Leamington Khalsa Cricket Club - Club Founded 1995 Constitution

Page created by Michele Maxwell
Leamington Khalsa
   Cricket Club

       Founded 1995

       Updated February 2013
Leamington Khalsa Cricket Club

                                                       Founded 1992

                              The Constitution of Khalsa Cricket Club

THE CONSTITUTION OF KHALSA CRICKET CLUB ................................................ 2

1       NAME OF ORGANISATION .............................................................................. 3

2.0     AIMS & OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................... 3

3.0     CLUB GUIDELINES .......................................................................................... 4

4.0     MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE .......................................................................... 4

5.0     OFFICERS – CODE OF CONDUCT .................................................................. 5

5.1       Chairperson .................................................................................................... 5

5.2       Secretary ......................................................................................................... 5

5.3       Treasurer ......................................................................................................... 5

5.4       Coaching Staff (Team Captains) .................................................................. 5

5.5       Fund Raising Officer ...................................................................................... 6

5.6       Member ........................................................................................................... 6

5.7       Club Welfare Officer ....................................................................................... 6

6.0     GENERAL MEETING ........................................................................................ 6

7.0     ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ........................................................................ 7

8.0     CLUB ACCOUNTS ............................................................................................ 7

9.0     REGISTRATIONS .............................................................................................. 8

10.0 SUBSCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 8

11.0 AFFILIATION ..................................................................................................... 8

12.0     DISSOLUTION .................................................................................................. 8

13.0     AGREED & SIGNED BY ................................................................................... 9
Leamington Khalsa Cricket Club Constitution v1.4.doc          2
Leamington Khalsa Cricket Club

                                                       Founded 1992

1       Name of Organisation

1.1     The name of the Club shall be the “LEAMINGTON KHALSA CRICKET CLUB” otherwise
        know as the “KHALSA CRICKET CLUB”.

1.2     The Club shall consist of a Management Committee, Coaching staff, & Playing Members.

2.0     Aims & Objectives

2.1     The object of the Club is to provide facilities for and promote participation of the whole
        community in the sport of cricket.

2.2     The Club shall be a benevolent/community organisation, which will help with the disadvantaged
        section of the community but is open to a wide cross-section of the community.

2.3     The Club will help to improve the quality of young people’s lives by increasing the number of
        young people being active and participating in sports. The aim is to make an important and long
        lasting improvement to the quality of young peoples lives.

2.4     The Club will provide an avenue for children and adults of any ethnic origin to develop their
        cricket potential. The club has adopted the ECB Club Inclusion and Diversity Policy.

2.5     To allow the development of children in cricket through a disciplined coaching environment
        using ECB guidelines.

2.6     To allow the parents with their children to promote the interest of the community via sporting
        activities. Helping the community to help themselves.

2.7     Through events and functions to promote the Club in a greater participation with the community

2.8     To ensure a duty of care to all members of the club by adopting and implementing the ECB
        “Safe Hands” – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and any future versions of this

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Leamington Khalsa Cricket Club

                                                       Founded 1992

3.0     Club Guidelines

        In pursuing our aims and objectives the Club will observe the following guidelines

3.1     The Club will be a non-profit making organisation.

3.2     All committee members and LKCC coaching staff will be volunteer’s. No committee member
        or LKCC coaching staff shall be paid.

3.3     The Club shall not be affiliated to any political party and non-sectarian in religion although it
        may seek donations or sponsors from political or religion organisations in order to fulfil the
        objectives of the Club.

3.4     The Club will not discriminate against any persons on grounds of colour, creed, race,
        nationality, origin, gender, marital status, disability, sexual orientation or age.

3.5     Membership of the club shall be open to all, regardless of colour, creed, race, nationality, origin,
        gender, marital status, disability, sexual orientation or age. However, limitation of membership
        according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.

3.6     The club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non discriminatory
        and fair basis. The Club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle
        to people.

3.7     The Club committee may refuse membership, or remove it only for good cause such as conduct
        or character likely to bring the club into disrepute. Appeal against such a decision may be made
        to the Club’s members and decided by a majority vote.

4.0     Management Committee

4.1     The Management Committee will be responsible for managing the Club affairs. The
        Management Committee shall have powers to conduct the business of the Club.

4.2     The Club shall be governed by the Management Committee comprising of a Chairperson,
        Secretary, Treasurer, Team Captains (Saturday League teams only), Fund Raising Officer and
        Club Welfare Officer all of who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, with powers to

4.3     The chairperson shall have no right to cast his vote, but in case of equal division of votes, he
        shall have the right to cast his vote.

