                                                                      in foreign    policy aimedat the
                                                                                                     at beginning     of the 14th
                                                                                                        breaking adversary          century,
                                 the Venetians
                                but             had kept
                                     this mechanism     wasa strategy  in foreign
                                                              broken when           policy aimed at breaking
                                                                               the representatives                  adversary
                                                                                                        of the Emperor            coalitions,
                                                                                                                             Maximilian       I
                                of   this mechanism
                                   Hapsburg,            wasofbroken
                                                Louis XII      Francewhen     the representatives
                                                                        and Ferdinand      the Catholicof the  Emperor
                                                                                                            King           Maximilian
                                                                                                                    of Aragon    signed Ian  of
                                 Hapsburg, treaty
                                anti-Venice  Louis on
                                                            France and   Ferdinand
                                                                       1508,           the Catholic
                                                                              in Cambrai,              King in
                                                                                             a small town     of the
                                                                                                                      northsigned    an anti-
                                                                                                                             of France   [15].
                                           23 March
                                                on 101509,   the League
                                                       December     1508, was    completed
                                                                           in Cambrai,        with town
                                                                                           a small   the accession     of Pope
                                                                                                            in the north         Julius [15].
                                                                                                                            of France    II.
                                 Later,     onMarch
                                        on 23   the lake,  the
                                                       1509,  theVenetians
                                                                  League was prepared    for the
                                                                                  completed    withwarthethat   now seemed
                                                                                                           accession    of Popeimminent.
                                                                                                                                  Julius II.
                                      Evena Captain   elected
                                             on the lake,   the by the Council
                                                                 Venetians         of Verona
                                                                             prepared           commanded
                                                                                          for the   war that now the Garda
                                                                                                                       seemedfleet,   but in
                                this particular
                                 Usually,        case, elected
                                           a Captain   circumstances     the Senate
                                                                 by the Council       of the Serenissima
                                                                                   of Verona     commanded      had
                                                                                                                  thethis  prerogative,
                                                                                                                       Garda   fleet, butso  in
                                on  21 April  1509  Zaccaria   Loredan    was   elected  to this  position    [16], (p.  113).
                                 this particular case, circumstances the Senate of the Serenissima had this prerogative, so    A   Venetian
                                patrician  of proven
                                 on 21 April           experience,
                                              1509 Zaccaria          having
                                                               Loredan   was already
                                                                               elected tobeen
                                                                                                  position of([16],
                                                                                                              bastardpp.galleys,   Loredan
                                                                                                                          113). A Venetian
                                was ordered to go to Garda, together with some sailors and crossbowmen, to rearrange
                                the ships in the arsenal of Lazise and prepare for combat. However, following the defeat
The Venetian Warships of Lake Garda. News of the Benacus Project: What If Fresh Water Is No Longer Protective?
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Heritage 2023, 6                 patrician of proven experience, having already been captain of bastard galleys, Loredan              1597
                                 was ordered to go to Garda, together with some sailors and crossbowmen, to rearrange
                                 the ships in the arsenal of Lazise and prepare for combat. However, following the defeat
                                 suffered by
                                suffered    by the
                                                the Venetians
                                                     Venetiansat  atAgnadello
                                                                     Agnadello on on 14
                                                                                                1509, the
                                                                                                       the French
                                                                                                            French militia
                                                                                                                    militia of
                                                                                                                             of Louis
                                                                                                                                Louis XII
                                 swept  into  the  mainland   without    almost   any  resistance,  so much   so that the
                                swept into the mainland without almost any resistance, so much so that the Venetian SenateVenetian   Sen-
                                 ate ordered
                                ordered         its Captain
                                          its Captain        of Garda
                                                         of the  the Garda   forces
                                                                         forces      to burn
                                                                                 to burn       the galley
                                                                                          the galley   andand   the fustas
                                                                                                            the fustas      (a small
                                                                                                                       (a small       nar-
                                 row galley),
                                galley),        and return
                                         and return          to their
                                                        to their  landslands
                                                                         [16],([16], pp. 316).
                                                                               (p. 316).       So,
                                                                                          So, in   in order
                                                                                                 order   not not to surrender
                                                                                                             to surrender   the the ships
                                                                                                                                 ships  to
                                 to the
                                the     enemy,
                                     enemy,   on 31onMay
                                                      31 May
                                                           1509,1509,  a few
                                                                   a few      hundred
                                                                          hundred        meters
                                                                                     meters  away away
                                                                                                     fromfrom  the port
                                                                                                           the port      of Lazise,
                                                                                                                    of Lazise,       Zac-
                                 caria Loredan
                                Loredan    carriedcarried
                                                     out theout the of
                                                             order    order
                                                                        the of  the Senate
                                                                            Senate          andthem.
                                                                                     and sank    sank them.

