The Value of Multimedia Marketing Campaign in Addressing Social Isolation and Building Inclusive Age Friendly Communities - Presented by Haidong ...

Page created by Everett Simpson
The Value of Multimedia Marketing Campaign in Addressing Social Isolation and Building Inclusive Age Friendly Communities - Presented by Haidong ...
The Value of Multimedia Marketing Campaign
 in Addressing Social Isolation and Building
    Inclusive Age Friendly Communities.
  Presented by
  Haidong Liang, PhD
  Interim Executive Director
The Value of Multimedia Marketing Campaign in Addressing Social Isolation and Building Inclusive Age Friendly Communities - Presented by Haidong ...
• We are a nonprofit charitable organization that has been in existence since
  1978. We celebrate 40 years of excellence this year.

• In 2018 we recorded over 1,700 registered members.
The Value of Multimedia Marketing Campaign in Addressing Social Isolation and Building Inclusive Age Friendly Communities - Presented by Haidong ...
• PEGASIS Project

• Westend Seniors Activity Centre’s Multimedia Campaign

• Rationale

• WSAC’s Learning Journey

• Moving Forward – Turning Challenges into Opportunities
The Value of Multimedia Marketing Campaign in Addressing Social Isolation and Building Inclusive Age Friendly Communities - Presented by Haidong ...
Seven local organizations are collaborating as part of the Pan-Edmonton Group
Addressing Social Isolation of Seniors (PEGASIS) to support Edmonton seniors to
reduce social isolation. By addressing a range of factors that may lead to social
isolation, these organizations are connecting seniors to resources and supports:
The Value of Multimedia Marketing Campaign in Addressing Social Isolation and Building Inclusive Age Friendly Communities - Presented by Haidong ...
PEGASIS: How can we help you? – A Marketing Campaign
for Socially Isolated Seniors

This project aims to decrease isolation of seniors by increasing
awareness of seniors programs, services and support available
through Seniors Centres such as Westend Seniors Activity
Centre; and to increase seniors’ participation rates in activities
thereby increasing their feelings of connectivity and value.
The Value of Multimedia Marketing Campaign in Addressing Social Isolation and Building Inclusive Age Friendly Communities - Presented by Haidong ...
The Value of Multimedia Marketing Campaign in Addressing Social Isolation and Building Inclusive Age Friendly Communities - Presented by Haidong ...
Aging Population

The Value of Multimedia Marketing Campaign in Addressing Social Isolation and Building Inclusive Age Friendly Communities - Presented by Haidong ...
Aging Population in Canada

   2011 Census
4.9 million (14.77%)

                       Older Adults > Children

The Value of Multimedia Marketing Campaign in Addressing Social Isolation and Building Inclusive Age Friendly Communities - Presented by Haidong ...
Aging Population in Canada
2016 Census                2016
 5.9 million       Older Adults > Children

The Value of Multimedia Marketing Campaign in Addressing Social Isolation and Building Inclusive Age Friendly Communities - Presented by Haidong ...
Aging Population in Alberta & Edmonton
             The population of seniors in Alberta continues to rise
             faster than other age groups. As of April 2018, over
             575,000 Albertans were over the age of 65. That number
             is expected to double within the next 2 decades.
             (Government of Alberta, 2018)

The population of seniors in Edmonton
continues to grow. The 2016 Census recorded
over 150,000 (13.9%) Edmontonians who
were over the age of 65 (Statistics Canada, 2016)
Seniors feel:

           Poor Health Outcomes

Why Should We Reduce Social Isolation?
                    • According to a 2012
                      International Federation of
                      Aging Report commission by
                      Employment and Social
                      Development Canada, the
                      Number One emerging issue
                      facing seniors in Canada is
                      keeping older people socially
                      connected and active.
Why Should We Reduce Social Isolation?

                       • The needs assessment
                         results indicated that
                         a greater number of
                         older adults are being
                         affected by social
                         isolation than
Target Population

   Disability                            Minority/

           Caregiver              Low-Income
Target Population
 Life transition could be risk factors:
   losing a loved one,
   family members moving away, and
   loss of transportation, etc.
Raise Awareness
Lack of Awareness
                    Lack of awareness of or
                    access to community
                    services and programs is
                    one of the most common
                    risk factors.
                    • Seniors
                    • Services Providers
                    • Seniors’ Social Networks
                      including families,
                      friends, and caregivers.
Awareness Campaign
 An awareness campaign is a powerful tool to dispel myths associated with
  aging and social isolation.
 It informs seniors of the services and programs available in the
 Media plays a key role in influencing the public’s perception of
  different generation and can be used to bring positive attention to
  socially isolated seniors.
Reactive vs Proactive
                    A “reactive” approach is
                    currently in place to
                    address the needs of
                    socially isolated seniors,
                    many of whom are not
                    identified or supported
                    until a crisis occurs
                    (National Seniors Council –
                    Report on the Social
                    Isolation of Seniors, 2014)
Community Ambassadors & Gatekeepers Program
Ambassadors                           Gatekeepers
• Volunteers who build capacity       • Members of the community
  to serve seniors in their own         including neighbours, friends,
  communities, in their own             family and front line service
  languages, and does so where          workers (e.g., bank tellers,
  seniors live, worship, socialize,     grocery store clerks,
  and learn.                            pharmacists, postal workers,
                                        etc.) who can identify signs of
                                        potential isolation, abuse or
Effective Communication Strategy

                       Steve Seager
Our Learning Journey
Public Awareness Campaign Events
       Multimedia Campaign
         Digital Platform
      Community Connectors
• Request for Proposal – Find an independent media services
  agency to provide guidance. Add that to your budget.

