Insurance, banking and savings 2019 - NITO

Page created by Laurie Hines
Insurance, banking and savings 2019 - NITO

Insurance, banking
    and savings
  NITO members can save thousands
    with good membership benefits

Insurance, banking and savings 2019 - NITO
“            As Norway's largest organisation of
                                engineers and technologists, we possess
                                a strong negotiating position. This enables
                                our members to continue to receive very
                                competitive offers. I am proud to have
   Trond Markussen,             Tryg and Nordea as our new working

New working partners for insurance
and banking – because it is profitable

   Benefits                    30 percent discount from the first private insurance
                               Qualified for Tryg Plus benefits programme
   with Tryg
                               Tryg Legehjelp - free medical assistance included

  Benefits                     Premium / Premium Next benefits programme
                               Free legal advising in the family law area
 with Nordea
                               Free access to over 1000 VIP airport lounges

This is a translation of the original Norwegian brochure. In case of any discrepancies,
it is the terms and conditions that apply.

Insurance, banking and savings 2019 - NITO
Tryg Legehjelp – free medical
assistance for all members!
As a NITO member, Tryg Legehjelp, a medical assistance service is included in
your membership. The service gives you and your family access to doctors and
nurses by telephone and video 24 hours a day – 365 days of the year.

You can have prescriptions written and referrals made to specialists – without
any deductible or waiting time. The consultations are of course confidential.

Tryg normally requires customers to have purchased at least one personal
insurance policy in order to gain access to Tryg Legehjelp, but at NITO we believe
this service is so nice that we have purchased it for all our members.

Tryg Legehjelp is in fact included in your NITO membership. Activate
the service by verifying your NITO membership at

Insurance, banking and savings 2019 - NITO
NITO's own insurance
– these are insurance policies that you purchase from NITO
As a member of NITO, you receive some of the best insurance offerings on the
Norwegian market. With our new insurance partner Tryg, you now receive better
benefits, terms and conditions at either the same or a better price than before.

NITO Household Contents Insurance                  NITO Accident Insurance
Among the market's most reasonable                 Both adults and children can be victims
and best household contents insurance.             of accidents. With our accident insurance
The insurance covers household                     policies, you can provide yourself and
contents and personal belongings                   your family with financial security if
for up to NOK 2,750,000.                           anything unexpectedly should arise.
                                                   These will help you with treatment
New in 2019                                        expenses and provide a compensation
The insurance now also covers theft of             payment for permanent medical invalidity.
locked bicycle for up to NOK 40,000, damage
to charging stations for electrical vehicles       NITO Accident Basic Insurance
and eradication of long-tailed silverfish.         – for member
                                                   In addition to what all the accident
Annual price 2019: NOK 1,200                       insurance policies cover, you can also
                                                   have NOK 400 paid out as a daily
NITO Household Contents Insurance                  allowance benefit for up to an entire
for holiday cottages                               year for a hospital stay.
NITO offers favourable contents insurance
for your holiday cottage. The insurance            Annual price 2019: NOK 420
covers household contents and personal
belongings for up to NOK 750,000.                  NITO Expanded Accident Insurance
                                                   – for member and family
New in 2019                                        If you choose this insurance policy, the
New in 2019 is that NITO Household Con-            entire family is covered if one or more
tents Insurance for holiday cottages now           of you are the victim of an accident. In
also covers eradication of long-tailed             addition to providing compensation for
silverfish, damages to charging stations           permanent medical invalidity, you can
and electrical damage to integrated                have up to NOK 10,000 paid out for a
white goods.                                       broken bone.

Annual price 2019: NOK 600                         Annual price 2019: NOK 1,320

Insurance, banking and savings 2019 - NITO
New NITO insurance policies
NITO Travel Insurance                              NITO Income Insurance
– can be purchased from NITO                       – can be purchased from NITO
We now offer unique travel insurance               NITO is the only trade union offering in-
to our members. You can buy the new                come insurance to its members. With our
NITO Travel Insurance either for a single          income insurance you are in a stronger
individual or for the family at an extremely       position financially if you become unem-
favourable price. The insurance covers             ployed or are laid off.
trips of up to 90 days in duration, and
gives you a new trip if illness forces you         Monthly price 2019: NOK 225
home before half of the holiday is over.
NITO Travel Insurance also covers your
deductible in the event of damage or
theft on your rental car.