                                 3. The
                                    The Shipwreck
                                           Shipwreck of   of Lazise
                                             presenceof   ofthe
                                                             the Venetian
                                                                                                      remainedalive aliveamong
                                                                                                                          amongthe  theinhabitants
                                 of Lazise
                                     Lazise andand especially
                                                     especially among
                                                                   among the the fishermen,
                                                                                  fishermen, who  who sometimes
                                                                                                         sometimes found
                                                                                                                       found pieces
                                                                                                                                pieces of
                                                                                                                                        of wood
                                                                                                                                            wood inin
                                their  nets   [17].  After  a fortuitous    sighting    in 1958   by  a diver   who   was  looking
                                 their nets [17]. After a fortuitous sighting in 1958 by a diver who was looking for a missing        for a missing
                                 person,the theofficial
                                                           discoveryofofa shipwreck
                                                                             a shipwreck   took   place
                                                                                               took  placein in
                                                                                                                     summer of 1962,  when
                                                                                                                                of 1962,     Enrico
                                                                                                                                          when   En-
                                Scandurra,       a volunteer    working      with   the  Museum       of  Natural   History
                                 rico Scandurra, a volunteer working with the Museum of Natural History of Verona, spot-       of Verona,   spotted
                                 tedStarting     in the
                                      it. Starting    in same
                                                         the sameyearyearhe conducted
                                                                             he conducted   some    excavation
                                                                                                 some    excavationcampaigns
                                                                                                                       campaigns  which   ended
                                                                                                                                      which       in
                                1968   [18].[18].
                                 in 1968      These    werewere
                                                   These      followed     by four
                                                                    followed     by other     campaigns
                                                                                      four other             on theon
                                                                                                     campaigns       same
                                                                                                                        theshipwreck      on behalf
                                                                                                                             same shipwreck       on
                                of  the Italian
                                 behalf             Ministry
                                           of the Italian        of Cultural
                                                             Ministry           Heritage:
                                                                          of Cultural           in 1990
                                                                                         Heritage:     in [19],
                                                                                                           1990 1996    [20], [20],
                                                                                                                 [19], 1996   1998 1998
                                                                                                                                     and and
                                (pp.  37–60).
                                 ([9], pp. 37–60).
                                       Therefore, only only one
                                                              one ofof the
                                                                        the ships
                                                                             ships was
                                                                                     was excavated
                                                                                           excavated and  and identified
                                                                                                                identified asas the
                                                                                                                                the “galley.”
                                                                                                                                      “galley.” The
                                 wreck lies at a depth between 24 and 27 m, on a muddy seabed, about 500 m
                                          lies  at a depth    between      24  and   27  m,   on  a  muddy      seabed,   about   500   m from
                                                                                                                                           from the
                                 modernport  portofofLazise
                                                                (Figure3). 3).

                                Figure     Thearea
                                                area  of the
                                                   of the     shipwreck
                                                          shipwreck      of Lazise
                                                                    of Lazise        (created
                                                                              (created        by Massimo
                                                                                       by Massimo          Capulli; background
                                                                                                  Capulli; background          Image
                                                                                                                      Image ©Google).
                                © Google).
                                      The hull, which has been preserved for a total length of just under 30 m and a max-
                                imumThe     hull,ofwhich
                                         width      threehas
                                                           andbeen  preserved
                                                                 a half  meters,for  liesa total
                                                                                           in a length
                                                                                                           just under  30 m and
                                                                                                                   position  dueato maxi-
                                 mum width ofofthree
                                conformation              and a half
                                                    the seabed,   whichmeters,    lies insloping.
                                                                           is slightly     a doubly   inclined
                                                                                                   Several      position elements
                                                                                                            constituent  due to the ofcon-
                                vessel       of the seabed,
                                        are preserved:    thewhich    is slightly
                                                              keel, the   frames,sloping.      Several
                                                                                      the keelson,   theconstituent
                                                                                                         mast step elements
                                                                                                                     (Figure 4)ofand
                                                                                                                                  the one
                                bilge  stringer
                                 sel are        [9], (pp.
                                         preserved:   the 99–117).
                                                           keel, the frames, the keelson, the mast step (Figure 4) and one bilge
                                 stringer ([9], pp. 99–117).
The Venetian Warships of Lake Garda. News of the Benacus Project: What If Fresh Water Is No Longer Protective?
Heritage 2023,
  Heritage     6, FOR
           2023,  6   PEER REVIEW                                                                                                             5