4.4     The Management Committee shall have powers to appoint and regulate their own meeting and
        proceed to fill vacancies that may occur among them during their term of office. To appoint sub-
        committees for any purpose, and depute them all the powers that the Management Committee
        themselves might have thereto.

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Leamington Khalsa Cricket Club

                                                       Founded 1992

5.0     Officers – Code of Conduct

        All those involved with the game at every level and whether as a player, match official, coach,
        owner or administrator, have a responsibility, above and beyond compliance with the law, to act
        according to the highest standards of integrity, and to ensure that the reputation of the game is,
        and remains, high.

5.1     Chairperson

        The Chairperson will be responsible for conducting the affairs of the Committee in a proper
        manner. The Chairperson shall also be responsible for the setting of the Agenda, organising and
        notifying committee members of the monthly meetings. The Chairperson and Secretary shall
        sign minutes of the previous month’s meeting after being approved by the members. The
        monthly Treasurer’s report after being approved by the members shall be signed by the
        Chairperson and the Treasurer. The annual financial report after being approved by the members
        shall be signed by the Chairperson and the Treasurer.

5.2     Secretary

        The Secretary will be responsible for keeping and writing the minutes of the meeting and
        distributing to all Committee members and coaches. The Secretary shall also be responsible for
        the setting of the Agenda and organising the monthly meetings. The Secretary will be
        responsible for all correspondences to and from the Club. Informing the committee of any
        incoming correspondence at the monthly meeting.

5.3     Treasurer

        The Treasurer will be responsible for paying the bills for the Club. The Treasurer will keep
        monetary transactions (income and expenditure). The Treasurer will provide a monthly financial
        report for the monthly meetings and provide audited accounts for the Annual General Meeting.

5.4     Saturday League Team Captains (Coaches)

        Responsible for coaching players. Coaches will not discriminate against anyone on the grounds
        of colour, creed, race, nationality, origin, gender, marital status, disability, sexual orientation or
        age. No coaching staff shall be paid and will coach on a voluntary basis. Preference in selection
        for playing shall normally be given to those members who show a greater aptitude for cricket,
        members who attend training sessions regularly and members who have paid their subscription.

5.5     Fund Raising Officer

        Responsible for Identify and apply for grants that would be applicable for the club. Seeking out
        Local, Regional and National sponsors for the club as well as arranging and collate raffle prizes
        for the Annual Club Presentation night contacting Local, Regional and National businesses.
        Establish and oversee fund raising ideas / events to raise money for the new ground
        development project. Attend all monthly club committee meetings as well as representing the
        club at external meetings or events as requested by the club’s committee.

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Leamington Khalsa Cricket Club

                                                       Founded 1992

5.6     Members

        All members must adhere to the following rules, or they may be expelled or suspended from the
        club at the discretion of the Executive Committee after a vote has taken place;
            • Respect the “Spirit of Cricket” as outlined by the ECB, and do not bring the game into
            • Respect the opposition at all times whilst representing Leamington Khalsa Cricket
                  Club, on or off the field of play
            • Respect, and accept, the Captain’s & Umpire’s decisions at all times.
            • Refrain from using foul and abusive language on or off the field of play whilst
                  representing Leamington Khalsa Cricket Club.
            • Dress appropriately, including wearing the club sponsored shirts at all games, as
                  directed by the Club Executive/Captain, whilst representing Leamington Khalsa
                  Cricket Club..
            • Players will be fined (as decided by the Club Executive) for not wearing the club
                  sponsored shirt at all games.
            • Arrive to home games no later than 90 minutes before the start of play, unless
                  permission has been obtained from the Captain for late arrival, and 45 minutes at the
                  away ground.
            • Inform the Captain / Vice Captain of unavailability at least 48 hours before a match.
                  Late withdrawal without a valid reason will not guarantee a game for the following
                  week. Persistent late withdrawals even with a valid reason will also mean that
                  individual may not be first choice for selection.
            •      Participate in duties such as scoring, scoreboard updating, netting, boundary marking
                  etc, as directed by the Captain / Vice Captain.
            • A player must not leave the ground without the permission of the Captain.
            • A player must pay match subscriptions to the Captain / Vice Captain at the start of each
            • Inappropriate behaviour leads to disciplinary action decided by the Executive
                  Committee.. During the match day and on the pitch it is the responsibility of the
                  captain to enforce discipline within the team. Any actions reported by captain or
                  another playing member can be reported in writing to the committee.
            • Disciplinary action may comprise of a written warning, suspension or expulsion from
                  the club
            • Executive Committee decisions are passed on a majority basis.
            • Executive Committee reserves the right to suspend / expel players for an indefinite
            • Members will have the right to appeal.