• Media Planning – determine the best combination of media
  vehicles to achieve your organization’s marketing campaign

• Media Buying – managing the balance between obtaining the
  best deal possible while developing a strong relationship with
  suppliers ensuring exceptional long term rates and added
Marketing Agency – factors to consider before you hire a marketing
•   Proposal in line with your RFP
•   Clear process (Project Management Plan)
•   Detailed Break down of the Budget
•   Agency Profile and The Team
•   References
•   Relevant Experience – Current and Previous Clients – Sample Product

            ▫ Media Companies (e.g., TV, Radio, or Print) also provide marketing
              solutions – maybe a cost effective option.

                                                   Official Launch
2016 Older, Bolder, Better!™              2016 November Birthday Party
Seniors Symposium and                      Tommy Banks played the Birthday song
                                           Multicultural Seniors saying “Happy
                                            Birthday” in different languages
 Newspaper
                                           Over 120 participants
 Radio and TV
                                           Postcards (Social Isolation Data &
 Survey about Community Gatekeepers to
                                            Community Connector)
Soft Launch
• We knew we will use OBB, the biggest annual event during Alberta Seniors Week to
  promote social inclusion in the future.

Official Launch
• Birthday Party is easy to organize, and we chose this event because birthdays can be
  lonely or a celebration when seniors connect with others.
• Post Card may not be as effective as you believe and very expensive.
Public Awareness Campaign Events
Older, Bolder, Better!™ Symposium & Exhibition
Public Awareness Campaign Events
Multimedia Campaign

  December 2016 – August 2017

              Four 15 Seconds TV Commercials
              CTV Noon News Interviews

              Four 30 Seconds Radio Commercials
              Talk to the Expert on 630 CHED

              Postcard & Brochure mail-out
    +         Newspapers
              Edmonton Journal Interviews

              New Website:
Media Planning
Focus Groups at WSAC and North West Edmonton Seniors Society
              Awareness of Seniors Centres and programs/services
              Understanding of Social Isolation
              Preference of Commercial Theme: positive, negative, or educational.
              • Coke
              • Heart and Stroke Research
              • Heart and Stroke Foundation

 Most seniors participants chose positive theme.

 Like the public, Marketing Agency have a very different perception about seniors
  and seniors centres.
Perception about Seniors

Perception about Seniors

Perception about Seniors

Perception about Seniors

Perception about Seniors Centre

Perception about Seniors Centre

Perception about Seniors Centre Activities
Seniors Centre
Than You Think
Media Planning
 Chose only CTV to test the water for TV
 Chose only Corus Radio to test the water for
  Radio commercial.
 Chose Postmedia and Metro (Print) to
  reach as many 55+ as possible.
 Postcard and Brochure mail-out may not be
  as effective as you believe and they are very
 Need a new website to demonstrate what
  Connection Means.
Media Buying
 TV: ask for (1) Prime Time schedule, (2) VIP
  bonus commercial airtime in unsold inventory,
  (3) Community Calendar sponsorship, (4) Talk
  Show or Interview opportunities.
 Radio: ask for (1) Prime Time schedule, (2)
  Bonus airtime “Public Service Announcement
  (PSA*)”, (3) Talk Show or interview
                                                                            Number 1 Rule of
*PSA: In order to receive Public Service Announcement, the name of the      Thumb: Tell them we are
organization (i.e., WSAC) must be displayed for a minimum of 5-6 seconds.   NON-PROFIT organizations.
 Print: always ask for bonus or package deal.
Media Analysis
 Four 15 seconds commercials were constantly rotating
  to attract attention.
 They are too short but “frequency” was helpful to
  reinforce the impression.                                 A common challenge for
 Multicultural, men and women of different age groups,   TV, Radio, and Print media:
  variety of activities.                                    Media Content Production is
Radio:                                                       time consuming and their
 Talk Show were well-received.                                creative team may not
Print:                                                     understand the seniors sector
 Many 55+ still read newspapers.                          and may not have a clear idea
 Stories rather than simple information were more        about how to deliver an effective
  effective.                                                          message.
 Continued partnership.
 Proposed for a 30 seconds commercial.

Corus Entertainment:
 Continued radio partnership.
 Used Global TV to explore new commercial ideas.
Rogers Media:
 New Partnership to explore multicultural groups.