                                    Figure  4. 4.
                                       Figure  The  hull
                                                  The hullofofthe
                                                                   shipwreck of
                                                                             of Lazise (created
                                                                                                    Massimo Capulli;
                                                                                                           Capulli;   background
                                                                                                                    background    Image
                                                                                                                               Image      [9],35).
                                                                                                                                     [9], p.
                                    p. 35).
The Venetian Warships of Lake Garda. News of the Benacus Project: What If Fresh Water Is No Longer Protective?
, FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                                                                    6

       Heritage 2023, 6   The latest research of 2003 has allowed the identification of the master frame, which                               1599
                     is fourteen meters and seventy-two centimeters from the bow and fourteen meters and
                     seventy-six centimeters from the stern, placing the center of gravity in the middle of the
                     length of the ship. This Themeans
                                                   latest research
                                                           that theof   2003
                                                                      hull    hasbuilt
                                                                            was    allowed   the identification
                                                                                        following                  of the master cri-
                                                                                                      the fifteenth-century         frame, which
                                        is fourteen   meters   and   seventy-two    centimeters    from   the
                     teria [21], because only from the following century was the center of gravity moved to-   bow    and  fourteen   meters and
                                        seventy-six centimeters from the stern, placing the center of gravity in the middle of the
                     wards the bow, probably to compensate for the weight of the rembata. This was a sort of
                                        length of the ship. This means that the hull was built following the fifteenth-century
                     platform, transverse to the axis of the ship, on which the heavy artillery was placed. On
                                        criteria [21], because only from the following century was the center of gravity moved
                     the other hand, according
                                        towards thetobow,ourprobably
                                                              studies,tothere    are stillfor
                                                                            compensate      doubts    about
                                                                                              the weight    of the  type of ship
                                                                                                               the rembata.          of a sort of
                                                                                                                               This was
                     this hull. As mentioned
                                        platform,above,      on to
                                                    transverse  thethesame    day
                                                                        axis of thethe  Venetians
                                                                                    ship,  on which thesank   the artillery
                                                                                                           heavy    two shipswas near
                                                                                                                                  placed. On the
                     Lazise, a galley and   a fusta,   they  sailed   on the  second   fusta    to a point   further
                                        other hand, according to our studies, there are still doubts about the type     north   where
                                                                                                                                   of ship of this
                     they could disembark      and
                                        hull. As     return toabove,
                                                  mentioned      Venice on on
                                                                                same day the ([16],  pp. 333–334).
                                                                                                 Venetians   sank the two ships near Lazise, a
                          Of the shipsgalley
                                         sunk and    a fusta, only
                                                in Lazise,    they sailed
                                                                     one hason the second
                                                                                been        fusta to aand
                                                                                      discovered        point  further northuncriti-
                                                                                                            immediately        where they could
                                        disembark     and  return  to Venice   on horseback    [16], (pp.
                     cally believed to be the medieval galley. Comparing the measurements of the shipwreck 333–334).
                                              Of the ships sunk in Lazise, only one has been discovered and immediately uncritically
                     of Lazise with the available       treatises on Venetian shipbuilding [22], it would not appear
                                        believed to be the medieval galley. Comparing the measurements of the shipwreck of Lazise
                     to be similar either to the class of the light galleys, or to the larger fustas: it is in fact too
                                        with the available treatises on Venetian shipbuilding [22], it would not appear to be similar
                     small to be a galley,   but
                                        either to at
                                                  thethe    same
                                                        class      time
                                                              of the      too
                                                                      light    large or
                                                                            galleys,  totobethe
                                                                                              one   of the
                                                                                                 larger      largest
                                                                                                         fustas:  it is documented
                                                                                                                        in fact too small to be a
                     fustas (Figure 5). galley, but at the same time too large to be one of the largest documented fustas (Figure 5).

