"The Thing About Diversity Is " - AHA Trustee Services
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DIVERSITY “The Thing About Diversity Is …” Debunking five misconceptions that derail diversity efforts BY KARMA H. BASS diversity, but unconscious bias or even in the face of setbacks, we have AND ERICA M. OSBORNE lack of understanding can lead to a compiled a list of reasons given for D iversity, equity and inclusion defeatist attitude when recruiting why a board’s efforts to diversify have have become a priority in efforts stall. Additionally, a “what stalled, with potential actions to get C-suites and boardrooms more can we do?” attitude may back on track. across the country due to the emerge when the board isn’t able to COVID-19 pandemic’s dispropor- retain a new member from minority MISCONCEPTION tionate impact on marginalized and communities. minority communities as well as In reality, there’s always more that “Our community isn’t diverse, ongoing calls for racial justice. This can be done to achieve diversity of so we don’t need to be diverse.” is heartening because buy-in from race, ethnicity, gender, age, exper- the top is necessary to bring about tise and experience on health care ACTION meaningful change. However, buy-in governing boards. It requires step- Expand your concept of alone is not sufficient. We have seen ping out of our comfortable patterns diversity. many diversity efforts fail because of and approaches. There are no simple misconceptions about what diversity solutions to addressing the racism Diversity, by definition, comes in is and what is necessary to achieve it. that has pervaded our nation’s insti- many shapes and sizes. It isn’t just Governing boards may have good tutions for hundreds of years. To help about ethnicity, race or gender, intentions around increasing their boards persevere in this critical effort, although those may be primary © 2021 American Hospital Association www.aha.org | April 2021 | 1
D IVERSITY considerations. Diversity also who has experienced these chal- MISCONCEPTION includes sexual orientation, phys- lenges or a representative from “We have a diverse board ical disabilities, military service, an outreach organization, such member, but they aren’t really geographic location, education as United Way or the local food qualified.” level, socioeconomic status, and bank, who works with people more. experiencing such challenges. ACTION For some boards, the first step Understanding the experiences of might be expanding the concept these groups can provide board Prioritize qualifications of diversity. Boards should take members with insights they would and diversity. Clarify the qualifications and skills sets the time to ensure they have a otherwise be lacking. being sought. Ensure ongoing thorough grounding in the demo- education and development are graphics of the communities they available for all board members. MISCONCEPTION serve — by all measures. Special attention should be paid to the “We can’t find diverse Prioritizing diversity over qualifica- needs and voices of underrepre- candidates” tions in the choice of a candidate is sented populations. The effort to shortsighted and has the potential to diversify the board should include ACTION lead to tokenism — adding diversity the goal of having the board’s Expand your sources for to comply with a policy, for example, composition reflect the communi- locating candidates. rather than truly seeking experience ty’s diversity, broadly defined. and expertise that would serve the To be representative of the When boards say they cannot find board well. This mindset sets up community, a board must include diverse candidates to consider, efforts to achieve diversity for failure. members who understand the we suggest rethinking the Diverse perspectives are essential, experience of marginalized approach. Just as boards may but so are qualifications and fit. It is communities. For instance, many have to expand their concepts incorrect to believe they are mutu- communities are experiencing of diversity, they also may have ally exclusive. challenges related to food insecu- to expand where they go to find To be successful in recruiting rity or housing instability, or both. candidates and how to approach diverse and qualified candidates, The board might seek a person them. Professional associations for boards need to clearly define which specific communities (i.e., African skills, expertise or experience are American, Latino) can be a good needed to provide effective over- source to identify candidates who sight. This is table stakes to effective have business experience and may board recruitment because the entire have served on other boards. board suffers when there isn’t clarity Some hospital and health around what it takes to be successful The American Hospital system boards consult with their as a board member. Any board Association is partnering with local community clinic or social member who lacks the appropriate the National Urban League and service agency leaders or look skill set, experience or expertise will UnidosUS to match their affiliate to local business owners, who be less likely to meet the needs of executives to AHA member CEOs have developed trust and positive the board regardless of their gender, and governance leaders with the relationships with community race or other attributes. goal of placing these leaders on members and have an in-depth Another misstep is when boards understanding of their needs, don’t provide the critical orientation, AHA member governance boards. to identify prospective board onboarding and ongoing education To learn more, visit the AHA members. Others engage recruiting necessary for all board members to Trustee Match Program website. firms to assist them when more succeed. If board members appear traditional approaches fail. unready for their responsibilities, © 2021 American Hospital Association www.aha.org | April 2021 | 2