5.7     Club Welfare Officer

        The club welfare officer will be the first point of contact within the club and the ECB for child
        safeguarding matters, and secondly, to ensure the club is adopting and implementing, the
        various safeguarding activities necessary for it to demonstrate its duty of care for children. The
        club welfare officer will attend committee meetings by right of the role.

6.0     General Meeting

6.1     The Chairperson will hold the Committee Meeting at a place nominated. Two weeks notice of
        any General Meeting shall be given to all members.

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Leamington Khalsa Cricket Club

                                                       Founded 1992

6.2.    Meetings can take place with three members as a quorum.

6.3     All the decisions of the Committee will be passed by majority decision.

6.4     The minutes of the previous meeting will be read, amended accordingly and the Chairperson
        and Secretary shall sign the approved minutes.

7.0     Annual General Meeting

7.1     The Secretary shall within 8 weeks of year-end call the AGM. Details will be posted on the
        club’s website.

7.2     All club captains have to resign. To stand for election or re-election, the individual must have
        been a member for at least 2 consecutive years and they must submit the election form to the
        Secretary no later than 1 week before the AGM. An individual can only nominate or be a second
        nominee once across all positions. All captains prior to election must have Criminal Records
        Bureau (CRB) clearance.

7.3     The Chairperson shall present a statement of the affairs of the Club before the attendance of the

7.4     The Treasurer shall present a financial report and audited accounts of the Club.

7.5     The Management Committee shall be elected. The 3 key positions, Chairperson, Secretary and
        Treasurer will be elected for a period of 3 years after which the positions will be up for election
        / re-election or earlier if the individual resigns. All other officers will be elected on an annual
        basis. All officers prior to election must have Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) clearance.

8.0     Club Accounts

8.1     A bank account shall be opened and maintained in the name Leamington Khalsa Cricket (the
        Club Account). Designated account signatories shall be the Club Chairperson, the Club
        Secretary, Treasurer.

8.2     No sum shall be drawn from the Club Account except by cheque signed by two of the
        designated signatories. All monies payable to the Club shall be received by the Treasurer and
        deposited in the Club Account.

8.3     The income and assets of the Club (the Club Property) shall be applied only in furtherance of
        the objects of the Club.

8.4     The Club Committee shall have power to authorise the payment of remuneration and expenses
        to any member of the Club and to any other person or persons for services rendered to the Club.

8.5     All surplus income or profits are re-invested in the club. No surpluses or assets will be
        distributed to members or third parties.

Leamington Khalsa Cricket Club Constitution v1.4.doc        7
Leamington Khalsa Cricket Club

                                                       Founded 1992

9.0     Registrations

         It is always the club Secretary’s responsibility to register the players. No player will be allowed
        to play for the club unless they are properly registered with the club or the league.

10.0 Subscription

        The subscription for a player will be required prior to the start of the season. Match fees will be
        paid during matches which will cover teas, umpires and pitch costs. Subscriptions shall be
        decided democratically at the Annual General Meeting.

11.0 Affiliation

        The club is affiliate to the following organisation: -

        Mid Warwickshire Cricket League
        Khalsa Sport Club
        Warwickshire Cricket Board.

12.0 Dissolution

        If the Management committee decides that is necessary or advisable to dissolve the club, it shall
        call a meeting of all members of the club of which not less than 21 days notice stating the term
        of the resolution to be proposed shall be given. If the proposal is confirmed by two-thirds
        majority of those present and voting the Management Committee shall have power to realise any
        assets held by or on behalf of the Club.

        In the event of the dissolution of the Club, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts
        and liabilities shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Club, but shall be
        given or transferred to one or more of the following approved sporting or charitable bodies:

        1.   A registered charitable organisation(s).

        2.   Another Club which is a registered CASC.

        3.   The sports national governing body for use by them for related community sports.

Leamington Khalsa Cricket Club Constitution v1.4.doc        8
Leamington Khalsa Cricket Club

                                                       Founded 1992

        The amendments as advised by the Charities Division of HMRC have been noted above and
        were approved and adopted by the members at the meeting held on Sunday 17th February 2008.
        Amendments for Clubmark were approved and adopted by the members at the meeting held on
        Sunday 10th February 2013.

13.0 Agreed & signed by

SIGNATURE                                 :

NAME                                      :

POSITION                                  :

DATE                                      :

SIGNATURE                                 :

NAME                                      :

POSITION                                  :

DATE                                      :

Leamington Khalsa Cricket Club Constitution v1.4.doc        9
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