                     Figure 5. The shipwreck  of The
                                       Figure 5.  Lazise: between
                                                      shipwreck    a Venetian
                                                                of Lazise:     Galley
                                                                           between     and a Galley
                                                                                   a Venetian Fusta (created by (created
                                                                                                    and a Fusta  Massimo by Massimo
                     Capulli; background Image   [9], p.120).
                                       Capulli; background Image [9], p. 120).

                          Regardless, this is a very rarethisexample
                                                              is a very rare
                                                                         of a example
                                                                               medievalof alongship
                                                                                                                   theOnly  the wrecks of
                                      Camarina    (XII-XIV  AD)   in Sicily, which lacks a  thorough  study [24],
                     of Camarina (XII-XIV AD) in Sicily, which lacks a thorough study [24], those of Contarina    those of Contarina  [25]
                                      and  the  small boat with   alternating  asymmetric    floor-timbers of
                     [25] and the small boat with alternating asymmetric floor-timbers of Precenicco [26], arePrecenicco [26], are known
                                      in Italy, but mostly the Venetian galley of San Marco in Boccalama (XIV AD) in the Venice
                     known in Italy, but mostly the Venetian galley of San Marco in Boccalama (XIV AD) in
                                      lagoon, however we only have preliminary studies from both [27,28].
                     the Venice lagoon, however we only have preliminary studies from both [27,28].
                                          4. The New Research
                     4. The New ResearchThe first part of the Benacus project involved a study of the historical period from the
                          The first partVenetian–Visconti     war to the
                                         of the Benacus project           war of Cambrai
                                                                      involved    a study of[29].
                                                                                                                  was necessary
                                                                                                                           from the  to order the
                                        diaristic, narrative  and  literary testimonies   on the  Venetian    Garda
                     Venetian–Visconti war to the war of Cambrai [29]. Therefore, it was necessary to order the       fleet. Subsequently,    the
                     diaristic, narrative          archival
                                          and literary       sources, which
                                                          testimonies    on thehave  never been
                                                                                 Venetian    Garda  thoroughly     searched, onthe
                                                                                                       fleet. Subsequently,         the creation,
                                        maintenance and sinking of the Venetian ships of the Garda were examined.
                     possible archival sources, which have never been thoroughly searched, on the creation,
                                              In particular, a source that provides us with the position of both wrecks, specifying
                     maintenance andalso sinking
                                             which  ofare
                                                       thetoVenetian    ships
                                                              be referred      of the
                                                                           to the     Garda
                                                                                   galley  and were
                                                                                                         to the fusta, was of fundamental
                          In particular,importance.
                                          a source that     provides    us  with  the position
                                                       In fact, both the alignments of landmarks  of both    wrecks,
                                                                                                       and the          specifying
                                                                                                                distances    to the north of the
                     also which are toportbe and
                                              referred   to thethegalley
                                                   then from        shore and   which toWhile
                                                                           are reported.    the fusta,     was are
                                                                                                   the former    of fundamental
                                                                                                                      no longer usable today,
                     importance. In fact,
                                        dueboth     the changes
                                             to urban   alignments      of landmarks
                                                                  that have              andthe
                                                                             occurred over     thecenturies,
                                                                                                     distances    topossible
                                                                                                               it is  the north     of
                                                                                                                                to reason  about
                     the port and thenthe   latter.
                                         from    theHowever,
                                                      shore arethere    was aWhile
                                                                  reported.    small problem
                                                                                       the former about
                                                                                                           no port
                                                                                                               longerfrom   whichto-
                                                                                                                         usable      to measure
                     day, due to urbanthechanges
                                                       to the  point
                                                            have      on the coast
                                                                   occurred   overfrom    which to measure
                                                                                     the centuries,              the distance
                                                                                                        it is possible            to the lake. In
                                                                                                                          to reason
                     about the latter. However, there was a small problem about the port from which to meas-
                     ure the distance to the point on the coast from which to measure the distance to the lake.
Heritage 2023, 6, FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                                                                            7
Heritage 2023, 6                                                                                                                                         1600