D IVERSITY the board should examine its own are taking the step of posting their practices around board orientation, KEY QUESTIONS openings in a public forum and education and engagement rather FOR BOARDS inviting applications. than assuming it is a failure of any The benefits of diversity are well individual. • Have we studied all the ways in worth the extra efforts it takes to which our community is diverse? In our experience, there are clarify how one becomes a board Are we regularly educated on the always diverse, qualified candidates member and to educate poten- unique challenges and barriers to be considered. It’s possible these that marginalized populations tial candidates about the board’s individuals are just not part of the face in accessing our services? role in the health of a community. current board members’ social or Taking the time to build trust and • What efforts have we made to personal networks. If your current finding ways for all members to feel make our board culture equitable process is not yielding the desired and inclusive? Do we hear from engaged in their role on the board results, consider revising it to include all voices at the table, regularly? will empower the entire board to the option to seek outside help, if take ownership for the health of the • In addition to our current necessary, in order to find the candi- communities it serves. sources, what additional sources dates that are the right fit both from should we be using to recruit a diversity and skills perspective. diverse candidates? How could MISCONCEPTION we be opening access to our recruitment pool for diverse “We recruit diverse board MISCONCEPTION members, but they don’t stay.” candidates in new ways? “Some populations don’t • How can we reframe the oppor- seem interested in serving on ACTION tunity and experience of board governing boards.” service to attract and retain more Examine board culture to diverse board members? increase inclusion and equity. ACTION Expand the way board service is Another misconception is that offered to the community. Successful and culturally appro- members from diverse backgrounds priate recruitment strategies seek are more likely to leave before One comment that we some- first to understand what a potential their terms expire. If you believe times hear is that certain groups candidate’s community service your board is experiencing this, it or cultures “do not value” board interests may be and then show might be worth looking at how your service. This sentiment, in itself, how board service addresses these. board does its work: Are your board shows bias. While it may be true Boards may need to reframe how practices and culture inclusive? The that some community members they explain the board’s role, its unspoken power dynamics of who may not be accustomed to or intrinsic rewards and how a board’s feels welcome to speak and who familiar with traditional not-for-profit service is helpful to the community remains silent are an issue of board board service, this does not mean in order to attract the most qualified culture that shouldn’t be overlooked they do not value the service a and diverse board members. when considering whether your board provides. Instead, it may Finding a broader, more diverse board is truly diverse and inclusive. speak to a lack of understanding pool of candidates may require If your board has disengaged as to how individual board service providing more open access to board members, consider asking might benefit them and their consideration for board service. why they don’t participate more communities. Because boards need Members of minority communities actively. This is a best practice for diverse perspectives, it is incum- have historically not had access to any disengaged board member, bent on board recruitment efforts to the powerful professional networks regardless of diversity consider- include clear and effective explana- from which board members are ations. Using the insights gained, tions on the value of board service. traditionally drawn. Some boards determine if adjustments can be © 2021 American Hospital Association www.aha.org | April 2021 | 3
D IVERSITY made to the boardroom culture and board table and see someone who expected of board members and board experience. looks like them? It’s not diversity how board members optimally Can meeting times be held in if you have a single person from engage with each other, the culture the early evenings to accommodate a minority community and expect and effectiveness of the board will be work schedules, or could the loca- that person to represent all minority enhanced for everyone. That, ulti- tion of the meetings be shifted to a communities. mately, is one of the many benefits more central location where trans- Joining a new board can be of board diversity. portation is more accessible? Has challenging for anyone so it’s always Of course, there will be stumbling the new board member received the a “best practice” to provide compre- blocks on this journey. Because it introductions and orientation they hensive board orientation and involves honest self-reflection and need to feel comfortable in under- ongoing education and training. changing traditional approaches standing the issues and engage in and practices, the experience will discussions? Has a mentor been In for the Long Haul not always be comfortable. What’s assigned who can help answer important to remember is that this is questions and provide support as These suggestions represent a journey, not a destination. the new member navigates their just a handful of ideas to improve a new role? board’s ability to recruit and retain Karma H. Bass (kbass@viahcc.com) Most importantly, do all board diverse candidates. Addressing such and Erica M. Osborne (eosborne@ members feel comfortable misconceptions directly can help viahcc.com) are principals with Via speaking their mind? If board pave the way for achieving diversity Healthcare Consulting and based in members of diverse backgrounds goals. Additionally, these practices Carlsbad, California. are invited to share their views, the will help move all board members entire board benefits while the new toward best practices in recruitment Please note that the views of authors member is empowered. Can every and board engagement. By clarifying do not always reflect the views of board member look around the the value of board service, what is the AHA. © 2021 American Hospital Association www.aha.org | April 2021 | 4
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