                                                                                   New items!
Annual prices 2019
  Age                                          Individual person         Family
  Through and including 35 years old           NOK 700                   NOK 1,100
  36–69 years old                              NOK 880                   NOK 1,210
  70 year old and older                        NOK 1,850                 NOK 3,074

Insurance, banking and savings 2019 - NITO
Tryg Plus benefit programme
– from the first insurance policy you buy from Tryg

Our members will be automatically included in the Tryg Plus benefits
programme, which provides a number of good services starting from
the first insurance policy.
   Tryg ID helps you with identity theft        in various life situations. It can be anything
   recovery and clean-up. Also applies          from an unexpected death of a close
   for family members and ID theft on           relative to cohabitation therapy.
   social media.
                                                Tryg Plus has no deductible, extra costs
   Tryg House Assistance provides you           or waiting time and can be used by the
   with answers and advice on questions         entire family's household. Normally,
   you might have of a technical nature         customers need to have at least three
   about your house or apartment.               insurance policies in order the receive
                                                Tryg Plus, but our members will receive
   Tryg Care provides you and your family       this from their first private general
   with free 10 hours from a psychologist       insurance policy with Tryg.

Other NITO insurance policies with Tryg
– these are insurance policies you purchase from Tryg

Our members receive customised products with a 30 percent discount on
all private general insurance policies with Tryg.

NITO Car Insurance                              driving, are a passenger, on a bicycle or
– New in 2019                                   are a pedestrian.
A gift package customised to our
members, with great flexibility and             With NITO Car Insurance Extra you will
many possible options.                          also receive an electrical vehicle as a rental
                                                car if your own electrical vehicle is in the
With NITO Car Insurance, you are covered        workshop. You buy the car insurance with
for traffic accidents in all of Europe –        many more unique benefits from Tryg –
regardless of whether you yourself are          and it is individually priced.

NITO Home Insurance – New in 2019                   NITO Life Assurance
Customised for our members, with many               Tax-free lump sum payment of up to
environmentally friendly benefits.                  nearly NOK 4,000,000 in the event of
                                                    death due to an illness or accident.
With NITO Home Insurance there is no                Can be purchased by both a member
total amount limitation or excess/deduc-            and spouse/cohabitant, and is in effect
tible for damages to you own charging               through and including 75 years of age.
station for a vehicle. Nor is there any total
amount limitation if an approved char-              NITO Disability Insurance Extra
ging station should cause any electrical            The insurance combines monthly advance
or fire-related damages to your home.               payments already after twelve months
You also gain access to an advantageous             of being on sick leave with a lump sum
agreement for purchasing and installing a           payment of up to nearly NOK 3,000,000
charging station.                                   in the event of permanent disability.
                                                    Can be purchased by both a member
NITO Home Insurance can be purchased                and spouse/cohabitant, and is in effect
as ordinary home insurance or you can               through and including 60 years of age.
choose NITO Home Insurance Extra. You
buy the insurance from Tryg and it is               Other Personal Insurances
individually priced.                                Injuries and illnesses can impact you,
                                                    your family and your finances more
NITO Personal Insurance                             substantially than a person is prepared
Folketrygden benefits are good, but rarely          for. If you should need an operation, it
enough if you or someone in your family             always happens at a bad point in time.
are the victim of a serious event. As a             With insurance policies such as Critical
NITO member, you will receive                       Illness and Treatment Insurance from
favourable terms and conditions on                  Tryg, you can also make these challenges
health insurance and life assurance                 easier to face.

Photo: Tom Haga
                                                                   hurts the

                                                                         The drilling
                                                                           or the

Offer to members from Norsk                                                 bill?

Tannhelseforsikring (Norwegian Dental
Health Insurance)
Your mouth is the entrance to your body and good oral hygiene strengthens your
body's immune system. A number of different studies indicate that bacteria from
the mouth can be related to a number of serious illnesses such as cardiovascular
illnesses, COPD, arthritis and brain abscess. Studies show that people who have
their teeth cleaned professionally at least twice per year have a 24 percent lower
risk of a heart attack.

New in 2019
Cancer coverage - Lump sum payment of up to NOK 30,000 if cancer is diagnosed in
the oral cavity during the term the insurance is in effect.

You can now purchase dental health insurance at a member price. With NITO
Dental Health Insurance, you can improve your health and safeguard yourself
against large and unforeseen bills from dentists.
NITO Banking Offer
NITO members receive direct access to what could be the market's best
banking offer – Nordea's exclusive benefits programme, Premium.

As the largest bank in the Nordic countries, Nordea possesses a broad spectrum
of expertise and services. They offer their customers financial and legal advice
adapted to your unique life situation – both for you as a private person and for
people who run their own businesses. NITO is proud to be able to offer its members
benefits from a bank that has everything – it is good business.