                                 In the
                                the  past past  there
                                            there   were were twotwo    ports,
                                                                     ports,   one one   near
                                                                                     near   thethe  arsenaland
                                                                                                  arsenal      andone onenear
                                                                                                                                                  which areare
                                 about   160  m    apart.    To  our    advantage      we    had   the   exact   position
                                about 160 m apart. To our advantage we had the exact position of one of the wrecks and       of  one  of  the  wrecks     and
                                 were thus
                                were    thus able
                                               able totocompare
                                                           comparethe    thedata.
                                                                              data. TheThe result
                                                                                              result waswas that
                                                                                                             that thethe known
                                                                                                                          known shipwreck
                                                                                                                                    shipwreck roughly
                                 corresponds       to  the    position    reported      for   the  galley.   In   fact,
                                corresponds to the position reported for the galley. In fact, the distance from the coastthe   distance    from    the  coast
                                 perfectly corresponds
                                perfectly    corresponds to      to the
                                                                     the position
                                                                          position of  of the
                                                                                           the galley,
                                                                                                           while thethedistance
                                                                                                                         distance of of the
                                                                                                                                         the point
                                                                                                                                              point onon the
                                shore    towardsthe  thesouth
                                                                       beyondthe   theport
                                                                                        portof ofthe
                                 the Castle,   which      is  probably     the   port   mentioned        by the   literary
                                the Castle, which is probably the port mentioned by the literary source. It is quite evidentsource.    It is quite   evident
                                 that by
                                that   by using
                                           using this
                                                    this system
                                                           system we   we were
                                                                           were ableable to
                                                                                               calculate thethe point
                                                                                                                  point where
                                                                                                                          where thethe other
                                                                                                                                        other shipwreck
                                 should    presumably         be  located.    Although        at this   point,   we    had
                                should presumably be located. Although at this point, we had managed to circumscribe the    managed       to circumscribe
                                 the area
                                area  of theofsite,
                                                the site,     an extensive
                                                      an extensive       survey  survey    was planned.
                                                                                     was planned.              Specifically,
                                                                                                          Specifically,           we should
                                                                                                                           we should      have have
                                                                                                                                                 used used
                                 side sonar
                                scan   scan sonar
                                               in case  inthe
                                                            case    the remains
                                                                remains      of the ofhullthesathull
                                                                                                  proud sat of
                                                                                                            proud      of the
                                                                                                                the lake        lake bottom,
                                                                                                                            bottom,    while for  while
                                 buried anomalies,
                                anomalies,                 as an alternative
                                              as an alternative                     to theSub
                                                                        to the classic      classic   SubProfiler,
                                                                                                 Bottom     Bottom we   Profiler,
                                                                                                                            wanted wetowanted
                                                                                                                                          jointly to  jointly
                                                                                                                                                    use  ERT
                                 use ERT (Electrical
                                (Electrical   ResistivityResistivity
                                                               Tomography)   Tomography)
                                                                                    and GPR (Groundand GPRPenetrating
                                                                                                                 (Ground Penetrating
                                                                                                                               Radar). TheRadar).
                                                                                                                                                advantage The
                                 advantage     offered      by  this   methodology,         usable    in  freshwater,     already
                                offered by this methodology, usable in freshwater, already successfully tested in the Stella         successfully      tested
                                 in the[30],
                                River    Stella
                                              is River     [30],identify
                                                  to clearly      is to clearly     identify aalso
                                                                             a shipwreck,          shipwreck,       also inofthe
                                                                                                       in the absence             absence
                                                                                                                               other          of other
                                                                                                                                      artifacts,         arti-
                                the     becausewood
                                     preserved      the preserved        woodinsulator
                                                             is an electrical      is an electrical
                                                                                               even wheninsulator
                                                                                                                            when     soaked. This
                                                                                                                                 investigation,        inves-
                                suspended      due tosuspended
                                 tigation, initially      the limitationsdue imposed         by the COVID-19
                                                                                to the limitations       imposed health        emergency,health
                                                                                                                      by the COVID-19          was carried
                                out  during
                                 gency,   was2021.
                                                carried  Specifically,
                                                            out duringthe   2021.survey    was conducted
                                                                                     Specifically,     the survey  by was
                                                                                                                       Explora    srl, a Spin-Off
                                                                                                                            conducted       by Exploraof the
                                 a Spin-Off of Trieste,        using mainly
                                                   the University                   multi
                                                                          of Trieste,       beam
                                                                                         using       technology
                                                                                                  mainly              (MBES).
                                                                                                             multi beam           The instrument
                                                                                                                              technology      (MBES).used The
                                was   the Norbit
                                 instrument     used iWBMS
                                                        was theintegrated
                                                                     Norbit iWBMS  with the     Applanix
                                                                                          integrated          Wave
                                                                                                           with        Master GNSS
                                                                                                                  the Applanix      Wave   for all attitude
                                                                                                                                             Master    GNSS
                                and   motion    checks,     while     the system      was   interfaced     to the    on-board
                                 for all attitude and motion checks, while the system was interfaced to the on-board com-        computer      where    QPS
                                Qinsy    software
                                 puter where      QPS provided       the information
                                                          Qinsy software         provided   forthe
                                                                                                    information  andfor thenavigation
                                                                                                                            recording and of bathymetric
                                                                                                                                                the record-
                                and   signal
                                 ing of        strengthand
                                          bathymetric         data.     Thestrength
                                                                   signal     area of data.
                                                                                                  The areacovers                       × 60 about
                                                                                                                         about 100covers
                                                                                                              of investigation                 m covered100 ×
                                 60 mfifteen
                                        covered  passages
                                                    with fifteenparallel   to theparallel
                                                                       passages      coast, i.e.,   onecoast,
                                                                                                to the     everyi.e.,
                                                                                                                    4 m,onehowever,
                                                                                                                              every 4 unfortunately
                                                                                                                                        m, however, un-     it
                                gave   a  negative     result:     none    of  the   targets    detected     by   the   remote
                                 fortunately it gave a negative result: none of the targets detected by the remote instru-        instruments       were    of
                                 ments were of interest          (Figure interest
                                                     archaeological         6).        (Figure 6).