Marketing Agency:
 Look for a second agency for digital campaign.
Multimedia Campaign
+          September 2017 – September 2018
                     Two 15 Seconds TV Commercials
                     One 30 Seconds TV Commercial
                     Brand Enrichment Opportunity
                     CTV Noon News Interviews

                   Created “Senior Centres, Friends for Life”
                    campaign message
                   Three 30 Seconds TV Commercials
       +           One 4.5 minutes Feature Commercial
                   Four 30 Seconds Radio Commercials
                   Talk to the Expert on 630 CHED

                   Postcard & Brochure mail-out
        +          Newspapers
                   Edmonton Examiner Interviews
Multimedia Campaign
September 2017 – September 2018

                Omni TV: one 30 Seconds
                 Commercial in 9 languages.
                World FM: 30 Seconds Commercial
                 in 10 languages.

                Digital Campaign
                Digital Platform
              Media Analysis
       Three 30 Seconds TV Commercials were well-received.
       First Cartoon Commercial was a big hit.
       One 4.5 minutes Feature Commercial is now WSAC’s promotional video.
       Ask for more footages to be taken for future usage (save production $$$).

     Partnership is important: Drive Happiness & Edmonton Mennonite Centre
      for Newcomers (save production $$$)
     Message should focus on integration & inclusion.

     Use one video for multiple purposes (cost effective)
               Example: Using previous 15 seconds commercials to promote
                  PEGASIS partners and other senior centres.
     Long Term Rates & Added Value: Brand Enrichment Commercials
     Issues in Creating Commercials, especially cartoon commercials.
      Media Analysis


TV, Radio, Print: Priority?????

Marketing Agency:
 Look for a second agency for digital campaign.

Community Ambassadors & Gatekeepers Program
 Are they sustainable?

Digital Platform





Media Analysis
Digital is affordable & still effective !

   What does CONNECTION mean?
   How do we create CONNECTION?

In June 2018, a Brand New Digital Platform was introduced to the Centre,
including brand new website, e-Newsletter, and Social Media.
                              We have updated information throughout the website to:
                               engage seniors not simply provide them with information,
                               create calls to action; and
                               make it more user-friendly.

           Year to date website sessions are at 13,781 total.
            We now have year over year comparison data and for August we are up 126% in additional
            sessions/visits and up 53% in additional page views.

           Organic website visitation is up 100% in August over last year.

           Social media traffic is up 911% in August over last year.

           Referral traffic is up 171% over last year.


E-Newsletter is our ACE to
build connection with people
beyond just our members!
 1st deployment to 155 subscribers
 2nd deployment to 553 Subscribers
 74% open rate vs Industry average 18.8%


 Older adults, who are Facebook's fastest growing demographic, are joining the social
 network to stay connected and make new connections, just like college kids who joined
 the site more than a decade ago, according to Penn State researchers (2016).

               Why do we choose this company?
                  Knowledgeable & Resourceful
                  Affordable & responsible
                  Offer ongoing support and training to enable staff and
                   volunteer to be independent rather than dependent.
 Received Google Grant which includes Google ads (up
  to $333 a day ongoing)
 Gmail for staff, Board members, and volunteers
 Google Drive = Virtual Office, which allows share up to
  date documents, share calendars, and collaborate as a
  team on 1 document.
Community Connectors

 Individual community connectors are still important resources for
  reaching out to isolated seniors. WSAC still keeps its Ambassador
                    WSAC realized the Community Ambassador and
                     Gatekeeper Program needed to be expanded in focus
                     to include other senior serving organizations
                     including non-profit and for-profit organizations
                     in promoting senior centres’ programs and services to
                     their particular clientele.
Community Connectors
Community Connectors
 Establishing partnerships with Non-
  Profit organizations meets the funders’
 Aging Population.
 For-Profit Organizations are profit-
  driven, but they also would like to have a
  positive community image.
 OBB every day!
 Establishing partnership with For-Profit
  organizations is a win-win.
Community Connectors
Non-Profit Partners

                Golden Age Club
Community Connectors
For-Profit Organizations
 Over 20 Seniors-Serving Businesses already became Friends of
  WSAC – Business Community Connectors
 Mainly recruited from Exhibitors at our OBB event.
 We are not duplicating efforts of Home Help Support Program or
  compiling another SAGE Directory.
                Friends of WSAC are businesses vetted by
                the Westend Seniors Activity Centre that are
                dedicated to provide services to Edmonton’s
                seniors. They belong to an elite networking
                group focused on addressing the needs and
                challenges seniors face in their daily lives.
Community Connectors
Logic of this Business Community Connectors Program


              WSAC              Businesses
Community Connectors
 Friends of WSAC – Business Community Connectors
Business Engagement Plan
 Presentations
 OBB Symposium and Exhibition
 Sponsorship
 E-Newsletter & Print Newsletter
 Business Community Connectors e-Newsletter
 Business Community Connector School

Digital Platform plays a crucial role in this Business
Community Connectors Program.
Thank you!
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