   !       No requirements for income or amounts borrowed or saved

           The families of NITO members can also enjoy
   !       substantial benefits with Premium

What do the NITO members receive from
the Premium benefits programme?
NITO Premium benefits:                      NITO Premium Next benefits
   Favorable interest rate on loans         (18-34 years of age):
   Personal and customised advising             Nordea`s most competitive home
   Free legal advisory in family law            loan – UNG Premium
   Exclusive Premium Mastercard                 Debit card with no annual fee
   Free access to over 1000 VIP                 Premium Mastercard with extra good
   airport lounges                              travel and cancellation insurance
                                                Advisory from Nordea Young
                                                Free access to over 1000
                                                VIP airport lounges

It pays to have good bank

Check how much you can save:
Example for member 35 years of age with a family

                                                          Price for Price for non-
 NITO                                                                                                      Savings
                                                        NITO member    member

 NITO Household Contents                                            1,200                  4,657                   3,457

 Travel Insurance Family**                                          1,100                  2,388                   1,288

 NITO Health Insurance and                                          5,798                 24,576                 18,778
 Life Assurance***

                                                                             This member is saving 23,523
*In the example the insurance sum for the member is an amount of NOK 2,750,000, whereas for an ordinary customer it is only
NOK 2,000,000. The ordinary price takes into consideration the address (Oslo in this case) as well as other risk factors such
as an alarm and the year of construction. Otherwise the conditions are equivalent. Non-member price is calculated with a
consolidated discount of 15 percent.
**The example is for a member 35 years of age in Oslo. Non-member price is calculated with a consolidated discount
of 15 percent.
*** The example is a man (35) with a spouse (35) and 20G coverage with Life Assurance and Disability Insurance
(NOK 1,937,660.00), Bachelor degree level of education, office worker and non-smoker.

Financial benefits for
independent business owners                                                     Free
Benefits with Tryg                                                            package!

NITO Own Company                             NITO Start-up – New in 2019
In order for you to be confident that        Free start-up package. Our members
both the employees and the company           who wish to start their own businesses
are properly covered, good insurance         now receive the most essential insur-
policies and good consultation are           ance completely free from Tryg for the
important.                                   first six months after they start.

Benefits from Tryg:                          The start-up package includes:
   Discounts on all commercial                  Occupational injury insurance f
   insurance policies                           or employees
   Through consultation                         Machines, goods and movables at the
   Coverage guarantee                           office location for up to NOK 100,000
   Settlement guarantee                         Office liability that applies for the
                                                office address

Benefits with Nordea
Are you a business-owner? Nordea offers you customised solutions adapted
to your company. You can now choose the same bank for yourself as a
private individual and for your company.
Among other things, you will gain access to:
    The exclusive Premium programme              Access to specialists in pensions,
    on the private individual side of the        leasing and saving
    customer relationship                        E-markets, a tool for better
    Advising via video meetings                  currency management
    Customised solutions in the event            Trade Portal and Trade Club, company
    of a need for financing                      network for making contact with
                                                 new business opportunities

Benefits from KLP
Defined contribution pension
As a NITO member, you will receive a discount on the administrative costs for a defined
contribution pension for your company. Even better is to then know that KLP
already has among the market's lowest costs for defined contribution pensions.
Requirements for
non-norwegian members
Insurance                 Requirements to subscribe to the insur-
                          •   Have a permanent address in Norway
                          •   Be a member of the Norwegian National Insurance and
                              have the right to a daily allowance from NAV in the event
                              of any possible unemployment/layoff
                          •   The member must have been permanently employed with at
Income insurance              least 30-hour work weeks in Norway for the past 6 months.
                          •   Not have been unemployed/laid-off during the course of
                              the prior 6 months before subscribing to NITO Income
                          •   Not be aware of imminent unemployment/layoff when
                              subscribing to NITO Income Insurance.

                          The insured must be a member of the Norwegian
NITO Personal Insurance
                          National Insurance.

                          The insurance applies for persons who are permanent
NITO Travel Insurance     residents of the Nordic countries and are members of the
                          Norwegian Government’s National Insurance.

                          The insured must be a member of the Norwegian National
NITO Accident Insurance   Insurance or an equivalent governmental insurance
                          arrangement in the Nordic countries.

We have a number of good benefits
for our members!
In addition to the benefits involving insurance, banking and sparing,
NITO membership also includes:

                          Wage                                           Courses
 Free legal
                        statistics                                         and

          Occupational Magazine                               Wage                    + much
           network     "Engineers'                           advising                  more!


Want to learn more about us?
or feel free to give us a ring at 22 05 35 00.

                   Follow NITO Norway

     NITO I Støperigata 1 I PO Box 1636 Vika, 0119 Oslo I Phone 22 05 35 00 I I
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