                                 Figure 6.
                                Figure  6. The
                                            The multibeam
                                                                                                   Lazise and
                                                                                                     Lazise   thethe
                                                                                                            and    area calculated
                                                                                                                      area         ac-
                                 cording  to the sources for the second shipwreck  (created by Massimo    Capulli; background
                                according to the sources for the second shipwreck (created by Massimo Capulli; background Im-   Image
                                 © Google).
                                age ©Google).

                                     However,        thesame
                                                                               historical–archival    research,
                                                                                                    research,    monitoring
                                                                                                               monitoring  andand eval-
                                tion     of state
                                     of the the state  ofalready
                                                  of the   the already   excavated
                                                                   excavated            shipwreck
                                                                                shipwreck            were conducted.
                                                                                              were conducted.    This wasThis was
                                                                                                                           also     also
                                to the collaboration
                                 thanks                of the Carabinieri
                                         to the collaboration                (an Italian
                                                                 of the Carabinieri      (anpolice)
                                                                                                              divers, by their Unit
                                                                                                                      assisted       for
                                                                                                                               by their
                                the Protection  of Cultural  Heritage.   On   this occasion   it was unfortunately   observed
                                 Unit for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. On this occasion it was unfortunately ob-       that the
                                hull framework,
                                 served            for the
                                         that the hull      part emerging
                                                        framework,    for thefrom
                                                                                partthe   sediment,
                                                                                      emerging    fromwas  massively
                                                                                                         the sediment,colonized  by an
                                                                                                                        was massively
                                almost  uniform
                                 colonized   by anlayer  of malacofauna
                                                      almost               (Figure
                                                               uniform layer              This is Dreissena
                                                                                   of7).malacofauna         polymorpha,
                                                                                                        (Figure  7). Thisa well-known
                                                                                                                           is Dreissena
polymorpha, a well-known type of extremely invasive bivalve mollusk [31], which has been
                    present in Lake Garda since the mid-1970s [32,33], but just in shallow water.
                         At the depth of 24–27 m at which the wreck is found, biological activity in Lake Garda
                    is normally very limited, but during our dives we were able to ascertain that the whole
Heritage 2023, 6                                                                                             1601
                    wreck is full of this particular type of mollusk. We thus had to record that while in the
                    past they were only found at shallow depths, because they need a temperature of at least
                    11 °C for reproduction [34], now instead it is possible to find these mollusks even at
                   type  of extremely
                    greater  depths [35]invasive
                                          and thisbivalve   mollusk
                                                    is due to         [31], which
                                                               the increase in the has beenGarda
                                                                                   average present in Lake
                                                                                                 lake      Garda
                   since  the mid-1970s   [32,33], but just in shallow  water.
                    of 1.6 degrees Celsius probably due to climate change [36].

                   Figure  7. The
                              The shipwreck
                                  shipwreckof ofLazise
                                                       in 2019:
                                                          2019: in
                                                                in the
                                                                   the foreground
                                                                       foreground the
                                                                                   the molluscs
                    step (Massimo   Capulli).
                   step (Massimo Capulli).

                          At   the removing
                                     depth of 24–27  the mollusks
                                                             m at which in somethe parts
                                                                                    wreckofisthe     hull, an
                                                                                                  found,        extremely
                                                                                                            biological        worrying
                                                                                                                          activity         fact
                                                                                                                                     in Lake
                    was then
                   Garda           observed,very
                             is normally          namely      the deterioration
                                                       limited,    but during our      of dives
                                                                                           the wood,
                                                                                                   we werewhich
                                                                                                              ablehasto become
                                                                                                                                     that theat
                    many     points     (even    5 cm    were    missing     from    the  keelson),     as well
                   whole wreck is full of this particular type of mollusk. We thus had to record that while in   as  a  fracture  that  misa-
                   the  pastit.they
                                       were only  it must
                                                        foundbe atassessed
                                                                    shallowwith       certainty
                                                                                 depths,     becausewhether    this damage
                                                                                                        they need                was caused
                                                                                                                      a temperature      of at
                   least   11 ◦ C forpolymorpha
                    by Dreissena         reproduction    and/or
                                                                   now  aninstead
                                                                            increase     in possible
                                                                                      it is   the average    lake
                                                                                                        to find     temperature
                                                                                                                 these    mollusks [37].
                                                                                                                                      even In-
                    deed, based
                   greater    depths  on[35]
                                                      this is literature,
                                                               due to the these
                                                                                          in theare   filter Garda
                                                                                                   average   feederslakeandtemperature
                                                                                                                              remove much    of
                    of the
                   1.6       plankton
                        degrees     Celsius on probably
                                                 which juvenile
                                                              due to fish    depend
                                                                       climate    change and[36].
                                                                                                can cause several changes in aquatic
                    habitats        removing
                                 [38].  From the    the  mollusksofinthe
                                                       protection         some     parts of the
                                                                               underwater           hull, an
                                                                                                 cultural      extremely
                                                                                                           heritage    pointworrying      fact
                                                                                                                               of view, they
                   was    then    observed,       namely      the  deterioration        of   the  wood,    which
                    attach themselves to hard surfaces such as poles of prehistoric villages [39] or shipwrecks;    has    become     thinner
                   at  many points
                    however,       in the (even       5 cmwhile
                                            latter case,      were itmissing      from the
                                                                        seems certain        thatkeelson),
                                                                                                  they damageas wellmetalas aships,
                    no studies yet   it. on
                                              the impact  it must
                                                              on woodbe assessed
                                                                          [40]. It is with
                                                                                       certain  certainty
                                                                                                  that theywhether
                                                                                                              can weaken this wooden
                                                                                                                               damage hulls
                   caused     by Dreissena
                    by destroying         all thepolymorpha      and/or
                                                     joints nailing        by an
                                                                        them        increasewhile
                                                                                together,        in thefor
                                                                                                         average   lake temperature
                                                                                                           the wooden        parts alone[37].
                    question   based
                                  seems  ontotheremain
                                                  scientific   literature,
                                                           open.    In any these      mussels
                                                                               case, for          are filter shipwreck
                                                                                            the Venetian     feeders andofremove        much
                                                                                                                                Lake Garda,
                            plankton on         which juvenile has
                                           Superintendency            fish launched
                                                                            depend and         can cause several
                                                                                           a reclamation               changes inprogram
                                                                                                               and protection         aquatic
                   habitats     [38].  From     the   protection     of  the   underwater       cultural   heritage
                    which will be implemented as soon as possible, while the University of Udine is planning           point   of view,  they
                   attach   themselves         to hard    surfaces    such   as  poles   of   prehistoric   villages
                    a collaboration with other research institutions to clarify the cause of this degradation of       [39]  or shipwrecks;
                    the woodin       theinlatter
                                   also      freshcase,    while
                                                      waters        it seems
                                                                (Figure    8). certain that they damage metal ships, there are
                   no studies yet on the impact on wood [40]. It is certain that they can weaken wooden hulls
                   by destroying all the joints nailing them together, while for the wooden parts alone the
                   question seems to remain open. In any case, for the Venetian shipwreck of Lake Garda, the
                   competent Superintendency has launched a reclamation and protection program which
                   will be implemented as soon as possible, while the University of Udine is planning a
                   collaboration with other research institutions to clarify the cause of this degradation of the
                   wood also in fresh waters (Figure 8).
Heritage 2023, 6                                                                                                                               1602
    Heritage 2023, 6, FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                                                   9

                                    Figure 8.
                                    Figure 8. Molluscs
                                              Molluscssampling in 2021
                                                        sampling       (Massimo
                                                                  in 2021       Capulli).
                                                                          (Massimo Capulli).

                                        5. Conclusions
                                    5. Conclusions
                                          The Benacus project has the ambition to develop over the years a broad research pro-
                                     gramThe     Benacus
                                            for the  mapping project
                                                                of the has  the ambition
                                                                       submerged    cultural to  develop
                                                                                              heritage        over
                                                                                                         of Lake    the years
                                                                                                                  Garda.         a broad
                                                                                                                          The area   identi-research
                                     fied for an initial experimentation was that of the south-eastern part of the lake, whichThe area
                                                 for  the  mapping      of the  submerged       cultural    heritage  of  Lake    Garda.
                                     was the scenefor an  initial
                                                      of the       experimentation
                                                              sinking                 was that
                                                                       of a small Venetian   fleetofinthe south-eastern
                                                                                                       1509.                partaimed
                                                                                                             This step is also   of thetolake,
                                                                                                                                           a which
                                    was   thehistorical-archaeological
                                               scene of the sinking of    reconstruction   of the fleet
                                                                             a small Venetian      eventsinconnected
                                                                                                             1509. This to step
                                                                                                                           the fleet  of the
                                                                                                                                 is also  aimed to a
                                    better          in the period between reconstruction
                                             historical-archaeological        the Veneto-Viscontiof thewarevents
                                                                                                           and thatconnected
                                                                                                                     of Cambrai. to the fleet of the
                                    Serenissima in the period between the Veneto-Visconti war andLazise
                                          The   knowledge     of  the position  of one of the  two    shipwrecks   of that ofshould
                                     been The
                                           the starting
                                                knowledge of the position of one of the two shipwrecks of Lazise shouldthe
                                                          point  for the calibration of the instruments     (SSS, ERT   and  GPR)   and    have been
                                     research of the second one, which thanks to the new and in-depth historical-archival re-
                                    the starting point for the calibration of the instruments (SSS, ERT and GPR) and the research
                                     search has been roughly positioned. The outcome of this survey was nonetheless negative.
                                    of the second one, which thanks to the new and in-depth historical-archival research has
                                    been roughly positioned. The outcome of this survey was nonetheless negative. Among
                                    the possible causes, the main ones may be an error in the sources or in their interpretation,
                                    or a total and thick natural covering of the second shipwreck. For example, in Lake Garda,
                                    sedimentation rates in the 1963–1989 time-interval were estimated to be in the order of
Heritage 2023, 6                                                                                                                        1603

                                   2 cm/y. According to the authors, this rate can only be considered representative of the
                                   past century before present [41], but this means that from the discovery of the Lazise
                                   shipwreck to today (1958–2022), we could have over 120 cm of additional sediment for the
                                   second wreck.
                                        The Benacus project has anyhow brought back the attention on this important Venetian
                                   ship, after 16 years from the last dives. This was an opportunity to discover, hopefully
                                   in time, that the hull is deteriorating, and that action must be taken to protect one of the
                                   only two Venetian warships that have come down to us [42]. Climate change thus seems
                                   to be putting us in front of new challenges in order to protect the underwater cultural
                                   heritage [43] and perhaps to take away some old certainty, such as the one that the fresh
                                   waters of a lake do not cause major conservation problems.

                                   Funding: This research was supported by the PRID funds of the Department of Humanities and
                                   Cultural Heritage—University of Udine (Italy).
                                   Acknowledgments: The author would like to thank Giovanna Falezza and Alessandro Asta of
                                   the Italian Ministry of Culture, Michele Pipan of the University of Trieste, Andrea Zannini of the
                                   University of Udine, Mauro Bondioli of Institute for Maritime Heritage Ars Nautica; Paolo Amighetti
                                   of the Catholic University of Milan and Esplora srl for the work done so far. Last but not least, Staci
                                   Willis of the Houston Community College, for checking the English.
                                   Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.

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